
The art of macrame: examples of master classes and weaving patterns for beginners. Macrame schemes


Macrame is an ancient form of textile craft. It is based on tying knots. Ancient people used it to save and transmit information. There was even a knotted letter. And although products made using the macrame technique have been found all over the world, China is still considered its homeland. This article provides a small amount of information about macrame. For beginning needlewomen, this will be enough to get started.

Necessary materials

The main material for work is any thread. It could also be cords or even a clothesline. Only threads with pile are not suitable, since their fluffiness will hide the entire relief of the pattern. Silk cords look beautiful, but are too slippery. You will have to put in a lot of effort to ensure that a knot made from such material holds well. So what makes the most successful macrame weave? For beginner craftswomen, cotton rope is suitable. It is the easiest to make knots from, and the pattern is especially clear.

Also, in addition to the rope, you will need pins with balls at the ends, scissors and a centimeter for measuring the length of the cord used. As well as instructions for weaving using the macrame technique. A master class for beginners should be clear and understandable.

Take care to secure your work. The base that you will use for this purpose should be stable and dense, but it should allow pins to penetrate well. If you weave small-sized products, then a regular pillow may be suitable for you.

How to prepare the thread?

There are always two types of threads in work - warp thread and working thread. The main thread is the attachment point for the work cords. It should be slightly longer than the width of your work. The edges of this thread are tied with regular knots and pinned to the base. Cutting cords for work. They must be at least twice as long as the future product. It is usually difficult to determine the size of working threads if you are just learning how to weave macramé. Schemes for beginning craftswomen contain the necessary dimensions.

Sometimes the threads are so long that they introduce a lot of inconvenience into the process. Then they are wound onto something like a reel and attached to the base. You can also use special bobbins or curlers with an elastic band for this. If suddenly at some point during weaving your thread unexpectedly runs out, then you will be able to lengthen it. To do this, cut it about halfway at a distance of 4 cm from the edge. Do the same with the thread that you will attach. Lubricate the cut areas with glue and connect them to each other.

Basic knots in the macrame technique for beginners

In the modern world, knot weaving is used mainly for the purpose of making accessories. By learning how to make just a few types of knots, you can create beautiful things. Belts and capes made using this technique attract all eyes, and bags and wallets look especially original. Let's find out how to weave macrame for beginner craftswomen.

The most basic elements of the macrame technique include right-sided and left-sided flat knots, as well as a square knot, which is a sequential execution of the previous two. This type of knot was used by sailors to decorate something. For example, knife handles. Also basic elements include twisted and knotted chains.

Square knot

Fasten two threads to the base so that you get four free edges. Take the thread on the far right, pass it over the two central ones and place it under the left one. Then we extend the one located on the left under the central ones. We bring it out into the hole that formed between the right and central threads. The left one should lie on top of the right one. Now the thread that is on the right is passed under the central ones and on top of the one that is on the left. The left one is placed on the central ones, after which it is passed into the hole on the other side, under the right thread. This is how you get a knot called a square knot, with which you can weave a chain, and if you use only half of the knot, your chain will twist.

Materials for a bracelet made using the macrame technique

Let's look at how very easy it is to create bracelets for beginner needlewomen using the macrame technique. For our decoration you will need a cord with a diameter of one millimeter, several beads with a hole with a diameter of about two millimeters, one large bead - about 1 cm in diameter. To correctly calculate how much cord we will need, we need to decide how many centimeters in length the finished product will be, as well as approximately how much is needed for tying knots. To find out how much cord is needed for work, you need to add the length of the bracelet and the amount of material spent on tying the knots, and multiply the result by 10.

Also consider the fact that the more beads you use, the less material you will need, and vice versa. You will also need a piece of cord to create the clasp. Taking this information into account, we determine that for the central part we will need a piece 48 cm long, and for the side parts - 175 cm. For the fastener - 25 cm.

Instructions for weaving a bracelet

Tools you need are scissors or wire cutters, tape to secure the middle threads, and a folder with a clip to secure all the work. And in general, this design will allow you to move with your work anywhere.

