
Labia in infants. Intimate hygiene for newborns: care for boys and girls


How to bathe a child correctly? All young parents ask this question. If the rules are not followed, the child may be harmed. The body of a newborn girl cannot protect itself from infectious diseases. A girl’s intimate hygiene is a very important point that requires special care and attention.

Since any mistakes can provoke infectious diseases, mechanical damage, synechiae, irritation in the labia area, and problems with urination. You can bathe your baby the same day you arrive home from the hospital. Until the umbilical wound has healed, it is necessary to boil water for bath procedures, and it is not recommended to use any herbs.

Are water treatments different for babies of different sexes?

The only difference in the bathing procedure is intimate hygiene. The structure of male and female intimate parts requires different methods of care.

How to properly bathe your baby for the first time at home?

The first bath always causes fear; the parents’ experiences are passed on to the child, so The calmest parent should bathe a newborn. Then both you and the baby will enjoy the procedure.

Preparatory stage

You will need:

  • Baby bath.
  • Water thermometer.
  • Baby hygiene products.
  • Baby cream or oil.
  • Comb-brush for washing hair.
  • Boiled water (until the navel heals).

Now let's talk in more detail about the requirements for hygiene items:

How to wash your genitals?

It is recommended to bathe a completely newborn girl with soap once a week., and wash it once a day, from top to bottom, preferably in running water. Since frequent exposure to alkaline impurities worsens the condition of the mucous membranes of the genital organs.

Inner lips

If there is no urgent need, then you need to spread the inner labia as little as possible. If powder or cream collects there, use a cotton swab to remove it very carefully. The stick must be moistened with sterilized oil or purchased at a pharmacy. Boiled water may be used.


The most comfortable position is when the baby lies on his left hand with his head to the elbow, and his butt is on the elbow, and he washes it with his right hand. Rinse all folds well, preferably with a ladle or under low pressure of water, so that tiny cracks do not form. When washing the external genitalia of a newborn girl every day, do not use regular soap, only Ph-neutral baby soap.

  • Hygienic cosmetics dry out children's skin, thereby destroying the protective functions of the skin. Therefore, use potassium permanganate solution and other hygiene products as little as possible for up to a year.
  • Dry with a soft cloth or sterile cotton wool in the following order: vulva, labia, inguinal folds, skin, perineum.
  • Rinse the girl after each trip to the toilet, and wash her with soap after bowel movements.
  • Bathe your baby with the bathroom door open to avoid hypothermia when leaving the bathroom into a cool room.
  • Adjust bath time to suit your child.

Step-by-step instructions for the procedure

Upon arrival home, it is enough to bathe the girl in clean warm water for 2-3 weeks, using hygiene products once a week. The first bath lasts no more than 3 minutes, then 3-10 minutes.

Advice: Talk to your baby while bathing, smile, sing songs, this will calm her down and relax her.

We recommend watching a video on how to properly bathe a newborn girl:

Actions after washing

Parents should pay attention not only to caring for the baby’s skin, but also his nose, nails and eyes. Your baby's nose needs to be cleaned every day, and if necessary, several times a day. For cleaning you will need cotton swabs; you can twist cotton wool into strands yourself. To avoid damaging the mucous membrane of the nose, the cotton wool should be moistened with water or boiled oil.. Gently insert into the nostril and swirl.

It is better to cut your baby’s nails after a month, when they are a little stronger. It is advisable to purchase separate scissors with rounded ends for your daughter. This procedure is done for babies once every 7-10 days.

To wipe the eyes you will need warm boiled water and a cotton swab or gauze.. Wipe from the corner of the eye to the nose. If your eyes turn sour, you should consult a doctor. Before the navel heals, it is necessary to treat it with hydrogen peroxide and alcohol.

How to dry a child?

You cannot rub the baby with a towel, this can harm the delicate skin, you need to gently blot it dry.

How to care for folds?

To wipe the folds you will need special baby oil or baby cream and a cotton swab. The body can be treated with your hands using gentle massaging movements. As for the genitals, apply oil to the sponge and slowly, parting your lips, wipe from top to bottom (you can also use a cotton swab for this procedure). Do it very slowly and carefully so as not to cause pain or discomfort to the baby.

