
What single moms do. When can a mother claim single status? Monthly allowance is transferred to the specified account


The state of the Russian Federation protects the rights of all single mothers. For this purpose, many legal acts have been put into effect. On their basis, benefits are introduced, including in the sphere of labor.

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When concluding an employment contract, it is necessary to indicate that there is a minor child. Also, a woman must provide. The employer must indicate what benefits the employee is entitled to.

If this norm is not observed, and single mothers are not presented at work, then the employer faces an administrative penalty in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Highlights of preferential treatment for single mothers:

  • limited work can be assigned at night and only with the consent of the employee herself;
  • business trips, overtime work, work on weekends, holidays should be limited;
  • leave is granted upon request;
  • if necessary, the employee may demand that part-time work be observed;
  • additional days off may be granted.

If the parents are divorced, then the woman is not recognized as a single mother. Legally, the father is written on the certificate, which means he must pay alimony. In this case, no benefits apply.


The procedure for the admission and dismissal of a single mother is fully regulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation. Violation is subject to administrative liability.

All rules are spelled out in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Labor Code

The regulatory legal acts governing the provision of preferential treatment for a special category of citizens are provided in the table:

Article 96 Regulates the issue of restriction of work activity at night
Article 259 Regulates the procedure for sending on business trips, extending the working day, attracting an employee to work on weekends and holidays
Article 263 Regulates the procedure for issuing additional leave
Article 93 Establishes a preferential regime - part-time work
Article 262 Regulates the provision of days off for childcare
Article 261 Defines the process for firing a single mother
Article 81 Explains why an employee may be fired.

What is due?

Single mothers are entitled to preferential conditions for the implementation of labor activities. For starters, the recruitment process.

The presence of a child cannot be a reason for refusal.

The process itself can also be somewhat facilitated. For example, if necessary, a woman can work according to a special schedule - part-time.

Benefits for single mothers at work

What rights a single mother has at work is determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation. The employer is obliged to act in accordance with the regulations of the Labor Code.

Night work

It is possible to involve single mothers raising children under the age of 5 to work at night only under the following conditions:

  • if there is a written consent of the employee;
  • if the work is not contraindicated by the conclusion of the medical board.

At the same time, the refusal of an employee is not a disciplinary violation. The employer is obliged to explain to the subordinate in writing the right to refuse the night shift.

Business trips and overtime hours

An employee with a child under the age of 5 may be involved in business trips and loaded with additional working hours only with her written consent.

According to the conclusion of the medical board, the employee should not have health problems that are a contraindication to overtime work. The employer must warn about the possibility of refusing to work overtime.

If a woman has a child under 3 years old, then the procedure for familiarization with the rules of refusal must be carried out in writing.

Weekends and holidays

If a production need arises, the employer may involve the employee to perform their duties on weekends and holidays. But, this process has its subtleties in the case of a single mother.

Such an employee has the right to refuse, while a disciplinary sanction cannot be imposed on her.

Part time

An employee with a child under the age of 14 has the right to demand part-time work.

If the dependent is a disabled child, then the age criterion is up to 18 years. At the same time, a schedule with part-time working days can be established at the conclusion of the contract and during its operation.

As for the timing, here the legislation does not limit a single mother - you can specify the period of validity of the schedule, or you can make it indefinite.

At the same time, employees can rest annually on equal terms with other colleagues. And work experience is counted as a full-time work.

The labor schedule does not display a part-time schedule. Bonuses are paid according to hours worked.

Additional leave

Lonely mothers can be granted extraordinary leave for up to 14 days without payment. The employee must complete the application. Vacation can be attached to the main one, or you can use it separately.

According to article 263 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the transfer of vacation to the next year is impossible. But, an employee can demand this leave only if it is provided for by the collective agreement.

Can they get fired?

An employer does not have the right to fire a single mother on its own initiative.

The following cases are exceptional:

  • liquidation of the organization;
  • disciplinary violations and inconsistency with the position held;
  • violation of labor duties;
  • loss of trust;
  • provision of false documents;
  • if the teacher has applied measures of physical education;
  • upon termination of the employment contract.


According to part 3 of Art. 261 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, an employment contract with a single mother who takes care of a child under 14 years old can be terminated only in the above cases.

There are state and regional programs that support single mothers. But few people know exactly what benefits a single mother can claim in 2019 and what benefits she has the right to use. In the article, we will talk in detail about all the payments that are due to this social category, about the procedure for receiving, as well as about tax, labor and other social benefits.

Who can get the status of a single mother

Who is a single mother (MO)? At first glance, the answer is obvious - this is a woman raising a child on her own (without a husband). In fact, not every single mother has the status single mothers. In modern legislation there is no official concept of a single mother, but it was in the days of the USSR. It was first introduced by the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on 07/08/1944, and the final version was formed in paragraph 8 of the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 659 of 08/12/1970. This term is still used today. at a generally accepted level. Who is legally considered a single mother, and who is not?

The status of a single mother is understood as a woman who has a child whose birth certificate does not contain information about the father, or the father is recorded according to the mother (that is, without establishing paternity, without parental status - p clause 3, article 17 of the Federal Law “On acts of civil status”, clause 3, art. 51 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation). Such a woman is also assigned a social status in the registry office - a certificate is issued in the form No. 25, according to which she has the opportunity to receive special benefits and enjoy various benefits (tax, labor, etc.).

There are main criteria by which single women with children receive the status of "single mother":

  • Your baby was born out of wedlock and the fact of paternity has not been established by the court. For example, if you live with your spouse in a civil marriage, but at the same time the husband did not recognize himself as the father of the baby, and you did not file a lawsuit with the court, then you can get the status of a single mother;
  • The baby was born within 300 calendar days after you divorced your husband (automatic paternity). But at the same time, your ex-spouse disputed paternity, about which there is a corresponding court decision;
  • You have adopted an adoption, while you are not officially married. Even if you live with your husband without a painting, you can get the status of a single mother. This is possible if you independently carried out the adoption, and your unofficial spouse does not appear in the adoption documents.

Quite common are cases when single mothers try to prove their official status, but are refused by state authorities. Therefore, it is worth considering separately the situations when the mother is not recognized as single:

  • You are divorced, you don’t communicate with your ex-husband, you don’t know about his whereabouts, you don’t receive alimony from him. But in this case, you are not a single mother, since the fact of the paternity of your ex-spouse is documented (recorded in the birth certificate). Here we are talking about the ex-husband's failure to fulfill his parental obligations (evasion from paying alimony, for example);
  • There is a court decision in which your spouse is recognized as the father of the baby. The court may decide to recognize your civil or former spouse as the father, regardless of whether you live with him or not;
  • There is no paternity in relation to the baby, but the woman is officially married;
  • You divorced your husband (or your marriage was declared invalid), and within 300 calendar days after that you gave birth to a baby. In this case, your former spouse will be recognized as the father.

Let's consider the last case in more detail. Regardless of the desire of your ex-spouse, even whether he is the biological father, he will be included in the birth certificate. Nothing changes if you lived in a civil marriage with another person after the divorce. In order for your common-law husband to be recognized as the father of the baby, you need his decision and a corresponding application to the registry office.