Take two main cords (48 cm and 175 cm) and align their middles. Place the loop of the shorter one inside the loop of the longer one. Now determine the middle of the 25 cm segment and fold it in half.

Pass the loop of this section into the loop formed by the two previous cords, and bring the free ends of your future fastener through it. Secure this entire structure to a folder with a clip and tape the ends of the middle cord. This will significantly add convenience to your work. The entire bracelet is woven using the above-described square macrame knot. Schemes for beginners are also given above.

Pre-determine how many knots will be located at the beginning, at the end and between the beads, and also select the degree of tightening for yourself and try to do it the same way. Otherwise, your bracelet will end up uneven. Make several knots, then put on a bead and then alternate knots and beads in the order you have in mind. After the last bead is put on, make the same number of knots as you did at the beginning. Now place a large bead on all four cords. Don't forget to pre-fit the bracelet on your wrist. Tie a knot, cut the thread and add a drop of glue for strength.

Making a clasp

Try on the bracelet again. This time you need to decide on the length of the fastener. On the section of cord reserved for fastening the bracelet, tie a knot in the required place. To make the clasp adjustable, step back about 1.5 cm from the knot you tied and tie another one. Cut the cord and secure with glue.

Having made such a simple summer bracelet, you will understand perfectly how to weave macrame. This is a great workout for beginning needlewomen.

Making learning macrame more difficult for beginners

Once you have become familiar with the basics of macrame as a handicraft option, you can slightly complicate your task and move on to more interesting products or decorations. While traveling through the macrame course for beginners, do not leave flower pots without your attention. Such an original product will certainly decorate and enliven any room and will look good, even if it is made from an ordinary clothesline.

We weave flowerpots for a flower pot

Now let's start creating the first flowerpot using the macrame technique. The master class for beginners below will help you with this. To work, you will need 6 ropes. Each of them should be 4 meters long. Fold them in half and determine the center. Weave, using a square knot, 9 cm in one direction and the other from the center. Now fold the resulting strip in half and wrap all the cords, connecting them into one bundle.

The next step will be creating the hanging elements. Divide the entire bundle into three groups of cords. Each of them should consist of four ropes. Using one of the variants of a flat knot, we weave a twisted chain. Each of the three chains should be 70 cm long.

All that remains is to make a basket for the pot. We take two threads from adjacent chains and weave 2-4 square knots on them at a distance of 9 cm from the edge of the hanging elements. Then we take two more threads from the next ones and repeat everything. And so we continue weaving in a circle and down until the size of the height of the basket fits your pot that is supposed to be placed there. When the desired size is reached, we again collect all the cords into a bundle and wrap them together. Let's leave a small brush for beauty and trim off all the excess.

Macrame is an ancient form of textile craft. The main principle of weaving is tying knots. China is considered the birthplace of macrame. Beginners can master the simple technique of weaving laces, while experienced needlewomen can create real masterpieces.

What is macrame?

Macrame is a weaving technique based on tying knots, thanks to which you can create interesting crafts, bracelets and other unique things. This is one of the most ancient types of needlework, the roots of which come from Asian countries. Today, macrame has gained great popularity. There are art schools all over the world where you can learn this weaving technique.

What is needed for macrame?

The main material used for work is any threads. You can use rope, cords, etc. as them. True, it is not recommended to take threads with pile , since due to their fluffiness the pattern becomes less pronounced. Looks much more attractive silk cords , however, it is not very convenient to weave with them, since they slip in your hands. To make a strong knot when weaving using the macrame technique, you need to put in enough effort. Therefore, it is not recommended for beginning needlewomen to use silk threads. It would be preferable for them cotton rope . It is convenient to use when creating various chains and nodes.

Used in macrame two types of threads . The first is for the base, the second is the working one. The base is necessary for attaching work cords. There are certain requirements for it. First of all, the main thread must be of the optimal length, which exceeds the width of the work. It is this that is tied and pinned to the base.

In addition to the main material you will need:

  • thread holder,
  • pins with balls at the ends,
  • measuring tape,
  • scissors.

And for beginning craftswomen to weave using the macrame technique with their own hands, they will also need step-by-step instruction . It is desirable that it be written in accessible and understandable language, and also be accompanied by a photo.

