
World Boys Day when. World Men's Day is celebrated this Saturday. Who to congratulate, how, what to give


There is a common saying: “You can’t buy health”. In the case of David Rockefeller, it does not seem to have worked. The world's oldest billionaire has died at the age of 101 after undergoing six heart surgeries in his lifetime. Certainly not free...

With a golden spoon in his mouth...

David Rockefeller was the representative of the third generation of the famous American financial dynasty. His grandfather, John Rockefeller, was the founder of the Standard Oil Company oil trust, and the country's first dollar billionaire.

David was born in New York on June 12, 1915. He graduated summa cum laude from Harvard in 1936 with a degree in English history and literature. But later he entered the London School of Economics. In 1940, the young Rockefeller earned a doctorate in economics from the University of Chicago and married his own age, Margaret McGrath, the daughter of a Wall Street law firm partner. They subsequently had six children in their marriage.

In the same 1940, David began his career. He first worked as a secretary to the mayor of New York, then as an assistant regional director in the Department of Defense, Health and Human Services. However, in May 1942 he went to the front as a private. He served in North Africa and France, served as assistant military attache in Paris, was engaged in military intelligence. In 1945 he ended the war as a captain, and in April 1946 he joined the Chase National Bank in New York as assistant manager of the foreign department.

In 1952, David Rockefeller achieved the position of first vice president of the Chase National and facilitated its merger with the Bank of Manhattan. So in 1955, the giant of the financial industry, Chase Manhattan, was created.

From 1961 to 1981, Rockefeller was chairman of the board and at the same time president of Chase Manhattan Bank, and since 1969 he also served as CEO jar. On April 20, 1981, he had to retire due to age, but he remained chairman of the Chase Manhattan International Advisory Committee.

Along with financial activities, David Rockefeller was also involved in other projects, while becoming famous for his neo-globalist and views. He headed the Council on Foreign Relations, was a member of the famous Bilderberg Club, participated in the Dartmouth conferences and Trilateral Commission, supported various charitable and public organizations. By the way, in 2008 he donated $100 million to Harvard University, which is the largest private donation in the history of this institution.

Rockefeller in the USSR

In August 1964, Rockefeller met with N.S. Khrushchev. It was about increasing trade turnover between the USSR and the USA. But two months later, Khrushchev was removed from office. In May 1973, a meeting took place between Rockefeller and Alexei Kosygin. As a result, Chase Manhattan became the first American bank to be able to conduct financial transactions in the territory Soviet Union.

After perestroika, Rockefeller visited Russia several more times - in particular, he met with USSR President M.S. Gorbachev, negotiated economic cooperation with him.

six hearts

Back in 1976, after a car accident, David Rockefeller underwent heart surgery. Usually after this, patients expect a long recovery period, there are many restrictions for them. However, a week later, David started jogging.

Over the following years, he underwent five more heart transplants. The last time this happened was in 2015. The operation was carried out right at the Rockefeller residence. It lasted six hours.

“Every time I get a new heart, it’s like a breath of life rolls through my body,” David said. - I feel active and alive. I am often asked the question: how to live long? The answer is always the same: live a simple life, play with your children, enjoy everything you do.”

But is this the only thing? David's wife Margaret, who did not undergo such operations, died in 1996, having lived a little over 80 years. And he himself died on March 20, 2017 at his New York home in Pocantico Hills at the age of 102. His fortune at that time was estimated at 3.3 billion dollars.

Heart transplantation is not easy and expensive. Many people can't wait for a suitable donor for years. But if there is money, then everything is possible ... Or did David Rockefeller just get "longevity genes" from nature? One can only wonder how he managed to live to such an advanced age.

People gradually forget history. On the day when they used to congratulate really defenders, including women liable for military service, now they give gifts to just all the representatives of the stronger sex. But which days are women's, which are men's? What date for congratulations will be correct?

Gender holidays

The tradition of congratulating each other simply on belonging to the opposite sex did not arise from scratch. The original meaning of these holidays was completely different. So, the modern one came from the date when feminists celebrated the day of solidarity in the struggle for rights and emancipation. It all started with a strike of textile workers in 1857, when workers protested against unbearable working conditions and demanded an increase in wages. And if this holiday, having undergone many changes and having lost its warlike meaning, is now considered very common, then the male counterparts are not so popular and not all of them have such serious historical background.

