
Public holidays in Russia. Weekends and holidays Weekends Public holidays and public holidays

breast cancer

In Russia, state, professional, international, folk, church (Orthodox), unusual holidays are celebrated.

Most important dates:

  • New Year
  • Christmas
  • Defender of the Fatherland Day
  • International Women's Day
  • Labour Day
  • Victory Day
  • Russia Day
  • Day national unity

Public holidays Russia are proclaimed in honor of a significant historical event in the life of the country. They are established by decree of the President of the Russian Federation. Some of them are declared holidays. Non-working holiday dates listed in Art. 112 of the Labor Code of Russia. These days are official solemn events, raises the national flag.

Professional holidays in Russia are established in recognition of the merits of specialists in various fields of activity. Most of them are fixed by the decree of the President of the country or other normative act and celebrated at the state level. Some are informal.

Between folk holidays are of global importance. They are celebrated all over the world. Set by international organizations: UN, UNESCO, WHO, etc.

Church (Orthodox) holidays are days of remembrance of sacred events from the life of Jesus Christ, the Most Holy Theotokos, John the Baptist or veneration of the memory of saints.

Folk holidays are the spiritual heritage of the ancestors. Most of them are related to events. church calendar. Some originated in pagan times. Folk holidays are rich interesting traditions, customs and signs.

Unusual holidays - events that are original: dedicated to inventions, funny objects, fairy-tale characters, etc.

In June, the Russian Federation celebrates the national holiday Day of Russia. In this regard, the Russians receive an additional day off.

Production calendar help you plan your vacation holidays. He will tell you how we work and rest in June 2018. Will inform about the norms of working hours this month.

  • weekends and holidays
  • pre-holiday days
    (with reduced working day by 1 hour)
28 29 30 31 1 2 3
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 1

Working hours

How to relax in June 2018

June 2018 has 10 holidays and weekends:

  • June 10, Sun. - day off
  • June 11, Mon. - rescheduled holiday from June 9 (Sat.)
  • June 12, Tue - Day of Russia, an official non-working holiday (Article 112 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

How we work in June

In June 2018, Russians work 20 days:

Fri MonTueWedThuFriSat WedThuFri MonTueWedThuFri MonTueWedThuFri
1 ... 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... 13 14 15 ... 18 19 20 21 22 ... 25 26 27 28 29

June 9 is a pre-holiday day with reduced working hours by one hour (Article 95 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Working hours

According to the production calendar of Russia, in June 2018 there are 20 working days in the country (including 1 shortened one) and 10 days off and holidays.

Working hours norms:

  • with a 40-hour work week - 159 hours (20 x 8 - 1, where 20 is the number of working days, 8 is the duration of the work shift, 1 is the number of reduced working days);
  • at 36 hours - 143 hours (20 x 7.2 - 1);
  • at 24-hour - 95 hours (20 x 4.8 - 1).

Public holidays in June

In June, Russia celebrates 1 public holiday - Russia Day (June 12). It symbolizes the unity of the whole country. The people call the holiday Independence Day of Russia. This is an official day off (Article 112 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Officially installed in Russia holidays, professional holidays , memorable days, memorable dates and days of military glory (victory days) of Russia in 2017.

Currently officially celebrated in Russia 8 holidays, 7 of which [all except Christmas] are state holidays.
Holidays are fixed by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. According to article 112 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation non-working holidays in Russian Federation are:

  • January 15- New Year
  • January 7- Christmas
  • February 23- Defender of the Fatherland Day
  • March 8- International Women's Day
  • 1st of May- Labour Day
  • May 9- Victory Day
  • 12 June- Russia Day
  • November 4- National Unity Day
    How Russia overcame the turmoil

Ministry of Labor and Social Protection

  • Winter holidays are for the family
  • December 31 is asked to be a day off

Year of what announced in Russia

Holidays and weekends in 2017

Industrial calendar for 2017

The Federal Service for Labor and Employment announced the schedule weekends and holidays in 2017.

