
How is the third pregnancy going? Third pregnancy, third birth: reviews of mothers giving birth, doctors. Third birth: what are they, how do they go? Chances of a normal pregnancy


Question to the psychologist:

Good afternoon. I'm pregnant, I took a test and two strips and I don't know what to do. I am married, we have two children - 5.5 and 4 years old, literally as the second year I work, I came out of the decree. I have a wonderful husband, he is a very good father, but I'm not sure that we will be able to overpower the third child, financially and morally. Only the children have become more independent, they now require a lot of financial investments, these endless sections and developmental games.

And as I imagine, the reaction of the leadership! They barely survived the first pregnancy, and then the third one !!! I think mom will be shocked! To be honest, I always wanted three children! I'm probably more worried about how others will react.

I'm worried, and I think, maybe it's not necessary! How will a sister react who has not been able to get pregnant for more than 15 years. And literally last year after another IVF attempt, a miscarriage at 24 weeks. She still can not recover, and here I am with the third !!!

I'm afraid I won't be able to either physically or mentally.

But to go to a ..., even writing is scary.

And I'm already old, I'm 36 years old! There are health problems!

Help me figure out what to do, child, this is a miracle, but somehow I didn’t plan it at all!

The psychologist Shenderova Elena Sergeevna answers the question.

Hello Alice! think about whether the price for fear of others is too high - before management, before mom, sister - why should a child pay for your fear with his life? First of all, it is your family, your husband, your children. And if it turned out that you are pregnant, then it did not happen by chance, perhaps unconsciously, you wanted it. Now we are faced with the fact that your dream can come true, you can give birth to a third child, but for this you need to take responsibility for this decision. Yes, it will be difficult financially, morally (since you will have to face your fear of being judged by others), but you will be able to see the smile of the child, his first tears, laughter, see how he will grow. Or you can give his life in order to hide from your fears, find a thousand excuses (not solutions!) And justify yourself and your step. Think - it will be impossible to return anything! What can you live with and what can you not: constantly justify yourself and your fear, running away from it, while constantly thinking and feeling that the soul that you abandoned is near? or to be close to the child, to be his mother, giving warmth and love, but coping with your fears? The choice is yours...

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The third pregnancy now will not surprise anyone. As a rule, women consciously take this step, and they treat their situation differently than they did the first and second times. However, no matter how prepared a woman is, pregnancy with a third baby can bring its own surprises. We will talk about the features of the course of the third pregnancy.

Women who have built a career and are firmly on their feet, that is, are provided financially and housing, usually venture on a third child. They get real pleasure from pregnancy, and it proceeds very easily, without fuss and fears.

According to gynecologists, pregnancy with a third child allows a woman to feel her body, listen to it and, in case of any adverse symptoms, react quickly. Another interesting moment, when a woman is waiting for a baby, she already knows in advance what kind of childbirth she will have. Of course, with an accuracy of up to minutes, no one can paint a detailed plan of labor activity, but to understand the body and feel what it “speaks” about is quite possible.

According to statistics, a high percentage of women with 3 or more children claim that the body “remembers” everything that happens to it with each subsequent birth, and the next time it will react faster. For example, labor during the first pregnancy lasts from 8 hours or more, contractions are long and painful, the pregnancy itself can proceed in different ways, for example, with toxicosis in the 1st trimester. The second pregnancy is easier, childbirth lasts 6 hours, contractions are not so painful. Usually the third pregnancy and third birth proceed well. Contractions are short, disclosure occurs literally rapidly, like the birth itself - within 3 hours.

A third pregnancy can bring a woman both a pleasant trouble-free pregnancy and unforeseen surprises. It all depends on the age, individual characteristics of the body, the presence of chronic diseases of the pregnant woman, weight and other factors.

What are the features of normal and pathological third pregnancy

A pregnancy can be called successful if:

  1. The age of a potential woman in labor is 26-27 years or from 30 to 35 years.
  2. The interval between previous births is 3-5 years, but not more than 8 years.
  3. Past pregnancies proceeded without complications, natural childbirth.
  4. The woman does not have chronic diseases that can affect the normal course of pregnancy.
  5. The first, second child, as well as the third pregnancy - from one man.

If all 5 listed signs converge, then you can be congratulated - expect a favorable third pregnancy.

Pathological pregnancy includes such factors:

  1. If the woman's age is over 35 years.
  2. During previous pregnancies, there were short or vice versa, long intervals.
  3. Pregnancies were difficult, with complications.
  4. A woman has chronic diseases (diabetes mellitus, heart disease, hypertension are especially dangerous).
  5. Difficult labor or delivery by caesarean section.
  6. Rhesus conflict during pregnancy.

