
If you feel that it is better to live alone. Life without a man: how to learn to live alone? Why is it sometimes good to be alone?


Living with someone in the same apartment, especially if this someone is not a girl, can be quite annoying at times. Your roommate can bring a girlfriend with him, and you will listen to them have fun behind the wall. Living with a friend can sometimes not be pleasant either. For example, because your house turns into a warehouse for some jars and creams. Plus, your personal space is reduced and someone is walking around your house.

Living alone has its pros and cons. Did you think that there were only advantages? You're wrong! Today we will tell you how wrong you are. Or right?

Behind: walking around the house naked. If it's not cold, that's normal. There is no need to worry about how you look, because naked is quite comfortable and funny. There is no need to keep home clothes at home. Seriously, when I lived alone, I didn't have a set of clothes to wear around the house. I had a special T-shirt that I sometimes slept in when it was not hot, but in the summer it completely disappeared from my wardrobe. Someone greatly overestimated clothes.

Against: This is actually a big wake up call, man. It may be more difficult for you to return to human society.

Behind: you can make a mess and nothing will happen to you. You don't have to concentrate it on your room or be afraid that your friend will scold you again for leaving nail clippings all over the house. Absolute freedom!

Against: Cooking for one is a terribly tedious thing. Or rather, I have no desire to cook something tasty for myself, although I would like to try chicken curry according to my signature recipe, but I’m too lazy to make it. So I ate stewed vegetables with sausages or chicken legs.

Behind: you can decorate the house as you want. You won't have to put up with someone's grandma's rug hanging on the wall.

Against: Every day you come to an empty house. What if it's forever?

Behind: if you bring a person of the opposite sex home, you don’t need to be embarrassed, negotiate with someone, and in the morning no one will have to leave your room, mumble “Hello” and run away, clutching their slippers in their hands.

Against: sometimes you feel like you can never live with someone. What if you end up alone forever? Don't say you haven't had such thoughts!

Behind: you have become completely independent. You can pay the bills, you know how and what to wash, you learned how to cook, fix some things, kill a cockroach, poison a cockroach, turn over a mattress. You got rid of teenage infantilism and became a man.

Against: there is no one on whom to dump the burden of passive aggression. There is no one to quietly despise. Even the one who throws things around is not there either. And it's sad.

Behind: there is no one who will drip on your brain!

Against: your adult life is not like shows like How I Met Your Mother or Friends or any other comedy. She's much more boring.

Behind: you can do whatever you need to do.

Against: if it drags on, you start to feel like the equivalent of an old maid. What is it called? By the way, if you live alone for a really long time, then it’s very difficult to start living with someone. Someone comes into your personal space, someone touches your things, someone comes to your house with their girlfriends.

Behind: You don't live with a bunch of random neighbors who come and go in your life. You don't have to go somewhere if you get into a fight with your neighbor. And you can't fight with your neighbor! You return home, no one is waiting for you, no one tells you what to do. You don't have to wash the dishes right away. And it's all great!

In general, the verdict is this: living alone is vital for personal development. Renting an apartment together involves sharing duties and responsibilities, that is, you do not fully take responsibility. Living alone will completely shift the responsibility for your life onto your shoulders. Even if your mother comes to see you once a week, you still remain independent. The only problem is that you really shouldn’t delay this, otherwise it will be difficult for you to get used to another person living in your living space who is not your neighbor. With a neighbor, everything is simple: there is something like a neighbor agreement. But what to do with your girlfriend? Her neighbor agreement is blurry. It will be difficult for you to get used to it. In short, don’t delay it, although it’s so nice!

Depression due to loneliness is most common among girls and women. You are unlikely to meet a deeply unhappy man because he is lonely. And all because the man is not alone, he is free!

Girls, as a rule, after breaking up with a loved one or during his long absence, may experience psychological discomfort, create bad thoughts for themselves, consider themselves useless to anyone, and so on on the list. If you often have to be alone or you are worried, to which you previously devoted all your time, then coping with sadness and a “lump in your soul” is not easy. But loneliness can often bring significant benefits. Let's try to figure out all the advantages of loneliness, how to live alone for a woman who is suddenly left alone, and even enjoy it.

How to see the advantages of loneliness?

