
The best sauna treatments for the whole body and hair. Cosmetic procedures in the sauna Procedures in the sauna video


Your favorite pastime will become not only enjoyable, but also doubly useful if you combine a trip to the bathhouse with cosmetic procedures, face and body masks.

The recipes are not complicated, literally everything you need is at hand.

Our article will tell you how to properly combine relaxation and wellness, as well as the best recipes suitable for use in a bathhouse.

The healing power of masks in the bath

For our mentality, the bathhouse is not only a hygienic procedure, but also a real miracle - a means of rejuvenation and healing. It’s not for nothing that in the old days all ailments and ailments were banished with the help of bath sessions.

Times are changing, but the scientifically proven benefits of the bath have replaced intuitive understanding. Nowadays, few people neglect the opportunity to thoroughly steam their body, so recipes for homemade cosmetics will be more relevant than ever. The whole secret is that masks and creams will be doubly effective.

The benefits of cosmetics during bath procedures:

  • waste and toxins are removed from the body,
  • pores are maximally opened and cleansed,
  • skin cellular respiration is activated,
  • the skin is smoothed as much as possible, pores are cleaned,
  • the nutrients in the masks are absorbed faster and better,
  • the positive effect lasts a long time, at least a week,
  • noticeable rejuvenation,
  • improving the condition of problem skin.

The maximum effect of bath procedures for rejuvenating the body will be possible if the conditions for safe and beneficial steaming are observed. In some cases, such sessions will be prohibited, so it will not be appropriate to risk your health.

First of all, there are medical contraindications in which humid air and elevated temperatures will be prohibited. We are talking about heart disease, problems with blood pressure and the endocrine system. If you experience such conditions, unfortunately, visiting the bathhouse is contraindicated for you. You can learn how to prepare a kelp face mask from.

Serious dermatological rashes and allergic skin reactions will also not be the best companions to bath procedures. In this case, it is better to first cure and soothe the inflamed skin, and then use the recipes below to gently cleanse the pores.

During pregnancy, you should not get carried away with bath procedures. This may provoke a risk of premature birth or threaten the normal course of pregnancy.

As a last resort, you can limit your stay in a less heated room and just spend time with the company.

Terms of use

In order for the formulations to be as effective as possible, you should also adhere to the basic rules of visiting a bathhouse and using homemade cosmetics. There are also special products on sale that can be used for such purposes, but homemade mixtures will be much more useful.

The main secrets of using bath masks.

  1. It is very important to clean and steam the skin well so that the composition can be deeply absorbed into the layers of the dermis. To expand the pores, you can sit for 15-20 minutes in the steam room, then use a scrub.
  2. It is best to use ready-made formulations, which are placed in an airtight container in advance. The ingredients for simple masks can be mixed immediately before use, but multi-component formulations are best made in advance.
  3. The exposure time of bath masks is no more than 20 minutes.
  4. You cannot use cosmetics in the steam room, as this will not be very hygienic: sweat and dirt from the skin will mix with the composition and have a negative effect.
  5. It is recommended to apply the mixture after all water procedures, and the time must be calculated so that after washing off the mask, you do not immediately go outside, but spend at least another half hour indoors.

Regular visits to the bathhouse or sauna will help cope with a variety of problems. Cleansing impurities and maximizing pore expansion will remove blackheads from the face and reduce the risk of inflammatory processes in the dermis.

Recipes for bath face masks at home

A double blow to inflammation and acne will be achieved by visiting a bathhouse in combination with the use of special masks. It is advisable to choose the composition according to your skin type. Even though oily skin is more prone to acne and pimples, caring for dry skin will be much more difficult. A characteristic feature of such masks is the possibility of maximum, but very gentle care. The moist air of the steam room will not allow the skin to dry out or become tight, as, for example, after a shower.

Read user reviews of yeast face masks.

Take care of your growing princesses, we have a review for you

For problem skin (acne, blackheads)

  1. Steam oatmeal with milk, add a teaspoon of honey to the slightly cooled mixture. Apply a thick layer, massaging the surface of the skin. After 15 minutes you can wash it off.
  2. You can also remove freckles and get rid of age spots. To do this, mix two tablespoons of honey and the juice of one medium-sized lemon. The resulting composition whitens the skin well, softening it and restoring a healthy complexion.
  3. Dry the orange peels and grind them in a coffee grinder. Brew the resulting powder with boiling water and leave until a paste forms. This mixture perfectly tones oily skin, helping to cleanse it and normalize the activity of the sebaceous glands.
  4. Mix equal proportions of honey and propolis and apply to the face for 10 - 15 minutes.

Rejuvenating anti-wrinkle compositions in the sauna with sea salt and cocoa

Always looking and feeling young and beautiful is the dream of all women. At the same time, it is very difficult to get used to the thought of the inexorably passing years. Homemade mixtures will help rejuvenate your skin and make it glow at any age.

Face masks for rejuvenation:

  1. The simplest and most affordable ingredient is regular kefir. Apply to steamed facial skin and leave for 15 minutes, then rinse. For extremely dry skin, you can use sour cream in the same way. You can use instead.
  2. Honey and cinnamon are a unique duet that provides the most beneficial care for your skin condition. The proportions are taken to be approximately equal; it is best to make cinnamon powder yourself from suitable sticks. Instead of cinnamon, you can use coffee grounds or cocoa. Such formulations are suitable for everyone, as long as there are no allergic reactions to the components.
  3. Mix liquid honey with dry dill in proportions 2:1. The resulting mask is great for all skin types.
  4. A tablespoon of olive oil, cognac and one yolk are mixed and applied in a fairly thick layer to the face.
  5. A tablespoon of full-fat cottage cheese and pre-steamed dry kelp seaweed. The paste is applied to the skin and washed off after 15-20 minutes of the procedure.

For hair

Truly miracles happen in the bath; the skin cleanses and begins to “breathe” not only on the face, but also under the hair. This creates ideal conditions to provide them with the necessary care and nutrition.

Hair masks also need to be made in advance, used after the steam room and then rinsed thoroughly with warm, but not hot water. An additional precaution would be to use special fabric hats to protect the hair structure when visiting the steam room.

Suitable compositions for nourishing the scalp can be selected from those already described. This way, you won’t have to prepare multiple mixtures, and the application process will be as simple and effective as possible. You can also add natural oils to mask recipes to increase the beneficial properties. Burdock and castor oils are especially good for such purposes.

Excellent results are obtained from a mixture that must be diluted with water and applied to the hair for about 20 minutes. After this, rinse the mixture well.

Effective remedy: aloe juice and honey. The resulting solution is rubbed into the scalp.
Nicotinic acid is widely used to create homemade masks, shampoos and other hair care products.

Watch the video: body peeling

DIY body recipes

When visiting a bathhouse, you should not limit yourself to just the effect on the skin of the face. This environment provides an excellent opportunity for body care. Opened pores will help beneficial substances penetrate, and all impurities and toxins, on the contrary, will leave the body.

Representatives of the fair sex are most interested in the question: is it possible to get rid of cellulite by visiting a bathhouse and sauna. The answer is definitely positive, because in this case, cellular blood supply and nutrition are stimulated, and regeneration processes in the deep layers of the dermis are activated. You can find out about recipes for masks with nicotinic acid.

The best formulations for weight loss and against cellulite

  1. Salt and soda in equal proportions are applied to problem areas. A special feature of the application is that it is better to apply the composition between two visits to the steam room. After you have rubbed the dry mixture on your body, it is better to take a steam bath and then wash it off.
  2. Ground coffee (you can use already brewed grounds) with medium grade sea salt. Apply also before the steam room, actively rubbing into the skin. The composition can include natural (for dry skin) or essential oils.
  3. Honey and salt: apply the same amount of these ingredients to the body and go steaming. The best results will be achieved by gently patting the applied mixture and light massage.
  4. Sour cream and salt will also work. The product is highly accessible and yet very effective. The salt helps cleanse and massage the surface of the skin, while the nutrients from the dairy product are absorbed and nourish the cells from the inside. It is best to use a homemade product for these purposes.

