
The lamb gave birth with a human face. A lamb with a human face, born in Dagestan, surprised Internet users


Lamb with human face born in Dagestan. Video with an unusual newborn animals has already been published on the Internet. The author of the video wrote that the animal was born in the Dagestan village of Chirkey. It surprised not only Internet users, but also local veterinarians.

The lamb's face really resembles a human face. The animal has a nose, a chin and lips, which are also similar to human ones. No one can yet understand how this happened. According to scientists, it may have been a mutation. Experts believe that a lamb with a human face was born in Dagestan only because the mother sheep was overfed with vitamin A. So far, this is the only explanation that scientists have been able to find.

A sheep with a human face is not the only such animal that has appeared into the light in Lately. However, as experts note, most of them do not live long. Most often, such artiodactyls died after birth. However, for now the lamb, born in a Dagestan village, is vigorous, active and cheerful, as can be seen in the video, which has already been posted on the Internet.

A video of a lamb with a human face can be seen online. It was posted on the LiveLeak website. In addition, it is published on a popular hosting. It has already been viewed by thousands of users.

In the fall of 2014, a piglet with a human face was born in China. However the animal lived only a few hours. The newborn was the 19th in the litter. A local farmer has become a celebrity. He could have received a large sum of money for the mutant pig, but the animal died. The farmer's neighbors showed interest in the unusual newborn.

The further fate of the lamb, born in an Indian village, is reported by the Daily Mail.

Holy calf

The calf was born in June 2017 in northern India, in the town of Uttar Pradesh, but did not live even an hour. The body of the unusual animal is now placed in a special transparent sarcophagus. The fact is that local residents believe that a calf with a physical anomaly is one of the incarnations of the Hindu god Vishnu.

Half lamb - half man

In the summer of 2015, an unusual anomaly frightened the residents of the Dagestan village of Chirkey. The lamb had a pronounced nose, lips and chin. According to one version, the cause of the mutation was an excess of vitamin A in the food that was given to his mother.

The little pig that scared everyone

In February 2015, an ordinary sow gave birth to 19 piglets on a Chinese farm. Tao Lu, who delivered the baby, was shocked by the last cub in the litter: something with a human face and hooves was born. The piglet could not eat either mother's milk or formula, and therefore soon died.

Little goat with an angry face

Another mutant was born on a farm in Argentina in July 2017. According to one of the farmers, the baby goat had a deformed head, but an absolutely normal body. The animal lived for about three hours. “I wanted to feed him milk from a spoon, but I saw that he was having difficulty breathing. He soon died,” she said.

A lamb you should never see

A strange creature was born in a Turkish village near the city of Izmir in 2014. The footage published on the Internet shows that the newly born lamb has a very “human” face. His mother's pregnancy had complications, so veterinarians had to give her C-section. The lamb was born dead.

Baby goat Chewbacca

A baby goat with a human face was born on a farm in Malaysia in April 2016. As the farmer said, he was shocked by the kid's "face", nose, short legs and soft body. The newborn animal died almost immediately.

Hello, dear site visitors. Have you ever encountered such a phenomenon that an animal has a human face? If not, be sure to check out the latest selection. Only certain animals may disgust you, so don't eat anything while watching.

In fact, these animals have little relationship with people. It's just a genetic mutation. But they still have certain human traits.

It is believed that in most cases this mutation occurs due to overfeeding the pregnant mother with vitamin A to give birth to larger offspring. But no one can say this for sure yet. But in the meantime, animals with human faces continue to be born.

1. A pig with a human face. This specimen was born in one farmer. Mom-, seeing such a deformity, refused to feed him, so the farmer began to feed the piglet from a bottle. But the pig still did not survive, which upset the farmer very much, since he could have gotten more money for such a miracle.

2. Baby goat from Kenya. The little goat with human features also failed to survive, but not because his mother abandoned him. He was simply killed by local residents, because they believed that this was the coming of an evil spirit named Khura, who, according to legend, has a human face and the body of an animal. This is how a baby goat with a genetic mismatch innocently suffered.

3. Lamb from Dagestan. Enough famous story when a strange lamb was born in one of the villages. His facial features are clearly human-like. But oddly enough, the little ram is alive and well, runs and plays like an ordinary cub, and his mother did not abandon him.

He was lucky with his place of birth, because as one of the local residents said: Allah gives faces only to people and these faces are sacred. So not only was the lamb not killed, but it is also unlikely to be allowed into a barbecue or other dish. Here a genetic mutation ensured his long life.

4. Lamb from Turkey. Another lamb with a human face, but of Turkish origin. True, he never managed to be born, since he died already in the womb. But by the way, his face really looks human.