
The most effective way to miscarry at home. Miscarriage in early pregnancy: signs, causes, consequences. Contraindications and risks


The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Expert advice is required!

You still easily fit into tight jeans, have not yet encountered morning sickness, age spots, stretch marks on your stomach. But you already have a test with two red stripes - the main proof of your belonging to the happy class of pregnant women.

Your treasure is still quite tiny. Only the most sensitive equipment can detect its presence in your womb. But this does not prevent you from coming up with a name for him, talking to him and stopping at stores with children's clothes to look after something for an unborn, but already existing baby. But this joyful prospect, this rosy illusion can be interrupted overnight by a terrible and inexorable word Miscarriage.

According to statistics, 15-20% of all pregnancies end in miscarriages.

In most cases, this happens when a woman does not yet realize that she is pregnant. But sometimes this happens to those who have already become attached to their belly-maker and fell in love with him. How to console a woman in this case? Only next pregnancy. But those who have had such a misfortune in their lives, and those who have not yet known the bitterness of loss, should go through a small educational program on issues related to miscarriage. The most important thing is to know what factors can cause miscarriage, and what can be done to prevent miscarriage.

The conversation will focus on early miscarriages that occur for up to 12 weeks, because the vast majority of them happen during this period.

The most common causes of miscarriages in early pregnancy

  1. Genetic disorders in the fetus
    According to statistics, about 73% of miscarriages occur for this reason. As a rule, these genetic defects are not hereditary in nature, but are the result of single mutations that occurred in the germ cells of the parents under the influence of harmful environmental factors (radiation, occupational hazards, viruses, etc.). Termination of pregnancy for this reason is a kind of natural selection - getting rid of weak, non-viable offspring. It is almost impossible to prevent such a miscarriage, you can only reduce the risk of genetic abnormalities even before conception, by protecting yourself from the effects of mutagenic factors as much as possible. But with modern ecology, the probability of mutations still remains, because miscarriages that occur for this reason can be considered a boon, because they save a woman from many problems and troubles in the future.

  2. Hormonal disorders
    When the balance of hormones in a woman's body is disturbed, early pregnancy termination often occurs. Most often this happens with a lack of the main hormone of pregnancy - progesterone. With the timely detection of this problem, pregnancy can be saved with the help of progesterone preparations. An excess of male sex hormones can also cause an early miscarriage - they suppress the production of estrogen and progesterone. Androgens are often the cause of recurrent (habitual) miscarriages. The adrenal and thyroid hormones also influence the formation and development of pregnancy. Therefore, dysfunction of these glands can also cause miscarriage.

  3. Immunological causes
    As a rule, this happens with a Rh-conflict. The embryo inherits the Rh-positive father, while the mother's Rh-negative body rejects embryonic tissues that are foreign to it. To prevent miscarriage in case of immune conflict, progesterone preparations are used, which in this case have an immunomodulatory effect.
  4. Sexually transmitted infections: trichomoniasis, toxoplasmosis, syphilis, chlamydia, as well as herpetic and cytomegalovirus infection often cause miscarriage.
    Pathogenic bacteria and viruses cause infection of the fetus, damage to the membranes, resulting in a miscarriage. To prevent this from happening, it is advisable to treat infections before pregnancy.

  5. Common infectious diseases and inflammatory diseases of the internal organs.
    All diseases accompanied by intoxication and an increase in body temperature above 38 ° C can lead to miscarriage. Rubella , viral hepatitis , flu are in the lead in this list . Even a banal sore throat can become fatal at 4-10 weeks of pregnancy. And pneumonia, pyelonephritis, appendicitis are a serious risk to the fetus. That is why, when planning a pregnancy, it is worth undergoing a complete medical examination, identifying and treating all foci of chronic infection.

  6. History of abortion
    Abortion is not just a medical manipulation: it is a huge stress for the female body, which can cause dysfunction of the ovaries, adrenal glands; contributing to the development of inflammatory processes in the genital organs. This can cause infertility and habitual miscarriages in the future.

