
Volumes of feeding newborns up to a year. Proper and complete feeding of a newborn baby. Do not give even in small doses


A baby appeared in the family. In order to understand whether he has enough of the necessary substances for normal development, there is a nutritional norm for babies, scheduled for months. The image of a mother and her breasts is the only thing that is familiar and dear, for the baby is the whole world. Initially, the child receives colostrum, which has a high nutritional value and contains fats. It includes vitamins, antioxidants and proteins. It then passes into breast milk. Of course, not so nutritious, but also providing protection for a weak body from infections.

When breastfeeding, from the moment of birth to six months, a baby who is breastfed does not need to be fed, because he has enough nutrients that he receives from his mother.

From the moment of birth, eating colostrum, the baby sucks no more than 8 milliliters at a time. During the day, meals can reach 12 times.

Important! Between meals, the interval should be no more than 2 hours.

Calculation for a child up to 1 month

Every day, the intake is increased by 10 milliliters at a time.

There is a formula for correctly calculating the amount for 1 dose: how many days the child * 10 \u003d the required single meal.

Or weigh the baby before and after eating, the difference between the indicators will be the required amount of milk for one time. The process of breastfeeding in time is up to 40 minutes. When a child does not suckle well, refuses to breastfeed or does not eat up, baby food in the form of a mixture is added to the diet.

The number of feedings for a child from six months to a year

With artificial feeding

The norm for a formula-fed baby is different from the usual one (breast milk). The regimen is 8 or 9 meals per day. Break between meals - up to 3 hours. As for the dose (how much a baby needs for 1 dose), its calculation is detailed on the packaging of milk nutrition. On average, feeding takes, on average, 15 minutes.

Norm calculation

AgeNorm of nutrition
10 days-1.5 months1/5 of the weight
1.5 to 41/6 of the weight
4 to 61/7 of the weight
6 to 81/8 of the weight
8 to 121/9 of the weight

Baby 3.5 months, weight - 6000 grams. On the day such a baby needs: 6000/6=1000. Then divide 1000 by the number of meals per day: 1000 / 6 \u003d 167 milliliters - the amount needed for 1 meal.

Features and menu options for children under 1 year old

Complementary foods are introduced into the diet from six months.

Nutrition table

Name of dishesQuantity5 months6 months7 months8-9 months10-12 months
Shredded vegetables from 100 to 150up to 150up to 170up to 180up to 200
ground fruit from 40 to 6060 70 80 from 90 to 100
Rusks, sweets from 3 to 55 5 up to 15
vegetable oil 3 3 5 5 6
Bread 5 5 10
fruit juice from 40 to 6060 70 80 up to 100
minced meat from 5 to 50100 150
Butter 4 4 4 5 6
Milk porridge with milk 50-100 150 150 180 200
curd products from 10 to 3040 40 40 50
Yolk quarterquarterhalf
fish gruel from 5 to 30from 30 to 60
Sour milk 200 200 From 400 to 500

Features of the menu for a baby from 5 months to 1 year:

  • complementary foods begin with vegetable puree to exclude diathesis, constipation and other digestive disorders. Moreover, it is necessary to start with the introduction of one vegetable: zucchini, cauliflower, broccoli, carrots;
  • food is boiled or steamed;
  • it is better to start giving porridge without gluten: rice, corn, buckwheat. First, boil in water, it is better to give for breakfast;
  • the introduction of fruit juices according to the formula: N x10, where N is the baby's age in months;
  • the yolk of a boiled egg is rubbed with breast milk, mixtures or mashed vegetables;
  • it is undesirable to introduce chocolate, citrus fruits, non-seasonal fruits into the diet.

Approximate diet

Approximate diet for a baby under the age of 1 year

By month
6 6-7 7-8 8-9 10-12
at 6.00 o'clockBreast milk or baby food 200 ml
at 10.00 o'clockVegetables from 5 grams gradually increase to 100, breast milkGradually bring porridge with milk from 10 grams to 100, fruits - 40-60, milk or a mixture - 50 millilitersPorridge with milk

150 grams, fruit - 80

Porridge with milk 150 grams, fruits - up to 90Porridge with milk 150 grams, fruit - 100
At 14.00 hoursBreast milk or formula - 200 millilitersCottage cheese start with 10 grams, gradually increase to 30 grams, milk or a mixture of 170 millilitersVegetables - 170 grams, meat start with 5 grams, bring to 50, egg yolk - ¼, croutons - 5 grams.Vegetables - 150 grams, meat - 50, egg yolk - 1/2, croutons - 5 grams.Vegetables - 140 grams,

Meat - 60, egg yolk - 1/2, bread - up to 10 grams.

at 18.00 hoursBreastfeeding or baby food - 150 millilitersVegetables - 150 grams, milk or a mixture - 50 millilitersCottage cheese - 40 grams, breastfeeding or formula - 170 millilitersCottage cheese - 40 grams, fermented milk formula for children - 160 milliliters or breastfeedingCottage cheese - 50 grams, fermented milk mixture for children - 150 milliliters
At 22.00 hoursBreastfeeding or formula feeding - 200 millilitersMilk or baby food - 200 millilitersBreastfeeding - 200 millilitersBreast milk or formula - 200 millilitersBreastfeeding or formula - 200 milliliters, cookies - 15 grams
The remaining 4 breastfeedings, the first of which is partially replaced by vegetablesThe remaining 3 breastfeedsThe other 3 are breastfeedingThe other 2 are breastfeeding


  • baby food means an adapted mixture;
  • vegetables - meaning vegetable puree;
  • meat - meaning meat puree;
  • fruit - refers to fruit puree.