On a note! It is important to take care of securing the work in advance. The base must be stable, but it must allow pins to pass through perfectly. In the case of weaving small items using the macrame technique, an ordinary pillow is quite suitable as a base.

Macrame weaving patterns for beginners

It is convenient to master weaving macrame for beginners using patterns.

The simplest knot, which is used in almost every macrame pattern, is the simple Herculean knot. To make it, you need to take two threads and secure each with a pin. Then the right cord is placed under the left one, and the left one is braided into a loop, as shown in the diagram. So it is necessary to weave until the product of the required size is obtained. At the end a knot is made.

The “Spider” pattern is often used in macrame weaving. For it you will first need to make several square knots, then one is tied on 3-6 threads in the second row. As for the base, these will be cords 4 and 5. When performing the third row, according to the diagram, you need to braid 1 square knot, using a similar base, and also adding 7 and 2. Threads 4 and 5 are used for the square knot, which is performed in the fourth row, also using 8 and 1.

You can also use the macrame technique to make a double flat knot with a left crossbar, as shown in the diagram.

Macrame weaving master class

Using a master class with step-by-step photos and a detailed description of each action, you can weave anything you want with your own hands. Macrame weaving allows you to realize any fantasies and bring the most unexpected ideas to life. Such products will definitely become the main decorations of your home.

Master class 1: flower pots

To weave flowerpots using the macrame technique, you need to prepare a glass round vase, tape and white nylon threads. Then you can start weaving the product.

The work is carried out as follows:

Thus, you get an interesting flowerpot made of knots and chains, which will decorate your home and also be suitable as a gift.

Master class 2: belt using macrame technique

Weaving a flat belt using the macrame technique for beginners will not be difficult if you follow our master class exactly. To work, you will need a base on which 6 cords (threads) are attached.

Next, weaving macrame continues in a similar pattern. This pattern is simple and suitable for beginner needlewomen. Despite the ease of manufacture, the belt turns out to be quite attractive. When the required length of the product is reached, all cords or threads must be tied into one knot. The belt can be painted with beads, attaching them with glue.

Macrame, photos and patterns of weaving panels, which can be easily found in needlework magazines, involves the creation of beautiful knotted installations from dense knitting. It is believed that the pioneers of this artistic technique were the ancient Egyptians, who used this method to decorate the mansions of the pharaohs. But historians have discovered similar decorations among the Greeks, Assyria, Peru, and China. That is, it is impossible to say exactly who was the first to use macrame to create an artistic plexus and decorate the interior and facade. However, now they even create panels from it.

Weaving panels in the style of macrame is a subtype of textile art. It is suitable for both beginning craftsmen and experienced hand-made representatives. It is believed that such crafts first began to be made in the early 60s in England, but this is not an entirely correct statement.

What are compositions made of?

The main materials for creating macrame panels are:

  • Hemp rope;
  • Linen rope;
  • Paper rope;
  • Cotton;
  • Flat braid
  • Sisal.

Naturally, the use of other fabrics and strands is also allowed, but it must be taken into account that the main thing in the technique is the creation of loops. That is, the material is selected such that it will be convenient for the master to work with, taking into account his knitting skills.

Macrame for beginners: patterns for weaving panels

It’s worth mentioning right away that there are no schemes or algorithms for creating macrame under panels as such. The main thing in the work is the primary sketch. To create it, both a simple cutting pattern and a contour pattern are suitable. You can even use photos of already created panels posted on the World Wide Web and navigate by them.

If you plan to create volumetric macrame, then it is generally recommended to use a foam base. If lampshades are needed, you can add simple metal rings to the final product, which will hold the basic shape of the macrame. And the knots are made in any convenient way.

That is, you can use any knitting technology, including:

  • Through the hook;
  • Patchwork (where the loops are connected diagonally);
  • Bachmann knot.

These are the main methods that are most often used, but it is allowed to include any others in macrame.

Functionality in the interior: macrame wall panel with pockets

Macrame wall panels with pockets are a kind of prototype of old military banners. This means that a similar shape is given by a broken 5-gon. This is the simplest option, but exceptions are allowed. Such a panel can be hung on the wall, and the pocket itself can be used, for example, to store spices and jars of seasonings in the kitchen or any other small items that should always be at hand.