  7. Medicines and herbs
    In the first trimester of pregnancy, it is advisable to avoid taking medications altogether. Many of them can cause abortion or cause the formation of developmental defects in the fetus. So, for example, narcotic analgesics or hormonal contraceptives often become the culprits of abortion. You also need to be careful with medicinal herbs: parsley, nettle, cornflower, St. John's wort, tansy - are contraindicated in early pregnancy.

  8. stress
    Strong fright or unexpected grief, resentment or prolonged mental overstrain are dangerous for a small creature in your womb. If you, by the will of fate, are forced to be under the influence of stress, discuss with your doctor the possibility of taking sedatives, at least the same valerian.

  9. Unhealthy Lifestyle
    Alcohol, drugs, smoking, regular coffee consumption, improper and malnutrition are all allies of a miscarriage. It is better to correct your lifestyle even before conception.

  10. Falls, heavy lifting, sexual intercourse
    All this, although rare, can become a trigger for abortion, so take care of yourself, and therefore your baby!

If conception happened by accident, then the woman is likely to think about how to have a miscarriage at home. Attempts to terminate a pregnancy on your own will certainly cause life-threatening bleeding, and some of them will provoke pronounced disturbances in the functioning of internal organs.

Until the 22nd week of pregnancy, spontaneous termination is possible, which is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms, including heavy bleeding, pain in the lower abdomen. If a pathology is detected, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible to prevent dangerous consequences.

How to make a miscarriage yourself

Methods that allow you to terminate a pregnancy on your own, as a rule, lead to health problems or do not work. Below are the steps to have an abortion at home and the consequences they can lead to.

  1. The use of a decoction of tansy can lead to fetal malformations, as well as severe bleeding and incomplete spontaneous abortion, after which cleaning of the uterus will be required. In addition, this remedy has a very bad effect on the liver, kidneys and heart.
  2. Taking a hot bath can cause a woman to faint, even if she does the procedure for only a few minutes. This probability is due to a sharp drop in blood pressure due to vasodilation and disruption of the brain. What fainting can lead to, and even in the water, in principle, should be clear.
  3. The use of bay leaves is a completely useless way to terminate a pregnancy, which can provoke severe allergies.
  4. Intensified sports can not only make a miscarriage, but also lead to death due to heart failure. Recently, the number of such cases in Russia has increased markedly, including among athletes and schoolchildren. In addition, even if the pregnancy ends spontaneously, severe bleeding, potentially life-threatening, will begin. It is likely that the miscarriage will not occur completely and will require surgical cleaning of the uterus.
  5. The use of sugar or milk with iodine is fraught with dysfunction of the thyroid gland, often of an irreversible nature.
  6. Take inside more vitamin C, eat a lot of parsley or lemon. So you can not only make a miscarriage, but also cause uterine bleeding, as well as increase the acidity of the stomach, undermining its work.

Medical termination of pregnancy at home

Available for independent use are hormonal preparations designed to change the functioning of the reproductive organs. There are 2 most common ways to prevent pregnancy or have a spontaneous abortion:

  1. Taking oxytocin. This drug provokes smoothing and contraction of the muscles of the cervix, therefore it is used as a stimulant of labor activity in case of its weakness, as well as after abortion and childbirth for the speedy restoration of the previous size of the reproductive organ. The use of oxytocin can cause severe bleeding, as well as nausea, vomiting, sharp fluctuations in blood pressure, and other undesirable effects.
  2. Use of an emergency contraceptive. This must be done no later than three days after intimacy. The use of such a drug can adversely affect the functioning of the reproductive system, but today it is one of the most popular ways to prevent pregnancy after sexual intercourse. The active ingredient of the drug blocks the action of progesterone at the receptor level. As a result, the process of ovulation stops, as well as the preparation of the endometrium for the introduction of a fertilized egg.

