
The Ordinary Miracle Foundation has a doppelgänger collecting money on the street. Charitable Foundation Ordinary Miracle Ordinary Miracle Charitable Foundation


Over 10 years of work, more than a thousand families with special children have been helped: the foundation supports families with disabled children and provides them with the assistance that they cannot receive from the state due to the lack or insufficient development of certain social programs. Over the years, the fund has collected more than 60 million rubles for the treatment and rehabilitation of disabled children.

The Foundation is actively working both online, organizing fundraising through the website, and offline, implementing charitable projects.





May 2018 The website of the Tomsk Charitable Foundation "Ordinary Miracle" became the winner of the IX Festival of Social Internet Resources "The World of Equal Opportunities" in the nomination "Kindness is the basis of the world."

June, 2018 An acquiring system from Sberbank is connected.

The main page of the version of the site for the visually impaired

We thank the Studio 15 team for the high quality and professionalism in the creation and maintenance of the website of the Charitable Foundation " Ordinary miracle» . The work was done at a high level and causes positive feedback among specialists and ordinary users. The site is conveniently structured, has good functionality and is easy to navigate. This is very important for us, as our site is an important tool for collecting donations for seriously ill children in the Tomsk region. A convenient and easy-to-use administrative interface allows employees of our foundation to independently change the structure of the site and place any necessary materials. We note the quality, responsibility and reliability in partnerships, clear deadlines for the implementation of the project.
In 2017, the issue of creating a new website for the Ordinary Miracle Charitable Foundation was raised. We wanted to get a new site with a collection of information about the foundation and its project activities, a useful tool for modern fundraising. Like nikruti, now the main fundraising for the treatment of seriously ill children is the site and social networks. We were looking for an honest company, ready to make a quality product without delays, with a clear technical description of the work, with instructions for working on the site accessible to "dummies" in the future. The wishes were to make such a site so that it would be as simple and accessible as possible for the visitor, so that he would not search through the wilds of sections and search for important information on clothes and projects. I also wanted a modern design, spaciousness, lightness, individual graphics and bright photos. We are very lucky to have met Studio 15. From the very first meeting was found mutual language on all issues, in the shortest possible time we were offered a project and the work was in full swing. Individual approach, creative smart solutions gave a chic result.

Svetlana Grigoryeva, President of the Ordinary Miracle Charitable Foundation

The Ordinary Miracle Foundation has been supporting families with children with serious health problems since November 26, 2008.

Over the years, tens of millions of rubles of donations from caring people have been transferred to our wards. In total, over 8 years, more than 700 special children with various ailments received help, thanks to which some children eased their suffering, others literally got on their feet. And there are those who live and breathe, having received support from Tomsk residents and residents of the region. Work on targeted assistance is carried out within the framework of the Let's Help Children Together, Miracle Site and Ordinary Miracle Marathon projects.

In addition, the Fund supports families with disabled children and provides them with the assistance that they cannot receive from the state due to the absence or insufficient development of certain social programs.

For example, in 2012, the Foundation launched the School for Parents of Special Children project. In 2015, the school received support under a subsidy from the Administration of the Tomsk Region. The amount was more than 800,000 rubles. This money was enough for the annual support of the project.

In 2016, our school went beyond Tomsk. It was remote and there were online broadcasts to all corners of the region. Any mother or father of a child with special needs could gain knowledge simply by going to the Foundation's website, where classes were held on Saturdays. Also, the teachers of the school went to the districts of the region, where there is an acute lack of knowledge among the parents of disabled children.

Another large-scale project of the Foundation, which helps children in rehabilitation, is Miracle Sport. During the year, the children are engaged in adaptive physical education, swimming, hippotherapy, bocce. Participate in sports holidays, cups and tournaments. Since 2014, the project has been supported by the Administration of the Tomsk Region, and since 2015 by PJSC MegaFon.

Now the Ordinary Miracle Charitable Foundation is successfully implementing 9 projects, in which more than 3,000 people participate annually. These are children with disabilities, disabilities and members of their families from Tomsk and the region.

