
A critical period in a woman's life. Periods of crisis. The most dangerous family crises


Until recently, women did not think about the midlife crisis and did not associate changes in their behavior with it. It was believed that ridiculous actions and dark thoughts were characteristic only of men. But, as it turns out, women are also susceptible to crisis.

What psychologists say

The midlife crisis in women, as well as in men, is associated with an internal problem, which is characterized by a loss of meaning in life. A person falls into a state in which his personality ceases to function as before. Habitual patterns of behavior stop working and bringing satisfaction. The crisis is associated with a revaluation of all values, which occurs as a result of the accumulation of life experience and new outlooks on life. As a rule, this period falls on 30-40 years. Naturally, deviation up or down is quite acceptable. This condition is very similar to that experienced by a teenager in adolescence.

But a midlife crisis is different in that a woman usually needs to get out of it on her own, and no one can give her practical advice, as in her youth. In fact, no one cares much about women’s experiences: the parents have grown old or are no longer in this world, the children are busy with their own problems, the man considers all this to be whims. Women have no choice but to rebel within themselves and pull themselves out of this swamp with their own hands.

Features of midlife crisis in women

How the midlife crisis in women will proceed depends on what the priorities were until then. If the main goal is to provide comfort for the husband and children, then depression can set in when the children no longer need constant care and supervision. Divorce can also cause a re-evaluation of life and an incentive to change the usual way of life.

If a woman is torn between work and family, then she evaluates herself on two counts. Naturally, she is more critical of herself this way, because it is very difficult to manage everything. Therefore, the bar is very high and it is quite difficult to maintain it.

As practice shows, women who do not have children have the hardest time going through the crisis. They are worried about the obsessive thought that they have lived their lives in vain. In addition, children can justify some shortcomings: all their free time was spent on upbringing and care, and there was no strength left to take care of their own lives.

How does a crisis begin?

Psychologists believe that age-related crises in women are a rather serious phenomenon, so they pay a lot of attention to the problem. Experts are looking for ways out of depression and developing comprehensive treatment. This is due to the understanding that since the psyche gives signals, it means that it is necessary to respond to them in a timely manner and not ignore the problem.

Symptoms of age-related mental changes

There are basic signs by which a woman can understand that she needs to take time for herself. To determine whether a woman has a midlife crisis, the symptoms must be considered in their entirety:

  • Reluctance to do anything, boredom.
  • Change of partner or instability in relationships.
  • Desire to change jobs.
  • Unreasonable changes in mood, strong despair is replaced by unmotivated fun.
  • Constant anxiety and depression.
  • Tendency to self-examination, self-deprecating thoughts and actions.
  • Attempts to radically change your life, from appearance to place of residence.

If the symptoms are observed separately, then it is too early to say that this is a female midlife crisis. But when the signs are present in aggregate, you should be wary and think about it. Depression in its advanced state can negatively affect all areas of life; it does not have the best effect on relationships with your husband, children, colleagues and other people.

Causes of the crisis

It is almost impossible to say unequivocally what reasons can cause a midlife crisis in women. But experts identify a number of main factors that can provoke such a phenomenon.

Children and motherhood

It often happens that women strive primarily to realize themselves in work and forget about their main purpose - to be a mother. Sometimes they are so obsessed with the desire to give birth that all other colors of life simply fade for them. Such a fixed idea will lead to depression and a deep crisis after some time. There is only one way out of this situation: a woman needs to give birth, and then she will have the meaning of life and the desire to enjoy every day.

Career and self-realization

The age crisis in women, associated with their work activity and self-realization, is very reminiscent of male depression. Constant bustle, running around and a catastrophic lack of time lead to a gloomy mood and cause stress. If you do nothing, depression will not keep you waiting. To avoid this outcome, you need to diversify your leisure time: you can take up dancing or learn to embroider. The activity can be absolutely anything, the main thing is that it should bring pleasure and joy.

Housewife problems

A housewife who has devoted half her life to her husband and children, by the age of 30-40 runs the risk of learning firsthand what a midlife crisis is like for women. Her complexes are due to the fact that she was never able to achieve success and realize herself in her profession. Lack of self-confidence makes a woman completely dependent on her family, which causes her suffering. This can manifest itself in the struggle for attention to one’s person, frequent nitpicking over trifles and various unreasonable demands. Sometimes a woman can even get sick. The best way out is to find a job that will bring you pleasure.