Watch the video: bath rules

Natural scrubs
Probably, many have tried to rub their body in the steam room with healing clay, salt, coffee, and honey. These products are often used in saunas and baths. The reason for its popularity is the simplicity of both obtaining and applying, no preparation is needed, just take a jar and smear it on your body. The basic rule is that the scrub should be applied the second time you enter the steam room, not the first time. Do not apply the scrub to sensitive areas.

Honey in combination with salt it is a good diaphoretic. When using honey, the skin is fortified, receives additional hydration, and toxins are removed from the body faster. Place honey in a ceramic bowl and mix with salt. After warming up in the bath, rub your body with the mixture. You need to not only smear the body and sit, but rub the skin well with the mixture, then the rough particles of the epidermis are removed, then rinse with warm water. Honey with salt is a good stimulant of sweating. After applying the mixture, it is better to refrain from drinking for another 30 minutes, as the liquid you drink will come out along with sweat. The skin becomes velvety and soft. The effect of honey can be enhanced by adding different essential oils. For the bath, citrus, fir, juniper, eucalyptus, and sage oils are used.

Coffee- an excellent scrub, it helps to cleanse the surface of the skin, as it contains substances that melt subcutaneous fat. Take the coffee beans and grind them in a coffee grinder until some large particles remain. Take coarsely ground coffee to the bathhouse and mix it with sour cream. Let's rub ourselves in the steam room with the resulting mixture and warm ourselves until it becomes very hot, then wash off the applied mixture from the body with water. Do not constantly rub the skin, as if massaging it, as larger coffee particles can injure the skin. The coffee aroma will help you relax. The effect will be noticeable after leaving the bath; the skin will become as soft as a baby’s. It is not recommended to use this coffee mixture for people with high blood pressure.

Clay. As a scrub, you need to take prepared clay, which is sold in a pharmacy; now the choice is wide, and you can always find a suitable composition of substances. Blue clay is the most popular; it contains a full range of microelements and substances needed by the body - molybdenum, copper. Aluminum, zinc, phosphorus, manganese, calcium, magnesium, silver, nitrogen, iron. In addition to cleansing, this clay disinfects the skin and thus has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Green clay is an excellent adsorbent. White clay - due to its antiseptic effect, has long been used in cosmetology, suitable for dull, thin skin. Red clay is used if there is not enough iron in the body. Yellow clay enriches the skin with oxygen and removes toxins. Gray clay has a tonic and moisturizing effect and is a good mask for dry skin. These types of clays can be found in any pharmacy. How to prepare the mixture can be found in the instructions on the package. Most powdered clays are diluted with warm water in a 1:1 ratio and mixed well. In the steam room, rub the body with the mixture until it becomes hot, sit with this mixture and rinse with warm water.

Most often, masks are made from white and blue clay, since they contain the rich mineral composition of these clays. The skin after such a mask does not require the use of cream, it is well moisturized. It is better to apply these products in a private bath; you are unlikely to be allowed to use cosmetic clay in a public bath.

Herbal infusions
They are not as popular as scrubs, but they are widely used in bath procedures. It’s quite simple to prepare an infusion; to do this, 5 or 10 minutes before entering the steam room, pour 2 or 3 teaspoons of dry herbs with a glass of boiling water and let the infusion brew. We apply the infusions when we enter the steam room for the second time. When the herb is brewed, apply massage movements to the neck, knees, elbows, delicate skin of the chest, and face. And with the herbal “infusion” we will wipe the rough areas of the skin - the back, shins, thighs.

In the summer, you can dry medicinal plants, or you can buy ready-made briquettes at the pharmacy. If in the summer there is a clearing near the bathhouse, then you can collect chamomile, calendula, mantle, centaury, nettle, clover and prepare an infusion from them. You can recommend licorice from pharmaceutical products, but not syrup, but grass, as well as kelp - seaweed. Licorice infusion perfectly softens and moisturizes the skin, and after it there is no need to use cream, the skin becomes soft and velvety. Laminaria is beneficial due to its high iodine content.

It's always nice to use massagers in the bathhouse. They help you relax, remove dead cells, and improve blood circulation.

1. The best massager in a bathhouse is a broom. But you can completely relax if you are soared by a professional bath attendant.
2. Broom made of sticks. You can do it yourself. To do this, cut 10 or 12 blackcurrant branches approximately 40 centimeters long, tie them with a rope at one end and dry them. Using chopsticks, we tap our partner or ourselves on the legs and back. Such sticks have a rough appearance, and a broom made from these sticks “beats” softly.
3. Mitten. You can buy it at the pharmacy or sew it from natural coarse fabric. With a mitten you can rub each other or yourself, massage your feet and back.
4. Various brushes that are sold in “Everything for the Bath” stores.

Facial skin care in the bath
You can cleanse your skin naturally in a bath. Hot air and steam stimulate the movement of lymph and blood, activate cellular metabolism, and have a positive effect on facial skin. Cosmetologists advise applying nourishing and moisturizing masks to the skin when visiting a steam room.

Body and face masks from folk wisdom
Potato mask
Before going to the bathhouse, boil medium-sized jacket potatoes. Peel, mash with a fork, mix with a teaspoon of olive oil or sour cream. After the second entry into the steam room, while resting in the locker room, we will apply the prepared mask to the area around the mouth, near the outer corners of the eyes, and on the lower eyelids for 15 minutes.

Apply 2 cotton swabs to the upper eyelids for 15 minutes, previously soaked in a cool chamomile infusion or soaked in strongly brewed tea. Let's relax: put our hands along the body, close our eyes. Remove the tampons, wash off the potato mask with cool water, and then apply a nourishing cream.

Potato-apple mask
This mask will have a refreshing and cleansing effect on the skin. For this mask you need 2 tablespoons of potato flour and one medium-sized sour green apple.

Wash the apple in cool water, peel it, grate the pulp on a fine grater, add potato flour, stir well. Apply the mask for 10 or 12 minutes on the skin of the face, after which rinse the mask with warm water.

Face and body masks
The best place to perform masks for body and face care is a bathhouse and sauna. A warmed and steamed body that has been cleansed is ready for cosmetic procedures and responds well to nutrients. And in the bath you need to use not ready-made cosmetics, but those prepared using natural products.

Masks for normal skin
Mix ½ cup of strong cold brew, 1 teaspoon of grated grapefruit zest, 1 cup of full-fat unsweetened yogurt, 2 tablespoons of honey. Apply to the face for 15 or 18 minutes, then rinse off the mask with warm water.

Nourishing mask
Take 1 teaspoon of starch, 1 grated apple, 1 teaspoon of sour cream or olive oil. Leave it on your face for half an hour. Then wash off the mask with warm water.

Algae mask
This mask helps smooth the skin of the face and neck. Suitable if wrinkles and folds appear on the face and décolleté. An algae-based mask reduces seasonal stress and helps optimize skin tone. Apply the algae mask for 10 or 15 minutes, then rinse with water. To get the effect of this mask, wet the fabric with hot water, wring out the terry towel well, and then place it on top of the mask.

Masks for dry skin
Nourishing mask
Take 2 teaspoons of rich cream, 1 yolk, 1 teaspoon of olive oil. Then grind the chicken yolk with butter and cream until the mixture is light yellow. Then apply the mask to the neck, décolleté, and face, except for the area around the eyes.

Fruit and curd mask
Take 1 teaspoon of camphor oil, 2 yolks, ½ fruit juice, 2 teaspoons of full-fat cottage cheese. Mix everything well. After 15 minutes, remove, wash your face with tea or chamomile infusion, then lubricate your skin with liquid moisturizer.

Creamy curd mask
Take 1 tablespoon of cottage cheese, grind with 1 teaspoon of carrot juice and 1 teaspoon of cream. Apply this mixture to your face for 5 minutes, rinse with boiled water at room temperature.

Mustard mask
Mix 1 teaspoon of mustard powder with 2 teaspoons of vegetable oil and 1 teaspoon of water. Apply this mixture to your face for 5 minutes. Then rinse with warm boiled water.

Cabbage mask
Grind the cabbage leaves, boil them a little in milk, then make a paste and apply to the skin of the face. After 20 minutes, rinse your face with warm water.

A mask that smooths out wrinkles
Combine 2 tablespoons of olive oil and 2 tablespoons of honey. Heat this mixture until we get a homogeneous mass. Apply for 20 or 30 minutes to the skin of the face and neck. Afterwards, wash off the mask with clean water.

