
I rubbed it between my legs with something to treat it with. "Rubbed between my legs. What should I do?" Advice from an amateur. What to do if you have already chafed your feet


Greetings to blog readers! Rubbing between the legs when walking - this problem is known to more than a third of women and runners. We’ll look at how to get rid of it and how to never deal with it in this article.

Causes of skin chafing

What has happened may reveal this problem again. Why does it rub between women’s legs, especially in the heat?

  1. When walking, the legs touch closely to each other.
  2. Wet skin.
  3. Thin skin.
  4. Wrong underwear.
  5. Poorly chosen gasket.

Irritation on the delicate skin of the thighs can occur not only in the heat. If a woman has full legs, then this problem can occur in any weather, at any time of the year.

In the heat, irritation increases, so ladies need to constantly do something to avoid chafing.

If your legs are too full, then you need to lose weight! What if it doesn't work out? You will have to learn to prevent chafing between your legs by making the skin less sensitive and more elastic. What to do to give your skin elasticity and firmness:

  • Change your diet, including more fresh vegetables, fruits, and especially fish in the menu. It is fish that can provide the body with healthy fat necessary for the elasticity of the skin.
  • Drink enough. It turns out that most skin problems come from a lack of clean water. The skin becomes thinner from a lack of fluid, hence the ulcers and redness.
  • Necessary massage with water jet, contrast shower on problem areas.
    After a shower, your thighs should be lubricated with vitamin E oil. Just don’t use the oil before going outside, so as not to aggravate the problem. Dust or grains of sand stuck to the cream will increase the risk of chafing, especially in hot weather.
  • Get rid of excess sweating. If this becomes the cause of rubbing, then you need to be examined by a doctor to rule out some kind of disease. Sweating may increase during pregnancy, adolescence, and. This is how nature intended it.
  • Do: squeezing a large ball between your knees.
  • Wraps with clay, honey, chocolate, cocoa. Will help to lose weight in this part of the body.

How to reduce irritation

Prevention is a good thing, but if it is no longer possible to walk because of the pain, what should you do to make it go away? You can use grandma's forgotten method: sprinkle with baby powder with an antiseptic effect.

Apply powder to washed, dry skin. When the surface begins to sweat, the powder will absorb all the moisture, leaving the skin dry and slightly slippery.

An antiperspirant in the form of an aerosol will help fight it. Apply the aerosol in a thin layer, after a few seconds it will cover the problem area with a thin protective layer. An antiperspirant with a powder effect absorbs moisture best.

What to anoint with if you have a long walk or other event coming up? Teymurov's paste will help against excessive sweating. To quickly get rid of the effects of chafing, you need to wash your thighs with antibacterial soap, then treat them with an antiseptic drug:

  • "Rescuer";
  • "D-panthenol";
  • "Bepanten";
  • "Desitin."

How to lighten your skin

Frequent injury causes the skin in the groin to become dark in color. This is another problem that prevents girls from wearing an open swimsuit and acting freely during intimacy. To lighten the problem area, rub it with lemon slices, leave for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with water.

A cucumber mask has a good whitening effect. Rub the skin with cucumber and leave to dry. This procedure must be carried out daily. You can use whitening creams.

Treatment of diaper rash

How to treat diaper rash when it interferes with walking:

  • Aloe vera gel with a couple of drops of lavender oil will perfectly relieve pain.
  • Effective drugs: zinc-salicylic paste, Nystatin ointment, Clotrimazole.
  • Coconut oil will save you from suppuration.

What clothes to wear in summer

You can get irritated faster in a dress or skirt than in trousers. But in the summer, few people want to wear trousers. Fashion designers suggest wearing shorts. This type of clothing just covers the most sensitive areas of the thighs.

In a skirt, as in, you cannot escape from the appearance of diaper rash between your legs. That's why down you should wear thin underwear without seams that covers your hips. Bicycle shorts or silk bandages will also protect against chafing.

From personal experience. One of my friends cuts off all the excess from her tights, burns the cuts and wears them. It turns out cheap and useful!

Protection for athletes

Athletes, especially runners, often face this problem. Why do athletes sweat between their legs?

Causes of abrasions when running:

  • Physiological characteristics of a person when the legs are located very close to each other.
  • Incorrectly chosen clothes. Thick, synthetic clothing does not wick moisture away well. When friction occurs, wet skin is more easily injured than dry skin.
  • The presence of rough seams on the inner surface of the thigh also contributes to the appearance of diaper rash. To avoid injuring your thighs when running, you need to choose special clothing with mesh inserts for ventilation made of cotton fabric.

Before the race, problem areas should be sprinkled with talc, baby powder or regular starch. Washing with laundry soap will help dry the skin and kill bacteria.

It's time to switch from jeans to trousers

Young people don’t part with denim clothes either in winter or summer. But the easiest way is to create an unpleasant problem for yourself. If your thighs are chafed by your jeans, then it’s time to put them aside and put on lighter clothes. For example, shorts, a dress or light summer trousers.

How to choose gaskets

No woman can do without sanitary pads, especially during her period. To avoid chafing with a pad in an intimate area, you need to choose the right ones. Many girls advise choosing without a mesh, but with a smooth surface, or using tampons.