Other Important Holidays

Holidays of the Slavs

Ancestors given folk wisdom

Slavism- this is the veneration of the Family, ancestors, and the creation of family tribal life, according to ancient Slavic customs.
Traditions of the Russian people is the invaluable experience of innumerable generations of our ancestors. And no matter how many epochs pass, how many wander in the darkness of foreign traditions, Russian people always return to their native tradition.
Our calendar - or, more correctly, Carols Dar- served our ancestors for thousands of years, helping them to cultivate the land and harvest in time. The year, divided into twelve parts, was depicted on ritual thickets, and a special sign corresponded to each month.
Annual wheel - Kolo Svarog- carried a special meaning, which consisted in the eternal rebirth and renewal of all living things. But the calendar is important not only for weekdays, it is always decorated with happy holidays.

Traditional Slavic holidays

Traditional Slavic holidays associated with nature and the events taking place in it, they contain and conceal a deep sacred essence and meaning. Almost all holidays among the Slavs coincide with the life cycle of the Earth, and therefore have not only a spiritual meaning, but also something else - familiarization with Nature, bringing into your life the feeling that the Earth is living matter. The rituals that our great ancestors once performed in the old days are designed to ensure peaceful coexistence and harmony with nature.

The sun has long been especially revered by the Slavs as a symbol and source of life on earth, giving warmth and light to all living things. And this happens every year, constantly, along an uninterrupted stake [circle], in the form of which the ancient Slavs also represented our Universe.

Names of the Slavic months years reflect those changes in nature that are most characteristic of each of the four seasons. Below is a list of the main holidays and customs of the Slavs.
The seasons symbolize birth [spring], growing up [summer], maturity [autumn], death [winter].

Kologod among the Slavs divided by four seasons [winter, spring, summer, autumn], in each of which great holidays are specially celebrated: 2 solstices [solstice] in winter and summer - the time when the Sun is reborn: the old Sun fades away, but its place is taken by a new one - the emerging young and 2 equinoxes [spring and autumn].

The chronology of the Slavs

Calendar reform of Peter I

It is no secret that the widespread use of the Russian calendar ceased on the orders of Peter I. The tsar, brought up by foreigners, introduced a new foreign calendar on the territory of Russia and ordered on the night of January 1 to celebrate the coming of the year 1700 from the Nativity of Christ. While the summer of 7208 was going on in Russia. The chronological innovation was the curtsy of Peter I to the West and the theft of five and a half thousand years of history from the Slavic-Aryan culture.

The chronology in Russia
[Watch video online]

New Year among the Slavs [New Year]

Before baptism Slavs celebrated the New Year [ New Year] in the spring, which symbolized the victory of spring over winter,
life over death. Spring - a symbol of new life and rebirth, replaced death and oblivion.

  • Comte Why was the tree cut down

Slavic names of the months

  • Berezen [March]- the month when birches wake up (a symbol of Russia).
  • Poleten, Kveten [April]- the time of flowering of Nature awakened after the winter.
  • Traven [May]- the month of the awakening of the Earth and the growth of grass, best time for sowing.
  • Worm [June]- berries and flowers grow.
  • Lipen [July]- linden blossoms.
  • Serpen [August]- Harvest time.
  • Velesen, Veresen [September].
  • Yellow [October] - yellow leaves.
  • Leaf fall [November]- The trees are shedding their leaves.
  • Breast [December].
  • Chill [January]- cold time.
  • Lute [February]- a month of hard frost.