Apple-honey mask
This mask is suitable for pale skin. To prepare this mask, mix 1 tablespoon of ground rolled oats, 1 teaspoon of honey and 1 grated apple. Keep it on your face for 15 to 20 minutes. Then rinse with warm clean water.

Vitamin mask
Wipe your face and neck with fresh grapefruit juice. Mix the remaining pulp with sour cream and raw yolk. Apply the resulting mass to the face and neck. After 20 minutes, wash off the mask with warm water.

Corrective creamy mask
Take 1 teaspoon of cream, mix with 1 teaspoon of cottage cheese and 1 teaspoon of carrot juice. Apply this mixture to your face for 15 minutes. Afterwards, wash off the mask with warm water. If the skin is prone to peeling, redness, and is very sensitive, then after applying the mask you can leave it on for 30 minutes.

To moisturize dry and normal skin
Cut the zucchini into circles, ½ centimeter thick, then put it on your face and neck for 20 minutes, and rinse your face with cool water, which we dilute in half with boiled milk.

Masks for oily skin
Apple-carrot mask
Mix grated carrots and apples. Place on the face and hold for 15 or 20 minutes, then remove the mask with cotton swabs from the face, previously moistened with a decoction of chamomile and yarrow herbs. After the procedure, apply a warm terry towel to the skin of the face and neck for 3 or 5 minutes.

Tomato mask
Place tomato paste on your face for 20 minutes. Then wash off the mask with herbal decoction or warm water.

Grapefruit mask
Mix grated rolled oats with grapefruit juice until thick. First, wipe your face with grapefruit juice, then apply the resulting paste. Keep it on the skin until it dries completely, and then wash off the mask with warm water.

Apple-cucumber mask
Let's pass the apple and cucumber through a grater. Mix and keep the mask on the skin for 15 to 20 minutes, then wash off the mask with cool water.

A mask that contains fresh sorrel leaves
Take 6 or 8 sorrel leaves, cut them, and then grind them with 2 teaspoons of fresh protein. Before applying the mask to the skin, lubricate your face with the mixture. Wash off with tea solution.

In addition to body and face care, you can perform comprehensive skin care in the bathhouse. After all, in a bathhouse, the effectiveness of using natural cosmetic products is much higher than if you use them at room temperature. And we say to you with all our hearts: “Enjoy your steam!”

High temperatures and humid air in a bathhouse or sauna have a general healing effect on the human body.

The steam room promotes the removal of toxins, cellular regeneration and muscle relaxation. For this reason, bath treatments are so popular among women who want to look young and fit at any age. They can improve the condition of the skin and hair if scrubs and bath masks are actively used.

Cosmetics based on natural active ingredients promote maximum relaxation, gentle skin peeling and silhouette smoothing.

Therapeutic effects of bath procedures

The bathhouse for women has long been not just a place for good relaxation and pastime, but also a unique spa treatment.

Hot steam and high humidity contribute to the effective effects of cosmetics on the female body.

The bath has a powerful therapeutic effect on all body systems, which is manifested in the following:

  • stimulation of sweat glands, deep cleansing of the upper layer of the epidermis;
  • general detoxification;
  • warming and cleansing the respiratory system;
  • strengthening the heart muscle and blood vessels;
  • eliminating stagnant processes in the circulatory system;
  • removing residual lactic acid from muscle tissue, relieving fatigue and tension;
  • regulating the acidity of gastric juice and improving the functioning of the digestive tract;
  • strengthening metabolic processes in cells;
  • prevention of diseases associated with high cholesterol levels.

Gentle peeling in the bath includes the procedure of preliminary steaming the body with hot steam and treatment with a broom made of oak or birch branches. The next stage is the application of special cosmetics that gently cleanse the epidermis of toxins.

The most popular are homemade scrubs and bath masks. Natural compositions have a gentle effect on the skin - cleanse, nourish and moisturize. In addition, they improve blood circulation, speed up metabolism, and remove excess fluid from the body.

Regular use of bath cosmetics helps fight excess weight and cellulite.

In addition, masks and scrubs for baths strengthen and nourish hair follicles and prevent the formation of dandruff and split ends.

Rules for procedures in the bathhouse

To get a tangible effect from visiting the steam room, bath procedures are carried out in compliance with certain rules:

  1. You need to get used to hot steam gradually, increasing the duration of your stay in the steam room. Before your first visit, you need to take a warm shower without moisturizing your hair to protect your head from overheating.
  2. Before entering the steam room, a bath cap is put on the head, the body is thoroughly dried with a towel so that excess moisture does not inhibit the release of sweat.
  3. In the steam room, it is better to stay on the lower shelves for the first 2–3 minutes; as your body warms up, you can move higher. To improve sweating and uniformly warm the body, procedures are carried out in a lying position.
  4. After 10 minutes, you need to leave the steam room, rinse your body with cool water and take a short break for 5 minutes.
  5. In between procedures, it is recommended to replenish the water balance in the body by taking bath drinks - green or herbal tea, vitamin drink, fruit drink or clean water.

Important! For beginning bathhouse attendants, the optimal duration of one entry into the steam room is 4 minutes. The length of stay gradually increases to 15 minutes. Frequency of visits – 3 visits once a week.

Many women understand that beauty treatments in a bathhouse are the best way to care for their skin, body and hair.

Subtleties of applying peeling in a bath

High-quality preparation for a cosmetic procedure will make it useful and effective. Therefore, it is so important to know about the features of applying bath cosmetics. They may be as follows:

  • The natural peeling composition is prepared in advance from fresh and high-quality ingredients.
  • To carry out cosmetic procedures you will need a hat, a towel, slippers, brushes, shampoo, a broom, a ladle, and soap. To apply peeling to the body, you can use a brush, massage brush or glove.
  • It is better to apply cosmetics after the 2nd visit to the steam room. This helps the skin become as steamed as possible, which means that enlarged pores are able to absorb more nutrients. Some formulations are applied directly in the steam room.
  • For better absorption, the finished mask or scrub needs to be preheated to 35 degrees. To do this, leave the jar with the product in the steam room for several minutes. The heated mixture is applied to the skin after completion of the procedure.
  • Natural-based cosmetics are applied with soft and smooth movements in a clockwise direction. They start with problem areas - feet, elbows, knees, hands, which require deeper cleansing and nutrition. If you have cellulite, you should pay more attention to the affected areas to increase blood circulation and break down fat deposits under the epidermis. In this case, you should avoid excessive exposure to sensitive areas of the face and body - décolleté, around the eyes, under the knees, in the crook of the arms. Also, the products are not applied to damaged areas with cuts, abrasions and wounds.
  • To prevent allergic reactions and enhance the positive effect of the procedures, bath cosmetics must be selected taking into account your skin type. If after applying the composition there is itching, redness or spots, the product should be thoroughly rinsed and, if possible, not used in the future.
  • Warm water is used to remove cosmetics. After each procedure, the skin can be protected with moisturizer.

The bathhouse is a wonderful place designed for taking wellness treatments based on healthy and easy-to-prepare cosmetics.

We offer proven recipes for bath cosmetics that you can easily prepare with your own hands at home.

Natural masks for body, face and hair

Masks promote gentle cleansing, hydration and nutrition. Useful compositions can be prepared from kefir, honey, salt, oatmeal and clay, the benefits of which can be noticeable after the first procedure.