Often the factor of marriage is overlooked to determine the status, they say, the child does not have an official father, then the mother will be lonely anyway (in the situation with this child). So, the latter loses its status as MO, although, in fact, it remains the only parent for the child. There are references to this in some regional laws. So in a bz. 8 p. 1.3. Decree of the Government of Moscow No. 973-PP of 06.11.2007 clearly states that a single mother should not be married.

So, the factors for recognizing you as a single mother are the upbringing of the baby out of wedlock and the absence of documentary paternity. Social status is confirmed by a certificate f. No. 25, which is issued by the registry office on the basis of a birth certificate (in the column "Father" there is a dash or the father is recorded from the words of the mother).

Sometimes social status is confirmed by a court decision. When a single mother is infringed on the relevant benefits and rights to state support, this status can be established in court.

Previously, the position of the Ministry of Defense was certified by the personal book of a single mother. Currently, such a document is not issued in social security institutions. But if it is, then it retains its power.

There are cases when in the same family, in relation to different children, the same woman can simultaneously be a MO and at the same time not have such a status, because a single parent is determined in connection with a specific child.

for instance, an unmarried citizen Spirina A.A., has three children: a son and two daughters. The daughters were born in a marriage (which is currently dissolved) and paternity is not disputed (the ex-husband pays alimony). And the son was born out of wedlock, without a record of the father in the certificate. So, in relation to the son of Spirin A.A. a single mother, and in relation to daughters, an ordinary mother.

Cash payments: amounts and procedure for registration

Absolutely all mothers (including those who are raising a baby on their own) are entitled to social insurance payments in connection with pregnancy and at the birth of a child, namely:

  • If during pregnancy for up to 12 weeks you applied to the clinic at the place of residence and registered, then a lump sum payment in the amount of 628.47 rubles is due;
  • After 30 weeks of pregnancy, the doctor of the antenatal clinic will write you a sick leave, according to which payments are accrued at the place of work. Together with the sick leave there is a birth certificate with a total face value of 11,000 rubles. It can be spent on medical services in a antenatal clinic, a maternity hospital, a children's clinic, as well as on the purchase of medicines;
  • At birth, you receive a state benefit, which is paid as a one-time payment in the amount of 16,759.09 rubles. In addition, until the child reaches the age of 1.5, a monthly allowance is laid, the minimum amount of which is 3.142.33 rubles. for the first child for subsequent 6.284.65 rubles. It should be noted that only the person who actually takes care of the baby, that is, is on maternity leave, can receive such assistance.

There are also additional payments and benefits for mothers with many children, such as maternity capital, benefits until the baby reaches 3 years old, etc. Maternity capital is due to the mother at the birth of the second, third and subsequent children. Its size is fixed by law and in 2017 is 453.026 rubles. Regional maternity capital for 3 children can be received not only by a single mother, but also by mothers raising children in complete families.

As for the additional payments due to single mothers, their amount and the procedure for receiving them are under the control of the regional authorities. The amount of payments varies depending on the average family income (higher or lower than the subsistence level). Often single mothers are entitled to standard payments (like other mothers), but at an increased rate. The question often arises of how long a single mother can receive benefits. The answer is individual in each case and depends on the number of children in the family, the average per capita income per family member/general family income, the status of the child (disabled/healthy), as well as the social policy of local authorities. In most regions of the Russian Federation, single mothers receive the following types of financial assistance:

  • additional allowance (one-time) at the birth of a child (this is practiced in the Volgograd region);
  • bonus monthly social assistance to a single mother (for example, in Voronezh its amount is 514.80 rubles, in Novosibirsk 478.31 rubles);
  • monthly payments for the care of a baby up to 3 years;
  • allowance for the 3rd child, which is paid monthly until the child reaches the age of 3;
  • assistance for a mother raising a disabled child (may be paid until the child reaches the age of 18);
  • targeted financial assistance (for example, in Bashkortostan, from 15,000 to 100,000 rubles are allocated for vocational training, for personal subsidiary farming, business, etc.);
  • compensation for parental fees when not attending kindergartens (applied in the Ulyanovsk region);
  • long-term payments for children of single mothers from 0 to 16/18 years (assigned, for example, in the Leningrad region);
  • other cases.

In general, the status of the Ministry of Defense implies the receipt of standard benefits, additional payments to benefits (increased amount), separate social assistance (targeted for the Ministry of Defense) in cash and in kind, benefits (social plan), guarantees (in medical, labor relations) and various benefits in various areas of life.

To find out what benefits are available for single mothers in your area, contact your local welfare office.

The amount of benefits in Moscow

In order to understand the procedure for providing financial assistance to single mothers, consider the situation with social benefits in Moscow.

The amount of payments directly depends on the average family income, namely, whether the income exceeds the subsistence level or not. If the family consists of 2 people (mother and baby), then the minimum is 31.065 rubles. per month (mother 17.624 rubles + child 13.441 rubles). If you live in Moscow and your income is below this indicator, then you can count on:

  • payment to compensate for the increase in the cost of living in Moscow. This assistance is paid monthly until the child is 16 years old (for schoolchildren, students of universities, technical schools and other full-time educational institutions - up to 18 years). The amount of assistance is 750 rubles / month;
  • allowance in the amount of 2,500 rubles. It is received monthly by mothers of children under the age of 1.5 years, as well as from 3 to 18 years;
  • assistance in the amount of 4,500 rubles, which is paid on a monthly basis to mothers of children from 1.5 to 3 years old.

If the income is above the subsistence level, then the above assistance will not be received. But at the same time, you have the right to:

  • compensation payment in the amount of 300 rubles. monthly. Paid until the child reaches the age of 16 (for full-time students - 18 years);
  • compensation for food price increases (675 rubles per month for children under 3 years old). Mothers receive the same assistance in cases where the former spouse evades the payment of alimony;
  • assistance in caring for a disabled child of groups 1 and 2 or disabled since childhood (6,000 rubles per month). The mother receives payments until the son/daughter reaches the age of 18 and only if the child does not work, and if the child has been disabled since childhood - up to 23 years.

Also, the authorities of Moscow have appointed an allowance for the second child, which is paid as a one-time payment in the amount of 14,500 rubles. All mothers can count on this assistance, regardless of whether they have the status of a single mother or not.

The amount of social assistance to single mothers in Moscow is considered quite high compared to other regions of the Russian Federation, which in turn is associated with a high level of consumer prices in the capital.

Example #1.
A resident of Moscow Samsonova E.D. independently brings up two children - daughter Samsonova S.V. (schoolgirl, 15 years old) and son Samsonov V.V. (4 years). The average monthly income of Samsonova E.D. - 41.610 rubles. The subsistence minimum for a family is 44,506 rubles. (mother 17.624 + son 13.441 + daughter 13.441). Let's calculate the amount of financial assistance to which the Samsonov family is entitled. Since the income of the Samsonovs is below the subsistence level established in Moscow, the Samsonovs can apply for:

  • for 2.500 rubles. on the daughter Samsonova S.V. and son Samsonov VV, total 5,000 monthly;
  • compensation payments, taking into account the difference in consumer prices, 750 rubles each. for a son and daughter, total 1,500 monthly;
  • one-time assistance for the son of Samsonov V.V. - 14.500.