When can a baby be introduced to complementary foods:

  • learned to hold his head;
  • sits alone in a high chair;
  • swallows food;
  • turns away when not hungry.

The nutrition of a baby under 1 year old must be treated with responsibility. Children develop in different ways, and there are no universal norms that would suit everyone.

Babies are growing, and in addition to breastfeeding, they need to be given complementary foods. The feeding table contains recommendations, and only the mother can decide whether to adhere to them. After all, she sees how her baby reacts to taking a new product.

Proper feeding of a newborn in the first days of life is as important an element of growth and development as mother's care and care for the baby. The ideal option is breastfeeding. If for various reasons it is not possible to breastfeed, high-quality milk formulas for newborns will help out.

It is important for a young mother to know how to organize the nutrition of a tiny man. Study the material: you will find answers to many questions related to the organization of nutrition for the smallest children. The most important thing is to ensure maximum comfort for mom and baby.

How to properly feed newborns

At the maternity hospital, staff will talk about the benefits of early breastfeeding, and provide conditions for close contact between mother and baby immediately after birth. Now the babies are in the same room with their mother, which allows them to feed the baby “on demand”.

If there is a shortage of milk, do not despair, try to establish natural feeding. Drink plenty of fluids, try to calm down, breastfeed your baby more often. Even a minimal amount of milk will benefit. Supplement the newborn with mixtures, control behavior, weight, and stool quality. In the absence of milk, switch to artificial mixtures.


The benefits of early breastfeeding have been proven by neonatologists and pediatricians, confirmed by satisfied mothers and well-fed, peacefully snoring babies. Close emotional contact is one of the benefits of breastfeeding.

Breast milk benefits:

  • crumbs (the child receives fully digestible food, develops well, gets sick less often);
  • mother (the uterus contracts more actively under the influence of sucking movements of the crumbs, the body recovers more quickly after childbirth).

First stage

In the first hours after childbirth, the mammary glands produce a valuable product - colostrum. The amount of useful substance is small, but the rich composition, high fat content satisfy the needs of the crumbs for food. An important detail - colostrum saturates the small organism with biologically active substances, strengthens the immune system.

In most maternity hospitals, early attachment to the breast is practiced. An exciting moment for mom and baby, falling into an unfamiliar world. The warmth of the breast, the smell of milk soothe the newborn, allow you to feel the protection. The more colostrum a child can get, the better for his immunity.


Many young mothers get lost, panic, being at home with a newborn. There is a caring dad nearby, a familiar environment, but there is still excitement. If a woman listened to the recommendations of the maternity hospital staff, there would be less difficulties with breastfeeding.

Features of feeding newborns with breast milk:

  • the diet in the first week takes into account the interests of the newborn more. Mom will have to adapt to the needs of the baby;
  • it is useful to observe when the baby is really hungry, to note the interval between feedings that the child can withstand. The best option is 3 hours, but in the first week, babies often require milk with loud crying after 1.5–2 hours;
  • pediatricians advise: feed the baby “on demand”, when he eagerly searches for breasts with his mouth. Gradually, the child will get stronger, will be able to drink more valuable liquid at a time, will stay full longer. Active breastfeeding will increase lactation, the nutritional needs of the infant and the capabilities of the mother will gradually coincide;
  • after a couple of weeks, accustom the baby to the diet. If in the first days you fed your baby every one and a half to two hours during the day and after 3-4 hours at night, gradually switch to seven meals a day. The regimen improves the functioning of the tiny intestines, gives mom a rest.

Suitable postures

Choose the position that best suits you. Remember: each feeding in the first weeks of a newborn's life lasts a long time.

Keep in mind that you are unlikely to succeed in sitting for half an hour or more beautifully, bending over the baby (as nursing mothers pose for photos in magazines), especially after a difficult birth. If the mother is uncomfortable or hard to hold the baby, she is unlikely to have pleasant thoughts, tender feelings.

Try several poses, choose the optimal one, taking into account the condition of the chest, weight, age of the crumbs. As the baby grows, an uncomfortable position can become suitable and vice versa.

Basic postures for feeding newborns:

  • supine position. The baby leans on mommy with arms, legs, head. Woman's shoulders, head raised with a pillow. The pose is suitable for abundant milk flow;
  • lying on your side. This convenient option is chosen by many mothers, especially for evening and night feedings. Be sure to alternately lie on each side so that both breasts are emptied;
  • the classic sitting position for feeding. Mom holds the child in her arms. Pillows under the back, on the knees and under the elbow will help reduce hand fatigue, “reduce” the weight of the baby;
  • hanging posture. Recommended for poor outflow of milk. The newborn lies on his back, mommy feeds him from above, bending over the baby. Not very comfortable for the back, but effective for emptying the chest;
  • posture after caesarean section, when nursing twins. The woman is sitting, the baby lies so that the legs are behind the mother's back, the head peeks out from under the mother's hand. This pose removes the manifestations of lactostasis - stagnation of breast milk, accompanied by soreness, pronounced compaction of the lobules of the mammary gland.