Removing water from ears

If water gets into the ears, hold the child upright, the water will flow out. Using a cotton swab or thin cotton wool, remove the residue; wipe the entire ear.

Other actions

If you bathed your child with various herbs, then there is no need to pour clean water over it. Just wrap your baby in a towel. After bathing is over, do not rush to unwrap your child; let the water soak into the towel, since it will freeze more likely if it is wet.

The parents waited all nine months for the birth of their little princess. And it happened! The tiny creature sniffles cutely next to you, and you make plans for the future, thinking about what your daughter will be like, what she will do and what she can achieve in life... But for all your dreams to become a reality, you will need to make every effort. The main thing that a baby needs is care and attention. Therefore, it is very important to know everything about infant hygiene.

Girl hygiene

Like any other baby, your daughter needs daily care. Girls' hygiene includes caring for their skin, hair, nails and genitals. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to the points that must be performed daily.

The sexual hygiene of a newborn girl deserves special attention. The thing is that babies do not yet have protection against infections, like an adult woman, and improper care of the genitals can lead to an inflammatory process.

Sometimes a mother may notice that the baby’s labia are fused. This phenomenon is a consequence of the girl’s poor hygiene.

Genital care includes the following rules:

  • the girl is washed from the pubis to the butt;
  • the washing procedure should be carried out exclusively under running water after each bowel movement and before bedtime;
  • use only soap without fragrance additives;
  • provide the baby with a separate towel and sponge;
  • Before washing, the mother must first wash her hands.

A girl is irritated - what to do?

If you notice irritation or diaper rash in your baby's groin area, then you can use a number of folk remedies. Washing with an infusion of medicinal herbs has proven to be excellent - calendula, oak bark, chamomile, sage, etc. But it is better to limit the use of laundry soap and potassium permanganate, since they greatly dry out the child’s skin.

Girls under 7 years of age should not be washed frequently with soap and care should be taken to ensure that the foam does not penetrate into the genital opening.

Girl's discharge

Many mothers are simply sure that their little daughters should not have any vaginal discharge. In fact, this is a misconception, and every girl should have discharge, regardless of age.

Normally, every newborn baby secretes mucus with a whitish tint from the genitals from time to time. It contains cells of desquamated vaginal epithelium and various microorganisms. If the baby is not restless, and the discharge does not cause her discomfort, then there is no reason for alarm. These are just physiological processes to which all women are subject.

Sometimes mothers may notice a white coating between the labia majora and minora that does not wash off even when washed. Don't be afraid! This is not the well-known and so terrible thrush, but just the secretion of the sebaceous glands - smegma. This type of discharge is not only completely harmless, but also very useful, since it serves as a protective layer for the vagina. If you are very concerned about the presence of this plaque, then you can periodically remove it with a cotton swab. This should be done as carefully as possible, lubricating the stick with regular boiled oil.

Hygiene of a newborn girl and underwear

Daily water procedures, treatment with creams and other components of a girl’s hygiene are familiar to almost every mother. But, unfortunately, not all women are responsible when choosing underwear for their baby. The growing expectant mother should grow up healthy. Therefore, it would be a good idea to pay attention to the quality of linen and diapers. Under no circumstances should they cause irritation to the baby or put pressure on the vagina. To do this, you need to follow only two rules: buy clothes made from natural fabrics (cotton, linen) and accurately calculate the size.

To protect your child from various types of infections, you need to change your underwear daily. It should only be washed with baby powder and rinsed thoroughly. Don't neglect ironing. It is necessary to iron not only the T-shirts and panties of the little princess, but also the bed linen, since the baby spends quite a lot of time in bed.

All experts, including Dr. Komarovsky, argue that it is necessary to accustom a child to hygiene from the first days of life. In this way, the girl will get used to doing personal hygiene in the future, and procedures such as brushing her teeth, washing and washing up will not become a burdensome task for her, but a completely natural and necessary activity. The hygiene of girls at an early age depends entirely on the mother, and the future of an adult girl depends on her efforts!

