
Vladimir Zheleznikov. three branches of mimosa. Three branches of mimosa Extracurricular reading lesson


Literary reading lesson based on a work

VC. Zheleznikov “Three branches of mimosa.” 4th grade.


  1. introduce students to V. K. Zheleznikov’s work “Three Branches of Mimosa”, teach them to “see and feel” deep meaning works, to develop the ability to analyze, compare, generalize;
  2. develop creative qualities: imagination, memory, emotional sphere, speech;
  3. to cultivate human moral qualities in relationships between people;

During the classes

1. Introductory speech by the teacher.

Today, in a literary reading lesson, we will get acquainted with the work of a wonderful children's writer who talks about the lives of modern boys and girls.

2. Speech gymnastics.

3. Psychological attitude.

Oh, what a wonderful spring it has been

The sun is shining brightly and the soul is singing!

What mood do people have in spring?

Why did spring come?

What color is spring associated with? (yellow - warmth, kindness, affection, happiness)

In spring we celebrate the holiday of the most beautiful half of humanity.

What is customary to give for the holiday?

Whose dads gave flowers to their moms? Which flowers?

Let the sun shine!

Let the frost go away!

Let the winter go away

We inhaled the smells of spring with you.

Guys, our spring bouquet is made from mimosa.

Do you know anything about her?

Mimosa is the name of the southern acacia with yellow flowers and is known for curling its leaves when touched.

Mimosa is called "touch-me-not".

A passive, inactive, “sissy” person is called a mimosa.

It is no coincidence that we have this bouquet today.

4. Vocabulary work.



OG - LYA-YY - IN A - YUT - SY______Looking around

2). Read in whole words. Choral reading from cards.

a) INTEREST (the bent half with the particle OVAL unfolds) - INTERESTED (the bent half with the particle FOR unfolds) - INTERESTED.

b) Reading with spreads.

3) - How do you understand the meaning of the word, whispered! (whispered)

SHU - SHU - SHU... Try to compose and pronounce a simple phrase with these words. I suggest you read my pure talk from the board.

How will we speak? (Whispers)

The guys were whispering

Shu-shu-shu, shu-shu-shu,

Breaking the silence.

5) In the text you will come across a new word for you.

Outsole - formed from the verb to sweep, to sweep (to sew or nail) - a new half sole, hemmed onto old boots.

5. Reading the story by the teacher.

Did you like the story?

How do you feel after reading it? (cheerful, sad)


A difficult situation in which the boy found himself. How important it is to find the right way out of this. This is what we will talk about today.

Vladimir Zheleznikov's books have been published and reprinted many times not only in our country, but all over the world: in Japan, the USA, Denmark, Poland, Hungary, China, Yugoslavia, the Czech Republic and many other countries.

How would you title the story?

6. Report the topic of the lesson.

7. Analysis of the work

The main character is Vitya.

What is his character like?

b) Verbal description of the hero. Work in pairs

Which of the following qualities suits the main character?


c) Selective reading

Confirm each character trait of Vitya with words from the text.

Let's analyze the contents of the first and second storylines story:

Let's read the beginning of part 1.

What was it like this morning? (Light, joyful.)

What evidence of this? (A huge bouquet of mimosa is on the table.)

How do the first spring flowers appear to us? (They were so fragile, so yellow and fresh, like the first warm day. The use of adjectives enhances the feeling of tenderness, warmth, joy. A talented writer chose wonderful words)

What was mom happy about? ( Holiday, a gift from dad.)

What did Vitya forget? (He also had a gift prepared, but last night he remembered and even at night he remembered, but now he suddenly forgot.)

What did Vitya give to his mother? (A handmade postcard with the inscription: “Dear mom, I congratulate you on March 8th! I promise to always obey you.”)

How can you title part 1?

Giving gifts is as pleasant as receiving them. Do you agree with this?

2. “Mom’s advice to give flowers to Lena.”

What did Vitya’s mother advise before going to school? (Take a few sprigs of mimosa and give it to Lena Popova.)

Was Vitya happy about this? (No. He asked gloomily: “Why?” He didn’t want to carry these mimosas, but his mother asked, and he didn’t want to refuse her either. He took three sprigs of mimosa and went to school.)

Why is this so? On spring Women's Day, is it nice to give gifts to girls in your class, mothers, and grandmothers? And Vitya’s dad also gave mom a bouquet of flowers?

How can you title part 2?

Let's move on to the next stage of the lesson - pay attention to the third and fourth storylines:

3. "At school."