Zodiac signs in Russia

  • Yarila, Yarilo [Aries]- this is the God of youth, strength and passion, respectively, and people were endowed
    irrepressible energy, long youth and looked at the world with wide open eyes, keeping
    faith in goodness and justice.
  • Lada [Taurus]- this is a sign of the Goddess Lada-creator. People of this sign were healthy,
    well, they brought comfort and warmth to the house, they were practical and knew how to win over.
  • Kupala [Gemini]- this is God, he had a twin sister Mara. Their common symbol is a flower
    Ivan da Marya [Ivan is yellow flower, and Marya is blue]. It symbolized the union of life and death
    [Mara is derived from the root mor - death]. Their unity is the balance of being and non-being.
    He was best understood by the people of the Kupala sign, who knew how to appreciate every moment of life.
  • Kolyada [Cancer]- the ruler of the cyclic laws of the universe. Those born under this sign
    subtly felt the laws of harmony, nature, world order, literally suffering from any disharmony.
  • Dazhdbog [Lion]- he endowed every person born under his sign,
    great opportunities. But there was one feature: they most fully implemented
    those who gave most of what Dazhdbog gave to other people.
  • Maya [Virgo]- Goddess nurse personifying nature, bringing gifts.
    The Goddess Maya was involved in a constant circuit. And the people were submerged
    into constant concern for the good of their environment. But they themselves had to
    create a favorable atmosphere for work, otherwise they literally burned out at work.
  • Bear [Libra]- God Veles patronized this sign. His image
    associated with the cycle of births and deaths [reality and navu, i.e. the world of the living and the dead].
    People of this sign were given to understand that without birth there is no death, and without
    death - new birth. These people, having given up their own, gained everything.
  • Skipper Beast [Scorpion]- is the patron saint of snakes and other Navi creatures
    [those. underworld]. People of this sign were especially wise, seeing the background of others.
    They had a close relationship with dead ancestors and were weighed down by the experience of past generations.
  • Kitovras [Sagittarius]- half man, half horse. He was strong and wise, but weak in wine. And people of this sign could reach great official heights if they did not succumb to the temptation of obtaining pleasure and material wealth.
  • Unicorn [Capricorn]- the symbol of this sign was the battle of the Unicorn and the Lion. It was considered as a battle of Kolyada [natural cycles and laws] with Indra [individualism]. People of this sign could show their independence as much as possible [but with caution so as not to disturb the balance in the world].
  • Rooftop [Aquarius]- this god gave fire to people dying from the cold. People born under this sign
    possessed great intellectual abilities and could find a way out of any, even the most hopeless situation.
  • Genus [Pisces]- this is one of the most revered and ancient gods [he was also called the creator of the universe].
    People of this sign felt their belonging to everything in the world and kinship with the people of the whole planet. Such a feeling
    they served as the basis of life and well-being. They easily overcame the spleen and calmed down with future affairs.

Slavic Kologod [calendar in Russia]

Berezen [March]

  • March 01- Day of Marena [Mara Marena - the great goddess of winter and death].
  • March 03- Memorial Day of Prince Igor.
  • March 14th- Little oatmeal new year[used to celebrate the New Year on the first
    spring day - March 1, which, according to the new style, falls on March 14].
  • March 17- Day of Gerasim the rooker [time of arrival of the rooks].
  • March 22- Magpies, larks.
  • March 24- Komoyeditsy, carnival [ the vernal equinox].
  • March 25- Opening of Svarga [invocation of spring].
  • March 30- Ladodenie [singing of mother nature].

Poleten, Kveten [April]

  • 01 April- Brownie's name day [Domovoy's awakening day].
  • 03 April- Vodopol [Vodyanoy's name day].
  • April 07- Day of Karna the weeper. [Karna, Kara, Karina - the goddess of sorrow, sorrow and grief].
  • 14th of April- Day of Semargl [Fire God].
  • April 19- Navi day [holiday of the resurrection of the dead].
  • April 22- Lelnik.
  • April 23- Yarilo Veshny.
  • April 30- Rodonitsa [spring cold ends].

Traven [May]

  • May 01- Zhivin day [Zhiva - the goddess of life, spring, fertility, birth, zhita-grain].
  • May 06- Big oat - the day of Dazhdbog [the god of fertility and sunlight, life-giving force].
  • May 07- Flying [Earth Awakening].
  • May 10- Spring Makoshie [Earth Day].
  • 22nd of May- Yarilo Wet, Troyan, Tribogov's Day [holiday of late spring and early summer].
  • May 28- Spirits day [the beginning of the mermaid week, green Christmas time].
  • May 25-31- Semik [the boundary between winter and summer, on the last Thursday of May].
  • May 25-31- Cuckoo [feast of the cuckoo, on the last Sunday of May].