To create this macrame you will need:

  • Clamps (to create the original shape);
  • Rope;
  • The simplest scheme;
  • Knitting needles (professionals can do without them, but for beginners this is not an option).

At the top of such a panel, a fastening is made for a regular nail. A kind of “handle” of 1-3 twists of the rope.

Decor and macrame: panels for wall clocks and paintings

Macrame panels can also be made specifically for watches. That is, a knitted product is created that is attached to a watch. It is not necessary to create pockets, just like a frame.

In this case, it is advisable to make macrame round (although you can also start from the shape of the clock). By the way, it is believed that the best way for this case is to use Josephine knots from a thick strand.

Since the panel will be placed behind the clock, it will have the style of lambrequins, that is, a beautiful flowing lampshade.

You can add such a panel using:

  • Garter;
  • Longitudinal weaving;
  • Woven folds (through which, like a web, ropes are laid).

Panel “owl”, macrame: master class step by step

The owl represents wisdom and calm. Accordingly, when creating such macrame, you should choose simple, calm tones. The ideal choice is beige and brown. The owl itself should be woven from the middle. The head, wings, legs - all this is done separately and then connected with diagonal knots (if the weaving was done from the center).

Step by step it looks like this:

  • Knitting the base (the body of the future owl);
  • Creation of other elements;
  • Adding eyes, ears (just loose rope);
  • Compound.

Of course, many can show a master class and create such a panel from one element, but this is no longer for beginners - it will be too difficult and the product can be damaged by improperly tightening even one knot, which will result in an arrow.

Sketch for a macrame panel: tutorial on how to create

Yes, the most difficult thing in creating macrame is the sketch. But you can take as a basis not only some painting or image, but also abstraction, ornament, mosaic and just patchwork - a patchwork connection. You can focus on a specific topic. For example, New Year's macrame is the same snowman or snowflakes, summer - some flowers or forget-me-nots. And in the fall, you can even use a herbarium of leaves as a sketch.

When planning a product you need to consider:

  • You can use jewelry, beads and even coins (you get something like a mandala);
  • Knitting can be done not from ropes, but from lace belts. These, by the way, are sold in textile stores;
  • It is better to starch the finished product made of fine textiles.

Macrame training course (video)

As for sketches, there will be no problems with them at all if you learn to use applications such as Photoshop, Corel Draw, GIMP. Macrame is a fascinating creativity that gives birth to masterpieces, but requires attention and perseverance. With the help of imagination and visual materials, you can make a unique design with your own hands.

Happy ideas and implementations!

Macrame products (photo)

Decorating an apartment, a private house, or a work office using knotted weaving will create extraordinary comfort in the room. This technique is used to decorate any room, create many household items, and even a child can make some versions of macrame in the interior.

History of appearance

Macrame is one of the most ancient crafts invented by people. It is believed that it appeared on the day when a historical human ancestor decided to tie together two thin vines or sinews of a killed animal. This was the very first knot, many others appeared later, the weaving technique was constantly improved and became more complex. Some tribes had a “knot letter”, an abacus. Initially, the complex system of knots had only a practical purpose: this is how fishing nets were woven, individual elements of portable dwellings were made, and on ships sailing on the open sea, it was absolutely impossible to do without knots.

Over time, macrame became a decorative art - it began to be used as decoration for clothes, home draperies, to weave amulets, hats, bags, etc. Each nation did it differently - they used silk, wool, cotton threads, hemp ropes, gold thread, etc. Macrame was known in many countries of the world - Japan, China, Turkey, India, and then in Russia. Later, circles teaching this art, master classes in glossy magazines and the Internet appeared everywhere.

In what styles should knotted decor be used?