  1. Face mask made of colored cosmetic clay. Amazing anti-aging clay compositions help relieve inflammation, reduce rashes and accelerate skin regeneration. The clay is diluted with water to a paste-like state, applied to the face with smooth movements and left until dry. The mask is carefully washed off with water, and the skin is moisturized with a light protective cream.
  2. Body and face mask made of oatmeal, yolk and milk. To do this, pour 200 g of flakes with milk and mix until a thick mass is obtained. After complete cooling, add egg yolk and ½ tbsp to the base. l. oils (from pumpkin seeds or olives), mix. The finished mask is evenly distributed over problem areas and left for half an hour.
  3. A mask of honey and fine salt to warm up and increase blood circulation. The ingredients are mixed in equal proportions. The resulting paste is applied to problem areas and left for a quarter of an hour. It can be used before starting the main bath procedures.
  4. A mask based on salt, soda and water with an anti-cellulite effect. Take 3 tbsp. l. salt and soda, add water in the required volume to obtain a thick mixture. The finished mass is evenly distributed on the body and kept for half an hour. Particular attention should be paid to treating problem areas affected by cellulite. This effective remedy helps fight excess weight, orange peel and sagging skin.
  5. Kefir mask for moisturizing and nourishing the face, body and hair follicles. Kefir (store-bought or homemade) is heated to a temperature of 25 degrees, applied to the skin, and washed off after 25 minutes.
  6. A mask of honey and burdock oil to strengthen all hair types. To obtain the composition, take burdock oil and liquid honey (3 tablespoons each) in equal proportions. The product is evenly rubbed into the scalp and distributed throughout the hair. To create a thermal effect, the head is covered with a shower cap. The mixture is kept for 35 minutes, thoroughly washed off with softened water and shampoo, and the hair is rinsed with herbal tincture.
  7. Mask with henna on a colorless basis and nettle to strengthen hair. The ingredients are taken in the following proportions: per 100 g of dry nettle 3 tsp. colorless henna. To obtain a thick paste, each component is individually steamed with water and combined into a homogeneous mass. The mask is applied to the hair and left for 20 minutes.

Homemade body and face scrubs

Scrubs help deeply cleanse the skin and increase blood circulation in the cells. Most compositions for bath procedures are prepared from available ingredients - salt, honey and coffee.

Honey scrubs

The honey component in bath cosmetics gives an amazing effect: it cleanses and tightens pores, smooths out wrinkles and slows down skin aging.

  1. With honey and cinnamon. For the mixture, take two parts honey and part cinnamon. The ingredients are mixed and applied evenly to the skin. Leave for no more than 5 minutes, rinse with water.
  2. Made from honey and ground coffee beans. The ingredients are taken in the same proportions (2:1). The product is applied to problem areas and left for a quarter of an hour.
  3. From honey and salt (sea or table). Salt has a wound-healing and antiseptic effect, improves blood flow and cleanses pores well. The cleanser is prepared from ingredients taken in equal proportions. Duration of use – 15 minutes.

Coffee scrub

Coffee beans contain large amounts of linoleic acid, which promotes collagen production and slows down aging.

The most popular recipe is a scrub made from coffee beans with the addition of stone. An equal amount of ingredients is mixed to obtain a powder, then any nutritious oil is added - from olives, almonds or sunflowers. Apply the product evenly to the skin and leave for 10 minutes.

Salt scrubs

Salt scrubs gently open and cleanse pores. To prepare mixtures, you can use fine rock or sea salt. The salt component combines well with natural oils and additives. The most popular compositions:

  1. With salt and water. The ingredients are mixed until a thick paste is obtained, which is applied to the skin with gentle movements and left for a quarter of an hour.
  2. With salt and clay. Blue or white clay is suitable for preparing the composition. Two tbsp. l. The clay is soaked in water to a mushy consistency, a tablespoon of salt is added, and stirred. The finished mixture is distributed on problem areas and kept for no more than 10 minutes.

The preparation of bath cosmetics must be taken seriously and responsibly in order to get a good result from your labors.

Every trip to the bathhouse or sauna can be turned not just into a pleasant pastime with loved ones, but also into a real paradise for the skin, hair and general condition of the body. Bath scrubs, creams, masks, balms and massagers - these are the tools with which you can rejuvenate the skin, cleanse the body, and recharge with energy and vigor for the whole week ahead.

In order to spend these few hours with maximum benefit for your soul and body, use our little tricks and tips:

  1. Invite your loved ones with you, in whose company you feel free and at ease.
  2. We remind you of an approximate list of necessary attributes and useful things: soap, shampoo, broom, bath slippers, change of underwear, sheet, towel, cap, basin, ladle, drink. Massage brushes, special mittens (if you plan to use a scrub), and pumice stone will not be superfluous. The selected sauna may have some items available - please inquire in advance. And don't forget cosmetics or ingredients for their preparation.
  3. On the first visit, it is better not to use anything, but during and after the second, you can and should use a mask or scrub. After the first entry, do not forget to douse yourself with cold water.
  4. You can increase the effectiveness of any cosmetic product used in a bath if you warm it up first - just take the scrub with you to the steam room.
  5. Steamed skin becomes even more tender, so use the scrub extremely carefully so as not to damage it, otherwise spots and bruises will form on the skin.
  6. If the scrub recipe involves going to the steam room for a few minutes, during this time continue to rub your body and massage it. You can use additional equipment: brush, washcloth, mitten, massager.
  7. Remember that masks and scrubs cannot be used in areas where there are allergic rashes, areas of peeling, scratches and wounds.
  8. To drink in the bathhouse, it is better to take linden tea, cranberry infusion, herbal tea, chamomile and rosehip tea.
  9. The effectiveness of the products used in conditions of elevated ambient temperature increases by 2 times, so caring for your body in a bathhouse is a mandatory process, do not deny yourself this pleasure.

Scrubs for bath procedures

If you decide to use a scrub, then it should be applied immediately after leaving the steam room, while dead skin cells are steamed. We invite you to adopt one or more of the many simple recipes for such scrubs:

  1. For dry skin: thoroughly mix a tablespoon of olive oil, a spoonful of coffee grounds and a pinch of cinnamon.
  2. Mix a glass of cream and a glass of any salt. Rub this mixture all over your body and go to the steam room for another 5-8 minutes. If during this period the sweating is even more intense, do not be alarmed, this is how it should be.
  3. Mix 10 drops of fresh lemon juice, 4 teaspoons of cream of any fat content and 3 tablespoons of olive oil.
  4. Scrub for oily skin: mix a large spoon of low-fat yogurt with the same amount of coffee grounds.
  5. Mix 2 spoons of honey, 1 spoon of wheat bran and a few spoons of lemon juice.
  6. Mix 3 tablespoons of honey with the same amount of salt. Go into the steam room for 5 minutes. After leaving, do not drink for 10 minutes so that excess water leaves the body.
  7. Mix 2 pinches of mustard powder, 2 tablespoons of salt and 2 tablespoons of honey. Add 2 drops of orange tree oil or another oil of your favorite scent.
  8. Anti-cellulite scrub: dissolve 15 drops of citrus, rosemary, cypress, bergamot or other essential oils in a tablespoon of warmed honey. Add 100 grams of coffee grounds and a teaspoon of any shampoo to the mixture.
  9. To 200 grams of sugar, add a few teaspoons of olive oil and a few drops of citrus oil.
  10. Mix honey with a few drops of lavender, olive, orange, bergamot, rose or coconut oil. This recipe is very effective for

It is not necessary to adhere to the recipe and proportions: it’s okay if you don’t have any component. Salt can be replaced with sugar, oils perfectly replace each other, sour cream can be an alternative to honey. Try it, experiment.

The scrub should not be applied to very delicate areas. Purchased products are also suitable for baths, but preparing them yourself is much more interesting and fun.

Bath body masks

We have selected for you several recipes for the most effective body masks:

  1. If there are pigment spots on the skin: mix grated cucumber pulp with cream in equal proportions, add a little lemon juice.
  2. Mask for problem skin: add the juice of half a lemon and a teaspoon of wheat bran to 2 tablespoons of melted honey.
  3. Anti-cellulite mask: mix honey and cream in equal proportions, add a few drops of citrus essential oil. Leave the mask on your body for 15 minutes after visiting the steam room. You can use a massager to enhance the effect.
  4. For oily skin: mix 4 tablespoons of oatmeal with 3 tablespoons of sour cream and half of chopped cucumber. Grind the flakes first.
  5. Nutritional: mix a spoonful of vegetable oil and brewer's yeast, add egg yolk.
  6. A perfectly refreshing, whitening and nourishing clay body mask: mix cosmetic clay in equal proportions with water, apply to a moisturized body for 20 minutes.

Face masks:

  1. Mix a spoonful of oatmeal soaked in water or milk with a spoonful of sour cream - suitable for problem skin.
  2. Mix a tablespoon of yeast with one yolk and a teaspoon of olive oil - a mask for mature skin.
  3. Mix a spoonful of cottage cheese with a spoonful of crushed seaweed - if there are pigment spots on the skin.
  4. Mix honey with propolis in equal proportions - it works great against acne.