A woman who wants to cause a miscarriage on her own should remember that this is fraught with major health problems. In any scenario, bleeding will begin and urgent medical care will be required, and if the fetus and its membranes are not completely released, cleaning will also be required.

Still, in modern society there are more civilized ways to interrupt the bearing of a baby. Although, before doing this, it is worthwhile to think carefully at least about the ethical side of the issue and take into account that the fetus is a defenseless living organism, the heartbeat of which is determined by ultrasound from 8 weeks after conception.

Types and probability of miscarriage at different gestational ages

A miscarriage is a spontaneous (premature) termination of pregnancy for up to 22 weeks of gestation with a fetus weighing less than 500 g. There are 2 options for the course of this process:

  1. A spontaneous abortion of the type of rejection occurs in the first trimester due to an immune conflict between the fetus and the mother's body. In this case, there is a violation of the placental blood flow. The mother's immune system begins to produce antibodies against the fetus, recognizing it as a foreign organism. As a result, the chorion is destroyed and the ovum is expelled from the uterus. Bleeding occurs, usually profusely.
  2. A miscarriage by the type of labor is observed in the second or third trimester of gestation and occurs as a result of an increase in the tone of the uterus or insufficiency of its closing apparatus. In this scenario, contractions begin, the neck of the reproductive organ opens and childbirth occurs.

The greatest probability of miscarriage is in the early stages of pregnancy, that is, up to 12 weeks of gestation. 80% of spontaneous abortions occur during this period. Also, pregnancy can be interrupted for a period of 4-5 weeks, that is, at the moment when there is a delay in menstruation. In this case, the woman begins bleeding, which resembles menstruation.

It is not scientifically proven, but it is generally accepted that the probability of miscarriage is high at 4, 8 and 12 weeks of gestation. From 12 to 22 weeks of pregnancy, spontaneous abortion can occur due to isthmic-cervical insufficiency, in which the cervix begins to expand and smooth out much earlier than the due date. This pathology occurs as a result of injuries of the reproductive organs or hormonal failure. Cervical insufficiency can be prevented by wearing a pessary ring or by suturing the cervix.

Symptoms of a miscarriage at different stages of pregnancy

With spontaneous abortion in the first trimester of the term, there are pulling pains in the lower abdomen, scanty brownish discharge, bleeding (almost always), and in some cases, the urge to urinate or empty the intestines. As a rule, the fetus leaves the uterine cavity in whole or in part along with blood clots. At later stages of gestation, a miscarriage takes the form of premature birth, that is, contractions begin, amniotic fluid departs, and then the fetus leaves the uterus along with the membranes surrounding it.

What to do after a miscarriage? Having found spotting in the early stages of gestation, it is necessary to contact a gynecologist as soon as possible, since pregnancy can still be maintained before the onset of heavy bleeding. After severe bleeding opens, the woman will need hospitalization to prevent life-threatening blood loss, blood poisoning and death. Unfortunately, in this case, it will not be possible to save the pregnancy.

What to do if a spontaneous abortion happened at a late gestational age? In this case, a woman needs to call a doctor or go to a hospital, because fetal membranes may remain in the uterine cavity, if infected, there is a threat to the health and life of the mother.

What to do if a miscarriage occurs at home

Having discovered the symptoms of a miscarriage, a woman should call a doctor or an ambulance, giving the dispatcher not only the address, but also the gestational age, as well as alarming symptoms. After a spontaneous abortion, waiting for the doctors, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Lie on the sofa, put a roller under the buttocks to reduce bleeding.
  2. Apply an ice pack to the lower abdomen. If this is not possible, then wrap the food from the freezer in a towel and use it as a cold compress. It is also allowed to use a heating pad with ice water.
  3. Record your blood type and Rh factor information on paper as a blood transfusion may be required.
  4. If possible, prepare a set for gynecological examination and curettage.
  5. Do not throw away diapers, sheets and towels soaked in blood. They will be needed by the doctor to assess blood loss.