Milk formulas for babies

Artificial feeding is a forced measure, but in the absence of breast milk, you will have to adapt. Properly organize the nutrition of the newborn, listen to the recommendations of pediatricians.

Features of feeding newborns with a mixture:

  • unlike breastfeeding, when the baby eats and falls asleep, the nutrient mixture has a certain dosage. It is important to know how much breast milk replacer to give to the "artificial" per day;
  • from the first days, feed the baby 7 times, an interval of 3 hours. Later, you can switch to six meals a day with an interval of 3.5 hours;
  • choose a quality mixture that provides satiety, maximum nutrients. Unfortunately, it will not work to feed the baby on demand: the mixture cannot be given “whenever you want”, it is important to maintain a certain interval;
  • occasionally it is allowed to shift the time of the next intake of a useful mixture, but not by much. Violation of the rules causes problems with the baby's stomach / intestines;
  • choose milk formulas for newborns from well-known manufacturers, without palm oil, sugar, maltodextrin. As a last resort, there should be a minimum amount of components that support a feeling of fullness;
  • if there is not enough breast milk, you have to constantly supplement the crumbs. First, offer the breast, then - baby food in a spoon. Avoid the bottle: it is easier to get milk from the nipple, after a while the baby will probably refuse the breast;
  • be sure to give the newborn - "artificial" boiled water. The volume of liquid depends on age;
  • artificial feeding will help you get healthy twins or triplets. Mom does not have enough milk for two / three children, you have to give a nutrient mixture. As babies grow, breast milk is replaced with formula milk.

How much should a child eat

How much should a newborn eat per feeding? When breastfeeding, the child himself feels when the ventricle is full. The baby stops sucking at the breast, calmly falls asleep.

To feed the "artificial" mother must pour a certain amount of the mixture into the bottle so that the newborn does not remain hungry. Pediatricians have developed a formula for calculating the volume of baby food for each day.

The calculations are simple:

  • the newborn weighs less than 3200 grams. Multiply the number of days lived by 70. For example, on the third day, the baby should receive 3 x 70 \u003d 210 g of milk mixture;
  • The newborn weighs over 3200 grams. The calculation is similar, only multiply the number of days by 80. For example, on the third day a large child should receive a large portion - 3 x 80 = 240 g of baby food.

Note! Calculations are suitable for the smallest. From the 10th day of life, the norms are different. A detailed calculation of the amount of formula for feeding babies - "artificial" you will find in the article, which describes the selection rules, features of the use of popular infant formula from 0 to 6 months.

Meal table by the hour

It is easier for young mothers to navigate if they have a clear idea of ​​​​the diet of the crumbs. For the first month, the newborn will sleep most of the time (up to 18 hours a day), the rest of the day will be awake.

Remember: when the baby does not sleep, half the time he sucks his mother's breast or receives infant formula instead of breast milk. Pay attention to the table of feeding newborns. It lists feeding times for normal weight babies.

  • if the newborn spits up after feeding, a simple trick will help: carry the fed baby in a column for 10-15 minutes;
  • the neck of the newborn is still very weak, how to act so as not to damage the bones, not to stretch the muscles? Put the head on your shoulder, hold the baby upright, gently press it to you, supporting the back and buttocks. This position will ensure the release of excess air, reduce the frequency and volume of regurgitation;
  • after eating, you can not disturb the baby, it is undesirable to put it in the crib. Active games, tickling, braking are prohibited. Change the newborn also after 10-15 minutes, when the air has left the ventricle;
  • if the newborn hiccups after feeding, he may have overeaten or is cold. Stroke the tummy, warm the baby, let the excess air out (hold it in a column). If the volume and pressure of breast milk is too large, feed the baby intermittently so that the previous portion has time to get into the tiny stomach.

How to maintain the emotional and physical health of a nursing mother

Helpful Hints:

  • upon returning home after the maternity hospital, a woman should also get at least a little sleep, devote time to other family members and herself, otherwise psychological problems, a crisis in relations with her husband cannot be avoided;
  • constant fatigue accumulates, mommy gets irritated for any reason, gets nervous. The result is a decrease in milk production, an eternally hungry, crying baby, again nerves and new worries. The circle closes. That is why it is important to take care not only of the baby, but also to maintain the health, psychological balance of a woman who has undergone natural childbirth or a caesarean section;
  • The realization that with the birth of a baby a successful business woman has turned into a “milk machine” depresses many young mothers. The closest people should help here. Praise, pride for the person who gave a son (daughter) / grandson (granddaughter) must be expressed in warm words. A woman feels much more confident if she feels supported;
  • An important point is helping to care for the baby. It’s good if the husband, grandmothers and a young mother share household chores. A woman needs to rest, often feed a newborn, recuperate. In the first two or three weeks, the lack of real help negatively affects the physical and psychological state of the nursing mother;
  • unfortunately, it often happens that a husband stays late at work (not to mention how difficult it is to “knock out” a vacation after the birth of a baby), and grandmothers, due to various circumstances, cannot help with household chores. It is important to preserve breast milk, not to fall off your feet from fatigue;
  • what to do? You will have to ask for help from good friends, relatives, neighbors. Surely, someone will agree to help you: go for groceries, buy diapers, or wipe the dust at home. Involve people you trust, don't refuse help. Even half an hour of rest for a young mother will be useful;
  • cook simple meals, buy a slow cooker that minimizes labor costs for cooking. The device does not require constant monitoring, which is important in case of fatigue, frequent feedings, in a state when mommy thinks only about the baby and sleep.