In what circumstances were Vitya given flowers to Lena Popova? (Hastily, near the school, on the street, as if in passing. Vitya held out the flowers and said: “This is for you.” He didn’t even congratulate the girl and didn’t listen to the end of the gratitude. He turned and ran away).

Who was upset about Lena?

How did the class react to Vita’s action? (It turned out that in this class none of the boys gave anything to the girls. Not a single one. And, of course, the gift caused surprise. On the part of the teacher, approval, and on the part of the class, something unkind was already felt).

How can you title part 3? (read further, part 4)

4. “The guys’ attitude towards Vita’s act.”

When did Vitya feel this? (Even during the lesson, everyone immediately whispered and looked at Vitya, and Vitya lowered his head low. And when at recess Vitya approached the guys, they suddenly shouted: “Tili - tili - dough, bride and groom!” Then they laughed and pointed at him with their fingers .)

The “Crowd Effect” has worked - children are highly susceptible to this.

Can Vitya be called an unhappy person? (No, he is probably weak at heart, not very brave, indecisive, cowardly.)

How do Vitya’s classmates appear to us? (Callous, indifferent people to situations that bring positive emotions, friendship, respect, kindness.)

Was Vitya able to resist the slander? (No. At school, he was unable to fight back against his classmates. “He barely made it to the end of the lessons, and as soon as the lesson rang, he flew home as fast as he could, so that there, at home, he could vent his frustration and resentment.)

How can you title part 4?

5. In the fifth storyline"It's your fault".

(Who did Vitya offend?) The hero’s feelings are heightened to the limit, we sense this sensitively. How is this achieved? (Strict selection of content, speech characteristics of the characters: he drummed with all his might on the door; he screamed, he almost cried; he ran into the room, trampled flowers with his feet, and others.)

Who did Vitya take offense at? (The closest, wisest person, his mother.)

How do you evaluate his actions? (Vitya did the wrong thing in that he blamed his mother for everything that was happening. Mom wanted only good things for her son and gave him the right advice. Vitya just couldn’t find a way out of this situation.)

What would you do if you were in a similar situation? What is the right advice to give Vita?

What qualities does Vita lack?

(We must learn to be persistent, courageous, brave. Learn to live with dignity.)

What is special about the composition of the story? (Ring composition: at the beginning of the text, a huge bouquet of mimosa appears before us. They were so fragile, so yellow and fresh, like the first warm day! And at the end of the story, these yellow, delicate flowers burst under the rough sole of Vita’s boots. But at the end - again tender branches of mimosa. Likewise, a person’s soul, slandered by unkind people, suffers and hurts. But it is curable. You just need to want it. The writer used the artistic device of antithesis: comparing objects at the beginning of the text and at the end (flowers, mother’s state of mind.)

What did you emphasize from the story? (Be human, take care of the strength of your spirit, and not be cowardly. Gather your strength, do not lose heart, do not lose heart. To be courageous is a person’s duty to life. Take care of people close to you.)

We go to school every day - why? (Mainly behind the mind. We hope to develop our mind, enrich our memory, learn how the world works, learn to write, read, count. All these are mental activities, and gradually we learn to value people for their mind alone. But all this is wrong, all not so! Not the mind, but the heart is the main thing in a person. The heart is the ability to love, believe, hope, feel deeply. A scientist is very good, but how we all love warm-hearted people who are disposed towards everyone. Each of you will have to do choice. May everyone be lucky, may everyone meet smart and warm-hearted people. They will definitely meet if we know what exactly we should value in people: heart and mind.)

Let's stick to the golden rule: “Don’t do to others what you wouldn’t want them to do to you.”Fight your cowardice.

The Christian commandment says:“Love your neighbor as yourself.”

8. Homework:

2. Retell according to plan.

3. Creative task-acting as a “co-author” of the writer, think about how you can finish the story.

9. Lesson summary.

The story touches to the core and does not leave you indifferent. The relevance of the problem and the remarkable talent of the writer, who finds words and phrases that cannot fail to find a response in a person’s heart.

What moral lesson did the author of the work teach?

(You must be able to forgive people’s weaknesses, understand them, give joy, happiness, goodness)

Let's plant a flower of Goodness.

Let those guys who did good deeds today help the flower of Goodness to bloom. Attach petals of good deeds.

I thank you for your excellent work. Thank you.










The main character of Vladimir Zheleznikov’s story “Three Branches of Mimosa” is a boy named Vitya. On the morning of March 8, he saw a bouquet of mimosa branches on the table at home. Mom said that dad gave the mimosas. And Vitya gave her a postcard in which he wrote that he would obey his mother.

