
"Workshop of letters". Games and exercises for memorizing the visual image of letters. Methods for memorizing the graphic appearance of letters methodical development for reading (grade 1) on the topic Games for memorizing sounds and letters


Prepared by a speech therapist

I.P. Petenkova

If a child does not remember letters well, there are many different techniques to help remember the graphic image of the letters.

For example, letters can be sculpted from plasticine or salt dough, laid out from sticks, matches, mosaics, colorful laces and colored wire, cut out of colored paper, or burned on boards.

To form a stable graphic image of a letter (grapheme), you can invite the child to trace the convex outline of the letters with his finger, tactilely identify the "emery" letters. For these purposes it is useful to use tactile cards where the letters are made from various materials: cereals (beans, peas, buckwheat), textile materials (velvet, drape, silk), waste material(small diameter polypropylene tubes, caps, lids, foam sponges, etc.).

Useful to use the trick « dermolexia » when a teacher or parent draws a letter in the child's palm, and the child recognizes it with closed eyes, and you need to draw on the "leading" hand to stimulate the leading hemisphere.

Tasks that complicate the recognition of letters are useful, these are - « Strikethrough letters "," Different font "," Inverted letters "," Which letters are larger "," Superimposed letters "," Mirror letters ".

You can involve the child himself in the "creative creation" of letters - invite him to "Add a letter" by dotted lines, "Remake a letter" , by rearranging (shifting) the elements ("What needs to be done to make I from the letter L ?; from Ш - Ц? etc.)

To develop memory and attention, it is possible to use games with letters: "What letter is gone", "What has changed?" “Find the same one”, “Make friends two letters”, etc.

The game " Magic pouch» - where the child identifies plastic (metal) letters by touch, develops tactile memory, which is especially interesting for children of preschool and primary school age.

You can also use the technique when the child draws a letter with a pointer in the air, and an adult guesses it (and vice versa). You can "draw" letters on the back, guess by the verbal instructions - "This letter oval"," This letter consists of two crossed lines at an angle, "etc.

Find and paint the letters

Find and fill the vowels with red.

Find and fill in consonants:

Find and paint always solid consonants in blue.

Find and fill always soft consonants with green.

Find and fill in only the letters.

"Erased letters" (vowels)

Find out and name the letters

"Dotted letters" (consonants)

Find out and name the letters

"Noisy letters"

"Find the Spelling Letters"

When a child lives in the family preschool age he would rather show the world, tell what the alphabet is, learn the alphabet and numbers with them. But too early such activities will not bring any results, because physiological features children have not been canceled and they must be reckoned with.

For example, from the age of 2, a child consciously learns the world through touch, taste and vision, but it is almost impossible to interest him in studying at this time, since the child's mind does not yet understand the meaning of numbers and letters.

Learning letters with a child most often begins from the age of 4, because he is already beginning to analyze his actions and gradually understand why he needs to learn. Besides, it will take little time - 10-15 minutes a day.

At 6-7, children improve their memory, thinking and perception, so they are probably ready to play in school. So if before your kid did not show any interest in learning, now is the time to teach him new activities.

Maria Monsessori is a famous Spanish teacher who founded her own school for toddlers and proposed one of the most famous techniques that will help you learn the alphabet with your child through play. It consists of 4 parts and is designed for children of any age from 3 to 6 or even 7 years old.

Drawing in the sand - developing speech

Before a child can write letters correctly and quickly, he needs to develop the muscles of his hands and strengthen his fingers, which will soon have to hold a pen quite often. So the first Montessori game is finger drawings in the sand. If there is no opportunity to go to the beach, then it is enough to pour some semolina on a baking sheet on which the lesson will take place. Start drawing something simple, such as a smiling emoticon, a sun or a Christmas tree, and let your little one repeat everything after you. When you move on to more complex drawings, work with the child together: he drew the head, you drew the torso, and so on.

"Rough letters"

The next exercise that will help you learn the alphabet by playing is called "Rough Letters", which assumes the presence of special letters. You can buy them online or watch a video tutorial on how to make them yourself for your kids.

Next, we show the child one letter and tell how it is pronounced, then let the baby repeat the sound he heard behind you. At the end, be sure to give the opportunity to touch the card with the letter, while pronouncing its sound and showing the object that begins with the learned letter.

At a time, you need to work out three letters and at the beginning of each lesson, repeat what you have already learned. If the child has forgotten something from the past material, then feel free to add the forgotten "friend" to the new three from the alphabet.

