
The devil sits behind him and whispers. Russian criminal tattoos Edit or delete this artwork


In the middle of the XIX century in the princely estate settled married couple Igor and Mimi Pototsky, passionately fond of occult magic. The future husband and wife met at a séance while traveling through Europe. And since then they have not parted. Their house was always full of guests, having fun, noisy and arguing about the afterlife, alchemy and recipes for salted mushrooms, as well as gypsies dancing and singing to the guitar. The latter presented the owner with a trained bear, which killed him and his wife. But evil tongues said that it was not at all with this, but with an evil demon summoned by the prince in order to ask him about the fate of mankind.
The spirit of the prince, who has since wandered like a ghost around the estate, has always been pompous and proud, imagining that he looks like Count Cagliostro. Although in reality this otherworldly creature had a very pitiful appearance due to its small stature and obvious deformity - the absence of half of the foot, either bitten off by a bear, or torn off by a demon, as a result of which this ghost always limped noticeably.
“You, my friend, have piled up utter nonsense here,” he said to himself, addressing no one knows whom, “you can’t mix garlic and mercury vapor together. It would be better to read the works of Paracelsus.

The spiritual incarnation of Princess Mimi after death, as during her life, smoked a pipe and agreed with her husband in everything, whom she simply adored, and constantly agreed with him, discussing his virtues with others without ceasing. At the same time, the ghostly princess emotionally waved her arms, as in her time, existing in the flesh, with the only difference being that after her tragic death, she no longer had arms from the elbow and below. But such ugliness did not stop her from gesturing at all, the most important thing is that in the mind of the ghost woman herself, her hands were in perfect order.

But let's get back to our story, because this restless couple, stuck between the astral worlds, was mentioned here not by chance. After all, it is with Prince Igor and Princess Mimi that the prehistory of those events, which will be discussed later, is connected ... Although, it didn’t even begin with them, but much earlier ...

A certain Andrey Pototsky, who lived in the estate in the 18th century (that is, a somewhat earlier extravagant couple), while still a young man, decided to travel to Egypt, then went to Turkey and the countries of the Arabian Peninsula, where he joined the secrets of magic. On the way to Morocco, he met with black sorcerers from the Scarlet Rose brotherhood. And it was they who gave him their mystical knowledge. The young man, having returned to Europe, founded his secret Order in order to convey the secrets revealed to him to the elect. The aforementioned prince and princess, who were born a century later, during their lifetime were members of this order called the Black Cross, being active successors to the work of their predecessor and ancestor. They conducted various kinds of mystical experiments, including those with the call, described already, of all sorts of otherworldly creatures, doing theosophy and other nonsense. From these ancestors, the descendants of the Potocki family inherited a whole library.

"I will not see the light that is dear to me. Spring without flowers, cattle without milk, women without shame, men without courage, captives without a king, forests without acorns, the barren sea, the false judgment of the elders, the wrong speeches of lawyers. Your friend will become a traitor, "and every child is a thief. Darkness hides the damned, the eyes are opened blind. And only the sounds of scratching sharp claws torment the unfortunate people who have lost their sight forever. And their souls will perish in the darkness," Victor read in an old book found in the attic.
Surviving the tragic deaths of his loved ones and unable to take revenge on the murderer Evgenia, who had fled from justice, he rushed around the deserted premises of this building in search of answers to questions, constantly asking higher powers about the reasons for the meaninglessness of life, accidentally discovered a library hidden from prying eyes behind a secret door with rare old books, including those on magic. And solely out of boredom, it hit him in the head to conduct an experiment to summon a demon. Although he did it not a bit without believing in the result.

“I ask the spirits of the afterlife for strength,
And only with their help will I achieve revenge.
A shameless killer roams the world calmly,
And his victim left the world, drowning in blood, unworthily.
I ask for sight, so that I can see what is hidden from my eyes,
For the villain to fall, smitten, all at once.
Give the weapon of vengeance into my hands,
So that space and time pierce in the darkness, ”he said the words of a magic spell ....
But as he expected, nothing happened, and no answer followed him ...

What is your name? - he whispered in confusion, addressing it is not clear to whom, but in the hope that someone still hears him.
- My name is LEGION, because there are many of us, - hissed a demon, with a goat's head and countless horns, arching in different directions, standing behind him. And two boar tusks protruded from its mouth.
But Victor did not hear his voice, just as he did not see that all sorts of vile creatures climbed on him from different angles, and their number was huge.
- What is our life? - Victor yelled at the top of his voice, frustrated by his apparent failure, he covered his face with his hands, and for no apparent reason fell into a violent frenzy, - A bunch of nonsense! Is there Providence that governs the destinies of people? And if there is, then why is it silent when lawlessness is happening all the time?

