
What to talk about with a girl in VK in correspondence? How to start communication in "Contact", social networks


We have already written about how to meet girls in contact, on the Internet. This article will be devoted to the following issues. How to communicate with girls in contact? How to communicate with a girl on the Internet? What to talk about with girls on the Internet? What to talk about with a girl in contact? And also, in other social networks, and dating sites.

In principle, there are of course differences between talking online and in real life. But in general, what we talk about on the Internet is not much different from what we talk about in the real world. The main difference, and it is also the main advantage - on the Internet, no one sees us, does not hurry with the answer. And therefore, online communication is easier and freer. We worry and worry less when communicating with a girl on the Internet or in contact.

In the network, everyone feels freer, liberated, and most importantly - more self-confident people. And of course, this gives several advantages to us as an interlocutor. It's time for some practical advice.

How to communicate with girls in contact?

1. To get started, create your own personal page. But everyone knows about it. But here's the advice. Many guys have a photo next to a cool car - better without showing off, believe me, or a photo with a two-liter Chernihiv - well, what will a girl think of you? And girls argue as follows. If a corrupt woman, then a photo next to the car will, of course, add pluses to you, but who needs these corrupt and material ones today ...

But, if the girl is good, then when she sees a photo with a car in an embrace, she will think - cheap show-offs. It’s just that the guy is not able to interest him in anything else (probably stupid, that’s why he pretends to be his car), he can’t take and interest him in anything else. Well, about the beer in his hand, and a happy drunken face - what kind of girl would be interested in such a girl, she would think that she was probably a drunk. Therefore, pick up a photo without show-offs, and where you are in adequate condition. After all, the first thing they look at is a person’s face, and decide for themselves whether to communicate with such or well.

2. Write about yourself as much as possible, in interests, and in other possible places in the contact. Let the girl see that you are a versatile person, and you can talk about a lot of things. If he doesn’t bite, and doesn’t want to talk about his passion for cinema and music, he may want to talk with you if, among other things, you are also interested in books, or skydiving. He doesn’t want to talk about one thing, he wants to talk about something else, what else do you have declared in your hobbies, hobbies and interests in life.

3. How to communicate with a girl in contact. If the Internet gives you the opportunity to think about a question or answer, then use this opportunity. Watch your spelling, smart girls are easy to frighten off - if there are a lot of mistakes in your messages to her. Girls like to communicate with smart guys and men (not to be confused with nerds and nerds). Well, think about how to formulate the message in such a way - so as not to seem stupid or simpleton.

What to talk about with girls in contact?

1. Yes, actually there are no particular differences and features, from communication in real life. If you want to get to know a girl in contact, then come up with the first message like this - so that something clings and provokes an answer, and not a banal hello, how are you, what are you doing. The first message, it will either hook the girl, and she will want to answer it, or delete it, like 100,000 other similar hello and how are you. Therefore, do not be banal, think a little, use your brains, turn on your imagination and use your imagination.

2. For example, instead of hi and how are you, take a closer look at the page of the girl you want to chat with. What are her interests and hobbies? Try to find something in common between you, and use this hook in the first message. At least it's not trivial. What to talk about with a girl in contact depends on which girl you are going to talk to in contact. If you can see it from the photo and description - I'm a cool girl, I love guys and men in expensive cars and all that, then damn it, what else is there to talk about.

She will absolutely not be interested in those topics of conversation - in which you will not talk about your material wealth. Accordingly, write this - I have a foreign car and my dad is an oilman, and also a member of 25 cm, and she’s all damn yours. Why does she need your greetings and how are you, if it is clear that there is nothing special to take from you.

3. If the girl is worthy, smart, interesting, then what to talk about with her in contact, if not about interesting things. For example, about travel, tell where you have been, what you have seen, ask her the same thing. Talk to her about your hobbies and hobbies, about your interests in life. About plans for the future there, or tell us about an interesting past. In general, it is understandable, I think that with a smart girl, it makes no sense to talk about nonsense. She will not be tritely interested in such a person who is not fond of anything in life, has not achieved anything, and does not even plan.