Condition of a woman during her third pregnancy

I want every woman to have a calm pregnancy, and childbirth to be easy. But this does not always happen, so we will get acquainted with the possible deviations that can happen during the bearing of a third child.

Exacerbation of chronic diseases

Usually around the age of 35, people show signs of a chronic disease, and women are no exception. Sadly, this can lead to not very good consequences. The risks of exacerbation of chronic diseases can provoke the appearance of endometritis, endometriosis and uterine fibroids, as well as provoke diseases of the respiratory organs, urinary system, heart, blood vessels and malfunctions of the endocrine system. As a result, preeclampsia may develop - toxicosis in late pregnancy, as well as diseases dangerous for pregnant women such as pyelonephritis, diabetes mellitus and hypertension.

If the woman's age is more than 35 years, and the child's father is 45 and above, then the risk of congenital malformations of the fetus is high. To dispel all doubts, it is necessary to register on time and undergo an appropriate genetic examination. For example, it is very important to do a screening ultrasound. This examination helps to understand whether the fetus is developing correctly, as well as the compliance of the fetus with the gestational age. For any woman, ultrasound is a chance to see what her baby looks like, hear how his heart beats, how legs and arms move, and be calm that the fetus is developing correctly.

A pregnant woman should undergo a screening examination 3 times: at 12 weeks, at 22 weeks and in the period from 30 to 34 weeks of pregnancy. This examination is considered mandatory and planned. A woman can do a regular or unscheduled ultrasound on the recommendation of a doctor or at will, in the period from 26 to 38 weeks. If everything is going well, but there is no need to do frequent ultrasounds.

The third ultrasound during pregnancy is considered very important, since once at a period of 30-34 weeks, the doctor will be able to do a thorough examination of the fetus for deviations and malformations. In addition, the specialist pays attention to the amount of amniotic fluid (water) in order, if necessary, to prepare in advance for childbirth and exclude possible complications.

The examination procedure does not differ from previous ultrasounds, the doctor notes the position of the fetus in the uterus, measures the circumference of the abdomen and head, as well as the length of the femur. In addition, the thickness of the placenta is determined and in what place of the uterus it is located, how much it is changed and whether it corresponds to the terms of maturity. It is very important to determine the place of attachment of the placenta, since in the case of an unscheduled caesarean section, doctors will know how to properly conduct delivery tactics.

An unfavorable situation is when a woman has a low location of the placenta, when she partially or completely closes the cervix. The reasons may be thinning of the walls of the uterus (childbirth, abortion). Presentation can be accompanied by bleeding during pregnancy, so it is very important for a woman to listen to her body and symptoms.

It is very important to determine the ratio of the edge of the placenta (lower part) to the cervix on the third ultrasound. This is very important, because during the third pregnancy and childbirth, bleeding may occur. The "maturity" of the placenta, the place of its attachment, the condition, its detailed study and the size of the fetus help the doctor understand how the woman's birth canal is ready for the upcoming birth and determine in advance the risks that may affect normal delivery.

No matter what pregnancy a woman has in a row, the first, second or third, the expectant mother will want to take a photo of the crumbs as a keepsake. This can be done thanks to modern ultrasonic devices. The image will clearly show the baby's face and limbs. By the way, you can take not only a portrait photo of the fetus, but also go for a three-dimensional ultrasound. You don't have to worry about it being harmful. If you conduct an examination within acceptable limits (up to 10 times per pregnancy), then there is nothing to worry about, because ultrasound is a good chance to identify possible deviations and try to help the woman and the fetus, both during pregnancy and during childbirth.

Vein changes

With each subsequent pregnancy, a woman's body experiences a serious load. Varicose veins can appear after the second pregnancy, and the third pregnancy can be complicated.

Varicose veins occur in 70-90% of women, and this disease first appears during pregnancy. A characteristic sign of the first "bells" of the disease is swelling of the legs, vascular "nets and stars" on the legs. A woman is not able to change anything, since the volume of blood increases by 30 or even 50%. Venous vessels do not always withstand such a load.

The situation can be aggravated if a pregnant woman has endocrine diseases, increased blood clotting, and overweight. An important role is played by the hereditary factor.

The disease can proceed in different ways: from swelling of the legs and harmless "asterisks" and bluish stripes on the legs, to more serious manifestations, when the vessels of the internal and external genital organs are involved in the process. Take, for example, hemorrhoidal nodules - they appear due to the fact that pressure increases in the lower part of the pelvis (when straining), the walls of the vessels are overstretched and nodules appear.