Thus, the Samsonov family will receive 14,500 once and 6,500 monthly (5,000 + 1,5000).

How to get benefits

For payments, you need to contact the social security authority at the place of residence, having previously collected the necessary documents:

  • birth certificate of the child (copy);
  • a certificate from the registry office, which indicates that information about the father was recorded from the words of the mother (if such a fact took place);
  • certificate from the Criminal Code with information about the composition of the family (confirms that the son/daughter lives with his mother);
  • form No. 25, confirming the status of a single mother (the document can be obtained at the registry office when issuing a birth certificate).

If the status of a single mother is assigned due to the fact that the ex-husband disputed paternity of a son / daughter born in marriage, then along with the above documents, a copy of the court decision must be submitted to the Social Security Council.

The payment of benefits is assigned from the month when the documents were submitted to the Social Security Council, so it is in your interests to take care of providing the papers as soon as possible. Assistance is transferred until the child reaches a certain age, within which payments are assigned.

Labor guarantees

Labor legislation provides single mothers with social protection during employment, at the workplace, and also in case of dismissal. What are the labor benefits for a single mother?

  • when applying for a job, there is a privilege compared to other candidates for the position held (although this is more of a moral side of the issue). But in any case, the denial of employment cannot be based on the fact that you are raising a baby alone. The employer is obliged to provide a reasonable reason for not coordinating your candidacy for a vacant position;
  • if you are officially working, then you have the right to demand from the employer the establishment of a part-time job (if your son / daughter is under 14 years old);
  • if the crumb is less than 5 years old, then you can refuse overtime work, night shifts, work on weekends and holidays. The authorities do not have the right to force or apply any disciplinary action;
  • as a single mother, you are entitled to child care allowance if the child is ill. Its amount depends on your seniority and salary, as well as on whether the child is being treated in an inpatient or outpatient setting.

A single mother cannot be fired when there is a reduction in staff (similar to pregnant women), a change in leadership, in the public service - when access to state secrets is terminated.

But the employer can dismiss a woman during the liquidation of the enterprise (for example, in connection with bankruptcy), but at the same time, monetary obligations are imposed on him in connection with the upcoming employment of the dismissed woman.

tax incentives

According to the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, a single mother has the right to a reduced tax burden in the form of a deduction when calculating personal income tax. If, as a standard, each parent is granted a deduction in the amount of 1,400 rubles, then a single woman is entitled to a double rate of 2,800 rubles. Compensation is provided for each child under the age of 18. If the son / daughter is a full-time student at a university, technical school, is an intern, a cadet, a graduate student, then the tax refund for the mother is preserved until they reach 24 years of age. Raising a disabled child, the mother receives a deduction of 6,000 rubles.

Compensation is provided to the mother on a monthly basis. To do this, it is necessary to transfer documents confirming the status of a single mother to the place of work: form No. 25 or a certificate from the registry office, if information about the father is indicated from the words of the mother. Based on these documents, the accounting department monthly recalculates personal income tax: the tax is calculated based on the total income minus the deduction.

Example #2.
Sviridova S.D. independently brings up two children - the son of Sviridov G.P. (25 years old, resident) and daughter Sviridova E.P. (21 years old, full-time student at the university). The average monthly income of Sviridova S.D. is 14.820 rubles. Calculate the amount of tax compensation for each child:

  • despite the fact that the son of Sviridov G.P. is a resident, it is not possible to issue a deduction for him. This is due to the fact that the son is over 24;
  • on the daughter of Sviridova E.P. you can apply for compensation, since she is under 24 years old and is studying full-time. Compensation for a daughter is provided in the standard amount - 2,800 rubles.

In the general order Sviridova S.D. pays personal income tax from monthly income:

14.820 * 13% = 1.927

After the deduction is made, the tax will be calculated as follows:

(14.820 – 2.800) * 13% = 1.563

Thus, for the Sviridov family, the monthly savings are:

1.927 - 1.563 \u003d 364 rubles.

In addition to providing a deduction, tax legislation exempts single mothers from paying property tax. True, at the municipal level, that is, at the discretion of the legislators of a particular locality (for example, in Norilsk). At the federal level (on a one-to-one basis) there are no benefits.

The situation is similar with land and transport taxes.

Fringe benefits

There are other social benefits for single mothers, the provision of which is guaranteed by municipal legislation (that is, not in all regions and localities):

  • a set of free children's underwear for the baby;
  • provision of food in the children's dairy kitchen for children under 2 years old;
  • free massage for children in the clinic (if this service is paid for everyone);
  • benefits for admission to kindergartens (children of single mothers enter preschool children's institutions out of turn);
  • free vouchers to children's health-improving institutions.

Regional authorities may provide additional social support. For example, single mothers in Moscow are entitled to benefits in the form of free two meals a day for schoolchildren. If the baby is studying at an art school, then, according to the Decree of the Committee on Culture, a single mother pays for her studies with a 30% discount.

In order to clearly understand which benefits are due to single mothers and which are not, consider the table.

Availability of benefits General grounds
labor benefits
  • privilege in employment;
  • the right to part-time work (if the son / daughter is under 14 years old);
  • the right to refuse night and overtime work (if the son / daughter is under 5 years old);
  • maintaining a job with a reduction in staff.
  • possible reduction in the liquidation of the enterprise;
  • if the child is over 7 years old, then the sick leave after the 15th day of illness is not paid in 100% of the amount (payment is made in the general manner according to the length of service)
tax incentives
  • exemption from payment of property tax;
  • the right to a tax deduction (2,800 rubles for each child).
if the son/daughter is over 24 years old, then the tax deduction is not provided (even if the child is a full-time student)
Social benefits Regional/municipal benefits:
  • free sets of linen for newborns;
  • free meals (dairy kitchen - for newborns, two meals a day - for schoolchildren);
  • advantage in the waiting list for kindergarten.

Regional benefits:

  • discount when paying for tuition at art schools, sports clubs, etc.;
  • full provision in a preschool institution.

To clarify information about benefits and the procedure for applying for them, a single mother must contact the social protection authorities at the place of residence.

How does the loss of MO status affect the receipt of benefits, benefits, etc.

When a mother loses her single status (gets married, adopts a child, etc.), the question often arises about the fate of state aid.

If we are talking about a one-time allowance, then previously received payments are inviolable, they are not subject to return, recalculation, offset, etc.

As for monthly state / regional benefits, the recipient of assistance (MO) must report a change in his life situation as soon as possible (where he applied for the benefit) before the next payment is received. Otherwise, a recalculation is possible, and if this information is deliberately withheld for a long time, the police may become interested in this fact (according to the statement of the payer of state/regional assistance about fraud).