All other developing ways of learning letters for kids can be read in the book by Marie-Helene Place "Learning Letters Using the Montessori Method".

Techniques and exercises for toddlers from 4 to 6 years old

Mosaic letters

As mentioned above, 4 years is the best period for learning and memorizing. At this time, it is already possible to use a mosaic, from which the child will have to put together the letter named by the parent. In a mosaic, it is easier to teach how to write letters with horizontal lines, and to complicate the task, ask to make a letter of a certain color, small or large.

"The alphabet from plasticine"

The next version of the game with a child already 5 and 6 years old is "The ABC from plasticine". Draw the outline of the letters on the sculpting board with a pencil and ask the kid to sculpt a certain letter from plasticine. Once you can learn them well, you can complicate the task by completing the task quickly. "ABC" is good for playing with a child because it helps to quickly memorize the alphabet and develop finger motor skills.

There are many more techniques that are suitable for young children. For some of them, you need to make "inventory" with your own hands in which videos from the Internet will undoubtedly help you.

Educational computer games for learning numbers

Children are very attracted to technology, including computers. And there is nothing wrong if girls and boys, starting from 4 years old, will learn and memorize numbers while playing on a laptop. After all, there are videos, techniques, online educational toys that can properly teach you to memorize numbers. For example, an online program where a child has to decorate a certain number in the color he likes and the more often he decorates it, the faster he will remember.

If your child is already 5–6 years old, then more complicated simulators are chosen, such as "Find a pair - addition", "Find a pair - subtraction" and with their help they study calculation and addition. These toys are made in the form of closed squares, which the player opens, remembers what is written there (for example, 7 + 3 =) and looks for the correct answer to it.

If you do not touch the computer, then simple exercises will help you remember the numbers. For example, while walking down the street, ask your child to remember the number of the car parked in the yard or find a specific number in it. Good for remembering from a young age funny rhymes, songs and counting rhymes that are easy to remember and tell about something interesting.

As you can see, there are a lot of ways to teach a child to pronounce letters, memorize numbers: the methods of popular teachers and psychologists (in addition to the work of Montessori, the methods of Zaitsev and Polyakov are common), educational videos, educational toys and exercises.

The techniques cope with their task, provided that educational process going right - do not force the child to study in bad mood, don't raise their voices, don't demand too much, and take pride in even minimal accomplishments. And most importantly, the chosen method must correspond to the age and abilities of the baby.

If you see that a preschooler is interested in learning, you want to constantly learn something new and quickly make out what is written on store signs, then the alphabet will be the ideal first book that the child will be interested in studying.

More and more modern parents are of the opinion that after three it is too late. The list of what exactly to inoculate late, is replenished ad infinitum, and the first points in it are occupied by the reading skill.

Although speech therapists and teachers sound the alarm: children who have learned to read at 2-3 years old do it mechanically, without comprehending what they read, without understanding what is written. Of course, it's nice to boast on the playground that your three-year-old son is already reading novels, but experts still recommend staying prudent and waiting until at least four years old.

There are several main signs that a child is psychologically and physically ready to learn reading.

  • The child speaks freely, pronounces all sounds clearly (no speech therapy problems).
  • He can carry out a sound-letter analysis of a word, distinguish "house" from "volume" both in sound and in meaning.
  • Can count how many syllables are in a word.
  • Distinguishes between right-left, top-bottom.

If your kid already has all these skills, you can buy primers. If you still have something to work on, we offer several interesting games that will help your child prepare for mastering reading.

1. Cheerful letters

Preschoolers easily learn everything in the game, so sculpt letters from plasticine, draw them, paint them (it is better with your fingers to connect and fine motor skills), display on semolina, fold from beads.

2. Find a pair

We prepare two sets of letters, we take out one from ours and ask the child to find the same one in his pile. If there is only one set, please draw it.

3. First letter

We take five pictures with different fruits. For example, orange, pear, kiwi, plum, peach. And we give the kid five letters (a, g, k, s, n), ask him to find the letter with which each word begins and connect them.

4. Words from letters

Take only those letters that the child has already memorized, start with simple ones - poppy, juice, cheese, cancer. Further complications can be made as needed.

5. Labyrinths

There are tons of inexpensive labyrinthine notebooks in bookstores. This game develops motor skills, attention, the ability to draw a continuous line well. It is necessary to ensure that the child changes the position of the hand, and not the sheet of paper.