What do gynecologists advise? Gynecologists recommend using tampons and pads only on menstrual periods; I wash them every 3-4 hours. When replacement occurs less frequently, pathogenic microbes begin to appear in the bloodstream, which lead to various diseases.

But it is not recommended to use panty liners, especially those with beautiful designs and fragrance. Scented pads can cause severe allergies, and then you will have to take a long time to be treated for this scourge. The skin must breathe!

What should I do if I rubbed it even with a thin pad? Naftaderm deserves excellent recommendations.

This remedy has an anti-inflammatory, disinfectant, and analgesic effect on the affected area. Will help solve the problem cream "Skin-Cap", which has an antimicrobial effect. Gel Solcoseryl It will also help heal even large ulcers. For serious wounds, doctors recommend Advantan ointment. Its use should be rare and very dosed, since it is a hormonal drug.

Dear friends, any problem is solved. I am sure that all the above tips will be useful to you and in the summer you will not know how it rubs between your legs when walking.

Diaper rash in the groin is an inflammatory disease that develops as a result of the long-term irritating effect of skin secretion products (sebum, sweat) on constantly touching skin surfaces. If left untreated, skin folds are affected by infectious agents: bacteria, fungi or viruses.

Diaper rash in adults is a common occurrence, although this diagnosis is most often given to young children. Among adults, it is customary to remain silent about this delicate problem, but this tactic is wrong: early contact with a doctor and timely treatment will eliminate the risk of possible complications and allow you to lead a normal lifestyle.

Factors contributing to the formation of diaper rash

Why do diaper rash occur? Natural metabolic products, such as sweat and sebum, are present on the skin of every person. However, their aggressive influence is offset by the protective function of the skin. But under the influence of additional provoking factors, the skin becomes vulnerable to the effects and already acts as an entrance gate for infection.

  • Increased body temperature. Intense secretion of sweat and sebum creates a constant moist environment on the skin.
  • Urinary incontinence . Urine further irritates the skin.
  • Excess weight . Obese people sweat more than people of normal build, and skin friction in the groin area is stronger and more intense due to the significant amount of subcutaneous fat.
  • Insufficient hygiene or lack thereof. Natural secretions that remain on the skin become a breeding ground for bacteria if they are not washed off from the skin in time.
  • Poor drying of the groin folds after a shower or insufficient ventilation when wearing clothes (thick and hot clothes). Wet skin is many times more susceptible to injury from friction.
  • Allergic reaction to soaps and washing gels. Skin irritation due to a provoking factor of an allergic nature with the further action of sweat and sebum leads to the development of a strong inflammatory reaction.
  • Wearing underwear and clothes made of synthetic materials. Synthetics do not allow the skin to breathe, prevents the evaporation of moisture and sweat, i.e. creates conditions of high humidity on the skin.

Clinical manifestations

Constant local symptoms characteristic of diaper rash in the groin are:

  • soreness of the affected skin area;
  • , sometimes unbearable, forcing a person to scratch his skin until it bleeds;
  • burning.

Common symptoms include insomnia, nervousness, constant tension and bad mood. Diaper rash in the groin in men and women goes through several stages of development of the inflammatory process:

  • At first degree severity, the skin is not damaged, local redness is objectively observed.
  • The second degree is characterized by the formation of cracks, erosions, and when an infection occurs, pustules.
  • The third degree of severity is manifested by pronounced and bleeding erosions and cracks. Damaged skin becomes covered with a foul-smelling grayish-brown coating.

The clinical picture unfolds gradually, but quickly. Typically, the inflammatory process from the first to third stages takes about two to four weeks, but in some patients the disease develops in a few hours.


The typical location and striking symptoms usually do not raise doubts about the diagnosis. Diaper rash is differentiated from erythrasma, chronic limited, dermatophytosis, psoriasis. Seeing a doctor is mandatory - only a doctor knows how to cure diaper rash in each specific case; there is no general treatment for all types of diaper rash!

Treatment of diaper rash in the groin of 1st degree of severity

Treatment, as a rule, consists of establishing proper hygiene and eliminating provoking factors: regular washing with neutral detergents, thorough but gentle drying of the groin folds (preferably naturally), lubricating the groin folds with a protective cream, wearing high-quality underwear. During the treatment period, it is recommended to wear long trousers instead of swimming trunks to prevent skin friction.

Local treatment with a drug from a certain group can also be carried out, depending on the prevailing symptoms. The drugs described below can be combined, but they should not be applied at the same time.

Antiseptic solutions

Used to treat the skin before applying ointment.
The most commonly used solution is a 10% solution of boric acid on glycerin, which has an antiseptic, antifungal and astringent effect. Apply the solution to the affected areas and allow the skin to dry, after which a medicinal ointment can be applied.

Drying ointments

Neutralize inflammatory processes, protect the skin from irritation: Desitin, Zinc ointment, Lassara Paste.
The ointment is applied to dry skin 2-3 times a day in a thin layer.

You can also use powder with a drying, disinfecting, wound-healing effect - Xeroform.

Anti-inflammatory and healing ointments

They neutralize the inflammatory reaction in the thickness of the skin, reduce swelling and redness, regenerate the skin and improve trophism: Dexpanthenol, D-Panthenol cream, Bepanten.