All body masks in the bath can be kept on the body or face for 10-15 minutes.

When choosing clay, keep in mind that white is ideal for oily skin, gray and yellow for dry skin, green and yellow for aging skin, blue and red for problem skin prone to inflammation.

Masks are applied to skin that has already been cleansed with scrubs. They need to be applied before the second or third entry into the steam room or after exiting.

Bath hair masks

The mask should be applied to your hair before the last trip to the steam room, putting a cap on your head. Before applying the composition, rinse your hair so that the beneficial substances are absorbed as deeply as possible.

  1. For dry hair: mix 3 tablespoons of olive or burdock oil with 2 tablespoons of honey, after 20 minutes rinse with plenty of shampoo.
  2. Mix aloe juice and honey, add the yolk of one egg.
  3. For oily hair: mix glycerin, apple cider vinegar (a teaspoon each) and 3 teaspoons of castor oil in equal proportions.
  4. For split ends: apply kefir to your hair with a few drops of olive or coconut oil.
  5. To add volume: mix gelatin dissolved in water in a water bath (15 grams per 4 large spoons of water), add a few hundred spoons of shampoo.

To make oil masks wash off faster, rinse your hair with water and lemon juice - the acid dissolves fat.

Side effects of the bath

  • Stains. Very often, after or during a sauna, uneven reddish spots appear on the body. This is a sign of deep overheating and disruption of the functioning of capillaries in this area of ​​the body. Stains after a bath do not pose a threat to health and do not signal serious problems with the body. This is a defensive reaction. Such spots most often disappear within a few days. Otherwise, it is better to consult a dermatologist.
  • Rash. Most often, it indicates an allergic reaction to herbal teas and the use of massage elements. Perhaps your scrub or mask contains elements that cause allergies. You should definitely contact a dermatologist to find out the nature of their appearance.
  • Pimples. Most often they appear after visiting the bathhouse. Sometimes, while staying in the steam room, spots appear, and then purulent inflammation. This is the result of using stale washcloths, mittens, and brooms. Remember about hygiene and disinfection - germs and bacteria penetrate into open pores very quickly.
  • Bruises. They appear as a result of too intensive use of a broom or harsh massaging. Make sure that no leaves fall off on your broom; use the scrub very carefully.

Cosmetic procedures in a bathhouse can bring a lot of pleasure. The main thing is not to forget about simple precautions. Forget about everyday problems and worries during this time, because you deserve 100% relaxation.

To wash in a bathhouse means to be born again.

To an uninitiated person, far from Russian bathhouse culture, it is impossible to explain in words what happens in the bathhouse and what amazing sensations the body is filled with during this procedure. That is why our compatriots, most of them generous people, strive to give a stranger (especially a foreigner) the indescribable feelings that inevitably arise in anyone entering a steam room for the first time, and they certainly invite him to take part in this action. And with the help of bath brooms, which have existed in Rus' since our people appeared, you can carry out a massage that will be remembered for a long time and will shake the whole body.

The extraordinary lightness of the whole body, the amazing feeling of cleanliness, deep breathing, the body’s long-term memory of the bath aromas - all this becomes the reason for a new visit to the bathhouse. And in this case, it doesn’t matter at all whether a person goes to a Russian bathhouse with wet steam or to a sauna, where the air is relatively dry. Both types of baths evoke a feeling of a person’s second birth. If we add to this communication with friends and relatives, it becomes clear why people systematically spend time there.

Bath heat is the most unrivaled hygiene product. It thoroughly cleanses all skin pores, opens clogged sebaceous glands, literally removes all dirt and at the same time extremely gently frees the top layer of skin from keratinized particles on which dead cells accumulate. This ensures that they are replaced by newer, growing cells, which naturally leads to an increase in the speed of metabolic processes in the body and is the reason for maintaining the body in good shape, as well as eliminating the signs of aging.

It is impossible to argue with this fact, because this is what actually happens. Even medicine claims that after a Russian bath, the skin returns to its original functional abilities, normalizing the water-lipid balance.

Cleaned skin pores, accelerated blood flow to all organs and an intensive supply of oxygen to the lungs cause that very light bath breathing. Strict adherence to the rules for using the steam room and proper alternation of bath procedures allow you to lose a lot of extra pounds without taking pills and special teas.

Cleaning products

Body peeling with bones

Required: 10 apricot kernels, 2 yolks, 20 g of flower honey, 2 tablespoons of orange flowers, 200 ml of water.

Preparation. Beat the yolks thoroughly with honey and add carefully chopped apricot kernels. Pour boiling water over the orange flowers and leave for 30 minutes, then strain. Combine 2 tablespoons of the prepared infusion with the whipped mass and mix thoroughly.

Application. Apply the resulting mass to the body, massage for 2 minutes and leave for 20 minutes, then rub the skin with a washcloth and rinse off any remaining product.

Body peeling with sea salt

Required: 1 tablespoon of sea salt, 20 g of yeast, 20 ml of lemon juice.

Preparation. Combine the yeast with lemon juice, place in a water bath and heat over low heat for 3 minutes, then add sea salt and mix well.

Application. Apply the resulting mass to the body with a cotton swab in a circular motion and leave for 10 minutes, and then rinse the body with warm water.

Body peeling with seaweed

Required: 1 tablespoon of dried seaweed, 2 tablespoons of sea salt, 50 g of milk powder.

Preparation. Combine seaweed and milk, add sea salt and mix thoroughly.

Application. Transfer the resulting product into a gauze bag and cleanse the skin of the body with massaging movements for 15 minutes, using it as a washcloth, then rinse the body first with warm water and then with cool water.

Body peeling with dill

Required: 1 tablespoon of dried dill, 1 tablespoon of sea salt, 20 ml of olive oil, 40 ml of flaxseed decoction, 200 g of canned seaweed.

Preparation. Pass the seaweed through a meat grinder, add dill, olive oil, flaxseed decoction, sea salt and mix thoroughly.

Application. Apply the resulting product to the body and rub for 15 minutes, then rinse the body with warm water.

Body peeling with banana

Required: 0.5 banana, 1 teaspoon of sea salt, 50 g of boiled sea fish fillet.

Preparation. Peel the banana, mash the pulp and mix thoroughly with chopped fillet and sea salt.

Application. Apply the finished product to the body in a circular motion and massage for 7 minutes, and then rinse the body with warm water.

Body peeling with clay

Required: 1 teaspoon of alum, 2 teaspoons of boric acid powder, 2 tablespoons of talc, 2 tablespoons of sea salt, 3 tablespoons of white clay, 4 tablespoons of magnesium carbonate, 100 ml of canned seaweed juice, 30 ml of water.

Preparation. Mix the above components, add water until a medium thick mass is formed.

Application. Apply the resulting product to the body and rub for 10 minutes, then rinse the body with warm water.

Body peeling with caviar

Required: 2 teaspoons of sea salt, 1 protein, 50 g of fish caviar, 50 ml of milk, 0.5 teaspoon of salt.

Preparation. Boil the caviar in milk and salt until it becomes firm, then mash well, add the protein and sea salt and mix thoroughly.

Application. Apply the resulting product to the body and massage for 10 minutes, then rinse the body with warm water.

Body peeling with burdock oil

Required: 1 teaspoon of sea salt, 20 g of crab shells, 50 g of seaweed, 3 drops of lemon juice, 3 drops of burdock oil.

Preparation. Grind the shells into flour, combine with chopped seaweed, grind with salt, add lemon juice, burdock oil and mix.

Application. Apply the resulting product to the body with a cotton swab and massage in circular movements for 10 minutes, then rinse the body first with warm water and then with cool water.

Rejuvenating body peeling

Required: 500 g sea salt, 100 ml olive oil, 200 ml water.

Preparation. Add sea salt to warm water and stir until it is completely dissolved.

Application. Lubricate the body with olive oil, apply the prepared composition onto the body with light movements and massage for 10 minutes, then leave for 10 minutes, and then rinse the body with warm water and do not wipe.

Berry body scrub

Required: 5 apricots, 150 g dried bird cherry berries, 1 egg white, 20 ml lemon juice, 30 ml olive oil.

