
When are yellow flowers given? What does yellow flowers mean? Why give yellow roses: the origins of folk signs


Yellow is reminiscent of autumn and the time of wilting. That is why there is a sign according to which these flowers cannot be given. Yes, and received as a gift, such a bouquet, someone enters into confusion and anxiety.

A person may simply not know how to respond to such a gift. It is perceived as an allusion to the withering passing feelings, like falling leaves in September. So, why give yellow flowers?

History of superstition

There is a legend that opens the curtain on the history of the appearance of superstition. A legend about a prince who, returning from the war, decided to make sure that his wife remained faithful to him during his long absence. The witch, to whom the prince turned, gave advice to present a bouquet of beautiful scarlet roses as a gift to his wife. On the advice of the sorceress, the prince gave flowers and placed them next to the head of the princess's bed. The next morning, the flowers in the bouquet turned yellow, and this, according to the sorceress, meant that the wife's feelings for the prince faded.

How to relate to such a gift is up to the recipient. The association with autumn can, if desired, be replaced by another, opposite one. Let yellow flowers remind you of the sun and light, give joy and love. After all, they themselves are the personification of happiness, vivid emotions and good luck.


What can a presented bouquet in yellow mean. It is important to know that the gift was appropriate and brought pleasure to the person to whom it is given. bright colors a bunch of. Let's analyze the most popular types:

  • Roses. It is appropriate to give them to those whom you respect. That is why yellow roses can be presented as a gift to teachers, teachers, and your favorite artist. After all, roses symbolize respect and admiration. A bouquet of roses can be presented for any celebration. However, if you decide to give them to the newlyweds at the wedding, be sure to explain, comment on this gift so as not to be misunderstood. Superstitions are strong, and guests, and even the young themselves, can interpret such a gift as a wish for separation for a couple. Let the presented bouquet of roses become a wish for well-being and wealth for the bride and groom.
  • Carnations. This is the flower of reconciliation. The presented yellow carnation serves as a symbol of the desire to receive forgiveness and mitigate one's guilt. Therefore, you can give it to both loved ones and friends, colleagues, just acquaintances. This will mean that the person to whom you give the bouquet is very important to you.
  • Tulip. A gift of yellow tulips is almost equivalent to recognition in tender feelings without words. Love, perhaps, is not as passionate as it is "into the pool with your head." This is a confession in feelings more balanced and deliberate.
  • Chrysanthemum. The yellow chrysanthemum is called the queen of flowers and the queen of autumn for its incredible bright beauty. Such a bouquet can be presented to friends and relatives. And presented to a beloved girl is a symbol of deep and sincere feelings. It means "I love you, I trust you."

Yellow is beautiful and bright. It is a multifaceted color with many meanings. Therefore, having discarded all prejudices and signs, it is recommended to give and love to receive it as a gift with optimism and joy. After all, yellow, first of all, is associated with joy and energy, and also attracts success and good luck. Give yellow bouquets for the holidays and not only, on occasion and without occasion. And let the energy of yellow bring only sunny mood, warmth and joy.

Rida Khasanova

Roses are one of the most beloved and desired flowers among the fair sex. There are a huge number of varieties of these plants, so you can always choose the right option. Roses are so versatile that they are given for any holiday and event. At the same time, everyone tries to choose the right color.

When choosing a bouquet, men wonder if it is possible to give girls yellow roses as a gift, and how they can react to such a gesture. Everything will depend on whether a superstitious woman or not believing in any signs.

Is it possible to give yellow roses: signs

Most people have negative feelings towards yellow flowers in Russia

For a woman, yellow flowers mean a sign of infidelity. This is due to the legend that tells the story of the origin of this plant. It begins with the story that Magomed went to war, leaving his young wife at home. In the absence of her husband, she began dating another man. Upon his return from the war, Magomed learned from the inhabitants about his wife's infidelity. He did not believe it, because he loved his chosen one very much.

Magomed turned for advice to the wise men, who recommended to give bouquet of red roses. They said that if the flowers turn yellow, then she was unfaithful to her husband. The man followed their advice and made a present to his wife. In the morning the flowers turned yellow. It was after this that yellow flowers are considered to be a symbol of betrayal and separation, because of which it is considered that they cannot be gifted.

However, florists assure that yellow roses donated by a man will bring to the union joy and good mood. In some countries, this color represents wealth and wealth. Therefore, they are often given successful people.

Most often, yellow plants are added to complex flower arrangements, rather than single bouquets with them.

Gradually, people begin to move away from stereotypes and do not listen to signs.

When is it appropriate to give yellow roses?

Yellow flowers can tell a lot about a person. By themselves they are symbol of energy. Most often, such flowers are presented as a sign admiration and love. For example, if a spouse decides to please his wife with such a present, he will be able to express his feelings by saying that every day spent together brings him happiness.