A variety of products made using the macrame technique can decorate the interior of almost any style:

  • classic - a colored or plain wall or floor rug with tassels, fringe, combined with a wicker bedspread is suitable;
  • minimalism - openwork wicker elements on the windows diversify the modest design of the room;
  • country - long curtains made of linen, cotton threads, on windows, doorways, will be an excellent addition;
  • loft – rough abstractions made of thick twine on stone walls, “dream catchers” under chandeliers look very original;
  • Art Deco - “the theme” will include chic lampshades with many volumetric details, beads, stones, on floor lamps, ceiling lamps;
  • ecological - hanging chairs woven from jute, numerous flower pots with potted plants on the windows and walls will create a unique design.

It is not advisable to use too much wicker decor in one room - preferably two or three elements that match each other.

Preparatory work - what you need to know about technology

To get started you will need:

  • threads, long cord;
  • tape measure;
  • pins, “invisible”;
  • wide cushion or pad;
  • scissors.

In most macrame patterns, the threads are divided into main and working threads - the latter are made four to eight times longer than the intended product, and the former are made slightly larger than its width. The working threads are attached to the main threads.

Threads - how, which ones to choose

Macrame can be woven from a wide variety of materials, both natural and synthetic:

  • hemp;
  • flax;
  • jute;
  • cotton;
  • sisal;
  • soutache;
  • polypropylene twine;
  • cord fishing line, etc.

Many craftsmen use clotheslines, wire, ribbons, shoe laces, waxed thread, floss threads, flat braid, and paper twine.

It is not recommended to use materials that are too fluffy - the pattern of them will be difficult to distinguish.

Mounting methods

The threads are bent in half by throwing a loop, threading the ends through it, and tied on a base that is pinned to the roller. The loop can be thrown either back, behind the warp thread, or forward, pulling it out from under it - you get two different knots.

In the third option, one of the previous knots is first tied, then each of the threads is thrown over the warp, goes around it, and is threaded into the resulting loop symmetrically to the other.

Fourth option: the thread is placed with the upper end under the warp, pinned, the second end is thrown over the warp, forming a turn on the right. The second turn is made to the left of the top. The lower end of the thread goes around the base, threads it into the loop from below, and tightens.

Alternatively, the threads are fixed on a wooden base, which is fixed on the table or wall using two hooks with suction cups.

All about nodes

Over its history, humanity has created a huge number of knots, but not all of them are used in modern macrame. Conventionally, they are divided into basic, decorative, and auxiliary.


  • right and left simple nodes;
  • "eight";
  • tie (Slovak);
  • loop left and right;
  • Armenian (sliding);
  • rep;
  • Hercules (straight);
  • single flat (helical);
  • double flat (square);
  • triple flat (gourmet);
  • Chinese;
  • "cross";
  • "flower";
  • “button” (double, flat, sliding);
  • ceiling (well);
  • "snake";
  • "mystical";
  • "lotus".


  • "happiness";
  • Turkish;
  • "Josephine";
  • "turban";
  • "monkey fist"
  • petal;
  • "sea rug";
  • shamrock;
  • wreath.

Auxiliary (for decorating the ends of the threads):

  • "Capuchin";
  • "earring".

It is better to try tying different knots by looking at master classes or pictures.

Variety of weaving patterns

Experienced craftsmen recommend starting weaving with “square” knots, consisting of left and right flat ones. To do this, take four threads - the first and fourth will become working threads, the second and third will become main threads. The first is passed under the main ones, the fourth is placed under the first, but on top of the main ones, its tip is threaded into the first loop. From such knots both individual strips and entire meshes are woven.

Vertical and horizontal rep knots are also often used. The auxiliary cord makes two turns from bottom to top around the base, is passed into the resulting loop, and tightened. A set of such nodes is called a brida, which can also be made diagonal. The vast majority of weaving patterns contain rep and square knots.

To decorate the product, during the weaving process, wooden and plastic beads, pearls, pebbles, and coins with holes are placed on the threads.

Using nets made using the macrame technique, they zone the space of a studio apartment, separating the dining area from the kitchen, and highlighting a living room or workplace. The mesh is stretched between the slats from floor to ceiling or from the back of the sofa to special cornices. “Scattering” curtains are made in arches and doorways; the head of the bed in the bedroom is also framed with a wicker pattern. Bright wickerwork for children's rooms is very popular - for example, bumpers for a crib, pendants above it. You can weave colored beads of different sizes and shapes there so that the baby develops fine motor skills by feeling them.