Usually, after a miscarriage, amniotic fluid, blood clots, and fetal membranes remain in the birth canal, which can lead to infection. Cases when the body is completely cleansed are quite rare. That is why, after a spontaneous abortion, doctors resort to cleaning, and sometimes to suturing the gaps.

What to do to prevent recurrent miscarriage? A woman who wants to successfully give birth to a baby must do everything to find out the causes of miscarriage and eliminate them. Spontaneous abortions occurring in the early stages of gestation, as a rule, prevent the birth of a child with severe malformations.

Find out the due date

Taking smears for analysis on flora and cytology. General analysis of blood, urine, blood for sugar, blood for hemosyndrome, blood from a vein for AIDS, syphilis, hepatitis B and C, blood group, biochemical blood test.

Visiting a therapist, endocrinologist, ophthalmologist, otolaryngologist.

End of the embryonic period.

Screening for the risk of Down syndrome and Edwards syndrome by ultrasound ("collar space") and biochemical markers.

The first sensation of fetal movements in multiparous women.

Visiting an obstetrician-gynecologist (measurement of weight, blood pressure, belly size).

The first sensation of fetal movements in nulliparous women.

General blood analysis.

Determination of the state of the fetus by organs.

To assess the development of the fetus, the state of the placenta, water, to identify the threat of abortion.

At this time, you may be told the gender of the baby.

Doppler study of placental blood flow.

Elimination of the risk of developing placental insufficiency.

General blood analysis.

Rule out gestational diabetes.

Prenatal leave for pregnant twins.

Risk of preeclampsia and pyelonephritis.

Three quarters behind.

Prenatal leave for most pregnant women.

From 30 weeks - a weekly or every 10 days visit to the gynecologist.

Before each appointment - a general urine test.

At 30-34 weeks of pregnancy, it is desirable to conduct a cardiotocographic study - the identification of chronic heart diseases of the expectant mother.

At 34 weeks - a complete blood count.

At 36 weeks - a smear for flora, a general blood test, urine, blood for hemosyndrome, blood from a vein for AIDS, syphilis, hepatitis B and C.

The doctor will give you an exchange card, which will contain all the data about your pregnancy, the results of tests and the conclusions of medical specialists. This exchange card is required in the maternity hospital.

She should always be with you in case you have to be in the hospital ahead of time.

* Approximate calculation based on average cycle length and onset of ovulation - plus 14 days from the start of the last period.

**Full 40 weeks.

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Life circumstances develop in the most unpredictable way. And what is happiness for some, for others can be a real tragedy. Such events include, for example, the onset of pregnancy. How often do women think about abortion after a visit to a gynecologist? In this article, we will not touch on the ethical, moral and moral aspects of artificial termination of pregnancy. Let's just accept it as a fact that such a need appears very often. The other moment is much scarier. Unfortunately, recently, more and more often, a positive pregnancy test is in the hands of very young and inexperienced young ladies who do not have their own money for qualified medical care in such a delicate problem, and they are afraid to confess everything to their parents. Then the question spontaneously arises in them: “How to have a miscarriage on your own without going to the doctor so that mom and dad don’t find out?” And it is the turn of active searches for all kinds of methods, advice from girlfriends, forums. And what is scary - such methods can be found. Let's take a few such examples.

It is worth saying that the question has been relevant for all ages: “A miscarriage ... How to do it at home?” And in all ages, women have found folk methods. Sublimate, quinine, and gunpowder with turpentine were used. But no one counted how many women did not survive such abortions. Therefore, if a girl is interested in how to have an early miscarriage, you need to see a doctor. Only in this case it is possible to avoid sad consequences and in the future, when there is a desire, to give birth to a healthy baby.

Late spontaneous abortion (or miscarriage) is called the termination of pregnancy in the period from 16 to 22 weeks.

The frequency of occurrence of sporadic miscarriage in the later stages is three times less common than in an earlier period.