“Anton Fasitov, accused of 43 robbery murders committed by him in a state of depressive psychosis, was declared insane and therefore not responsible for his deeds,” the TV was broadcasting at that time, “Fasitov’s lawyer believes that his client has the right ...”.
What he had just heard aroused to the extreme the furious anger dormant in the bowels of the soul. young man who once lost his beloved. And really, what audacity! The killer of so many innocent victims is still entitled to something. And what are the rights of those who were killed by him and those who remained alive who mourn for them?
- Here you get it! Criminals! Their protectors! Corrupt judges are their protectors!!! Victor shouted in a crazy voice, firing at the screen from a toy gun, which, in the form of a prefix, was connected by a wire to the TV.

It happened rather instinctively, in some kind of thoughtless frenzy. Victor tried to deal with those people who were far away from him, but whom he saw on the screen. And of course, any person in their right mind could not even hope for any result ... But bloody people fell on the other side of the screen, screams were heard, an ambulance serena howled, and Victor could not immediately stop and come to his senses, continuing and continuing to create a bloody mess, not noticing that this was actually happening ... However, after some time, he nevertheless came to his senses, thinking about how and in what way this could have happened at all?

Being bored alone, he had long been addicted to playing the console, when turned on, a screen saver appeared on the display screen: a huge dilapidated church without a cross, the windows in which periodically opened and closed, and figures of victims appeared in them, in which he fired indiscriminately venting his impotent rage. Today, an image of Anton Fatisov appeared among the victims.
“The hall of the regional court, where the trial of a well-known maniac was held, was attacked by a violent terrorist who fled the scene in the confusion. The police are investigating…”
The announcer's voice brought Victor out of a semi-conscious state.
“Is this a dream or reality? So what happened?" thought pounded like a hammer in his temples, and his nose bled from tension.

"That's what they need! - he continued to think, wiping his red snot with a handkerchief, - But why? How could it even happen that my secret desire found its material embodiment?
- You're great! GREAT! - sounded a voice in his ears, which he took only for the course of his own thoughts, - Perhaps you came into this world for that, to put things in order here!
- I understood! Understood! - Victor croaked insanely laughing, - There is neither God nor the Devil! Only my will!
- Now you are ours! OUR! - the demon hissed gloatingly, - Darkness hides the damned. Eyes open unseeing. And your soul will perish in a hyena ...

The spirit of Victor's grandmother, watching this scene, howled plaintively:
"The dead wandered - and the white shroud
Worn along the streets of the capital.
Spots appeared in the sky in the sun,
Comets with a fiery tail, and fell
Bloody rain".
So howled Zinaida Pototskaya - another restless soul. The ghostly grandmother of Victor was an actress of the folk theater during her lifetime, therefore she always quoted poems and lines from plays and periodically applied to a vial of poison, which she drank in one of the rooms of this estate, after the betrayal of another lover - the red commissar, whose spirit is in the form Soviet army during the Second World War, he also wandered nearby and fired from parabellum.
- The restless enemy does not sleep! We mint a revolutionary step! Be vigilant, comrades! Vigilance! And again, be vigilant! Chatterbox is a godsend for a spy.

"Oh, speak! In your past life
Have you betrayed the gold to the earth,
For what, as they say, you ghosts,
Condemned to wander at night? the spirit of Zinaida continued to wail.
Behind her, not lagging behind a single step, crawled five souls of unborn babies - abortion victims, her children from unsuccessful lovers: two boys and three girls. They were able to pronounce only the abrupt: "Ma-ma", but they put into this word the whole wide range of feelings that overwhelmed them at a certain moment.