To prevent this during the third pregnancy, it is necessary to remember about prevention. For example, special exercises will help to cope with the load - you need to lie on the bed and raise your legs up. It is also necessary to follow a diet so that constipation does not appear, and also wear special compression underwear.

Anemia during pregnancy

Repeated pregnancy can provoke the development of anemia, when the amount of hemoglobin in the blood decreases. If it is not enough, it means that the woman and the baby do not have enough oxygen. If a woman feels weakness, apathy, lethargy, she often feels dizzy, her heartbeat may be disturbed, shortness of breath may appear, memory deteriorates and vision is impaired, then the cause of the malaise lies in the lack of hemoglobin.

To prevent the development of anemia, prevention will help:

  • proper balanced nutrition;
  • taking vitamin complexes for pregnant women;
  • control of hemoglobin level (blood test);
  • taking iron-containing drugs (course 2-3 times during pregnancy).

Stretching of the abdominal muscles

With each subsequent pregnancy, the abdominal muscles are subjected to tremendous stress. It is possible that during the third pregnancy, the belly will be large, and the fetus will be large. The center of gravity shifts and the uterus, which increases every week, deviates. A woman may be disturbed by pain in the lower abdomen, pain in the lower back and back. To relieve the load and distribute the center of gravity, as well as to maintain the elasticity of the abdominal muscles, it is recommended to wear a special bandage. It should only be worn when the woman is walking. Put on an elastic belt in a prone position. At first, you need to be patient and wait until the muscles get used to a different, correct position.

A good prevention of overstretching of the abdominal muscles during the third pregnancy is prevention. Swimming and special gymnastics for pregnant women help to strengthen all muscles.

Due to previous births, the stretched muscles often cannot cope with the increased load and, as a result, do not hold urine when a woman laughs or coughs. This problem occurs in 13% of women who have given birth 3 or more times.

Prolongation of pregnancy

Obviously, with each pregnancy, the baby will be larger than the previous one. According to statistics, the second child is always larger than the first. Based on this, it is important to prevent the fetus from overbearing. Each subsequent pregnancy a woman bears more calmly, blood circulation is good, which means that the fetus receives more nutrients. Due to the stretched abdominal muscles, the receptors lose their sensitivity, and childbirth can be delayed.

During the 3rd pregnancy, it is very important to control your condition, to stick to the baby - if he has reduced physical activity, you need to see a doctor. In any case, with the onset of the 40th week, it is necessary to visit the gynecologist 2 times a week. It is important to undergo additional examinations, in addition to ultrasound, to examine the blood flow in the umbilical cord (Doppler) and the number of fetal heart rhythms (CTG).

You can check the readiness for childbirth and exclude overbearing on your own. This test is called "mammary". To perform it, you need to lie down or sit in a comfortable chair. Within a minute, you need to stimulate the nipples with one hand, and put the other on the stomach. If the body is already ready for childbirth, then you will feel how the uterus contracts (this is a contraction). At the 60th second, but no later than the 3rd minute, you should feel the first contraction, indicating that the body is ready for childbirth. The contraction "came" after 10 minutes - you are not yet ready for childbirth, although you are already at the 40th week. It is necessary to consult a doctor, to be examined. In such cases, the woman is placed in a hospital under observation.

Rhesus conflict

The risk group includes women with a negative Rh, if the father of the child has a positive Rh. A conflict is possible only in a woman with a negative Rh, when the fetus is positive. Then the baby's red blood cells enter the mother's blood, starting from the 6th week of pregnancy. If with previous pregnancies a small amount of red blood cells entered the mother's blood, then with each subsequent pregnancy their number can reach the threshold.

Why is it dangerous? If foreign red blood cells enter the bloodstream, the body will begin to produce antibodies. Such a reaction can lead to the development of hemolytic disease (the birth of a child with yellow skin, often called the "jaundice" of the newborn). It is very important to monitor the condition of the mother's red blood cells and donate blood for analysis every 2 weeks. If the number of antibodies increases to a critical level, then early delivery at a later date is possible in order to save the life of the child.

Hemolytic disease can lead to serious consequences, threatening the life and normal development of the fetus. If antibodies are not detected in the mother's blood, then immediately after childbirth (no later than 3 days), the woman is injected with anti-Rh serum, which will prevent the appearance of antibodies during the next pregnancy.

Features of childbirth of the third pregnancy

With each subsequent pregnancy, childbirth proceeds easier and faster. This is due to the fact that the body quickly prepares for the birth of a child. The pelvic muscles become elastic, and the opening of the birth canal occurs painlessly and quickly. Such easy labor activity is equally good for both the woman and the child, since the risk of birth injuries decreases with repeated births.