Given the variety of causes that cause this condition, this problem should be taken very seriously. Self-abortion in the later stages is an integral response of the body to problems in the body, as well as environmental factors.

There are many factors that can trigger a miscarriage during late pregnancy:

  • Violation of the blood hemostasis system.

Maintaining the balance and proper regulation of physiological antagonists (coagulation and anticoagulation systems) of the blood is very important for the normal development of pregnancy. Changes with the predominance of one or another system can cause irreversible consequences for the fetus and cause its death.

The cervix is ​​normally closed during pregnancy.

The length of the cervical canal must exceed 25 mm.

When the cervix opens and shortens, there is a risk of miscarriage. The further development of pregnancy becomes questionable.

With pronounced changes, prolapse (gaping) of the fetal bladder through the cervix, with a rupture of the membranes, is possible. This is the reason for the abortion.

The large size of myomatous nodes can interfere with the physiological development of the fetus. The rapid growth of nodes during pregnancy interferes with the stretching of the muscle cells of the uterus. In addition, uterine fibroids in the area of ​​​​attachment of the placenta can cause circulatory disorders in the fetoplacental circulation, which is fraught with fetal death.

  • infection factor.

One of the leading causes of spontaneous miscarriage is infection of the fetus. The spread of infection can occur in various ways: through the placenta (transplacental route), ascending infection (the inflammatory process is transmitted from the vagina, cervix), canalicularly (through the fallopian tubes), transmuscularly (through the muscular wall of the uterus).

An infectious agent (pathogen) infects the tissue of the placenta, causing inflammation in it (placentitis). In the future, the inflammatory process passes to the fetal membranes with the development of amnionitis. The subsequent spread of infection in the body of the fetus causes intrauterine infection. The resulting foci of infection can lead to the death of the fetus.

  • endocrine factor.

Recently, more attention has been paid to the hormonal causes that cause abortion. Many endocrine diseases cause profound metabolic disorders in the body, which is fraught with fetal death.

The most common are: diabetes mellitus, hyperandrogenism syndrome, hyperprolactinemia, decreased endocrine function of the pituitary gland, ovarian failure, thyrotoxicosis, severe hypothyroidism.

  • The most common cause is a violation of hormonal interactions at the level of the placenta.

It is known that one of the functions of the placenta is the production of hormones. When placental insufficiency occurs, which makes the main contribution to the prolongation (development) of pregnancy.

That is why placental insufficiency can cause abortion.

  • Violation of blood circulation in the fetoplacental system.

With insufficient blood flow in the uterine arteries, umbilical cord vessels, as well as the pathology of the vascular network of the placental bed, irreversible changes can occur up to the death of the fetus. Adequate blood circulation is an important condition for a normally developing pregnancy.

  • Genetic anomalies.

Certain hereditary diseases can cause self-abortion.

The main part of the so-called "genetic reset" occurs in the early stages of pregnancy (the most severe malformations).

However, in the later stages, termination of pregnancy is also characteristic due to the presence of congenital diseases in the fetus (defects of the heart, kidneys, nervous system, and other vital organs).

  • Anomalies in the development of the uterus.

A change in the anatomical structure of the uterus can cause a miscarriage.

For example, such a pathology as a bicornuate uterus often leads to similar situations.

In this situation, the uterine cavity is divided by a septum, which reduces the volume of each cavity.

If pregnancy begins to develop in one of the uterine horns, then by a certain point there is an obstacle to further stretching of the muscle fibers. A bicornuate uterus does not allow the full development of the fetus.

In addition, with the normal structure of the uterus, there are anastomoses (connections) in the arterial system between the uterine arteries, which contributes to the full blood supply to the placental system.

With a bicornuate uterus, the arterial system of the two uterine arteries does not anastomose with each other, which significantly reduces the potential blood flow in the fetoplacental system. This can also lead to fetal death.

  • External factors.

