
Moldavian folk tale: a wonderful treasure. A wonderful treasure (Moldavian fairy tale) How the brothers found their father's treasure analysis


Once upon a time there lived one person. He had three sons. He was a diligent and hardworking man, he never sat idle. He worked from morning until late at night, not knowing he was tired. Hastened everywhere.

His sons were tall, handsome, strong, but they did not like to work.

The father worked in the field, in the garden, and at home, and the sons sat under the trees in the shade and chatted or went to the Dniester to fish.

Why don't you ever work? Why don't you help your father? their neighbors asked.

Why should we work? sons answered. - Father takes care of us!

So they lived year after year.

The sons grew up, and the father grew old, weakened and could no longer work as before. The garden around their house was deserted, the field was overgrown with weeds.

The sons see this, but they do not want to work.

What are you, sons, sitting idle? their father asks. - While I was young, I worked, and now your time has come.

We will have time to work, - the sons say in response.

The old man felt bitter that his sons were such lazybones. He fell ill with grief and fell ill.

This is where the family fell into poverty. The garden was all overgrown, wild, nettles and quinoa grew in it, so that because of them even the house could not be seen.

One day the old man called his sons and said to them:

Well, sons, my hour of death has come. How will you live without me now? You do not like to work and do not know how.

The hearts of the sons sank, they wept.

Tell us, father, something in the end, advise something! asked the older brother.

Good! - said the father. - I'll tell you a secret. You all know that your late mother and I worked tirelessly. Over the years, we have accumulated wealth for you - a pot of gold. I buried this pot near the house, but I don't remember where. Look for my treasure, and then you will live without knowing the need.

The father said goodbye to his sons and died.

The sons of the old man were buried, they grieved. Then the older brother said:

Well, brothers, we have come to great poverty, we have nothing even to buy bread. Do you remember what your father said before he died? Let's look for the pot of gold!

The brothers took spades and began to dig small holes near the house itself.

They dug and dug, but they couldn't find the pot of gold.

Then the middle brother says:

Brothers! If we keep digging like this, we'll never find our father's treasure. Let's dig up all the earth around our house!

The brothers agreed. Again they took up their spades, dug up all the earth, but they did not find a pot of gold.

Eh! - says the younger brother, - let's dig up the earth again, but deeper! Maybe my father buried the pot of gold deep.

The brothers agreed. They really wanted to find their father's treasure!

Everyone got back to work.

The older brother was digging, digging, suddenly his shovel came across something large and hard. His heart began to beat, he rejoiced, he called to his brothers:

Rather, come to me: I found my father's treasure!

Came running middle and younger brothers began to help the elder.

They worked and worked and dug out of the ground not a pot of gold, but a heavy stone.

It was a shame for them, they say:

What should we do with this stone? Do not leave here. Let's take him away and throw him into the ravine!

And so they did. They removed the stone - and again dig the earth. We worked all day, we forgot about food, about rest! They dug up the whole earth again. The earth became lush and soft. But the pot of gold was never found.

Well, - says the older brother, - we dug up the earth - it should not be empty! Let's plant grapes on this land.

Yes, the brothers say. At least our labors will not be in vain.

They planted vines and took care of them.

A little time passed, they grew a large and good vineyard. Ripe juicy, sweet bunches.

The brothers gathered a rich harvest. We kept as much as we needed, and sold the rest - we got a lot of money.

Then the older brother said:

No wonder we dug up all our land: we found in it a precious treasure, about which our father told us before his death!

And they began to live, live and make good.