Now you know how to start breastfeeding, how to give special formulas. Pay maximum attention to the crumbs, remember about your health and the existence of other family members. The right diet will provide maximum comfort for the baby and adults.

More helpful breastfeeding tips in the following video:

An article with a detailed description of the types of complementary foods, tables, terms and examples was created to help young parents to transfer their baby to a balanced diet and develop healthy habits at a very early age.

Children from birth and before 6 months don't need complementary foods. The perfect natural food for babies- This mother's breast milk, with which he receives the necessary nutrients, vitamins, minerals and antibodies. If the mother does not have or not enough milk, then to kid you need to introduce complementary foods in the form artificial mixtures. But now this is no longer a problem, since the manufacturers of most artificial mixtures have brought the product to the proper level, which is able to fully replace breast milk. In this article, we will not touch on the psychological and tactile connection between the child and, about all sorts of pros and cons between breastfeeding and artificial mixtures, since this topic is quite sensitive, capacious and requires independent disclosure in another article. And no matter what type of baby feeding the mother chooses - breastfeeding or artificial formulas, baby's main food must start no earlier than 6 months according to WHO recommendations(World Health Organization) and UNICEF(United Nations Children's Fund), unless otherwise provided by medical recommendations for the condition health child. Early feeding(earlier than 6 months) is administered on the recommendation of a pediatrician according to medical indications, therefore it is also called pediatric.

The main principles of complementary feeding of children according to UNICEF:

  1. From birth to 6 months, breastfeed, and from 6 months of age, introduce complementary foods while continuing to breastfeed.
  2. Continue frequent breastfeeding on demand for up to 2 years or longer.
  3. Feed your child according to his needs and according to the principles of psychosocial care.
  4. Maintain proper hygiene and adhere to food storage and handling practices.
  5. From 6 months of age, start giving your baby small amounts of complementary foods, and increase portions as your baby gets older, while continuing to breastfeed frequently.
  6. As your child grows, gradually increase the consistency and variety of food based on their needs and abilities.
  7. Increase the daily number of meals during which he consumes complementary foods as he grows older.
  8. Give your child varied and nutritious food.
  9. If necessary, give your child complementary foods enriched with nutritional supplements with vitamins and minerals.
  10. Give your baby plenty of fluids during illness, including breastfeeding more often, and encouraging him to eat light foods that he enjoys. After an illness, feed your baby more often than usual and encourage him to eat more.

Starting from the age of 6 months, the need of the child's body for nutrients is no longer satisfied only by mother's milk and it is necessary to gradually introduce lure. At this age, babies begin to show interest in adult food. Complementary foods should be introduced with small amounts of foods new to the baby and gradually increased as the baby gets older.

The child is accustomed to new food gradually, starting with very small portions (see table below). The new type of baby food is nutritional supplements and lure.

Nutritional supplements:

  • fruit and berry juices;
  • fruit and berry purees;
  • egg yolk or quail;
  • cottage cheese

Nutritional supplements should be introduced gradually and after the main feeding or between feedings. But this rule does not apply to egg yolk, it is recommended to give it at the beginning of feeding.

Lure It is a qualitatively new type of nutrition that satisfies the needs of a growing child's body in all food ingredients and accustoms to thick food. It includes:

  • vegetable purees;
  • cereals;
  • dairy products (kefir, yogurt, biolact...)

Rules for the introduction of complementary foods:

  1. Complementary foods should be given before breastfeeding
  2. Each type of complementary food should be introduced gradually, starting with a small amount (10-15 g) and increasing it to the desired volume within 7-10 days, completely replacing one breastfeeding.
  3. It is impossible to introduce two or more new dishes at the same time. You can switch to a new type of food only when the child gets used to the previous one.
  4. Complementary foods should be homogeneous in consistency and not cause difficulty in swallowing.
  5. Complementary foods should be given only from a spoon.
  6. The number of feedings with the introduction of complementary foods is reduced to 5 times, then to 3 main and 2 snacks at the request of the child.
  7. The temperature of the dish should be equal to the temperature of the received mother's milk (approximately 37 C).

Against the background of the introduction of nutritional supplements and complementary foods, strict monitoring of the child's health is necessary.

Scheme for the introduction of food additives

Fruit and berry juice(introduced from 7-8 months)

Juice should start with drops. Within 7-10 days, bring to the required daily volume, calculated by the formula n x 10, where n is the number of months, but not more than 100 ml in the second half of the year. Example: a child of 7 months x 10 = 70 ml. Give after feeding or between feedings. It is advisable to use freshly prepared juices (need to be diluted with water in a ratio of 1:1), but juices in bags specifically designed for baby food are also suitable. The sequence of introduction of juices from berries, fruits and vegetables: apple, plum, apricot, peach, cherry, blackcurrant, pomegranate, cranberry, lemon, carrot, beet, cabbage. Citrus, tomato, raspberry, strawberry juices, juices from tropical fruits (mango, papaya, guava ...) - these juices should be given no earlier than 11-12 months. Grape juice is not recommended to include in the diet of a child at such an early age, as it can cause bloating.