These include harmful effects of the environment (ionizing radiation, climatic, geographical factors). Toxic effects (poisoning with salts of heavy metals, intoxication). Not only the type of influencing factor is very important, but also the duration. Mechanical factors (trauma, bruises, physical stress) can also adversely affect the course of pregnancy.

  • Psycho-emotional impact.

The news of an extremely bad event, a strong fear, negative emotions can cause spontaneous abortion. The mechanism is associated with the activation of stress hormones (adrenal hormones, activation of the sympathetic-adrenal system), which lead to an increase in the tone of the uterine muscles, as well as a spasm of the vessels of the fetoplacental system, which causes self-abortion.

  • Serious diseases of the mother that prevent the development of pregnancy (severe heart disease, kidney disease, tuberculosis, chronic diseases in the stage of decompensation).

The main signs of a miscarriage

Symptoms include:

  1. . It can be pulling or cramping, regular or irregular.
  2. usually scarlet in color, bleeding may be small or profuse.
  3. Sometimes the temperature rises.
  4. Vomiting is possible (cervical reflex: when the cervix opens, or vomiting appears).
  5. The appearance of fear, anxiety.
  6. With severe bleeding, dizziness is possible, up to loss of consciousness.
  7. Stages of spontaneous abortion.

Stages of spontaneous abortion

There are several stages in the development of a miscarriage:

A slight increase in temperature is possible. On examination, you can determine: the uterus is enlarged according to the gestational age, the cervix is ​​​​softened, the cervical canal is ajar.

  • A miscarriage in the course is accompanied by profuse bleeding, regular intense cramping pains in the lower abdomen.

The opening of the cervix is ​​​​also determined, in the cervical canal you can see the exfoliated fetal egg, placental tissue.

  • A completed miscarriage is characterized by the release of the fetus and membranes, the cessation of cramping pain, and a decrease in bleeding.

On examination: the size of the uterus does not correspond to the gestational age (smaller than it should be), the uterus contracts, is dense, the cervical canal of the cervix can be closed.

Tactics of action when self-abortion has begun

At this stage, pregnancy in some cases can be saved. That is why the right tactics of action are important.

  • When symptoms of a miscarriage begin, a woman needs to call for help from someone close to her. If this is not possible, then you must immediately call an ambulance.
  • An important condition for maintaining pregnancy is complete rest and adherence to strict bed rest. And this means that a woman needs to lie down.
  • Before the ambulance arrives, you can take a No-shpy tablet (if someone close knows how to give intramuscular injections, then it is better to inject 2 ml of No-shpy or Drotaverin solution intramuscularly). It can also be inserted into the rectum.

Transportation of a woman to a gynecological hospital is carried out on a stretcher or a gurney by an ambulance team.

Upon admission to the hospital, blood is taken from the patient to determine the general analysis, check the coagulation system, blood group, Rh factor, biochemical parameters, as well as a urine test.

The management of the patient depends on the viability of the fetus. If the data is determined, then preservation therapy is carried out, which includes:

  • Strict bed rest.
  • The introduction of hemostatic drugs.

Also use the drug "Etamzilat", or "Dicinon". With severe bleeding, it can be administered intravenously by stream, slowly. With moderate bleeding, it can be administered intramuscularly.

  • sedative therapy. Perhaps the use of "Valerian" 1 tab. 2-3 times a day.
  • Spasmolytic therapy. Intramuscular injection of "No-shpy" 2 ml 3 times a day.
  • The use of "" also helps to maintain pregnancy.
  • It is important to conduct ultrasound in dynamics to determine the fetal heartbeat. If, according to the study, pregnancy is not determined, then, unfortunately, its preservation is not advisable.

The period of rehabilitation after spontaneous abortion

How to avoid abortion

In order for pregnancy to develop physiologically, it is necessary to go through, which includes:

  • Detection of anomalies in the development of the uterus.