When Vitya went to school, his mother suggested that he take three branches of mimosa with him to give them to Lena Popova, Vitya’s neighbor at his desk. Vitya met Lena near the school and gave her mimosas. Lena was very happy with the gift.

As it turned out later, Vitya was the only one of the boys who congratulated his classmate on the holiday. During recess, the guys began to tease him about his fiance and shout that he was hanging out with girls.

Vitya could hardly wait for the lessons to end and ran home. At home, he yelled at his mother, saying that it was all her fault. Then Vitya threw his mother’s mimosas on the floor and began to trample on them. Mom just said in confusion that these flowers were a gift from dad.

Meanwhile, Lena Popova was carefully carrying three branches of mimosa home. This was the first bouquet in her life.

That's how it is summary story.

The main idea of ​​Zheleznikov’s story “Three Branches of Mimosa” is that one should not follow the opinion of the majority, which is sometimes erroneous. Vitya, who, on the advice of his mother, gave a bouquet to a classmate, reacted sensitively to the ridicule of the boys. He took out his frustration and anger on his mother, trampling on the bouquet that her father gave her.

The story teaches you to have your own opinion on everything and not to react to the ridicule of narrow-minded peers.

What conclusions can be drawn after reading the story “Three Branches of Mimosa”? The story reveals Vitya's character. Vitya is a restless, unrestrained person. No matter what happens, you cannot shout at your mother or woman. And even more so, trample mimosa, flowers given by dad. Vita needs to learn self-control and the ability to take a blow. Nothing terrible happened when classmates called Vitya a groom - they teased him and stopped. And the fact that the boy offended his mother is really extremely unpleasant; the aftertaste from this will remain for a long time. Mothers need to be protected and given warmth and love.

What proverbs fit Zheleznikov’s story “Three Branches of Mimosa”?

All fools are eager to ridicule someone.
We are afraid to be funny and love to laugh at others.
There is no sweeter friend than your own mother.

V. Zheleznikov


When he approached the table in the morning, he saw a huge bouquet of mimosa. They were so fragile, so yellow and fresh, like the first warm day!

“Dad gave this to me,” said Mom. - After all, today is the Eighth of March.

Indeed, today is the Eighth of March, and he completely forgot about it. I remembered last night and even remembered it at night, but now I suddenly forgot. He ran to his room, grabbed his briefcase and pulled out a postcard. It was written there: “Dear mom, I congratulate you on the Eighth of March. I promise to always obey you." He handed her a card, and he stood nearby and waited. Mom read the card in one second. It’s even somehow uninteresting - how fast adults read!

And when he was already leaving for school, his mother suddenly said to him:

— Take a few sprigs of mimosa and give it to Lena Popova.

Lena Popova was his desk neighbor.

- For what? - he asked gloomily.

- And then, today is the Eighth of March, and I’m sure that all your boys will give the girls something.

He really didn’t want to carry these mimosas, but his mother asked, and he didn’t want to refuse her either. He took three sprigs of mimosa and went to school.

On the way, it seemed to him that everyone was looking at him. But he was lucky at the school itself. He met Lena Popova. He ran up to her, handed her a mimosa and said:

- This is for you.

- To me? Oh, how beautiful! Thank you very much!

She was ready to thank him for another hour, but he turned and ran away.

And at the first break it turned out that none of the boys in their class gave anything to the girls. No one. Only in front of Lena Popova lay tender branches of mimosa.

—Where did you get the flowers? - asked the teacher.

“Vitya gave this to me,” said Lena.

Everyone immediately began to whisper and looked at Vitya, and Vitya lowered his head low.

- That's how it is! - said the teacher. - Wrap the ends of the branches in a wet rag or paper, then they won’t wither.

And at recess, when Vitya approached the guys as if nothing had happened, although he already felt bad, they suddenly shouted:

- Tili-tili-dough, bride and groom! Vitka hangs out with the girls! Vitka hangs out with the girls!

The guys laughed and started pointing at him. And then the older guys passed by, and everyone looked at him and asked whose fiancé he was.

He barely made it to the end of the lessons and, as soon as the bell rang, he flew home as fast as he could, so that there, at home, he could vent his frustration and resentment.

He banged on the door with all his might and, when his mother opened it, he shouted:

“It’s you, it’s your fault, it’s all because of you!” - He almost cried. He ran into the room, grabbed mimosas and threw them on the floor. - I hate these flowers, I hate them!

He began to trample them with his feet, and the yellow delicate flowers burst under the rough soles of his boots.

“Dad gave this to me,” said Mom.

