
Tarasova's blog: how she lost 30 kg. Is it possible to lose weight like Tatyana Tarasova? Margarita Koroleva selected her own weight loss system for everyone


Why is Tatyana Tarasova’s diet so actively discussed? Coach Tatyana Tarasova is a woman known not only among figure skaters and fans of this sport. Tatyana Tarasova often appears on TV screens; she is a public person, and for this reason she simply has to watch her appearance very carefully.

How Tatyana Tarasova lost weight

Not so long ago, fans of the outstanding trainer were literally amazed by the changes in her appearance: Tatyana Tarasov noticeably lost weight. What is this - separate nutrition? Or a table of caloric content of foods? Tatyana admitted that recently (or rather, in seven months) she managed to lose as much as 30 kg of excess weight, which she gained after leaving sports and stopping active physical activities. The extra pounds had a bad effect not only on the appearance of the famous trainer, but also on her well-being, so, in the end, she resolutely took up the fight against the extra pounds under the supervision of a nutritionist popular among show business stars, Margarita Koroleva.

The diet of Margarita Koroleva is quite well known. It is this nutritionist who controls the weight of Baskov and Valeria, Anita Tsoi and many other famous people. Another thing is that she develops individual dietary programs for each of her clients and is in no hurry to share them with the general public. However, Tatyana Tarasova still revealed several basic principles of her diet, which she recommends that all other women who dream of losing weight without harm to their health should adhere to.

The essence of Tatyana Tarasova's diet

What is the essence of the diet proposed by Tatyana Tarasova? First of all, the site says, you need to eat food at least five times during the day, but the portions should be very small: equal in volume to one glass. Pay increased attention to fluid intake: drink at least 2 liters of fluid per day. In particular, before each meal you should drink 200 ml of plain clean water. The last meal should take place before 18:00. In addition, Tatyana Tarasova’s diet provides for the rejection of sweet and starchy foods, but increases the volume of fruits and vegetables. Another important fact is that overeating on Tarasova’s diet was strictly prohibited (even with foods approved for consumption).

Of course, many of you have already heard about such principles of losing weight, but the example of the diet of Tatyana Tarasova, who (at her age!) managed to lose about five kilograms every month on a diet, should inspire many women! Maybe you should finally start implementing these dietary rules into your life? Moreover, Tatyana Tarasova liked her new appearance and new attitude so much that she has already announced her readiness to continue the diet and lose another 15 kg!

Regina Raitova All rights reserved

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Tarasova lost 30 kg - this shocked many. It’s no secret that when a famous person loses weight, many myths and legends immediately appear about a wonderful transformation; the famous trainer Tatyana Tarasova could not avoid this fate, because Tarasova lost 30 kg in just 7 months.

Tatyana Anatolyevna is a famous person. Today she is perceived not only as a coach of Olympic champions, but also as a TV presenter, director, in general, as a public person who follows fashion trends and her appearance.

On various Internet resources you can find many diets attributed to Tatyana Tarasova, but do not forget that success and the desired result depend on work, patience and consistency.

The beginning of the way

At a certain point, Tarasova decided to radically change her life for the better. And start with getting rid of extra pounds, which negatively affected not only your appearance, but also your health. The star was faced with many different diets, but she decided to turn to a famous nutritionist.

Of course, each nutritionist works individually with each client, so diets are not advertised, but Tarasova shared the basic principles and rules of nutrition.


Tarasova does not hide about losing weight and openly shares her successes with everyone, motivating others to achieve an equally significant result.

Tatyana Tarasova's diet is a nutrition system that allows the body to rebuild and adapt to the environment and at the same time gradually get rid of extra pounds.

With strict adherence to all principles, you can lose 4-5 kg ​​per month, which is the optimal amount from the point of view of nutritionists.