International holidays for men

Surprisingly, but International Men's Day aims to draw public attention to the problem of gender discrimination against the stronger sex. It may sound strange, but the feminists who are pushing for equal rights for women in some countries have succeeded so much that, one might say, the oppression of men has begun. In addition, every year the most relevant topic is chosen for the holiday. The day can be devoted to men's health and psychological well-being or a positive role in the family and society. In general, gender holidays are necessary so that people remember that the basic rights of different sexes should be equal.

Increasingly, it is said that a woman can provide for a family if she is good at it, and a man can look after the children and the household. In some countries, young dads may well get paid parental leave. Of course, all this could have been done before.

However, not so many years ago, the decision to separate roles in this way caused surprise and even public censure. Now it can be accepted as normal. At the same time, naturally, there is no talk of an artificial change in gender roles; each family has the right to freely accept similar solutions and earn their respect.

Even in the event of a divorce, in some countries men can be given the right to have children with them if the court decides that it is best to do so. Previously, in practice, such cases were rare - in Russia it is still almost impossible to challenge the guardianship of the mother, unless there are serious reasons.

Originating in Trinidad and Tobago, the tradition of celebrating this holiday has so far spread only to a small amount of countries. But since it first appeared only in 1999, there is hope that men's day will soon gain popularity along with women's.

history of the holiday

The idea that stronger sex also needs its own day, by analogy with women's, sounded back in the middle of the 20th century, but things did not go beyond conversations. Finally, in the 1990s, on the initiative of Professor Thomas Oaster from the USA, who worked in

Institute for Men's Studies, some events were held, they fell on February. But the tradition did not stick.

International Men's Day as it is known today was initiated by Jerome Tilucsinghe of the University of the West Indies. November 19 was taken because that day was the birth of his father, who, he believed, was an excellent role model.

AT different countries the celebration is different. AT various sources the numbers differ, but some minimal events dedicated to men are held on November 19 in about 60 countries in Europe, North and Latin America, and Asia. In Russia, this holiday also exists, but there is also its own. In some other states, there are also special dates, which, although established for a different purpose, gradually transformed into "Men's Day".

National holidays

In many countries there were and continue to celebrate holidays,

dedicated to men and their role in society. For example, there is World Men's Day, established on the initiative of Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev. It is celebrated annually on the first Saturday in November. But still not very popular.

In many countries, the main men's day is a holiday that initially did not apply to all members of the stronger sex. Over time, he gained a modern role and popularity. This is which is popular in in large numbers countries - from the USA and Canada to China and Thailand. Dates vary - in some places it is June and July, and somewhere in March or May. Like - this is a very popular holiday. And on this holiday, even those who have not yet become fathers due to their youth are congratulated. Just because they are still support and support for tender women.

And in Iceland, for example, there is a spouse's day - it is celebrated on January 19 and the next Friday after it. In Mongolia, mid-July is Nadom - the day of the warrior. All men from the age of six take part in this holiday. Still, with such a warlike past of the country, it would be strange if the history of the holiday belonged to some other area. There is a similar men's day in Russia. Initially, his role was completely different, but now he has transformed into main holiday strong sex.

Defender of the Fatherland Day

This holiday was established in 1922 and originally had a completely different name. It was the "Day of the Red Army and Navy", that is, it was dedicated to military personnel. Later, it was renamed several times, and finally acquired a modern name, while at the same time somewhat losing its military connotation.

Perhaps the proximity of the holiday on March 8 influenced, but it was February 23 that for some reason unofficially began to be perceived as the main men's day in Russia and a number. It was at this time that women give gifts to their spouses and friends, congratulate colleagues. In addition, since 2002, this day has officially become a non-working day, like March 8. And although this holiday is already gradually losing its original meaning, its renaming is not planned, and this is probably the right decision, because all representatives of the stronger sex are potential defenders of the motherland and women. And although February 23 is not an international men's day, it is much more popular in the CIS.

professional holidays

If it seems that honoring men only for their gender is not enough, then it makes sense to celebrate their knowledge and skills. quite popular in Russia, and although official large-scale events are practically not arranged, in a narrow circle you can always congratulate dear people and let them know how valuable and loved they are.


Whatever the name of this holiday, in many countries there are different traditions for its celebration. For example, Father's Day, especially in the United States, is treated very reverently - children prepare gifts, those who study at colleges or work away from their families try to escape to their hometown for at least a couple of days.