And Lena Popova carried home three tender branches of mimosa in a wet cloth so that they would not wilt. She carried them in front of her, and it seemed to her that the sun was reflected in them, that they were so beautiful, so special... These were the first mimosas in her life...

The writer Vladimir Zheleznikov wrote a story called “Three Branches of Mimosa,” which is unlikely to leave anyone indifferent. This story is about the events associated with the holiday of March 8th. The final part of the story describes scenes that do not paint the main character, schoolboy Vitya, at all - he gets angry and shouts at his mother. After reading this story, there is a desire to write its continuation - there is an understatement in it. The continuation of the story “Three Branches of Mimosa,” of course, looks different for everyone, but most likely, in all versions, the mother should hear words of apology from her son.

Vitya could not find a place for himself at home. The guys' words about him hanging out with girls haunted him. And why did he even agree to take these flowers to school?

- I will never give mimosa roses or buttercup flowers again! – Vitya thought angrily, looking out the window.

There was silence in the apartment. No one called him to lunch or asked him about how his school day went. And even the cat Bars, who loved to play with Vitya, walked past him indifferently.

Vitya started doing his homework.

— A cyclist left point A to point B at a speed...

Vitya read the conditions of the problem several times, but could not concentrate on the solution. His thoughts were somewhere far away...

He suddenly remembered how his mother bought him his first small bicycle. He was so handsome! With a shiny steering wheel and strong spokes. There was a small bell screwed onto the steering wheel, which rang cheerfully and joyfully! No one had such a bicycle in their yard!

And then Vitya remembered how he rode to the zoo on this very bicycle, and his happy mother walked next to him. At the zoo she bought him the most delicious ice cream in the world!

When Vitya had done all his homework, it was already dark outside.

Mom went to her neighbor, Aunt Galya, to get salt. Vitya took a couple of bagels from the buffet. The bagels were dry, Vitya gnawed on them and went to bed.

The mother who returned from the neighbor did not ask her son anything.

That night sleep did not come to Vita for a long time. Pictures of childhood flashed one after another. Here Vitya, happy and contented, goes with his mother to the circus. Here he is riding on the carousel and cheerfully waving to his mother. Vitya also remembered how his mother once protected him from an evil dog, and tears fell from his eyes. Putting on his slippers, he headed to his mother’s room.

- Mommy, honey, forgive me. I was wrong. I'm sorry that I offended you. You are the most best mom in the world!

Mom said:

- Well done for apologizing. But this is not enough. You, son, need to learn to control your emotions. Screaming and trampling flowers is unreasonable and wrong. From early childhood, a person must accustom himself to restraint. And don’t react to offenders! An intelligent and confident person will never make fun of others. He doesn’t need those around him to feel awkward, much less angry.

Vitya listened carefully to his mother. He never thought about what she was talking about.

The next day at school the guys continued to tease Vitya. But Vitya did not react; he showed that the teasing did not hurt or upset him.

After lunch, Dimka Kubikov, who yesterday called Vitya “groom,” invited him to play football. Vitya agreed.

...And Lena Popova’s mimosas lasted a long time. She told Vita about this herself...

Lesson format: learning new things.

Lesson Objectives:

  • Introduce children to the works of V.K. Zheleznikov. Using the problem-based learning method, reveal the moral issues raised by the writer in the story.
  • Teach children to justify their opinions based on the text of a work of art; develop the ability to characterize a hero, compare his behavior, give evaluative characteristics
  • Continue work on developing the moral qualities of students. Develop the ability to evaluate your own work and the work of your comrades.

Equipment: Slide presentation ( Annex 1 , slides 1-7).


I. Organizational moment(Annex 1 , slide 1)

II. Checking homework

Teacher. Guys, what is the name of the section we are working on? (“Spring is coming, make way for spring!”)

Teacher. I asked you guys to draw a verbal picture of spring: what is it like, what does it look like, what outfit suits it? Let's listen to your stories. (Children's stories).

Teacher. Well done guys, you have put together some wonderful stories about spring. Indeed, spring is an amazing time of year. From your stories, I realized that most of you love this time of year, because in spring nature awakens after a long winter sleep.

(Annex 1 , slide 2)

And in honor of the birth new Spring I want to talk about one flower today, and which one, you can tell for yourself after listening to the poem:

Let the sun shine!
Let the frost go away!
Let the winter go away
A sprig of... (mimosa)!

