
June 14 donor. World Blood Donor Day. World Blood Donor Day: Launch of Mass Donation


World Donor Day has been celebrated since 2004 at the initiative of international organizations calling for voluntary and free blood donation - the World Health Organization (WHO), the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent, the International Federation of Blood Donor Organizations and the International Society for Blood Transfusion. The date of June 14 is dedicated to the birthday of the Austrian physician and immunologist Karl Landsteiner (1868-1943), who was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1930 for the discovery of blood groups in humans.

World Blood Donor Day is one of the youngest international holidays.

World Health Ministers during the World Health Assembly, in May 2005, unanimously adopted a statement of commitment and support for voluntary blood donation and decided to observe World Blood Donor Day every year on June 14, in resolution WHA58.13.

First blood transfusion

World Donor Day is a great occasion to find out how it all began.

The first worldwide case of blood transfusion was made in 1818 in England. Dr. James Blundell transfused 500 milliliters of blood to his patient. Initially, the patient felt better after the procedure, there were improvements, but after 52 hours he died. But, despite the bad experience, the first step towards blood transfusion was taken. Later, for the successful implementation of this procedure, a special apparatus and syringes were invented, as well as blood preservation. However, in some countries, including Russia, for a long time there were official prohibitions on blood transfusions.

Purposes and meaning of the holiday

World Donor Day is celebrated in 192 countries around the world. It is safe to say that it is special and different from the rest. It was created so that all of us would not forget about the great importance of blood donors.

It should be noted that on this festive World Donor Day, one should also remember the numerous problems that exist today in the donor movement.

Currently, in many parts of our planet there is a catastrophic shortage of donor blood. According to the WHO, there are now 80 countries in the world with low rates of blood donation. They have less than 10 donors per thousand people. Almost all of these countries are developing.

Fortunately, Russia is not on this list yet. However, not everything is so smooth in our country, in our country there are now 13 donors per 1000 people. Moreover, this figure is the average for the country. In some Russian regions, people show even less consciousness in this matter and do not seek to become donors. So, even in our capital, which is the most populous city in Russia, the number of blood donors is negligible and continues to decline.

Europeans and Americans are more conscious about donating blood. In Europe, there are 40 donors per 1,000 people, and in the US, even 60 donors.

All Russians, at least once a year, should seriously think about this problem. After all, not so long ago, our country was ahead of almost all other countries in this indicator.

Start of mass donation

It should be recalled that the beginning of mass donation was laid in the USSR in 1926. Back then, donations were free. Firstly, it was considered a manifestation of civic humanism, which Russians have always been proud of. Secondly, in those days the country's economy was destroyed, it was impossible to introduce donation on a paid basis.

In 1957, even more powerful propaganda of the donor movement, which was supported by the government, began in the USSR. Then a huge number of donors came to the blood collection points. Over the past 20 years, the situation with donation has deteriorated significantly in our country.

However, not only in Russia there is such a problem. It is for this reason that WHO has proposed that increased attention be paid to the promotion of the donor movement in the world, especially among young people.

On June 14, on World Blood Donor Day, various events related to blood donation are held all over the world. Our country is no exception either.

So far, world science has not yet learned how to artificially synthesize blood and its components. For this reason, it is donors who are practically the only hope for sick and injured people who urgently need a blood transfusion. After all, none of us, unfortunately, is immune from a serious illness or accident, we should not forget about it. The blood transfusion procedure is necessary after serious injuries and burns, during complex operations, during difficult births. Donated blood helps support the lives of those with hemophilia or anemia, and is also essential for cancer patients.

To become a donor...

It is important to know that not everyone can become a blood donor. Naturally, before taking blood, a person needs to be checked for the presence of various diseases. Otherwise, donor blood will not only not help the patient, but will also aggravate the situation by infecting him, for example, with AIDS. The safest donors are people who donate blood on a regular basis. A healthy person over the age of 18 can become a donor. At the same time, he must weigh at least 50 kg and have a pressure of at least 100 to 80. You must first undergo a medical examination.

An adult can lose about a liter of blood without danger to his life. One dose of donated blood is only 450 grams of blood. The human body is able to restore such an amount of blood very quickly. It should be noted that such bloodletting is even useful. It stimulates the endocrine and immune systems of the body.