When you are alone with yourself, you may experience unpleasant sensations and discomfort due to your reluctance to admit certain things to yourself. Usually such moments seem to be recorded in the subconscious. That’s why it takes time to get them out of there. When else will you have as much time to understand yourself as you do now?

Analyze events

Business people try to develop the habit of analyzing every day they live in order to understand what new has happened and what opportunities have opened up for them. If you don't do this, life will quickly fly by. In the case of a girl who wants to learn to enjoy being alone, the most important advantage will be the availability of free time, which can finally be spent on reflection and analysis. For yourself, and not for analyzing other people’s problems.

Do something important and interesting

Instead of the blues and the desire to feel sorry for yourself, occupy your day with new tasks, communicating with unfamiliar people and interesting projects. It wouldn't hurt for someone to get a new job. Someone will want to enroll in courses that have always been postponed indefinitely. An undoubted advantage of loneliness is the opportunity to reflect on your own feelings and desires.

Whatever the reason for loneliness, it should become a new incentive for the development and understanding of your inner world. You will never have so many opportunities for self-development.

How to stop being afraid of loneliness?

If a person is lonely, he doesn’t know what to do with himself, life seems to have reached a dead end, then there is always the right way out - to direct his energy outward. Find someone who needs your help. If previously all your free time was devoted to your loved one, your parents, or anyone else, now you are free to spend it either on yourself, or, if you have too much of it, on other people. Helping those in need relieves you of your own problems and miraculously heals you from tormenting thoughts.

But don’t get carried away and don’t try to take up someone’s space next to you just for temporary relief.

How to learn to live alone and live happily?

Nobody says that you will always be alone and never meet anyone again. At the same time, there is a common mistake that many women make: when they break up with their partner, they immediately try to find a replacement. However, new relationships in most cases do not bring joy, comparisons begin, longing for the past and a new circle of experiences, partings and attempts to learn to live alone. Why is this happening?

Every relationship is meant to teach us something. As they say, if they did not become fate, they became experience. The advantages of loneliness are that in the suddenly available time you can analyze your behavior in relationships, mistakes, missed opportunities, learn to control yourself, and find the root of grievances and problems. It’s as if a person is given time to become better and wiser.

If you do not use the allotted period wisely, then instead of benefit you will get an extra turn on your tangle of self-torment.

Why is it sometimes good to be alone?

Moments when you are alone provide an incentive to think about yourself. How often do girls take responsibility for relationships, for the home, even for the career of a loved one, completely devoting themselves to him? This is not always useful. Without your own desires, goals and aspirations, life loses its meaning, even if you have convinced yourself that your meaning is family and the happiness of your partner. Self-realization, ambitions, dreams, personal characteristics - these are what make a person a person. Of course, how can a woman who has given up her life in order to live for someone live alone? This is why you are given the opportunity to be alone with yourself in order to understand the significance of your own life for you.

It is interesting and good to be alone for those who have clearly formed their interests and are looking for time to develop in their chosen directions. Even if left without people around, such people are able to enjoy life.

Being left without friends and loved ones for a while is a time for them to replenish energy, and not to pump it out of themselves.

The desert island principle.

Remember Robinson Crusoe. He, of course, is not a woman who is learning to live alone, but this is the clearest example of how a person managed to develop, improve living conditions, learned to survive and explore the unfamiliar world around him, learning to enjoy being alone. Imagine what would have happened to him if he had refused to fight? And he did not have the opportunity to wrap himself in a blanket, arm himself with a laptop and suffer from the fact that no one needs him. Try, instead of worrying, to spend time on the events happening around you.

A huge advantage of loneliness is that you get rid of imposed ideas and opposing opinions of other people.

No one controls you except you. This teaches self-discipline. No one makes decisions for you. This helps you stand stronger on your feet in life. You are not responsible for anyone. It develops your own ambitions. You can understand what you yourself want and stop living for someone else's dream.

Loneliness is not scary because it ends too

If you don’t know how to learn to live alone and are looking for someone to take a place next to you, then throughout your life you risk remaining dependent on others. Learn while you have the opportunity. The only way to understand how not to be afraid of loneliness is to experience it at least once.