If you have enough space at home, you can weave and hang a hammock. To do this, a mesh with cells no larger than four to seven centimeters in size is woven from double flat knots arranged in a checkerboard pattern. It is attached with strong carabiners to special brackets in the wall, in the garden on a special stand, between two trees.

Wall panel

In Soviet times, many apartments were decorated with a large or small panel in the shape of an owl. She symbolized wisdom and prosperity in the home. The basis here is a wooden varnished stick or a metal ring. A mandatory attribute of such a panel is two large eyes, usually made of wooden beads or colored buttons, symbolic wings on the sides, a wooden perch on which the owl appears to be sitting. The eyes are highlighted with fringe in all directions, the beak is also made from beads or woven in the shape of a pea from flat knots, and paws can also be made. The plumage on the bird's belly is also woven from "peas", openwork, from diagonal bridles. At the bottom of the structure there is often a pocket for all sorts of small things, and even lower there is a long brush, which is decorated with small beads.

For an average size owl you will need 50-60 meters of twine. You can also make three identical owls of different colors, seating them in a row on one perch.

Curtains, curtains

Depending on the stylistic design of the interior, the basis for the curtains is a metal cornice with shiny rings, or a slightly curved piece of wood. “Summer” curtains will be decorated with flowers and leaves, “winter” curtains will be decorated with snowmen and snowflakes. Window draperies with a gradient color transition and lush tassels will create a boho style design. You can also make a rather rigid curtain from horizontal bridles, and sew decorative knots on top, such as “tree of life” or “Turkish”, decorating the bottom with a series of “monkey fist” knots.

In the bedroom, thin light threads are used to weave a canopy over the bed and a valance for the dressing table. For the kitchen, curtains made from new, modern, easy-to-clean materials would be an excellent solution.

The main advantages of macrame curtains:

  • do not collect dust;
  • almost do not get dirty;
  • do not lose shape;
  • great idea for zoning space;
  • easy to make with your own hands;
  • do not deprive the room of air.

The only disadvantage noted is that small children and pets are very interested in the “hangings” on the curtains, and cats, decorative rats, and parrots can become very entangled in them and tear them off.


Rugs are made round, rectangular, less often - asymmetrical, of complex shape. A small oval rug can be created using the sea rug knot. Using a fairly thick, long cord it is easy to create a rug of any size. If you take long colored ribbons or simply cut old knitwear into strips five to ten centimeters wide, you can use rep knots to weave a carpet of any size for the living room or bedroom. And by cutting plastic bags into the same strips, they weave a waterproof piece of furniture for the bathroom or hallway.

A round mat is woven on a regular gymnastics hoop; ropes of the required thickness are pulled over it as a base. Any knots can be used - rep, flat, tatting, etc. After finishing the work, the product is cut from the hoop, the warp threads are secured, the edges are decorated with tassels and fringe.

Decor items, accessories

The interior looks original, in which some places are separated by an openwork screen. It does not provide complete privacy, but it zones the room in an original way. To make a full-fledged screen, you buy or make your own wooden frame with holes into which ropes, threads, and cords are threaded. The “filling” of the screen is made dense or openwork. When the work is finished, the threads are carefully tied at the bottom with decorative knots.

Macrame shelves have a wooden or metal base and are hung on a wall, ceiling, or rod. If desired, a swing, a hanging chair, a “hanging” table or a baby cradle can be made from strong ropes. It is better to make them from durable natural materials with long-lasting color.

Wicker coasters for the kitchen or living room, whole tablecloths are also easy to make. To do this, the width and length of the tabletop are measured, the product is woven at least 20-30 cm longer on each side. The edges are decorated with tassels or decorative knots. Original pillowcases and pillow covers look organic, especially in retro interiors - for example, in the stylization of a “grandmother’s” bedroom in a country house from the middle of the last century.

To weave armchairs, stools, and frame benches, take an old strong base or “knock it together” yourself. Cords and ropes are required that are strong and capable of supporting the weight of an adult. They should not stretch, and the weaving should be made as tight as possible - otherwise the structure will quickly deform, lose its shape, and begin to “sag”.