Preparation. Wash the berries and grind them together with the seeds using a coffee grinder to a powder. Pour 3 tablespoons of the resulting powder with olive oil, place in a water bath and heat over low heat for 10 minutes.

Then cool, add whipped egg whites, mashed apricots, lemon juice and mix thoroughly.

Application. Apply the finished product to clean body skin, wipe the skin with a cotton swab moistened with water in a circular motion for 5 minutes, then rinse the body with warm water.

This is interesting

Physiologists claim that the fatigue that accumulates in a person towards the end of the work week is relieved in the bath as a result of the removal of lactic acid from the body along with sweat.

Required: 10 g of flower honey, 10 ml of apple juice, 10 ml of fish oil, 1 yolk.

Preparation. Grind the yolk with fish oil, add honey, apple juice and mix thoroughly.

Application. Apply the resulting product to the body with massage movements, leave for 10 minutes and rinse the body with warm water.

Cucumber body toner

Required: 1 cucumber, 20 g of flower honey, 200 ml of water.

Preparation. Wash the cucumber and, without peeling it, grate it on a fine grater, then pour boiling water over it and leave for 2.5 hours, then cool and strain. Add flower honey, mix well and pour into a dark glass bottle.

Application. Apply the finished product to a clean body with a cotton swab, leave for 30 minutes, and then rinse the body with cool water.

Body mask with white clay

Required: 2 tablespoons of white clay, 5 tablespoons of coltsfoot leaves, 5 tablespoons of chamomile flowers, 400 ml of milk.

Preparation. Combine white clay with coltsfoot leaves and chamomile flowers, pour hot milk, mix well and cool.

Application. Apply the resulting product to the body and leave until completely dry, then rinse the body with warm water.

Milk body mask

Required: 1 teaspoon of calendula officinalis flowers, 1 teaspoon of linden blossom, 1 teaspoon of oregano herb, 1 teaspoon of St. John's wort herb, 1 teaspoon of peppermint leaves, 100 ml of milk.

Preparation. Chop the plant material well, mix thoroughly, pour in hot milk and leave for 20 minutes, then drain the liquid, squeeze out the herb and place in a separate bowl.

Application. Apply the resulting infusion to the body with a cotton swab using rubbing movements, then apply the herbal mixture, leave for 10 minutes and then rinse the body with warm water.

Vitamin body mask

Required: 150 g of blood-red hawthorn berries, 60 g of flower honey.

Preparation. Wash the hawthorn berries, chop well in a mortar, add honey and mix thoroughly.

Application. Apply the resulting product to the body and leave for 20 minutes, then rinse the body with warm water.


Skin cream with honey

Required: 1 teaspoon of calendula officinalis flowers, 1 teaspoon of chamomile flowers, 1 tablespoon of flower honey, 50 g of goose fat, 10 ml of castor oil, 200 ml of water.

Preparation. Mix calendula and chamomile flowers, add boiling water and leave for 30 minutes, then strain. Melt the honey in a water bath and pour in 3 tablespoons of the resulting infusion. Mix goose fat with castor oil, add infusion, mix thoroughly, beat and transfer to a glass container.

Application. Apply the prepared cream to clean skin and do not rinse off.

Apricot body cream

Required: 5 large apricots, 100 g of fat cottage cheese, 25 ml of olive oil.

Preparation. Wash the apricots, peel them, remove the pits, and mash the pulp well, then add cottage cheese, olive oil and mix thoroughly.

Application. Apply the resulting product to clean skin and do not rinse off.

This is interesting

Currant body mask

Required: 150 g of fresh blackcurrants, 30 ml of kefir.

Preparation. Wash the berries, mash and squeeze the juice through cheesecloth. Combine the remaining berry mass with kefir and mix thoroughly.

Application. Lubricate the skin of the body with blackcurrant juice, after 5 minutes wipe the body with a damp towel, then apply the prepared mask, leave for 15–20 minutes and rinse the body with warm water.

Sea buckthorn body mask

Required: 100 g of sea buckthorn berries.

Preparation. Rinse the berries well and mash until a homogeneous mass is formed.

Application. Apply the resulting mask to the body, leave for 20 minutes, and then rinse the body with warm water.

Curd body mask

Required: 100 g of fat cottage cheese, 100 g of red currant berries.

Preparation. Wash the berries, mash well, add cottage cheese and mix thoroughly.

Application. Apply the resulting mask to the body, leave for 15 minutes and rinse the body with cool water.

Raspberry body mask

Required: 150 g raspberries, 100 g fat cottage cheese.

Preparation. Wash the berries and mash thoroughly, then add cottage cheese and mix well.

Application. Apply the resulting mask to the body for 15 minutes, then rinse the body with warm water.

Potato body mask

Required: 2 potato tubers, 100 g of flower honey, 3 tablespoons of flaxseed.

Preparation. Peel, wash, grate the potatoes, combine with flaxseed and honey, put on low heat and cook, stirring constantly, until a homogeneous mass is formed.

Application. Apply the resulting product to the body, leave for 20 minutes, and then rinse the body with warm water.

Honey-sour cream body mask

Required: 20 g honey, 50 ml sour cream, 2 yolks, 50 ml celandine juice.

Preparation. Combine the yolks with sour cream, melted honey, and celandine juice and mix until a homogeneous mass is formed.

Application. Apply the resulting product to the body and leave for 25 minutes, then rinse the body with warm water.

Vitaminized body mask

Required: 4 orange slices, 5 strawberries, 5 grapes, 20 ml of celandine juice.

Preparation. Mash the berries and orange slices well, add greater celandine juice and stir until a homogeneous mass is formed.

Application. Apply the resulting mask to the body, leave for 30 minutes, and then rinse the body with warm water.

Required: 300 g almonds, 20 ml celandine juice, 20 ml lemon juice, 200 ml water.

Preparation. Pour boiling water over the almonds and leave for 5 minutes, then strain, chop thoroughly, pour in the juices and mix well.

Application. Apply the resulting mask to the body, leave for 20 minutes and rinse the body with warm water.

Cucumber body mask

Required: 2 cucumbers, 20 ml of celandine juice, 60 ml of milk.

Preparation. Wash the cucumbers, peel them, grate them on a fine grater, squeeze the juice through cheesecloth, add milk, celandine juice and mix well.

Application. Apply the prepared mask to the body for 15 minutes, and then rinse the body with warm water.

This is interesting

When using various body care products, do not forget to exclude from recipes products that may cause you allergies.

Melon body mask

Required: 60 g of melon pulp, 2 tablespoons of St. John's wort herb, 40 ml of milk.

Preparation. Boil the melon pulp, mash well, add chopped St. John's wort, milk and stir until a homogeneous mass is formed.

Application. Apply the resulting mask to the body, leave for 30 minutes, and then rinse the body with cool water.


Body cream with wax

Required: 30 g beeswax, 80 g badger lard, 100 ml rose water.

Preparation. Melt the badger lard in a water bath, pour in rose water, add beeswax and stir until a homogeneous mass is formed.

Application. Apply the resulting cream in a thin layer to the skin after the bath.

Pear body cream

Required: 100 g pear pulp, 2 yolks, 100 ml cream, 100 ml olive oil.

Preparation. Mash the pear pulp well, pour hot olive oil and leave for 2 days. Then add the cream whipped with yolks and mix thoroughly.

Application. Apply the resulting product to the skin in a thin layer after the bath, leave for a while, and then remove the excess with a cotton napkin.

Milk body cream

Required: 250 g pumpkin pulp, 10 ml olive oil, 50 ml milk.

Preparation. Cut the pumpkin into pieces, boil and mash well. Then add milk, put on low heat and cook until a thick mass forms, then remove from heat, add olive oil, cool, transfer to a jar and close with a lid.

Application. Apply the resulting product to the skin in a thin layer after the bath, and remove excess with a cotton napkin.

The finished cream should be stored in the refrigerator.

Tomato body mask

Required: 150 g oat flour, 30 ml tomato juice, 150 ml milk.

Preparation. Dilute oatmeal with milk, add tomato juice and stir until smooth.

Application. Apply the prepared mask to clean skin and leave for 15 minutes, then rinse the body with warm water.

Body mask with viburnum

Required: 1 tablespoon of starch, 40 g of honey, 150 g of viburnum berries, 400 ml of water.