Basic principles:

  1. Small and multiple meals: you should eat several times a day (preferably 5-6), the intervals between meals should be no more than 2.5 hours. Such a nutritional system allows you to stabilize your metabolism and increase its level, as well as gain control over the feeling of hunger.
  2. The serving size is minimal: it is believed that each serving should fit freely into a glass (about 200 grams), this will reduce the volume of the stomach and not overeat.
  3. Daily diet - 1300 kcal.
  4. Drink plenty of fluids throughout the day (at least 2 liters): it is best to drink clean water, but fruit drinks, compotes, juices, a little coffee and green tea are also allowed.
  5. Drink water before meals: this allows you to achieve quick satiety and fills a small volume of the stomach.
  6. Do not eat after 18.
  7. Carry out 1 or 2 fasting days a week.

Of course, these principles have been known to everyone for a long time, but they have not lost their relevance, although sometimes doctors and nutritionists make small adjustments.

According to experts, each diet has its own advantages and disadvantages. Positive aspects of the above diet:

  1. Fractional nutrition is a generally accepted rule among all nutritionists, which allows you to maintain a certain level of nutrients in the blood, reducing the feeling of hunger.
  2. Small portions: This allows the stomach to return to its normal size and prevent it from distending and, therefore, overeating.
  3. Drink plenty of fluids throughout the day and before meals: also prevents overeating and meets the body's needs.


Of course, there are no negative aspects to the diet, but some points can be adjusted.

Firstly, if you move actively during the day and play sports, then 1300 kcal per day will not be enough for you, this will cause irritability, weakness and bad mood.

Secondly, not eating after 18 is impossible for many; for some, life begins at night, so if they adhere to this rule, they will reduce their ability to work, lose attentiveness and vigilance. Nutritionists say that you should eat 3-4 hours before bedtime; it’s even better to have a light dinner.

If you adhere to the principles, but deviate a little to the side, you can also count on getting results. The most important thing is to play sports together with your nutrition system and follow all the recommendations every day.

The only thing that should be added to the diet: a portion of food should be chewed slowly. This not only improves digestion, but also makes you feel full faster.

Of course, in addition to the principles of nutrition, there is a certain list of foods that are allowed and prohibited.

According to the diet, vegetables and fruits should be present in the daily diet, with the exception of potatoes, persimmons, grapes, bananas. You should also increase your intake of protein foods: meat, fish, seafood.

It is very beneficial to take grains and nuts.

Prohibited Products

The use of these products should be limited or stopped altogether:

  • sugar and sweets;
  • deli meats;
  • salt;
  • semi-finished products;
  • fried, fatty and spicy;
  • carbonated drinks and packaged juices.

Before starting a diet, write down your diet, and then cross out prohibited foods, replacing them with permitted ones. This will allow you to form healthy habits faster.

It is worth noting that the diet is not designed to produce instant results. With its help, you will gradually lose weight, in the best case scenario, 1 kg per week. It is these results that do not harm the body and allow it to quickly adapt to a new state.

This entire diet is based on healthy eating principles and is therefore safe for most people to use. But it is best to consult a nutritionist first.

Tatyana Tarasova is an honored and simply charming woman. Her biography interests thousands of fans in Russia and outside our country. But today we will talk not about this, but about that, Anatolyevna. The features of her diet are described in the article.

short biography

The future coach Tatyana Anatolyevna Tarasova was born in 1947. Her father is a famous Soviet hockey player. It was he who first put his daughter on skates when she was barely 5 years old. A few years later, she already began performing in tandem with Georgy Proskurin. They managed to win the World Universiade. It would seem that Tarasova had a brilliant sports future. But a serious injury received during one of her performances put an end to her figure skating career.

However, our heroine is not one of those people who gives up ahead of time. She continued her studies at the Institute of Physical Education and also began working as a coach. Her students at different times were Alexey Yagudin, Irina Rodnina and other figure skaters who became real stars.