Benefits and allowances in selected regions

In order to fully realize your material rights, it is useful to know what payments a single mother is entitled to in her region of residence.

Below is information about benefits and benefits in individual Subjects of the Federation.

Moscow region

Name periodization the size
child benefit the income of a single mother is not more than the subsistence level monthly

up to 1.5 years - 4456 rubles.

from 1.5 to 3 years - 6476 rubles.

from 3 to 7 years - 2228 rubles.

from 7 and older - 1114 rubles.

disabled child allowance a single mother has a disabled child of any group under 18 years of age monthly 7901 rub.
student family allowance single mother is a student monthly 4000 rub.
cash payment for the third and subsequent child poor single mother monthly the subsistence minimum in the Moscow region
providing rest and health improvement for children a single mother is the only parent in a large family annually provided in kind (vouchers, vouchers, etc.)
free drug provision by prescription upon issuance of a prescription

up to 3 years of age of the child;

for a mother of many children up to 6 years of age

1 time per month every child
free travel on city public transport for a single mother with 3 or more children daily child under 7 years of age
free food for children of a single mother on the advice of a doctor permanently up to 3 years of age in kind

Saint Petersburg

Name Special terms of appointment periodization the size
for children of a single mother aged 0 to 1.5 years monthly

on the first -3552 rubles;

for the second and subsequent -4058 rubles.

allowance for the purchase of children's goods and baby food for children of a single mother aged 1.5 to 7 years monthly 1318 rub.
allowance for a child from 7 to 16 years old (or until the end of an educational organization of primary general, basic general, secondary general education, but not older than 18 years old) monthly 1225 rub. for every child
allowance for a disabled child under the age of 18 for the purchase of children's (teenager's) goods, baby food, special dairy products a single mother is a disabled person of I and (or) II groups monthly 8641 rub.
compensation payment for children studying in educational institutions of primary, basic, secondary general education and secondary vocational education under training programs for skilled workers (employees), but not older than 18 years single mother with three or more children monthly 4058 rub.
reimbursement of utilities (heating, water, sewerage, gas, electricity) within the limits of consumption of utilities mother is a single parent raising a large family monthly

30% - if 3 children;

40% - from 4 to 7 children;

50% - 8 or more children.

discount on the parental fee for childcare and child care in the state. preschool and other state educational institutions the average per capita family income is below two times the subsistence level in St. Petersburg monthly 40% of the parental fee for each child,
compensation payment at the birth of a child (adoption under the age of six months) for the purchase of children's assortment items and baby food at the same time

RUB 28,257 at the birth of the first child;

RUB 37,678 - second child;

RUB 47,096 - third and subsequent children

compensation payment for reimbursement of expenses due to an increase in the cost of living children from a large family who receive a survivor's pension monthly 3767 rub. for every child
student mother's social benefit education at the university monthly 3457 rub.

Krasnodar region

Stavropol region

Name Special terms of appointment periodization the size
allowance for a child under 16 monthly 728 rub.
payment to a mother with many children having 3 or more children monthly 365 rub.
allowance for the birth of 3 children and subsequent children at the same time 7795 rub.
reimbursement for school uniforms single mother having 3 or more children annually 1040 rub. for every child
reimbursement of utility bills single mother has a disabled child monthly 50% of the cost of a communal apartment

Voronezh region

Altai region

Name Special terms of appointment periodization the size
childbirth allowance at the same time

50000 rub. - second child

7000 rub. - third and subsequent;

20 000 rub. - at the birth of twins

allowance for children from 1.5 to 3 years monthly 522 rub.
payment for the birth of a third child income per family member of a single mother does not exceed the subsistence level established in the Altai Territory monthly 5490 rub.
student allowance (uniform and accessories) annually

7500 rub. for a first grader

5000 rub. - student of other classes

single mother with 3 or more children upon presentation of a prescription distribution in kind
compensation for the cost of travel for children on public transport single mother with 3 or more children monthly travel document
compensation for food for children in general education institutions up to 18 years of age single mother with 3 or more children monthly

Sverdlovsk region

Name Special terms of appointment periodization the size
child benefit a single mother has an income no higher than the subsistence minimum in the Sverdlovsk region monthly 941 rub.
payment for 3 and subsequent children at the same time RUB 10,672
reimbursement for school uniforms single mother with 3 or more children, with an income less than the subsistence level in the Sverdlovsk region 1 time in 2 years 2000 rub. for every student
compensation for the child's travel in public transport single mother of many children monthly 433 rub.
free prescription drugs up to 6 years single mother with 3 or more children upon presentation of a prescription distribution in kind
utility bill discount single mother with 3 or more children monthly 30% of the cost
free school breakfast or lunch for children of a single mother with many children entry into the register, issuance of a certificate
child-rearing allowance single mother has a disabled child monthly 1265 rub.

Irkutsk region

Name Special terms of appointment periodization the size
allowance for a child under 16 monthly 624 rub.
school uniform allowance single mother of many children and poor 1 time in 2 years 1000 rub. for every student
compensation payment to compensate for the increase in the cost of food for children under 3 years old monthly 675 rub.
compensation payment for a child of a disabled person of group I or II up to 18 years old (up to 23 years old for a disabled person from childhood) disabled child monthly 12 000 rub.
single mother with 3 or more children monthly 30% of the cost
additional payment at birth one-time 5000 rub.
free prescription drugs on presentation of a prescription up to 3 years of age of the child distribution in kind

Tambov Region

Name Special terms of appointment periodization the size
additional childbirth allowance the age of a single mother is not more than 25 years one-time 3000 rub.
child benefit monthly 356 rub.
payment for the third child and subsequent child poor single mother monthly RUB 7,025
compensation for childcare fees in kindergartens monthly

20% of the amount for the first child;

50% - for the second;

70% - on the third.

allowance for 3 children the average per capita family income is less than the subsistence level monthly 8436 rub.
reimbursement for utility bills single mother with 3 or more children monthly 30% of the cost
free prescription drugs up to 6 years single mother with 3 or more children upon presentation of a prescription distribution in kind
free school breakfast and lunch on weekdays (during the educational process) entry into the register, issuance of a certificate
free travel for children on public transport monthly travel document
payment for the purchase of school and sports uniforms 1 time in 3 years at prices approved by municipalities
free admission to museums, exhibitions, parks of culture and recreation 1 time per month every child

Yaroslavskaya oblast

Name Special terms of appointment periodization the size
Governor's birth allowance lump sum

4258 rub. - for the first child; 5677 rub. - on the second;

7096 rub. - for the third and subsequent children,

42720 rub. - when two or more children are born at the same time

compensation for not providing kindergarten to a child for a child aged 3 to 7 years monthly 4925 rub.
social pension for a disabled child monthly RUB 7616.10
regional allowance for a disabled child the only parent of the child is a disabled person of group I or II monthly 2000 rub.
payment to a single mother with schoolchildren to prepare for the beginning of the school year low-income family annually 1277 rub.
school meal discount on school days 50%
food allowance for a breastfeeding single mother monthly up to 6 months 284 rub.