Preparation. Rinse the berries well, add hot water, place in a water bath and boil for 10 minutes. After this, remove from heat and leave for 10 minutes, then strain, add honey, starch and mix thoroughly.

Application. Apply the prepared mask to clean skin, leave for 10 minutes and rinse the body with warm water.

Cellulite Eliminators

Anti-cellulite ointment with peanut butter

Required: 2 drops of cypress oil, 3 drops of juniper oil, 3 drops of patchouli oil, 4 drops of rosemary oil, 40 ml of peanut oil.

Preparation. Add essential oils to peanut butter and shake thoroughly.

Application. Apply the resulting product to problem areas, rub in for 10 minutes and do not rinse.

This is interesting

One of the reasons for the formation of cellulite is the special structure of fat cells. In women they have a spherical shape and are visually noticeable, while in men they are flat, so they lie more evenly under the skin.

Anti-cellulite mask with juices

Required: 10 ml apple juice, 10 ml carrot juice, 10 ml lemon juice, 50 g flower honey, 50 g starch.

Preparation. Combine starch with honey, add juices and mix thoroughly.

Application. Apply the resulting product to problem areas, rubbing into the skin with massage movements, leave for 20 minutes, and then rinse the body with warm water.

Anti-cellulite body mask with flower honey

Required: 80 g of thick flower honey, pulp of 1 cucumber, 10 ml of aloe juice, 10 ml of concentrated lemon juice, 2 drops of eucalyptus essential oil.

Preparation. Combine the above components and heat over low heat, stirring constantly.

Application. Apply the resulting mask to problem areas before visiting the sauna, and then rinse your body with cool water.

Anti-cellulite mud mask

Required: 2 tablespoons of chamomile flowers, 100 g of medicinal mud powder, 200 ml of water.

Preparation. Pour boiling water over chamomile flowers and simmer over low heat for 3 minutes, then cool slightly, strain and dilute with water to obtain a mass of liquid consistency.

Application. Apply the resulting product to problem areas of the skin in a thin layer using a brush and leave for 30 minutes, and then rinse the body with warm water.

Anti-cellulite massage oil

Required: 5 drops of lavender oil, 5 ml of freshly squeezed nettle juice, 10 ml of lemon juice, 150 ml of olive oil.

Preparation. Add lavender juices and oil to olive oil and mix thoroughly.

Application. Apply the required amount of the resulting product to the body during a massage, after which do not wash off the composition, wrap yourself in a warm terry towel.

Anti-cellulite product with kefir

Required: 3 drops of lemon oil, 3 drops of rosemary oil, 6 drops of hazelnut oil, 500 ml of kefir.

Preparation. Add essential oils to kefir and mix thoroughly.

Application. Apply the resulting product to problem areas, leave for 10 minutes, and then rinse the body with warm water.

Anti-cellulite product with honey Anti-cellulite infusion with blackcurrant juice Anti-cellulite wrap with coffee Application. Apply the resulting product to problem areas, wrap in plastic wrap and then a terry towel and leave for 20 minutes, then rinse the body with warm water.

Required: 2 drops of chamomile oil, 2 drops of oregano oil, 4 drops of cypress oil, 4 drops of grapefruit oil, 60 g of flower honey.

Preparation. Add essential oils to honey in the following sequence: cypress oil, oregano oil, grapefruit oil, chamomile oil. Then mix.

Application. Apply the resulting product to problem areas and leave for 5 minutes, then rinse the body with cool water.

Required: 1 tablespoon of calendula officinalis flowers, 0.5 teaspoon of ethyl alcohol, 30 ml of blackcurrant juice, 150 ml of menthol oil, 200 ml of water.

Preparation. Combine menthol oil with blackcurrant juice, pour the resulting mixture over the flowers and leave for 2 days in a cool, dark place, then strain.

Application. Moisten a cloth in the prepared tincture, apply it to the problem area, cover with plastic wrap, and then with a cloth soaked in an aqueous solution of ethyl alcohol. Leave for 3 hours, then wipe the body with a damp towel.

Required: 4 drops of any essential oil, 100 g of ground coffee, 200 ml of water.

Preparation. Pour boiling water over ground coffee, stir until smooth, add essential oil and stir again.

Now it is no longer possible to establish exactly to which people we owe the pleasure of a unique procedure carried out in a steam room using a broom. Apparently, this is still an invention of the Slavic people, because such “execution,” which terrifies foreigners, can only cause indescribable delight among the Slavs.

Original Russian massage promotes active blood circulation in the skin and subcutaneous layers. In addition, it is effective for diseases of the musculoskeletal system and respiratory system, eliminates nervous disorders, improves mood and leaves a person with a long-lasting feeling of a light body and clean “bath” breath coming from within, and also prevents premature aging.

Broom massage techniques

Watching the movements of a person manipulating a broom in a steam room, one can be surprised, admire and envy. But everything great and complex is quite simple! The wisdom contained in these words suggests the need to analyze this process rather than synthesize it. Divide the continuous movements of the steamer into separate fragments, then everything will be simple and accessible to anyone.

The basic techniques of this massage are preserved in various cultures, but in certain regions of Russia certain specific features are added to them, manifested in the alternation of techniques, the use of aromatic oils and the addition of some other accompanying procedures (body massage, dousing, the use of massagers, etc.). Massage with a broom involves the techniques listed below. It should be taken into account that it is carried out during the second entry into the steam room.

Fan-shaped injection

Hot air is pumped with brooms from the feet towards the head, which must be protected with a hat. Then gradually and smoothly they move back to the feet. Movements are carried out continuously. After the first 3 stages of the procedure, the speed of movement of the brooms over the body can be slightly increased.

Heat wave

The brooms are shaken so that their foliage moves non-stop. At the same time, the broom lightly touches the skin with leaves. The brooms move from the feet towards the shoulders and return to the feet again. Skin contact should be minimal and movements should be continuous.

Fragrant stroking

A hot broom is slowly passed over the entire body from feet to shoulders. The broom becomes saturated with sweat, collects it from the surface of the body and becomes stronger, and the body intensively absorbs the healing substances of the foliage.

The bathhouse attendants call this procedure “evening out the heat,” since the heat is evenly distributed throughout the body, which at the same time receives gentle nervous irritation from numerous leaves.

Broom compress

After the first two techniques and whipping, the brooms are pressed to a specific area of ​​the body. The back, upper surface of the broom, which does not touch the skin, is usually pressed. The impact is on the lower back, abdomen, chest, buttocks, feet and calves, but not on the heart area. The compress is used when changing techniques and at the end of the entire procedure.

Broom cracker

A cascade of blows with brooms is carried out on the surface of the body in a sweeping manner. In this case, the entire plane of the broom is applied to the skin at once, and not just the foliage. Experienced steamers call this technique “hammering into the body,” and the sound is similar to cotton. If the impact is carried out with 2 brooms, this procedure acquires the increasing noise of an approaching train.

Broom scourge

The brooms rise high up to capture the hottest air, and then with a pull they lower to those areas of the body where dense muscle tissue is located (on the sides of the spine, buttocks, hips and shoulders).

Broom rubbing

This move completes the procedure. Preheated brooms are pressed to the body with both hands and moved along the thick muscles.

This is interesting


It is advisable that the massage be performed by an experienced steamer: as a rule, this pleasure is not cheap, but it is not amateurish. Once every 1-2 months you can allow yourself this pleasure, and in between, resort to the help of friends or self-massage.

When entering the steam room, be sure to wear a hat and gloves. And you should put a rug or sheet on the shelves. In the steam room, you should first sit on the bottom shelf or step to warm up well. The degree of this is determined as follows: the body is considered well-steamed at the moment when the seventh drop of sweat flows from the nose (hence the famous saying). Immediately after this, you can start massaging with brooms.

It is necessary to monitor the temperature in the steam room: it should not exceed 80 °C. If there is no thermometer in the steam room, you need to straighten up, raise your hand up and wave it: if it burns, massage with brooms should be canceled.

You only need to steam while lying on your back, on the top shelf. Direct your feet towards the heater, and your head in the direction where the air is lighter. In addition, you can slightly raise your legs, resting them against the wall, or put something under them. You need to lie in this position for 2 minutes.