4. In general, use your contact page to attract as many girls as possible, and use the girl's page in contact as a source of information. To find out what to talk about with a girl in contact? Scan her page with your eyes, looking for something in common between you, and use this information as a hook in the first message to this girl.

What to talk about with girls on the Internet?

1. Don't lie about yourself, no one likes that, both in real life and on the Internet. Putting someone else's photo, or lying in a description about yourself, what does it make sense if sooner or later you meet this girl. Talking to girls on the Internet is only about real things, and not lying right and left. Like, I have an expensive foreign car, instead of a Cossack, or I earn not 1000, but 100,000. What's the point in this, if sooner or later you will be revealed.

2. There was more than one case when a girl would have liked an ordinary guy, without showing off, but he also lied, and this ruined many storytellers. Seriously, girls will appreciate even if not such a bright and impressive truth, unlike lies. Especially if you want to find your soul mate in contact. Why do you need a woman who falls in love not with you, but with a fictional character.

3. What to talk about with a girl on the Internet, in contact, in any social network or on any dating site? Talk about yourself and get to know her, that's all. If both of you are interested in a serious relationship, then you will quickly find something to talk about with each other. But if, for example, you want and are already ready for a serious relationship, and you met a girl in contact, a windy pacifier who is only interested in frolicking and drinking, and who would give herself today - then what can you talk about with such a girl. You are too different, and you want different things from life, you go different ways and in opposite directions.

Most importantly, first decide for yourself. What exactly do you want from communication on the Internet? Find your soul mate? Just to chat with a stranger? Find a girlfriend, or a one night stand? A girl for friendship or love, or for a one night stand? When you decide, you will understand what exactly, and how, to have a conversation with a girl on the Internet. Here are a couple of tips.

1. If you are looking for a soul mate online, then use dating sites and social networks. Select the search for people on the site, set the parameters of the girl you need (age, city of residence, relationship status). And write something interesting to all the girls you like. At least someone will answer. And communicate with them, get to know each other better. Tell about yourself and ask about her.

2. If you have found a woman suitable for you, according to your interests, if your communication is very good, then you should not delay meeting in real life. Make an appointment in some interesting or beautiful place in your city, chat live, and find out for each other - something serious will come out for you, or when you meet you have lost interest in each other, it happens.

3. If you are looking for entertainment, not a serious relationship, then there are also many sites for this purpose. Sex dating and more.

4. If you just want to get to know someone, chat there, then for this purpose it is best to use social networks, such as in contact and others.

In general, what to talk about with girls on the Internet, in contact - about the same as in life, just on the network you will feel more confident, communicating more freely. Meet, get to know each other, meet, good luck to everyone.

Social networks are created for communication, it is there that most of the youth are concentrated. According to statistics, young people most often get acquainted through the Internet. Through correspondence, they get to know each other and only then meet in real life. What to talk about with a girl in VK in correspondence? What topics can be discussed? How to get close to a girl through social networking? These questions will be answered by Popular Health.

Why do guys and girls spend a lot of time talking on the social network VKontakte or Odnoklassniki? In their opinion, it is easiest to make acquaintances and win over representatives of the opposite sex. Without seeing each other, they feel more free to communicate. In addition, there is always time to think before answering a question from a guy or a girl in a text. In real life, it is much more difficult to communicate - there is embarrassment, awkwardness. To start a full-fledged relationship, which will later turn into something more serious, even in social networks, you need the ability to conduct a conversation, first you need to learn how to choose the right topics for conversation.

What to talk about in VK with a girl in correspondence?

Knowledge of psychological techniques will help win over a girl. What is the most important thing in communication?