Perm region

Name Special terms of appointment periodization the size
child allowance monthly RUB 323.30
extra allowance for a single mother poor parent monthly 2822 rub.
benefit for breastfeeding single mother one-time 1996 rub.
compensation payments within the framework of the project "Mom's Choice" for not attending a kindergarten monthly

RUB 6091.95 - from 1.5 to 3 years;

RUB 5172.41 - from 3 to 5 years.

child allowance poor single mother monthly 274 rub. for every child
disability care allowance a single mother does not work, is not registered for unemployment, does not receive a pension and is not an individual entrepreneur monthly 5500 rub.
first-grader allowance poor single mother one-time 5000 rub.
compensation for each family member for utilities single mother of 3 or more children monthly RUB 246.75
compensation to parents for paying for music, art and sports schools monthly 50%
provision of school and sports uniforms for schoolchildren low-income single mother with 3 or more children annually 2 496 rub. per year for a boy and 2,474 rubles. per year for a girl
free prescription drugs up to 6 years by prescription for outpatient treatment upon presentation of a prescription distribution in kind
free school meals on weekdays low-income single mother with 3 or more children entry into the register, issuance of a certificate
free prescription drugs up to 6 years by prescription for outpatient treatment upon presentation of a prescription distribution in kind

More detailed information about the allowance for the child of a single mother of regional importance should be found in any territorial department of the social security of the corresponding region.

Question answer

A woman raises her son on her own due to the fact that the father is deprived of parental rights. Can a woman get the status of a single mother?

No, since the ex-spouse is actually the father, as there is documentary evidence (birth certificate). The status of a single mother can only be obtained if information about the father is not documented.

The woman is raising her daughter, who is a disabled person of the 2nd group. At the age of 17, the daughter was officially employed. How much allowance can a mother expect?

Payments in the amount of 6,000 rubles. are transferred to the mother on a monthly basis until the daughter is employed. Assistance stops in the month when the daughter went to work. Social and tax benefits are retained in full, regardless of whether the daughter works or not.

The status of a single mother in the modern world has ceased to shock young women. In this regard, all over the world the number of women on their own, without the help of men raising children, is growing.

Many of them are in great need, and here the state comes to their aid, which not only helps financially (for example, in, but also protects the interests of women in many social spheres.

But in order to use this help, you should study your rights.

Who is eligible to be a single mother

For women who raise children without husbands, the state pays an allowance. But in order to be able to use them, you should know your rights. First of all, let's consider who is legally classified as a single mother. Namely, women:

  • who gave birth to a baby in marriage or after 300 days after the dissolution of the marriage, but did not establish paternity;
  • who gave birth without being married;
  • unmarried, who took a child in an orphanage;
  • if the paternity of the child is not established as expected, this can be done both voluntarily and in court;
  • having a record of the father in the child's documents, but in fact paternity has not been established.

“Lawyers advise not to enter the name of the father in the documents of the child if the parents do not have the desire to raise him together. This will help in the future to avoid many problems in the preparation of official documents.

Many mothers, in the absence of a spouse, have problems with paperwork if they indicate the name of the father in the birth certificate. For example, when crossing the border, you need to have the permission of the father, when registering, when applying for benefits, etc. Therefore, one should think carefully and decide: maybe it would be better to leave the father empty if the father does not participate in the fate of the child?

How to draw up paperwork for obtaining the status of a single mother

Documents should be issued at the place of residence in the department of social protection. Paper processing time is usually 30 days. If a woman works, then she submits papers to the accounting department at her enterprise. The package of documents includes:

  1. statement;
  2. a certificate from the registry office (form 25) and a birth certificate (if it was issued at the time of filing the documents);
  3. mother's work book;
  4. the passport;
  5. income statement (for the last 3 months).

It looks like a sample form number 25

It should be remembered that in the event of the death of a spouse or divorce, a woman does not fall under the category of a single mother. And he cannot qualify for increased payments and additional regional benefits for a mother raising a child alone.

What can give the status of a single mother

A woman who finds herself in a difficult situation due to the refusal of her father from a child should know all the subtleties of the status of a single mother.

Some positives:

  • receiving small but stable tax and labor benefits;
  • some benefits when enrolling in kindergarten and school;
  • no need to have the permission of the father of the child some of the actions a mother needs to take.

That is, the permission of the father is not required in the following cases:

  1. when applying for benefits as a single mother, you do not need a certificate stating that the father did not receive benefits;
  2. do not need permission to leave;
  3. when registering a child at the address of the mother;
  4. when receiving various benefits and certificates;
  5. when children are adopted by a new pope;
  6. there is practically no chance for the father to sue the child;
  7. the father will not be able in the future to force the child on the basis of kinship to support and care for him, to demand alimony.

In our country, many still condemn women for wanting to have a child without a father, for not wanting to live with the father of a child. It is believed that let a bad father, but he is.

Disadvantages of being a single mom:

  • a woman whose father did not recognize the child is not entitled to alimony. But, since many men try to indicate the minimum income, it is not worth counting on a large amount of alimony;
  • if the father did not recognize the child, then he will not be able to claim the inheritance. But, if the relationship between them is good, the lack of recognition of paternity will not prevent the father from passing on the inheritance to the child;
  • the absence of a father in the family can become a difficult psychological moment in the relationship between mother and child.

What kind of assistance from the state can a single mother count on in 2018


In addition to mandatory payments, single mothers are not entitled to any other benefits. But some regions use their right to make an independent decision in this matter and assign some financial assistance to single mothers. In addition, for women raising children without a father, the very procedure for obtaining benefits has been simplified.

Maternity allowance

Only a woman who has gone to work or is fired due to the liquidation of a company, who has filed an application for registration with an employment center within a year, is entitled to such payments. Other mothers are not entitled to these payments, since they are, in a way, compensation for wages not received by a woman during the period of bearing a child and caring for him after birth.

BiR cash payments are paid to mothers:

  • working as civilian personnel in Russian military units in foreign countries;
  • in military service under contract.

This group of citizens must provide an application and a certificate from the hospital, where the doctor is required to indicate the exact gestational age. These benefits are paid at the place of work, study, from the Social Insurance Fund at the place of residence or service.


  1. for those who registered up to 12 weeks, an additional payment is due to the maternity benefit. In 2017, it is equal to 613.14 rubles, and from the beginning of February 2018 - 632.76 rubles;
  2. maternity allowance is received for the actual time. Usually this period occurs at 7 months (30 weeks) or with premature birth (22-30 weeks). But there are exceptions, for example, if the birth of twins is expected (28 weeks), or for beneficiaries (Chernobyl victims - 27 weeks). The grant must be issued within 6 months.

These payments are based on 100% of the average income for the last 2 years of work(prior to pregnancy) multiplied by the days spent by the woman on maternity leave. Leave is:

  • normal pregnancy and childbirth - 70 days before (for standard pregnancy) + 70 days after = 140 days of general leave;
  • in case of complications during childbirth, we add 86 days after childbirth to the standard number of days before childbirth. Total 156 vacation days;
  • at the birth of twins, 84 days before and after another 110 days are taken. Total 194 days;
  • when adopting children (infant under 3 months), the mother has the right to leave from the moment of his adoption. For one child, it will be 70 days, for twins - 110 days.