Fruit and berry puree(introduced from 7 months)

Puree should start with 0.5 teaspoon. Within 7-10 days, bring to the required daily volume, calculated by the formula n x 10, where n is the number of months, but not more than 100 ml in the second half of the year. The calculation is carried out in the same way as for juices (see above). Give after feeding or between feedings. Both freshly prepared purees and fruit and berry preserves for baby food are used.

Yolk(introduced at 8-9 months)

You need to start with 1/4 of the yolk. You can give daily until the end of the year, 1/2 yolk at the beginning of feeding, after rubbing it with milk or with a complementary food dish.

Cottage cheese(introduced at 9-10 months)

Start with 5 grams (1 teaspoon). Gradually, within a month, bring up to 20 grams. By the end of the first year - 50-70 g. You need to give cottage cheese at the end of feeding.

Scheme for the introduction of complementary foods

I complementary foods - Vegetable puree (or porridge). Start at 6 months.

It is administered as a 5% concentration.

1 Week- increase in volume to 130-150 ml with the simultaneous exclusion of one breastfeeding;

2 weeks- concentration thickening up to 8-10%;

3 week- getting used to one kind of vegetables;

4 week- variety (introduction of new vegetables).

4 breastfeeds left (approximately!)

II complementary foods -Porridge (or vegetable puree). Start a week after the first feeding.

Immediately administered as a 10% concentration in 2-3 days. We start with gluten-free dairy-free unsweetened cereals (buckwheat, rice, corn). With the introduction of second complementary foods, another breastfeeding is forced out. 3 breastfeeds left (approximately!)

Extension II complementary foods - meat puree. Start one week after the second feeding. It is added to vegetable puree, it starts with 5 g, by 7 months it is brought to 30 g, then to 50 g, by the end of the year - up to 60-80 g. There are 3 breastfeedings left (approximately!)

III complementary foods - kefir (fermented milk products). Start at 8 months. The third breastfeeding is forced out. 2 breastfeeds left (approximately!)

Instead of breast milk for children on artificial or mixed feeding, substitutes for women's milk (mixtures) are used.


  1. To maintain lactation after feeding, it is advisable to offer the child a breast.
  2. Subject to good health, optimal indicators of physical and neuropsychic development, stable and sufficient lactation in the mother, her quality nutrition, the first complementary foods can be introduced no earlier than 6 months.
  3. When preparing complementary foods (dairy-free cereals, mashed potatoes), the optimal liquid for their dilution is breast milk or an adapted milk formula.
Products/Age 6 months Seven months 8 months 9 months 10-12 months
Fruit juice (ml) - 10-20...70 80 90 100 (from the year you can not dilute)
Fruit puree (g) - 10-20...50 60 80 80-100
Curd (g) - - - 5-10 50-70
Yolk (pcs) - 1/4 1/2 1/2 1/2-1
Vegetable puree (g) 50...150 150 150 150 150-180
Porridge (g) 50...150 150 150 150 150-180
Meat puree (g) 5-10...20 30 30 40-50 50-80
Fish (g) - - - - 30-40
Kefir, low-fat yogurt (ml) - - 150 200 400
Vegetable soup (ml) - - - 30 80
Bread (g) - - - - 10
Crackers, cookies (g) - - 5 5 6
Vegetable oil (g) 3 3 5 5 6
Drain oil (g) - 4 5 5 6

Note: instead of vegetable puree, cereals (rice, buckwheat, corn, gluten-free) can serve as the first food.

When feeding a child, it is necessary to adhere to the principles sensitive feeding respond to signs of hunger and satiety. These signs must be taken into account to determine the amount of food that the child will eat at one time, as well as the need for snacks.

Feeding based on the needs of the child (sensitive feeding):

  • Feed infants and help older children feed themselves. Feed slowly and patiently, stimulate the child's interest in food, but do not force him.
  • If your child is refusing most foods, try different combinations of foods, flavors and textures, and different feeding methods.
  • If your baby quickly loses interest in food while feeding, keep distractions to a minimum.
  • remember, that feeding time This is a time for learning and showing love: talk and make eye contact with your baby while feeding.
  • Food must be clean.
  • Raw and cooked food should be kept separate.
  • Food must be prepared carefully.
  • Food must be stored at a safe temperature.
  • For cooking, you need to use clean water and food.
Age Daily energy requirement in addition to breast milk Texture Frequency The amount of food the average child usually eats at each meal
6-8 months 200 kcal per day Start with thick porridge and well-mashed food

2-3 meals a day and frequent breastfeeding.

Start with 2-3 tablespoons per meal, gradually increasing to 1/2 cup of 250 ml
9-11 months 300 kcal per day Well-chopped or mashed food, and food that the child can grasp with his hands

Depending on the child's appetite, you can give 1-2 snacks.

2/3 cup or 250 ml plate
12-23 months 550 kcal per day Food from the common table, crushed or crispy if necessary

3-4 meals a day and breastfeeding.

Depending on the child's appetite, you can give 1-2 snacks.