In 2005, the leadership of the Russian Skating Federation invited Tatyana Anatolyevna to the position of coach-consultant. She agreed. In 2006, Tarasova headed the jury for the TV show “Stars on Ice.” This is how a new generation of TV viewers learned about her.

How Tatyana Anatolyevna Tarasova lost weight

In her youth, our heroine was as slender as a reed. And all thanks to regular sports training. Her weight problems began in adulthood. In just a few years, the slender lady turned into a plump woman.

Tarasova herself was very worried about the appearance of excess weight. She tried various diets, but they did not help achieve the desired result. The former figure skater did not accept herbal teas and diet pills. Our heroine was already desperate and decided to accept herself as she is. But then her friends advised her to see nutritionist Margarita Koroleva. Tatyana Anatolyevna no longer believed in anything, but still decided to make an appointment with this specialist. And now we can say with confidence that she did everything right. After all, Margarita Koroleva created a special diet, thanks to which Tarasova lost 30 kg. This happened gradually (over 7 months) and without harm to health.

How to achieve such an amazing result? There is no need to starve or exhaust yourself with physical exercise. The main thing is to adhere to certain recommendations and menus.

How did Tatyana Anatolyevna Tarasova lose weight? To begin with, she gave up her usual foods (buns, pasta, potatoes, and so on). Our heroine filled the refrigerator with the “right” food: fruits, low-fat cottage cheese, lean meat and kefir. She replaced loaves and rolls with bread.

The diet of Tatyana Anatolyevna Tarasova provides for the following principles:

  • five meals a day;
  • drinking 2 liters of water per day;
  • refusal to eat after 18:00;
  • the size of one serving is 150-200 g;
  • daily consumption (on an empty stomach) of a glass of water with a spoonful of apple cider vinegar diluted in it.

The diet followed by Tatyana Tarasova involved partial or complete abstinence from salt. This allows you to remove excess fluid accumulated in the body.

List of permitted products:

  1. Fresh vegetables and berries.
  2. Fruits (except bananas, persimmons, apricots and grapes).
  3. Steamed fish.
  4. Low-fat fermented milk products.
  5. Boiled lean meat.
  6. Cereals.
  7. Seafood (if steamed).
  8. Nuts (small quantities).

Sample menu

Are you interested in Tatyana Anatolyevna Tarasova’s diet? You can create your own menu. The main thing is not to deviate from the principles of the diet.

An approximate daily diet looks like this:

  • First breakfast (8:00). Option No. 1 - cook the porridge in water, adding one drop of oil. Option No. 2 - a sandwich (a slice of grain bread and a slice of low-fat cheese). Additionally: a cup of green tea, half an apple.
  • Second breakfast (10:00). We eat low-fat yogurt and one piece of fruit.
  • Lunch (12:00). You are allowed to eat 100-150 g of boiled chicken meat and some stewed vegetables.
  • Afternoon tea (14:00). We drink a glass of kefir. You can eat sweet bread.
  • Dinner (17:00). A small plate of stewed vegetables and 100 g of cottage cheese.

During the day you need to drink from 2 to 2.5 liters of liquid (of which 1.5 liters of clean water). Allowed drinks include: freshly squeezed juices, green tea and berry juice.


Many girls are interested in the question of how long do they need to diet in order to achieve noticeable weight loss? Everything here is strictly individual. So, Tarasova for 7 months. This is simply an amazing result. Some people need less time to achieve it, while others need more. Even if you get the desired number on the scale, you don’t need to relax and return to your usual diet, consisting of harmful and high-calorie foods. How to consolidate the result? You need to gradually increase the caloric content of your diet - by 200 kcal per week.


You now know how Tatyana Anatolyevna Tarasova lost weight. Her diet is based on proper nutrition, which means she does not cause any harm to her health. In a week of following the diet, you can lose 3-4 kg. To improve the result, you should add physical activity. Sign up for a swimming pool, visit the sauna and massage room once a week. Exercises performed at home will also have a positive effect on the body.