A bouquet of yellow roses is usually given to a girl for her birthday, March 8, wedding, New Year and other events. Flowers are a real personification youth and arrogance. They are presented not to part, but on the contrary, to confess feelings. A man can please his chosen one and present a present for no particular reason. However, before preparing a bouquet, it is recommended to highlight the positive meaning of the gift in advance so as not to hurt the girl's feelings. The fair sex loves listen to signs and are quite superstitious, so with yellow roses you need be careful.

Delicate bouquet of yellow roses

A man can independently collect a bouquet or use the help of a florist. It is recommended to purchase flowers in a trusted place where the staff is distinguished by their skill. The bouquet should be made by a person who has good taste and knows a lot about flowers. The present may consist entirely of yellow roses or may be diluted with other plants. It is best to complement the composition with white, lilac, red or pink flowers.

At the time of delivery, you need to tell the girl about the positive value yellow flowers, explaining in detail that the bouquet carries the best intentions

You can fix the speech with warm words that will finally dispel the fears of the chosen one.

There are several interesting points that few people know about:

  1. There is an old custom in England. According to him, in order to confess to a girl in love, you need to give two roses. Most often, flowers are given anonymously so that the girl can independently guess about her admirer. In many countries, an even number carries exclusively bad sense However, the sight of two blooming yellow flowers is considered an exquisite and elegant symbol of love.
  2. If a person wants to apologize, he can give a bouquet of unopened yellow roses.

Bouquet of yellow unopened roses

  1. yellow roses always get sick so they are always in short supply. They can be grown only by experienced florists who know all the nuances and rules of growing. This process is quite laborious and costly.
  2. In ancient times, in the East, flowers were given to people from a certain social environment. Yellow plants were presented exclusively to representatives high society.
  3. Girls can also give yellow roses for guys. One sunny unopened flower allows her to express her feelings towards him. After presenting the rose, the girl must tell how exactly she relates to the chosen one.
  4. According to Queen Elizabeth, yellow plants are the most beautiful flowers on the ground. Therefore, they are recognized as a symbol of glory, wisdom and grace.

Queen Elizabeth with a bouquet of yellow daffodils

  1. were held Scientific research, during which it was revealed that such gifts of nature can save a person from melancholy.
  2. Old German painters have yellow roses are in high esteem. They painted the Mother of God with three wreaths of these plants.

When else can you give yellow roses?

Such flowers will be an excellent present not only for young girls, but also for other revered, close people:

  1. Yellow plants can be presented on teacher's day to your class teacher . In this way, students will be able to express their respect and gratitude. Also, the bouquet will be appropriate during graduation from school.
  2. After theater performances artists and other workers often make such a present. For them, getting yellow flowers is a real tradition.
  3. The bouquet is often given for anniversaries to wish a birthday good health, prosperity and longevity. They can also be presented on a wedding anniversary.

An original bouquet of yellow roses for an anniversary

Roses are exquisite and beautiful flowers that always arouse admiration. People are interested in why they give yellow roses. According to most, they symbolize infidelity and separation. This opinion comes from an ancient legend.

However, in reality, flowers do not carry no negative meaning, but on the contrary, are a symbol of joy and happiness

Most often, yellow roses are given to young girls, as they personify youth and freshness. It is necessary to present the bouquet carefully so as not to arouse suspicion and bad thoughts in the chosen one. To avoid misunderstanding, the man must explain to the girl that plants have an exclusively positive meaning. Only in this case, the chosen one will be delighted with the gift and feel happy.

November 26, 2018, 12:53

For some reason, in our minds, for a generation now, there has been a firm conviction that giving yellow flowers is a bad form, that this is a sign of imminent separation or an apology for treason. Why it is impossible to give yellow flowers is simply incomprehensible, if you understand the very essence and meaning of a particular color.

If you listen to the opinion of experts in their field, for example, to experts in flower ethics, and not to Natasha Koroleva’s song about “Yellow tulips are the messengers of separation”, then it turns out that yellow flowers are not at all a sign of betrayal, separation, jealousy and other negative feelings and phenomena.

From time immemorial in Russia, as well as in Japan, it has been and remains the color of joy, sun, warmth and fun. So, yellow tulips and roses can be given to people to whom you wish warmth and Have a good mood. It is only better to clarify in advance whether they will perceive your message in this way, or whether they will suspect you of treason and other mortal sins.

Why and to whom do they give yellow flowers?

Actually, with the question "why" we figured it out. But who is it appropriate to give or tulips? Rather, such a bright bouquet will suit a young lady, a cheerful girl. But an older lady is better off choosing tea roses - a calmer shade.

It is also customary to give yellow flowers to artists in recognition of their talent and admiration. And since yellow is the color of gold, it can also mean a wish for wealth.

Is it always possible to give yellow flowers?