Ointment for diaper rash in the perineum is applied to the affected area of ​​the skin 2-4 times a day and lightly rubbed in.

Complex drugs

This group contains several active substances, which provides a high therapeutic effect. The most effective treatment for diaper rash and itching is:

Ointment "Zhivitsa"

A natural product containing vegetable oils, pine resin and beeswax. It has analgesic, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, decongestant and wound healing effects.

Apply 3-5 times during the day in a thin layer to washed and dry skin.

Vitaon Balsam Karavaeva

A natural herbal preparation containing a mixture of oil extracts of pine buds, St. John's wort, wormwood, thyme and yarrow, fennel and caraway fruits, peppermint leaves, calendula and chamomile flowers. It has an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and healing effect, activates regenerative processes in the skin, and relieves itching.
Apply 2 times a day to affected skin, rubbing lightly.

La Cree cream

A complex combined preparation containing plant extracts, panthenol and bisabolol. It has an anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory, softening, moisturizing and regenerating effect.
Apply 2 times a day to dry skin.

Treatment 2 degrees

The progression of the inflammatory process certainly leads to the addition of an infection, which already has to be treated taking into account the etiological factor and more serious drugs:

  • antibiotics
  • antifungal and antiviral agents
  • antihistamines (see and).

Treatment of second-degree diaper rash with cracks, pustules, bleeding erosions is carried out taking into account the etiological causative agent of the skin infection, which occurs in 90% of cases.

Local treatment includes the use of healing ointments and pharmaceutical talkers. UV irradiation of the affected skin has a good effect; after the session, a medicinal ointment is applied to the skin. You can purchase home irradiation devices - a portable ultraviolet irradiator - and carry out treatment strictly according to the instructions and recommendations of the doctor.

Impeccable hygiene is mandatory, but without detergents, which additionally irritate the skin, and using decoctions of oak bark, chamomile and string in the bath or washing the skin with a herbal decoction after a shower.

How to treat third degree diaper rash in the groin?

In this case, creams, oils and ointments used for the traditional treatment of stage 1-2 diaper rash are contraindicated, since they additionally moisturize the skin and create a protective film, which slows down wound healing.

  • General antibacterial and antihistamine therapy is mandatory.
  • Locally advanced diaper rash is treated with lotions. The following medicinal solutions are used: 1% tannin solution, 0.25% silver nitrate solution, 0.1% rivanol solution.

These solutions are prepared in a pharmacy. A base for a lotion is made from a sterile bandage, commensurate with the affected skin, moistened in the solution and carefully applied to the diaper rash, leaving until the tissue dries. After healing of pustules and wet wounds, you can use zinc ointment.

Prevention of diaper rash

  • Maintain hygiene and thoroughly dry skin folds.
  • Avoid contact and friction of the skin in the groin and thighs.
  • Wearing high-quality underwear that does not rub or irritate the skin.
  • Avoiding skin contact with allergens.
  • Elimination of provoking factors: combating excess weight, using special pads for urinary incontinence, etc.

Agree, there is no person who would not be happy about the arrival of summer and the opportunity to take off heavy and warm clothes. But for many, this becomes the beginning of another problem, which can be awkward to even talk about. Well, how can you, suddenly limping, tell your companion: “I rubbed it badly between my legs”?!

We will tell you later in the article what to do in such situations and how to get rid of this constant summer problem.

First, about what causes abrasion between the legs

The most common opinion about irritations that occur between the legs is that they appear in obese people. Unfortunately, this is only half true, since overweight people, of course, are at greater risk of chafing their skin than others, but thin people also suffer from this problem.

It's all about the structural features of the body: many people, regardless of their weight, have legs touching at the top. And if to this is added sagging muscles of the inner thighs and tight underwear with rough seams along the edges, then the person discovers that he has chafed between his legs.

We will discuss what to do to avoid this, but for now we will simply list what can cause abrasion:

  • “wrong” underwear (tight, non-absorbent, with rough edges);
  • structural features of the body (fullness, x-shaped legs, flabby muscles);
  • increased sweating (as a rule, this affects people with endocrine or nervous system disorders, hypertension and women during menopause);
  • failure to comply with hygiene rules.

How to save yourself from chafing between your legs

So that you don’t have to call your friend (mom) with the words: “I rubbed it between my legs, what should I do?”, think about how to protect yourself from this trouble. Here are some of the most effective ways to prevent scuffs.

  • A spray containing silk proteins will definitely help you. It is usually bought in cases where shoes rub your feet, but for our problem this drug is quite suitable.
  • Baby powders (especially those containing talc and cornstarch) are also very effective. And they are much cheaper than the mentioned spray. True, powders have disadvantages - they do not last long and, in addition, stain clothes.
  • In such cases, talc-based baby diaper rash cream is also good.
  • Since constant moisture between the legs provokes the appearance of diaper rash, you can lubricate the inner sides of the thigh with a solid antiperspirant. It will delay the formation of sweat, but you can use it only if there are no abrasions on the skin yet - otherwise you will encounter a burning sensation and increased irritation.
  • Men, by the way, in the described cases like to use aftershave.