The birth of a child gives young parents a lot of worries and worries, because the well-being and health of the baby depends on them. Doubts arise even when carrying out ordinary, daily procedures. The child is still so small and weak that any wrong actions can cause harm. It is especially difficult for parents of newborn girls. Not only the condition of the skin, but also reproductive health in the future depends on how hygiene is maintained.


General hygiene rules for newborns

Daily morning hygiene procedures for newborns come down to washing the eyes and clearing the nose of mucus and dried crusts. For the first time, it is recommended to wipe the eyes with chamomile infusion, using gauze swabs made from a sterile bandage for this purpose. It is not recommended to use cotton pads, as microparticles of cotton getting into the eyes will cause irritation, even suppuration.

Neither girls nor boys should clean their ears at this age. In newborns, sulfur is formed in small quantities and only to cover the passages with a protective lubricant. It should be removed if contamination is obvious. To do this, use gauze soaked in a weak solution of furatsilin, wrapped around mother’s little finger. It is believed that it is enough to clean the space where the little finger can reach. The auditory canals cannot be cleaned with cotton swabs, even special ones for children, or with flagella: sulfur is compressed under their influence, and a plug may form.

Evening water procedures for girls are not much different from bathing any newborn. Particular attention is paid to the processing of folds. After bathing, they should be thoroughly dried with a soft towel, and the child should be left undressed in the crib for 5-10 minutes so that the skin dries well. It is advisable to treat the folds with a special baby cream, any cosmetic or calcined vegetable oil.

Intimate hygiene for girls

This is an important point in the hygiene of newborn girls. The main problem, according to pediatric gynecologists, is the proximity of the genital mucosa to the anus and constant contact with feces. Within half an hour, intensive proliferation of bacteria begins.

One should remember about the upward spread of infection. In newborn girls, the sphincters, which could partially retain pathogenic microflora, are poorly developed, protective mucus in the vagina is also not secreted, therefore, through the vagina and urethra, bacteria affect the internal genital organs, bladder, and kidneys. At such an early age, this is fraught with serious problems: adhesions and fusion of the fallopian tubes and uterus, which leads to infertility.

How to wash a newborn girl

Many mothers say that they wash their daughters thoroughly after every urination or every diaper change. There is nothing good in such diligent hygiene. The fact is that the mucous membrane of girls is populated with beneficial microorganisms that act as a lubricant for adult women, that is, they partially neutralize pathogenic microorganisms. Frequent washing leads to washing away beneficial bacteria and drying out the mucous membrane.

It is advisable to rinse the girl’s perineum under running water from front to back, that is, from the internal mucous membrane to the anus. This is done to prevent feces from entering the vagina. Only then can the child be lowered into the bathtub. This preliminary procedure will prevent feces from getting into the water and then throughout the body, including the eyes and mouth.

Video: Intimate hygiene of a newborn girl

What is smegma and how to remove it

Often parents notice a yellowish-cream or grayish coating on the labia of a newborn girl. This is smegma, or vernix, which is present in every newborn and covers the entire body at birth, including the genital mucosa. It is not so easy to wash off smegma right away; it is quite dense, greasy and sticky. But there is no need to persistently wash it off; it is enough to carry out normal genital hygiene, and in a few days it will go away on its own.

If there is too much secretion, then you can clean the outer labia with soap, and to remove smegma from the mucous membrane, use a soft cloth soaked in chamomile decoction. If the lubricant does not come off in one go, you cannot rub it persistently; it is better to leave it until the next bath and repeat the procedure.

Leaving smegma as it is is also undesirable. This is the result of the work of the sebaceous glands, an excellent breeding ground for the proliferation of bacteria.

What are synechiae and how to prevent them

Some parents believe that insufficient hygiene, frequent or, on the contrary, infrequent washing, the use of inappropriate products, as well as wet wipes for the intimate area leads to synechiae, or fusion of the labia minora. In fact, synechiae are both physiological characteristics and the result of microtrauma of the mucous membranes as a result of overdrying, friction, and aggressive washing. The cracks heal, and along with them, the shells grow together.