But it is worth noting that not everything can go perfectly. Due to stretched muscles, bleeding after childbirth may not stop for a long time, and for a woman this is a big risk of losing a lot of blood. It also happens that due to the weakening of labor activity (lack of attempts and false contractions), childbirth can be delayed. In this case, the woman is stimulated, since the complete absence of contractions means that the baby does not have enough oxygen. Do not be afraid and do not think about the difficulties, modern maternity hospitals are equipped with everything necessary to help the woman and the baby.

How to prepare for childbirth

Since women go to the third pregnancy consciously, then preparations for the upcoming third birth must be started in advance.

What to consider:

  1. Do not be lazy to do exercises on the press. The stronger these muscles are, the better the gestation process will go. So 6 months before the planned conception, you can start preparing.
  2. Watch your weight during pregnancy - do not allow a set of extra pounds.
  3. Do Kegel exercises regularly starting at 15 weeks pregnant.
  4. Wear a bandage to prevent stretching of the abdominal muscles. It is allowed to wear a bandage from the 20th week of pregnancy.
  5. 3-5 weeks before giving birth, take a contrast shower - the muscles of the pelvic floor should be in good shape.
  6. Listen to your body in the last weeks - often the cervix dilates painlessly and childbirth can happen at home, in the car or in the emergency room.

What you need to be ready for after childbirth

If childbirth can be easy and painless, then the recovery process may be delayed due to the fact that the uterus contracts longer. To prevent inflammation or bleeding, the doctor will prescribe injections that will help the uterus recover faster.

The main advantage of a woman who has given birth to a third child is that she will have milk immediately after childbirth (in primiparas after 3 days). There can be no talk of any postpartum depression - mom is in a great mood, because the birth of a baby is a great happiness!

Not so long ago, families in Russia preferred to have one or two babies. Few dared to have more children. Today, the standard of living has improved significantly, and state support for parents with many children also affects, therefore, a third pregnancy is not uncommon in families, the features of which should be known to those who plan to join the ranks of large families.

Third pregnancy: features

A woman who has two children is able to take a calmer and more responsible attitude towards bearing a new life. She will not be tormented by fears and doubts caused by lack of experience. She will be able to tolerate the next restructuring in the body.

  1. It is noticed that at the same time, toxicosis and sudden mood swings are less common. In addition, there will definitely not be problems with the presence of milk, since a mother of three children should have plenty of it.
  2. However, conception also carries certain risks. This is due to the fact that usually a woman expects a third baby after thirty years. At a similar age, a person already has a lot of chronic diseases - ailments associated with the cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, thyroid gland, and the genital area.
  3. Existing health problems can negatively affect a new pregnancy. This means that even in the process of planning conception, it is worth undergoing a comprehensive examination and bringing the current state into a relative norm.
  4. Mature ladies should take into account the fact that late pregnancy at the age of 35 with a third baby or closer to forty years, may be accompanied by various malformations. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to consult in advance with a doctor specializing in genetic issues. Also, screening tests should not be neglected in order to identify possible deviations in time.
  5. Many women are concerned about the question of when the belly begins to grow during the third pregnancy. Obstetricians noticed that the first two pregnancies become visible to the eyes of others only at the sixteenth to eighteenth week, sometimes at the twentieth. With subsequent gestations, the abdomen characteristically rounds off at the thirteenth to fifteenth week. It should be borne in mind that these dates can be shifted by two weeks in one direction or another, depending on many factors.
  6. It is also important for expectant mothers to know when labor will begin during the third pregnancy if the cork has come off. Unfortunately, there is no definite answer. When the cork leaves at a time, you can count on the fact that childbirth will begin in just a couple of hours. If a thick secret stands out in parts, then the woman will have to see the child within a week.

The first fetal movements during the third pregnancy

After the previous gestation of the baby, the woman begins to feel the movements of the crumbs a little earlier - since the fifteenth week. Of course, this period is approximate. The exact date will be influenced by the individual characteristics of the mother, her level of activity and the degree of sensitivity.

In general, the first fetal movement during the third pregnancy occurs at seven to eight weeks. But these movements are too light and cautious, because the size of the embryo is still small. Even an experienced mother will not be able to distinguish between them.

You should not assume that the intensity of stirring depends on the number of babies born to a woman. In this matter, the main role is played by the character of the developing little man and his current state of health. If the mother wants to feel the tremors of the fetus, then she already knows how to cause its activity. To do this, it is worth taking a position that is uncomfortable for the child - lie on your side or on your back.

