
Why do women gain weight after childbirth? How to give birth and not “float” - why women recover after childbirth and how to avoid it


A weight gain of up to 12 kg is considered normal. After the baby is born, these kilograms usually disappear. However, if the expectant mother has gained more weight, it will be more difficult to get rid of it.

The diet of a pregnant woman contributes to weight gain. Very often she does not particularly limit herself in food, even to the point of making nightly forays into the refrigerator.

The increased production of female sex hormones plays a huge role. After childbirth, they do not return to normal immediately, but after a few weeks. At the same time, the appetite remains increased, which is why it is so difficult to control weight.

The activity of the thyroid gland plays an important role in the issue of body shape. If you follow a healthy diet, weight gain may indicate postpartum autoimmune thyroiditis.

Some women eat stress with sweets. The exciting anticipation of a child, childbirth, and the recovery phase greatly exhaust the body. The situation is aggravated by constant lack of sleep and postpartum depression. In this case, sweets and chocolates become a life-saving remedy for a certain category of women.

After giving birth, a woman leads a sedentary lifestyle for several weeks. If the number of calories consumed is not reduced, the excess will be stored in subcutaneous fat.

How not to gain weight after childbirth

To make it easier to moderate your appetite after the birth of a child, it must be kept under control even during pregnancy. It is better to quench your thirst with water, tea without sugar, or diluted juice. An inulin-containing drink made from chicory is beneficial. It helps lower blood sugar levels, which prevents its transformation into fats.

It is advisable to consume dairy products low-fat or low-fat. Milk and kefir should not have a fat content higher than 2%, cottage cheese - 5%, sour cream - 18%.

You should limit the use of seasonings, hot spices, salt, marinades, and smoked foods, as they increase appetite. It is recommended to include lean meats, fish, light cheeses, low-carbohydrate fruits and vegetables in your diet. Meals should be taken frequently, but in small portions.

You need to get at least 8 hours of sleep a day. This will help overcome depression, and therefore the craving for sweets.

In the first time after childbirth, active sports are not encouraged. But you can do aerobics with gradually increasing load at home. Exercises such as bending and twisting the body, shallow squats, and leg lunges help burn fat. In addition, walking in the fresh air is beneficial.

Very often, young mothers after childbirth are faced with the problem of excess weight. And it can be extremely difficult to get rid of these unnecessary pounds in the future. In general, weight gain is quite natural. During pregnancy, the body accumulates the reserves it needs, which later help to grow and give birth to a strong baby. Well, it will take time to restore your previous figure.

The answer to our question must be sought during the period. Doctors note that during this period it is normal to “acquire” an extra 15 kilograms. Graceful young mothers often gain more than girls with heavier builds. During pregnancy, a large percentage of the kilograms gained are the weight of the fetus and amniotic fluid, as well as the uterus and placenta. In the body of the expectant mother, the volume of blood and intercellular fluid increases.

There are cases that pregnant women gain more than normal. This is explained by the restructuring of hormones, as well as as a consequence of overeating and self-indulgence. Sometimes a woman may feel that she should eat as much as possible. But in reality, you should consume 300 calories more than normal. If the expectant mother was underweight before pregnancy, then 800 calories should be added to the norm.

Remember that overweight mothers have a greater risk of having a baby with pathology, and excessive weight can cause diabetes. Also, if a woman gains a lot of size after her first birth, this can affect subsequent pregnancies. There is a high probability that they will pass with complications. Doctors also advise sticking to the norm of gaining kilograms because their excess can cause varicose veins. A large baby may also be born, increasing the risk of complications during childbirth.

How the legend's parameters are gradually returning

A woman who gives birth immediately loses about 5 kilograms in weight, and over the next few days, she still gets rid of three, this happens due to a decrease in the volume of intracellular fluid. But this does not guarantee that the woman will return to her usual weight. It will take a couple of years to regain your former harmony. The remaining excess kilograms that remain in the body are needed by the body during lactation. When a young mother monitors her diet and feeds her child, she can lose up to 7 kilograms in six months.

Women who refuse breastfeeding have the opportunity to lose weight much faster. To do this, you need to follow a diet and exercise. But remember that you cannot lose weight too quickly. The balance of hormones after childbirth is restored slowly, and it takes a couple of years to return to normal.

Why do women sometimes fail to lose weight during breastfeeding?

Often young mothers have a question: “Why does a woman gain weight and not lose it during breastfeeding?” Experts explain this by eating large amounts of food and a sedentary lifestyle.