3/4 to one 250 ml cup or plate

Additional Information:

The amount of food indicated in the table is recommended in cases where energy density of this food is from 0.8 to 1.0 kcal/g. If the energy density of the food is about 0.6 kcal/g, it is necessary to increase the number of calories in food (add certain foods) or increase the amount of food that the child eats at one meal. For example:

  • for children 6-8 months: gradually increase the amount of food to 2/3 cup;
  • for children 9-11 months old: give the child 3/4 cup;
  • For children 12-23 months: Give your child a full cup.

If the baby is not breastfeeding, give him an extra 1-2 cups of milk per day and organize 1-2 extra meals per day.

The energy density of foods that are given to children as complementary foods should be higher than that of breast milk - that is, at least 0.8 kcal per gram. The indicators of the amount of food given in the table come from the calculation that complementary foods contain 0.8-1.0 kcal per gram. If the energy density is higher, then less food is needed to meet energy needs. If the energy density of the food is lower than that of breast milk, the total number of calories the baby receives may be lower than when he was exclusively breastfed. This is one of the common reasons malnutrition.

Little child's appetite often a good indication of how much food is needed. However, diseases and malnutrition reduce appetite, so a sick child may eat less than he actually needs. When a child recovers from illness or malnutrition, he may need extra help with feeding to make sure he gets enough food. If the child's appetite improves during this recovery, he should be given more food.

Optimal food consistency for a child depends on his age and level of neuromuscular development. From the age of 6 months, the baby can eat mashed, mashed and semi-solid foods. At 12 months, most babies can eat the same food as other family members. But they need foods that are rich in nutrients, and foods that can choke on (for example, a whole peanut) must be avoided. Complementary foods should be thick enough to stay on the spoon and not drip off. As a rule, thick or more solid foods are more nutritious and energy dense than sparse, watery or soft foods.

Crisis of the first year of life- search

The first few years of a child's life are the most important, because at this time he is actively growing, his body and immune system are being formed. Proper nutrition plays a very important role in this process. In this article, we will introduce you Monthly baby nutrition chart up to one year old, and also tell than to feed a child in a year.

The best food for a newborn is breast milk. They need to feed the baby up to 6 months, after which you can gradually introduce complementary foods in the form of various purees and juices. However, the transition to a mixed type of diet requires additional vitamins.

The exception is babies who, from birth, were on artificial feeding - on mixtures. In this case, complementary foods are already being introduced from 4 months, since the composition of baby food no longer meets all the needs of the growing body of the baby.

Now let's take a closer look at what should be included in the diet of a child aged 6 to 12 months. When a young mother, together with a six-month-old baby, comes to an appointment with a pediatrician, the doctor will give her a printed baby nutrition chart, which will clearly state what, when and in what doses to give the baby. This graph looks like this:

  1. At 6 months the child is offered a couple of spoons as complementary foods twice a day:
  • buckwheat or rice porridge
  • vegetable puree (from one vegetable) from zucchini, broccoli, cauliflower

Important! At this age, a child should not be given mashed potatoes, since the starch content in it is still too high for a child's body at this age.

  • fruit puree made from apple, banana, peach, apricot or plum
  • small portion of apple juice

It is recommended at this age to give the baby purchased baby food (in glass jars), as it is made in special conditions with the addition of the necessary elements that contribute to the normal growth and development of the child.

  1. At 7 months as complementary foods, the crumbs can be given everything that was given at 6 months, but with the addition of:
  • Curd mass (literally a couple of teaspoons);
  • Boiled egg yolk (must be administered very carefully, as it is an allergenic product);
  • Mix vegetable puree with meat (meat should be dietary - rabbit, chicken or veal).

  1. From 8 months to the above additional feeding is added:
  • Pure meat puree without salt and spices (this should be special baby food);
  • Corn and wheat porridge (no more than 4 tablespoons);
  • 200 ml of baby herbal tea (in the departments with baby food, you can choose any collection that the pediatrician will allow your baby to use).
  1. From 9 months all types of puree can be varied. Added:
  • pumpkin puree;
  • Milk porridge with milk powder (pediatrists do not recommend giving cow or goat milk to children under one year old, because these products can cause obesity in a baby);
  • Dry biscuit cookies (you can also buy it in special departments with baby food).
  1. At 10-11 months the baby can already be given:
  • Mashed potatoes with butter (no more than 5 teaspoons)
  • Steamed cutlets or meatballs from dietary meat
  • Compotes from fruits that do not cause gas formation
  • Seasonal vegetables and fruits without heat treatment
  • Soups, both in the usual liquid form and in the form of mashed potatoes

A new product in the diet of a small child must be introduced very carefully and best of all in the morning in order to be able to observe how it will affect the well-being and character of the child's stool. Products that cause gas formation in the baby, constipation or a rash occur, you need to quickly remove from the diet and report the allergic reaction to the pediatrician so that he can prescribe tests and a course of vitamins for the child.

Nutritional norms for children up to a year: table

How to feed a child per year: daily diet

When the baby turns 1 year old, he begins to get acquainted with the food of adults, although the basis of the children's diet should still be dairy food. If a young mother still manages to breastfeed her baby, and the baby does not refuse to breastfeed, then you should not cancel such feeding, because mother's milk is a storehouse of useful and nutritious substances for the baby's health.