When a baby kicks too hard, causing discomfort to a woman, she can quickly calm him down - she starts reading a good fairy tale, stroking her heaving belly, or listening to relaxing, quiet music.

Third birth: preparatory activities

In order to protect her own health as much as possible, a woman should actively prepare for the appearance of a third baby. To this end, it is recommended:

  • Six months before the expected fertilization, it is worth starting special exercises for the press to strengthen the stomach. The stronger the muscles become, the more effectively they will support the uterus, in which the fetus develops. You should also devote time to other general strengthening activities.
  • After two successful pregnancies, it is important not to allow a large set of extra pounds. This will only be an additional burden on the body. The third time to get rid of excess body weight is more difficult.
  • Pregnancy with a third child puts a lot of stress on the pelvic floor muscles. To maintain them, gynecologists advise using Kegel exercises. They should be performed not only during the period of bearing a child, but also after the appearance of crumbs.
  • From the twentieth week of pregnancy, it is additionally necessary to apply a supporting bandage. It will protect the abdominal wall from overstretching.
  • It is necessary to listen with particular vigilance to your own feelings in order to notice the signs of childbirth during the third pregnancy in time. The cervix can open in a short time, so delay is unacceptable.
  • To further strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor, you need to regularly use a contrast shower. This will significantly reduce the possibility of preterm labor, ensuring the safety of the fetus.

Third pregnancy after caesarean section

Usually, after a second caesarean section, a woman is offered voluntary sterilization. However, some want to have a large family, despite the possible harm to health.

Such repeated operations can lead to numerous complications and risks:

  1. increased risk of miscarriage;
  2. premature birth;
  3. chronic placental insufficiency;
  4. damage to the intestinal tract;
  5. injury to the ureters and bladder;
  6. displacement of organs located in the immediate vicinity of the uterus, their deformation;
  7. heavy bleeding;
  8. uterus removal;
  9. unpleasant consequences of prolonged anesthesia, fetal hypoxia;
  10. the formation of adhesions;
  11. the possibility of uterine rupture along the lines of existing scars;
  12. increased likelihood of death.

Features of childbirth after cesarean

The third pregnancy should take place after a certain period of time, during which the female body can recover. Doctors recommend that the break be at least two to four years.

It is worth recognizing that three children in a family today is an unjustified luxury. Permanent instability in all spheres of life does not allow many people to provide even one baby with everything necessary. Nevertheless, despite all the difficulties, some families manage to support and raise three or more children.

At the same time, another question remains quite relevant, concerning how safe the third pregnancy and childbirth is for a future mother of many children. An unequivocal answer here, most likely, will be inappropriate, since there are many nuances and features of their own. The only thing that can be said for sure is that women who already have two children have more experience and skills in terms of bearing and giving birth to a child, compared to first-time mothers.

According to the current legislation, with the advent of the third child, the family acquires the status of a large family, which gives the right to claim certain cash payments, benefits and other types of social assistance.

Features of the 3rd pregnancy

In most cases, a favorable course is characteristic of the 3rd pregnancy and childbirth. As statistics show, a mother of many children usually becomes at the age of 32-34 years. At this age, a woman can already experience a number of diseases that affect the course of pregnancy. In order to prevent serious complications during gestation and further childbirth, it is necessary to control and, if possible, eliminate the following pathological conditions:

  1. Chronic diseases of internal organs.
  2. Varicose veins on the legs.
  3. anemic syndrome.
  4. Overstretching of the abdominal muscles.
  5. Misplacement of the placenta.
  6. Pregnancy reversal.

In order for the third birth to end safely, you should take into account all the features of the course of pregnancy and choose the right tactics for their management.

Chronic pathologies

If you are already over thirty, then you are unlikely to call yourself absolutely healthy. Most young women are easily diagnosed with one or more diseases, especially those related to the female reproductive system. Today, quite often you can find various inflammatory pathologies of the uterus and its appendages in women whose age is a little over 30 years old. The most common gynecological diseases are:

  • Adnexitis.
  • Salpingitis.
  • Endometriosis.
  • Benign neoplasms of the uterus (myoma, fibroma).

Any chronic diseases of the cardiovascular, respiratory, urinary or other body systems pose a rather serious threat to the pregnant woman and the fetus. To prevent the development of severe toxicosis during the third pregnancy or diseases such as pyelonephritis, arterial hypertension, diabetes, a comprehensive examination and, if necessary, treatment should be undergone. In addition, scientific studies have shown that the older the parents, the higher the risk of developing congenital malformations in the fetus. Therefore, genetic counseling is mandatory for age-related dads and moms, which is not recommended to be neglected.