Once again about preventing irritation between the legs

What can be done to prevent a woman from chafing the skin between her legs again? Cosmetologists will also tell you what to do, since it turns out that you can achieve a good effect with the help of cosmetic milk. It is applied to the suspected areas of irritation, and it helps sufferers to walk for 3-4 hours without the danger of rubbing their feet into blood. You can take the bottle with the product with you. By the way, one of the advantages of milk is that it does not leave marks on clothes.

You can sew yourself pantaloons from silk knitwear or make something similar from tights, cutting them off and treating the edges with varnish or acetone so that there are no arrows. This will protect the upper part of the leg and save you from constant diaper rash. But, as you understand, pantaloons are not the brightest prospect if it rubs between your legs in the heat. What to do?

The most effective, but at the same time requiring time and patience, remedy is strengthening the inner thigh. After all, even among people who are not very plump, abrasions between the legs are not something unprecedented. And the culprit in this case is the sagging muscles of the inner thighs. Therefore, by doing leg exercises regularly, you will help yourself get rid of diaper rash.

Still, it’s easier for a woman than a man to tell her close friend about what she rubbed between her legs. What to do, representatives of the stronger sex are more reserved and shy in such situations! But this does not diminish the problem, because they often have abrasions - both on the inside of the thigh and between the buttocks, and all because men (may the reader forgive us such an intimate detail) usually have... There is also “vegetation”. And what should husbands do in such a situation?

Correctly selected underwear can save you from such problems. Preference should be given to boxer shorts that cover the upper part of the leg from the groin and, moreover, do not cut between the buttocks. It’s good if this underwear is “breathable”, that is, it allows air to pass through. This will prevent moisture from accumulating in the named risk zone and causing irritation there.

But, when choosing underwear, you should also remember about trousers - they should be loose and not have thick, roughly processed seams.

What to do if abrasion has already occurred?

The methods listed above will save any person from the named problem, but what to do if he has already rubbed between his legs? What to do?

If abrasion has already appeared, and not only irritation, but also wounds have appeared on the skin, try following the recommendations below.

1. You should definitely take a shower or wash the damage with soap or a weak solution of potassium permanganate (this is necessary in order to remove sweat, which greatly irritates the skin) and disinfect it.

2. The abrasions must be ventilated, allowed to dry thoroughly and then applied a compress of herbs that have an anti-inflammatory effect (oak bark, chamomile, aloe leaf, St. John's wort, etc.) or lubricated with an ointment with a similar effect (for example, "Bepanten" or "Panthenol").

Desitin ointment helps very well in such cases, which contains substances that help create a film on the skin that does not allow moisture to pass through, and this helps diaper rash to heal quickly. The effect of this product is noticeable within 24 hours.

If crusts appear on the site of healed wounds, lubricate them with “Rescuer” or another similar fatty ointment.

What other ointments help if you rub it between your legs?

What to do if small diaper rashes appear between your legs every now and then - everyone decides for themselves. We note that modern medicine has many effective means to combat this. In addition to the above-mentioned drugs “Bepanten” and “Panthenol”, zinc ointment is very popular in such cases, which helps relieve inflammation, dry the wound and is also an excellent antiseptic.

Skin-Cap cream also helps solve the problem, which quickly eliminates inflammation and has an antimicrobial effect, preventing infection of damaged skin.

When to see a doctor

Of course, few people, when the described problem first appears, will immediately go to the doctor with the question: “I rub between my legs when walking, what should I do?” Most victims will try to get rid of diaper rash on their own. There is nothing bad in this situation, but only if the irritation is not severe and is easily amenable to home treatment methods.

If, despite the measures taken, the condition does not improve, and weeping wounds and cracks appear at the site of diaper rash, the temperature rises, chills and burning sensation occur in the damaged areas, you should urgently contact a dermatologist. Perhaps fungi or bacteria have entered the damaged skin, and this condition is already fraught with serious consequences, including blood poisoning!

Let's sum it up

We hope that now you know what to do if you get chafing between your legs in the summer, and you can take precautions to prevent such troubles. The main thing is to remember: you can treat yourself only for small amounts of abrasions!

Watch your weight, play more sports and be very picky about the quality of the product when choosing underwear and trousers - all this will save you from many problems. In addition, take care of prevention, preventing the possibility of diaper rash using the remedies listed in the article, and then you won’t have to wonder: “Rubbed between your legs... What to do?”

Clean the affected area. Wash the affected area thoroughly with water and a mild detergent. Rinse off any remaining product with clean water. Pat your skin dry with a clean, dry towel. Cleaning the affected area is especially important if you have been exercising or sweating heavily. It is very important to wash away any traces of sweat before treating irritated skin.

  • Do not wipe, but only blot the skin with a towel so as not to cause even more irritation to the skin.

Apply powder. Apply baby powder to your skin. This should help reduce friction. You can use baby powder that doesn't contain talc, baking soda, cornstarch, or the like. It is not recommended to use talc or products containing talc, as some studies indicate that it is carcinogenic. This is especially true for women and products that are applied to intimate areas.

Apply ointment. Use petroleum jelly, body balm, diaper rash cream, or any other product designed to prevent chafing on the skin. Some products are specifically aimed at preventing chafing in athletes. After applying the ointment, the affected area can be covered with a sterile bandage or cloth plaster, which allows the skin to breathe.