And in Germany, on a similar holiday, men gather with their company and do their favorite things - they go fishing, play football or go on a picnic to nature - there are a huge number of options. The only condition is

no wives and girls.

In Italy, men are given wine on this day. It’s impossible to seriously celebrate, because this date has ceased to be officially a holiday, but before that it was a day off. Women on this holiday do not skimp on compliments and souvenirs to others.

In esotericism

Among fortune-tellers and those who are engaged in conspiracies, love spells and other similar things, there is a division of some procedures. There is even such a thing as female and men's days weeks. The reception of people by fortunetellers and the reading of conspiracies should directly depend on the gender of those who ask and the purpose of the action. So, what days are men's? It is traditionally believed that these include Wednesday, Friday and Saturday, and the second, respectively, Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. This means that a woman who wants to attract good luck should read the plot on her day, and if her goal is to find a groom, then in a man's.


Despite the fact that gender roles have become highly conventional in recent decades, people still need to remember who they are without opposing themselves to the opposite sex. Women and men need each other and complement each other. And it is necessary to remember this always, and not only on the days of gender holidays. After all, it is possible and necessary to give your halves warmth, care and love all the time, and not just in honor of some memorable date.

World Men's Day is usually celebrated on the first Saturday in November: in 2018 this holiday falls on November 3rd.

It is traditionally believed that men have only one holiday a year - Defender of the Fatherland Day. If you did not serve and are in no way connected with the army, then we hasten to please you, because you have a chance to celebrate the "male version of March 8" - World Men's Day.

This holiday was established at the suggestion former president USSR Mikhail Gorbachev in 2000. And although this holiday does not have an official status, "Men's Day" is celebrated annually and quite widely.

Which countries celebrate Men's Day

Men's holiday is usually celebrated in the countries of the former Soviet Union. In European countries and America, there is an alternative to this day - International Men's Day, November 9th.

The Importance of World Men's Day

The role of men in history life situations cannot be overestimated. The stronger sex not only has a lot of rights, but also bears most of the responsibility. Therefore, the traditional roles of the earner and the warrior do not cease to be relevant, on the contrary, they acquire new forms and opportunities. Men no longer hunt mammoths and go into battle to provide for their families - the world is ruled by the economy.

It is interesting that in recent times public attention is drawn to the concept of male discrimination. They write about it, they talk about it: how the oppressors became the oppressed. Not less than interesting topic is a men's health issue. According to WHO, the health of men leaves much to be desired in comparison with women. Men die earlier - not only due to diseases, but also as a result of wars and injuries in the workplace.

That is why World Men's Day is a good occasion to express gratitude to men for their sacrifices and accomplishments - while drawing attention to the problems that they hush up.

How to congratulate men on this holiday

At this time, many TV channels and radio stations are broadcasting dedicated to men, and various lectures and seminars are also organized.

A woman can congratulate her man in any way she sees fit. You can thank him with a welcome or the right gift- a guitar, sports equipment, tickets for a football match. Or remember about "the way to the heart through the stomach" and pamper him with his favorite dishes. The main thing is to find time and pay attention to the father, grandfather or spouse.

Do you know when World Men's Day is celebrated in 2019 and what date it will be? And the event is celebrated on the first Saturday of November, this year the holiday falls on November 2. It is possible that few people know about the existence of such a holiday, since in Russia they are used to considering February 23 a man's day, but not everyone served in the army. There is also Father's Day, but what about boys and childless men. In addition, November 19 is celebrated as International Men's Day. These days it is worth paying more attention to your men, surround them with love and care so that they feel their strength and significance for the fair sex. It's not, but also a holiday worth seeing!

For many women, James Bond is the image of a real man.

history of the holiday

The beginning of the celebration is the year 2000, when, at the initiative of Mikhail Gorbachev, a day dedicated to the stronger sex was chosen. This decision was supported in Vienna, the UN and other international organizations. Other countries also liked it. These events were preceded by the speech of George Kindel with a theory about the effect of testosterone on the human brain. According to the scientist, this causes a feeling of aggression in men. And in order to avoid its manifestation, to encourage new positive undertakings, it was proposed to reward men who distinguished themselves by high achievements with prizes. Applicants for the award must be guided by high moral principles, possess deep wisdom in order to change the world. The tradition of presenting the award lasted until 2006. It was a bronze figurine "The Thinker" by Rodin. Many politicians, figures in the field of art, business, and science have become its owners.

