
Ingrown hairs what to do. What are ingrown hairs and what do they look like? Deeply ingrown facial hair


Ingrown hairs are hairs that, from the very beginning, wrap around themselves and begin to grow into the follicle; or hairs that were unable to grow from the follicle and remain inside, as if embedded in the skin. Such hairs can appear anywhere: on the face, neck, legs and any other part of the body. They usually cause only minor irritation, but can also cause significant pain and are quite unsightly. Moreover, if left as is, ingrown hairs can form an infected area around them. Unfortunately, even though ingrown hairs are more common among people with curly hair, almost all of us experience them from time to time, especially if you regularly shave or pluck your hair - here ingrown hairs will appear quite often. Have you already found one of these? Follow these instructions to get rid of an ingrown hair and prevent new ones from appearing in the same place.

You will need:
- clean soft washcloth and warm water;
- sterile needle tweezers or small needle;
- local antiseptic;
- moisturizing cream or lotion;
- an effective but delicate scrub.

Scrub/exfoliate the area. Twice a day, !carefully! Use a scrub to treat the area with ingrown hair. This, as expected, will help remove dead skin cells, dirt and skin oils, which may be keeping the ingrown hair inside. This can also physically push the tip of the hair outward, out of the skin. To achieve this effect, you need to exfoliate sufficiently, but do not overdo it, as the ingrown hair may begin to bleed. In addition, constant and intense exfoliation will only lead to the fact that this area will become very sensitive, flaky and may become even more inflamed - and then you will not be able to touch the ingrown hair at all due to pain. It is very difficult to completely remove an ingrown hair from the inside with one scrub. If in doubt, scrub more delicately and carefully, but for a long time. Try touching the area from different angles. Use an exfoliating glove or one of the following methods:

Exfoliation with Tylenol (2-3 tablets are dissolved in a few drops of water (a few drops, no more!), knead the tablets with your fingers to a paste, apply the resulting product to the desired area and massage in a circular motion into the skin for 1-2 minutes; then rinse warm water; choose tablets without shell; do not rub for longer than 1-2 minutes, otherwise you will damage the skin);

You can treat your feet with salt (clean the area of ​​skin; spread half a teaspoon of salt and a little shower gel in your palms, apply to the desired area and rub in in a circular motion; rinse with water; do not forget to lubricate the area with moisturizing lotion afterwards - salt dries the skin; do not press too hard - salt is a rather coarse element);

Exfoliation with olive oil and sugar (clean the skin, wipe the area with a hot cloth, then olive oil - preferably cold pressed - wipe the desired area; take some sugar and rub it in your hands, then apply to the desired area and massage gently for 20-30 s ; rinse with warm water).

Apply a medicated acne treatment locally to the area.. Ingrown hairs are quite similar to pimples, especially when the ingrown hair is accompanied by inflammation. Try benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid several times a day for several days. In combination with daily exfoliation, this can be quite enough to remove ingrown hair, because the swelling will subside, giving the hair more opportunity to grow outward rather than inward. If you don’t have any suitable medical supplies at hand, you can try the following:

Aspirin method (an aspirin tablet is ground in water at the rate of 1 part aspirin to 2 parts water, making a paste of dense consistency; using a cotton swab, the paste is applied strictly to the area with an ingrown hair/pimple (the skin area and the stick/finger are pre-treated with alcohol) ; let the paste dry on the area for as long as you can - at least 30 minutes; then wash it off your face with a clean, damp cloth);

Toothpaste (apply precisely and wait a while).

To soften the skin. Simply wet a clean cloth with hot water, wring it out and press it onto the area with the ingrown hair. When the napkin has cooled, hold it under hot water again and apply it again. If you see that an ingrown hair is embedded in the skin, this procedure will soften the hair and bring it closer to the surface. If you don't see the hair at first, leave a warm compress on the desired area until the hair reaches the surface of the skin. If you hold the compress for 10 minutes and there are still no signs of hair, you yourself will no longer be able to remove it, or perhaps there is some other problem along with the hair in this area. It may be time to see your doctor for a skin cancer check.

Use a sterile needle, forceps, tweezers or any suitable medical device to very carefully lure the hair out from under the skin. A warm compress should bring the hair to the surface - do not dig into the skin behind the hair if it just doesn’t want to come out. Do not pull out the hair completely if this can be avoided (otherwise the area of ​​skin is much more likely to become inflamed); just make sure that the ingrown hair comes to the surface of the skin. This may take some time, especially if you do it carefully - as required: be patient and do not cut the skin.

Sometimes a loop of hair can be seen close to the surface of the skin. This means that the tip of the hair has begun to grow inward. If you have a needle at hand, put it under the loop and pull lightly: most often in this case the tip will quickly release.

If you choose tweezers or tweezers, remember that they can have either a flat or a needle tip; you need the latter option, as it will cause less damage to the skin around the hair.

Apply antiseptic to avoid infection. Avoid wearing tight-fitting clothing in the area for a few days and exfoliate the area regularly to prevent new ingrown hairs from appearing. You may want to apply a special ingrown hair product to the area every day to help prevent ingrown hairs from appearing.