1. Attentive attitude.
2. Naturalness.
3. Ability to listen to the interlocutor.
4. Tact.

Let's consider each of the points separately. If you follow them, you will find something to talk about with a girl in a VK correspondence.

Attentive attitude, showing personal interest

People always like it when they are interested, show attention to them. If you like a certain young lady, the first thing to start with is to find out more about her even before you start talking. Consider her photos, videos, personal data, pay special attention to the "Hobbies" section. Try to find something in common between you, it always brings you closer. Perhaps the girl likes some famous football player, and you are interested in football as a game. You can discuss the match with the participation of this player.

Think about the hobbies of a young lady, then you will find a lot of topics to start an unobtrusive conversation. If a girl loves sports, ask what gym she goes to, what direction of fitness she is engaged in, what did she manage to achieve? You can discuss any of her interests - music, travel, books.


Be as natural as possible. Don't try to be overly polite and courteous or "cool". Pretense and falsehood are always felt. The girl will not want to communicate if it seems to her that you are deceiving her. The so-called "show-offs" will also play against the gentleman.

What photo is installed on your page in VK? It is advisable to choose a photo where you are in adequate condition and decent clothes. You should not set a photo with a bottle of beer, with a cigarette in your mouth or in a state of intoxication. In this case, you will lose the chance to meet and chat with a good girl. Who wants to waste their time talking to a dubious guy?

Ability to listen to the interlocutor

Be tactful

A sense of tact will help to achieve success in communicating with a lady, even if it is carried out in correspondence in VK. A tactful guy will never put an interlocutor in an awkward position. Do not try to ask about something personal, especially do not be vulgar.

Topics for conversation with a girl in VK correspondence

We discussed how to build communication with girls in VK. Let's summarize what you can talk with them in correspondence?

1. About her interests - hobbies, hobbies.
2. About her dreams.
3. About achievements in sports, studies.
4. About travel.
5. About parents.
6. About pets.

If all simple topics have been exhausted, ask the interlocutor about what kind of guys she likes, what qualities they should differ in. This will help you understand if you are in her circle of interests. Do not be afraid to ask about what the young lady does not tolerate in people, what does not forgive. Communication at this level will help to understand her deep feelings. Do not insist if the interlocutor does not want to answer, perhaps you are not so close to her yet.

Ladies love to hear compliments and praise. Try to find an opportunity to say something pleasant, but do not overdo it, so as not to come across as overly gallant or flattering. Compliments are needed, but they must be sincere. Communication is a conversation between two people, so do not bombard the girl with questions, tell about yourself - how you spent the day, what you learned. Do not be afraid to open your feelings, to talk about disappointments, about joy, about pain. If you are an open person, the girl will certainly appreciate it.

So, what to talk about with a girl in VK correspondence? You can talk about anything, but at the first stage of acquaintance it is better to avoid personal intimate topics. Be yourself, pay attention to the little things, and you will always find something to talk about.

The VKontakte social network offers its users many opportunities: communication, watching movies, listening to audio files, video calls, etc. Also on the site, you can easily find friends, like-minded people, and even meet the opposite sex. Yet communication is perhaps the most important function of a social network. What to talk about with a girl in VK? This question is of interest to many young people who want to meet or make contact with the fair sex. So, first things first.

How to meet a girl "VK"?

To begin with, let's define: is it about a specific girl that you saw, maybe even know, but don't know personally, or about searching for a girl?

Situation 1

If you already know which girl you want to meet, then the first thing you will need to do is find her on the site. If it is not your friends, then you will have to use the search. To do this, in the social network "VKontakte" select the item "People". In the window that opens, we need to set the search parameters (specify the first and last name, age, city of residence, place of study, and so on). As soon as the desired page is found, start dating. What to talk about with a girl in VK? You can start a conversation with a banal greeting (“Hello”, “Good evening”, etc.). If the girl does not answer for a long time, then there is no need to duplicate the message. Try sending her a gift, commenting on her photos, liking her to get her attention.