Once you have dealt with this situation once, you will learn to be braver in relationships without placing the responsibility for your happiness on the other person.

It is not easy for a woman to live alone, because it contradicts the basic female instinct - to create and maintain a hearth. But keeping your own hearth turns out to be somehow uninteresting. But since you have this opportunity, why not become a little better for a new relationship? First of all, don't be afraid of it. Secondly, think about your own desires and capabilities. Thirdly, fill the day with interesting activities and new acquaintances. Fourth, decide for yourself what is important to you.

Some people perceive loneliness as a gift, while others perceive it as torment. Regardless of this, it visits both. How to live alone if loneliness befalls you? The causes and consequences of living alone are different, so let's look at a few popular situations.

Situation 1:

A man left you, and you were left to live alone in the house. How to live alone in an apartment?

  1. The first feeling after the departure of a beloved man is shock. Therefore, the best thing to do now is to release your emotions. Give free rein to your tears, hit a pillow or philosophize in the kitchen with a friend and a bottle of wine. There is no need to indulge yourself with hopes and dreams, to imagine how he returns and begs on his knees to take him back. These are just your thoughts, and whether they will come true - the future will show, but the fact that he left you is a fact of the present that needs to be accepted.
  2. Finding the positives in living alone. If you are left with an apartment, and even earn your own bread, then you are incredibly lucky! Now you are the absolute master of your life, so live the way you want most, and no one can criticize or scold you for it. Have a beauty day with your favorite music, rearrange the furniture in the rooms, invite your girlfriends for the evening, dream about the future while lying in a fragrant bath and drinking a delicious cocktail.
  3. Think of your loneliness as a period of freedom, a breath of fresh air. You can change a little externally (new makeup, stylish haircut, shopping) and internally (get rid of shortcomings, set new life goals). Learn to flirt again! A new man in your life doesn't have to be for life. Let him give you new fresh impressions, and together you will experience an unforgettable adventure that you will remember in old age.
  4. Think about self-development and career. Taking up an interesting hobby and looking for a new job or part-time job will help get rid of obsessive thoughts about loneliness and enrich you spiritually and financially.
  5. Enjoy life and the opportunity to live the way you want. And an interesting, beautiful and intelligent girl who lives in this way will soon discover that worthy candidates for her heart are lined up in front of the door of her apartment with offers of a long and happy life together. If this doesn’t exist yet, then enjoy the company of friends, loved ones and relatives. Believe in a happier family future, and then it will definitely come.

These simple tips on how to learn to live alone after a man leaves can be given to single women.

Situation 2:

You are left alone, pregnant or with a child in your arms. How to live alone with a child? This situation is much more difficult than the previous one. You need to be very strong to survive the betrayal of a man who abandoned a woman with a child. It also takes courage to raise a child alone.

  1. Almost all women who find themselves in such a situation say that you should not give up, and they are right, because in these hands lies not only your fate, but also the fate of your child. Despite all the hardships, you have what is considered great happiness. This is your child, for whom it is worth fighting and living. When you realize this thought, the pain of losing a man will fade into the background.
  2. You now have one main task - to ensure a normal, full life for yourself and your child. If you have big problems with housing and money, you cannot do without the help of family and friends. Friends can help with money, and parents can give shelter in their home. If you have a job, but there is no one to expect help from, try going to the bank and borrowing some money there to live on. Find a part-time job, because any money will not be extra for you. If you are pregnant, then the work should not be burdensome in a psychological and especially physical sense. Options for working on the Internet and various work from home options are suitable for you.
  3. Save and accumulate money. With a reasonable life, you will soon get into a rut and be able to independently be responsible for the income and expenses of your small family. Learn a new profession that can become your main profession in the future or bring good additional income.
  4. Try, and then everything will definitely be fine. Rejoice at your child and his success! Don't forget about yourself too. A strong woman also needs to be pampered for her courage, so don’t deny yourself a new purchase or a trip to the movies. Develop yourself, engage in various hobbies with your child - both he and you will only benefit from this. Don’t think that your personal life is now under lock and key. Be open, friendly, feminine and sociable. And a man who loves you will accept your child too.

It is not easy for a woman to live alone with a child. But you can also become happy in such a situation! For support, meet and make friends with other women who are also left alone with children.