The outstanding figure skating coach Tatyana Tarasova is quite widely known and loved among the people, as she enjoys well-deserved respect. For what? She is appreciated by many for her highest professional qualities. And recently this woman surprised everyone because she was able to lose as much as thirty kilograms.

She trained a large number of Olympic champions, her students won forty-two gold, seventeen silver and six bronze medals in competitions. Tatyana Tarasova is an Honored Trainer, she was awarded two Orders of the Red Banner of Labor, as well as many other regalia.

Now it’s no longer so important why she gained so many extra pounds; what’s more interesting is how Tatyana Tarasova lost weight? The official version of the accumulation of excess weight is the injury she received to the hip joint, which is why she had to leave professional sports and take up successful coaching.

But still, how did she manage to transform like that? She just glows from the inside, feels great and is very glad that she was able to lose so much weight, she is happy with the result. But not everyone believes that Tatyana Anatolyevna began to look much younger after such a rapid weight loss.

Discussions and debates about this issue continue on the Internet. Many do not find this method of losing weight reasonable and balanced. It's not safe to lose weight like that at her age. But, no matter what they say, the fact of weight loss is obvious and deserves respect, since not everyone is given the ability to demonstrate such willpower.

In fact, Margarita Koroleva does not disclose specific star diets either in her book or in numerous interviews. Naturally, the goal of speaking in the media is to attract clients to the clinic, and not to massively lose weight on your own. However, Margarita Koroleva makes no secret of the two pillars of her famous diet. She prescribes a calorie-restricted diet to most clients, and widely uses fasting days from the “stars’” favorite foods.

Regarding Tatyana Tarasova’s diet, there is also a certain aura of mystery and mysticism. So we don’t really have the “oatmeal for breakfast on Monday and cottage cheese on Tuesday” diet. Just like it is not available on other weight loss sites. Tatyana Tarasova voiced several times principles of your diet in an interview, let's list them.

  • First of all, absolutely it is forbidden to overeat. A kilogram of healthy apples contains almost 420 kcal, and overfilling the stomach has never helped anyone lose weight. So, control over your own feelings of hunger and satiety comes first. Margarita Koroleva is sure that only those who... eats more than necessary to satisfy hunger.

I've lost weight!

  • Secondly, Hunger is not an ideal guide for determining portion sizes. Most of us are so used to overeating that we cannot stop in time. Therefore, Tatyana Tarasova’s second nutritional principle is not to eat more than 200 grams. food at one time. Simply put, breakfast, lunch or dinner on Tatyana Tarasova’s diet should be placed in a regular glass.
  • Third, Too long breaks between meals are prohibited. If you eat rarely, you are more likely to overeat and fall off your diet. That is why on Tatyana Tarasova’s diet it is worth eating 5 times a day.
  • Fourthly, Late dinner is prohibited. You must have your last meal before 18:00. However, in Margarita Koroleva’s book there is another “postulate” regarding dinner - it should take place 4-5 hours before bedtime and be as light as possible. Avoid cereals, sweet fruits, and fatty meats. It is best to eat a green vegetable salad and a little cottage cheese or kefir in the evening.
  • Fifthly, anything happens in life, and sometimes the need arises have a snack after “hour X”. Then a glass of low-fat kefir will come in handy. Only you don’t need to drink it in one gulp, as most people are used to doing, but eat it slowly with a teaspoon, as Margarita Koroleva advises.
  • Sixthly, you need quality review nutritional composition. Tatyana Tarasova says a firm “no” to her once-favorite pastries and any sweets. On her diet, she prefers seasonal unsweetened fruits and berries, lots of vegetables and lean fish and meat. But those who are not on a diet will have to leave the rolls and fried potatoes.
  • Seventh, Tatyana Tarasova's diet is rich in protein. It is most difficult for those who eat only vegetables and fruits to lose weight, because the human body simply does not know how to “repair” using carbohydrate fuel. As a result, those who do not eat low-fat dairy products, fish and chicken suffer from bouts of hunger, and in Tatyana Tarasova’s diet you can eat small portions of protein with each main meal.
  • Eighth, on Tatyana Tarasova’s drinking diet regime plays no less, and sometimes even greater, role than nutrition. You should drink at least 2 liters of water per day. Liquids and eating less help. It is worth drinking 1 glass of clean water at room temperature half an hour before each meal.

