
How to clean resin from pine. How to remove tar from clothes: stains that are afraid of Coca-Cola and iron


Often, having come from a walk in the forest, we already notice at home that we have unsuccessfully leaned against the trunk of a pine tree, and a sticky stain from its resin has appeared on our clothes. Of course, this is unpleasant, but not critical - it can be removed at home. In this article we will look at a number of ways to remove pine resin stains from clothes.

How to remove tree resin stains from clothes?

  1. The easiest way is to freeze clothes with a stain. An hour and a half is enough, then we take out the item and vigorously rub the place of the frozen stain - the resin flakes will fly off from the fabric. But this method cannot be applied to thin materials - they may not withstand the procedure and become damaged.
  2. You can act, on the contrary, with high temperatures. Cover the damaged area on both sides with paper napkins and iron while hot. If necessary, the napkins must be replaced and the procedure repeated. Again, this method is suitable for natural dense fabrics. In addition, the stain must be fresh.
  3. Another way to remove tar stains from clothes: you can use one of the types of solvents - turpentine, gasoline, kerosene or nail polish remover. First, we coat the fabric around the stain with the selected liquid to prevent it from spreading during the process, and begin to actively remove it using a cloth soaked in a solvent. However, first it is better to check on a tiny area of ​​clothing to see if this method will harm it.
  4. If the item is leather, it is recommended to remove the resin using vegetable oil. Apply it to the stained area and leave it for a while. Then, moving from the edges to the middle, begin to remove the resin with a cloth or cotton pad. Wipe off the remaining grease stain with dishwashing liquid.
  5. How to remove pine resin stains from clothes if they are old? You can combine the methods described above. For example, apply solvent to the stain, wrap the item in a plastic bag and put it in the freezer for several hours. Then take out your clothes and vigorously rub the stained area.

If an unpleasant situation happens to you - resin gets on your clothes, car or any other surface, do not panic. Resin is a rather harmful substance that you cannot deal with too quickly. Our article will be useful to anyone who wants to remove tar stains.

The main thing in the article

How to clean resin from clothes at home?

  1. Mechanical. Try to remove the stain by wiping it off your clothing. Do not rub it deep into the fabric structure.
  2. Method of temperature exposure. Place your clothes in the freezer. Once the resin freezes and hardens, it will be easier to remove from the fabric.
  3. Chemical. Stains are removed using various chemicals: alcohol, acetone, gasoline, bleach, dishwashing detergent.

How can you clean resin from clothes?


Use a cloth or cotton swab soaked in alcohol to wipe the stain. Alcohol removes stains well, but it takes a long time, since the reaction requires at least 20 minutes.


Soak the problem area with ammonia and wipe until the resin dissolves.
Suitable for delicate items a mixture of starch, turpentine and ammonia . You need to take two tablespoons of potato starch and add two teaspoons of turpentine and ammonia. Leave the resulting substance on the stained area for 10 hours. Carefully remove the pulp along with the resin from clothing.


Place an old item under and on top of the fabric that you don’t mind getting damaged. Use a hot iron. The resin will begin to melt and seep into the fabric underneath. Any old item that has absorbed dirt should be removed, and your item should be washed thoroughly.


If the resin on the item is fresh, soak it in vegetable oil. Remove excess using “Fairy”. Then wash it in the washing machine.


Soak the tar stain in a carbonated drink (this could be Coke, Sprite, or any other drink) for 6 hours. Then wash your clothes.


Soak the area of ​​contamination with turpentine. When the resin has softened well, blot it with a napkin or towel. The item must be washed in cold water by hand, then put in the washing machine, adding conditioner with a pleasant aroma.

Nail polish remover

Soak cotton wool in acetone and rub the area with traces of resin. Send the item to the wash. Remove resin from colored fabrics carefully to avoid ruining them.

Dishwashing liquid

First treat the area of ​​contamination with vegetable oil, and then rinse with dishwashing liquid.

How to clean tree resin?

Sure remedies:

  • Alcohol-based products
  • Dishwashing liquid
  • Carbonated drinks

How to apply the above tools, read in the previous paragraph.

How to clean resin from pine, spruce resin from clothes?

  1. Mechanically (manually).
  2. Using solvents (alcohol, acetone, ammonia, white spirit).
  3. Place in the freezer and remove the already frozen resin.

How to remove poplar resin?