Situation 2

If you just intend to find a girl, then the People service will help you. In the search parameters, you can set the parameters you are interested in (age, place of residence, interests, life position, and so on) and start viewing the “candidates” for your heart. You can also search for girls through your friends.

What to talk about with a girl in VK?

After exchanging greetings with a girl, you can:

  • indicate why you decided to write to her (admit that you like her and you have a desire to chat with her);
  • continue casual communication, which can later develop into something more (make sure that the girl is single and really interested in your further communication).

What to talk about in VK?

You can communicate with the object of adoration on absolutely any topic, excluding personal ones (for example, the question of why the girl is lonely and what happened to the previous relationship is not entirely appropriate, unless, of course, the speech has already gone into this direction). Ask about her hobbies (movies, music, books) and talk about what interests you. If you notice that you are united by common hobbies, then be sure to note this. Take an interest in her activities (who works, who studies, and so on), further plans. Ask such questions so that the girl can answer in detail. Dilute the conversation with humor, a funny quote or a funny picture - she will definitely like it, and she will note for herself that you are a guy with humor.

So, now you know what to talk about with a girl in VK. Dare, meet and communicate - after all, this is what social networks were created for.

). Now we will master the following set of functions and in practice we will understand what the VK page gives us. Your profile can serve as both a personal page and a business communication page. The beauty of the social network is that with its help you find and save contacts of people with whom you have not communicated for a long time. Meet people you would never meet in real life. And most importantly, you get instant feedback.

Here, for example, you are a designer and come up with a logo for a company. You have a couple of layouts - both are good, but only one should be left at the end. What you do: Post your artwork on your profile wall and ask your friends for opinions. In the news feed, they see your request and comment on it. So the social network generates instant and effective feedback, and you don’t spend much time and effort on this.

To figure out which buttons to click in order to get the desired result, let's analyze the main features of your profile:

– side menu customization

- find friends

So, let's begin. To use all the features of your profile, you need to customize the side menu. To do this, click the "settings" button. It's in the sidebar on the left.

A window opens in front of you, where you create the side menu settings that are convenient for you. Check the boxes next to the items you want to see on your page. I advise you to check all the points. In the process of work, you will understand which functions you use most often - and the rest you simply “hide” back. Feel free to experiment and try more and more new features of your profile. In the meantime, let's go back to the main page and explore the rest of the tools.

Now we start looking for friends and acquaintances. To do this, press the "find friends" button - the system immediately opens a search window for certain parameters: "region", "school", "university", "age", gender, and so on.

Enter the information that you know. Don't worry if you only remember your first and last name - even with these items it is quite possible to find old friends or business partners. After you have specified the parameters, feel free to click the "search" button, and the system will give you a list of people.

By the avatar you can find out who you need. The more parameters you specify, the more accurate the search and the shorter the list of suitable persons (names and namesakes). In the same way you find your business partners. You can turn to the search at any time convenient for you. After you have found the right person, click on the button with the name. His page will open in front of you. So that next time (for example, when you need to write him a letter) do not look again - save it in your contacts. And to do this, click the "Add to friends" button. It is located exactly under the photo of your friend.

The person receives a request to add you to their friends list. And, if he approves of her, then his page will be displayed in your friends list. It will look like this:

If you click the "My friends" button on the profile sidebar, you will quickly find the person you need (from those whom you yourself added to your "friends"). So, you have added the necessary contacts to your profile, and now you can view the "news" of your friends. "News" is a feed of events that displays all the activities of your friends. New photos they shared, notes they posted, videos, and more. If your profile was created for business communication, and you add contacts of partners as friends, it is easy to always be up to date with the latest news. People in their blog share novelties and events in the business world. Don't forget to check the news feed. And how to do this, we will now figure it out.