Fund mission

Support for families with disabled children, children with disabilities and disabled since childhood in the Tomsk region

Geography of activity

Tomsk region


Support for seriously ill and disabled children, social rehabilitation

Types of help

Financial, informational, holding events

Ways to attract donations

Mass media (TV, radio, newspapers), website, social networks, advertising on the Internet, holding events (concerts, evenings, charity events etc.), cooperation with corporate donors, dissemination of information about the fund through leaflets, booklets, etc., donation boxes in in public places, grants and subsidies from the state, grants from NGOs, commercial organizations, SMS and mailing lists, personal appeals to private donors, crowdfunding platforms (, Boomstater, etc.)

Registration data:

Date of registration: 26.11.2008
TIN: 7017228221
PSRN: 1087000001692

Over the past week, the Ordinary Miracle Charitable Foundation has received several emails and more than a dozen calls from Tomsk residents who suspected fraudulent fundraising volunteers. Volunteers explained that they were raising funds for the Ordinary Miracle Foundation, but not in Tomsk, but in St. Petersburg. The callers asked: did the Tomsk fund really open a branch in St. Petersburg?

As it turned out, supposedly representatives of the Ordinary Miracle Charitable Foundation from the northern capital are calling and inviting residents of our city to take part in campaigns to help disabled children. Moreover, the shares are street fees, which are prohibited by the Declaration of Integrity in the Field of Charity when raising funds through piggy bank boxes. This declaration was joined by about three hundred NGOs, including almost all well-known charitable foundations. The Declaration states that no honest foundation collects cash on the street. Tomsk "Ordinary Miracle" joined this declaration, and from the very foundation (and this is almost 10 years) does not collect on the streets and in transport.

Not a single honestly working charitable foundation will collect money from passers-by just like that on the street, - said Svetlana Grigoryeva, President of the Ordinary Miracle Charitable Foundation in Tomsk.- Usually this is such a trick: a cheap site is created. Five, well, ten thousand they will spend on it, but they will collect many times more. A site for averting eyes, although they are officially registered with the Ministry of Justice, they do not conduct real work. For example, the Podari Zhizn Foundation has about twenty of these twin clones. And the Podari Zhizn Foundation even managed to close one of these clones through a court in Krasnoyarsk. Because it's really just two people launched a storm of activity on the street.

We, the funds that really work and constantly report on the collection of money, have joined the Declaration of Integrity, and according to this declaration, all collections on the street are prohibited for us, and as far as I know, all these collections on the street will be prohibited even by law in the near future, so that at least as to stop all this. You just need to explain to people - do not serve on the streets.

By the way, in big cities, the same Mitya Aleshkovsky is really struggling with this. They post photos of such "volunteers" on the Internet, call the police. Now these volunteers from large metropolitan cities have gone on tour to the provinces. Usually such clones come, for example, to our website, see our symbols, see that the work is being done, that the fund is promoted and begin to create something similar. And then they recruit students locally, explaining to them: we work officially, here we have a registration certificate, here we have a website, we help children. And students say when you start chasing them: no, we believe that we are helping children. That year, some collectors walked around Tomsk and, for example, mowed for the Alena Petrova Foundation, - added Svetlana Grigoryeva.

Website "Ordinary Miracle", St. Petersburg

We got through on the phone number listed on the website of the St. Petersburg Ordinary Miracle Foundation. Pavel Maksimenkov, who, in his words, works as a soloist of the Mariinsky Theater in ordinary life, said that their fund was created only a month ago and they have nothing to do with Tomsk volunteers who collect money on the street.

Do you know that there is such a bad story with the creation of clones of already well-known and long-standing charitable foundations, solely for making money?

Yes, I heard about it.

And that there is the Ordinary Miracle Foundation, which has been working in Tomsk for more than ten years. By the way, do you even have a logo similar to the logo of the Tomsk Foundation?

Yes I know.

And why didn't you, knowing the story about clones, come up with a different name for yourself?

Well, it was very difficult to come up with a name, and we considered this the most suitable for our kind of activity.

The Tomsk "miracle" has never been training on the streets. Cubes with symbols, sealed and locked, stand at 27 stationary points in the cities of Tomsk and Seversk. Cubes are also installed by the fund's employees during annual promotions. For example, in the City Garden at a concert and a big family holiday of the Ordinary Miracle marathon, at the Trud stadium during matches or during charity fairs in institutions. Information about promotions and fees in cubes is preliminarily posted on the website and in social networks.