  1. Using a special preparation for removing poplar resin - “Antitopol”. It is necessary to apply the product to the fabric and carefully saturate the resin with the composition.
  2. Poplar resin is removed with alcohol.

How to clean epoxy resin?

By heating the resin it can be removed from the fabric.
When heated, epoxy resin releases harmful fumes! You will need goggles to protect your eyes, rubber gloves and clothing to protect your skin.

  • Apply acetone to the epoxy resin.
  • Heat it up with a hairdryer or blowtorch for a couple of minutes.
    When the resin adheres to wood or a plastic surface, it is important not to overheat it so that the surface does not ignite!
  • Clean the softened area from the surface using a knife or blade.
    Since it is impossible to completely heat up the entire stain at the same time, we recommend heating and removing the resin in parts. Do not heat the resin immediately after the previous attempt, as this may cause a fire.

Freezing. For protection you will need the same protective gloves and glasses. Cover your face with a gauze bandage.

  • Remove children and pets from the room, close the doors to the room, open the windows.
  • Shake the pre-purchased cooling spray.
  • Spray the resin with coolant. Hands should not be kept close to the cooled surface.
  • Scrape off the brittle resin with a scraper or break it with a hammer. Splinters must be thrown away immediately.

Use chemical reagents.

  • The protective clothing used is the same as listed above.
  • Leave the windows open.
  • Purchase the necessary chemical reagent. This may be paint thinner or decolorizer.
  • Apply the reagent to the resin and remove it gradually in small portions.
  • Remove any remaining resin from the surface.
  • Wash the removal area with soap and water to remove any chemical residue.

How to clean ion exchange resin?

Ion exchange resin is used for water purification and is located in the cartridge. To clean the ion exchange resin, you should fill the resin with a solution of table salt (150 grams of salt per 0.5 liter of water). Mix the resin well and leave in the solution for 6 hours. Then drain the solution from the resin and rinse it with clean water. Return the cartridge to its original place.

How to remove resin stains?

  1. Wet the area of ​​contamination to prevent the resin from spreading further.
  2. Remove stains from clothing mechanically as much as possible.
  3. Soak the stain with vegetable oil or alcohol. It is advisable to first wet a small area (if cleaning with alcohol) to observe the reaction of the fabric to the solvent. Moisten the resin with cotton wool on a stick from the edges to the center.
  4. Wash the item.

How to clean tar from jeans and trousers?

Solvents can be harmful to jeans. The same can happen with colored trousers. Try more gentle cleaning methods, such as: hot iron, freezing.

How to clean resin from fabric?

  1. Cleaning must be done from the inside out of things.
  2. To prevent the stain from spreading, moisten the cloth around the tar stain with water or sprinkle with starch.
  3. Try all the products first on a small area, and then over the entire surface of the contamination. This will protect you from damaging the fabric.
  4. Study the composition of the fabric and substances that can ruin it. Choose the most gentle method.
  5. You need to know that alcohol and acid destroy certain types of paints, vinegar and acetone can ruin acetate silk fabrics.

How to clean resin from a jacket?

Most of the above methods are suitable for cleaning a jacket from resin: mechanical, temperature method. When removing stains using a chemical method, study the composition of the fabric so as not to spoil it with a solvent.

How to clean resin from shoes?

Resin can be removed from shoes:

  1. Mechanically.
  2. Purified kerosene. You need to wipe the area of ​​contamination with a cloth soaked in kerosene.
  3. Turpentine will help if your shoes are made of fabric. Apply it to the resin while wearing gloves.
  4. Formic alcohol is useful to easily remove resin from shoes. Wet a cloth and treat the stain.

How to remove tar from a car body?

  1. Wash the car, rinsing off the resin with soap and water. Use a clean microfiber cloth.
  2. Purchase a special resin solvent. This solvent does not cause damage to the car and removes tree resin well.
  3. Wipe the car with alcohol wipes or white spirit, but be extremely careful, vigorous wiping can damage the car's paint.

Video: how to remove resin from clothes?

When choosing a chemical removal method, always study the composition of the fabric so as not to damage it. Also protect your skin, eyes and respiratory system from chemicals. Be careful before using any substances, read the instructions, study the application procedure. Choose safe methods to begin with, and if they do not help, move on to more complex ones. From the many options, you will find the most effective one and resin stains will not ruin your clothes and mood.

Resin is a plant or synthetic substance that is usually hard, but becomes softer when heated. If you choose a New Year's beauty, be careful with the trees: the resin from them is difficult to wash off.