Worm [June]

  • 21st of June- Birth of Vyshnya-Perun.
  • 22nd of June- Skipper Serpent Day [serpent day].
  • June 23- Agrafena Swimsuit [beginning of the bathing season].
  • June 24- Feast of Ivan Kupala [ summer solstice].

Lipen [July]

  • July 03- Memorial Day of Prince Svyatoslav.
  • July, 12- Day of the sheaf of Veles [the god of wealth and wisdom Veles, taught the land to plow and sow cereals].
  • July 20- Perunov day.

Serpen [August]

  • August 07- Spozhinki [harvesting ends].
  • August 21- Day of Stribog [wind god].

Veresen [September]

  • September 02- Memorial Day of Prince Oleg.
  • September 08- Rod and Childbirth [feast of family well-being].
  • September 14- Closing of Svarga, vyry [on this day the goddess Alive leaves the Earth].
  • September 21st- Day of Svarog [blacksmith god, father of Dazhdbog].
  • September 22nd- Holiday Lada [ autumnal equinox].
    Lada is the great goddess of spring-summer fertility and the patroness of weddings and marriage life.
  • September 27- Rodogoshch, tausen [holiday when the harvest is harvested].

Yellow [October]

  • October 14- Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos.
  • October 26- Day of the goddess Makoshi [goddess of marriage and childbirth].

Leaf fall [November]

  • November 25- Marena [the embodiment of death].

Breast [December]

  • December 03- Day of memory of the hero Svyatogor.
  • December 14- Naumov day [wise day].
  • 21 December- Karachun, Chernobog [ winter solstice].
  • December 25- Kolyada [god of fun]. From December 25 [breast] to January 6 [cold], Great Veles Christmas time is celebrated - big winter holidays, twelve holy days, symbolizing the twelve months of the year [six light ones - a light half-year, and the other six dark ones - a dark half-year], starting from the eve of Kolyada [Kolyada itself is not included in the number of holy days] and up to Turits [Vodocres].
  • Dec. 31- Schedrets [generous evening - the last day of bright Christmas time].

Chill [January]

  • January 01- Day of Morok [god of severe cold].
  • January 03- Memorial Day of Princess Olga.
  • January 05- Tucindan [fat day].
  • January 06- Turitsy, Vodokres [Tour is a sacred bull with magical powers].
  • January 08- Babi porridge.
  • January 12- Abduction day.
  • January 18- Intra [god of springs, wells, snakes and clouds].
  • January 21- Prosinets.
  • January 30- Day of Father Frost and Snow Maiden.

Lute [February]

  • February 02- Thunderstorm [the only day in winter when a thunderstorm can happen].
  • February 10- Velesichi, kudesy [Domovoy's day].
  • 11 February- Veles day [mid-winter].
  • February, 15- Candlemas [border between winter and spring].
  • February 16- Fixes.
  • February 18- Troyan Winter [day of military glory].
  • February 29- Day of Kashchei-Chernobog [the most evil Slavic deity].

Public holidays are holidays officially established by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation. Some public holidays are contained in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and are non-working days. The other part of the holidays is working, but nevertheless, various events are officially held these days. festive events entertaining character.

Official holidays in Russia, including public holidays, are enshrined in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. So, in article 112. of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation non-working holidays are listed, which include:
January 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 - New Year and New Year holidays;
January 7 - Christmas;
February 23 - Defender of the Fatherland Day;
March 8 - International Women's Day;
May 1 - Spring and Labor Day;
May 9 - Victory Day;
June 12 - Day of Russia;
November 4 - National Unity Day.

Public holidays in Russia - a brief description.