The amount of the benefit in 2018 with 140 days of vacation cannot be less than 43,615.65 rubles and more than 282,106.70 rubles.

To obtain, you need to provide sick leave from the clinic and write an application. In some cases, they may be required to bring a certificate of income (182n), an extract from the work book. In case of reduction from the main place of work, it is required to bring a certificate from the employment service. They may also require a certificate of non-receipt of benefits at the place of permanent residence, if the mother lives elsewhere.

Various regions, in addition to these payments, provide women with cash assistance. For example, the unemployed, disabled people of groups 1 and 2, university graduates in Chuvashia are paid 326 rubles for a full month of pregnancy (starting from the 12th week), in Volgograd a poor mother can receive 500 rubles a month during pregnancy, etc.

Lump sum payments for a single mother

At the birth of children

When a baby is born, the mother receives a one-time assistance from the state in the amount of 16,873.54 rubles. In the case of twins - for each child separately. But if a dead baby is born, no payment is made.

This allowance must be issued within 6 months after the birth of children in the social security service at the place of residence, in the Social Insurance Fund or at work.

Required to provide:

  1. statement;
  2. certificate from the hospital;
  3. mother's pension insurance certificate;
  4. a certificate certifying that the mother and child live together;
  5. identity document and its copy;
  6. if mom worked, then an extract from her work book (where exactly did she work the last time);
  7. a certificate from social security, indicating that such a payment was not issued.

In addition, lump sums include benefits issued when a child is transferred to a new family (upon adoption). A single woman can take a child up to the age of 18. At the same time, she receives the status of a single mother. The allowance in 2018 is 16,873.54 rubles. If they want to adopt a child older than 7 years, several children (brothers, sisters) or a disabled child, the amount will be 128,927.58 rubles.

In addition to the documents listed above, an agreement with the guardianship authorities or a court decision (but only that has entered into force) should be attached. Submit data no later than 6 months.

Maternal capital

Similar payments are due, among others, to single mothers with two or more children. In 2018, the capital is 453,026 rubles.

Documents are submitted to the pension fund (at the place of registration of the mother). In addition to the documents provided with a lump sum payment, an application for a certificate and birth certificates of other children should be attached.

The certificate can be used for:

  • housing improvement. Buy an apartment or other type of property for living, pay off a loan for housing. Repair (with the condition of increasing the quadrature) old housing or build a new one. Compensation for building a house, equity participation in construction, etc. is possible;
  • for education. Payment for accommodation in a hostel. Payment for kindergarten or educational institution services;
  • accumulation of the mother's pension;
  • payment for the social adaptation of a disabled child (purchase of technical equipment or the cost of paying for services).

You can spend money (with the exception of some cases) only when the child reaches 3 years.

Monthly allowance for single mothers

When a child is born, not all women are able to go to work. Everyone's reasons are different. In some cases, the mother had a hard time giving birth, in others the child was born weak or injured in childbirth, thirdly, the adopted child requires a lot of attention and warmth from the new mother at first and for other reasons. In all cases, the state provides for those able to financially support mothers.

Benefit for caring for a child up to 1.5 years

Both working mothers who have gone to work and the unemployed are entitled to receive this allowance. Only the amounts differ. Submit documents for accrual or in. Namely:

  1. statement;
  2. identification;
  3. birth certificate of the child;
  4. extract from the work book about the last place of work;
  5. a copy of the dismissal order from the last place of work indicated in the extract from the work book;
  6. calculation of benefits for pregnancy and childbirth, if issued;
  7. information about the composition of the family.

The amount of the benefit depends on the mother's income before pregnancy. For unemployed and low-income single mothers the amount of the allowance will be 3163.79 rubles. If there are more children, then the amount increases to .

“It should be remembered that if a woman wants to go to work before the child reaches 1.5 years old, she loses the right to receive a monthly allowance.”

Accrual starts from the moment the maternity leave ends. In the event that the rights to additional measures of state support from the mother are terminated, the right of maternity capital can be used by children (in equal shares) until they reach 23 years of age.

Benefit for caring for a child up to 3 years

Unfortunately, so far the legislation has not amended the Law, and therefore it is now only provided for. It is only 50 rubles per month.

Benefit for a child up to 14 years

Since 2016, and single mothers have become eligible for. They are paid no more than once a quarter. This benefit, among others, can be received by a mother raising a child alone, and it does not matter if she has a job or not. Documents should be submitted to the Department of Social Security:

  • statement;
  • the passport;
  • birth certificate of children (for guardians, a document confirming the right of guardianship);
  • information about the composition of the family;
  • a copy of the work book and a certificate of income from the tax office for the past year;
  • if the mother works, a salary certificate.

The amount of the allowance varies depending on the region and ranges from 500 to 1300 rubles per month.

Child allowance (from 16 to 18 years old)

These payments are usually accrued to low-income families for children studying full-time, as well as to single mothers. The package of documents is the same as for receiving payments for children under 14 years old. The allowance ranges from 150 to 1000 rubles per month.

Benefits for disabled children

In addition, mothers up to 18 years of age are paid 5500 rubles monthly. In this case, a certificate of MSEC, which establishes the disability group, is required to be attached to the package of documents. Payments are made only to children of the 1st disability group.

The certificate should be updated every 3 years.

Benefits for Chernobyl survivors

It is necessary to take into account the payments due to single mothers living in the Chernobyl zone. Since 2016, innovations have been adopted regarding the terms of residence in such a territory. So, the minimum stay is set:

  • for zones with special economic conditions - 4 years;
  • for the zone of residence in which people receive the right to resettlement - 3 years;
  • for resettlement zones - 1 year.

Women living in such territories have the right to:

  • receive additional days of maternity leave (plus 20 calendar days);
  • additional cash benefit when a woman registers - 130 rubles;
  • Every month, children receive compensation for food costs:
  • schoolchild - from 35 to 180 rubles;
  • child in kindergarten - 180 rubles;
  • for food from the dairy kitchen, up to 3 years. In the amount of 230 rubles during the first year and 200 rubles in subsequent years.
  • monthly payments for child care, in addition to the usual payments to mothers, 3,000 rubles per child until they reach 1.5 years and 6,000 rubles up to 3 years.

Other benefits and compensations

And, of course, it is worth mentioning the compensation of payment for kindergartens to those who were lucky enough to get into them. To do this, in addition to the standard package of documents, you should attach an application for compensation, data on the bank account.

It should be remembered that it is impossible to receive money and pay for the kindergarten with it, since this is precisely the payment compensation. Therefore, you should first actually pay for the services of the kindergarten and only after that receive the due amount of compensation on your account, card or passbook. It depends on the number of children in the family, the actual payment for kindergarten services, as well as the established benefits in the area.

The minimum payout is:

  • for the first child in the family -20%;
  • on the second - 50% of the amount actually paid;
  • for subsequent children - 70%.