If the St. Petersburg clone fund starts touring here with cubes, we will take action. We are not going to calmly look at this process. By the way, in Russia there is an NGO with the same name "Ordinary Miracle". We know these organizations, they work in the field of helping orphans, graduates of orphanages. At the same time, people have created their own unique logo, website and do not call Tomsk residents, trying to attract volunteers on the streets, - added Svetlana Grigorieva.

"RARE" CHILDREN International Day of Rare (Orphan) Diseases is celebrated all over the world on February 29th. Its goal is to draw public attention to the problems of people with rare diseases, to raise awareness about these diseases and their impact on people's lives. The list of orphan diseases, according to the Ministry of Health, includes 258 diseases. A rare disease in our country is considered to be a disease with a prevalence of no more than 10 cases per 100 thousand people. From 1 to 1.5 million people live in Russia with one or another rare disease, including spinal muscular atrophy (SMA), Duchenne muscular dystrophy, Gaucher disease and others. One-year-old Liza Noskova is a ward of the foundation with spinal muscular atrophy. This is a rare disease in which the muscles of the body gradually fail. Lisa is currently participating in a clinical trial program for a new drug for her illness. The little girl has great dynamics. - In Yekaterinburg, where the study is being carried out, we were lucky to attend a conference on SMA (spinal muscular atrophy), organized by the SMA Families Foundation, with Italian experts on our disease. These specialists have been working with children like Liza for over 30 years. Italian specialists spoke well of their daughter's condition and her positive dynamics in development. Orthopedist Romano Salso recommended the Panthera Micro active stroller for her daughter. With this stroller, my daughter will be able to be more independent and active, she will be able to strengthen her arms and back. The cost of the stroller, unfortunately, is high for our family. My daughter and I still have a long and thorny path to go. This year, every quarter we have to return to Yekaterinburg for examination, for about a week. Upon returning to Tomsk, we continue exercise therapy, massage and hydro-rehabilitation. Our job is to get back on our feet. Perhaps this will seem like a miracle to someone, but I’m sure it will be so, ”said Maria Noskova, the girl’s mother. You can help Lisa by transferring any amount on the website or come to a charity performance on March 1 in support of the baby. #ordinary miracle #need help #miraclechildren

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PARENTS WILL BE ABLE TO LEAVE CHILDREN WITH DISABILITIES IN SPECIAL GROUPS FOR A FEW HOURS Parents of children with disabilities will be able to leave their child in special groups for several hours or invite a specialist to the house. The regional authorities are launching such a project called Mary Poppins. “This service will allow parents who raise children with disabilities, children who require constant attention, to have free time. Within three hours several times during the working week. To be able to leave the child somewhere and solve some everyday issues, go to the store, to the hairdresser, solve some issues with documents, and so on,” Deputy Governor Ivan Deev said at a press conference. According to him, in 2020 the project will be implemented in a pilot mode. But already in 2021, the authorities plan to recruit about 10 groups of 15 people each. At the same time, if the child, due to some circumstances, cannot be in the group, then the parents will be able to invite a specialist to the house. In turn, the president of the Ordinary Miracle Charitable Foundation, Svetlana Grigoryeva, said that the foundation has been implementing a similar project called Respite for several years. “The topic of supporting a family with a child with a disability has been raised for several years. This is especially true for families where children are difficult, whose parents (most often single mothers) cannot leave, - Svetlana Grigorieva commented on TV2. - Five or six years ago this question was raised, and within the framework of various projects, the fund gave my mother a break to solve some domestic issues or take a walk, go to the hairdresser, to a psychologist. For example, within the framework of the School of Parents of Special Children project, we hired educators who worked with children while their parents were in class. It was the first step. But we very quickly realized that this was not enough, and for two years we have been implementing the Respite project. For three or four hours our teacher looked after the child.” Svetlana Grigoryeva noted that special classes were organized within the framework of the Respite. Children studied both in a group and alone with a teacher. They played, made crafts, drew, sculpted. “The service was very popular among Tomsk parents. Nobody has done this before us. There was a record, three times a week, parents could leave their child. We accepted children from 3 to 14 years old, it happened that even older. There was even a queue, and parents asked to leave their children for a longer period and more often, since such help was especially needed for working mothers. During the project, we have passed more than two hundred families. Now we have tested this service, but we do not have a budget, and we received funding as part of a grant. Now we are developing a new grant. Of course I want to continue. There are many families, it is impossible to cover them all. It's good that the regional administration is finally getting involved in this work," summed up Svetlana Grigoryeva. #ordinarymiracle #respite