A bunch of cute yellow daffodils for International Women's Day is a classic. For this, no one will definitely be offended by you. But are yellow flowers given on other holidays? For example, the girls bought a bouquet of pale yellow roses for the wedding of their close friend. Among the other guests, a whisper is heard - it is they who wish her an early separation from her lover, envy her happiness. What are these prejudices! They just wanted to say what they want with this bouquet. new family well-being and happiness.

To give or not to give yellow flowers - let this question remain at your discretion. If you have quarrels and troubles due to your soul mate's belief in a bad color meaning, of course, it is better to avoid this. But if both of you do not have faith in bad omens and prejudices, go ahead to the flower stall for a juicy bouquet.

To create amazing compositions, professional florists try to harmoniously combine warm and cold shades, bright and soft tones within one elegant bouquet. Golden is one of the main active colors that evokes feelings of joy, inspiration, warmth.

Masters of applied art often wonder why and where the belief arose that yellow flowers should not be given. History and knowledge of practical psychology will help answer this question.

Why not, and when you can give yellow flowers

It is impossible to say unequivocally who came up with the legend about why it is impossible to give yellow flowers. Sunny colorful buds at all times were considered a symbol of wealth, respect for the older generation and admiration female beauty. Consider the main versions why not give yellow flowers:

  • superstition. There is a belief that the prince returned from a campaign and suspected his wife of infidelity. To verify this fact, he left red roses at the head of the princess for the night. By morning they turned yellow, which meant betrayal of the beloved;
  • whim of Catherine II. A fan of palace intrigues and coups decided to change the symbolism of flowers;
  • fashion from Europe. The source did not find confirmation;
  • musical composition "Yellow tulips - messengers of separation". Gained popularity in 1991 performed by Natasha Koroleva.

These are perhaps the main reasons not to trust experienced florists. A separate section that studies mental activity is the psychology of color. In scientific terms, yellow has great value In human life:

  • helps in the memorization process;
  • enhances brain activity;
  • promotes the perception of information;
  • develops intellectual abilities.

Characterizing people who prefer yellow flowers is quite simple. This category is distinguished by perseverance and determination, always achieves its goals, has a creative and original mindset. And, of course, they are all cheerful and cheerful.

Signs: why you can not give yellow flowers

Unfortunately, people tend to attribute mystical and fateful properties to things and objects. This is what happened with flower arrangements. Thanks to a rich imagination and, perhaps, coincidence, signs appeared why it is impossible to give yellow flowers:

  • too long exposure to bright colors is harmful for children. It depresses nervous system child, causes insomnia and irritability;
  • wife or girlfriend will not like this gift. It will be associated with betrayal, news of an impending separation or breakup;
  • daffodils mean betrayal;
  • dry or artificial buds are regarded as a death wish.

In order not to get into an awkward position and choose the right flowers, it is better to consult a florist and order a bouquet that would match the upcoming event. This will avoid quarrels and misunderstandings on the part of the hero of the occasion.

There are several folk signs for which yellow flowers are given. According to superstitions, they carry negativity because of the color, therefore, in Slavic culture, such a present is regarded as a bad sign. But in floristry and other cultures there is a different interpretation.

Why give yellow flowers

The sign says that such plants are not the best choice. They symbolize:

  • if a young man gives;
  • resentment or conflict from a friend;
  • a wish for failure, if given to a colleague.

In floristry, negative meanings are not attributed to yellow.

Why not presented as a present

According to signs, yellow flowers should not be given to superstitious people, because they will regard it as disrespect or a wish for negativity. Particular attention should be paid to the number of plants in the bouquet. It is known that an even number is worn only

Perception is different different cultures and even within the same mentality. Skeptics do not pay attention to signs and superstitions, so they are usually supportive of any gifts.

In order not to aggravate the situation, it is better to choose a neutral bouquet: red, pink, white or cream. They are not associated with something negative, but in the language of flowers they convey the wrong message.

Another look at the meaning of color

Florists have developed a way of conveying messages through bouquets. Back in the Victorian era, lovers confessed their feelings to each other through shades. Romantic feelings are symbolized by a rose.

Yellow and its shades mean:

  • mature love;
  • strong passion;
  • wish for happiness, success;
  • admiration for beauty and youth;
  • apology and reconciliation on the basis of old grievances.

Such a bouquet is presented not only to the spouse, but also to a friend, colleague. Rarely regarded as a sign of infidelity. Associate it with the sunrise, a ray, a sign of wealth. Yellow is the color of gold, luxury, sophistication. A decorated house speaks of the wealth and sense of taste of the owners.

Large buds are presented on special occasions: financial awards, awards, honors. There they do not see treason, quarrels. Even superstitious people need to remember that a bouquet is sometimes just a sign of attention and courtesy, and there is no negative message in its color.