Apply a cold compress. Cool irritated skin by applying a cold compress. This should be done immediately after exercise or when you notice irritation. Do not apply ice directly to the skin as this will only make your condition worse. Instead, wrap ice in a towel or cloth and apply the resulting compress to the affected area for about 20 minutes. A cold compress will relieve pain.

Apply soothing gel and oil. For example, you can apply aloe vera gel to the affected area. Both natural aloe gel and a ready-made product sold in a pharmacy or store are suitable for this (but before purchasing, make sure that it contains a minimum amount of additives). Aloe vera is great for soothing the skin. You can also apply a couple of drops of tea tree oil to a cotton swab and thoroughly wipe the skin with the swab. Tea tree oil has antiseptic properties, and therefore can prevent the development of infection and promote rapid healing.

Take a bath. Prepare a soothing bath by mixing 2 cups of baking soda and 10 drops of lavender essential oil in warm water. Take care that the water is not too hot, as this may cause more irritation. Soak in this bath for 20 minutes and then dry yourself with a soft towel.

Hello, dear readers of our blog. When it rubs between the legs when walking, it is a rather delicate problem that is known not only to women, but also to men. Many of you know about it firsthand. This problem becomes especially relevant during the summer heat, when increased sweating only aggravates the situation. In this article, we will analyze in detail the causes of chafing, as well as ways to eliminate it and what preventive measures will be effective.

Why does it rub between my legs?

Many ladies are embarrassed by this problem, since it most often occurs in overweight people. Full legs, or rather thighs, rub against each other while walking, resulting in irritation, sores and even ulcers. In the heat, the skin sweats, and accordingly, it rubs between the legs even faster.

It is worth noting that this problem is familiar not only to overweight people, but also to women with peculiarities of the anatomical structure of their legs. It can also rub between the legs during pregnancy if a woman suffers from edema.

On the beach, such women are immediately visible; they bashfully cover their hips with a pareo, not because they are embarrassed by their full legs or cellulite on their hips, but because the area of ​​friction is different in color from the rest of the skin. It has a gray or brown tint.

So what to do, what to anoint with in order to forget about such a delicate problem forever?

How to treat abrasions between legs

If this happens, then you should immediately reconsider your wardrobe. It is logical that abrasions form much faster in a dress or skirt. Therefore, in the heat, if the problem is difficult to solve, then it is better to wear trousers or jeans for a while.

Another problem is the rapid wear of trousers, since even the densest fabric cannot withstand such friction, very soon holes form in places of strong friction.

As soon as you feel discomfort in the problem area, try to take a shower as soon as possible and dry the affected area of ​​skin thoroughly. In the first stage, small pimples and redness may appear.

When the skin is dry, apply a soothing cream.

You can also resort to traditional medicine, apply aloe vera juice or cosmetic gel from this plant to the problem area of ​​the skin.

Under no circumstances should you use drying agents such as hydrogen peroxide, brilliant green or iodine. The skin is already suffering in this area, and such remedies will only aggravate the situation and cause unnecessary pain.


What can I do to avoid chafing the skin between my legs? Are there any special products?
There are no special tools, but there are still some recommendations that will help alleviate or eliminate the problem:

  1. If the problem is excess weight, then it would be a good idea to start losing weight. Chafing in the groin and on the inner thigh is the smallest problem that you will solve by getting rid of extra pounds. So, start looking after yourself!
  2. Of course, the problem of excess weight cannot be solved quickly, so you need to look for alternative ways. One of these is the most common baby powder or starch, which is sold in any grocery store. Apply a small layer of talc or starch to a clean, dry surface of the skin; it will form a “powdery” layer that will prevent chafing. Unfortunately, this method does not last long. You need to renew the product every 2-3 hours. Although baby powder is simple, it fits easily into your purse.
  3. It happens that you rub your skin too hard, and this place causes severe discomfort, but you need to run errands. Then try applying a very rich cream to the sore spot. However, it is not recommended to sit down in a dress or skirt, as greasy cream can leave a mark on the fabric.
  4. You can use a regular antiperspirant that contains talc. Just use it as usual, applying a small layer to your skin. By the way, this is one of the best options!

We have said how to treat “scuff marks” on the skin, but here are a few more recommendations for different situations in life:

  1. If you rub it with jeans, then in this case it is better to replace them with other products made of lighter, softer and more breathable materials, at least for a while.
  2. If it rubs between your legs while running, it’s also better to consider another option for sportswear. Perhaps you run in shorts, and they often “bounce” upward on full legs, causing the skin on the thighs to create friction. It is better to run in training pants or leggings. This is even better, since the muscles in the trousers will not cool down and you will avoid injury.
  3. Ladies have a very difficult situation when they rub it with a pad. This happens especially often in hot weather. Most likely, you did not attach it to the underwear correctly; the edge was bent incorrectly, which created friction when walking. As soon as you feel discomfort, replace the hygiene product with a new one. At the same time, be careful that the edges do not bend anywhere again. The irritated area can be anointed with the pharmaceutical ointments listed above.
  4. Today, special shapewear is sold that looks like shorts. They are able to tighten the hips and reduce friction between the legs. Unfortunately, shapewear is not cheap.
  5. A budget option is to make these shorts yourself from nylon tights. Take thin tights - 15 denier, cut off the legs, and wear shorts under a dress or skirt. Just don’t wear an outfit that’s too short so that no one accidentally sees your “little secret.”