Once upon a time there lived one person. He had three sons. He was a diligent and hardworking man, he never sat idle. He worked from early morning until late at night, not knowing he was tired. Hastened everywhere.
His sons were tall, handsome, strong, but they did not like to work.
The father worked in the field, in the garden, and at home, and the sons sat under the trees in the shade and chatted or went to the Dniester to fish.
Why don't you ever work? Why don't you help your father? their neighbors asked.
- Why should we work? sons answered. - Father takes care of us!
So they lived year after year.
The sons grew up, and the father grew old, weakened and could no longer work as before. The garden around their house was deserted, the field was overgrown with weeds.
The sons see this, but they do not want to work.
- Why are you, sons, sitting idle? their father asks. - While I was young, I worked, and now your time has come.
“We’ll have time to work,” the sons say in response.
The old man felt bitter that his sons were such lazybones. He fell ill from grief and fell ill.
This is where the family fell into poverty. The garden was all overgrown, wild, nettles and quinoa grew in it, so that because of them even the house could not be seen.
One day the old man called his sons and said to them:
- Well, sons, my death hour has come. How will you live without me now? You do not like to work and do not know how.
The hearts of the sons sank, they wept.
- Tell us, father, something in the end, advise something! asked the older brother.
- Good! - said the father. - I'll tell you a secret. You all know that your late mother and I worked tirelessly. Over the years, we have accumulated wealth for you - a pot of gold. I buried this pot near the house, but I don't remember where. Look for my treasure, and then you will live without knowing the need.
The father said goodbye to his sons and died.
The sons of the old man were buried, they grieved. Then the older brother said:
- Well, brothers, we have come to great poverty, we have nothing even to buy bread. Do you remember what your father said before he died? Let's look for the pot of gold!
The brothers took spades and began to dig small holes near the house itself.
They dug and dug, but they couldn't find the pot of gold.
Then the middle brother says:
- Brothers! If we keep digging like this, we'll never find our father's treasure. Let's dig up all the earth around our house!
The brothers agreed. Again they took up their spades, dug up all the earth, but they did not find a pot of gold.
- Eh, - says the younger brother, - let's dig up the earth again, but deeper! Maybe my father buried the pot of gold deep.
The brothers agreed. They really wanted to find their father's treasure!
Everyone got back to work.
The older brother was digging, digging, his shovel suddenly stumbled upon something large and hard. His heart began to beat, he rejoiced, he called to his brothers:
- Rather, to me: I found my father's treasure!
The middle and younger brothers came running and began to help the older one.
They worked and worked and dug out of the ground not a pot of gold, but a heavy stone.
It was a shame for them, they say:
What should we do with this stone? Do not leave here. Let's take him away and throw him in a ravine!
And so they did. They removed the stone - and again dig the earth. We worked all day, we forgot about food, about rest! They dug all over their land again. The earth became lush and soft. But the pot of gold was never found.
- Well, - says the older brother, - we dug up the earth - it should not be empty! Let's plant grapes on this land.
“Yes,” the brothers say. At least our labors will not be in vain.
They planted vines and took care of them.
A little time passed, they grew a large and good vineyard. Ripe juicy, sweet bunches.
The brothers gathered a rich harvest. We kept as much as we needed, and sold the rest - we got a lot of money.
Then the older brother said:
- No wonder we dug up all our land: we found in it a precious treasure, about which our father told us before his death!

Dear friend, we want to believe that reading the fairy tale "Wonderful treasure (Moldavian fairy tale)" will be interesting and exciting for you. It is amazing that with sympathy, compassion, strong friendship and unshakable will, the hero always manages to resolve all troubles and misfortunes. And a thought comes, followed by a desire, to plunge into this fabulous and incredible world, to win the love of a modest and wise princess. Despite the fact that all fairy tales are fantasy, however, they often retain the logic and sequence of events. "Good always conquers evil" - this foundation is built on, like this one, and this creation, from an early age laying the foundation of our worldview. play an important role in children's perception visual images, which, quite successfully, abounds this work. Probably due to the inviolability of human qualities in time, all morality, morality and issues remain relevant at all times and epochs. The fairy tale "A wonderful treasure (Moldavian fairy tale)" is certainly useful to read online for free, it will bring up only good and useful qualities and concepts in your child.