By the way, regarding how much to feed a child per year breast, there is no unequivocal opinion among doctors. But still, the majority adheres to the point of view that the baby should be provided with the best food for him for as long as possible. After all, it is not only useful for the crumbs, it is also a big plus for the female body:

  • A woman's body consumes a lot of calories to produce milk, which contributes to the burning of excess fat.
  • Long-term breastfeeding is the best prevention of cancerous tumors in the mammary glands
  • Lactation contributes to the rapid recovery of the reproductive organs of a woman after childbirth

Important! When is performed baby one year old, nursing nutrition women should still be limited - no smoked meats, sweets and pickles are allowed so that the composition of breast milk does not deteriorate.

Now let's figure out what it should be baby menu a year, how to feed its morning, afternoon and evening:

  1. How to feed a child a year for breakfast(in total, the baby should eat 260 g of food) :
  • Various porridges with butter
  • Curd casserole
  • milk soup
  • fruit puree
  • Bread (one slice)
  • Drink special phyto-tea or compote
  1. What to feed a child a year for lunch
  • vegetable salads
  • Soups and broths
  • Boiled fish or dietary meat
  • homemade pate
  • Compote and herbal tea

  1. How to feed a child a year for an afternoon snack(in total, the baby should eat 220 g of food):
  • curd mass
  • Fruit (preferably banana)
  • yogurt
  • Biscuit or oatmeal cookies with kefir
  1. How to feed a child at night a year(in total, the baby should eat 360 g of food):
  • Curd casserole
  • scrambled eggs
  • Vegetable or fruit salads
  • Vermicelli
  • Boiled meat with porridge
  • Soothing herbal tea

Each child is individual - he has his own daily routine and nutritional needs. When compiling a menu for a one-year-old baby, consider the developmental features of your baby and his desires. But do not indulge your child with chocolate and sweets if you want to protect him from endocrine diseases and excess weight in the future.

Child nutrition table at 1 year old

Food is the main foundation for the full development of the baby. During the first year of life, the baby's body grows rapidly and undergoes major changes. How to make the right one for mom newborn diet by month and provide the child with the necessary micronutrients?

The norm of nutrition of a newborn with artificial feeding

Newborn nutrition formula: calculation by weight

  • 1/5 * body weight (for the age of 10 days - 2 months).
  • 1/6 * body weight (2 - 4 months).
  • 1/7 * body weight (4 - 6 months).
  • 1/8 * body weight (6 - 8 months).
  • 1/9 * body weight (8 - 12 months).

PECULIARITIES! Children on artificial and mixed feeding often suffer from constipation. To improve the stool, replace one feeding with a fermented milk mixture.

With artificial feeding, observe an interval of 2-3 hours between meals.

Nutrition for a newborn by month

1 month

Breastfeeding meals are provided on demand. Frequent attachment to the breast contributes to an increase in lactation. Thanks to sucking, the little one establishes the milk norm he needs, depending on age and appetite. The volume of a single meal during this period is 100 ml, daily - 600 ml.

Sometimes a woman cannot breastfeed her baby, but wants to keep lactating (for example, with a problem of flat nipples). In such cases, expressed milk can be used for feeding.

The volume of the mixture for mixed feeding is determined based on weight gain. Offer it after applying to both breasts. Lost milk? It's all about the lactation crisis.

REFERENCE! A lactation crisis is a temporary period (3-4 days) associated with a jump in the development of a child. Milk is produced less than necessary.

Ways to deal with the crisis:

  • frequent applications;
  • use of two breasts in one feeding;
  • night feeding;
  • bodily contact with the baby;
  • peace, good food and good rest for mom.

If exclusively breastfeeding - do not offer formula during a crisis. The main key to success in restoring lactation is frequent application. The main “release” of prolactin (the hormone responsible for milk production) occurs from 2 to 6 in the morning.

2 month

Daily food intake 700 ml, one-time 120-150 ml.

Often, mothers worry that the newborn is hungry. One of the signs of satiety is a good weight gain. For a two-month-old toddler, the average weight gain will be 750 grams.

REFERENCE! Worry that the baby is not full - do a wet diaper test. Give up diapers, measure the number of urination per day (there should be at least 12).

3 month

Mature lactation has been established.

Now the baby uses at a time 150-180 ml. daily volume - 800 ml.

4 month

Our grandmothers started complementary foods with juice. Modern pediatricians do not recommend this option. Continue breastfeeding (formula). Volume of one meal 180-210 ml.

CAREFULLY! Fruit juice puts a heavy burden on the stomach of a small person!

5 month

210-240 ml of the mixture is eaten by a five-month-old baby at a time.

If you are artificially fed, you can start complementary foods. During teething, the baby often asks for the breast, using sucking not only to satisfy hunger, but also to calm and relieve pain.

6 month

One-time volume - 210-240 ml.

It is during this period that pediatricians advise starting the first acquaintance with adult food. Introduce any complementary foods gradually, from one teaspoon, gradually increasing the amount to the required amount over several days. The digestive system of the baby must adapt to new conditions.

Dairy-free and gluten-free cereals (buckwheat, rice, corn) are ideal for the first feeding. Can be purchased ready-made cereals in a box or cook it yourself.