Doctors noticed that donors who donate blood regularly do not get colds and flu. In addition, they are less likely to suffer from oncological and cardiovascular diseases. It also has a beneficial effect on the mental state of a person. We can say that donation prevents digestive disorders, atherosclerosis, diseases of the liver, pancreas. Regular blood donation contributes to the prolongation of youth, because. stimulates blood formation and self-renewal of the body.

However, at the same time, regular blood donation also implies some burden on the body. There are also some restrictions for donors. In our country, there are rules according to which whole blood can be donated no more than once every 60 days.

You can not donate blood during menstruation, pregnancy and lactation, as well as after a sleepless night. After this procedure, the donor should avoid heavy physical exertion, drink a lot and eat well.

Currently, voluntary blood donation is welcomed and supported by the state. The latter guarantees the donor the protection of his health and provides him with measures social support. Donors who have donated blood forty or more times in Russia free of charge are awarded the badge “Honorary Donor of Russia”.

Often, Russians use blood donation to replenish their family or personal budget. The fact is that on the day of blood donation, donors are provided with free food and a certain amount of money, as well as days off.

Every second around the world, people of all ages and origins need blood transfusions for various vital indications. Although the need for blood is universal, access to it by those who need it is, unfortunately, not universal. The lack of blood is especially acute in developing countries, where the majority of the world's population lives.

On World Donor Day, many countries celebrate donors who donate blood for free, as well as activities to promote blood donation.

World Donor Day celebrates volunteers who donate their blood for free to save the lives of others.

World Donor Day is aimed at encouraging the peoples of the whole world to help each other in the most difficult period of life, becoming a donor, you save the lives of other people. Other people depend on your decision to become a donor.

June 14th every year different countries around the world celebrate World Blood Donor Day. On this day, we express our gratitude to the people who voluntarily donate their blood needed to save lives and raise awareness of the need for regular blood donation to ensure the quality, safety and availability of blood and blood products for patients in need.

The transfusion of blood and blood products saves millions of lives every year. It helps prolong the lives of patients suffering from life-threatening conditions and improve their quality of life. Transfusion of blood and blood products is essential for complex medical and surgical procedures. It also plays vital important role in maternal and child health and during emergency response to man-made and natural disasters.

Blood services that ensure patients have access to an adequate supply of safe blood and blood products are a key component of effective health systems. An adequate supply can only be ensured through regular, voluntary and non-remunerated blood donation. However, in many countries, blood services face challenges in ensuring sufficient supplies of quality and safe blood.

This year's campaign theme

The theme of this year's campaign is blood donation as an act of solidarity. It refers to the fundamental human values ​​of altruism, respect, empathy and kindness that underlie voluntary blood donation systems. We adopted the slogan “Think of others. Donate blood. Share a Life” to draw attention to the fact that voluntary donation systems call on us to care for others and form social bonds and a close-knit community.

During the campaign, we will highlight people whose lives have been saved by donating blood to encourage regular blood donors to keep donating and people (especially young ones) to good health who have never donated blood to become blood donors.

Events may include commemorative ceremonies, gatherings, publications of relevant materials, scientific conferences, publication of articles in national, regional and international scientific journals, and other activities that promote the theme of this year's World Blood Donor Day.

This year's campaign goals

  • congratulate and thank blood donors and encourage those who have not yet donated blood to become blood donors;
  • Raise awareness that blood donation is an altruistic act that provides benefits to the whole society and that an adequate supply of blood can only be ensured through regular, voluntary and non-remunerated blood donation;
  • draw attention to the need to ensure results-oriented, year-round blood donation to maintain adequate blood supplies and achieve national self-sufficiency;
  • highlight that blood donation is evidence of community participation in the functioning of the health system and that such community participation is important in maintaining an adequate, safe and sustainable blood supply;
  • promote the values ​​of blood donation in order to strengthen community solidarity and social cohesion and encourage people not to be indifferent to others and to help build a caring community;
  • to promote international cooperation and ensure the dissemination of the principles of voluntary non-remunerated donation and the achievement of consensus on it, based on the improvement of the safety and availability of blood on a global scale.