Once upon a time, there was only one person in the world. He had three sons. He was a diligent and hardworking man, he never sat idle. He worked from morning until late at night, not knowing he was tired. Hastened everywhere.
His sons were tall, handsome, strong, but they did not like to work.
The father worked in the field, in the garden, and at home, and the sons sat under the trees in the shade and chatted or went to the Dniester to fish.
Why don't you ever work? Why don't you help your father? their neighbors asked.
Why should we work? the sons answered. “Father takes care of us!”
So they lived year after year.
The sons grew up, and the father grew old, weakened and could no longer work as before. The garden around their house was deserted, the field was overgrown with weeds.
The sons see this, but they do not want to work.
- Why are you, sons, sitting idle? their father asks. “When I was young, I worked, and now your time has come.”
“We’ll still have time to work,” the sons say in response.
The old man felt bitter that his sons were such lazybones. He fell ill with grief and fell ill.
This is where the family fell into poverty. The garden was all overgrown, wild, nettles and quinoa grew in it, so that because of them even the house could not be seen.
One day the old man called his sons and said to them:
Well, sons, my hour of death has come. How will you live without me now? You do not like to work and do not know how.
The hearts of the sons sank, they wept.
- Tell us, father, something in the end, advise something! asked the elder brother.
- Good! - said the father. - I will reveal to you one secret. You all know that your late mother and I worked tirelessly. Over the years we have accumulated wealth for you - a pot of gold. I buried this pot near the house, but I don't remember where. Look for my treasure, and then you will live without knowing the need.
The father said goodbye to his sons and died.
The sons of the old man were buried, they grieved. Then the older brother said:
- Well, brothers, we have come to great poverty, we have nothing even to buy bread. Do you remember what your father said before he died? Let's look for the pot of gold!
The brothers took spades and began to dig small holes near the house itself.
They dug and dug, but they couldn't find the pot of gold.
Then the middle brother says:
— Brothers! If we keep digging like this, we'll never find our father's treasure. Let's dig up all the earth around our house!
The brothers agreed. Again they took up their spades, dug up all the earth, but they did not find a pot of gold.
- Eh! - says the younger brother, - let's dig up the earth again, but deeper! Maybe my father buried the pot of gold deep.
The brothers agreed. They really wanted to find their father's treasure!
Everyone got back to work.
The older brother was digging, digging, suddenly his shovel came across something large and hard. His heart began to beat, he rejoiced, he called to his brothers:
- Hurry to me: I found my father's treasure!
The middle and younger brothers came running and began to help the older one.
They worked and worked and dug out of the ground not a pot of gold, but a heavy stone.
It was a shame for them, they say:
What should we do with this stone? Do not leave here. Let's take him away and throw him into the ravine!
And so they did. They removed the stone - and again dig the earth. We worked all day, we forgot about food, about rest! They dug up the whole earth again. The earth became lush and soft. But the pot of gold was never found.
- Well, - says the elder brother, - we dug up the earth - it should not be empty! Let's plant grapes on this land.
“That’s right,” the brothers say. “Though our labors will not be in vain.
They planted vines and took care of them.
A little time passed, they grew a large and good vineyard. Ripe juicy, sweet bunches.
The brothers gathered a rich harvest. We kept as much as we needed, and sold the rest - we got a lot of money.
Then the older brother said:
- No wonder we dug up all our land: we found in it a precious treasure, about which our father told us before his death!

Once upon a time there lived one person. He had three sons. He was a diligent and hardworking man, he never sat idle. He worked from morning until late at night, not knowing he was tired. Hastened everywhere.
His sons were tall, handsome, strong, but they did not like to work.
The father worked in the field, in the garden, and at home, and the sons sat under the trees in the shade and chatted or went to the Dniester to fish.
Why don't you ever work? Why don't you help your father? their neighbors asked.
- Why should we work? - answered the sons. - Father takes care of us!
So they lived year after year.
The sons grew up, and the father grew old, weakened and could no longer work as before. The garden around their house was deserted, the field was overgrown with weeds.
The sons see this, but they do not want to work.
- Why are you, sons, sitting idle? - asks their father. - While I was young, I worked, and now your time has come.
“We’ll have time to work,” the sons say in response.
The old man felt bitter that his sons were such lazybones. He fell ill with grief and fell ill.
This is where the family fell into poverty. The garden was all overgrown, wild, nettles and quinoa grew in it, so that because of them even the house could not be seen.
One day the old man called his sons and said to them:
- Well, sons, my death hour has come. How will you live without me now? You do not like to work and do not know how.
The hearts of the sons sank, they wept.
- Tell us, father, something in the end, advise something! asked the older brother.
- Good! - said the father. - I will reveal to you one secret. You all know that your late mother and I worked tirelessly. Over the years, we have accumulated wealth for you - a pot of gold. I buried this pot near the house, but I don't remember where. Look for my treasure, and then you will live without knowing the need.
The father said goodbye to his sons and died.
The sons of the old man were buried, they grieved. Then the older brother said:
- Well, brothers, we have come to great poverty, we have nothing even to buy bread. Do you remember what your father said before he died? Let's look for the pot of gold!
The brothers took spades and began to dig small holes near the house itself.
They dug and dug, but they couldn't find the pot of gold.
Then the middle brother says:
- Brothers! If we keep digging like this, we'll never find our father's treasure. Let's dig up all the earth around our house!
The brothers agreed. Again they took up their spades, dug up all the earth, but they did not find a pot of gold.
- Eh! - says the younger brother, - let's dig up the earth again, but deeper! Maybe my father buried the pot of gold deep.
The brothers agreed. They really wanted to find their father's treasure!
Everyone got back to work.
The older brother was digging, digging, suddenly his shovel came across something large and hard. His heart began to beat, he rejoiced, he called to his brothers:
- Rather, to me: I found my father's treasure!
The middle and younger brothers came running and began to help the older one.
They worked and worked and dug out of the ground not a pot of gold, but a heavy stone.
It was a shame for them, they say:
What should we do with this stone? Do not leave here. Let's take him away and throw him into the ravine!
And so they did. They removed the stone - and again dig the earth. We worked all day, we forgot about food, about rest! They dug up the whole earth again. The earth became lush and soft. But the pot of gold was never found.
- Well, - says the elder brother, - we dug up the earth - it should not be empty! Let's plant grapes on this land.
- That's right, - the brothers say. - At least our labors will not be in vain.
They planted vines and took care of them.
A little time passed, they grew a large and good vineyard. Ripe juicy, sweet bunches.
The brothers gathered a rich harvest. We kept as much as we needed, and sold the rest - we got a lot of money.
Then the older brother said:
- No wonder we dug up all our land: we found in it a precious treasure, about which our father told us before his death!