To avoid drying out the mucous membrane, doctors advise periodically lubricating it with cosmetic or vegetable oil. Baby cream or ointment is not suitable for these purposes, as it will become a good environment for the growth of bacteria. It is also advised to avoid talc: it can cause even greater dryness. In addition, when talc gets wet, it collects into lumps, which injure the mucous membrane.

Important: The doctor will tell you what to do with synechiae. In any case, the labia should be separated by a pediatrician or pediatric surgeon under sterile conditions. Independent actions will only harm the girl.

Synechia appears more often in girls 1-3 years old. Up to six months, fusion of the labia is a rare phenomenon, since the mother’s hormones are present in the body, which protect the mucous membrane from drying out with proper hygiene.

Video: E. Komarovsky about when to treat synechiae in girls

Bloody discharge from the genital tract in a newborn girl

On days 3-7 of life, a girl may experience bleeding from the genital tract, which greatly frightens parents. This phenomenon is quite common and completely normal. It's all about sex hormones transmitted from the mother, which at this time begin to manifest themselves. At this time, it is enough to pay a little more attention to genital hygiene; there is no need to be particularly zealous.

The phenomenon lasts from several days to 1-2 weeks. If after this time the discharge continues, the child should be shown to a doctor, as the matter may be due to some endocrine abnormalities.

Important: Pediatric gynecologists warn that, except for mucous-bloody discharge, there should be no other discharge from the girl’s genitals. If yellow, green, or even just copious liquid transparent or whitish discharge appears, the child should immediately be shown to a doctor.

Sometimes mothers confuse feces found when washing the mucous membrane of the genital organs with pathological discharge. In this case, the plaque should be removed, rinse the perineum under running water and continue hygiene procedures. If it was still a pathological discharge, then after a few hours it will appear again, and then the girl should be shown to a doctor.

Use of hygiene products for newborns

Modern industry offers a variety of care products for baby's delicate skin. For the most part, they are truly hypoallergenic and have been dermatologically tested. But are they really necessary?

Wet wipes can be used only as a last resort, when there is no access to water to cleanse the skin and genitals. Of course, these should be products intended for children. But even in this case, it is impossible to completely replace washing with wiping with napkins.

Usage controversy diapers do not subside among mothers of both boys and girls. Many arguments are given against them, which are almost immediately refuted. Pediatric gynecologists agree on the danger of feces getting into the vagina. Modern diapers successfully solve this problem by absorbing liquid baby feces almost immediately and preventing it from spreading onto the mucous membranes.

Of course, this does not mean that the child should be in a diaper around the clock. It is advisable to use it when going for a walk, during the day and at night, when going to the doctor or on a visit. At home, it is preferable for a girl to wear cotton panties or rompers, and even better, to leave her naked more often or, as mothers put it, “go naked.” This is an excellent hardening procedure that will help avoid irritation, dermatitis and other troubles characteristic of delicate children's skin.

On a note: You should not heat the room where the child is taking air baths; +20-22 degrees is enough. Otherwise there will be no point in hardening.

Soap and other cleaning products, including special ones for children, should not be used more than once a week. During the first months, pediatricians advise giving them up altogether. Warm water and herbal decoctions are excellent cleansers; besides, due to physiological characteristics, the baby hardly sweats. The only exceptions are copious smegma, which is difficult to wash off with plain water, and severe pollution.

Caring for a girl's mammary glands

In the first week of a baby's life, redness and engorgement of the mammary glands may occur. In some cases, they release a fluid similar to colostrum. As in the case of spotting, this is the result of the action of the same sex hormones of the mother. Collectively, the phenomenon is called a hormonal crisis.

The body undergoes restructuring in a maximum of 2 weeks. At this time, breast hygiene needs to be given a little more attention. Under no circumstances should you rub, massage, or squeeze out secretions from the glands, as well as apply various compresses, especially warming ones. It is enough to blot the released colostrum with a soft cloth soaked in furatsilin or chamomile infusion.

If the redness does not go away, the baby is experiencing pain, discomfort, itching, the girl is restless, sleeps poorly, and if colostrum discharge occurs for more than 2 weeks, the newborn should be shown to a doctor.