Varicose veins on the legs

It is noted that each subsequent pregnancy increases the risk of developing varicose veins of the lower extremities. The first symptoms of the disease are the appearance of spider veins on the legs and edema, which increases after the second half of the day. One of the main reasons for such phenomena is that during pregnancy, the volume of circulating blood increases up to 50%.

In addition, obesity, endocrine pathologies, bleeding disorders and some other pathological conditions can contribute to the occurrence of varicose veins in the legs. The following are recommended as preventive measures:

  • Wear anti-varicose compression stockings.
  • Try to lie down with your legs elevated.
  • Do therapeutic exercises.
  • Stick to a proper diet.

Varicose veins are quite successfully treated, if not delayed with a visit to a specialist doctor.

Stretching of the abdominal muscles

The third pregnancy cannot but affect the condition of the abdominal muscles. It is quite natural that the abdominal muscles will be even more overstretched. It should be noted that the fetus also leads to additional stretching, which, as a rule, becomes larger with each new pregnancy. Excessively stretched muscles of the anterior abdominal wall often provoke pain in the lumbar region and lower back. In such cases, it may be recommended to wear a bandage to support the abdomen and reduce the load on the spine.

As a rule, third births are normal if the pregnancy proceeded without complications.

Misplacement of the placenta

Low attachment of the placenta, which is also called presentation, is considered one of the most serious problems that can cause a lot of trouble in the process of labor. The thing is that in this case the placenta overlaps the cervix, preventing the birth of a child through the natural birth canal.

Placenta previa may be due to thinning of the uterine lining from previous deliveries or abortions. In addition, its incorrect location often leads to the development of uterine bleeding during pregnancy. At the same time, an increase in the uterus due to the growth of the fetus can change the position of the placenta and the problem with presentation will be solved by itself.

Prolongation of pregnancy

As clinical experience shows, the chances of having a large fetus in the third pregnancy increases by an average of 25%. Various factors can contribute to this. Among all doctors distinguish such:

  • Psychological moment. Multiparous women do not experience the stress associated with bearing a child that mothers experience in anticipation of their first child.
  • The body of an experienced woman in labor is more prepared for a new pregnancy, especially in terms of the flow of nutrients from the mother to the fetus.

A large fetus is one of the main causes of delayed pregnancy, the duration of which exceeds 42 weeks. Early signs indicating an increase in the normal period of gestation are a decrease in the volume of amniotic fluid or low fetal activity.

Management of 3 births

In the vast majority of cases, third births pass without any complications if the course of pregnancy was normal. Nevertheless, it is never possible to foresee everything, and sometimes some problems are possible. Features of the third birth:

  • Contraction of the uterus.
  • The speed of childbirth.
  • The position of the fetus in the womb.
  • Obstetric ruptures.

Delivery rate

As a rule, the third childbirth is characterized by speed and swiftness. This feature is due to the fact that there is a faster opening of the cervix. Usually labor activity does not exceed 4-5 hours. In such situations, the pregnant woman must be warned so that at the first manifestations of the approaching birth she will be taken to the nearest maternity hospital. There were cases that rapid labor activity led to the birth of a baby not in a medical institution. Unexpected contractions can take you by surprise, but if you are near a maternity facility, you should not worry or worry too much.

Uterus contraction

Each birth affects the condition of the uterus. Excessively stretching, it loses its tone, which leads to insufficient contraction in the process of the third birth. What measures can be taken to prevent the development of weakness of labor activity:

  • Do exercises to strengthen your abs.
  • Your diet should contain a sufficient amount of vegetable oils.
  • Watch your body weight.
  • If indicated, wear a bandage to support the abdomen.
  • In the final stages of bearing a child, you can take a contrast shower, concentrating more on the abdomen.

obstetric lacerations

Many clinical studies show that the risk of perineal tears in third births is quite low, if they have not happened before. However, even if they did occur, there are some steps you can take to help prevent these kinds of complications.

As a prevention of obstetric ruptures, perineal massage sessions with essential oils are recommended. Also in late pregnancy, scars from previous cuts or ruptures can be treated with Contratubex gel. At the same time, if you decide to use traditional medicine recipes to prepare the perineum, then it is best to consult with your doctor first.

The previous experience of a woman is of no small importance in the successful passage of the third birth.

Fetal position

Quite often, obstetric problems arise due to the fact that the fetus does not want to take the correct position. Most experts believe that one of the main reasons for this is excessive stretching of the uterus and abdominal muscles.

It should be noted that it is not worth panicking ahead of time. As a rule, at the right moment, the baby turns head down and takes the correct position, which greatly facilitates the management of the third birth.