Recently, elastic bands, similar to elastic bands for stockings, have appeared on sale. These bands simply fit over your hips and prevent friction. The ribbon can be made of elastic material or lace. Even if someone sees this intimate detail of your wardrobe, it will not make you embarrassed, as is the case with cut-off tights.

How to remove dark spots?

As mentioned above, chafing between the legs is half the problem, but the dark spots on the thighs that they leave are a real problem, but not a death sentence! There are simple whitening products that are available to everyone:

  1. Wipe your skin with a slice of lemon or lemon juice diluted with water twice a day. This method does help whiten your skin, but you can only use it if you do not have irritation, pimples or sores.
  2. A gentler method is to mix grated fresh cucumber with lemon juice and apply the paste to problem areas. You need to do the procedure regularly, then the result will be noticeable.
  3. You can try purchasing special whitening creams, for example, for age spots. Such products can also work well in the case of abrasions.

We sincerely hope that you found our tips useful for chafing between your legs when walking! If so, then subscribe to our updates and share useful information with your friends via social networks.

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How to get rid of chafing between your legs in summer?

    You can wear pants (jeans). Baby cream or powder also helps with chafing.

    The problem of chafing between the legs in the summer becomes relevant for people with full legs, who wear light clothes and sweat in the summer. The problem mainly affects women. It is very unpleasant to walk in nice, hot weather and then experience problems with chafing.

    To solve this problem, you can use some recommendations.

    1. Use deodorant to prevent sweating.
    2. Use special underwear.
    3. Before hiking in warm weather, lubricate the areas where the skin touches with cream or talcum powder.
    4. Dress for the weather. Since the body constantly tries to keep the body temperature within normal limits, in hot weather when it overheats it begins to secrete sweat. Thereby cooling the body. If you dress according to the weather and do not overheat in the sun, then the problem of sweating will disappear by itself.
  • During hot periods, when tights do not protect the delicate area between the legs from friction, you can use special nude shorts that are not noticeable under a dress or skirt. Although some argue that shorts are not comfortable, as they make you even hotter, plus they roll up.

    In addition to shorts, special baby powders and diaper rash creams are also widely used, which dry the skin and promote the healing of wounds that may have formed. Also, some stick on large patches.

    The best solution for rubbing between the legs in the summer is talc or regular baby powder. The advantage of these products is that they are absolutely harmless and can be applied an unlimited number of times as soon as necessary. Moreover, you can always take them with you everywhere.

    I heard about deodorant, but somehow I never used it in practice. Ordinary baby powder helps me, and it’s convenient to use, since it’s in a special bottle, and it’s quick. In general, I recommend it to everyone!

    You need to change your underwear to something more comfortable - this is the first thing. Now there is seamless underwear - it does not rub the skin as much as possible. Or choose longer panties, like knickers. Some people think of making panties out of tights, simply cutting them to the desired length.

    Avoid lace, pay attention to the material of underwear - it should be soft and breathable.

    At home, if possible, walk naked and let your skin breathe.

    Lubricate your thighs with a rich cream; before going outside, you can apply talc or dry antiperspirant deodorant. Calendula ointment also helps.

    For clothes, choose classic trousers without rough seams; for shoes, choose heels, as they strain the inner thigh muscles, creating an additional gap.

    And, of course, it wouldn’t hurt to lose weight, because the problem of chafing arises primarily due to excess weight.

    For plump legs in the heat, talcum powder and baby powder will help prevent chafing and even friction. They change the sliding properties, so the body rubs much less. I don’t recommend applying cream, firstly it’s greasy and sticky, and secondly, being so close to the intimate area is not very pleasant and hygienic if dust sticks, and it’s even more difficult for the body to breathe in the heat under a layer of cream. Well, as an option, you can wear very, very light, breathable pantaloons; if you choose them skillfully, they will be practical, will not chafe, and will be very sexy.

    It rubs between the legs, not a very pleasant feeling. Well, don't wear skirts now!

    After studying this problem, I found the following solutions:

    wear pantaloons under a skirt,

    use deodorants against sweat,

    fat cream,

    baby powder.

    To completely get rid of this, either losing weight or changing your gait will help, which is almost unrealistic.

    But somehow they recommended a cool method to me here and I actively use it, it helps and there are no problems. True, I asked about rubbing the inner thighs, but I think it will work here too. Neither powder nor baby cream helped me, Bepanten cream helped, but that also took time. And the advice is this: apply regular roll-on deodorant in this area, a kind of film will appear that will protect.

    First of all, this is the problem of excess weight and excessive sweating.

    Somehow you need to get in shape.

    If this is difficult for you, then the solution is this: you can wear light summer trousers that will not be hot.

    When you put on a skirt, dress or sundress, you can sprinkle the skin on your legs (in problem areas) with talcum powder. This is usually done to children so that they do not have diaper rash. You can also ask for products like this at the pharmacy. They are all calendula based.