Video: What to do if a child has discharge from the mammary glands

When the first newborn girl appears in a family, inexperienced parents have many questions. Sometimes a mother comes home from the maternity hospital with her baby, but without the necessary knowledge. Very often you have to collect information on your own, asking something from pediatricians, learning something from grandmothers and friends. All parents want to raise a healthy and happy girl. And for this you need to give her your love and care. And, of course, every mother caring for her child should know the basics of hygiene. After all, not only the daughter’s well-being, but also the health of the future generation of the family depends on this. Let's figure out how to wash the baby and take care of the genitals correctly?

Features of the structure and physiology of the external genitalia in a newborn

In general, the structure and physiology of the external genitalia in girls corresponds to the structure of the organs in women. On the outside are the labia majora, followed by the labia minora, which cover the entrance to the vestibule of the vagina. But for a baby girl there are some differences:

  • close location of the vaginal opening to the anus;
  • the external genitalia are covered from the inside with a delicate, well-developed mucous membrane;
  • there is a posterior commissure of the labia minora;
  • there are a lot of glands on the labia;
  • the vaginal contents are acidic;
  • up to a year, the condition of the vagina is influenced by placental estrogens, the epithelium contains glycogen;
  • after a year, the protective functions of the vagina disappear, and the epithelial cover becomes thinner.

Mom needs to remember that the mucous membrane of the external genitalia and the environment of the baby’s vagina are able to independently prevent the occurrence of infection, and when leaving it is important not to affect this natural protection.

Sometimes a newborn girl may notice discharge from the external genitalia. They can be transparent, yellowish, gray-white, and sometimes reddish. Parents should not worry about this. This is how the sexual crisis of newborns manifests itself. It may also be accompanied by engorgement of the mammary glands and acne. A crisis occurs within a period of up to two months as a result of the child’s body being freed from the abundance of maternal estrogens. Bloody discharge lasts 1–2 days, after which it disappears on its own; no treatment is required. A sticky gray-white or light beige coating (vernix) between the labia and in the vagina is also normal. If there is only a small amount of such grease, then there is no need to specifically remove it. In case of discharge and plaque, the baby only needs regular washing under running water.

If the discharge continues for more than three days, has an unpleasant odor, is purulent, very abundant, and/or inflammation of the child’s external genitalia is observed, you should immediately consult a doctor.

It is imperative to wash the girl after stool, since contact with mucous membranes can cause inflammation. During hygiene procedures, it is highly undesirable to frequently use various care products, be it soap, wet wipes or powders. They can affect the vaginal environment, reducing its barrier function. And the substances contained in them contribute to dry skin and mucous membranes. You can use cleaning products no more than once a day, and they must be appropriate for the child’s age. Due to the fact that the mucous membrane of the girl’s external genitalia is very delicate, it is not recommended to use washcloths, sponges, napkins, or rough towels when washing and drying this area.

How to properly wash a girl: wisdom and remedies

Already in the maternity hospital, the medical worker must teach the mother all the intricacies of care. After arriving home, the rules remain the same.

They wash a newborn girl under running water when changing a diaper. It is not recommended to use baby care products. The sequence of actions when washing is as follows:

  1. Wash your own hands thoroughly.
  2. Turn on the tap water. Its temperature should match the temperature of the skin. You can check this with your own forearm or elbow, placing it under the stream. The mother (or another caring adult) should not feel either heat or cold.
  3. Take the baby so that her head lies on the elbow cavity, her back on the forearm. Use the hand on which the child is lying to clasp one leg. The second hand is free.
  4. Place the child's perineum under running water.
  5. With the second hand, strictly in the direction from front to back, first rinse only the girl’s labia, then the inguinal folds, removing all contaminants.
  6. Next, rinse the anal area and between the buttocks.
  7. Clean the skin around the perineum.
  8. Finally, gently pat your skin lightly with a clean, dry towel.
  9. If possible, leave the child to “ventilate” for 10–15 minutes.

Before bathing the baby, she must also be washed under running water. When washing, do not be overzealous and do not touch the mucous membranes. It is necessary to change the diaper and wash off dirt after each bowel movement of the baby.