(Annex 1 , slide 3 “Bouquet of mimosa”)

Teacher. Yes, yes, it is this harbinger of spring, the rightful mistress of International Women’s Day, who has such a wonderful ability. This one is dazzling yellow flower with silvery leaves was brought from Australia more than two centuries ago. Only it is not actually a mimosa: this wonderful creation is called silver acacia. As soon as you lightly touch the mimosa, a shiver will run through the fluffy bush, and it will instantly hide its leaves, as if it had been burned by frost.

III. Studying the topic of the lesson

1. Preparation for perception

Teacher. It was not by chance that I spoke about this flower today. Open your textbooks to page 137, read the title. Look at the illustration. What assumptions do you have about the content of the work? (Children's assumptions).

Teacher. We will find out whether your assumptions are correct when we read the wonderful work that Vladimir Karpovich Zheleznikov gave us. ( Annex 1 , slide 4)

But first, let's read the words that are difficult to read. ( Annex 1 , slide 5)

1. Read first syllable by syllable, then continuously, in whole words.


2. Read it correctly.



4. Read carefully


2. Vocabulary work(Annex 1 , slide 7)

Teacher. In this text, guys, you will find a new word for you - outsole Let's find out what it means.

Children. Work with a dictionary and look up the meaning of a word.

Outsole- a new half sole, hemmed onto old boots.

IV. Fizminutka

3. Primary perception. Teacher reading text

4. Checking the quality of primary perception

Teacher(after a pause). Are your assumptions correct? Share your thoughts and feelings about what you heard. What were you thinking? (Free expressions of children).

Teacher(poses a problematic question, suggesting the presence of a contradiction and alternative answers) Who is to blame that Vita feels so bad?

5. Secondary re-reading of the text

Teacher. And now, guys, each of you reads the story for yourself, for your soul. Close your ears and read the story in a low voice. As you read, highlight the most intense moment.

6. Problem analysis of a work with reading of individual pieces, paragraphs, sentences

Teacher. And now, guys, let's try to open the abyss of the story - let's try to find the answer to the question: who is to blame for the fact that the boy feels so bad?

Children.(They express different points of view. Some say that the mother is to blame, others - the teacher, others - Vitya himself, others say that the teacher is to blame)

Teacher. So, who thinks mom is to blame? Prove this with words from the text.

Children. After all, she “read the card in one second” and made Vitya take flowers. Therefore, Vitya blamed his mother and trampled on the flowers.

Teacher. Is this so? Let's see how the author looks at this.

Teacher. How does mom feel about mimosa?

Children. My dad gave this to me,” my mother said.

Teacher. Was the girl happy about Vitya’s gift?

Children. Yes, I was happy.

Children.(“Oh, how beautiful! Thank you very much! ... It seemed to her that the sun was reflected in them, that they were so beautiful, so special ... These were the first mimosas in her life ... ")

Teacher. So, did your mother force you to do something good?

Children. Yes. Mom thought that everyone would give it, but no one gave it. (Children prove with the words of the text)

Teacher. Is mom to blame?

Children. No.

Teacher. Then who is to blame?

Children. The teacher is to blame.

Teacher. What is the teacher's fault? Prove it in the author's words.

Children. The teacher was indifferent to this. (Children read out the teacher’s dialogue with Lena)

Teacher. And Vitya himself? Did he see that the girl was happy?

Children. Yes.

Teacher. So he did a good job?

Children. Yes.

Teacher. Is it bad to do a good thing?

Children. Doing something nice for someone is always good. But for Vitya it is important how his classmates treated him.

Teacher. Read how the children behaved. (Children read out)

Teacher. Why did they behave this way?

Children. They themselves have never done this.

Children. He has this little charming girl in the foreground. He admires her. The girl hears that they are being teased, but she does not pay attention to it. She is happy because these were her first flowers.

7. Summary of the analysis results

Final conversation and group work:

Teacher. How does the story end?

Children. The story ends with the girl's extraordinary joy.

Teacher. Do you know similar cases from life?

Teacher. In his works, the famous children's writer Vladimir Karpovich Zheleznikov talks about the lives of modern boys and girls, about the difficult life situations that heroes find themselves in, and about how important mutual understanding is for people.

Teacher. Guys, name the heroes of the story. (Author, Vitya, mother, Lena Popova, classmates)

Group work

Children are formed according to the principle of choice: children themselves chose where and with whom to work.

– Give each of the characters in the story a brief description.

V. Lesson summary. Assessment

Teacher. What story did we meet today? Who is the author? Has your opinion changed during our discussions? Assess your level of involvement in solving the problem.

VI. Homework(optional)

  1. Prepare a retelling on behalf of Vitya.
  2. Prepare a retelling on behalf of Lena.