How did Tatyana Anatolyevna Tarasova lose weight?

Coach Tarasova’s weight loss is of interest to many people who want to lose weight. Only a few people can lose so many kilograms, at least it seems so to us. And, of course, I would like to know this recipe for weight loss. No one will be able to arm themselves with them exactly, because Tatyana Anatolyevna lost weight under the tireless gaze of the famous nutritionist Margarita Koroleva.

As you know, Koroleva develops an individual weight loss program for each client, taking into account the constitutional characteristics of the patient. However, the famous trainer shared some of the secrets of her personal success in losing weight.

Tatyana Tarasova’s diet is based on the principles of healthy eating, which are known to everyone; I will consider them in more detail:

You need to drink at least two liters of clean water daily, and a glass of this liquid must be consumed before each meal;

You need to eat small and often, about six times a day, but you need to eat a small amount of food so that the feeling of hunger disappears;

Pita must be excluded from the daily diet flour and confectionery products, only a little honey is allowed;

The menu should be dominated by plant foods: greens, vegetables, berries, fruits;

Each meal should include a small amount of lean animal protein;

It is necessary to control the calorie content of the daily diet, and in the evening, during dinner, the amount of food should be minimal;

Fried foods should be completely excluded from the menu. Food can be thermally processed using steam, cooked by boiling in water, or baked without adding oil;

It is necessary to stop drinking sweet carbonated drinks and eliminate alcohol from your diet. It is preferable to drink only clean water. All other drinks are considered food;

The last meal should be before six o'clock in the evening. But if you have a strong feeling of hunger, then in this case you can eat a glass of low-fat kefir, yes, just eat it with a small teaspoon;

Of course, physical activity should be present during this period, as it is an essential component of healthy weight loss. Otherwise, with such rapid weight loss, sagging skin may occur, and this ailment is much more difficult to cope with than extra pounds.

Tarasova’s diet is quite safe, and can be used at any age. Of course, not every representative of the fair sex can strictly follow all the rules, without any violation. And this is precisely where Tatyana Anatolyevna’s main success lies. But if she managed to lose weight, then every woman can cope with this, everything will depend on willpower and the desire to achieve what she wants.

Tatyana’s diet allowed her to lose about five kilograms every month. Start by making a list of the foods you eat daily. Then cross out all the prohibited ones, and oppositely write in a useful analogue.

For example, instead of sausage there will be boiled meat, replace cookies with whole grain bread, replace sweets with a spoon of honey, and so on. This will help you create your daily menu more correctly. Don’t forget to calculate the calorie content of your entire daily diet; it should be no more than 1500-1800 kcal. The allowed amount of food should be divided into six meals.

Weight Loss Recipe

Diet type- low-calorie

Weight loss— 4-5 kg ​​per month.

Duration- a few months

Tarasova has lost weight and in the near future a huge number of fly-by-night sites will appear on the Internet, where they will promise to send you a miraculous recipe for weight loss from the great Tatyana Anatolyevna in exchange for an SMS. Don't rush to give away your hard-earned money. 99% of the time you will have neither money nor diet. Meanwhile, there are no secrets in Tatyana Tarasova’s weight loss.

How did you find out, The famous Moscow nutritionist Margarita Koroleva helped her lose 33 kg in 7 months.Under her guidance, such famous people as singer Valeria, Anita Tsoi, Nikolai Baskov, Roman Trakhtenberg and other famous people of the Moscow elite lost weight.