Event organizer for World Blood Donor Day 2018

The main event of World Blood Donor Day 2018 is hosted by Greece through its Greek National Blood Centre. This global event will be held in Athens on June 14, 2018.

date for international holiday- World Blood Donor Day - was not chosen by chance: on this day, the Austrian doctor who discovered blood groups was born.

History of World Blood Donor Day

The international holiday was established relatively recently - in May 2005, at the 58th session of the World Health Assembly in Geneva. June 14, 1868 was born Nobel laureate Karl Landsteiner - an Austrian immunologist who discovered human blood groups.

The theme for World Donor Day 2018 is “Think of Others. Donate blood. Share life. Indeed, very often blood and plasma become a vital "gift" for the recipient. This year's campaign aims to tell the stories of people whose lives have been saved through blood donation.

World Blood Donor Day is an excellent occasion to express gratitude to voluntary donors who donate blood and its components free of charge and thereby help save the lives of other people.

Blood products are needed for people who have received burns and severe injuries, who need transplants, prosthetics, bone marrow transplants, patients with blood diseases, and many others. Artificial blood substitutes have many adverse reactions and cannot give a full effect for the body. There is still hope for a natural donor.

In developed countries, charitable foundations have been created that allow each patient to receive donated blood. In Russia, donation becomes more and more popular every year. There are projects that promote donation, such as DonorSearch.

According to WHO rules, any healthy person aged 18 to 60 can become a donor. Blood sampling is carried out with disposable sterile instruments, so the donor is safe.

Events in honor of World Blood Donor Day

The already mentioned DonorSearch project, together with VKontakte, launched in honor of the holidaythematic Appendix . In it, on a special page, you can specify your blood type and Rh factor. So this information will be saved in the database of donors. Also pThe application will automatically determine the donor spirit animal for each user. According to the authors of the project, this will draw attention to the topic of donation and help even more people decide on a responsible altruistic step - to donate blood.

In Primorye, everyone will be able to take part in the donor action.

“Representatives of the regional and city administrations, university students, as well as representatives of law enforcement agencies and ordinary citizens have already expressed their desire to take part in the action,” said the head physician of the regional blood transfusion station Olga Goreva.

Goreva noted that the number of donors in Primorsky Krai is growing every year. In honor of the holiday, donors will launch into the sky at 12.00 Balloons symbolizing life.

Action “Think of others. Donate blood. Share life! in Primorye, they supported the Society of Disabled People "Mercy", charitable foundation"Save Life" and the Primorsky regional branch of the All-Russian public organization "Russian Red Cross".

Moscow clinics on this moment do not experience a shortage of donated blood and its components, but stocks need to be regularly replenished. From June 11 to June 15, from 8.30 to 14.00, the Donor Marathon will be held at the City Clinical Hospital No. 52 (Pekhotnaya St., 3, building 1, 3rd floor, blood transfusion department). The blood transfusion department is planning to attract free donors from colleges and universities of the capital, enterprises and organizations to donate blood for hospital patients.

June 15 from 9.00 to 13.00 at the City Clinical Hospital. V.V. Vinogradova (Vavilova street, 61) will also host a donor campaign.

June 16 from 9.00 to 12.00 in the department of transfusiology of the Hospital. M.P. Konchalovsky (Zelenograd, Kashtanovaya Alley st., 2, building 1) will host an open day "Donor Saturday". Anyone over 18 years old is welcome, you must have a passport with you.

Until June 15, the mobile brigades of the Blood Center named after. OK. Gavrilov will hold visiting donor events for employees of medical, public and other Moscow organizations who have decided to become gratuitous blood donors.

Commercial organizations are not left out. From June 14 to June 24, the Evalar pharmacy chain, together with the Blood Service, is holding the “Thank you, donor!” campaign.

“People who donate blood regularly have a particular need for highly absorbable iron, heart health and of cardio-vascular system. Therefore, we want to say: “Thank you, donor!” and we give gifts to all donors at Evalar pharmacies,” the pharmacy website reports.

Donors will receive Iron Chelate, and honorary donors will receive a vitamin gift set of Evalar products. To confirm your donation, do not forget to take a certificate.