After warming up, without making sudden movements, you should position your feet in such a way that you can reach them with a broom. First of all, treat the feet, calves, knees (up to 10 times), then press the broom one by one to the feet.

After this, whip both feet and press the broom against them again. Treat calves, thighs, legs in the same way and take a break.

Then use the same techniques to warm up your back, sides, shoulders and stomach. After this, leave the steam room, get into a warm shower, swim in the pool and relax for a while, drinking tea, for example.

You should steam for no more than 10 minutes, and the number of passes should be no more than 5. It should be remembered that all movements with a broom should be carried out easily and smoothly.

In between visits, you need to rest in a cool room, throwing a sheet or terry robe over yourself. You should breathe in the steam room and after leaving the bath only through your nose. If you have problems with the respiratory system in the steam room, you need to breathe through your mouth, but take a shallow breath, as this can burn the upper respiratory tract with hot air.

You can steam with brooms 2-3 times, but no more.

The procedure should be completed by rubbing. With your left hand you need to hold the broom by the handle, and with your right hand you need to consistently rub the leaves into the back, lower back, pelvis, legs and stomach. The legs should be rubbed lengthwise, and the stomach should be rubbed randomly. Circular rubbing is also recommended.

In addition, you can change the position of the body during the massage, turning and whipping first one side and then the other.

Losing weight correctly

Not only women closely and constantly monitor the proportions of their bodies. The desire to have an ideal figure or maintain existing parameters is also common among men, especially nowadays. In a bathhouse you can actually lose from 2 to 4 kg of excess weight. And this happens within 1 visit, but only if the bath procedure is not used to rest and relax the body, but purposefully. Set yourself a clear goal - to lose weight - and try to comply with the necessary requirements.

The loss of extra pounds in the bath is carried out in the process of active sweating, as a result of which liquid or moisture is removed first from the cells of the outer surface of the body, and then from the body’s fat reserves due to the breakdown of fat cells under the influence of heat. It is necessary to constantly remember that this process is accompanied by the body’s desire to urgently restore lost fat reserves, that is, to return to its previous weight. Your task is to prevent him from doing this. There are several ways to help maintain the effect.

1. Before visiting the bathhouse, you should not eat salty foods, since salt retains water in the body. In the bathhouse, it is better to avoid beer with crayfish or salted (smoked) fish.

This is interesting

No bottles of carbonated water or other industrial drinks should be used in the bathhouse (they necessarily contain sugar and flavorings). They affect the metabolism in the body, which leads to excess weight.

2. Intense sweating, especially after a steam bath, causes insatiable thirst. You always want to drink, and the more you drink, the more thirsty you become. To lose weight, you should not drink at all in the bathhouse. As a last resort, you can rinse your mouth with water, but do not swallow. Sour drinks are also recommended: juice, cool tea, compote or diluted juice. This is perhaps the most complex and difficult requirement to fulfill. To follow it, you need to be a strong-willed person.

3. Of course, most of the moisture is lost in the steam room. After leaving the steam room, it is necessary to limit body contact with water. Under no circumstances should you change the steam procedure to a water one, that is, swimming in the pool. Through open skin pores, the body can replenish the lost water balance in a volume of 10 ml, and then your efforts will be in vain. In addition, the water in the pool is cooler, so it tends to stop sweating, which is not in your best interest.

4. To increase sweating, you do not need to take any medications, since in conditions of high temperature and high humidity the load on the kidneys is already excessive. You should not lean on watermelons: they lower body temperature and sweating.

Bath procedure method for weight loss

1. Stand for 1 minute under a cool shower, then 3 minutes under a hot shower.

2. Enter the steam room, lie on the middle shelf for 5 minutes, periodically turning over, keep your legs above your head. The broom should not be used yet.

3. Leave the steam room, rinse yourself in the shower with warm water, put on a robe or wrap yourself in a sheet, go to the locker room or soap compartment and rest for 5 minutes.

4. Take a hot bath with water at a temperature of 39 °C for 10 minutes or simply sit in a basin of water at the same temperature.

5. Return to the steam room and stand for 2 minutes until signs of sweating appear, then lie on the top shelf and steam with brooms for 5 minutes.

6. After the massage with a broom, stand up without making sudden movements, go down to the bottom shelf and sit for 3 minutes, removing sweat from your face with a towel and from your body with brooms.

7. Leave the steam room, rinse off in a warm shower, cover yourself with a sheet or put on a robe, go to the locker room and rest for 5 minutes.

8. Return to the steam room, steam on the top shelf for 7 minutes, and then repeat the usual exit ritual.

9. After the 3rd session, massage with your hands or a massager. At this stage, various rubbings (salt, honey, mustard) are usually used, but applying them to the body after a massage is not recommended; this can be done instead. You should enter the steam room again after rubbing only when the skin has absorbed the product.

10. Pay attention to how you feel. In principle, this can complete the bath procedure.

11. Upon returning home, you need to lie down in peace and quiet for 1-2 hours; in the summer you can take a short walk in a park or square.

12. After the bath, you should not drink for 5 hours. You can drink tea without sugar (no more than 200 ml) or chicken broth (without meat and fat).

13. Visit the bathhouse 2 times a week.


To regulate metabolic processes in the body and reduce weight, it is recommended to use rubbing in combination with steam procedures.

Mustard rubs. They dramatically increase blood circulation, increase blood flow speed, promote active opening of skin pores, more profuse sweating and reduced swelling. For rubbing, use regular table mustard (powder), which can be purchased in stores, pharmacies, or prepared yourself. If you have skin problems, you should avoid adding vinegar. In the bath, the powder must be diluted with warm water in a basin until it becomes puree, then take a warm shower, apply mustard evenly over the entire body, excluding the areas of the mouth, eyes and genitals, as well as abrasions and wounds on the skin. After 2 minutes, enter the steam room and stand on the first or second shelf.

This is interesting

Mustard powder dissolved in water applied to the stones forms mustard steam, inhaling which is especially effective in damp autumn weather.

Profuse sweating begins and at the same time the skin absorbs the applied composition. Usually after some time there are no traces of rubbing left on it. This phenomenon is not yet fully understood. After the steam room, you should rinse again in a warm shower and relax.

Salt rubs. They have a complex effect on the body, providing a biostimulating and bactericidal effect. Use salt in the same way as mustard.

It is better to rub in table salt, not iodized salt. In addition, it should be applied to slightly damp skin. You can choose any place in the steam room.

Honey-soda rubs. Such rubbing has a warming and wound-healing effect. You can use honey of any consistency (thick, candied or liquid) in its pure form or a mixture of honey and soda. In the latter case, 100 g of honey should be combined with 1 tablespoon of soda, mixed thoroughly and applied to the entire body, except for hairy areas. After 2 minutes, enter the steam room and stay there until profuse sweating appears. Then take a warm shower.

Rubbing is healing. All other rubbings are used 5 minutes after leaving the steam room. Warm skin with open pores actively absorbs the beneficial substances contained in the applied compositions and promotes their penetration into the subcutaneous layer and blood. Such rubbing rejuvenates, tones the entire body and softens the skin. As a rule, these are compositions of organic substances, natural products and plants.

Ointments, creams and emulsions can also be applied 5 minutes after the steam room, and then they should be washed off in the shower and rest.

Oriental rubs. A good effect can be achieved with a variety of warming rubbings. Various oriental balms are used for them. You need to rub intensely, but gently, so that you feel warmth and a slight burning sensation. The rubbed area must be wrapped in woolen cloth.

Composition for rubbing oriental Composition for rubbing olive Application. Apply the resulting product to problem areas of the body and rub each time you enter the steam room.

Required: 5 g ground red pepper, 5 g nutmeg, 5 ml cayenne pepper oil, 100 g flower honey, 5 ml olive oil, 10 ml milk.

Preparation. Heat the flower honey in a water bath, add the remaining ingredients and mix thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is formed.

Application. Apply the resulting product to problem areas, rub, cover with cling film, leave to steam, and then rinse with cool water.

Required: 1 drop of olive essential oil, 15 g of ground red pepper, 1 peach pulp, 100 ml of olive oil.

Preparation. Mix the peach pulp with olive oil, add the remaining ingredients and, stirring constantly, heat over low heat.