Continued here

Believe it or not, I can’t understand the synopsis for the film, which is written on brochures. Something about a mysterious guild of assassins and so on. Although in fact there is nothing like that. Here's a normal synopsis. John Wick is still moving towards his goal of revenge. Or rather, it remains to find only your car. When his soul calmed down again, he still decided not to return to his former life as a killer. But an unexpected call at the door and an old acquaintance still make John return to that very track. Now let's talk a little about the plot and characters. Santino knocked on John's door and demanded to repay the debt by killing his sister, to which main character refuses, and an old acquaintance burns down his house. What is the beauty of this film, a lot of rules and laws by which the criminal world lives. If you have made a blood oath, be kind to fulfill it, and then do whatever you want. But Santino does not understand that if he sticks a knife in the Devil's back, he will come for him. Lots of new characters and the old ones haven't been forgotten. It was very nice to meet Ian McShane, Lance Reddick and John Leguizamo in the same roles. As for the main character, he is, as always, incomparable. Now Keanu is assigned two chic roles, this is Neo from the Matrix trilogy and now John Wick. Reeves did a great job preparing for filming and it's impossible not to notice. When you see how he handles a weapon, one gets the impression that he never let go of it. A very colorful character, just like the actor. I would like to mention a few of the newcomers. This is Ruby Rose, who appeared in three films in two months: John Wick 2, X-Three: World Domination and Resident Evil: The Final Chapter. And by the way, all three performed very well. She is a good actress, and here she showed herself at a good level, although this time her heroine was mute. So how do you get around the fact that Morpheus and Neo are back together? Laurence Fishburne and Keanu Reeves haven't been on the same screen together in 14 years since The Matrix. I kept waiting for some references to the Wachowski painting, but there were none, and it's a pity. Lawrence is as young and handsome as always, and he plays the leader of a gang of homeless people who are so well armed. Who would have thought. Peter Stormare also got a small role, who also appeared on the big screen with Keanu in Constantine. Here he played brother Viggo, whose son in the last part annoyed John Wick. They will also show us that an ordinary bum, an artist, a businessman, etc. can turn out to be killers. So danger can lie in wait for you at every turn. And the end of the film will make your heart beat faster and live in anticipation of the next part. There is only one result for the film. Watch and only watch both parts, and wait for the third, because the authors wanted to make a trilogy. This picture has a very refined taste. There are no unnecessary words in the dialogues. The costumes of the characters add a touch of seriousness and beauty. The combat scenes and shooting are perfected to the smallest detail, the soundtrack with camera work also does not go unnoticed. Thank you for such a wonderful film Chad Stahelski.

Hello! In search of how to remove damage, I came to this site. And, I don’t know what, but, something hooked me and I couldn’t close the page. Only I was embarrassed by some records, it seems that dreamers write there. For some reason I want to tell a little about my problem and about myself. Don't take it as work. I am 21 years old. I am a fashion designer, artist and musician. I have been interested in magic since childhood, since the age of 6. We had books on magic at home, I studied them and put them into practice with interest. I can't say that everything worked out. It does not happen, especially since. But it was still very interesting. Most of all, I managed to do the rituals and spells myself, purely intuitively, and now I do as my inner voice tells me. Then she began to guess on the cards and it turned out very well for the child, but she quit, because in search of herself she became interested in religions and delved into Christianity. Then I tried myself in visualization, I tried to set fire to the hair of the person sitting in front of me in the minibus, I saw that it worked and the person began to scratch this place, then fidget, then quickly leaves.
I tried myself in black magic, but it feels like someone is not letting me do it. I am very good at reading people, I feel them.

I constantly have prophetic dreams, and I dream of situations that really happen, and at that moment I say, “Oh, I dreamed about it.” IN adolescence I found out that my great-grandmother was a black witch, far from being a kind person. I don't do much magic these days. Because I don’t see the point, the Internet is full of all sorts of conspiracies and other things, but it doesn’t work, it’s all nonsense. Sometimes I read runes and cast spells on them. But strength Lately lacks. I don't know where to get them from. Moreover, the situation is terrible in life. I have a husband. we have been together for 6 years and he and I love each other madly. But from the very beginning, there was one woman who, from my very birth, was determined that I should marry her son.

He helped me cope with difficulties and protect myself from ill-wishers, Amulet from the evil eye and damage. He protects a person from the forces of evil, Energy vampires at work and in the family, specially induced damage, and evil thoughts of enemies. View and order it only available on the official website

And she constantly went to her grandmother, who did all sorts of nasty things on me and on my husband. because
we are both strong energetically, we endured it all. Now one girl has appeared, her husband's classmate, as he says, was taken from the depths of the subconscious. His and her consciousness is filled with false memories of the past. And memories of our good past are being crossed out as if they never existed. He is torn, then he hates me, but with his mind he understands that he cannot live without me, but he is eager for her, then he hates her.
We already had several major quarrels, I don’t know how my heart survived and I still live. I had several attempts to kill myself, but something always stopped me. Moreover, I immediately remember my girlfriend when my husband and I found her dead. I know that my husband has fatal damage and love spells, a lapel is on me. And I don't know how to cope, I don't know who to turn to. There are no strong magicians in our region. And the damage is done. It feels like the devil sits behind him and whispers. Husband recently with emptiness in his soul. Says it's empty. I also feel it in myself, but I do not despair. Although I am surprised at myself how I still live, and how much strength I have.
The husband feels the power of a shaman in himself, he had shaman ancestors. And when he recently got in touch with the universe, he forgot everything he wanted to ask. Everything goes out of my head. I don't know how to overcome this. I will be grateful for any answer.
Sincerely, Guzel