It’s easy to get dirty in the forest, park, or when throwing away a Christmas tree. But it’s not so easy to wash, the resin has a complex structure. However, you can remove it: you can clean clothes in several ways.

You need to know what not to do so as not to worsen the condition and subsequently there will be no difficulty in removing the resin, or simply not to carry out manipulations that will not help:

  • do not try to wash the resin in a washing machine;
  • You can’t scrub off the Christmas tree resin - it will eat into the fabric even more.

Preliminary resin removal work

The more resin that is removed from the jacket in a gentle manner, the better the final result.

Mechanical method

You need to carefully remove the resin with a knife, but if it does not give in, then put the item in a plastic bag and in the freezer for an hour. At low temperatures it will harden, crack, and can be easily cleaned with a brush. In this case, not all the resin can come off - a stain remains from it.

Preparing the jacket

Before further rubbing off the remaining spruce resin, the jacket should be prepared:

Basic cleaning methods

There are several ways to clean remaining small particles and resin stains:

  • using an iron or hair dryer;
  • turpentine;
  • alcohol;
  • acetone;
  • nail polish remover;
  • gasoline (only purified);
  • starch;
  • ammonia;
  • vegetable oil;
  • Coca-Cola;
  • chemical industry products (white spirit, bleach, dishwashing detergent).

Thermal method

This method is good for fresh stains. Suitable for delicate fabrics, even those that cannot be frozen.

  1. Place rags or paper napkins on the stain and under it.
  2. The iron heats up and irons the stain through the paper - it melts and sticks to it.
  3. Contaminated rags or napkins are changed.
  4. This action is carried out until the stain is completely cleaned.
  5. Then the item is soaked for 20 minutes, the stain is first rubbed with household
  6. soap and washable.
  7. The stain was completely washed off.

For jackets made of thick fabric or leather, you need to use a hairdryer. When exposed to hot air, the resin melts and can be removed with a napkin.

Alcohol, gasoline, nail polish remover, turpentine, acetone

Spruce resin can be washed well with alcohol, if, of course, mechanical treatment has been carried out before this. Dip a cotton swab in alcohol and wet the stain. The item lies in this form for about 20 minutes, then the stain is easily cleaned. The item definitely needs to be washed. Alcohol is the safest agent for fabric; it is well suited for removing resin from suede, fur jackets, and items made of silk and velvet.

In the same way, use turpentine, acetone, nail polish remover and gasoline (only special, purified).

You can simply use turpentine to wash off the tree resin from a woolen product.

But for delicate fabrics, it is better to take a mixture of laundry soap and gasoline or kerosene - in equal parts. Apply it to the stain for an hour, then wash it.

Vegetable oil

How to clean a genuine leather jacket using vegetable oil? Apply it to the stain for 30 minutes, and if it does not come off, repeat the procedure. The remaining mark can be easily washed off in soapy water.


Another substance that can be used to wipe off Christmas tree resin from a jacket is starch. Take 1 spoon of starch, 4 drops of ammonia and 4 drops

turpentine. Spread the resulting mixture onto the stain, and when it dries, wipe it off with a brush.

Another option for cleaning: take 1 spoon each of starch and white clay, dilute with turpentine until it becomes mushy. Then add a drop of ammonia. Apply in the same way as described above.

Coca Cola

What else can you use to remove tar from clothes? Carbonated drink! The item is soaked in Coca-Cola for 3 hours. If the stain is old, then longer. In conclusion - wash. This method is not suitable for white fabrics.


When purchasing solvents and bleaches, you need to make sure that they are suitable for clothing and that there are instructions for use.

Well-proven products: Vanish OXI Action bleach-stain remover, Udalix Oxi Ultra stain remover in powder form, Dr. stain remover. Beckmann (marked - against resin). Manufacturers guarantee color preservation and odorlessness.

And for synthetics, a suitable product is white spirit.

Dish detergent

If the stain is on a wool or fur jacket, you can use dish soap.

How to wash:

  • moisten it with sunflower oil for 10 minutes;
  • wet the gauze with detergent and gently wipe off the stain.

To ensure that it comes off completely, wash it well.

Be sure to do these procedures with gloves.


  1. Work with solvents must be carried out away from fire.
  2. Process from the inside out.
  3. Test for tissue-substance interaction on a small area.
  4. When washing, use conditioner to get rid of the smell.
  5. Use alkali and bleach only on white material.