During pregnancy, the body gets used to eating more than usual, and in the future continues to require additional portions of food. Sometimes relatives can also “help” in gaining excess weight by slipping high-calorie foods to the mother so that the baby later receives more nutrients through milk.

A woman who has given birth completely changes her usual way of life and does not even have time to do gymnastics at home, let alone visit the gym. Therefore, they accumulate, and it is no longer possible to get rid of them without effort.

Another reason why a woman gains weight after childbirth is postpartum neuroendocrine syndrome, popularly known as postpartum obesity. It is caused by the fact that the level of some hormones in the body increases, and, conversely, decreases in others. Often this syndrome appears in women who gave birth with complications. Such obesity is accompanied not only by the rapid addition of new kilograms, but also by a disruption in the menstrual cycle. Blood pressure also rises, headaches appear and the temperature rises. The treatment process uses diet therapy, standardized physical activity and medications.

It happens that a young mother begins to sharply limit herself in food while breastfeeding. This should not be done, as the child may feel a lack of protein. But you shouldn’t go to the other extreme and try to eat as much fat as possible in order to increase the fat content of your milk.

The female body is designed in such a way that the composition of breast milk is optimal for the baby; it should not be “improved” artificially. All fatty foods consumed will subsequently “settle” on the hips and waist. Therefore, it is necessary that the diet includes vegetables, fruits, meat and dairy products. You should try to exclude sugar and confectionery products. It is ideal if a young mother eats small portions, as often and regularly as possible.

You should not take any weight loss pills or tea after giving birth. They have not been fully studied and it is unknown how they will affect the child if they get to him with milk. If the birth went without problems, then you can safely start charging after a couple of days. This will help you recover faster.

Having examined why a woman gains weight after childbirth, experts advise adhering to a few simple nutritional rules.

  • First, you need to eat slowly, without being distracted by a book or TV. This way the body will feel full faster.
  • Secondly, it is worth using steamers, pressure cookers and those utensils on which you can cook food without the use of fats.
  • Thirdly, if your meal does not arrive on time, but you still feel hungry, you should drink a little water, this will stop your appetite for a while.
  • Fourthly, you should not finish eating after your child.
  • And probably most importantly, you should avoid eating after 7 pm. If you really want to eat, then you can allow yourself an apple.

How not to gain weight after childbirth is a very relevant question for all young mothers. After all, every woman after the birth of her baby wants to become slim and fit again as quickly as possible. But, unfortunately, not everyone loses weight as quickly as they want, and some experience the exact opposite result - the weight does not go away, but rather increases. Why does this happen, and are there ways to speed up the weight loss process?

The answer to this question depends on 2 main circumstances: whether the woman is breastfeeding, and how much time has passed since birth. If a woman is not breastfeeding and feels well, you can try the diet that best suits your taste. For nursing mothers, the diet is more likely to do harm than good. Milk may become tasteless and low in fat - and a hungry child will quickly refuse the breast. The best option is to adhere to the diet that doctors recommend for nursing mothers so as not to gain weight. By the way, it is very similar to the diet of pregnant women. If you followed it, then, most likely, you did not gain many kilograms (10-12), which means you will lose them quickly, and with almost no effort, provided you continue to eat properly. A very important condition is that weight loss should occur gradually - a maximum of 1 kilogram per week.

A woman who has gained a lot of weight after childbirth must ensure regular physical activity to get rid of excess weight. To many, this advice will seem stupid - after all, young mothers are constantly on the move. But this is not always the case, fortunately or unfortunately... Probably, almost every home already has modern household appliances that make housekeeping less energy-intensive. You can even buy a crib for a baby with an electronic rocking system; let’s leave aside vacuum cleaners that can clean themselves, dishwashers and washing machines with many functions, and other units. If this sounds like you, don't worry! You can lose weight in a more pleasant and healthy way for you and your baby - with the help of walks. This is certainly more interesting and safer than standing near the stove. The greatest number of calories can be “burned” by walking quickly, but this is not suitable for a young mother with a baby in a stroller, so we choose the option of slow but long walks. It is recommended to walk with your child every day for at least 2-3 hours, and this is quite enough to keep yourself in good shape and not gain weight.

As for physical exercise. Athlete mothers can rush into physical activity, which can potentially lead to lower back pain and provoke uterine bleeding (if less than 2 months have passed since birth). Women who have had a caesarean section need to be very careful (they need to take care of the suture and, of course, do not pump up their abs for the first few months). It is better to postpone fitness rooms for six months after giving birth, and gradually get involved in sports.