In some regions, it is allowed to compensate for visiting private gardens. However, due to the fact that the budget is unlikely to be able to pay even 20% of the cost of a private garden, it is allowed to take an amount equal to the average payment in a public garden for compensation. Those. mother will receive 20% or more (depending on the number of children) of the average cost of a public kindergarten. Attendance at music, art and sports schools is not subject to compensation, but in some regions they provide a discount of up to 30%.

Benefits for single mothers

Labor law

The benefits provided to single mothers at work are set aside so that she can spend more time with her child. They may be provided in kind or in cash.

In-kind benefits represent some relief in work schedules and working conditions.

  1. A woman with a child under the age of 5 may refuse to work at night (from 10 pm to 6 am). But only if she was not accepted for a position with the condition to work at that particular time of day.
  2. Women with children under the age of 3 cannot be sent on business trips. And also involve in work overtime (in addition, on holidays and weekends). But only if she herself did not agree to work in these conditions.
  3. A single mother has the right to apply for a part-time job. But only if the child is not yet 14 years old, and the disabled child is 18 years old. By agreement of the parties, it is possible to temporarily reduce the work schedule or indefinitely.
  4. The employer is obliged to provide (but only if it is provided for by the collective agreement) 14 days of unpaid leave. A single mother has the right to it until the child reaches the age of 14 years.
  5. For single mothers with a disabled child, 4 additional days off per month are paid by the employer. They are provided on any days that are convenient for her and are not transferred to the next month.

Every mother raising a child on her own should know her rights and be able to use them. This also applies to layoffs.

Dismissing a single mother with a child under 14 is strictly prohibited, and in the case of a disabled child - up to 18 years. But it should be remembered that one should not abuse one's position.

Cases when a single mother can be fired single but they exist and should be known. So, for example, a single mother is subject to dismissal if:

  • the company is subject to liquidation;
  • a woman periodically admits non-fulfillment of labor obligations, especially if there are documented penalties;
  • gross violation of duties, even a single one (theft, disclosure of secrets, an accident due to violation of labor protection rules, unjustified absenteeism, etc.);
  • when applying for a job, papers were provided that did not correspond to reality;
  • an immoral act was committed that cannot be combined with her work duties and other similar offenses.

However, if a woman believes that the charges against her are unfounded, must be sued immediately. Then a single mother, in case of an acquittal, can count on reinstatement and compensation for days of forced absence from work.

tax incentives

Single mothers receive a double tax deduction, i.e. the amount of actual earnings received on hand increases. What is a tax deduction? When calculating salaries, taxes are withheld from it, including personal income tax.

By law, the amount of income from which this tax is withheld can be reduced and, accordingly, the amount of actual wages received can be increased. In 2017, the amount deductible from taxable income for single mothers raising children under 18 years of age, or up to 24 years of age in the case of full-time studies, is:

  • for the first two children - 2800 rubles;
  • on subsequent - 6000 rubles;
  • for a disabled child - 24,000 rubles.

But this tax benefit is valid only until the mother's annual income exceeds 350 thousand rubles. After that, personal income tax will be charged in full.

The package of documents is the same as when receiving other benefits and benefits.

Other benefits

  • The right to use the milk kitchen for free until the child is 2 years old, and to receive sets of linen for the baby is granted.
  • Children of mothers raising children without a husband have the right to receive vouchers to camps and sanatoriums free of charge.
  • The ability to buy medicines at a big discount.
  • Children have the right to receive free school meals.
  • The mother does not pay cleaning services and garbage collection for children under 1.5 years old.
  • Children in the clinic are required to do massage out of turn and free of charge.

“Payment for sick leave (due to a child’s illness) is made in the usual manner by the FSS, depending on the age of the child. There are no benefits in this case for a single mother.”

Housing for single mothers

A woman who has the status of a single person can apply for an apartment from the state for free. But on the same grounds as ordinary families. Unfortunately, mothers who raise a child on their own do not have any special conditions upon receiving free housing.

They can use several options for obtaining an apartment:

  1. . It is valid until 2020. Mothers whose age has not yet reached 35 years old can take part in it. This program provides cash assistance in the amount of 35% of the cost of housing. It can be spent on buying, building a home, repaying a loan, or making a home payment. But it is necessary to clarify the conditions for obtaining, as they may differ in different regions;
  2. program "Housing for the Russian family". Allows you to get a mortgage on an apartment in new buildings. Housing under such programs is called "economy class apartments";
  3. take out a mortgage with a reduced interest rate, i.e. state-supported mortgage.

Based on practice, even if all possible subsidies are received, not every single mother will be able to buy her own housing. And getting free at the present time is not even worth hoping for, not even all large families have their own housing, laid down by the law on square meters, to say nothing of the rest.

But if, nevertheless, the mother wants to stand in line for receiving living space from the state, she must first submit an application. It should be remembered that the mother and the child must have Russian citizenship. If, upon verification, it turns out that the mother has no other housing, that she lives in the territory of this area for a strictly established time, then she will be allowed to participate in real estate acquisition programs.

Then you should wait for the commission, which will check the conditions in which the mother and child live. After that, you need to be patient and wait for the housing commission to make its decision. It's best to come in sometimes and clarify whether a decision has been made regarding your particular issue. The document will be issued if the commission determines that:

  • the living space does not meet the standards per person for the territory of the area;
  • unsanitary living conditions are observed;
  • the family lives in a communal apartment;
  • mother and child live next to a dangerously ill person.

After receiving permission from the commission, you must stand in line for housing.

However, that's not all. A woman raising a child alone is required to have an income that allows her to repay the loan. For example, a mother and one child must have an income of at least 21,621 rubles.. In addition, you need to prepare money for a down payment from personal savings.

But even if the mother manages to get all the papers, it is not a fact that she will receive a mortgage. This is because many regions are curtailing housing programs due to the crisis.

Women who have taken the courage to raise a child without the participation of a father are in constant need of help. Many supporting programs, financial and social, are provided by the state, but due to the crisis, many of these programs, payments and benefits are being reduced. Therefore, many women themselves have to cope with financial difficulties.

But it is equally important to change the attitude towards single mothers. Be more tolerant and understanding, remember that in our time it is quite difficult to raise a child without the help of a father. Therefore, it is necessary to help and protect these brave women who continue to raise children even in such difficult conditions and at the same time manage to develop and make a career.

Almost 30% of the population have this status. And this suggests that the desire to receive benefits is quite large.

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After all, as practice shows, every second woman specifically wants to get a status for acquiring a different plan.

What it is?

If the registry office does not trace a joint statement of parents on the establishment of paternity, then here the woman also receives this status.

As a rule, when registering a child at the local registry office, the child's mother's surname, first name and patronymic are determined in the record book. The latter can be recorded from the words of the mother, even if the father refuses the child. It is also possible that in the column "father" there will be a dash or a fictitious name.

After receiving a birth certificate, an additional form is issued - form 25.

The status is confirmed if a woman has a baby who, in the official version, does not have a father.