If your jacket is stained with tree resin, don't despair. The main thing is to choose the appropriate method for removing it, taking into account the composition of the tissue and do not forget about safety precautions.

Many housewives believe that it is impossible or very difficult to remove tar stains from clothes, and the damaged item immediately falls into the “household” category. So, if you sat on a sticky bench during a walk or your child loves to cuddle with pine trees, don’t be upset! I will tell you how to remove resin from clothes quickly, simply and without damaging the fabric. In the article you will find “secret” methods and valuable tips.

Found a resin stain - your first steps

Do not rush to immediately wash off sticky stains with water, alcohol, acetone and other liquids known to you! Do what is written below, without disturbing the order of the points and following the recommendations:

  1. Mechanical cleaning. Any sharp object (knife, blade, etc.) will do. Try to scrape off the top of the resin. But be careful not to rub it deeper into the fabric structure.

  1. Freezing. Place the soiled item in the freezer for 2-3 hours. Under the influence of low temperature, the remaining resin will harden and it will be easier to pick them out with your own hands. For greater effectiveness, after freezing, scrunch the product to break the entire stain into particles.

All this must be done very carefully so as not to damage the fabric. And if the soiled item is made of delicate, thin material, then mechanical cleaning and freezing are undesirable.

So, half the work is already done! We continue the operation. Now you need to remove any residual resin stains. For this we have a whole arsenal of tools and methods. Choose the ones that suit your situation.

What will remove tar from clothes

These “helpers” probably exist in your home. In any case, they are inexpensive. But before you use them to wipe the resin off your clothes, do this:

  • Sprinkle the outline of the stain with starch or talcum powder - this will prevent the sticky substance from spreading further across the fabric.
  • Turn the item inside out. It is safer to work from the wrong side. Less chance of damaging the structure of the material.
  • When removing, use cotton swabs or a pipette to apply the product locally, in a moderate amount.
  • Removal of tar stains is carried out from their edges to the middle.

Method 1: Liquid cleaners

The names of the products may seem dangerous for the fabric, but if everything is done correctly, the clothes will remain clean and beautiful!

  • Medical or formic alcohol. The first one perfectly removes pine resin from any clothing. If the stain is small, drop it from a pipette or treat it with a cotton swab soaked in alcohol.

If the contamination is large enough, it is better to arm yourself with a cloth. Just don't rub the stain too hard! After applying the alcohol, wait 20-30 minutes for the chemical reaction to occur and the remaining resin to come out of the fibers of the material. Then wash the item.

As for formic alcohol, it has proven itself to be excellent in cleaning tar from cars (body and glass). But it is impossible to predict how this liquid will behave on a specific tissue.

Therefore, I advise you to first try it on clothes that you don’t mind, and only then on those stained with resin. Ant alcohol should be washed off with clean water almost immediately after application!

  • Purified gasoline or turpentine is no less effective at removing pine resin. True, after them it remains sharp. But by washing the product with powder and conditioner, you will get rid of this too. In the case of gasoline, do not take the one that is poured into the tank of your car! You need a special purified one, you can buy it at a hardware store.

  • Any solvent - turpentine, acetone or nail polish remover (a more gentle solution). It is enough to blot the stain several times with a cotton swab dipped in one of these substances.

Starch + ammonia + turpentine - maybe you will find this recipe useful. Mix 1 teaspoon of starch with 4 drops of ammonia and the same amount of turpentine.
Moisten the tar stain with this mixture and leave to dry. Next, try removing the resin using a stiff-bristled toothbrush. Repeat if necessary.

  • Olive or vegetable oil helps remove resin from leather clothing. After using an oily liquid, the stain must be treated with alcohol, and the item itself is wiped with a clean, dry cloth.

The same method can be used for clothes made of thin material. Apply the oil for 20 minutes and wash the product thoroughly with soap or powder.

  • Coca-Cola, Fanta, Sprite. Many people's favorite drinks have excellent stain-removing properties! It is enough to soak clothes stained with resin in any of them for a couple of hours. You will soon see the effect.

Method 2. Household chemicals

Dishwashing liquid removes resin well from woolen clothes, fur items, carpets, and also from hair:

  • first treat the stained area with vegetable oil and leave for 10 minutes;
  • then apply detergent with a cotton swab; it has excellent degreasing properties, so it will wipe off both resin and traces of oil;
  • After you clean the stain, be sure to wash the product.