To see your friends' news, just click on the "news" button on the sidebar:

The entire news feed will open in front of you. As you scroll down, you see your friends' events in chronological order. The news feed can also be customized. At the top, above the feed, there is a tab bar - with its help you can filter the news. For example, set the "photos" parameter - and you will only see photos that your friends posted on the network.

Pay attention to the "Comments" tab. Here you can read the comments that your friends and acquaintances left in response to your posts.

We learned to look for friends and follow the news. Now let's move on to the next stage of mastering your profile - let's figure out how to publish the news ourselves.

Write the text in this window and click the "Submit" button. That's all - your post is ready. Friends will see it in the news feed and comment.

If you want your post to be more visible in the news feed, you can use additional features. For this:

1. Enter text in the "What's new with you" box

2. Click on the "Attach" button

A pop-up menu will open in front of you, in which you select one or more of the desired options. I will briefly describe each of them:

- The photo. Everything is clear here: just attach a photo that reflects the essence of your message

- Video recording. You can attach a video, movie or any other video material.

- Graffiti. This option is needed if you want to write a message or create a drawing using your computer's mouse.

- The note. Your profile has the ability to create notes. Perhaps you think that one of them will now be appropriate in this post.

- Document. If you are writing a post and want to attach additional materials to it (for example, scanned copies of documents)

- Map. Here you can specify the address and attach a map with the location (for example, the store where you purchased the new book)

- Survey. A very handy thing if you want to know the opinion of your friends on any occasion. The survey is displayed on the wall in the form of a graph, it is easy to navigate in it.

You can meet the girl of your life anywhere: at the university, on the street, in a social network, transport. However, many young people, out of fear of being rejected, just pass by without even starting a conversation. What if the young lady does not want to communicate or will she leave a message addressed to her on VKontakte without an answer?

All these fears will be significantly reduced or even disappear altogether if the guy knows how to start a conversation with a girl and continue the conversation in the future.

The World Wide Web offers young people much greater opportunities for establishing relationships than the street - here you can get acquainted, communicate, without being embarrassed by a pretty stranger.

At the same time, the Internet narrows the field for maneuvers, since there is no way to express your emotions with your eyes and movements. Therefore, many young people use social networks as a starting point for further acquaintance with young ladies in real life.

Standard tricks for starting communication on VKontakte do not always work, because pretty girls receive a lot of offers to meet, which they don’t even pay much attention to. And the phrase “Hi, how are you?” some of them develop allergies.

You should start a conversation with a girl in such a way that she has a desire to at least continue to communicate in VK, and at the very least - to meet in a cafe for a cup of espresso.

How to build a dialogue in social networks?

  1. First of all, bring your page and profile on the social network in full order - add photos (your own), write more about your hobbies. Girls will not want to get acquainted with a young man, on whose page there are no personal photographs.
  2. Carefully study the profile of a pretty stranger. A more detailed analysis of the page will allow you to find common ground - a hobby, favorite books and films, a place of rest or a preferred sport. This will help you start a more productive conversation.
  3. Throw away banal phrases for dating. Originality is the key to success and the key to normal communication. The girl will probably want to get closer, who does not write the standard "How are you." However, you should not get carried away with too complex sentences, otherwise there is a risk that you simply will not be understood.
  4. If the young lady "pecked", start communication with neutral topics - literature, cinema, work or study. Be sure to connect humor, it will smooth out some awkwardness of the situation. Diversify the conversation with funny stories from life.
  5. Do not post all the information about yourself in a crowd, leave some understatement. Also, you should not pull the “blanket” of the conversation over yourself, not being interested in the girl at all. Ask her opinion on various points, but avoid questions regarding her personal life.

Let's do it right...