Nothing special: ordinary clean (if in doubt, boiled) water, at room temperature, washed by hand, without any cotton wool or rags. The direction of movement is very important - from the pubis to the butt. There is no need to add any antiseptics (furacilin, potassium permanganate), baby soap (soapy water) - yes, but not often (1-2 times a week, and wash well). The main thing: prevention of problems - supporting the normal functioning of the mucous membranes, i.e. avoid overheating.

Komarovsky E. O.

Without a doctor's prescription, no medications or antibacterial agents should be used for washing and treating the external genitalia, as they disrupt the natural microflora of the child.

After air baths, you can put a diaper or absorbent panties on your baby. Modern diapers meet all safety requirements and do not negatively affect the child’s health (including the genital area) if properly cared for.

How to wash your baby in the first year - video

How to care for a little girl's genitals

When caring for a girl, hands should be washed, without long nails or inflammation. After washing, about once a day, the mother should examine her daughter’s genitals.

Intimate hygiene of a newborn - video If there are particles of feces, cream, powders, etc. behind the labia majora, it is necessary to remove the contamination. To do this, with clean hands you need to take a sterile cotton swab and soak it in sterile vegetable oil. At home, the oil is sterilized in a water bath for 30 minutes. Using movements from front to back, gently wipe the baby's labia. If necessary, change the tampon and repeat the procedure.

Sometimes a girl’s mother may notice the formation of a film between her labia. This film may appear as a result of fusion of the labia minora. This phenomenon is called synechia.

Synechia is the fusion of the labia minora in a girl. Fusion can be complete or partial.

Signs of synechia:

  • the labia are connected to each other by a membrane;
  • the genital slit does not open or is partially visible;
  • possible redness in the perineal area;
  • if the fusion has affected a large part, then the girl may have pain when washing (the mother will hear crying);
  • the stream of urine may change direction;
  • urine leakage occurs regularly.

Synechia is not such a rare occurrence. It occurs due to a lack of sex hormones - estrogens - in the girl’s body. Provoking factors for the occurrence of adhesions include:

  • allergic reactions in a child;
  • constant washing with soap and other cleaning products;
  • reusable wiping of the labia with wet wipes, sponges and washcloths;
  • no washing before taking a bath (contaminants can get into the child’s genital opening and cause inflammation);
  • genitourinary system infections;
  • too frequent washing or insufficient care of the girl’s genitals.

If you suspect the occurrence of synechia, you should contact a pediatric gynecologist.

Washing with chlorhexidine and furatsilin and other drugs can be carried out only after the recommendation of a doctor. These are medications, and their uncontrolled use can harm the child. Furacilin often no longer acts properly on microbes, since over the years of its use, pathogenic microorganisms have become resistant to it.

During the examination, the doctor chooses treatment tactics. If the fusion is small and does not cause any discomfort to the baby, then it is usually left and monitored in the future. When synechiae interferes with urination, causes discomfort and pain, the doctor dissects the film, having previously anesthetized the site of its formation. This manipulation is quick and painless for the child. Relapses can occur up to 5–7 years. To prevent them, it is necessary to remove provoking factors.

Synechia (fusion of the labia) - Doctor Komarovsky - video

Another frequently occurring problem is diaper rash. To reduce the risk of their occurrence, it is advisable to give your baby air baths more often. To prevent diaper rash, it is necessary to treat a child’s skin with special products designed for this purpose. Diaper cream should not be applied to the labia area. They can be used to coat the inguinal and intergluteal folds. It is better not to use powder, as it tends to roll into lumps.

Using a diaper not only makes the life of a modern mother easier, but also helps babies remain comfortable even at such a young age. Thanks to this assistant, the child’s skin is not irritated by constant contact with moisture. A diaper for a girl is often chosen experimentally. It should absorb well and be suitable for the baby, i.e. not cause allergic reactions on the skin.

By following all the rules, the mother will be able to prevent many diseases and lay the right foundation for the growth and development of her daughter. At the same time, it is important to remember that approaching the issue of hygiene with special zeal is just as bad as not observing it at all. The mother's clean, caring hands, running water and a soft, washed towel are all that is needed in most cases to care for the young lady.

By prematurely removing the vernix, you will harm the baby because you will wash away the protective layer from easily vulnerable skin and mucous membranes. But if there is still a need to remove it, then this will require extremely delicate actions from the mother. To remove plaque, you can use cotton pads and warm boiled water, and Using baby wipes for this procedure is highly undesirable!

In the first week of life, mucous-bloody discharge may appear from the girl’s genitals. This phenomenon is due to the presence of crumbs of mother’s hormones in the body. It does not require special treatment and goes away on its own.

If there is redness of the genitals, a change in the color and smell of the discharge, then you must urgently seek medical help!

Make sure your baby has personal hygiene items.

The girl will need:

  • your soap;
  • towel;
  • napkins;
  • cotton pads.

A newborn girl must be properly washed in the morning, evening and after each bowel movement. This forms the basis of hygiene. During the procedure, mother’s hands should be washed clean with hypoallergenic baby soap!

When washing, it is necessary to ensure the correct direction of the water - from front to back, from the pubis to the butt, so that feces residues do not fall into the baby’s genitals and cause infection.

Girls can only be washed in warm running water. When using baby wipes, the same direction of movement is maintained as when washing.

It is important to follow the correct sequence of actions when cleaning the genitals. Use a soft napkin made of natural fabric to blot the genital slit, labia, groin and anus. To avoid infection, do not wipe the inside of the labia.

The golden rule of hygiene for a newborn girl is moderation. This concerns the frequency and “depth” of the process. Excessive attention to intimate hygiene can harm the baby, since many beneficial bacteria live on the skin; if the mother abuses water procedures, she deprives the child of natural protection and increases the risk of infection.

Contact of soap on the delicate mucous membrane of the labia and vagina can cause vaginitis. It is recommended to replace soap with pH neutral products, but even they can be used in the genital area only as needed (no more than 1-2 times a day), and the optimal use would be 1-2 times a week.

Baby wipes for intimate hygiene of babies should not contain alcohol or antiseptics.

When maintaining newborn hygiene, it is necessary to take into account the benefits of air baths () for the child’s health. Carrying them out in sufficient quantities (10-15 minutes after washing) will allow you to forget about skin problems and strengthen the baby.

The rules for caring for a girl’s genitals boil down to:

  • Hygienic procedures are carried out only in warm running water, it is better to use soap only when necessary, no more than once a day, and if possible even less often;
  • You should not use regular soap; it can be replaced with a pH neutral product recommended for use in children under one year of age;
  • all procedures are carried out only with the mother’s clean hands;
  • You can’t rub your genitals, you can gently blot them;
  • the baby needs to be provided with individual hygiene items;
  • When choosing underwear for a girl, you should give preference to natural fabrics. Underwear should not interfere with the child's movements.

Caring for a girl's mammary glands

During the first week of the baby’s life, “engorgement”, redness of the mammary glands and the release of colostrum may be observed. This is due to the presence of maternal estrogens in the baby’s body and adaptation to new living conditions. This condition does not require special treatment.

It is forbidden to rub, massage the mammary glands, or try to squeeze out colostrum.

If body temperature rises, redness, or swelling increases, immediate consultation with a doctor is recommended, since mastitis is a common complication of improper care of the mammary glands of newborns.

When to teach a girl to practice self-hygiene

A girl begins to be taught hygiene procedures from birth. First, the mother regularly bathes, washes, combs her hair, washes the baby’s hands and feet, and hygiene becomes a common occurrence for her.

As a rule, the mother instills independence in the baby by example. The principles of approach to hygiene for a 2-year-old girl do not differ from the rules for caring for her at an earlier age. It must be washed in the morning and evening, and additionally if necessary. As the child grows older, he is given independence in this procedure under the supervision of his mother.

You should not allow your baby to sit without panties on a chair or sofa that you are not sure is clean. It is necessary to explain to the child that you need to touch your genitals as little as possible, this will reduce the risk of infection and inflammation of the mucous membrane. At 3-4 years old, you need to instill in your baby the skills of using toilet paper. From this same age, it is necessary to constantly explain that she should always be beautiful, take care of her hair, teeth, nails and body.