Relations with the husband during this period often reach a dead end, and the family loses its former value. To prevent this from happening, you need to realize that your spouse may also have experiences and problems, that he is a separate person who also needs understanding and sympathy. Family is a daily job, and if you do it with pleasure, the result will not be long in coming.

External changes

Women react very painfully to any external manifestations of their age. A new wrinkle or gray hair can ruin their mood for a long time. The natural changes that occur in the body are difficult to correct, so women fall into despair.

Those women who are accustomed to being the center of male attention and arousing admiration react especially acutely to age-related changes. And they have no choice but to learn to be attractive at both 40 and 60 years old. To achieve this, youth outfits and makeup will not be enough. You need to radiate inner confidence in your irresistibility and love yourself at any age. There is no need to compete with girls of 20 years old, sometimes an experienced woman looks much sexier.

Effect of hormones

A woman must realize that now she is on the threshold of a new life, so all horizons are open to her; it is enough to find her way. People often waste time building castles in the air.

At this age, women experience hormonal changes, which naturally lead to sudden mood changes. There is no need to give in to emotions and invent problems for yourself that actually do not exist. Women tend to exaggerate and hype themselves up. But this will not lead to anything good, it will only provoke new stress. There is no need to compare yourself with others and friends; it is important to work on yourself and change your attitude towards yourself.

How to help yourself?

When looking for ways out of the crisis, you should not forget that there is time to think, and there is time to do. Perhaps now it’s better to hide and be alone with yourself without taking any action. At this time, there may be absent-mindedness and emptiness, so it is very difficult to make decisions adequately. During a crisis, internal work is done, which is no less important.

The transition period cannot last very long; sooner or later it will definitely end. But do not confuse the crisis with depression, which does not always go away on its own. In this case, you may need the help of specialists. After the turning point ends, the woman feels relief and a surge of strength for new achievements.

Healthy Habits

To stay young and full of strength longer, you need to reconsider your diet and habits. Healthy foods will help you feel active and cheerful and fill your body with strength. Maintaining psychological youth for as long as possible is very important. Then interest in life will not disappear, and everyday little things will bring joy. The diet must be filled with green and yellow vegetables, cereals and legumes.

Daily exercise will be a great way to cheer up and take your mind off problems. In addition, this will have a beneficial effect on your appearance: muscles will tighten and fat deposits will begin to disappear. To stay healthy longer, you should limit fatty foods, alcohol, quit smoking and not overeat. These measures will help you understand how to survive a midlife crisis easily.

Communication with loved ones

The turning point makes it possible to evaluate the past years from the perspective of the experience gained and take stock of your actions. Depending on the verdict that the woman makes, you can make adjustments to your life or radically change your usual way of life.

Trainings and seminars

To successfully cope with stress, you need to understand what a midlife crisis is in women. If it is very difficult to change your condition on your own, you can contact a specialist. Thematic seminars and trainings help a lot. There, a woman will be taught how to solve complex problems and set new goals, how to find peace of mind and recharge with energy. Such trainings will help you become happy and find your calling in life.

What problems can await a woman at the age of 40?

The crisis of 40 years for women gives them the opportunity to think about their lives, evaluate how successful they were in realizing their desires and what goals they should set for the near future. Surely every woman has something to be proud of, something to improve, and something that needs to be completely gotten rid of.

If the feelings of shame, guilt and grief associated with unfulfilled hopes are strong enough, experts advise taking time to cry. After you grieve about missed opportunities, the negativity will spill out, and you can set goals with renewed vigor.

Don't focus on what hasn't come true. It's better to praise yourself for what you managed to do. It is necessary to understand that not all dreams come true, and sometimes life does not turn out the way you wanted in childhood.

To make age-related crises in women less painful, you should not judge yourself too harshly. People often want to do everything to the highest standard, but this does not always work out. It is very important to set priorities and emphasis correctly in order to notice not only failures, but also victories. A crisis always entails a restructuring of personality, so you should be more attentive to what your inner voice whispers.

Turning point at 50 years

The crisis of 50 years in women may manifest itself a little differently than at 30-40 years old. The woman has already gotten used to her new body, has come to terms with the fact that age-related changes are inevitable, and has accepted menopause as a given. Experts call this period “new identity.” According to statistics, at this age a woman can cheat on her husband or commit another act that can ruin her life. To avoid trouble, you must always remember that a momentary stupidity is not worth erasing all your achievements. You need to learn to enjoy what you have and strive for the best without destroying your past.

Is it possible to avoid a crisis?

Some women manage to avoid a crisis, but this is rather the exception. At such a turning point in life, it is necessary to find the positives: if you correctly analyze the current circumstances, you can change your life for the better and fill it with new meaning.

Psychologists say that the more complex the crisis, the greater the personal leap a woman can make. The main thing is not to be afraid of change and look forward with optimism.

The concept of “age” can be considered from different aspects: from the point of view of the chronology of events, biological processes of the body, social formation and psychological development.

Age covers the entire life course. It begins from birth and ends with physiological death. Age shows from birth to a specific event in a person's life.

Birth, growing up, development, old age - all human lives, of which the entire earthly path consists. Having been born, a person began his first stage, and then, over time, he will go through all of them sequentially.

Classification of age periods from a biological point of view

There is no single classification; at different times it was compiled differently. The delimitation of periods is associated with a certain age, when significant changes occur in the human body.

A person’s life is the periods between key “points”.

Passport or chronological age may not coincide with biological age. It is by the latter that one can judge how he will perform his work, what loads his body can withstand. Biological age can either lag behind the passport age or be ahead of it.

Let's consider the classification of life periods, which is based on the concept of age based on physiological changes in the body:

Age periods
0-4 weeksnewborn
4 weeks - 1 yearchest
1-3 yearsearly childhood
3-7 yearspreschool
7-10/12 yearsjunior school
girls: 10-17/18 years oldteenage
boys: 12-17/18 years old
young men17-21 years oldyouthful
girls16-20 years old
men21-35 years oldadulthood, 1st period
women20-35 years
men35-60 yearsmature age, 2nd period
women35-55 years
55/60-75 yearselderly age
75-90 old age
90 years or morecentenarians

Scientists' views on the age periods of human life

Depending on the era and country, scientists and philosophers proposed different criteria for grading the main stages of life.

For example:

  • Chinese scientists divided human life into 7 phases. “Desirable,” for example, was the age from 60 to 70 years. This is a period of development of human spirituality and wisdom.
  • The ancient Greek scientist Pythagoras identified the stages of human life with the seasons. Each lasted 20 years.
  • The ideas of Hippocrates became fundamental for the further determination of periods of life. He identified 10, each 7 years long, starting from birth.

Periods of life according to Pythagoras

The ancient philosopher Pythagoras, considering the stages of human existence, identified them with the seasons. He identified four of them:

  • Spring is the beginning and development of life, from birth to 20 years.
  • Summer is youth, from 20 to 40 years.
  • Autumn is the heyday, from 40 to 60 years.
  • Winter - fading, from 60 to 80 years.

Periods according to Pythagoras had a duration of exactly 20 years. Pythagoras believed that everything on Earth is measured by numbers, which he treated not only as mathematical symbols, but also endowed them with a certain magical meaning. Numbers also allowed him to determine the characteristics of the cosmic order.

Pythagoras also applied the concept of “quaternary” to age periods, because he compared them with eternal, unchanging natural phenomena, for example, the elements.

The periods of human life (according to Pythagoras) and their benefits are based on the idea of ​​eternal recurrence. Life is eternal, like seasons changing each other, and man is a part of nature, lives and develops according to its laws.

The concept of “seasons” according to Pythagoras

Identifying the age intervals of a person’s life with the seasons, Pythagoras focused on the fact that:

  • Spring is the time of beginning, the birth of life. The child develops, absorbing new knowledge with pleasure. He is interested in everything around him, but everything is still happening in the form of a game. The child is blossoming.
  • Summer is the period of growing up. A person blossoms, he is attracted by everything new, still unknown. Continuing to blossom, a person does not lose his childish fun.
  • Autumn - a person has become an adult, balanced, the former gaiety has given way to confidence and leisureliness.
  • Winter is a period of reflection and summing up. The man has gone most of the way and is now considering the results of his life.

The main periods of people's earthly journey

Considering the existence of an individual, we can distinguish the main periods of a person’s life:

  • youth;
  • mature age;
  • old age.

At each stage, a person acquires something new, revises his values, and changes his social status in society.

The basis of existence is made up of periods of human life. The characteristics of each of them are associated with growing up, changes in the environment, and state of mind.

Features of the main stages of personality existence

The periods of a person’s life have their own characteristics: each stage complements the previous one, bringing with it something new, something that has not yet happened in life.

Youth is characterized by maximalism: the dawn of mental and creative abilities occurs, the basic physiological processes of growing up are completed, appearance and well-being improve. At this age, a system is established, time is valued, self-control increases, and others are re-evaluated. A person decides on the direction of his life.

Having reached the threshold of maturity, a person has already reached certain heights. In the professional sphere, he occupies a stable position. This period coincides with the strengthening and maximum development of social status, decisions are made thoughtfully, a person does not avoid responsibility, appreciates the present day, can forgive himself and others for the mistakes he has made, and really evaluates himself and others. This is the age of achievement, conquering peaks and obtaining maximum opportunities for your development.

Old age is more associated with losses than with gains. A person ends his working life, his social environment changes, and inevitable physiological changes appear. However, a person can still engage in self-development, in most cases this happens more on a spiritual level, on the development of the inner world.

Critical points

The most important periods of human life are associated with changes in the body. They can also be called critical: hormonal levels change, which causes changes in mood, irritability and nervousness.

Psychologist E. Erickson identifies 8 crisis periods in a person’s life:

  • Teenage years.
  • A person’s entry into adulthood is the thirtieth birthday.
  • Transition to the fourth decade.
  • Fortieth birthday.
  • Midlife - 45 years.
  • Fiftieth anniversary.
  • Fifty-fifth anniversary.
  • Fifty-sixth birthday.

Confidently overcoming “critical points”

Overcoming each of the presented periods, a person moves to a new stage of development, while overcoming the difficulties that arose along the way, and strives to conquer new heights of his life.

The child breaks away from his parents and tries to independently find his own direction in life.

In the third decade, a person reconsiders his principles and changes his views on the environment.

Approaching their thirties, people try to gain a foothold in life, climb the career ladder, and begin to think more rationally.

In the middle of life, a person begins to wonder whether he is living correctly. There is a desire to do something that will leave a memory of him. Frustration and fear for your life appear.

At the age of 50, a slowdown in physiological processes affects health; age-related changes occur. However, the person has already correctly set his life priorities, his nervous system works stably.

At 55 years old wisdom appears and a person enjoys life.

At 56 years old, a person thinks more about the spiritual side of his life and develops his inner world.

Doctors say that if you are prepared and know about the critical periods of life, then overcoming them will happen calmly and painlessly.


A person decides for himself by what criteria he divides his life periods, and what he means by the concept of “age”. It could be:

  • Purely external attractiveness, which a person seeks to prolong by all available means. And he considers himself young as long as his appearance allows it.
  • The division of life into “youth” and “the end of youth.” The first period lasts as long as there is an opportunity to live without obligations, problems, responsibility, the second - when problems and life difficulties appear.
  • Physiological changes in the body. A person clearly follows changes and identifies his age with them.
  • The concept of age is associated with the state of the soul and consciousness. A person measures his age by his state of mind and inner freedom.

As long as a person’s life is filled with meaning, a desire to learn something new, and all this is organically combined with the wisdom and spiritual wealth of the inner world, a person will be forever young, despite the weakening of the physical capabilities of his body.

Throughout our lives, we all go through 12 stages corresponding to the signs of the Zodiac. And there is a point of life that moves at a speed of 4.3 degrees per year, starting its journey in Aries and ending in Pisces.

We can always determine exactly what problems we will encounter at a given age. Each of us must complete our own program at each specific age and, ultimately, throughout our lives.

Look at how your life program is being implemented and draw your own conclusions.

From 0 to 7 years.

The point of life at this age moves according to the most nimble sign - Aries.

Children are bursting with energy, they are restless and inquisitive, they immediately want to know everything about everything, and there is no force that could stop them.

And there is no need to restrain a child at this age; on the contrary, we need to give him more freedom, because it is very important for him to assert himself and demonstrate his abilities.

The task of parents is to instill in their child a sense of love and compassion for others, and to prevent the development of selfishness and cruelty. After all, the motto of this age and Aries is: “I want!” Don’t let your child hurt animals and other kids, teach them to take care of nature, and cultivate willpower. If you fail to instill these qualities in your child before the age of seven, you will never instill them!

From 7 to 14 years

The point of life moves to curly Taurus.

Therefore, gentlemen, parents, do not indulge all the material desires and whims of your child. At this stage of life, he must be taught to control his emotions, especially anger and aggression. It is necessary to develop and train your memory.

Try to be “cultural”, but firmly, form a teenager’s social circle, because at this age the negative energy of the crowd accumulates in him, which can later manifest itself in cruelty and intransigence towards others. But don’t isolate your child from their peers either.. The place where they meet and the atmosphere are of great importance.

It is also important to lay the foundations for systematic learning. Try to ensure that your child learns more of the various material being studied; the more, the better. At this age, it is quite easy to instill in a child a love of art and aesthetics. It's the right time to study in music and art schools.

And at the age of 13–14, you need to instill and form the correct attitude towards your ancestors and roots. You can also speculate on philosophical topics. It is time!

From 15 years to 21 years

The dot moves through the sign of Gemini.

It's time to actively develop intelligence and independent thinking. At 15–16 years old a person enters society, where it has its own laws and rules that one must learn to follow in order for society to accept it. It is necessary to overcome lack of composure, irresponsibility, craving for gossip and speculation.

It's time for parents to start sex education for their children, otherwise they will find out everything themselves (actually, I think these recommendations about sex education are outdated, start it earlier).

At this age, it is useful to travel a lot, learn about the cultures of other countries, and absorb a variety of information.

From 21 to 28 years old

Life point is in Cancer.

This is a very important stage in the life of every person. The main task is to improve the inner world, forming one’s own value system based on the experience of older generations.

By engaging in introspection and spiritual improvement, a person must try to get rid of many negative qualities: suspiciousness, isolation from others, greed.

The most difficult thing at this age is to overcome the milestone of 25–26 years, when a person is overcome by the desire to give up everything and start living again. During this period, it is very important to make the right choice, since many have already started a family. Often reckless actions ruin the life of not only him, but also those close to him.

In order not to make mistakes, you need to establish strong spiritual ties with parents and relatives, just with the older generation. In a difficult situation, they are able to really help both in word and deed.

25–26 years is the most favorable time for the birth of children, since they adopt the best qualities of their personality from their parents.

From 28 to 35 years old

The point of life is in Leo.

A tendency toward adventurism, alcoholism, and drug addiction begins to appear; there is an influx of energy, which not everyone can use correctly; many begin to waste it, indulging in pleasures and entertainment, often empty and worthless.

The best way to combat temptations is to study philosophy, religion, and read books that raise morality and purity of the soul. It is very important to choose the right philosophical concept, not to go into sectarianism, not to accumulate negative energy that can destroy a person.

The turning point is up to 32 years old. From the age of 28, family problems fade into the background, and one’s own ego becomes the main thing. A person tries to prove himself in a team, to be noticed and appreciated. At the age of 29, he takes stock of the years he has lived for the first time.

For women, the period is very important - 32 years. Time to change feelings, reconsider your personal relationships. At this age, divorces often occur and new love affairs begin. We must try to analyze the past, weigh all the pros and cons, and not act too quickly. New feelings may not last long, sometimes only a year.

From 35 to 42 years old

The point of life is in Virgo.

The time comes when a person must give up most of the energy accumulated in the previous period. Clarity and methodical approach to solving a variety of problems are required.

A favorable time for professional growth and arranged marriages.

The age from 37 to 38 years is a karmic check, a check of society. This is the first exam on how you comply with the principles of the Zodiac and whether you are fulfilling your life program. And if not, then you will be punished in the form of various life problems: dismissal from work, serious illness, betrayal of friends.

During this period, you must pay close attention to your health. You should especially pay attention to your diet and try not to pollute your body.

At the age of Virgo, unpleasant traits may appear in your character: grumpiness, pickiness, stinginess, disregard for the feelings and needs of others. But most importantly - get ready for the most important cycle of your life– 42 years – the half cycle of Uranus, when the point of life crosses the life “equator”. At this age, many people try to change their lives, as it seems to them, for the better: they change their family, place of work, place of residence, hobbies.

From 42 to 49 years old

The point of life moves according to the sign of Libra.

During this period, a person tries to devote himself to a creatively chosen task at the age of 42. This age is also called “Indian summer”, when harmony and maturity sets in in both personal and social life. Everything that has been accumulated over previous years has been analyzed, systematized and is awaiting implementation.

The main planet of Libra is Venus. It is she who guides a person in the desire to create strong harmonious connections, to follow the laws of ethics and morality in deeds and feelings.

During this period, it is necessary to establish social connections, get a new job, show your organizational skills and overcome shortcomings. Such as, for example, egocentrism, selfishness, and a tendency to dictate. This is a good time to develop your talents if you have them.

From 49 to 55 years old

Scorpio time.

A difficult, critical period in the life of any person, especially women. We have to change long-established views, which is very difficult to do. Withdrawal is difficult and painful. On the physical plane, many often experience oncological diseases; many (especially at 52 years old) experience sexual syndrome - increased sexual dissatisfaction.

At the age of Scorpio, a person has enormous self-destructive power and is sometimes ready to go all-in to achieve a goal. It is necessary to control your emotions, under no circumstances withdraw into yourself and not engage in self-examination. Go out more often, meet with friends, study psychology, create creativity or engage in group activities.

This period is favorable for discovering and improving magical and occult abilities. Women aged 52 are especially prone to this.

For those who until this time led an unrighteous lifestyle, fate provides a chance to correct themselves, abandon their delusions and begin to live on completely new philosophical principles.

From 56 to 63 years old

At this age, the point of life moves according to the sign of Sagittarius.

A person begins to rush into philosophy or religion. Many people have a fussy craving for knowledge that they did not have time to acquire once. I would like to know several sciences and different philosophical movements at once. But, as a rule, this fails. Mercury is in captivity, and, grasping at many things, a person does not achieve results at all. Try to choose one thing and study this subject more deeply.

At the age of 56, a person undergoes another test by society. All the mistakes and blunders made at the ages of 37 and 38 are revealed here. Those who correctly approach this stage of their path occupy high positions in society. Those who do not pass the test do not achieve their goals and retire.

From 63 to 70 years old

The point of life moves according to the sign of Capricorn.

Last Chance is coming! It is at the age of 63 that the last choice of a person occurs, when he CAN change his life if he wants. Anyone who makes the wrong choice, as a rule, leaves life or seriously breaks it. This is especially true for people who strive to create another family: in 90% of cases nothing works out. It is possible to destroy the old, but creating a new one is almost impossible.

At the age of Capricorn, it is necessary to abandon some stereotypical ideas, finally develop a vital, philosophical core and learn to give a clear assessment of every phenomenon, every event, but in no case impose your opinion and listen carefully to your opponents.

It is very important to build relationships with your loved ones correctly, since many at this age try to be despotistic towards them. Try to develop diplomacy and the ability to compromise.

From 70 to 77 years

Aquarius time.

A time of contemplation of life, a philosophical view of it, the view of an outside observer. Throughout his life, a person changes his attitude towards the world around him, changes his priorities.

As children we say: “I”. In his youth: “Me and the world.” In adulthood: “The world and I.” At the age of Aquarius, only “PEACE” remains.

This fourth stage of perception is the most important in understanding life and one’s place in it. If such a perception of the world does not come over the years, then a person’s spiritual qualities gradually begin to fade away, he falls into insanity, which inevitably leads to the collapse of the physical body.

Aquarius time is a time of enjoying solitude or family solitude with your other half, since the life program has already been completed.

Agree, there is something to think about... published

Vasilchenko Anna

/ Horoscope of life and death

The relationship between the average life expectancy of people and the zodiac sign under which they were born does not show specific reasons why a person leaves for another world (there are ascendants for this - a cluster of planets in the houses of the horoscope), but a craving for risk, attracting deadly situations and the predisposition to certain diseases of each sign of the Zodiac really suggests that the mystery of the horoscope of death lies in the zodiac mysteries.

Let us recall that according to statistics, men live on average 52.4 years, and women - 61.6.

What do astrological statistics say?..

Let's determine the average life expectancy of representatives of the Zodiac in ascending order, then combine them into groups:

Group 1. Gemini, Taurus, Aries, Scorpio

Low life expectancy: from 50 to 60 years, which is about two years less than the general statistical average.

Main risk factors:

  • poor health;
  • vulnerability to stress;
  • high risk of injury;
  • energy leak.

It turns out that people born under the sign of Gemini have the lowest average life expectancy.

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