A little humor...

Although the Day has been somewhat abolished in Russia, it has taken root in many states, and it is celebrated annually. Various seminars, performances and exhibitions are held on this day. In educational institutions, the day has a special meaning - children arrange festive performances with their fathers or grandfathers. In the evening, concerts and congratulatory events are held. The media send congratulations to everyone, present stories dedicated to male endurance, strength and ingenuity.

Have you heard about this holiday?

Traditional day out

On this day, without a twinge of conscience, men can lie on the couch in front of the TV or play tanks on the computer - everything should contribute to the appearance of positive emotions. Representatives of the stronger sex will feel the attention to them in full. Women and girls need to take care of their grandfathers, father, husband, brothers, boyfriends, sons. They prepare a delicious dinner for them, give presents, sincerely congratulate them on a wonderful mood.

Body shape is not important to be a real man

The place of a man in the modern world

It so happened that time left its mark on the family and social structure. Gone are the days of patriarchy and matriarchy. Men do not hunt mammoths, and women do not sit by the fire, cooking and taking care of the younger generation. A man can cope with all this, and a woman can also successfully complete business transactions and bring income to the family. This state of affairs does not prevent some men from becoming successful, conquering new heights, settling in new territories. But some, less strong in spirit, become hostages of the established order and cannot show their potential and demonstrate a strong side.

Important: A wave of feminism is making its way to the expanses of Russia. It has a positive impact on the social status of women and their independence. However, it also has its negative sides. Such girls, striving for independence, may neglect family ancestral traditions. Examples have become common incomplete families where mothers raise their children alone. Naturally, they raise their child with the best intentions, but they will not replace the father, his love and support. And thanks to medical progress, a girl can conceive a baby without the help of a man.

If we compare the life expectancy of men compared to women, it is much lower. This is due to hard physical labor, lack of personal care and health. Bad habits can only exacerbate the situation. physical health directly depends on the state of emotional satisfaction, spiritual and social well-being.

Every woman deserves a real man

Some interesting facts:

  1. adapt to environment women are faster. They have improved adaptation to different kinds of changes. In contrast to this, the stronger sex will calmly and without unnecessary emotions react to stress, panic and danger. They are more risky;
  2. The girl is able to pay attention even to imperceptible trifles. Vision, smell and sense of smell in women are more developed than in men. A gentleman is able to assess the situation as a whole, without failing in details and small nuances;
  3. Men's thinking is built in a linear sequential chain. The perception of reality will not occur by processing all sources of information simultaneously.

Although there are no mammoths left, the man is still the breadwinner

gifts for men

Not Superman yet, but I'm learning

To make the holiday more popular, it is worth accustoming children from the very beginning. early age to world traditions. May World Men's Day 2019 not be filled with loud salutes and fireworks. However, every woman and girl needs to know what date to celebrate the day of their men. In the meantime, check out some thematic humor.

The Chinese horoscope is inextricably linked with the Chinese calendar, which consists of twelve-year cycles. Each year of the cycle corresponds to a certain animal, one of 12.
  • The symbol of 2020 is the Rat (or Mouse).
The rat is the first animal in the 12-year cycle of the Chinese zodiac.

What is the symbol of 2020 according to the Chinese horoscope, the color, element and binary cycle "Yin" / "Yang":

In the binary cycle "Yin" and "Yang" A rat is always "yang", falling exclusively on even years.

The element that corresponds to the Rat in 2020 is - metal.

2020 symbol colors - white.

That is, the symbol of 2020 according to the Chinese horoscope is white metal rat .

Characteristics of the Rat - a symbol of 2020 according to the Chinese calendar:

The rat in the Chinese horoscope has long been considered an animal, bringing material prosperity and giving protection.

The rat is associated with intelligence, activity, cunning, order, wealth and charisma.

Unlike Western culture, where a person can be called a "rat" in a negative sense, in China and India The rat is considered a highly respected animal.. As an example, we can recall the famous story of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, whose great and wise mentor was Master Splinter, who is a Rat.

It is believed that the Rat is most compatible with the other Rat, the Dragon, in which she appreciates intelligence and attractiveness, and the Monkey, which captivates her with her irresistible charm. The opposite sign with which the Rat is most difficult to find mutual language- this is a "too independent" Horse. With the rest of the animals of the Chinese horoscope, the Rat has satisfactory compatibility.