Margarita Koroleva selected her own weight loss system for everyone

Basic rules for losing weight from nutritionist Margarita Koroleva:

- separate meals, the right combination of foods - fats, proteins, carbohydrates;

- portions should not be excessively large;

- last meal no later than 18.00, at the latest at 19.00;

- sufficient drinking regime - at least 2-2.5 liters of clean drinking water;

- mandatory exclusion from the diet of such foods harmful to weight loss as: salt, baked goods, sweet cakes, pastries, smoked foods, excessively fatty foods;

- once a week, a mandatory fasting day based on any one product: apple, kefir, cucumber;

— physical activity, water procedures, as well as massage, sauna.

— the daily calorie content of food should not be higher than 1200 - 1300 calories.

With such a nutrition system, any person can quite successfully lose weight at a rate of 4-5 kg ​​per month. Losing weight faster can be dangerous to health, as the body needs to adapt to a new lifestyle and rebuild its metabolism.

Now the famous coach Tatyana Anatolyevna Tarasova looks great. Health problems have significantly decreased, her gait has improved - she just flies. According to Tatyana Anatolyevna, she is going to continue losing weight in order to get into even better shape.

Basic principles of the Queen's diet

Margarita Koroleva is a nutritionist and nutritionist; with the help of her diets, the stars of our show business have gotten into great shape. Margarita Koroleva’s diet is one of the latest innovations for weight loss.

Principles of proper nutrition, formed by Margarita Koroleva

- meals are fractional, in small portions, 5-6 times a day;

- a large amount of liquid in the form of plain water, juices and green tea between meals, but without washing it down;

- eliminate animal fats, replacing them with vegetable ones;

- exclude easily digestible carbohydrates (sweets, baked goods, etc.), replacing them with carbohydrates rich in fiber (vegetables, fruits, cereals), which do not immediately break down and serve as a source of energy for a long time;

- exclude fried foods, steam, boil or stew everything;

— special attention is paid to “live” food in the form of raw vegetables and fruits; they should form the basis of the diet, as they contain vitamins and enzymes that can improve metabolic processes;

- you need to start the morning with porridge (buckwheat, oatmeal, rice, millet) - cereals are a source of energy for the entire first half of the day;

- the body should mainly receive proteins from plant foods (nuts, legumes, cereals, vegetables), but animal protein cannot be completely excluded, since it is necessary for the construction of red blood cells and without its presence in food a person may develop anemia (anemia) ; meat and fish should be eaten once a day, low-fat varieties;

- in no case should you force the body to starve - this will only increase your appetite and negate all efforts to lose weight; you need to replace the “wrong” (sausage, chips, carbonated drinks, white bread) products with the “right” (porridge, nuts, vegetables, fruits, lean meats) and then their volume will not be decisive.

Diet of Margarita Koroleva No. 1.

Margarita Koroleva’s diet combines, first of all, the principles of healthy separate nutrition and a mono-diet.

Details about the diet:

1. Lots of water. You need to drink 2-2.5 liters of pure still water or green tea. Be sure to have a glass of water before eating. But, the Queen’s diet does not allow drinking during or after meals, as we usually do.

2. One day a week – fasting, on kefir.

3. Margarita Koroleva’s diet provides for frequent split meals - 5 times a day, while meat, fish, chicken can be eaten only once a day, steamed. Portion for men is up to 300 grams, for women – up to 250 grams. It is necessary to exclude sugar, bread, flour, pasta, sauces, and alcohol from the diet.

So, once again about the principles of Margarita Koroleva’s diet: frequent meals, 5 times a day, but little by little, mostly vegetables and fruits, kefir, once (for lunch) meat, two and a half liters of water a day, one fasting day on kefir in Week.

Diet of Margarita Koroleva No. 2.

During the diet, we cook all foods and eat them without sugar or salt. Be sure to drink still water or green tea every day - 2.5 liters per day. All products during Margarita Koroleva’s diet must be eaten before 18.00

Nine-day diet for weight loss

We eat rice for 3 days.