6. Missing letters

This game is a little more difficult: you need to take a small text where letters are missing in the words and ask the child to find and insert the necessary ones. Alternatively, you can ask the child to cross out one letter in the text, in each word where it occurs. The text must be in large print.

7. Rope letters

Write a letter on the cardboard, invite the baby to apply PVA glue on it, and then attach a string. You can make several of these crafts. And then by groping, with closed eyes, determine where which letter is.

8. Subject ABC

Write the alphabet on a piece of paper. Prepare a box of different small items separately. It is necessary that the child decomposes each of the objects into the letters with which their name begins.

9. Letters on the back

Mom writes a letter to the child on the back with her finger, and he tries to depict it on paper or just guess. Then you can switch roles.

10. Bukvoyed

Write on a piece of paper the letters not completely, tell them that Bukvoyed ruined them and ask the kid to finish them. At the end, specify which letter you got.

In fact, there are a lot of options for games, and it all depends on your patience and imagination. You also need to gain optimism, because not everything our children succeed in the first time, and they need constant encouragement and attention.

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I am a journalist, translator, certified yoga instructor. But, perhaps, to a greater extent - the mother of two beloved children. The Imperfect Parents project is my attempt to find answers to my mother's questions. By virtue of my professions, I have the opportunity to communicate with specialists, masters of their craft. The results of our cooperation are on the pages of this site. I hope we answer your questions too ...

2. "Gifts"(idea spied)
Pumps love to inflate tires on a bicycle. When the pumps are running, they "sing" their favorite song - sound [S]: S-S-S. The pumps have a birthday today! Let's give them those gifts that have the sound [S] in their names! What will you give?

3. Gymnastics.
It's cold outside, the wind is blowing, it's snowing. Show how cold you are, shriveled up! Let's depict how we make a snowman on the street (imitate movement). We worked, warmed up, relaxed.

4a. "Traps"(very good !)
I will name different sounds, but if you hear the sound [S] among them, you must "catch" it by clapping your hands.
= mm-rrr-sss-t-s-p-f-sh-f-s
= mma-rrra-ta-ssa-fo-tu-pu-ky-su

4b. When you hear the words with the letter "S" - clap your palms!
= pine, vase, fox, Vasya, hare, lake, aspen

5. Ball game "Echo"(spied)
I will "throw" letters to you, and you return the syllables to me!
= c, a - ca
= s, and - si
= s, y - su
= c, o - co

6. Hard and soft "C"
* Read the syllables! ()

* Determine yourself in which words C is hard, and in which - soft! (you can ask the child to knock hard and weakly on the table, or stamp your foot and clap your hands, or put balls in different cups, or build a pyramid out of cubes, etc.)
- garden, crucian carp, rice, beads, blue, soup, titmouse, bullfinch, fox, Seryozha, forest, lilac, sour cream, middle, meat

7. Find the hidden letters "C". Circle them. ()

8. Color the bell with the letter "C".()

9a. Circle the outline of the letters "C".()

9b. The letter "C" ()

9c. Capital letter "C" ()

10. Find the letters "C"(taken)

11a. Worksheet on the letter "C" ()

11b. Worksheet from "Memorizing Letters"(found)

11c. Worksheet from Speaking Correctly

11d. Worksheet from "Learning Letters Playing"

12. Game "Echo"(spied)
I will pronounce the words, and you are the end of the word (these individual words will begin with the letter C) (it is best to prepare slides).
= badger (bitch), place (one hundred), sand (juice), barrier (elephant), sucker (nipple), eight (seven).

13. Game "Snail"
You can simply ask the child to name all the words in the snail in order, paying due attention to the sound C, or to roll the dice and move to the appropriate number of cells, naming objects along the way.

14. Game "Magic Figures".
Invite the child to look at pictures depicting objects, name these objects. Then circle objects in the name of which the sound "Ш" is heard, in the SQUARE those objects in the name of which the sound "S" is heard, in the TRIANGLE - with the sound "Ж". (spied)

15. Words starting with the letter "C"
Let him name the words with an asterisk in the plural.

16. "What do you see in the picture?"()
Answer: mask, helmet, bowl, pussy

17. Game "Footprints".
Determine whose these footprints are in the picture.

18. Find in the picture 20 words starting with the letter "C"(taken)

19. Adventure game with the letters C and Z(taken