The date is dedicated to the birthday of the Austrian physician and immunologist Karl Landsteiner (1868-1943), who was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1930 for the discovery of human blood groups.

The success of the first World Donor Day led to the adoption of a resolution by the World Health Assembly in 2005, according to which this Day was celebrated annually.

World Blood Donor Day aims to draw public attention to the human need for safe blood and blood products.

The transfusion of blood and blood products saves millions of lives every year. It helps prolong the lives of patients suffering from life-threatening conditions and improve their quality of life. Transfusion of blood and blood products is essential for complex medical and surgical procedures. It also plays a vital role in maternal and child health and during emergency responses to man-made and natural disasters.

The theme of the World Blood Donor Day 2018 campaign is "Blood donation as an act of solidarity". It refers to the fundamental human values ​​of altruism, respect, empathy and kindness that underlie voluntary blood donation systems.

About 112.5 million blood donations are collected worldwide every year. About half of these are in high-income countries, home to 19% of the world's population.

Adequate and reliable reserve blood supplies can be secured through a sustainable basis of regular, voluntary and non-remunerated blood donation. Regular, voluntary and non-remunerated blood donors are also the safest group of donors, as they have the lowest prevalence of blood-borne infections.

85 subjects are involved in the Program Russian Federation. During the time that has passed since the beginning of its implementation, it was possible to achieve complete satisfaction of medical institutions of each subject of the Russian Federation in blood components.

On July 21, 2012, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed the Federal Law "On the donation of blood and its components." This law adopted the general trend of the World Health Organization, according to which donation should become gratuitous by 2020 worldwide. Also, one of the main innovations of the law is the creation of a single data bank of blood and people who donate it.

The law also provides for social support measures for donors who donate blood free of charge, including persons awarded the titles "Honorary Donor of the USSR" and "Honorary Donor of Russia." The main focus of the law is blood donation free of charge.

The number of honorary donors in Russia is increasing every year - from 577,672 in 2015 to 589,572 people in 2017. Any Russian who donated blood can become an honorary donor

Donor - giving life to someone who needs a blood transfusion. Only safe, not infected with any infections, it can save. Millions of people continue to live thanks to safe donor blood, and millions more, who are deprived of the opportunity to receive this gift in a timely manner, die.

"Blood is the gift of life" was the name of the campaign dedicated to world day donor, which was held for the first time in South Africa, in Johannesburg on June 14, 2004 at the initiative of three International Organizations: the Blood Transfusion Society, the Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, and the Blood Donor Organization.

Organizations advocating the idea of ​​gratuitous blood donation were supported by the World Health Organization. According to the WHO, it is the voluntary donors who donate it regularly, acting on the basis of altruistic motives, that have the safest blood - volunteers have no reason to hide the reasons why the priceless liquid of the human body may be unsafe.

In May 2005, the participants of the 58th session of the World Health Assembly spoke in favor of the priority of voluntary donation. Resolution WHA58.13 established World Blood Donor Day on June 14 (World Blood Donor Day). The Secretariat's report stated that this day should not replace national donor days.

The purpose of the celebration: on the birthday of Karl Landsteiner, the Austrian immunologist who discovered blood types, to draw attention to national, local and global events that promote the development of non-remunerated voluntary donation around the world and help increase the safe national blood supply by increasing the number of new altruistic donors.

Prior to the discovery of K. Landsteiner, attempts to heal and save patients with the help of transfusion often remained unsuccessful, despite the fact that they had been conducted since the middle of the 17th century, ever since the law of blood circulation was discovered by W. Harvey. Doctors transfused blood from animals to animals, from animal to person, but the desired result was achieved in isolated cases.

The first person-to-person transfusion was performed in 1818 by James Blundell. It was the first such operation that helped save the life of a patient in labor. However, the percentage of failed procedures exceeded the percentage of successfully completed transfusions.

Karl Landsteiner in 1900 found out that the blood of different people differs in composition, proved that it differs on the basis of group membership, discovered three blood groups. It turned out that it is its different composition that affects the results of the transfusion.

The results of the scientist's research were so significant for humanity that in 1930 he was awarded the Nobel Prize. And in the world, an active study of group compatibility and improvement of the practice of transfusion began. Already during the First World War in England, massive successful blood transfusions began.