To do this, grind the cereal into flour, mix with water and bring over low heat until cooked. Another option is to cook in the usual way, then grind with a blender.

REFERENCE! Use a slow cooker for cooking. Thanks to this gadget, the porridge will not burn, and a special option will delight you with a freshly prepared dish in the morning.

If the weight of the crumbs is normal or above it - start feeding with vegetables(cauliflower, broccoli, zucchini, pumpkin, carrots), if lower - with cereal. Each mother decides whether to use store-bought puree or cook it herself.

Daily consumption of vegetables for children up to a year - 200 ml. When the baby has tried several types of puree, you can mix them together. Store the finished puree for no more than a day.

Cooked porridge should be consumed immediately. The little one does not want to eat it - add some expressed milk or formula.

ATTENTION! When opening a jar of baby food, make sure there is cotton when the lid is removed. This indicates the tightness of the package.

7 month

One-time meal 240-250 ml.

The main food is still breast milk or formula. Complementary foods are just an acquaintance with new products. It should not replace breastfeeding. To replenish the necessary elements, prevent constipation, add butter to porridge (5 ml.), Vegetable oil (5 ml.) To vegetables. Give preference cold pressed olive oil. For allergic children, the period for introducing a new product is at least 7 days.

Do not heat food in the microwave! Uneven heating can burn the baby. In addition, the safety of microwaves has not been proven.

Do not offer whole cow's milk to babies. This is fraught with problems with the gastrointestinal tract and the occurrence of allergic reactions. Pediatricians recommend drinking whole milk only after a year. Allergy sufferers - after 1.5 years.

8 month

The amount of feeding at one time is 240-250 ml.

It's time to offer potatoes, meat and yolk. Choose lean and low-allergenic meats: turkey, rabbit, beef. You can cook the meat yourself. Pass it several times through a meat grinder, form meatballs and freeze them. The daily consumption of meat for children up to a year is 50 gr.

Gradually bring the consumption of potatoes to 50 grams. Soaking it in water for 12 hours will remove the starch.

ATTENTION! With the introduction of complementary foods, the baby eats less breast milk. Check your breasts daily for lumps. Timely adoption of measures will avoid mastitis and lactostasis.

The yolk is preferably quail. Start with crumbs, gradually increasing to the required amount (half a chicken egg or a whole quail). Offer the yolk no more than 2 times a week. Grind it with milk or add to porridge.

9 month

One-time meal 240-250 ml.

Give the little one cottage cheese without additives, kefir and yogurt. Introduce these highly allergenic foods as slowly as possible. The rate of kefir up to a year is 150 ml, yogurt - 100-150 ml, cottage cheese - 30-50g.

10 month

Volume of milk or mixture - 240-250 ml.

It's time for some fruit. Pear, apple and plum are good. The daily norm of fruit for a child up to a year is 100 gr.

IMPORTANT! Try not to include sugar in your diet. It can cause tooth decay, overweight and allergies.

11 months

One-time norm of milk or mixture - 240-250 ml.

The time has come to get acquainted with fish (the norm for up to a year is 30 gr.). It is better for allergy sufferers to introduce it after 1 year. Choose low-fat varieties: hake, cod, flounder. Offer no more than 3 times per week.

When to Defer New Products?

  • Chair problems.
  • Allergic reaction.
  • Upcoming vaccination.
  • Long trip.
  • Child illness.
  • Child's refusal to eat.

12 months

The diet of the baby has become more diverse. One-time volume of milk or mixture - 240-250 ml. To make feeding a pleasure, follow the necessary recommendations.

  • Offer breast milk after meals to help digest food better.
  • Do not give more than one new food per week.
  • Keep a food diary, recording the time and amount you eat.
  • From the moment you start feeding, supplement your baby with boiled water, this will relieve the baby from constipation. Babies on artificial and mixed feeding can be supplemented earlier.

  • Start your introduction to the new product in the morning.
  • If the baby does not want to eat - do not insist, wait a couple of days and offer again. He should not have negative associations with food.
  • Don't try to fit in. Sometimes a smaller portion is enough for the baby. Norms are approximate guidelines for parents.
  • Watch. The reaction to the product may not appear immediately. Has the nature of the stool changed? Stop feeding for a while.
  • From 6 months, teach the little one to chew skills. Start with tiny pieces and gradually increase in size. Do not be distracted while feeding, the baby should be in your field of vision. Do not mix liquid food with pieces - the baby may choke.
  • If you don’t want to eat crumbs, experiment. Try to offer later or use pedagogical complementary foods, forming a food interest.
  • Food norms during the continuation of breastfeeding and when it is forced out are different.
  • Do not start complementary foods with fruits, they may lead to the rejection of vegetables and cereals in the future.

Newborn nutrition by months: table

Rnewborn nutrition plan is carried out as follows:

Newborn nutrition table will help young mothers determine the norm of the amount of food in each month of the baby's development.

Useful video

Soon your little one will begin to eat food on his own. Form the right eating habits from childhood, use the recommendations of doctors, and most importantly - find an approach to your child.

We offer you to get acquainted with information about complementary foods and learn how to introduce new foods into the diet of crumbs, at what age is it best to start complementary foods and how to calculate volume required. Topic reveals Dr. Komarovsky.