Situation 3:

You are already old enough and want to live separately from your parents. How to start living alone?

  1. Living separately from your parents assumes that you are already quite an adult, smart and responsible person. Many young people dream of living alone, seeing only the positive aspects of such a life. But before you move to a separate apartment, think about what difficulties await you. You need to provide for yourself. This means you need income, and therefore work. In addition, there will be no mother nearby to cook, clean, wash and iron. You will also have to do all this yourself.
  2. You must have enough money in reserve. Therefore, start working and saving money in advance, several months before moving. If you don’t know how to manage everyday life, ask your mom to teach you how to cook your favorite dishes and how to properly wash jeans and blouses. Get as much life experience as possible from your parents. Train yourself to order.
  3. Calculate your needs. When you live alone, you will have to pay for many things. These are expenses for housing, electricity, and utility bills. The money will also be used to buy food, shoes and clothing, things and personal hygiene products. Also take into account the costs of the Internet, telephone communications, and your specific needs depending on your interests and hobbies. It would be a good idea to have a piggy bank where you could save money for major purchases in the future. If you are used to a luxurious life on mom and dad's money, then living alone, you will have to learn to save. It is unlikely that a young man without special education or extensive work experience will be paid big money right away.
  4. After you have gained experience from your parents, saved up money and calculated all your income and expenses, start looking for a room or apartment. Rooms are usually cheaper than apartments. But everything depends on the quality and space, so never settle for the first option you come across, perhaps tomorrow you will be offered better conditions and for less money. Be careful when choosing your place of residence. Be sure to check the condition of the ceiling, walls, floor, windows, and bathroom. The wiring must be safe, and you must have at least two outlets at your disposal. If finances do not allow you to rent an apartment, it is better to choose rooms in communal apartments and dormitories. There you will have equal rights with the residents. Living in an apartment with the owner is psychologically more difficult, since he is always nearby, sets his own rules, can find fault more often and more on certain points, etc.
  5. If you can afford a small area, most likely your choice will fall on a separate room. How to fit everything in a small space? How to live in one room? Divide the room into several zones in which the appropriate furniture will be located. Food area - refrigerator, cupboard/shelf, microwave, table. Work and entertainment area - cabinet/shelf with books and CDs, computer desk. Relaxation area - bed, cabinet with TV and DVD, bedside table for small things. Storage area - shelves for personal belongings, household chemicals, shoes; wardrobe. In this way, you can ensure normal life in the room. Of course, if the size of the room is small, then you will have to give up some furniture or use it universally (for example, store dishes in a closet on one shelf and clothes on the other). Choose compact furniture with a large number of shelves and compartments, so you can fit more things.
  6. Nevertheless, once you get used to such a life, you will gain invaluable experience and become more mature. After some time, you will understand how good it is to live alone, and it will be your own life, which you create yourself.

How I want to be happy and not depend on anyone. I want to smile and feel like a full-fledged woman even in periods of loneliness. Are you really ready to shift responsibility for your happiness to another person, even a partner?

Thinking: men vs women

Of course, we think, feel and perceive the world differently. Just, dear women, have you ever wondered why you never hear about “single men”? It's about how they perceive periods of non-relationship. For them this is freedom! Why not also start looking at the situation from this angle?

We wonder how to learn to live alone. But it sounds somehow painful, with a slight note of sadness and suffering... Why have we stopped perceiving loneliness as a chance?

Loneliness or opportunity?

Women, being alone, think that something is going wrong in life... It feels like in the absence of a partner, some important piece is missing... A puzzle that can be placed in the right place, and everything will become complete and harmonious. But is it?

Is breaking up with a man really that bad? Why are we accustomed to considering ourselves useless to anyone during these periods? Why do we carry loneliness in our hearts like a heavy weight on our shoulders? But there are a lot of advantages to being alone!

Pros of loneliness


Energy. Think about how much time, effort and patience a woman spends to maintain a relationship. Especially when living together. Cleaning the house, reconciliation after conflicts, the ability to give in on time... You must adapt to the other person: what movie to watch, when to go to bed, with whom to spend the weekend, how to spend the family budget.

If you are alone, all this is left to you to decide. You can see a friend, go to the store, or spend the whole day in bed. And there will still be strength left!