In some cases, the technique of obstetric rotation of the fetus is used for pathological types of presentation.

postpartum period

Many years of clinical experience has shown that one of the main problems after childbirth is a fairly high risk of bleeding, which is due to a decrease in uterine contractility. However, if the afterbirth period (exit of the placenta) has passed safely, bleeding may not develop. What measures are recommended to be taken to increase uterine contraction:

  1. We put the baby to the breast immediately after birth. Of great importance for mother and newborn is the first feeding, the duration of which should be about two hours.
  2. We feed the child every time he asks. When the baby suckles the breast, there is a better uterine contraction. If you want your uterus to recover faster, you need to feed as often as possible.
  3. Empty your bladder and rectum regularly.
  4. The postpartum diet of the mother should consist mainly of plant foods.
  5. Drink enough water. About two liters per day is considered optimal.
  6. If you are lying, it is better on your stomach.
  7. Move more. Active movements contribute to the active contraction of the uterus.

Reduced uterine contractility is not the only problem that a woman may experience after childbirth. Some multiparous, in addition, note significant soreness during uterine contractions in the postpartum period. In addition, the pain can intensify in the process of feeding the baby. What can be recommended in such cases:

  • 20-30 minutes before feeding, take a medicine that has a pronounced analgesic effect. Do not forget that the drug must be prescribed by your supervising physician.
  • When you feed your baby, you can put a heating pad with moderately hot water on your stomach, but only if there are no contraindications to its use. At the same time, pain sensations are significantly reduced.

  • It is recommended to feed the baby lying on its side. Bend your legs and pull closer to you. Your position will resemble the typical "fetal position". In addition, you can lie down like this every time the pain starts.
  • A full bladder and rectum not only significantly slow down the process of uterine contraction, but can also provoke very painful sensations, so the toilet should be visited regularly.

Proper preparation for the 3rd birth, which consists of a comprehensive examination before and during pregnancy, as well as the elimination of all negative factors, significantly reduces the risk of complications and provides excellent chances to give birth to a healthy baby.


Honor and praise to those couples who decided to go for a third child. The trend towards large families in modern conditions of life is catastrophically reduced. However, even now, some families do not stop at two children. On the one hand, a woman is already gaining experience in the process of giving birth to previous children. On the other hand, each time is associated with a certain amount of risk, because the third birth can go completely wrong.

What features are they characterized by? Are there any specific tips and recommendations on how to properly prepare for this responsible process once again?

In order for the birth of the third child to pass without any complications, special preparation is needed for them, which affects both the physical and psychological aspects.

Physical training

  1. It is advisable to plan a third child, and both spouses pass before conception. If the first babies were born and grow up healthy, this does not mean at all that the next baby is not in danger. Remember your age, which in this case does not work for you.
  2. By the third birth, most women gain excess weight, which subsequently leads to weakness of the muscles of the press and uterus, which negatively affects delivery. Therefore, the figure must be brought back to normal, and throughout the pregnancy, eat wisely and moderately.
  3. It is necessary to provide the body with enough calcium. You need to drink special preparations with its content. The first two pregnancies likely resulted in weakened bones, which would increase the risk of birth injuries.
  4. To avoid relaxing the muscles of the vagina, perform special exercises.
  5. Eat right: you need to eat a little, but extremely healthy foods.
  6. Lead an active lifestyle, be constantly on the move, swim, take daily walks.

Psychological preparation

  1. Start your third birth with a clean slate. Forget the negative feelings after the previous ones. Believe that this time everything will be less painful and without any complications. If the impressions and sensations acquired earlier leave much to be desired, do not drag them with your baggage.
  2. Get more rest, relax, pamper yourself during pregnancy.
  3. Prepare the first children for the arrival of the third family member.
  4. Shift some of your worries to your husband.

Financial aspect

  1. If after the first two children there are some things or furniture for the newborn, use them. You can save a lot on this.
  2. 2 weeks before the appointed time, collect all the documents necessary in the maternity hospital, as well as packages with things that may come in handy there.
  3. It is better to prepare clothes for the baby in advance. So you will be absolutely calm that you have everything collected and after giving birth you will not need to run around the shops in search of this or that thing.

Usually, the third birth begins according to the following scheme:

  • weight is reduced;
  • the stomach drops;
  • breathing is easier;
  • the motor activity of the fetus is reduced;
  • there is a "nesting syndrome";
  • the navel protrudes;
  • pay special attention to such signs of childbirth during the third pregnancy as false contractions, which can be almost imperceptible and begin as little as 3-4 days before the baby is born;
  • uncomfortable, painful sensations appear in the lumbosacral region.