  1. Motive presentation. The first sentence you need to formulate the purpose of the letter. For example: “Greetings. I noticed you in the group (community name), and since I am also fond of these issues, I decided to get to know you. Yes, not a very original introduction, but your politeness will not allow the girl to be rude in response.
  2. Common interests. The reason for acquaintance may be her hobbies indicated in the questionnaire: “Hello! I was looking for interesting films on the net and eventually found your page. We have similar tastes. I also like horror. Recommend any exciting film in this genre. The advantage of this method is that you immediately proceed to the discussion, and the conversation can be continued in a personal meeting.
  3. Request for help. Young ladies love to come to the rescue and give recommendations. Take advantage of this: “Hello! My sister has a birthday soon, but I don’t understand girlish gifts at all. I am looking for girls of her age in Contact who can give a hint. This theme can be developed further by finding out what she likes and what gifts she prefers.
  4. Romantic acquaintance. You can start communication on social networks with romantic phrases. Young girls are usually "understanding" to messages such as: "Beautiful stranger, do you believe that dreams come true? Today in a dream I saw a girl who looked like you, and suddenly I meet you here ... "

The described methods can be used in Contact on completely unfamiliar young ladies.

Another thing is if a pretty person is a friend of your friend. In this case, you should greet the girl and refer to a mutual friend: “I saw your comments under his photos, I liked your view of the world (humor, attitude to life). Maybe we can talk?"

At this stage, you need to start a conversation with the girl, add yourself to the list of her friends and, in general, make a good impression.

After talking a little in Vkontakte, you can invite them on a personal date and react further according to the situation. The first step has been taken!

How to start a conversation with a girl on the street, in a cafe, at a party? This question worries many guys who are insecure in front of pretty young ladies and are afraid of being rejected.

However, starting a conversation with an unfamiliar girl who you liked is still worth it. How to do it right?

  1. Start with a hello. This is a mandatory condition and a manifestation of elementary politeness. You need to approach the young lady so as not to scare her (it is better to approach face to face, but without blocking the passage), say hello and introduce yourself.
  2. The next step is to ask a question that cannot be answered in one word. Of course, give up the banality, it is better to ask something lying on the surface. For example, if she walks her dog, ask about the characteristics of the breed. This question is a kind of "hook" that you cast for the "catch".
  3. , just do them unobtrusively so as not to create an image of a pick-up artist. The best praise is the one that describes the real qualities of an unfamiliar girl.
  4. When thinking about where to start dating, do not forget about jokes. A man who can make a woman laugh is halfway to success. However, exclude sarcasm and malicious irony, jokes should be kind and pleasant.
  5. Like a girl? You can give her a nice little present. If you met on the street, give a balloon - it's very nice. If the meeting took place in a cafe, try ordering her a cup of coffee.

The next burning question is how to start a conversation with a girl on a first date. To make a good impression on a young lady, use the following recommendations:

  1. Since you met not on VK, but on the street, the young girl does not know you at all. So talk about yourself, but don't brag.
  2. Be interested in the personality of your interlocutor, ask her about hobbies, literature and cinema.
  3. Give the girl the opportunity to speak, talking in parallel. If the pause drags on, remember stories from your childhood, usually young ladies like such cute occasions.
  4. Don't ask personal questions, and don't talk about your past relationships yourself. It is especially important not to discuss former lovers in a negative way.

Psychologists say that one meeting is usually enough for a woman to decide whether her relationship with this man is necessary.

If you are a boring and uninteresting interlocutor, she will definitely not come to the next date and will not even pick up the phone.

Also, a girl will not want to meet if your behavior unpleasantly strikes her. For example, you interrupted her, called out negatively about your former partners, condemned her hobbies or hobbies.

Advice! Therefore, on the street, in a cafe or cinema, your main task is to show your best sides and be sure to demonstrate that you like the girl.

Looking for information on how to start a conversation with a girl on VK or on the street, it is worth mentally preparing for possible refusals. You should not fall into despair, because often the reason for not wanting to communicate lies not in you, but in the young lady herself.

She's probably not in the mood, or she has a boyfriend. If the acquaintance ended in failure, go to another pretty person. After all, a lot of free and no less beautiful girls walk nearby, who also dream of meeting nice guys.