A free woman gets more pleasure from life. You can say “no” if, for example, you didn’t like the sex. You may never see each other again if you quarrel. Without a husband, you are able to choose with whom you want to spend the evening... And not be afraid of how he will react, whether he will call it “cheating”, or whether he will decide to take revenge.


Being alone for some time, alone with themselves, women without men begin to love and respect themselves more: space, time, resources. You will finally be able to open your inner world, better understand your character, realize what you like to do? What places to visit?

It may turn out that the list turns out to be the complete opposite of the one you followed when you were with a man.


You should not be afraid of loneliness for the reason that it is not forever, but will also end. Instead of grieving, it is better to enjoy. 😉

Mistakes that women make

Trying to fill the space with just anyone

Should not be doing that. As soon as you are alone, you don’t need to immediately call your girlfriends or install a dating app. Superficial connections, dates to fill space, and strangers will not help you find happiness or help you understand yourself.

If you don't learn your lesson, nothing will change. Instead of getting enough of yourself, you will only become scattered and waste your last crumbs of energy.

Thoughts: “I don’t want relationships with men”

A bad breakup can leave a scar on your heart. No one promises that it will heal quickly. Perhaps your ex-man was not the best representative of the human race. Perhaps he hurt you or insulted you. Maybe even your mother inspired you: “All men are assholes!”

Just don't interpret the negative characters you've met as all men. What you think about is what you attract. If you are convinced that there are only ill-mannered, sexist boors around, then you will meet such people on your way. Then don't be surprised.

Don't be afraid to open up to new things. Start thinking differently. Not the way we're used to. Include more positivity, joy, and openness. No one is going to hurt or offend you on purpose, believe me!

Reluctance to analyze the past

If you simply endure a period of loneliness, live through suffering without drawing conclusions, then it is unlikely that you will be able to build a happy life further. Every situation (especially unpleasant ones) that happens to us is a lesson. If you don't understand the first time, it will hurt more.

This is why it is so important to force yourself and mentally relive the situation. What was the reason for the divorce? What emotions did you experience? What could have been done to solve the problem less categorically?

Is there life without a man?

If you are still in doubt, we will answer. Definitely yes! Many women in the world live without a permanent partner or are completely alone. And not all of them consider themselves unhappy and their lives meaningless.

If you come home and no one is waiting there, this does not mean that you should feel bad. Of course, the social stereotype makes itself felt. “Single at 30?”, “you’ll remain an old maid,” “lives without a husband, so no one needs you,” or what else do they say?

But it's important to understand why people say this. They themselves are afraid of loneliness, afraid to come to an empty apartment, afraid that their husband will leave them. This could be for various reasons:

  • diffidence;
  • dependence on your partner (emotional or financial);
  • inability to live your own life and not poke your nose into someone else’s;
  • lack of significant events, which leads to critical discussion of other people.

Don’t be strict, understand that saying offensive and bitter phrases to strangers is not a good thing...

How to live without a man?

The most important thing is to be happy. After all the awareness of events from the past and acceptance of yourself, it’s time to make a choice in favor of happiness and success. Now you must accept yourself as a strong and free woman. In order for the wounds to heal and your mental state to improve, you don’t have to walk around with a sour expression on your face for a whole year, feeling sorry for yourself and suffering! 😉

Take your time

Now you have plenty of it! You can finally do the things you really enjoy. Sign up for dancing, start making contributions to charity, go on romantic dates, eat only salads for a whole week.

Painting courses, walks around the city, hiking trips, cooking classes... Whatever! You are now free!

Just in case, make a schedule so you don't get bored.

Tell your sympathizers “enough is enough”

Let everyone who pitied and consoled you know that everything is fine now. You no longer need pitiful glances, remarks and matchmaking of grooms. You can decide that the topic of your loneliness is now taboo. After all, what does it matter to other people? Let everyone live their own lives.

Don't try to please men

Just be yourself. Sincere, real and honest. Why would you start a clean slate of life with hypocrisy in front of other men?

If you implement all these rules into your life, accept and love yourself, then soon the word “loneliness” will no longer frighten you. You will feel yourself, real, alive and living to the fullest!