January 15 -

Peter I, referring to the inconvenience in relations with the European peoples, issued a decree to celebrate the New Year from the day of the Nativity of the God-man, i.e. January 1 instead of September 1. It was forbidden to celebrate the New Year on September 1st.
In our time, this date is enshrined in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (Labor Code of the Russian Federation) dated December 30, 2001 N 197-FZ, as amended. Federal Law of December 29, 2004 N 201-FZ. New Year holidays last from 1 to 5 January.
New Year is one of the most solemn and beloved by all holidays. The main attribute of this wonderful winter holiday is considered to be Christmas tree, as a rule, installed at home, as well as in places of festivities. Speaking about the attributes and features of the New Year, one cannot help but recall such a fabulous character of the primordially Russian folk art like Santa Claus. The New Year's address of the head of state a few minutes before the new year has also become traditional. Common fun in new year's eve is the use of various pyrotechnic products: sparklers, firecrackers, Roman candles, rockets and various firecrackers.

January 7 -

Christmas is rightfully considered one of the most important Orthodox holidays. This solemn day is dedicated to a great event for believers, the birth of Jesus Christ. Significantly for the church, this holy feast stands immediately after another bright holiday - Easter. On the night of Christmas, solemn services are held in the temples. One of the main symbols of the Nativity of Christ is the Christmas tree. Despite the fact that Christmas is a purely religious holiday, this holiday is firmly entrenched in the minds of people as a pleasant day that can be spent in a warm family atmosphere. At Christmas, as well as at New Year, it is customary to give gifts to relatives and friends.

February 23 -

Existed in the days of the USSR.

On February 10, 1995, the State Duma of Russia adopted the federal law"On the days of military glory of Russia". In it, this day is named as follows: "February 23 - Day of the victory of the Red Army over the Kaiser troops of Germany in 1918 - Defender of the Fatherland Day."
Previously, this wonderful holiday was called the Day Soviet army And Navy. In addition to changing the name, the holiday has undergone a change in content. Despite the fact that officially this is the day of all defenders of the Fatherland, both male and female, today, Defender of the Fatherland Day is increasingly perceived as the day of all men, being a kind of analogue of March 8 for men.

March 8 -

For the first time, "international" women's day was celebrated in 1911 in four countries - Austria, Germany, Denmark and Switzerland, but in different days. In Russia, International Women's Day was first celebrated in 1913, but only in one city, and in 1914 - throughout the country.
1975 was declared by the United Nations " international year Women”, and on March 8, at the suggestion of the USSR delegation, by decision of the same UN, it received the official status of “International Women's Day”.
International Day of All Women, celebrated in many countries as the day of women's struggle for their rights. Historically, this holiday was the result of a number of marches and strikes of the beautiful half of humanity against discrimination at work, for a reduction in the working day, for an increase wages. Due to the fact that today the need for the struggle of women for their rights has practically disappeared, March 8 has become a solemn holiday dedicated to all women. On this wonderful day, it is customary to congratulate and give gifts to absolutely all women: mothers, grandmothers, wives, beloved ladies of the heart and just wonderful work colleagues.

1st of May -

For the first time on the territory of the Russian Empire, he appeared in 1890-1891. The original name is International Workers' Day. In the Soviet Union, the holiday was often called simply by the number - May 1 (May Day).
A holiday formerly known as International Workers' Day. Almost immediately after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the holiday was renamed the Spring and Labor Day. Along with the name change, the general perception of this day has also changed. Once the main day for expressing one's concerns over a range of social and political issues, it has come to be seen more and more as a glorious warm spring holiday the beginning of the last month of spring, when you can relax with your family at home or in the country.

May 9 -

Victory Day is a holy holiday for each of us, which has been celebrated since 1945.