    The most convenient way is special underwear. Some will call it pantaloons, and some will call it a thong for completeness, but the essence does not change. The only negative is that it is impossible to wear a mini, but plump minis are usually not worn. All other remedies (talc, cream, deodorant) are not always a solution to the situation due to the fact that they do not last long. Talc and cream last on average for 3-5 hours. And if you have to be on the road for more than this time in the heat, then problems with rubbing between your legs cannot be avoided. Therefore, it is better to solve the issue with the help of linen. Well, or gain strength and lose a couple of dozen extra pounds.

7 tricks to help you forget about chafing between your legs

Do you rub the skin on your feet when walking? For many women, this becomes a real nightmare. You shouldn’t give up skirts and dresses because of this. These 7 simple ways will help you cope with the problem

Chafing on the inner thighs becomes a nightmare for many women every summer. The lack of protection in the form of tights or stockings leads to severe pain and irritability of the delicate skin of this part of the body.

It doesn't matter if you're overweight or just a jogger, any woman can experience the uncomfortable symptoms of chafing between her legs every summer. But this problem especially often bothers lovers of skirts and dresses in hot weather.

Here are 7 helpful tips to help prevent unnecessary friction and soothe your skin.

1. Shorts instead of skirts

One of the best ways to prevent thigh chafing is to wear appropriate clothing for the occasion. No matter what skirt or dress you choose, your skin will still chafe. Wear shorts in the summer that cover and protect the sensitive thigh area.

2. Bicycle shorts or bandages

If you're stuck with skirts and dresses for whatever reason, try reducing friction by wearing cycling shorts. Another interesting option is lace or silk bandalettes. These adorable pieces not only look amazing on your body, but also protect your thighs from chafing.

3. Aloe vera

Aloe vera is not only great for sunburn but also relieves pain caused by chafing. To do this, mix a couple of drops of lavender oil with aloe vera gel. This mixture will quickly soothe irritated skin as it has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.

4. Diaper rash creams

To prevent further chafing, apply a small amount of any diaper rash cream to your inner thighs. The zinc-containing cream forms a protective layer over the affected area, soothing skin irritation.

5. Coconut oil

Coconut oil will help you get rid of irritated skin. Coconut has antibacterial properties that prevent the buildup of bacteria caused by dirt and sweat.

6. Baby powder

It's important to keep the skin between your thighs dry at all times, as moisture is what contributes to chafing. To prevent excessive sweating, apply baby powder to your inner thighs every few hours.

7. Deodorant

You can also use deodorant on your thighs to prevent excessive sweating. This will help keep skin chafing to a minimum.

Don't let painful chafing on your thighs force you to change your plans. These simple tips will help you prevent irritation and protect your skin. If the problem with chafing remains unchanged or other symptoms appear on the skin of the thighs, consult a doctor.

Sports lovers, and mainly runners, very often face the problem of chafing between their legs. An unpleasant burning sensation and discomfort make it difficult to continue training in the future.

This problem also affects ordinary people leading an active lifestyle. To move into the front, you need to know some tricks that will help you forget about chafing.

Causes of abrasions when running or walking

Abrasions are mechanical irritation of the body, resulting from friction of contacting skin. There are many reasons for the appearance of abrasions:

  • Excess weight
  • Cloth
  • Physiological features

Excess weight

Being overweight, a person is susceptible to increased sweating. There is often a very small gap between the legs, and as a result, the skin does not breathe.

When under load, the body mates, a large amount of moisture is released, and the skin does not have time to ventilate. Due to the friction of the inner parts of the thighs, rubbed spots appear. Being away from home, a person suffers because he cannot stop the friction process, and the spots turn into wounds.


Incorrectly chosen clothing also causes scuff marks. A hot robe that does not wick moisture away soon leads to a sweaty body. During friction, wet skin is more easily injured than dry skin.

Also, the presence of rough seams along the inner thigh of the pants leads to chafing. Things made of synthetic fabrics are not the best option. Synthetic does not allow you to breathe and rubs well.

Physiological features

There are people whose legs are very close to each other. When the body heats up in the heat, the process of friction begins. Athletes also suffer from this physiological feature. As the limbs begin to pump up, the gap between the legs decreases and abrasions appear.

Another feature was noted - increased hairiness of areas of the skin in areas prone to irritation. Chafing appears on both dry skin and sweaty skin.

How to avoid abrasions while running

During fast movement, a person may not notice the beginning of abrasions. It is worth eliminating the problem before starting physical activity by choosing the right clothes.

Features of choosing clothes

When choosing a running suit, you need to pay attention to:

  • For clothing size. It should be loose, but not loose.
  • For convenience and ease. Wearing light and comfortable things does not create a feeling of stiffness and discomfort.
  • Seams. A high probability of not rubbing between the legs is the presence of flat, unnoticeable seams.
  • Ventilation. Mesh inserts are needed between the legs and on the butt for additional body ventilation. This approach will reduce the accumulation of moisture on the runner’s skin.
  • Seasonality. In warm weather, the best option is shorts or short leggings to avoid excessive body heat. In cold weather - insulated special pants. When you stop and sweat, the body will not have time to freeze.


To create special running clothing, many materials are used - both synthetic and natural. The most popular:


  • Cotton is a natural material that absorbs moisture well and has antistatic properties. It is airtight, but does not hold its shape well. Most often used when creating costumes for the warm season.
  • Wool is a fiber of animal origin. Holds heat well and is not affected by the external environment. Suitable for autumn and winter running wear.