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The children's group of the miracle choir of the Union of Parents invites you to a concert in the chamber hall of the BKZ Monday, September 18 at 19.00 Come support our children. Perhaps you will like the team and you yourself want to join the whole family in our friendly company.

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BRIGHT START The musical and plastic performance "From the life of mannequins" launched the XIV charity marathon "Ordinary Miracle. Digital Reboot". The performance of the theater "Indigo" is a story about the feelings of people with the help of gestures, facial expressions and well-chosen music. Actors once again proved that human possibilities are endless. The theater employs deaf and hard of hearing actors who have received specialized professional education. Since the foundation of the theater, together with the actors of Indigo, professional actors from other Tomsk theaters have been playing on the stage, so the sign language is supplemented by the dialogues of other (speaking) actors. - For the first time our marathon started with such a bright event. In past years, we started our main social event with charity workshops, fundraising at a football match, free doctor consultations, and this year, thanks to our friend, the Indigo Theater, it turned out to be a real holiday! - shared Svetlana Grigorieva, President of the Fund. A charity fair was held before the performance. We managed to raise 2,400 rubles to help one-year-old Liza Noskova with spinal muscular atrophy. The collection for the baby continues on her blog on the foundation's website. Join now! XIV charity marathon"Ordinary Miracle. Digital Reboot" is held with the support of PJSC "SIBUR-Holding" as part of the "Formula of Good Deeds" charity program. #ordinary miracle #miraclechildren #marathon2020 #FormulaGoodDeeds

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IN THE ADMINISTRATION OF THE CITY OF TOMSK THE WINNERS OF THE FORMULA OF GOOD DEED CHARITY PROGRAM WERE AWARDED The winners of the charitable program "Formula of Good Deeds", implemented with the support of SIBUR, were awarded in the hall of the administration of Tomsk. By decision of the jury, 17 projects out of 67 submitted for the competition this year were recognized as the best. Deputy Mayor for Social Policy Konstantin Chubenko, General Director of Tomskneftekhim LLC Andrey Kugaevsky, Advisor to the General Director for Relations with Government Authorities of the Tomsk enterprise SIBUR Alexander Eremin awarded grants to the authors of the best projects of 2020. Among the winners are the Ordinary Miracle Charitable Foundation, the Association of Parents of Disabled Children, Children with Disabilities and Disabled Children, SDYUSSHOR No. IN AND. Rastorguev, Tomsk Theater for Young Spectators, Scientific Library of TSU, local history museum, Museum of the History of Tomsk “On behalf of the administration and all Tomsk residents, I would like to thank the representatives of SIBUR for the Formula for Good Deeds project. This is a great support for the city, since all initiatives implemented with grant funds will be directed to the benefit of Tomsk and its residents. Among the winners are municipal institutions branches of culture, education, additional education, sports, and non-profit organizations that prioritize helping people,” said Konstantin Chubenko, Deputy Mayor of Tomsk for Social Policy, congratulating the winners. Our fund has been cooperating with SIBUR for several years. The company is willingly supporting the charity marathon "Ordinary Miracle" for the fifth time already. For information: SIBUR’s unified charitable program “Formula for Good Deeds” was launched on February 1, 2016 in all key cities of the company’s operations, and is carried out in six areas that cover all the most important public areas: urban development, education and science, sports and healthy lifestyle life, security environment, culture and volunteering. #ordinary miracle #marathon2020 #FHD #miracle fund #SIBURTomskneftekhim #formulahoroshihdel

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Kolenka Belyakov / Our Children / Ordinary Miracle Charitable Foundation