In some, not particularly difficult cases, it will be possible to remove the tar stain with traditional household chemicals - factory-made bleach or stain remover. They can be:

  • apply as a paste;
  • moisten the contamination with a concentrated solution;
  • soak the item in water with the addition of these products.

But in most cases, this method is only relevant for white things..

Method 3: High temperatures

If you are afraid that caustic liquids may damage the structure, pattern or color of the stained item, then try this method. It is especially good for delicate fabrics (chiffon, silk, etc.). Here are the instructions:

  • Place paper towels or napkins under the stain, on the inside of the clothing, and also directly on top of the resin blot.
  • Iron the stained area thoroughly or heat it with a hairdryer. Gradually the sticky substance will begin to melt and be absorbed into the paper napkins.
  • Change the wipes periodically until the stain disappears completely.
  • Be sure to wash the product!

I like this method more than others. I would like to read your comments and personal experience of using it in practice.

A few words of caution about the fabric...

Before you wash resin from any fabric, it is advisable to find out about the features of its texture and quality. Because the above methods are not suitable for any type of material. There are restrictions, for example:

  • alkalis and bleaches are suitable exclusively for white laundry;
  • alcohols and acids can destroy some types of paints (bright designs, jeans, etc.);
  • vinegar and acetone destroy acetate silk - instead of the area cleared of resin, you get a hole.

Therefore, take your time, do not immediately rush into battle. Find out how a particular material will behave in contact with a cleaning agent.


As it turns out, tar stains aren't such a big deal. You just need to choose the right remedy from those you learned in my article. Which one did you like the most? Rubbing alcohol, turpentine, iron or more?

Perhaps you have had experience cleaning with one of these? Then share your secrets in the comments! And for clarity, watch the video in this article.

Updated: 10/10/2018

You can get dirty in resin during a picnic or walk, leaning against a coniferous tree. It happens that clothes get dirty during repair work. Stains have a complex structure, so they are difficult to remove. However, you can remove resin from clothes even at home, without going to the dry cleaner.

First of all, it’s worth understanding what resin is. This is the name given to a group of substances that are solid under normal conditions, but become fluid when slightly heated. They can be of natural or artificial origin.

Natural resin or resin is produced by coniferous trees (spruce, pine), which is why you can often find stains on jackets and trousers after a walk in the forest. Artificial origin is used in the repair of various things.

To remove pine resin from clothes, use mechanical, physical and chemical methods. Thus, to carry out the work you may need:

  • plastic or wooden spatulas;
  • freezer and iron for heat treatment;
  • organic solvents (acetone, gasoline, alcohol).

In addition, you will need a supply of paper towels or clean white cotton rags, cotton pads and laundry detergent.


Before cleaning clothes from traces of wood or synthetic resin, you need to carry out preliminary preparation.

To begin with, use mechanical method, that is, they try to remove the greatest amount of resin from the fabric by simply scraping the substance. To perform this work, use plastic or wooden spatulas.

You can also use a spoon or try scraping off the resin with the blunt side of a knife. But you need to clean as carefully as possible so as not to damage the fabric and rub dirt even deeper into the fibers.

You should not try to mechanically remove stains from a silk dress or thin knitted T-shirt, as delicate fabrics are easily damaged and/or stretched.

It is further recommended to use physical methods, influencing the place of contamination with temperature. If you need to remove a stain from jeans, then the pants are packed in a plastic bag and placed in the freezer for at least an hour and a half.

During this time, the resin will freeze and become more brittle. If the fabric is wrinkled, the film will crack and crumble into small fragments; you can simply clean it off with a brush.

Advice! If the stained item is too large and cannot be put in the freezer, then you need to treat the dirty area with ice cubes from the wrong side.

And you can also try to get rid of it using high temperature methods:

  • place porous paper or clean white cotton cloth folded in 2-3 layers on the stain and under it;
  • iron several times;
  • periodically change the paper (fabric), as melting resin will be absorbed into it;
  • wash the stained area using laundry soap.

However, even after removing the main layer of resin from clothing, a noticeable mark still remains on the fabric. To remove it, organic solvents are used.

Preparation rules for performing work:

  • thoroughly clean the item from dust with a brush, this will avoid the formation of dirty smudges;
  • if a coat or jacket is dirty, you need to tear off the lining in order to directly treat the contaminated fabric;
  • the area of ​​clothing should be placed over a piece of plastic or board, wrapped several times with white cotton cloth or paper towels;
  • It is recommended to moisten the fabric surrounding the stain with water and sprinkle it with starch or talcum powder to prevent “creeping”.