For this purpose, diagnostic methods such as ultrasound, are most used. In addition, metrosalpingography can be used - the introduction of a contrast agent into the uterine cavity through the cervical canal, and the registration of the data obtained using an x-ray. All these methods provide information about the structure of the uterus, reveal various developmental anomalies.

If a bicornuate uterus is detected during the examination, then this developmental anomaly must be corrected surgically (removal of the septum inside the uterus can be performed by open access, laparoscopically, and even with an intrauterine manipulator during hysteroresectoscopy).

  • Consultation of a woman and her spouse with a geneticist to identify possible adverse hereditary factors.
  • Examination by a hemostasiologist to determine the hemostasis system and correct its violations.
  • Screening for infections and virus carriers.

When detecting chronic infections with a high antibody titer, the plasmapheresis method gave good results.

This technique allows you to cleanse the blood of infectious agents, which significantly increases the chance of bearing a healthy baby.

  • In case of termination of pregnancy due to cervical insufficiency (with an unsuccessful attempt at surgical correction), the method of applying cerclage on the cervix outside of pregnancy turned out to be effective.

This technique consists in the introduction of a mesh implant, which is installed around the cervix at the level of the internal os. In the future, when pregnancy occurs, the cervix is ​​kept closed, and its premature opening does not occur.

  • In the presence of uterine fibroids that prevent the normal development of pregnancy, it is necessary to remove these nodes.

It is preferable to perform the operation with open access, which will provide the most durable scar on the uterus. However, in the presence of a subperitoneal node on the leg, laparoscopic access can be limited.

  • Correction of hormonal disorders that led to the termination of pregnancy.

Treatment should be carried out jointly by an obstetrician-gynecologist and an endocrinologist.

  • Treatment of concomitant diseases, with chronic diseases, it is necessary to achieve their stable remission.

Treatment should be carried out by specialized specialists.

Surviving a late pregnancy termination is very difficult for a woman. However, you need to know that there are many reasons for terminating a pregnancy in the later stages. For a successful re-pregnancy, it is important to undergo a rehabilitation course and examination by many specialists.

In some situations, surgery may even be necessary. Competent is the key to the favorable development of subsequent pregnancy.

How to induce an early miscarriage

How to provoke a miscarriage without using a surgical manipulation plan? Unfortunately, this question often arises in women. Despite the large number of contraceptives, their diversity, not everyone prefers safe sex. But abortion is not safe for health, and even painful. In addition, about pregnancy when contacting honey. the institution can be recognized by relatives and friends. That is why they are wondering how to provoke a miscarriage at home in the early stages on their own. But is it possible?

Previously, for this purpose, they tried to use various herbs, for example, tansy. It was believed that her decoction could provoke an early miscarriage in almost 100% of cases. Someone has tried to lose a baby by taking hot baths. Someone tried frequent sex and various heavy physical activities. Most of the girls drank milk with iodine and a mixture of iodine and sugar. All this is inefficient and dangerous, and, fortunately, is largely a thing of the past. Modern young ladies prefer various hormonal pills. Some drink ordinary birth control pills to provoke a miscarriage for a short time. Others take emergency contraception. Well, the most "advanced" take large doses of ascorbic acid. As with herbs, these methods are harmful and dangerous.

However, this does not mean that it is impossible to terminate a pregnancy with medication. It is quite realistic to do this. The procedure is called medical abortion and the main condition for it is the minimum time elapsed from conception. Approximately, medical abortion can only be performed during the first two weeks of delay. During this period of time, there is a high probability that the drugs will work as they should, the miscarriage will pass quickly, and the uterus will be completely cleansed. To cause a miscarriage at a later date in this way is almost impossible and very dangerous. It is possible to terminate a pregnancy later than 12 weeks in a medical institution only for serious medical or social reasons.

It is not possible to buy drugs for medical abortion in a pharmacy. They are not even sold by prescription. They can only be issued by a doctor at a clinic that is licensed to perform this procedure. Its plus is the minimal risk to the body, and the minus is the high cost compared to the so-called mini and surgical abortion.