Sometimes ingrown hairs do not move at all, because they are buried too deep. If the above methods don't work, talk to your doctor or dermatologist to get a prescription for the right medication.


Before use (the site of the ingrown hair may already be inflamed, plus in this case it is easy to get an infection), all instruments must be sterilized: boil them or clean them with alcohol;

Before any procedures, skin with ingrown hairs also needs to be thoroughly cleaned;

The longer the hair, the less likely it is to get back under the skin. So one way to avoid ingrown hairs is to not press the blades so hard against the skin when shaving and to use a razor with one rather than several blades (but this method is not suitable for many people);

Use only a moisturizer in this area that does not cause acne - it does not clog pores or increase inflammation.

Not only are ingrown hairs quite annoying, but they can also lead to potentially harmful conditions such as folliculitis, where the hair follicle becomes infected, or unsightly razor bumps.

The problem of ingrown hair affects both men and women. The former often encounter it in the area of ​​facial hair, the latter - when shaving their legs, in the bikini area and armpits. Basically, no matter what you choose - a razor or wax - you run the risk of encountering this problem.

Reasons for appearance

During depilation (this includes hair removal with wax or depilator, sugaring), the upper part of the hair is removed, while the hair follicles remain. Moreover, the procedure leads to damage to the hair follicles, and the skin becomes rougher after depilation. As a result, new hair begins to grow at the wrong angle, cannot break through the top layer of skin and bends at the hair follicle.

Shaving, the most common and cheapest hair removal procedure, also leads to the formation of ingrown hairs. After shaving, the skin along with the hair follicles becomes inflamed and irritated. Due to inflammation of the hair follicles, the growth of new hair is disrupted, causing it to remain under the skin. If the problem is ignored, it gets worse: the hair at the base of the bulb thickens, and further normal growth becomes impossible.

How to get rid of ingrown hair?

There are many ways to get rid of ingrown hair. We offer some of them.

  • Prepare a mixture with the following ingredients: regular or sea salt (0.5 cups), 2 tsp. orange oil, moisturizer.

Rub on your face, rinse with cool water, wipe and lubricate with another mixture: salicylic alcohol plus calendula tincture (equal parts). Finally, cover this area with baby cream.

The scrub is hard, so the procedure is somewhat painful, but effective. As a result, the hairs are pulled out of the skin and the wounds heal.

  • Take a mixture of bodyaga powder and hydrogen peroxide in equal proportions.

Apply to the face and leave for no longer than 15 minutes until it burns. Next, wash off and lubricate with cream. It is useful to perform five procedures in a row (daily). This way you can get rid of both problem hairs and stains after them.

  • Make an aspirin solution (2 tablets in half a glass of water).

If you wipe your skin with this solution, there will be no irritation or ingrown hair.

  • Or a mixture of aspirin and glycerin.

Apply to the problem area and leave for an hour to two. The mixture “brings” the hair to the surface, where it can be easily removed with tweezers.

Self-removal of ingrown hair at home

Step-by-step instructions will help us remove ingrown hair at home. For this manipulation, you need to stock up on a thin sterile needle (if the hair has grown deeply) and manicure tweezers. Before starting the procedure, medical tweezers must be treated with medical alcohol or an antiseptic (chlorhexedine).

  1. We steam the skin in the shower to expand the pores as much as possible. Using a scrub, we get rid of the dead layer of skin.
  2. The area of ​​the ingrown hair is also treated with alcohol or an antiseptic.
  3. You need to find the tip of the hair and carefully pick it up with a needle, slowly pulling it out, clamp the protruding hair with tweezers and pull it out by the roots. At this stage, it is extremely important not to break off the hair and remove it entirely, otherwise it will grow back.
  4. Lubricate the skin with an antiseptic or, better yet, an alcohol tincture of calendula, which has an anti-inflammatory effect.

This method is suitable only in situations where ingrown hairs are clearly visible.

Non-invasive treatment

An antibacterial ointment based on erythromycin (40 rubles), clindamycin (Dalacin gel 850 rubles) or benzoyl peroxide (Baziron 800 rubles) is applied to the skin to relieve inflammation, i.e. relieving redness and swelling (1-2 days).

Then the skin is steamed and the dead epidermis is exfoliated using a scrub:

  1. You can buy a ready-made salt scrub at the pharmacy.
  2. Or use this recipe for a homemade scrub - 0.5 kg of table salt, 1 package of turmeric and 200 ml of vegetable oil (mix everything).
  3. Coffee scrub - 3 teaspoons of vegetable oil, 2 cups of ground coffee or coffee grounds, half a glass of sugar, mix everything.

After thoroughly rinsing the affected area and following this procedure, the hair is released immediately or in the next 24 hours. If necessary, repeat the procedure.

You can try this method:

  • Chlorhexidine or hydrogen peroxide (2 parts), badyaga ointment (1 part), stir and apply for 5 minutes only to the problem area, then rinse thoroughly. This method is not suitable in all cases and not for everyone, since badyaga promotes hair growth.