Fresh tar stains

If the stain is fresh and has not yet had time to dry and harden, then it will be easier to wipe it off. Gentle methods will help.

A fresh trace of resin on clothing can be removed with dish gel and oil:

  • Rub the stained area with vegetable oil, this will soften the resin stains;
  • After fifteen to twenty minutes, apply thick dishwashing gel to the treated area;
  • After half an hour, rinse off the product with warm water.

Another cleaning method:

  • Rub the stain with oil, you can use vegetable or butter. Fatty substances will help dissolve resin contaminants;
  • then pour alcohol onto the stained area, and after fifteen minutes wash the stained area with laundry soap. This method is especially recommended for leather items.

Old tar stains

If it was not immediately possible to remove the contaminants, then simple cleaning methods are unlikely to help. More aggressive substances will be required - gasoline, turpentine, acetone. Procedure:

  • moisten a cotton swab in an organic solvent;
  • put it on the dirty place;
  • after half an hour, use another swab dipped in solvent to begin scrubbing the stain;
  • Then the items need to be washed.

Using the method described above, you can clean resin from jeans; if the stained item is made of delicate fabric, then you should choose a more gentle method for removing stains. Procedure:

  • rub laundry or baby soap;
  • combine and grind the shavings with an equal volume of purified gasoline;
  • Apply the mixture thickly to the stain;
  • After one hour, rinse and wash.

Another cleaning method:

  • mix half a teaspoon of turpentine and ammonia;
  • Add starch to the resulting solution to form a thick “paste”;
  • apply the mixture to the stain;
  • After an hour, shake off the starch and wash the item.

Bitumen stains

Bitumen or tar is used in road construction and roofing work. Stains from leather items can be easily removed with vegetable oil, but it is more difficult to clean denim trousers or other clothes from such stains.

Natural dense fabrics are cleaned of bitumen with gasoline, acetone or white spirit. The liquid is poured onto the stain, and after a few minutes, when the resinous substances have softened, it will be possible to wipe off the dirt with a cotton swab.

But things made from synthetics are more difficult to save. A good result cannot be guaranteed, since those substances that dissolve bitumen can also dissolve fabric fibers.

You can try to remove the stain with the same substances that are used for natural fabrics. But you should be prepared for the fact that the product can be damaged; an irremovable light stain or hole will appear on the fabric.

Epoxy stains

Epoxy resin is used to bond various materials. The appearance of epoxy stains is an unpleasant event, but the clothes will most likely be saved. First of all, you need to mechanically remove the frozen layer of resin using a spatula or spoon.

Resin residues are removed using acetone-based solvents or alcohol. The liquid is poured onto the contaminated area and left for about fifteen minutes. Then, using a swab dipped in the same solvent, you should try to wash the stain.

Removing stains and odors after cleaning

After using gasoline and solvent, resin stains disappear, but stains may remain on the fabric. In addition, the item may have a pungent odor. Regular machine washing will most likely not remove stains. First, you should process the item using one of the methods suggested below.


You will not need ready-made seasoning, but mustard powder.

  • dilute mustard powder with boiling water to a paste consistency;
  • when the mass has cooled, apply it to the contaminated areas;
  • after fifteen minutes, soak the item in a solution of washing powder without washing off the mustard;
  • After soaking for an hour, wash the clothes.

Soda with salt

To clean clothes, use finely ground salt and washing (soda ash).

  • mix equal volumes of fine salt and soda;
  • moisten the stains with water and sprinkle them with the prepared mixture, lightly rubbing it into the fabric;
  • After half an hour, soak the item in a solution of washing powder, and after an hour, wash it.


This method is only suitable for light-colored items. Use a cotton swab, generously soaked in peroxide solution, to wipe away the stains from the fabric. Then soak the clothes in a solution of soda ash. Then put it in the washing machine, the stains should wash off.

Removing odor

If a slight smell of gasoline is still felt, it is recommended to carry out the following treatment:

  • wash the item in the machine, adding fragrance conditioner not only to the special compartment, but also to the powder compartment;
  • restart the rinse program using conditioner;
  • air dry the item.

Removing tar stains from fabric is not easy, but don’t despair. Use our tips and you can return your soiled clothes to a presentable appearance.