His sons were tall, handsome, strong, but they did not like to work.
The father worked in the field, in the garden, and at home, while the sons sat under the trees in the shade and chatted or went to the Dniester to fish.
Why don't you ever work? Why don't you help your father? their neighbors asked.
- Why should we work? - answered the sons. - Father takes care of us!
So they lived year after year.
The sons grew up, and the father grew old, weakened and could no longer work as before. The garden around their house was deserted, the field was overgrown with weeds.
The sons see this, but they do not want to work.
- Why are you, sons, sitting idle? - asks their father. - While I was young, I worked, and now your time has come.
“We’ll have time to work,” the sons say in response.
The old man felt bitter that his sons were such lazybones. He fell ill with grief and fell ill.
This is where the family fell into poverty. The garden was all overgrown, wild, nettles and quinoa grew in it, so that because of them even the house could not be seen.
One day the old man called his sons and said to them:
- Well, sons, my death hour has come. How will you live without me now? You do not like to work and do not know how.
The hearts of the sons sank, they wept.
- Tell us, father, something in the end, advise something! asked the older brother.
- Good! - said the father. - I will reveal to you one secret. You all know that your late mother and I worked tirelessly. Over the years, we have accumulated wealth for you - a pot of gold. I buried this pot near the house, but I don't remember where. Look for my treasure, and then you will live without knowing the need.
The father said goodbye to his sons and died.
The sons of the old man were buried, they grieved. Then the older brother said:
- Well, brothers, we have come to great poverty, we have nothing even to buy bread. Do you remember what your father said before he died? Let's look for the pot of gold!
The brothers took spades and began to dig small holes near the house itself.
They dug and dug, but they couldn't find the pot of gold.
Then the middle brother says:
- Brothers! If we keep digging like this, we'll never find our father's treasure. Let's dig up all the earth around our house!
The brothers agreed. Again they took up their spades, dug up all the earth, but they did not find a pot of gold.
- Eh! - says the younger brother, - let's dig up the earth again, but deeper! Maybe my father buried the pot of gold deep.
The brothers agreed. They really wanted to find their father's treasure!
Everyone got back to work.
The older brother was digging, digging, suddenly his shovel came across something large and hard. His heart began to beat, he rejoiced, he called to his brothers:
- Rather, to me: I found my father's treasure!
The middle and younger brothers came running and began to help the older one.
They worked and worked and dug out of the ground not a pot of gold, but a heavy stone.
It was a shame for them, they say:
What should we do with this stone? Do not leave here. Let's take him away and throw him into the ravine!
And so they did. They removed the stone - and again dig the earth. We worked all day, we forgot about food, about rest! They dug up the whole earth again. The earth became lush and soft. But the pot of gold was never found.
- Well, - says the elder brother, - we dug up the earth - it should not be empty! Let's plant grapes on this land.
- That's right, - the brothers say. - At least our labors will not be in vain.
They planted vines and took care of them.
A little time passed, they grew a large and good vineyard. Ripe juicy, sweet bunches.
The brothers gathered a rich harvest. We kept as much as we needed, and sold the rest - we got a lot of money.
Then the older brother said:
- No wonder we dug up all our land: we found in it a precious treasure, about which our father told us before his death!