Few people assume that among the reasons why people recover after childbirth are some less pronounced psychological disorders. Many young mothers, especially those who gave birth for the first time, experience postpartum depression. As a result, ladies stop taking care of themselves, and find pleasure only in watching their favorite TV shows and delicious high-calorie food. Meanwhile, you need to look for pleasure in something completely different... For reference, active sex can “replace” a walk. So, there is no need to neglect yourself and deprive yourself of pleasure due to overprotection of the baby and other reasons that contribute to the development of depression.

Monitor your appearance and weight the same way as before pregnancy, and then you won’t have to think about how not to gain weight after childbirth. And it’s very easy to find an incentive - for example, you can buy a beautiful evening dress in a smaller size.

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The birth of a child is a great joy for a woman. But very often, when she gets on the scales after giving birth, she sighs: “Goodbye, figure, forever.” It is generally accepted that a woman who gives birth will never again have that slender waist that she was proud of as a girl. Is everything so hopeless, and why do we often gain unwanted kilograms along with the desired child? We will talk about this with the head of the department of obesity and metabolic diseases of the Endocrinological Research Center of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Svetlana Aleksandrovna BUTROVA. Pregnancy gone - kilograms left

WHY does a woman gain weight after childbirth: does some kind of restructuring occur in the body or is it all a matter of genetic predisposition? Or maybe a change in lifestyle or nutrition plays a role?

Everything you listed can serve as an impetus for weight gain after childbirth - as a rule, it is a combination of reasons. It is important what weight a woman had before pregnancy. If she was prone to being overweight, then in 60–70% of cases after childbirth she develops obesity. The second factor is heredity: here you need to look at mom, dad, and grandparents. If one of them was excessively obese, then the woman in about half of the cases risks “losing her figure” after the birth of the child.

It should be taken into account that during pregnancy noticeable hormonal changes occur - the body needs a large amount of estrogens, under the influence of which the uterus grows, the mammary glands develop, progesterone is intensively produced, which allows the fetus to develop and remain in the uterus. In other words, at this moment the woman’s body is oversaturated with hormones, which creates objective preconditions for obesity.

Problems arise if these prerequisites are superimposed on certain heredity and other unfavorable factors. One of these factors is the lifestyle that the expectant mother begins to lead. It is believed that a pregnant woman should eat “for two”, move less, and during the period of feeding the baby, she also should not deny herself extra food and drink, supposedly to improve lactation. All of these are misconceptions that contribute to maintaining excess weight. And as obesity develops, other mechanisms come into play: in particular, the adipose tissue itself actively produces hormones, which in turn provoke further fat deposition, closing a vicious circle.

If you want a child, lose weight

MAYBE it’s okay if a woman gets fat after giving birth? A big, soft, warm mother - what could be more beautiful...

Still, as a doctor, I cannot agree with this. Any obesity is fraught with very serious diseases - cardiovascular disorders, hypertension, diabetes. And, what is also important, problems with conception may arise - after all, obesity has the most negative effect on reproductive function. Let's not forget that the ovaries are the same endocrine gland as the pancreas, thyroid, and adrenal. And, like all of them, it is regulated by pituitary hormones.

With obesity, cells lose sensitivity to one of the most important hormones - insulin. Due to an increase in insulin levels, the normal functioning of ovarian hormones, which are directly involved in the process of egg maturation, is disrupted. Obesity thus significantly increases the risk of infertility.

The process of ovulation regulates the menstrual cycle (normally it fluctuates with a difference of up to 3 days). Therefore, any violations are immediately reflected in the monthly chart. Sometimes they disappear for several months or, conversely, heavy uterine bleeding occurs. Against this background, cosmetic problems arise - excessive growth of body hair, the appearance of acne, seborrhea.

Therefore, women who are obese often turn to us not only because of their appearance, but also because of problems in women's health and infertility. By the way, in girls with excess body weight, although menstruation occurs earlier, in the future it often occurs irregularly, with delays or bleeding, that is, hormonal disorders can already form at this age.

- Convinced. Then tell me, when should you start worrying? When can weight gain be seen no longer as cute fatness, but as an alarm signal?

There is such a thing as body mass index. It is calculated as follows: BMI = body weight (in kg): height (in m)2. If the result is within 20–25, this is normal body weight. From 25 to 30 means that you are overweight, the so-called pre-obesity, which, as a rule, threatens further weight gain. If the indicator is 30 or higher, this is already obesity, requiring treatment. These calculations are suitable for women not younger than 18 and not older than 65 years.

Let's take into account that women gain weight in different ways: if fat is deposited mostly in the upper part of the body, the risk of hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, and diabetes increases. If at the bottom, there will be problems with joints and veins. In case of obesity of the first type, it is necessary to take especially urgent measures to lose weight.

Hurry without haste

Does all this MEAN that as soon as a woman gives birth, she should immediately take care of her figure?

If you mean rapid weight loss, then of course not. During pregnancy, a woman will definitely gain weight - well, if not more than 12 kg, and mainly in the second half of the term. After childbirth, hormonal changes return to normal within about two years. During this time, women who do not have metabolic problems return to their “pre-pregnancy” state without any extra effort.

Others may have difficulties - not only will they not lose the kilograms they have gained, but they will also add more to them. They often gain weight after their first pregnancy, but about a quarter of women gain weight after their second birth. This happens if, having a predisposition to obesity, a woman also eats irrationally and moves little. A lot depends on this, since even a hereditary predisposition to obesity can be cured with a correct, rational lifestyle.

During feeding, you cannot sharply limit yourself in nutrition - the child will immediately feel a lack of protein and other necessary substances.

You should not drink pills or teas that promise quick weight loss - the composition of such drugs has not been fully researched, and you will not know how they affect the child if they are passed on to him with milk.

Immediately after giving birth, you should only make sure that your daily menu includes dairy and meat products, vegetables and, to a limited extent, fruits. That is, the diet should be varied, but moderate, and, of course, you need to exclude everything fatty, rich, sweet, and not overeat.

You need to devote at least half an hour a day to physical activity. At first it’s just gymnastics for the muscles of the pelvis, perineum, and chest, which will help you recover after childbirth. Later you can afford more intense exercise. Young mothers often say: “All I do is toss around all day long: cooking, washing, changing clothes, walking, and I can’t sleep at night either!” All this is vanity, which in no way will help you lose extra pounds.

Of course, not everyone can afford to go to the fitness room: it takes time and money, in addition, there is no guarantee that the trainer will correctly select the load for a woman who may have problems with blood vessels, joints, and pelvic organs after childbirth. Therefore, the simplest and most effective is daily continuous walking for 30–40 minutes at a speed of 100 steps per minute (if shortness of breath does not occur). You need to walk at least 5-6 times a week, otherwise there will be no result.

In addition, you can add exercises on the treadmill, cycling, tennis, and skiing in winter. Swimming is an excellent fat-burning remedy, but under one condition - if you surf the surface of the pool for 40 minutes, and do not talk at the side with a friend. In addition, swimming whets the appetite for many, so if you binge on food after it, the effect may even be the opposite - your weight will increase.

By following the recommendations for a balanced diet, you can safely lose up to 10-15% of your weight in six months (2-4 kg per month), but then you need to take a break - for at least six months, and then decide whether you need to lose weight further . And only if, after making efforts, you have not lost a kilogram within six months, you should consult an endocrinologist.

Obesity is a disease that lasts a lifetime and is prone to repeated relapses. This means that if you lost weight, but later changed your healthy lifestyle, the weight will return again. Women come to us who have lost weight 5-6 times, but later returned to their original state or even worse. And each time the body becomes more and more difficult to change. That's why, if you decide to change yourself, then first of all change your lifestyle. This should not be a “campaign” to lose weight, but a new ideology, a new attitude to life, new habits that will accompany you from now on and forever.

Important advice about breakfast and lunch:

1. Don’t change your lifestyle suddenly, otherwise stress will sooner or later make you eat even more. Start small - refuse to eat after 19 hours, replace chocolate and cakes with several caramels, exclude pastries, sausages, and lard from your diet.

2. Gradually move to a daily menu, which will include 3 main meals and 2 snacks.
For example:
Breakfast - milk (not creamy!) yogurt or oatmeal with 1.5% milk with banana slices.
Lunch - 1 piece of fruit or bread with jam and a cup of unsweetened tea or coffee.
Lunch - salad, a plate of soup (mushroom, fish, vegetarian), a piece of boiled beef (fish, poultry) with a side dish. 1-2 pieces of bread.
Afternoon snack - 1 fruit or glass of juice with a bagel.
Dinner - vinaigrette, or mushroom or vegetable hodgepodge, or vegetables baked with sour cream, ketchup or in their own juice. 1-2 pieces of bread.

3. Always have frozen vegetables in the refrigerator for soups and side dishes, milk yogurt, 1.5% milk for cereals, and low-fat cheese.

4. Limit vegetable oil to 1 tablespoon. spoons a day. Don't pour it from a bottle, use a measuring spoon.

5. Fry vegetables in a non-stick pan. Buy a steamer for meat dishes. Season salads with lemon juice or 10% sour cream.

6. Drink water if you are hungry and it is not time to eat yet.

7. When you decide to eat, put down the book and turn off the TV: focus on food.

8. Eat slowly, savoring every bite.

9. After 7 pm, leave the kitchen - even if your husband has to eat dinner alone.

10. Don’t go to the store hungry, buy groceries according to a pre-prepared list. If your husband loves “dangerous” products, let him buy them for himself.

11. Don’t finish eating after your children and husband, don’t liken your stomach to a garbage can.

12. Find a hobby that you indulge in in moments of boredom, laziness, or bad mood - the most dangerous moments for overweight people.

13. Agree with your family about the help and moral support they should provide you in losing weight.

There is a legend that all women recover after childbirth. This is a deeply erroneous opinion. Look at the animals: have you ever seen a dog with flabby sides? Only the one that the owners feed incorrectly. This is impossible to see in nature. The same goes for monkeys, with whom we are extremely similar. Why do young mothers get fat?

During pregnancy, relatives stuff the expectant mother, saying: “Now you need to eat for two!” Thus, they hint that the woman now bears responsibility for the life and health of the future person. There is, of course, some truth in this: the calorie content of a pregnant woman’s diet should correspond to that of a miner. But it’s not “for two”!

Indulging in all women’s whims without exception, many “stuff” a woman with cakes, chips, sausage and other foods harmful to a pregnant woman. Sometimes such care has a disastrous result: the woman is so “scarred” before giving birth that the baby sometimes cannot even be born on its own. So what about the time when the baby is born? The “snowball” of accumulation of fatty deposits after childbirth will not only not resolve on its own, but will also begin to grow further at a rapid rate. Therefore, you need to start thinking about your figure after childbirth even during pregnancy.

  • Nutrition

But many women during pregnancy follow all the nutritional rules prescribed by doctors. However, one should take into account the fact that a pregnant woman’s diet is higher in calories than a woman’s normal diet. After giving birth, her diet must change radically. But this is where an already established habit can play a role. The woman still eats “from the heart,” although her body has already been freed from the load placed on it.

As difficult as it may be, after giving birth you should radically change your attitude towards food. The situation is more complicated with nursing mothers. Now they have another concern: to make sure that healthy milk is always ready in the breast for the baby. And here again, many make the mistake of eating too much high-calorie food.

You don't need to eat a lot to produce milk. In the diet of a nursing mother, preference should be given to dairy products, soups, lean meats and vegetables that do not cause intestinal relaxation in the baby. Also, to normalize milk production, proper rest, good sleep and daily walks in the fresh air play a huge and perhaps the most important role. Nervous breakdowns, and especially stress, have a negative impact on both the quantity and quality of milk and on the woman herself. It’s no secret that ladies often, in order to calm their nervous system, open the refrigerator in search of something tasty...

Exercises to avoid gaining weight after childbirth

In addition to nutrition, every woman, especially those who have just given birth, simply need daily exercise. After childbirth, this is especially true because the abdominal muscles are extremely weakened, which is why the stomach does not keep its shape and even sags. Therefore, the main exercises during exercise should be those that form the abdominal press.

For example, lying on your back and raising your legs bent at the knees, “pedal” them, imitating riding a bicycle. Or, clinging your hands to the headboard of the bed and holding your shoulders, turn your torso to the right side, fixing the position with the inside of your left knee, touching the bed with it. Then do the same to the left side. This exercise should be done at least 10 times a day. These are the most gentle “physical training tasks.”

Later you can move on to heavier loads. Lying on your back and fixing your arms along your body, lift both legs at once. Then lower them smoothly, but not all the way. That is, without letting your legs touch the bed, lift them up again. You should start performing this exercise 4 times, increasing the number of lifts by one every day.

Of course, massage will also have a positive effect on the body and will help not only restore stretched and weakened muscles, but will also break down already deposited fat masses, improve blood circulation in the body, and help bring the skin to the state it was in before pregnancy. And there’s no need to talk about the effect that massage will have on mommy’s nervous system and vitality!