When inflammation begins:

  • You can buy Skinoren gel or any acne remedy with salicylic acid at the pharmacy.


The most effective home remedies used to prevent and remove ingrown hairs are homemade peeling scrubs. A cosmetic procedure such as scrubbing can give a good visible effect almost from the first use due to the fact that the old upper layer of the epidermis is renewed and softened.

Scrub recipes for ingrown hairs on legs:

  1. Scrub based on bodyagi. Pure bodyaga or a mixture of bodyaga powder and hydrogen peroxide (1:1) will help get rid of not only ingrown hairs, but also skin pigmentation that occurs after them. Apply the composition 10-15 times to the area of ​​hairs embedded in the skin, then lubricate the skin with moisturizer or baby oil.
  2. Salt scrub. Prepare a scrub that heals wounds and brings ingrown hairs closer to the surface of the skin. Take 2-3 tbsp. l. fine salt, add a little moisturizer and 2 tsp. oils (olive, peach, orange). The consistency should be creamy. Rub the prepared product onto your skin while showering. Afterwards, treat the skin with a mixture of calendula tincture and salicylic acid (1:1). Complete the scrubbing procedure by applying nourishing baby oil to your skin.
  3. Scrub with aspirin. Mix 3-4 tablets of acetylsalicylic acid, 1 tsp. honey and a few drops of water. Apply the prepared mixture directly to the areas of ingrown hair for 15-20 minutes. This product perfectly exfoliates the skin, relieves inflammation and helps prevent their occurrence.
  4. Sugar scrub. Make a scrub that has a softening and disinfecting effect on the skin. Mix 2-3 tbsp. l. brown sugar with 1 tbsp. l. oils (olive, grape or jojoba) and 10-15 drops of tea tree oil.

Scrubbing should be applied the day before the planned hair removal and 2-3 days after. It is strictly not recommended to use a scrub immediately after hair removal. After the scrubbing procedure, be sure to moisturize, nourish and soften the skin.


The most popular remedies for solving the problem of ingrown hairs:

  1. Vaniqa cream. The base is 13.9% eflorintin hydrochloride; when applied 1-2 times a day in the area of ​​ingrown hair, this process significantly reduces.
  2. Cream based on Tretinoin. Reduces skin clogging, thins the epidermis and prevents abnormal hair growth.
  3. "Follivit" cream. Prevents ingrown hairs, inflammatory processes on the skin and sets the right direction for hair growth.
  4. Eldoquin absorbent cream. The main active ingredient in it is 4% hydroquinone, which can combat not only ingrown hairs, but also skin pigmentation.

A distinctive feature of creams for ingrown hairs is the presence of a peeling effect, which is achieved thanks to the fruit acids included in the composition.

Saline solution

The sea salt solution simultaneously exfoliates the skin and relieves inflammation. The treatment procedure consists of several stages.

  1. Mix ½ cup coarse salt with moisturizer until thick and add 2 teaspoons orange or lavender oil.
  2. Apply the resulting product to the skin, rub thoroughly and leave for 5 minutes.
  3. Rinse off the scrub with cool water and dry your skin with a towel.
  4. To heal the skin, prepare a solution of 100 grams of salicylic alcohol and 50 grams of calendula tincture. Lubricate damaged areas of skin with it.
  5. Then apply baby cream.

If, as a result of treatment for ingrown hairs, small scars and dark spots are left on the body, you can get rid of them using salicylic ointment or tea tree oil.

Laser removal

Many people consider laser removal of ingrown hairs the best solution to the problem. It is carried out by experienced specialists in beauty salons and centers.

  • How to get rid of ingrown hairs using laser? The essence of the technology is that the laser beam completely destroys the pigment of the hair follicle and the hair itself. Due to the fact that ingrown hairs are usually dark, the result is guaranteed.
  • The procedure is performed using special equipment (Lumenis LightSheer), which eliminates both sprouted hair and those located under the skin: the diode laser, as already mentioned, has a detrimental effect on the pigment of the follicle. In preparation for the procedure, the skin is thoroughly shaved.

To completely get rid of the problem, laser removal is carried out at least three times. After all, the procedure removes only hairs in the growth stage: both normal and ingrown. Hair will no longer grow in their place. But others will grow, not destroyed the first time. Therefore, in order to completely clear the desired area of ​​hair, a course of several procedures is required.

Removal in a clinic setting

If the ingrown hair has become a lump with purulent contents, there is a tendency for inflammation to spread, or independent actions have been taken that led to suppuration, you should consult a dermatologist:

  • the purulent pustule is opened with a surgical scalpel or sterile needle;
  • cleansed of pus and hair;
  • washed with an antiseptic (hydrogen peroxide, chlorhexidine);
  • a sterile bandage with antimicrobial ointment is applied.

It would seem that these simple steps can be carried out at home. But this is a big mistake: it is difficult to maintain sterility at all stages of the procedure at home, and there is a high chance of introducing additional infection into the skin.


To prevent irritation and suppuration from appearing, the hair removal procedure must be carried out correctly.

  1. Immediately before depilation or epilation, the skin should be thoroughly steamed and rubbed with any favorite scrub. If there is none, then you can use a rough washcloth, which you need to thoroughly rub the treated area. Naturally, if we are talking about delicate areas, such as the face or bikini area, then the efforts should be controlled.
  2. Shaving cannot be done without foam. It not only makes it easier to glide, but also moisturizes the skin, softens it, allowing you to cut hairs more effectively.
  3. After hair removal, the skin must be treated with a drying and disinfecting lotion. And then also moisturizers.

Also, you should not perform the hair removal procedure too often, especially if your skin is sensitive. Two to four times a month is optimal.

Update: October 2018

Ingrown hair on the legs and other parts of the body, medically called pseudofolliculitis, is part of a group of hair growth disorders. In this case, the hair shaft remains under the skin and begins to grow in the opposite direction, i.e. deep into the skin.

In the vast majority of cases, they occur in places where unwanted hair is regularly removed: on the neck, face, legs, armpits and pubic area. Outwardly they look like a small area of ​​swelling, accompanied by redness and itching.

Women may notice ingrown hair in the bikini area: a lump formed on the skin is pseudofolliculitis. The inflammatory nature of the pathology can be of varying degrees of severity - in half of the cases purulent contents are visible through the skin, but inflammation occurs in any case, since the ingrown hair is perceived by the skin as a foreign body.

Risk group

Ingrown hairs due to traumatic effects on the skin are a feature that is observed in some people: all men shave, and women use one or another method of hair removal, while the problem of pseudofolliculitis is observed in only a part of them.

Representatives of the Negroid race and those with coarse, curly hair and dry skin are susceptible to this disease. Such a feature as the acute angle of inclination of the hair follicles in relation to the surface of the skin also contributes to ingrowth.

Causes of ingrown hairs

Consequence of depilation performed at home

Methods such as shaving with a razor, electric razors, hair removal using special creams and wax strips remove only the subcutaneous, protruding part of the hair, and the hair follicles remain inside the skin. With each subsequent depilation, the hair weakens and becomes thinner, and the skin, on the contrary, coarsens and thickens: the keratinized epidermis does not peel off and closes the mouths of the follicles.

Thus, the thin hair shaft cannot break through and begins to curl into a spiral and grow in the opposite direction. After hair removal, ingrown hairs become visible within 1-2 days. In some cases, you should abandon the method of hair removal (depilatories, hot wax, etc.) that causes this problem and replace it with another method, for example, sugaring (thick sugar paste).

Lack of skin preparation before and after depilation

Before shaving, you should apply softening and moisturizing products to your hair and skin, as well as use special products for shaving and subsequent care for irritated skin: even the most gentle hair removal is a mini-stress for the dermis.

Violation of hair shaving technique

Shaving against the grain, using dull blades, extremely careful shaving of hair from the same area, strong pressure and stretching of the skin when shaving, very frequent shaving.


A rare, but still occurring reason is when a person’s keratinization is accelerated and the epithelium becomes rough and dense, through which it is difficult for the hair shaft to break through.

Rubbing the shaved area of ​​skin with tight, tight clothing

Signs of pseudofolliculitis

  • Local redness and swelling of the skin area that has been depilated. This is the very first sign that develops even before ingrown hair.
  • Dense papules, accompanied by pain and resembling nodules, that appear within 2-3 days after shaving.
  • The tip of a hair visible through the skin or a loop of hair protruding from the outside. These signs are not always visible.
  • Suppuration of the nodule may develop: yellowish contents are visible through the skin.
  • Formation of dense nodules and white pimples called milia. It occurs within 1-2 weeks, with further ingrowth of the hair shaft and no treatment.
  • In a complicated course: infectious abscesses and ulcers, most often caused by bacteria of the genus Pseudomonas or staphylococci.

Further symptoms depend on the tactics for managing ingrown hair.

  • The exit of the hair shaft due to independent overcoming of the skin barrier is a local inflammatory reaction that gradually subsides.
  • Opening a nodule on your own using an unsterile needle or tweezers, squeezing it out with dirty hands (in most cases) leads to infection of the follicle and melting of the nodules with the formation of purulent pustules, after resolution of which long-term hyperpigmentation and keloid scars remain.
  • Removal of ingrown hairs in a beauty salon or medical facility results in the formation of an aseptic wound, after resolution of which slight hyperpigmentation remains for some time.

Differential diagnosis

Ingrown hairs are differentiated from ostiofolliculitis, folliculitis, acne vulgaris, follicular hyperkeratosis, pyoderma.

How to remove ingrown hair in a medical facility

If the ingrown hair has become a lump with purulent contents, there is a tendency for inflammation to spread, or independent actions have been taken that led to suppuration, you should consult a dermatologist:

  • the purulent pustule is opened with a surgical scalpel or sterile needle;
  • cleansed of pus and hair;
  • washed with an antiseptic (hydrogen peroxide, chlorhexidine);
  • a sterile bandage with antimicrobial ointment is applied.

It would seem that these simple steps can be carried out at home. But this is a big mistake: it is difficult to maintain sterility at all stages of the procedure at home, and there is a high chance of introducing additional infection into the skin. It is especially dangerous to touch purulent pustules located on the face and neck: a rich network of blood vessels contributes to the rapid spread of infection.

Self-removal of ingrown hairs

Permissible only at the stage of aseptic inflammation (before pus). These methods should not be used on the neck and face.

Non-invasive treatment

An antibacterial ointment based on erythromycin (40 rubles), clindamycin (Dalacin gel 850 rubles) or benzoyl peroxide (Baziron 800 rubles) is applied to the skin to relieve inflammation, i.e. relieving redness and swelling (1-2 days). Then the skin is steamed and the dead epidermis is exfoliated using a scrub:

  • You can buy a ready-made salt scrub at the pharmacy.
  • Or use this recipe for a homemade scrub - 0.5 kg of table salt, 1 package of turmeric and 200 ml of vegetable oil (mix everything).
  • Coffee scrub - 3 teaspoons of vegetable oil, 2 cups of ground coffee or coffee grounds, half a glass of sugar, mix everything.

After thoroughly rinsing the affected area and following this procedure, the hair is released immediately or in the next 24 hours. If necessary, repeat the procedure.

  • You can try this method

Chlorhexidine or hydrogen peroxide (2 parts), badyaga ointment (1 part), stir and apply for 5 minutes only to the problem area, then rinse thoroughly. This method is not suitable in all cases and not for everyone, since badyaga promotes hair growth.

  • When inflammation begins

You can purchase Skinoren gel or any acne remedy with salicylic acid at the pharmacy (see).

Invasive method, involves the use of a sterile needle and tweezers

It is highly not recommended to open a nodule with purulent contents. Ideally, it should be a translucent or protruding arch of hair. What to do - the skin at the procedure site, hands and tweezers are thoroughly treated with medical alcohol. Using a sterile needle from a new syringe, carefully pry up the hair and release it. If necessary, use tweezers. After the procedure, the skin is treated with medical alcohol and an antibiotic ointment is applied to the wound. For several days until complete healing, you should avoid depilating this area.

Prevention of pseudofolliculitis - how to deal with ingrown hairs

  • Replacing depilatory products. If pseudofolliculitis occurs from a razor, you should switch to an electric epilator (electric razor in the case of men), wax strips or depilatory cream, sugaring
  • Stop shaving temporarily— representatives of the stronger sex can give up shaving, at least for a while, especially since the brutal look with stubble or a beard is now in fashion.
  • Proper skin care before and after hair removal. The skin should be steamed and cleaned of dead epithelium. You can also massage the skin and thereby straighten the hairs. When using a mechanical razor, be sure to use special shaving gels and foams. After the procedure, the skin is lubricated with an antiseptic, and then with emollient and anti-inflammatory creams and lotions.
  • Follow the depilation technique. When shaving with a mechanical razor, movements are made according to hair growth. Do not stretch the skin, repeatedly run the razor over one place, etc. Electric shavers and epilators always come with instructions that should be followed.
  • Shave hairs that have grown at least 2 mm. This is especially true for women who are ready to shave their hair in the bikini area and armpits every day.
  • Use products to reduce the rate of hair growth: soothing cream after depilation from Dr. Bio, Planta cream that slows hair growth from AL CAPTAIN, etc.
  • There are also special inhibitors against ingrown hairs.(for example, Clean+Easy wipes). However, they are expensive and their effectiveness is highly questionable.
  • Scrubs can be used only 3-4 days after depilation; they should not be used frequently, intensively or when the skin is peeling.
  • After the scrub, be sure to apply a moisturizer, since dry skin is one of the main causes of ingrown hairs.
  • If pigmentation occurs after ingrown hairs, you can use depilatory cream, salicylic ointment, ichthyol ointment, badyagu.

Soothing cream after depilation Aloe Vera from Dr. Bio 150 rub. Cream Beauty Image “Foli-End” for ingrown hairs 680 rub. Planta cream that slows hair growth from AL CAPTAIN 260 rub. Clean+Easy napkins, about 900 rub.

Lotion for removing ingrown hairs “Ingrow Go”1200 rub.

Spray to slow down hair growth “Hair No More”1200 rub.

Professional removal of unwanted hair

It is carried out in specialized institutions and will prevent ingrown bikini hair on the legs. The method of hair removal required in each specific case should be recommended by a dermatologist, taking into account the characteristics of the skin and hair. Soft methods of depilation include bioepilation methods: sugaring and waxing, but they do not always give the desired effect, which in any case is temporary.

Methods such as electrolysis, laser and photoepilation are non-contact and atraumatic, act directly on the hair follicles and allow you to completely remove unwanted hairs, preventing their further growth. Contraindicated in the presence of skin infections and diseases, cancer, hypersensitivity to physical methods, pregnancy and lactation.

  • Photoepilation. By absorbing heat, the hair shaft becomes a conductor and delivers light energy to the hair growth area, which leads to its destruction.
  • For laser and electrolysis A targeted effect is carried out on the hair follicle using a laser beam or electric current. The final effect is destruction of the hair growth zone.

Thus, if you have an ingrown hair, treatment should not be postponed, but you should approach it wisely, and not try to squeeze out the pustule with dirty hands!

Nothing ruins your appearance more than ingrown hairs after the removal procedure. Moreover, they can grow in both after shaving and after depilation (pulling out with an epilator, wax, sugar paste). In most cases, you can fight them quite successfully if you constantly devote time to simple manipulations and procedures.


Two main processes can lead to the formation of ingrown hairs.

  • Changes in the shape of the hair follicle, and especially its mouth.
Photo: spiral-twisted hair

The main reason for changes in the structure of the hair follicle is a violation of the hair removal technique. According to the rules, it is necessary to shave hair against its growth, remove it with paste or wax strictly in or against the direction of hair growth.

If you do not follow this simple rule during depilation, you can easily damage the follicles, after which their lumens turn from straight to crimped.

Hair from such follicles grows either at a very slight angle to the skin, gradually growing back, or begins to grow inside the skin, twisting into a spiral.

  • Overgrowth of the mouth of the hair follicle with keratinized skin.

Another process is the overgrowing of the mouth of the follicle with layers of keratinized epidermis, which is why weakened hair cannot reach the surface of the skin. This process is aggravated by inflammation, due to which the mouth of the follicle narrows even more.

More pronounced ingrown hair causes a change in hormonal levels, which is observed in women in the first half of the menstrual cycle, with hormonal imbalance in a number of endocrinological diseases, wearing tight clothes and underwear made of synthetic materials. Dark, coarse hair grows more often in people with thick skin.

The process of ingrown hair is aggravated by inflammation that develops in the hair follicles and adjacent tissues. The cause is the presence of a foreign body, which becomes an ingrown hair.

The severity can vary from the formation of red spots over the area of ​​the ingrown hair, to the formation of a real abscess, which can mature for several months and require surgical opening.

How to remove ingrown hair

There are several ways to get rid of it.

Regular use of scrubs

This method is ideal for those who regularly notice ingrown hairs. But these hairs are located superficially and do not provoke severe inflammation with the formation of pus. Typically, such hair is visible under a thin layer of skin and can be easily plucked with a fingernail or needle.

But in order not to inflict abrasions on yourself, which will then heal with brown spots, and not to cause an infection, it is better to abandon violent methods of removing ingrown hairs and use exfoliating products.
  • You can use the scrub for the first time already on the second or third day after depilation, if the redness has already passed;
  • then you need to scrub the skin about 3 times a week;
  • Every time before using an exfoliant, you need to take a warm shower, or even better, soak in a warm bath to steam your skin properly;
  • Be sure to use a moisturizer after the scrub.

Using deep exfoliation products

If scrubs do not help or help little, then you can use preparations containing salicylic acid or enzymes. This could be a medication to treat acne or cosmetics to deep cleanse the skin.

There are also remedies for ingrown hairs after depilation with enzymes such as papain and bromelain. They can be used for ingrown hairs on the legs and in the outer bikini area. An additional effect of these products is a delay in hair regrowth after hair removal.

How to use exfoliants:

  • you should not use salicylic acid, which you can buy at the pharmacy, without dilution, it will cause a chemical burn;
  • cosmetic or medicinal products with exfoliants can be applied to the entire surface of the skin, or can be applied to spots if the ingrown hairs are single;
  • exfoliating agents can only be applied to treat an existing problem; for prevention, only products specifically designed for this purpose can be used;
  • products with papain and bromelain must be applied immediately after hair removal, before the mouths of the hair follicles are closed, then the effect of these products will be maximum.

Surgical removal of ingrown hairs

If scrubs and exfoliants do not help, you can try to remove the ingrown hair with tweezers or a needle. You should only do such things yourself if there is no purulent inflammation at the site of the ingrown hair. Otherwise, you can introduce an infection into the bloodstream and get serious complications. Any purulent foci, even if it is just an ingrown hair, should be opened by a surgeon.

You need to carry out manipulations armed with an antiseptic and a needle from a sterile syringe, so as not to cause an infection.

After you have treated the skin with an antiseptic solution, use a needle to grab a loop of ingrown hair or one of its spirals growing under the skin and pull the free end to the surface.

For the same purpose, you can use thin tweezers, but it must first be treated with an antiseptic, and also after removal.

If you see suppuration or thickening of tissue at the site of the ingrown hair, it is better to consult a surgeon. It happens that the amount of pus that comes out of the compaction is similar to what happens with deep boils.

In this case, the doctor may even install a special drainage so that the wound is completely cleaned and heals with a thin scar. If the abscess has not yet formed, then before opening the surgeon will recommend local treatment.

How to reduce the risk of ingrowth

It has been noticed that in different people, hair grows into the skin with different frequency and intensity. If you are seriously concerned about this problem, you should not completely abandon caring for your body; you need to choose a method of getting rid of hair that will reduce the risk of ingrown hairs to a minimum.

And here's how you can do it:

  • if you do depilation yourself, contact a specialist in the salon for at least several procedures: if the number of ingrown hairs decreases, adopt the depilation technique of the specialist whose results suit you;
  • You shouldn’t change waxing to sugaring if the procedure is performed by the same specialist, it’s not a matter of consumables, but a hair removal technique;
  • If you have tried shaving, all types of hair removal and still have the problem of ingrown hairs, then do laser hair removal: this method of hair removal will also save you from constant ingrown hairs.

Which will be absolutely useless in terms of getting rid of

  • If hair grows, you need to change the method of removing it.

You should not hope that the problem will solve itself. You shouldn’t listen to forum users who think that just start using a scrub and all your problems will be solved immediately. If the scrub does not help, then you need to look for alternative options for getting rid of unnecessary vegetation.

For example, if the cause of ingrown hairs is any of the methods of depilation, then you can abandon them in favor of a razor or laser hair removal, photoepilation and other methods of long-term hair removal.
  • You should not use depilatory creams to remove ingrown hairs.

Hair removal creams can dissolve the hair shaft that is located above the skin, but they cannot deal with ingrown hairs.

  • You should not try to squeeze out an ingrown hair.

If it is covered by a thick layer of skin, then it will not be possible to squeeze it out. Hair already puts pressure on the tissue; if this pressure is not enough, then you need to use other methods.

In addition, such pressure can lead to damage to the hair follicle and the formation of a scar, which will provoke ingrowth to an even greater depth.

As you can see, it is possible to solve this problem. Another thing is that often in order to get rid of unpleasant bumps and inflammation, you need to change your habits and try something new for yourself.

or wax. A painful, unpleasant and often very delicate problem that you want to solve quickly, without involving strangers. Therefore, we decided to consider effective methods of treatment, removal and prevention of ingrowth.

When should you see a doctor?

The most correct action when an ingrown hair appears is to consult a doctor. But it is not always possible and willing to see a doctor. Therefore, if the situation is under control, you can cope on your own. But there are times when you don’t need to hesitate, but immediately contact a specialist:

Lump formation. If you see a ball on your skin that rolls around easily, but there is not the slightest sign of suppuration or pain, there is not a hair visible. In such a situation, trying to pull it out on your own is absolutely useless, since the hair is hidden under a deep layer of skin. With this problem, it is better to consult a doctor or an experienced cosmetologist; they will prescribe ointments or compresses that will help the hair break through the skin. In particularly serious situations, surgical intervention cannot be avoided, so you should not hope that it will go away on its own;

Spread of rash and inflammation. During the process of suppuration, neighboring tissues often become infected, and as a result, the number of pustules increases exponentially. Squeezing will only make the situation worse. In this situation, you also need to visit a doctor who, after examination, will prescribe an antibiotic ointment that will stop the bacterial infection;

Deeply ingrown hair. You certainly won’t be able to deal with it with just a needle, unless your plans include picking at your own wound. This is rarely done without surgical intervention.

If you have any of the symptoms above, sign up for a consultation now, do not try to remove hairs at home, you may only harm yourself.

Ingrown hair without inflammation

How to remove ingrown hair on problem areas of the skin

In the groin. This delicate area suffers most often; due to constant contact with linen and tight clothing, severe irritation and inflammation often appear here (read how to deal with them below). For mild ingrowth, a warm bath to steam the skin and a light massage will be sufficient. If we have suppuration, inside of which a hair is visible, we proceed according to the following algorithm:

  • We disinfect the area with disinfectants;
  • We treat instruments (tweezers, needles) and hands with the same antiseptic;
  • We open the abscess and squeeze out all the pus. We treat the wound;
  • Using a sterile instrument, we pry up and pull out the hair, after which we treat the wound again.

Attention! It is quite possible that there is more than one ingrown hair, so check the wound before applying antiseptic ointment or bactericidal patch.

On the legs, due to fairly rapid skin regeneration, complications are rare. In this area of ​​the skin, ingrown hairs are located under a thin layer of skin and getting them out is not difficult. In such situations, steaming in combination with peeling and moisturizing will help us. Such actions will help the hairs break through the skin and come out on their own.

Armpits. Here the process is complicated by several factors: thin, irritable skin, constant sweating and poor visibility. Therefore, the removal of ingrown hair must be approached with particular care. A couple of days before removal, we get rid of irritation using an acne remedy or regular salicylic paste (which will replace an antiperspirant at this time). Immediately before the process, we thoroughly clean the skin, after which we just begin removing: we pull out the tip of the hair with a sterile needle and get rid of it with tweezers.

Important! After such manipulations, you will have to stop using deodorant for several days.

On the face ingrowth occurs most often due to rough skin men, violations of shaving technique and lack of proper care. Therefore, first of all, we begin to work on eliminating these factors. Ingrown hairs, depending on the severity of the problem, are removed using the methods described above.

Important! Hairs must be removed strictly in the direction of their growth. Try to pull them out along with the onion.

How to deal with inflammation

This situation is different in that the inflamed skin does not tolerate any mechanical stress. Under no circumstances should you remove, scrub, or apply warm compresses to the inflamed areas. But waiting for the process to pass by itself is not a way out of this situation. Moreover, it is quite painful, unpleasant, and also threatens complications. The main task in such a situation is not to remove the ingrown hair (we will deal with this a little later), but first of all to relieve inflammation, and only after that you can begin more active actions.

Inflamed ingrown hair

If you have ever experienced acne treatment, then you know which medications are most effective. This inflammation is of the same nature, so anti-acne ointment will be an excellent assistant in the fight against it.

Regular aspirin is a good remedy. To prepare antibacterial ointment we will need:

  1. one aspirin tablet, which needs to be crushed into dust;
  2. half a teaspoon of water, which we mix with aspirin to form a paste.

The resulting mixture is used as an ointment and applied pointwise to the inflamed areas. You need to keep this mask for at least half an hour, then rinse with warm water. It is characterized by a slight burning sensation, but if it intensifies or becomes intolerable, it should be washed off immediately without waiting for the specified time. The principle of operation of paracetamol is similar, only here you will need at least three tablets.

Poll: How do you deal with ingrown hairs?

Removing ingrown hair stains

This unpleasant consequence worries many women, because pigmentation and mini-scars after removing ingrown hairs are not uncommon. Of course, you can leave everything to chance; over time, these defects will disappear. But this may take months or years. Therefore, we take our beauty into our own hands and correct the situation, especially since there are many ways to remove traces of ingrowth:

Peeling. Exfoliation of dead cells will start skin regeneration. And the faster new cells appear at the site of ingrowth, the faster the skin will regain its normal color and structure. You don't have to buy expensive scrubs for this. Even regular ground coffee mixed with olive oil will easily cope with this task;

Bodyaga ointment. It has a whitening effect, and its composition promotes accelerated restoration of damaged areas. A good option for use in the bikini area, where irritation increases due to constant contact with underwear;

Vitamin E. Used pointwise. You can use both capsules, after opening them, and an oil solution of the vitamin, which is especially convenient on the legs, where the coverage area can be quite extensive. Application is extremely simple: after showering and peeling, apply to damaged areas;

Aspirin mask. Here we kill two birds with one stone, since the mask combines peeling and restoration. There are no strange ingredients here: ½ teaspoon water, 1 teaspoon honey, 3 aspirin tablets. We prepare according to the standard scheme:

  1. melt the honey in a water bath;
  2. grind aspirin;
  3. mix all the components together;
  4. massage problem areas after taking a shower.
Aloe vera

You can also use for treatment:

  • castor oil - has an antimicrobial effect and, thanks to its chemical composition, helps eliminate age spots.
  • aloe juice - has an anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and analgesic effect, improves blood flow.
  • baked onions - contains vitamin H, which promotes skin regeneration, and vitamin C rejuvenates cells.

Preventive measures

Those who have ever encountered the problem of ingrown hairs have had an excellent opportunity to realize how important prevention of ingrown hairs really is. Preventing this painful phenomenon is very simple; all you need to do is not take it lightly and follow all the rules for preventing ingrowth.

We use a scrub

How often do you exfoliate your skin (face not included)? And this process is mandatory for areas where we regularly perform hair removal. Horny skin particles that prevent hairs from breaking through are one of the most common causes of ingrown hairs. Therefore, it is recommended to carry it out at least 2-3 days before visiting the salon, and just before it, do a light peeling. A scrub after hair removal can also be useful, but you can use it no earlier than after 3 days;

Preparing the skin for depilation

Preparing the skin is of great importance, so don’t be lazy: take a warm shower or make a steaming compress to steam the skin, massage a little so that even the smallest hairs lift. It is advisable to moisturize and soften the skin with cream or lotion both before and after the procedure;

We follow the depilation technique

Only wax hair removal is done against hair growth! All other removal methods must be performed strictly in the direction of growth! A typical mistake is stretching the skin - it’s definitely not possible to shave better this way, but it’s easy to damage it. It's the same story with shaving one area multiple times;

Let's be patient

Many girls are ready to epilate delicate areas almost every other day, trying to remove barely emerging hairs. As a result, we do not get smooth skin, but irritation, rashes, goose bumps and ingrown hairs. Therefore, try to refrain from shaving until the hairs have grown at least 2-3 mm;

Skin care

This is the most effective method, especially after sugaring (yes, it is not as ideal as they say). Your cosmetic arsenal should include not only shaving products, but also after. Today there are a lot of creams, the effect of which is aimed not only at moisturizing, but also at slowing down hair growth, for example:

  • mousse to slow down hair growth "Depileve Lotions Depilmousse";
  • serum "Depileve Lotions Gold Concentrate";
  • "Skin Doctors Hair No More" spray;
  • lotion "Aravia Professional Lotion Post Epil";
  • cream "Aroma Dead Sea Cream".

Of course, even strict adherence to all these rules does not guarantee 100% results, because there are quite a lot of factors influencing ingrowth. But armed with them, you can quickly notice changes for the better.