  • Polyester is lightweight, retains its shape, absorbs up to one percent of moisture, and dries quickly. Protects against ultraviolet rays.
  • Lycra - makes things more elastic, helps to maintain their shape for a long time.
  • Elastin is an artificial fiber. It stretches, retains its shape, and does not hinder movement.

Having different qualities, fibers of natural and synthetic origin are mixed in different proportions to obtain the most optimal result to ensure comfort during sports.

There is no need to choose clothes made from pure synthetic fiber or natural fiber. When worn, synthetics will cause skin irritation. The natural one will become heavily saturated with moisture and become heavy and uncomfortable.

Running clothes

Running clothes should be chosen based on your personal characteristics. Today, quite a number of workwear have been invented, taking into account various preferences.

  • Compression equipment – ​​fits perfectly to the body, supports muscles well, protects against body vibration when running, maintains body temperature and prevents chafing of the skin. Can be used for both running and gym training.
  • Smart equipment is clothing that has no seams. Equipped with inserts that conduct air and remove moisture. Elastic, helps maintain posture. Has inserts on the knee joints to reduce stress.

These are some of the best types of running clothing, maintaining maximum comfort and preventing diaper rash and chafing during training.

Special ointments

After abrasion occurs, the use of special ointments is required to quickly restore the skin.

To eliminate redness and mild irritation, use an ointment containing analgesic and antiseptic elements. In this case, cream-ointments will help: “Skin-Cap”, “Bepanten” or “Panthenol”. These are well-known and available drugs.

When rubbing the skin to wounds, it is better to use an ointment that contains a deproteinized hemoderivative. It synthesizes collagen in cells for rapid recovery after damage. The medication should not contain fat. Preparations: “Solcoseryl”, “Actovegin 5%”.

After healing of the affected area, a rough, rough surface of the skin appears. This can be eliminated with the help of ointments that have antibacterial and antifungal properties, containing fat to avoid cracks. “Rescuer” or its equivalent will help with this. You can use "Baby cream". It is greasy and antiseptic.

In all cases of abrasion, cortisone ointment will help. It has soothing properties, stimulates healing and relieves inflammation.


Vaseline is divided into two types:

  • natural, obtained from hardwood paraffin resins
  • artificial, obtained by combining ceresin, paraffin and perfume oil.

It is used to lubricate injured areas of the skin when rubbed while running. Apply a thin layer to reddened or rough skin. It will eliminate itching and prevent the damaged area from drying out. Also, it will conserve moisture as much as possible and protect against germs getting into wounds.

Vaseline is used to prevent chafing between the legs as a lubricant. Before playing sports, it should be applied in a thin layer to the inner thighs. Not a 100% option, but it will help for a while.

Folk tricks for preventing abrasion

People use starch instead of talc. Even if it is not available, you can cut the potatoes and rub the problem areas. After use, be sure to let it dry.

You can also use an antiperspirant, only if there is no irritation yet. Also, when running a long distance, apply patches to areas prone to chafing.

Before going for a run, you can wash the skin between your legs with simple laundry soap. It will dry the skin and kill bacteria. After your run, take a shower.

As clothing against chafing, you can use women's oversized tights, cutting them off like shorts.

How to remove irritation?

First of all, you need to wash the affected area with water and a light detergent, then dry with a paper towel. Apply healing cream with chamomile or calendula extract.

If the rubbed area is severely damaged, it is better to treat it with an infusion of soothing, antiseptic herbs (chamomile, calendula). You can apply ice, but be careful not to overcool the body. After applying the soothing cream, let it absorb and postpone playing sports for a while.

Under no circumstances should iodine, brilliant green or other alcohol-containing preparations be used.

Prevention of abrasions

To prevent abrasions it is worth:

  • Wear underwear that covers the rubbed areas (shorts, boxer shorts) made of high-quality material.
  • Observe hygiene rules and use individual means. In public places (baths, swimming pools), avoid contact of problem areas with common objects.
  • With your legs close together, you need to do exercises to burn fat in the inner thigh. Squats, stretching, swinging your legs to the sides will help.
  • When running, use talcum powder or body powder that absorbs moisture.
  • Choose training clothes that are water-repellent, breathable and have good thermal insulation.

  • When running a long distance race, men can wear women's panties over their briefs. They will secure your underwear and will not cause chafing. Micah, track and field athlete
  • When running in hot weather, do not wear wide shorts, they wrinkle and cause irritation. Also, dust easily gets between the legs, which provokes inflammation. Romanus, coach of the school football team
  • If abrasion is caused by increased hairiness, then it needs to be combated with depilatory creams. Matvey, football player
  • Use thermal shorts. They wick away moisture well. Vano, athlete
  • It is worth choosing special, comfortable clothes for running. Be sure to pay attention to the composition. Both natural and synthetic fibers should be present in a ratio of 30:70. Ivan, representative of the Adidas brand store
Exercising is a very good habit for health. Running is the best way to keep your body in shape. It’s bad when there are reasons that prevent activity, such as abrasions on the legs. Using a variety of ways to avoid and prevent irritation, listening to the advice of the pros, and wearing the right clothing puts such problems into the background. How to deal with chafing between your legs while running? Link to main publication