As you can see, the harbingers of the third birth are not much different from the signs of the approaching delivery of the rest of the children in a row. However, here it must be borne in mind that the point is not in the symptoms themselves, but in the timing when they appear. For example, with the third birth, they can begin as early as 3-4 days before the birth of the crumbs, while in other cases this happens 10-14 days before. And they will be already less painful and not so painful.


Be sure to study in advance the information on how the third birth goes, in order to know how and at what stage to behave correctly.


At this stage, complications may arise that are better foreseen and assumed in order to avoid them altogether or at least take appropriate measures in a timely manner. Features are in the following points:

  1. The muscles of the uterus and the press in a woman giving birth for the third time are maximally stretched. As a result, their ability to rapidly contract is noticeably reduced.
  2. All this leads to the fact that after intense contractions, when the cervix opens up to 5 cm (approximately), secondary weakness of labor often occurs.
  3. It is characterized by a sharp decrease in the intensity of contractions, a weakening of attempts, and sometimes labor can stop altogether.
  4. Rarely do such third births end on their own. Most often, doctors decide to take a tired body with medication or caesarean.

Such a stubborn thing as statistics states that such cases (weak labor) account for about 35% of the total number of third births. A sufficiently high percentage in order to reflect and take appropriate measures. To protect yourself from such a complication, it is recommended that you regularly perform Kegel exercises throughout your pregnancy, as well as eat well, sleep and rest.

Separation of the placenta

Many women argue about whether the third birth is easier or harder: for someone they pass quickly and almost imperceptibly, someone suffers almost the same as during the first. However, everyone notes that the last stage of delivery - the separation of the placenta - is quite difficult and painful. The reasons for this may be different:

  • the muscles of the uterus after previous births are stretched and are not able to contract well;
  • pathologies: fibroids, polyps, scars, etc.;
  • if doctors have diagnosed an incomplete separation of the uterus, they conduct its manual revision;
  • weakness of uterine contraction can lead to intense, fairly prolonged bleeding, since blood clots form slowly during the third birth, the vessels do not overlap, the blood cannot stop;
  • normally, a woman should not lose more than 0.5% of her blood, and during the third birth it is quite possible, which often leads to anemia, a sharp drop in pressure.

Given the complications of pushing and separation of the placenta, it is difficult to say whether the third birth is easier than the previous ones. They just have their own characteristics, which you need to know about and warn them in time.

What do doctors think? The general opinion of doctors about the third birth is generally unambiguous. If a mother is under 35 years old and she does not have serious health problems, they are much easier and easier than the previous ones. The body, having a unique memory, is ready for the upcoming stress, which it has already experienced twice. And the woman herself is psychologically more ready for this, which greatly facilitates the process of delivery.

Other features

If a woman has information, she should not have a question whether the third birth is different from the previous ones: of course, they have their own characteristics. In particular, they include such points as:

  • according to statistics, they are less likely to lead to injuries, since the muscles of the vagina are stretched well enough for the baby's head to pass through the birth canal easily and freely;
  • if previous births ended in ruptures, in 50% of cases, scars during the third birth diverge again;
  • the third pregnancy and childbirth usually take place at a more mature age: this is good because the woman is already morally mature for raising a child, but not very good, because the body has time to wear out by this time, and, as you know, health greatly affects the birth of a baby mothers;
  • after 30 years during pregnancy, uterine fibroids, diabetes mellitus, heart and kidney problems are very often exacerbated, so you have to constantly be under the closest supervision of a doctor for all 9 months.

These are the features of the third birth, which a woman should be aware of in advance in order to have time to prepare for them and not worry if the process is something different from previous births.

Recovery period

For female beauty and health, it is very important how long it lasts after the third birth: the time period of this period is longer than in previous visits. This is explained by the fact that tissues lose their elasticity with age and can no longer regenerate as quickly as before. And lochia (postpartum discharge) can be annoying for as long as 2 months, and when it breaks, it heals for a long time, and stretch marks on the chest look terrible, and excess weight does not want to go away.

From all this it is easy to fall into postpartum depression, which, however, a woman can avoid if she sets herself up in the right way. You just need to help the body during this period to recover as quickly as possible:

  1. Do various physical exercises.
  2. See a doctor regularly.
  3. Rest, eat and sleep enough.
  4. Don't be nervous and don't worry.
  5. Regularly perform breast massage to avoid stretch marks, learn the basics of proper feeding.

If you decide on a third birth, be sure to study the nuances of their course. Each case is purely individual, there are no general postulates. And yet, a more thorough medical examination, high-quality preparation and assistance to your own body during the recovery period will help smooth out all the roughness and avoid possible complications.