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THANK YOU ESKIMOS! We share the secret of a great holiday: an interactive platform, an interesting performance and ice cream as a gift! It was in this scenario that the birthday of the Ordinary Miracle Foundation took place today. With the company "Eskimos" our fund is associated with long-standing friendly relations. At each holiday, our wards receive a sweet treat, the children participated in delicious meetings of the Eskimo ice cream club and, of course, the company financially participated in helping children with serious illnesses. - For our family, the contribution of the company "Eskimos" is difficult to overestimate! He fully covered the costs of rehabilitation, thanks to which the son feels, his body is completely different: Andryusha holds his head and back, tries to sit down on his own, began to observe others with interest, tries to communicate. Our son is now a first grader! We are very grateful to "Eskimo" for such support! And they have the most delicious ice cream in the world! - shared Olga Zamsha, Andrey's mother. As a sign of our gratitude for the long-term partnership, the president of the fund, Svetlana Grigoryeva, presented thank you letter to CEO company Andrey Fedchenko. Thank you that charity is not for you simple words and good deeds! For reference: Eskimo Company - sole manufacturer ice cream price Tomsk | The company is more than 20 years old, and it annually increases production volumes. "Eskimo" treats residents of Tomsk, residents of 120 regions of Russia and five countries with more than 100 types of ice cream. The chip of the company is the use in the production of only local natural products: live milk, butter, sugar, nuts, berries, jams. The result - a line of ice creams "Taezhnoye" and "Our Plombir on Cream" - the winners of the GEMMA and "100 Best Goods" awards, gold medals of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation. #ordinary miracle #eskimo #thank you #miraclechildren

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NINE FAMILIES TO MOVE TO ADAPTED HOUSING FOR THE DISABLED IN 2019 In 2019, for the first time, the authorities of Tomsk will fully spend the funds allocated for material support for people with disabilities of the musculoskeletal system; by the end of the year, nine families of disabled people will move into more adapted housing, Aleksey Balanovsky, head of the social policy committee of the Tomsk Duma, told reporters on Wednesday. Earlier it was reported that since 2016, disabled people of groups I and II with impaired functions of the musculoskeletal system and families with children in wheelchairs can receive up to 500 thousand rubles to purchase an apartment on the ground floor of an apartment building. Assistance of up to 20 thousand for legal support of the transaction is also provided. “Initially, this program was called “Resettlement of the Disabled from the Upper Floors.” But we saw that it did not work - from 32% to 50% of the money pledged for it was used annually. Then we changed the conditions for participation in the program. As a result, in 2019 for the first time the funds will be spent in full, nine families will move to suitable housing for the disabled,” Balanovsky said. He added that annually about 5 million rubles were allocated in the city budget for the implementation of the program. New conditions According to the head of the Duma Committee on Social Policy, in order to expand the opportunities for families with wheelchair users, deputies abandoned many of the initial restrictions. Now, according to the program, the family can move not necessarily to the first floor, but also to a house where there is a ramp and a special elevator. In addition, new housing can be located in any locality Tomsk region, and applicants were given the opportunity to participate in shared construction. "In 2020, the budget for the program includes 4.68 million rubles, that is, nine more families will be able to move to housing adapted for the disabled. It is enough to imagine what it means for a person in wheelchair be locked in an apartment without the opportunity to go outside. So this program is extremely important and useful,” said Balanovsky. The queue will disappear As Galina Marakulina, head of the social policy department of the Tomsk City Hall, Galina Marakulina told deputies at a committee meeting, since 2016, 55 families have applied for compensation for the cost of moving to housing adapted for wheelchair users. 13 10 families were denied support (mainly due to the fact that the housing they chose did not meet the conditions of the program), 19 families have already received financial support. -m (and here much depends on the initiative of families with wheelchair users who will have to find options for relocation), then by the end of next year the queue for receiving funds for relocation to suitable housing for wheelchair users will actually disappear.As previously reported, from April 2019 year, the regulation on the program for material support for families with disabilities included the possibility of providing compensation to members enam of the family of a deceased person with a disability, if the recipient of the measures social support During his lifetime, he acquired an apartment that meets the criteria of the program. It was also reported that people with disabilities and families with disabled children now have the opportunity to purchase housing using their own or credit funds, without waiting for their turn to receive compensation, even in the event of the death of the main recipient. #ordinary miracle #miracle fund #Dumatomsk #disabled people #accessible environment