Women who simply raise a baby without a husband cannot count on such a status. And it does not matter whether he lives with his family, whether he fulfills his obligations.

In this case, such women have the right to involve the father in fulfilling the obligations to pay alimony, possibly even in court.

At the same time, a woman can be officially married and be a single mother if the document contains a dash in the father's column. Even if she marries another person, this status does not change.

If the new spouse adopts or adopts a child, then this status is removed from the woman and she loses benefits.

In each region, there are additional benefits for such a contingent of citizens. There is not only regional assistance, but also federal assistance, including various child benefits and labor benefits.

In addition, single mothers have the right to count on similar payments from the state to ordinary families.

According to statistics, almost 30% of women consider themselves to be single mothers. Someone makes their own decision to give birth to a child for themselves, and many simply do not see the prospect of a relationship with a particular man.

Sometimes the biological father renounces paternity on his own and it is almost impossible to force him to recognize the child as his own. Often this happens due to the reluctance of both the father himself and his parents.

Sometimes women consciously admit that they are the only parent in order to receive additional financial support from the state.

Regardless of whether the spouse is the biological father or not, he fits into the birth certificate by law. Even if a woman has a new civil husband, the former spouse will be the father.

To minimize such a risk, it is better to formalize the relationship or declare your intentions in writing to the common-law husband. For this, an appropriate application is submitted to the registry office.

In case of a divorce in less than 300 days, the former spouse is also recorded as the father of the child, even if the woman lives in a civil marriage with another man.

At the same time, the former spouse has the right to challenge such an action in court or challenge the decision on the child. The likelihood of a positive response from the court is very high.

The main condition for obtaining the status is a court decision or documentary confirmation of this fact. The status is confirmed by a special document - a certificate in the form No. 25.

The legislative framework

Several legal acts govern this issue:

  • Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court No. 1 dated January 1, 2019 - stipulates labor relations with citizens who have this status.
  • Decree of the Plenum of the Supreme Court No. 81 of 1995 - stipulates all monetary compensation and benefits for this status.
  • Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court No. 1012N of 2009 - the procedure for appointment and the possibility of receiving benefits.
  • Decree of the Plenum of the Supreme Court No. 4218-1 of December 1992 - stipulates issues related to the housing issue of single mothers.
  • The Labor Code of the Russian Federation, articles 74, 77, 79, 261 - stipulates all the relationships between employers and single mothers.

What benefits are given to a woman from the state?

It must be remembered that every woman in this status should receive increased and supplementary allowances.

In particular, the state must pay an additional amount to the standard deduction in accordance with applicable law.

Additionally, there is an annual financial assistance in the amount of 300 rubles. This amount is small, but is issued on an annual basis.

Additionally, there are certain benefits. No one has the right to fire a single mother, regardless of the legal form. But this condition applies only to reduction.

When a company is liquidated, it pays compensation. In other cases, a woman has a job until the child is 14 years old.

When the enterprise is liquidated, the organization must find a new job for this person, while maintaining the position and specialization.

If a single mother works under a contract, then after it expires, a person must be employed in accordance with the rules. While there is a search for a suitable place, you need to pay wages to such an employee. But this condition applies to a period not exceeding a quarter.

Additionally, when a single mother leaves for sick leave to care for a child, 100% of the amount is paid.

For the entire period applies only when raising a baby up to 7 years. In other cases, the first 15 days are paid. In addition, such citizens are entitled to additional rest - 2 weeks at her expense. Moreover, she can receive it at any time.

Often women simply add it to the main vacation. But it is allowed to use them separately. The main thing is to warn your superiors in advance. Better to do it in two weeks.

No employer has the right to refuse such a person employment. A woman has a priority right to a vacant position.

If the employer refuses, he must justify this in writing. Such a document is the basis for challenging in court.

Help for single mothers

There is also additional assistance for this status, which allows single mothers to take full advantage of all benefits.


Social assistance is an opportunity to receive additional benefits and incentives. For instance:

  • If a person needs real estate, then the status allows you to be on the list of priorities.
  • When raising a child on her own, a woman has the right to place the child in any preschool and school institution, while all the costs of the child's stay there are borne by the state, with the exception of private organizations.
  • When raising a child of school age, free meals are provided in the canteen, free textbooks. But, as a rule, this fact is decided by the head or director of the school institution.
  • A single mother has the right to take advantage of a 50% discount on the purchase of medicines. As a rule, such a chance applies only to cheap drugs. But in some cases, you can also find a discount on expensive goods.
  • It is possible to take advantage of a free visit to the massage room. A full family has the right to count on a 50% discount.
  • Also put a free ticket to the sanatorium at least once a year. It is possible to provide a place in the camp. It is provided free of charge or with a small fee.


A single mother gets standard, like an ordinary woman. But he additionally receives an allowance for caring for a child up to 1.5 years.

To clarify the size, you must contact the social protection at the place of registration.

It turns out to be a person who needs additional protection by the government. Often the appeal occurs just such a contingent.

It is possible to provide a lump sum payment. It all depends on the application in a particular region of the country.

In accordance with the current legislation, such citizens are limited to social. services and special promotions. There is only an increased payment for parental leave up to one and a half years.

Caught in a difficult situation

Assistance to single mothers from the state in 2019 is also carried out in the form of "allowances for citizens in difficult situations." It is issued in social protection according to supporting documents.

Payment is made in accordance with regional indicators.

You can use it only once after checking the information.

Large families

Families with many children are provided with all the same payments as for one child.

Additionally, it is possible to receive benefits in an amount not exceeding 80% of the average earnings of a single mother.

with housing

Every single mother has the right to count on housing, like a low-income family. To do this, an application is submitted to social protection and you need to get on the waiting list.

Such a contingent has a priority right to receive housing if they really need to improve their lives.

But you can wait in line all your life, as Russian practice shows.


There are also regional payments to large families. A single mother raising a third and subsequent child can count on special maternity capital, in addition to the federal one.

Its size is determined based on the region of residence.


All benefits are divided into annual and monthly.


Annual allowances are of the following types:

  • pregnancy allowance (one-time) - 34,520.55 rubles;
  • allowance for registration in the period up to 12 weeks. (at a time) - 613.14 rubles;
  • at the birth of a baby - 16350.33 rubles;
  • surcharge annually - 300 rubles.


There are also monthly allowances:

  • up to one and a half years - 40% of the average salary of a citizen, at least 3065.69 rubles;
  • up to three years - 50 rubles;
  • up to 18 years old - 150 rubles.

How to apply?

You can apply for social assistance to single mothers only in the social service, providing supporting documents.

If a citizen is working, then it is necessary to apply at the place of employment with the appropriate package of documents and an application.


Assistance to single mothers is carried out only if there are documents confirming the status.

To receive, you must provide:

  • identity document of a single mother;
  • a statement of the appropriate form;
  • birth certificate of the child;
  • other supporting documents;
  • a certificate from the bank about the details to which the funds will be transferred;
  • certificate in form No. 25.

An additional package of documents may be required if proof of working capacity or official work is required.

To do this, you must first come to the place of application and clarify the full package of documents.