Macrame lampshades are quite popular. They are used to decorate floor lamps, sconces, ceiling lamps, table lamps, and children's night lights. The main thing here is fire safety. Under no circumstances should the threads touch hot parts. The structure is attached to a wire frame or an old base. To make this product you will need 100-150 meters of rope, depending on the chosen pattern.

But the most common product made using the macrame technique is flower pots. It is hung above a window or on a wall; the base is a strong hook, a special holder, or a metal or wooden ring. A flowerpot can become part of a wall panel, have a wooden base where a pot with a flower is placed, or the flowerpot itself can be woven into knots. Straight flat knots are most often used as a pattern, and the upper part can consist of only left or only right ones, forming a beautiful spiral. Instead of a pot with a flower, they sometimes braid a beautiful glass jar, vase, decanter, etc.

The theme of macrame received a new round of development when the modern generation got excited about weaving baubles, funny keychains and “hippie” bags with long wide belts. Girls who do not yet know how to weave themselves tend to quickly catch up with the masters of this art form. A macrame weaving pattern for beginners will come to the rescue, which will speed up the process of introduction into the ranks of needlewomen. Even a few basic knots using the macrame technique will allow you to make your first interesting products.

Basic nodes

First of all, you need to learn how to attach threads to the base. The base can be a flat foam cushion, a wooden stick, a plastic ring, or the rope itself.

The fastening can be different, but the simplest is fastening with a lock inward and a lock outward.

The first type is done like this: a thread folded in half is placed behind the warp, and the middle of the thread in the form of a loop is bent to the front side.

The two free ends of the working thread are threaded into the resulting loop. The knot is tightened.

Fastening with a lock on the outside is done in the same way as on the inside. Only the position of the working thread changes.

A straight knot (roller knot) is knitted from two threads, first according to the principle of a lace on a shoe, then the threads are intertwined a second time and tightened in a non-standard way: two left and two right segments stretch in different directions. This knot has a crossbar on the left or right side (depending on which thread is leading).

A square knot is one of the main decorative elements in macrame. It is made on four threads, by double weaving them and tightening them into knots. First, a left-handed knot is woven, then a right-handed one: this creates a square knot (or a double flat one).

Several square knots woven one after another form a chain.

If you weave only knots in one direction, you will get a twisted chain. This technique is usually used when weaving hanging flower pots.

The rep knot is also an important detail in almost any macrame work. Due to it, the woven fabric is strengthened. He also participates in decorating the design with convex “grooves”.

The rep knot can be either horizontal or vertical. The horizontal one is formed on four threads, as shown in the photo.

The vertical rep knot repeats the horizontal one, but on a vertical base.

There are also diagonal rep knots. They look very impressive in the product.

Practice the little things

Even knowing only a few basic components, you can already introduce a practical component into the theory.

For example, weave several multi-colored bracelets with square knots with inserts of beads or stones between the weaves.

Or you can try to puzzle yourself with the pattern of the bracelet and weave it according to the pattern. At the same time, it will be clear whether a beginner can read simple diagrams or whether special attention will have to be paid to this.

You need to take two colored threads. Fold them in half and form a loop on the fold. This will be the clasp. The button is selected according to the diameter of the loop.

For convenience, the threads are fixed on a flat surface. Weaving begins from the loop with a simple knot for a length equal to the wrist.

After this, all the threads are collected with a rep knot into one bundle, and the excess ends are trimmed.

Simple and sweet. Or you can complicate the task and try to make a cute keychain in the shape of an oak leaf according to the diagram.

To do this you need to take two threads. Divide one of them in half and throw it over the middle of the second thread with a simple fastening.

The warp threads are lowered to the center and two rep knots are woven. Next, the warp threads are woven with one rep knot.

Take two new threads and pin them in the middle to the pillow along the edges of the first. Two rep knots are formed on both sides.

One end is taken out of service. In the center of the product, the right warp thread is woven onto the left bridle. The extreme threads on both sides are woven into brids, intersecting in the middle.

Additional two threads are reattached according to the same principle as the previous ones. Two more rows of rep knots are formed.