At the same time, a solemn and bitter celebration of the victory of Soviet troops over the invader in the Great Patriotic War. On this significant day, it is customary to congratulate veterans and celebrate merits Soviet people who took upon himself all the hardships of wartime for the sake of the future of his Motherland. On May 9, meetings of veterans are traditionally held, a parade of troops and military equipment, flowers are laid at the places of Military Glory. Emphasizes the importance and solemnity of this day fireworks, rumbling in many Russian cities. On Victory Day, people sincerely rejoice at the victory in this difficult war and honor the masculinity and extraordinary stamina of the Soviet people.
It is on May 9 that we especially strongly feel our responsibility for preserving the true history of our country, we feel pride in our long-suffering people and we want to believe that the horrors of war will not happen again.

12 June -

The Day of Russia or the Independence Day of Russia, as this holiday was called until 2002, is one of the “youngest” public holidays in the country.
In 1994, the first President of Russia Boris Yeltsin, by his decree, gave this day a state significance - the Day of the Declaration on state sovereignty Russia. And since 2002 - June 12 is celebrated as the "Day of Russia".

Celebrated since 2005.

Is not new holiday, but a return to the old holiday after a long break (from 1917 to 2005).
The alleged reason for the approval of the holiday was the cancellation of the Day of the Great October Socialist Revolution. November 7 was replaced by National Unity Day, which is celebrated on November 4 and is officially a non-working holiday. On December 16, 2004, the State Duma of the Russian Federation adopted simultaneously in three readings amendments to the federal law "On the Days of Military Glory (Victory Days of Russia)". One of the changes was the introduction of a new holiday - National Unity Day. There was an actual transfer of the state holiday from November 7 (was the Day of Accord and Reconciliation) to November 4 (Became - the Day of National Unity).

Non-working holidays in Russia- additional days off related to holidays.
professional holidays- are established in recognition of the merits of workers in the sectors of the national economy and various fields of activity.
Memorable days- are established in honor of significant events and significant dates in world history or the history of Russia.
Days of military glory (victorious days) of Russia- are established to commemorate the glorious victories of the Russian troops, who played a decisive role in the history of Russia.
Memorable dates in Russia- officially established memorable dates in the history of the Fatherland, associated with the most important historical events in the life of the state and society.

Holidays in Russia.

Holidays in Russia are officially established holidays. Some of them remained from the historical periods of past years, the rest are inextricably linked with recent history Russia - a change in ideology, the acquisition of sovereignty. A significant part of the holidays in Russia is occupied by professional holidays. These days, representatives of a certain profession, a certain field of activity are honored.

Holidays expected:
27.06.2019 -
29.06.2019 -
03.07.2019 -

All holidays.

All state and professional holidays in Russia, including significant World and International holidays, and other equally interesting holidays, dates and events.

Today holidays and events:

Tomorrow is a holiday:

Holidays expected:
27.06.2019 -
28.06.2019 -
29.06.2019 -
30.06.2019 -
01.07.2019 -

Orthodox, church holiday.

Russian holidays Orthodox Church dedicated to one or another important for Orthodox people, church event. Church Orthodox holidays include such important holidays as the Baptism of the Lord, the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem and others. Some Orthodox holidays known even to those who are far from religion.

Today religious holiday:

Tomorrow is a holiday:

Holidays expected:
27.06.2019 -
06/28/2019 - The Prophet of God Amos. Venerable Theodore Sykeot, Bishop of Anastasiupol. Blessed Jerome of Stridon. Saint Michael, the first Metropolitan of Kiev and All Russia. Saints Gregory and Cassian of Avnezh. Holy Great Martyr Prince Lazar of Serbia. Saint Ephraim, Patriarch of Serbia. Saint Jonah, Metropolitan of Moscow and All Russia, Wonderworker...
29.06.2019 -
30.06.2019 -
01.07.2019 -

Folk holidays and signs.

Folk holidays in Russia- this is Christmas, Maslenitsa, Easter, Trinity, Ivan Kupala. Today is the national holidays of Russia and church traditions so closely intertwined that even in the folk and Orthodox calendar, many holidays coincide - the Nativity of the Virgin, Intercession, Epiphany, the Annunciation and others.

Signs today: