
Techniques for improving memory and attention in adults. Good exercises for training memory and attention. Assessment and training with tests


How to quickly develop your memory and attention? The special techniques described in the article will help with this.

If a person experiences a sharp deterioration in memory and attention, absent-mindedness appears and sleep is disturbed, then doctors talk about signs of asthenic or asthenoneurotic syndrome. If, simultaneously with the above signs, the pulse changes, the pressure jumps, sensations of heat or cold appear, redness or pallor of the skin and headaches appear, then the doctor makes a diagnosis such as astheno-vegetative syndrome.

To diagnose the causes of memory impairment, it is necessary to consider the background against which the asthenic syndrome arose. Usually, during diagnosis, the doctor asks about the presence of symptoms of other diseases.

So, if the question arises as to why memory and attention have deteriorated, you should think about your health:

  • severe stress or increased stress leads to overwork of the nervous system
  • lack of vitamins and microelements indicates dysbacteriosis
  • hormonal disorders lead to malfunction of the thyroid gland

Important: If your pace of life has not changed and you are eating right, then you can assume the appearance of an infection or exacerbation of any chronic process in organism. Prolonged depression also causes memory and attention impairment.

What to do if symptoms of memory and attention deterioration appear? Consultation and treatment are as follows:

  • Consult a doctor: therapist, neurologist or neurologist
  • Rest, adjust your diet, give up bad habits
  • Take the vitamin complex for a month if you have no contraindications
  • Take blood tests (general and biochemical), urine (general), blood sugar, do an ultrasound of the thyroid gland

Important: If you have examined your body, taken a complex of vitamins and are eating right, but absent-mindedness and memory impairment have not disappeared, then consult a psychiatrist. Masked depression may occur with such symptoms.

Remember: Deterioration of memory and attention in old age is difficult to treat, and the same symptoms during pregnancy lead to carotid artery disease.

Test your attention and memory - write the names of the capitals

If you want to test your memory and attention, you can do this in different ways. For example, read a simple poem once or twice, close the book, and try to repeat the lines.

Another way: write the names of state capitals on a piece of paper, and thus test your attention and memory. Put what you wrote aside and try to repeat everything in order.

List of capitals:

  1. Norway - capital Oslo
    2. Finland - the capital of Helsinki
    3. Estonia - capital Tallinn
    4. Latvia - capital Riga
    5. Lithuania - capital Vilnius
    6. Poland - capital Warsaw
    7. Belarus - capital Minsk
    8. Ukraine - capital Kyiv
    9. Abkhazia - capital Sukhumi (Sukhumi)
    10. Georgia - capital Tbilisi
    11. South Ossetia - capital Tskhinvali (Tskhinvali)
    12. Azerbaijan - capital Baku
    13. Kazakhstan - capital Astana
    14. China - capital Beijing
    15. Mongolia - capital Ulaanbaatar
    16. North Korea (DPRK) - capital Pyongyang

It should be noted: These are states that border Russia on land. If you want to write even more capitals, then highlight the states that border seas and oceans. For example, Japan - capital of Tokyo And United States of America (USA) - capital Washington, and so on.

A simple test will help you know whether your memory is good or not. Answer questions truthfully and compare results.

  1. When leaving home for work, do you often remember that you didn’t turn off the iron or other electrical appliances or gas?
    Answers: 1. No, this doesn’t happen 2. Often 3. Happened several times.
  2. Do you write down a grocery list when you go to the store? 1. No 2. Always 3. If you need to buy a lot of food.
  3. Has it ever happened that you forgot to complete someone's errand?
    1. No 2. Yes 3. Rarely.
  4. Do you remember the names of all the children with whom you studied in the same class?
    1. Yes 2. No 3. Only those who lived in my house.
  5. Have you ever experienced such a state when you read a text, you don’t think about what you read, your thoughts are busy with something else?
    1. No 2. Always 3. If excited.
  6. Can you remember in detail any of your birthdays, for example, your 18th birthday?
    1. I remember well 2. No 3. I remember, but without details.
  7. If you are a witness, can people rely on your testimony?
    1. Yes 2. Hardly 3. Sometimes.
  8. When meeting a new person, do you always remember his name?
    1. Always 2. No 3. I only remember names.
  9. Can you remember the names of all your school teachers?
    1. Yes 2. I doubt it 3. Only some.
  10. Do you remember the essay topic for the final exam?
    1. Yes 2. No 3. I remember something.


  • If you have chosen answer No. 1 7 or more times, then we can say with confidence that you have a good memory. It's easy for you to remember not only people's names, but also their faces.
  • If you only chose answer No. 1 5 times, and the rest were answers 2 or 3, then you already need to purchase a notebook. You often forget other people's errands, and when meeting someone you may forget the person's name. Train your memory to feel more confident.
  • Did you get more answers #2 or #3? You urgently need to visit a doctor to check your health. You have signs of asthenic syndrome.

In pharmacies you can find many different vitamins that help restore concentration. These complexes contain all the necessary microelements to improve the functioning of the brain and nervous system, such as vitamins.

Everything about vitamins for attention and memory for adults is written in. It describes in detail in what doses microelements and amino acids should be taken.

With the arrival of school time, the load on the child's body increases. Accordingly, memory, attention and concentration deteriorate. The child wants to sleep longer and has no desire to learn homework. How can I help my child to make it easier for him to learn?

Doctors advise children to take vitamins for attention and memory twice a year. These can be any vitamin complexes that contain various microelements and amino acids: VitaMishki, Pikovit, and others.

Important: If your child refuses to take vitamins in tablet form, then you can choose a suspension or chewable candies.

To have a “clear” head and always remember what is necessary, you should watch your diet. After all, it has long been known: “We are what we eat.”

If you eat fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts, fish, eggs and chicken, your memory will improve and you will be able to “shine” smart thoughts when needed. What other foods exist for memory and attention are discussed in the article about the right food for the brain.

The brain is constantly adapting and changing, even in old age. Therefore, it is important to work on improving its performance. Traditional methods are great for this.

How to improve memory and attention using folk remedies? For several centuries, people have been observing the effects of certain herbs on our body. So, for better brain function, the following herbs and inflorescences are used:

  • Clover. A tincture of the flowers of this plant will help relieve tinnitus, reduce intracranial pressure and improve memory. Recipe: into a liter jar, fill it halfway with clover flowers, and fill it to the top with vodka. Leave for 2 weeks, then strain, and take 1 tablespoon once a day. After 2 weeks of taking the medicine, take a break of 10 days and continue treatment again.
  • Elecampane root. Prepare a tincture of elecampane, which gives strength. Recipe: Pour 1 tablespoon of dried elecampane roots into a glass bottle. Pour two glasses of vodka over them. Leave for 1 month, strain and consume 1 tablespoon 2 times a day. Carry out this treatment for 30 days, once a year.
  • Red rowan bark. It improves memory and increases concentration. Recipe: Pour 1 tablespoon of the bark of this tree into 1 glass of boiling water and heat over the fire for 10 minutes. Turn off and leave the broth until it cools completely. Take 2 tablespoons 3 times a day. Carry out treatment 2 times a year for 20 days.

Remember: Such decoctions are contraindicated during pregnancy and heart failure. Consult your doctor before starting treatment!

When brain activity is inhibited, doctors often prescribe intramuscular injections. But these drugs are available by prescription and are prescribed only in the most difficult cases.

Important: Do not self-medicate! If the doctor deems it necessary, he will prescribe injections to improve memory and attention. But most often, herbal tablets are used to restore this function.

Above we described how to prepare tinctures from plants that will help restore brain activity. But you can produce herbal decoctions for memory and attention, which will help the brain work well with their aromas and beneficial substances. These herbs include:

  • Ginko biloba. Contained in the preparation "Ginko biloba". This herb helps activate cerebral circulation and ensure the delivery of oxygen to cells.
  • Rosemary. The essential oils of this plant contain antioxidants and carnosic acid, which help expand cerebral vascular tissue.
  • Ginseng. An excellent brain stimulant that increases human performance.
  • Gotu Kola. This plant is called the “memory herb” due to its ability to increase mental activity and speed up thinking processes.

Every person wants to be more attentive and active, but fatigue and memory impairment prevent them. However, modern medications will help improve brain function.

Important: They can be purchased at a pharmacy without a prescription, but you must first consult a doctor.

Pills and medications for improving memory and attention in adults help supply oxygen to the brain. Cells receive nutrients, brain function improves. What medications you can take and what their effect is, read the article about on the same site.

Games that develop memory and attention - adults

Our memory is inextricably linked with attention. Therefore, to improve memory, games that require maximum concentration are often used. They help you concentrate and make your brain work at full capacity.

Games that develop memory and attention for adults:

  • Sudoku is a famous number puzzle. This game can be found on the pages of magazines, newspapers or in separate collections.
  • Puzzles is a puzzle game that is considered a timeless classic. Voluntary attention and perception of individual elements develop, which need to be remembered by color, shape and size.
  • Card games. Various solitaire games and other games help improve memory, since you need to remember all the cards, their location, and the moves of other players.
  • Crosswords and puzzles- long-term and short-term memory is trained.
  • Chess, backgammon, checkers- formation of an analytical mindset. Chess helps prevent Alzheimer's disease. In addition, such mental games activate cognitive functions and have a positive effect on the development of stress resistance.
  • Good for developing memory pronouncing simple words backwards. For example, owl, bowl, bark - avos, ashach, gurd, and so on.

Many adults are sure that it is better for children to train their memory by cramming poems, but this is already a thing of the past. For a long time, special games have been used to develop memory and thinking in children. They require special concentration, which means that brain cells begin to work.

For more details about games for children that develop memory and attention, read about proper stimulation of a child for development and cognitive activity.

The brain is a computer, its possibilities are limitless. But it requires constant training, memorization and perception. Therefore, every day you need to perform simple exercises that allow you to develop both hemispheres of your brain.

Develop your logic, solve math problems, solve puzzles and take vitamins. This will help develop memory and improve attention at any age. Read in detail about attention in adults in another article.

When playing with a child to develop memory, an adult unwittingly forces his brain to work. There are special cards for developing memory and attention. Print them out and practice with your children.

Disorganization, forgetfulness and the inability to remember necessary information negatively affect a person’s daily life. Modern people must be able to quickly remember and process information.

How to quickly develop memory and attention? Use these methods:

  • Make associations, rather than memorizing information thoroughly from beginning to end. After all, in order to remember, the brain will have to use more departments responsible for a certain function.
  • Pay attention to various little things. Thanks to mindfulness, the brain knows what information it needs to retain and what to discard.
  • Use visual, auditory and motor memory simultaneously. For example, solve some difficult examples by talking out the steps, imagining them in your head, and writing them down on paper. This will help you figure out what type of memory you have developed best.
  • If all the previous methods seem complicated and do not help in memory development, then cram everything: poems, short texts, sets of numbers. This way you will learn to remember information, and then proceed to other methods that help the brain process certain data.
  • Structure your data- this makes them easier to remember. Organize information “on shelves”. For example, “compress” a large text that needs to be remembered to the most important thing. Memorize the formulas along with the solutions.

Always work on improving your brain activity. As you walk down the street, try to find windows with red curtains. This method of finding objects based on a specific feature helps train attention. You can quickly improve your memory with this detail focusing exercise.

Video: Phenomenal memory. How to develop phenomenal memory?

Revolutionary discoveries of how our memory works and how to remember! For many people this will be a real discovery.

People don’t have bad memory, we just haven’t been taught how to use it correctly. Our memory works great. In this article you will find the most effective and interesting exercises and video training to train memory and attention.

Based on the storage time of information, the following are distinguished:

Long-term memory
Short term memory
Instant or iconic

In long-term memory, information is stored for years and decades. The last thing a person will forget is the sounds of his own name. Long-term memory only stores what we use regularly and what we constantly think about.

In short-term memory, information is retained for several minutes, hours, days, sometimes weeks. Then, as it is no longer needed, it “evaporates.” The brain does not like to store what the owner does not use. He wastes too much energy and valuable substances. One of the ways to quickly become dumb is to strain your memory as little as possible. Don’t learn anything, don’t read new books, speak in short, primitive phrases.

Instantaneous memory is so named because it stores information in the literal sense of the word instant - seconds, fractions of a second. This memory works when the brain assesses the situation at a road intersection, follows a fast-moving object, and reads a text. While we look at the page, our brain remembers the outlines of a large number of letters, words and phrases, but as soon as we take our eyes off the page, most of the pictures disappear from instant memory.

The more developed a person’s instant and short-term memory, the greater the chance of replenishing long-term memory. Short-term memory is the entrance gate of long-term memory, and long-term memory is the entrance gate of intelligence. To have a beautiful, slender, muscular body, you need to exercise and regularly exercise your muscles. Same with memory. Memory training is nothing more than its use, application, constant practice of memorization. The best option is to learn poetry. This expands vocabulary and increases the area of ​​contact between nerve cells in the brain.

Memory training exercises:

Exercise “House of Memory”

Try to name from memory the names of all the poets or writers that you can remember. If you were able to recall at least 12-15 authors without much difficulty or inhibition, then this is not bad at all. In addition to the names of poets, you can name concepts from any field (female and male names, pieces of furniture, indoor plants, all concepts related to mathematics, fine arts, etc.)

Exercise “Concentration on the task”

A simple exercise that will help you develop the habit of concentrating on a task is to say words backwards.

Love - Wobuhl
Piano – Oninaip
Skyscraper - Börksoben
Painting – Anitrak
Ceiling – Kolotop

Dar Rad, etc. Let's move on to two-syllable words:

Horns - Agora
Nebo - Aubin
Mountain - Arog

It would seem like a primitive children's exercise! But it trains visual memory. It’s not so easy to retain the word “metropolis” or “chess” in your imagination without the skill. As soon as you try to pronounce these words backwards without looking at the recording, you will have difficulties. What to do about it? Break the mental task into blocks.

Chess = checkmate

First you need to make sure that your brain sees three separate parts of the word: chess. You can break the word differently, by syllables: chess. In any case, you need to hold three fragments in your imagination. Memory and attention are trained tremendously! If three syllables are already fixed in your mind’s eye, it won’t be difficult to read them backwards: there's hash there.

Exercise “Cellular Toking”

What I now advise you to do will look strange. However, “it’s the same” will help.

a) Increase the speed of thinking and improve attention

b) reduce the time on the image-word path (and therefore increase reading speed)

c) Experience how your memory strains (some will frankly “slow down” while performing this simple task).

As fast as possible call it out loud all the objects that you see in front of you. Here I see, for example:
Monitor, mirror, wristwatch with leather belt, cell phone, measuring tape, floor lamp, webcam, three pencil holders, books, planners, cactus, etc.

You can list items with or without descriptive characteristics: speakers, pillow, sofa, wall, frame, medal, photograph, comb, etc.

This exercise is fun to do when there is at least one spectator. Observe yourself: after what time you “deflate”, the pauses between words will increase and you will begin to hum and help yourself with gestures. You can and should “milk” your brain cells regularly.

In this case, the rate of synthesis of substances necessary for cells increases, and neurons get used to working not at half capacity, but at full capacity. Give them intense cross country more often and they will thank you. You will quickly select arguments in a dispute and think better, and you will stop suffering from absent-mindedness and forgetfulness. Your brain's reaction in stressful situations, such as an impending traffic accident, can become lightning fast.

Exercise “training the second hemisphere.”

This is for those who like to train their memory in a non-standard way, namely: develop the right hemisphere of the brain. It is responsible for the work of the left hand. It is not always possible to find time to train your left hand. But if you tie the training to everyday activities that you still have to do every day, then your brain will begin to develop rapidly. For example: washing dishes, cleaning the bathtub or sink, you can adjust the computer mouse for your left hand, try to write with your left hand, etc.

Exercise “Roman Room”

This is a technique for remembering anything. Product list,
Tony Buzan writes about the “Roman Room” in books on improving memory. Like, the ancient Romans used it to remember important events, replacing a diary. According to Busien, a Roman room can be your office, bedroom or childhood room, or your car. You can learn how to perform this exercise correctly by watching this video.

The question arises, “Won’t the memory become cluttered with all these objects?” But memory mechanisms are more perfect than they might seem. As soon as we complete the task, the memory immediately gets rid of the unnecessary image without any effort on our part. If we do not use some information, our brain, like a zealous owner, immediately gets rid of it. That is why, after retirement, people rapidly lose their professionalism. If you remain silent for a year, you will forget how to speak.

Memory training at home:

1) Read new information every day.

2) After watching films and programs, mentally “replay” them in your head from beginning to end.

Do you remember the name exactly? Did you pay attention to the names of the director and actors? Weren't you interested or is it all due to banal inattention and laziness?

3) Keep the list of what you need to buy in your head, not in your pocket.

5) Try to remember the names of: mutual acquaintances, including casual ones, family members of your superiors. This saves nerves and improves blood supply to the cerebral cortex.

6) Remember all the necessary phone numbers.

7) At the end of the day (you can in bed) recall the events of the day from the very morning.

This is valuable not only for memory training, but also for analysis - did I structure my day in the best way? Remember in great detail the events of the last hour, if you are unable to read and time is running out through no fault of yours.

8) Remember birthdays, daily and weekly schedule.

This doesn't mean you should give up planning on paper, but it's better to have a copy in your head.

9) Speak without a cheat sheet

10) Keep a notebook for interesting facts, ideas, links, quotes, so that you can use them on occasion."Speed ​​Memory".

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The effectiveness of any activity, problem solving and personal development depend on the knowledge and skills that are stored in our memory. This is the basis of everyday and professional experience, the ability to learn new things, and even intelligence. After all, how productive and creative our thinking will be depends on the volume and variety of available information. People are well aware of the importance of the processes of remembering, storing and reproducing information, so the question of how to improve memory always remains relevant.

Psychologists define memory as the ability of a living organism to store and then use the results of its experience. In humans, this process can be either involuntary, unintentional, or purposeful, voluntary and conscious. Memory includes 4 interconnected processes:

  • memorization
  • preservation,
  • reproduction,
  • forgetting.

Yes, yes, forgetting also relates to memory, and you must agree, it is not always assessed as evil - there are situations in life that we would like to forget about as quickly as possible.

The quality of our memory depends on all processes, and a failure at any of its levels can create serious problems. Therefore, memory development exercises concern both memorization and the preservation and reproduction of information.


This is the main process that ensures the consolidation of information entering the brain. When people talk about their desire to improve their memory, they mean the process of memorization. Several factors contribute to its success.

  1. Connection of new information with existing information. Our memory is largely associative in nature - we remember better and faster what causes us some kind of associations, that is, new knowledge clings like hooks to what is stored in experience. It turns out that the more a person knows, the easier it is for him to remember new things.
  2. Incorporating information into activities. When memorizing information, connections between neurons appear in the cerebral cortex, and if we constantly use new knowledge, these connections are reinforced, and new data or skills are remembered faster and retained longer. Moreover, this means not only external, objective activity, but also mental activity, therefore, semantic memorization of a text is much more effective than mechanical repetition.
  3. Significance of information. Awareness of the importance of new knowledge creates an attitude towards the need to preserve it. Therefore, if you, trying to remember something, grumble to yourself that you will never need it, then you yourself are preventing the retention of information.
  4. Emotional coloring. Events and information associated with vivid experiences are remembered best, not only positive, but also negative. A surge of emotions creates a strong focus of excitation in the cerebral cortex, resulting in concentration of attention, which contributes to more successful memorization.

The preservation of information largely depends on these same factors, because, you see, you really want to remember everything you need for a long time. But the preservation process itself has a number of features that should be remembered.


Retaining information is no less important than memorizing, but it is often forgotten. Thus, before an exam, a student is focused specifically on memorizing, and not on long-term retention of the material; as a result, new knowledge quickly “disappears” from the head. It’s good if you can convey it to the examiner. Problems with storing information are related to the fact that a person has several levels of memory, which differ precisely in the duration of information storage.

  • Random access memory is the shortest, it serves human activity and is needed to store information about operations. For example, when reading a text, we must retain the words of the sentence in memory for some time, otherwise we simply will not understand it. But this type of memory has nothing to do with long-term storage of information.
  • Short-term memory provides short-term, up to several seconds, storage of information entering the brain from the senses. This is the time to assess the need for information and begin processing it. If the data is not considered necessary, and you have not begun to think about it, comprehend it, analyze it, then it does not linger in memory.
  • Long-term memory is responsible for long-term storage of information. If the data received by the brain is included in mental activity, and the movements that need to be remembered begin to be repeated and practiced, then they are sent to long-term storage.

It is the processes of information processing and its storage in long-term memory that should be developed and improved. This is what we will talk about.

Mnemonics techniques and memory development exercises

If you think that you have memory problems (and, unfortunately, many people think so), then most likely you are mistaken. In a mentally healthy person, memory impairments are rare, and your problems with remembering information are associated with a banal inability to organize this process.

Most people have been convinced since school that memorization comes down to repeating information multiple times. And if you can remember a few phrases or a poem in this way, then trying to remember, for example, the material of an entire textbook in your head a few days before the exam becomes an almost impossible task.

Repeated repetition is the most time-consuming and least effective method of memorization, although in some cases it can be used both to preserve information and to develop mnemonic abilities - Mnemosyne was considered the muse of memory in Ancient Greece.

At the same time, in the era of Antiquity, a whole art of memorization arose - mnemonics, and the first mnemonics techniques were developed to facilitate the work of our memory.

Associative-figurative memorization

Our memory is associative in nature, so in order to remember something, you need to take care of vivid associations. Image associations are best remembered, since operations with images are a very ancient form of thinking. So, many people have problems remembering numbers, for example, a phone number, an Internet password, etc.

Memorizing numbers

This problem can be dealt with by replacing numbers with images.

  • For example, the number 2882199 can be remembered as: “Two cheerful geese lived with grandma.” “Two” - 2; two “eights” - “two cheerful”, “two” - a goose, 199 - a granny with a twig.
  • Or another example. Phone number 324-17-05 can be turned into a funny picture: three geese were sitting on a chair, and a hunched over granny with a stick brought them a dish and a ladle.

The main thing is that the images are bright and memorable. This method, at first glance, seems complicated, but it not only helps to remember numbers that have no meaning and stimulates memory, but also develops it. It can also be used as an exercise to develop imaginative thinking and imagination.

If a person is dominated not by figurative, but by logical thinking, then he can be recommended a technique in which numbers are replaced not by images, but by words. You need to select words depending on:

  • their individual characteristics;
  • interests;
  • professional activity.

So that they are close to you, and the phrase as a whole makes sense.

One option: choose words that begin with the same letter as the number. For example, the number 25709 can be remembered using the phrase: “Come on, let’s go, Semyon, to work.”

In mnemonics, words are of great importance, since, due to the characteristics of the human psyche, they are universal means of coding.

There are many special formulas for memorization, for example, the well-known phrase: “Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant sits,” designed to retain in memory the order of the colors of the spectrum or rainbow.

Memorizing text or semantic memorization

It is better to remember a large amount of information according to its meaning, that is, having previously processed it, analyzed it and understood it. Most often, problems arise precisely at the level of understanding, since this seems to be a rather labor-intensive task that requires intense mental activity. This is true, but you remember: any processing of information contributes to its better memorization and retention. Therefore, when memorizing complex text material, you need to fulfill a number of conditions.

  • Tune in to the importance and necessity of the information you want to remember.
  • When reading a complex text, “translate” it into a more understandable language. You can even replace scientific terms with colloquial words and jargons; if you succeed, then you understand them.
  • Divide the text into meaningful pieces, identifying the main idea in each of them.
  • Supplement dry theoretical material with your own examples, especially good if they are related to your professional activities or everyday experience.
  • Ask questions to yourself, your imaginary interlocutor, or the author, and try to answer them. Argue with the author, express your point of view, try to find some new thought-associations that are not in the author’s text.

Write down the main ideas of the test and your thoughts, summaries, remarks. This is not only additional processing of information - notes will help you refresh information and remember material. It’s not for nothing that experienced teachers say that a well-written cheat sheet ensures memorization of the material. Only the cheat sheet must be written independently.

Such mental work will not only allow you to understand and retain information, but will also make the process of memorization exciting and interesting, which cannot be said about stupid, meaningless cramming.

It is important to remember that mnemonics is an art, and it is based not so much on knowledge of memorization techniques, but on the active work of thought, interest and connection to the process of memorization of imagination and creativity.

Try to use these techniques constantly so that meaningful memorization becomes a habit and becomes part of your work with information. And you will very quickly understand how much easier it has become for you to remember even the most complex material, and your memory has become more developed and organized.

Yuri Okunev School

Hello friends! I am with you, Yuri Okunev.

Memory and attention training in adults was already a topic, where I focused mainly on memory. Today we will talk more about attention.

Grab a pen and paper and think back on the last week. Count how many times you:

  • Late for work (or an appointment);
  • Forgot to submit an important report at work (or pass on information to a colleague);
  • We lost our keys, glasses, cell phone, and then spent a long time trying to find it;
  • Forgot to buy something at the store;
  • Missed an important call;
  • Didn't take the pill on time.

How is it going? Did you count? How many do you have? More than three? Get started immediately!

Respect your body

The reasons for lack of attentiveness are often:

  • Lack of sleep;
  • Insufficient rest, poor health;
  • Stressful situations;
  • Lack of interest, boredom;
  • Clutter in the room, disorganization.

It must be said that these harmful factors affect everyone, but trained attention copes with them much easier.

Learn to concentrate on what you are doing. Clean up your home and your workplace, make a competent daily plan, and your attention will be freed up for new and important tasks.

By doing simple concentration exercises every day, you will begin to notice more details around you and firmly retain the necessary events in your memory.

You can take tests to find out if you have good attention. Well, now let’s figure it out: how can we develop attention?

Play logic games

How long have you played dominoes? What about checkers? Don't you know how to play them?
Good old games that used to be in every yard and every home, such as:

  • Checkers;
  • Domino;
  • Backgammon;
  • Lotto;

All of them contribute to the development of mindfulness. In addition, these games teach you, first of all, to manage your emotions, not to show fear in a losing situation and delight in anticipation of victory. They develop inner peace in the players, as well as willpower and perseverance.

Playing cards is also a good way to train concentration and speed of attention switching.

Exercise “Curious”

Go outside. While watching passers-by, try to accurately remember the facial features, details of clothing, and gait of everyone who comes towards you. Look On sky. What's the weather like today? Are there clouds or is the sun shining? How does the shadow of objects fall? What color is the roof of the neighboring house?
Listen to surrounding sounds. What do you hear? The sound of passing cars? Birds chirping? The voices of children walking home from school? Focus your attention on increasingly quiet and unnoticeable sounds.
Arriving home try to remember every detail, people met, phrases heard. This method helps improve perception and increase attention and memory.

Exercise "Green Dot"

A more complicated version: when contemplating a point, we try to see the lines of text, expanding our gaze from the center to the periphery.
Do the exercise every day for at least 3 months. You will notice that inner peace, tranquility, and clarity of thinking have appeared.


This method allows you to increase the speed of switching attention.
While reading any text, try to count the words at the same time.
Can you do this for 2 minutes? Check if you can retell the content of what you read? Have you lost count?

Learn languages

Another great mindfulness exercise is to study foreign languages. Unfamiliar and unusual information gives a good load to the brain, forcing attention and memory to develop.
First of all, you need to overcome the fear of a new language, tell yourself: “You can do it!” Then set a goal and weigh your options. And move-move-move in a given direction, applying all your efforts and will.
The result will not be long in coming! You will see how easy everything is and how much pleasure it gives you.

Use the Vikium service

From the previous article you learned about the intensive course "Phenomenal memory for busy people" from the Russian record holder for memorization Stanislav Matveev, and today I’ll remind you that there is also a “light option” Russian service Vikium provides you with online methods for developing memory, attention and thinking.

Testing, training, competitions - everything is designed with maximum user convenience and in accordance with modern scientific achievements in the field of psychology. I recommend. You can read more.

I guess that's all for today. I look forward to your questions and suggestions in the comments. Write how else you can train attention and memory. Don't forget to subscribe to receive updates. Bye everyone!

The correct technique for training memory and developing attention are important components for people who keep their brain functioning in good shape and do not want to forget anything. There is no bad or good memory - there is one that needs training. Therefore, the question “how to train memory?” is relevant for modern people. After all, every day we are faced with a wealth of information that requires sorting, and important information that requires memorization. In this article we will look at how and with what methods you can improve memory performance.

According to the type of information perception, the classification consists of the following types:

  • Instantaneous memory is an evaluative memory that lasts literally seconds. It works when we cross the road and look to see if there is an oncoming car, or when we add up numbers in our heads.
  • Short-term view is information that we receive from external stimuli. The storage period for information is 3 months. Before the brain is freed from unnecessary memories, a decision is made at the neural level whether to transfer the received information to long-term memory or not.
  • Long-term type – information that has been selected from a short-term type. We can reproduce it in our heads as many times as we like, remember it for months and even years.

The better the instantaneous and short-term view is developed, the easier the information transfers into the long-term. And the more information we have in long-term memory, the more intellectually developed we become.

From birth, every person has one or another type of memory predominant. When you use advanced memory techniques correctly, you will remember much more.

But this does not mean that you can not train other types and use only one. Quite the contrary, to effectively perceive information, you need to use all available brain resources.

Methods and techniques for memory training

There are many ways to train your ability to remember. They are aimed at one end result - assimilation of information in long-term memory and filling gaps in an underdeveloped type of memory. The methods described below are basic. Only after mastering them can you move on to difficult exercises.

  • Mindfulness based method.

Attention is the main component of brain and memory functioning. If there is no concentration on the object, then there can be no question of any memorization. Therefore, it is important to direct your attention to what you need to remember, backing it up with specific goals. For example, to learn traffic rules, set yourself the following goal: the more attention I focus on the rules now, the more I will learn, and the less problematic I will pass the exams.

  • Association based method

Associations form a connection between short-term memory and what has already been stored in long-term memory. Since the new perceived object is already reinforced in long-term memory, it requires less effort and time to remember it. The main thing is that the association should be clear and easy to understand.

  • Repeat information method

It is based on periodic reproduction of the received data in short-term memory for better assimilation in long-term memory. The newer the information received, the more concentration and repetition will be required.

These methods can be used in everyday life or to perform specific exercises aimed at developing memory.

Above, we agreed that short-term and long-term memory are distinguished, and that one is directly related to the other. Of course, you can train both, but for each there are different techniques and exercises, which we will consider below.

How to train short-term memory

The short-term memory training technique is based on the method of repeating information. Let's look at some exercises you can use to improve your short-term memory skills:

  • “Fibonacci Technique” - imagine a sequence of numbers, where each number is the sum of the previous two. For example: 1+1=2, 1+2=3, 2+3=5 i.e. the sequence is – 2, 3, 5, etc. Do this exercise 30 minutes a day and you will notice how over time indicators of attention and short-term memory will improve.
  • Mnemonic exercise “20” - ask a friend to write 20 unrelated words on a piece of paper. Then take a sheet and try to learn them in order in 1 minute. For the best effect, use the associative memorization method.
  • Exercise “Paragraph” - take a book and open it to a random page. Find a paragraph in it - up to 4 lines, read it and try to repeat it without the book. When you can retell small paragraphs, move on to larger ones.

How to train long-term memory

To train long-term memory, similar exercises are used, aimed at storing data for a longer time. An effective method is constant repetition of information. Learn poems or special materials for work and study by heart. It doesn’t matter what, the main thing is the process of concentrating on what you are learning. For better assimilation, speak the information out loud and in your head.

Here are some exercises that will help you develop your long-term memory:

  • Make a wish for an object that you see several times a day and try to visualize it - remember its quality properties, appearance. Make the description as accurate as possible.
  • Make a list of things to do for the day on paper in random order. Remember it, and during the day, without resorting to writing, organize these tasks in a sequence that is productive for you.
  • Choose the picture that you like best. Describe what you see on it. The next day, in addition to remembering the previous description, you must supplement it with new characteristics. Do the same the next day. When you realize that you have run out of ideas for describing the painting, move on to a new one.

Memory training in older people

In old age, brain function noticeably weakens. This is due to the fact that the ability of nerve cells to respond to external and internal stimuli decreases, as a result of which brain activity decreases. In addition to deterioration in memory, there is also a loss of concentration. But this does not mean that these processes are a consequence of the disease, or that the situation cannot be improved. Let's look at ways to train memory in older people:

  • Collect puzzles. Choose the picture you like and go ahead! Just don't start with large and complex ones, because they may be difficult to assemble, and you will get tired of such an activity.
  • Before you go to bed, sort through the events of your day: remember the things you did, who you met, what you talked about. The more detail you remember, the better.
  • Come up with 5-10 words for each letter of the alphabet. This exercise will take time, but at the end of it you will feel the active work of your brain!
  • Play board games - chess or checkers. Pay special attention to concentration when coming up with moves. Solve crosswords, scanwords. By playing for 30 minutes every day, you will activate your attention and memory process.

Programs for the development of memory and attention

In the age of computerization, programs for the development of the brain and memory designed for PCs have become widespread.

  • MemoryTester – tests that will help to objectively assess the capabilities of the brain. Based on the results, you will find out what type of memory you should develop to a greater extent.
  • Mnemonics is a program designed to practice memorizing numerical information. In order to quickly operate with numbers, the program offers to recode them into words according to a special code.
  • “Luntik. “Training memory and attention” - to develop thinking in children, the online version of this game is suitable. Luntik will help your child test his mathematical abilities and attention skills by completing tasks during the gameplay.
  • VisualRepSystem is a program designed to develop visual memory.
  • Language Memory Bomber is a program for learning foreign words using visualization methods and associative series.

Thus, the development and training of memory is an integral part of the effective functioning of the brain. Everyone can have their own memory training technique, the main thing is to choose it correctly, and then it will bring positive results. You can use all the methods proposed in the article, or do only one exercise - it’s up to you, but do not forget that for visible results you need to practice developing your abilities regularly.