Soak a glass of unwashed rice in the evening, pour it into boiling water in the morning and cook for 10-15 minutes. Eat a glass of rice in the morning. The rest of the rice should be eaten before 19.00 in equal parts every hour.

We eat chicken for 3 days.

From a chicken weighing 1-1.2 kg, remove the skin and be sure to remove all fat. Cook until done.

For 3 days we eat boiled and fresh vegetables.

The daily norm is 800 gram jar. Salted and pickled vegetables are excluded. You can make vegetable salads, such as vinaigrette without pickles.

This diet, although not “starvation”, is quite extreme, so for the duration of it, exclude physical activity: sports, fitness, digging garden beds, etc. But during rest, on the contrary, try to move more: walk , swim, dance. This will help you maintain the weight you have achieved and return from vacation even more irresistible.

Eat 5-6 times a day before 6 pm - this is a must! After 6 pm it is better to drink a cup of green tea with honey.

Read more.

The first cycle (three days) is rice (this is mainly a carbohydrate food, moreover, rice collects and removes excess water and toxic metabolic products from the body). Rice is prepared the day before by soaking a glass of grain in cold water overnight; In the morning, the rice is thoroughly washed and boiled for 15 minutes; In the morning they eat a glass of boiled rice, the rest of the rice is distributed throughout the day, eating it in parts with an interval of one hour.

The second cycle (three days) is meat or fish (protein). Boil a chicken weighing a little more than a kilogram until tender, remove the skin and eat the meat throughout the day (at least 5-6 times a day). The good thing about a protein diet is that it is carried out after preliminary preparation in the form of a rice diet, which cleanses the body of metabolic products, since the breakdown of protein produces quite a lot of such products. As a result of complex metabolic processes of their protein supplied with food, new proteins are formed in the body that can penetrate the cell and support its vital activity. Without animal proteins, it is very difficult for the body (especially a young one) to cope with physical and mental stress.

The third cycle (three days) is vegetables, most of which are eaten raw. This recommendation must be approached rationally: if you have almost never eaten raw vegetables before, then the majority of your diet should consist of steamed or boiled vegetables, otherwise you will face problems with the intestines (from a large amount of coarse fiber it will begin to swell and pain will appear in a stomach). You need to accustom yourself to plant foods gradually and preferably not during fasting diets. During a three-day intake of vegetables, the intestines are cleansed again, this time from all kinds of “deposits” of feces and toxins.

For vegetable days, take about a kilogram of any vegetables (preferably different ones - all types of cabbage, zucchini, potatoes, cucumbers, tomatoes, pumpkin, carrots, beets, etc.), after some of them have undergone hot processing, the finished product will remain about 800 grams, it should be eaten during the day in 5-6 doses. You can add a large amount of greens to vegetables (dill, parsley, green onions), and you can season vegetable salads with lemon juice.

During all 9 days of the diet, you need to take a large amount of liquid. Margarita Koroleva recommends taking liquid at the rate of 15 ml per 500 g of weight, but before taking such a large amount of liquid and generally going on a 9-day diet, you need to consult your doctor:

- large amounts of fluid will be contraindicated in case of cardiovascular diseases;

- large protein loads (three days of chicken or fish) are contraindicated for patients with kidney disease, especially if kidney function is reduced.

Contraindications for this diet include stomach ulcers, some heart diseases and even a common cold! You also need to remember that periodically going on a diet, and then breaking off again, overeating and regaining the old kilograms, which will also bring “new ones” with them, is at least illiterate, and at most harmful. To maintain a good figure and health, you must always maintain moderation in your diet.


Do not forget about good daily physical activity, it will only benefit you and help you lose excess weight. Believe in your success, and try to make every effort to achieve this, in which case you will succeed, and your figure will become slim and fit, to the envy of everyone!