
The guy serves in the army. The guy is in the army, what to do. They took the guy into the army. Guy in the army Receiving a summons to the military registration and enlistment office


Almost every second girl sooner or later is overcome by the question: how to wait for a guy from the army? It’s good if she is in a relationship with someone who has already served. But if a guy is just about to be sent to the army, then a girl should prepare for a year of expectations and melancholy. Although you can make these 365 days productive. And then the year will fly by quickly.


When a girl sends a guy off to the army, she will, of course, feel sad, lonely and sad. And this is understandable. However, not everything is as bad as it may seem. After all, they will have the opportunity to see the young man!

Firstly, after a couple of weeks, each recruit will have a special event, which happens only once in a man’s life. Therefore, it is very important that people dear to him come to the oath. And naturally, my beloved girl. If she comes, the soldier will definitely appreciate this action. In addition, the girl will be able to provide him with moral support. And once again convince her that she intends to wait for him.

And after the oath they usually give a dismissal. True, on the security of the passport of one of the soldier’s parents. But if the girl goes to the oath with them, then everything will work out. And they can spend the weekend together.

In the future, soldiers are also allowed to take leave. If the girl lives not far from the unit and has the opportunity to come, then they will also be able to see each other. Regular meetings, even short ones, can ease the wait. And it will be easier for both of them to get through this year.

What to do with yourself?

Many girls are more worried not about how to wait for a guy from the army, but about this year. Let's say her main activity is study or work. Or maybe both. But what to do in your free time? After all, previously it was filled with meetings with loved ones and spending time together.

Well, you need to occupy yourself with something as useful as possible. For example, start going to the gym. So that when the guy returns from the army, he sees his prettier beloved and is pleasantly surprised by her external transformation.

You can start learning a foreign language or improve your command of it. Find another part-time job to save money for a vacation with your loved one. And you can stop thinking about a gift on the occasion of your demobilization, because a vacation in some picturesque place will be a good present. If a girl is weak in cooking, then it would be a good idea to start learning how to cook dishes that her husband loves. Upon arrival, she will be able to please the hungry soldier with something tasty. In general, it is better not to miss your loved one, but to get carried away with something interesting and at the same time useful.

News from home

Despite the fact that her beloved is far from the girl, she wants to somehow show her feelings for him. Then you can (even need) write a letter to the army. And it’s better to put as many thoughts as possible on paper. Soldiers have little entertainment in their service, and receiving a large letter is only a joy for them. What should you tell in your newsletter? Everything and about everything. What is happening at home, in your hometown, what changes and news are there. You can talk about your plans, about what the girl decided to do while her husband is away. And of course, you can’t do without pleasant words. You definitely need to write a couple of lines about your feelings and how the girl is looking forward to her soldier and misses him a lot. Moral support is very important.

To boost morale

When sending a letter to the army, it is worth putting a small gift inside. The best option is a small-format joint photograph. It is better to laminate it so that the soldier can carry it in his pocket and not worry about it getting wet if it rains. There is no need to send several large photographs and all sorts of tokens with chains and other souvenirs - ordinary people are not allowed to store personal belongings in their nightstand (and it’s unlikely that they can fit everything listed in their pocket). In addition, if the envelope is too heavy, it may be opened and everything found taken away.

By the way, a parcel can also be sent. You just need to find out in advance what the soldier needs. Of course, shaving foam, shampoo, and something tasty, such as chocolates, will not be superfluous. It’s better to put in more, since soldiers always share everything with their colleagues. You can also put a chevron for the uniform, a buttonhole and initials with his last name on the left chest. This is not issued in the army.

What do experts suggest?

In the question of how to wait for a guy from the army, the advice of a psychologist turns out to be a good help. Some girls find it difficult to cope with this period. And the help turns out to be useful.

First, you need to understand that your loved one is in the army. This is not a children's camp. There are strict rules and regulations there. You need to get used to calls that will only be on weekends, and to the absence of your spouse on social networks. Soldiers are not allowed to use the Internet or telephone during exercises and combat training. Mobile phones are issued to them only on Saturday and Sunday. Therefore, there is no need to bombard your loved one with questions about why he didn’t call, and fight in hysterics over this. It’s not easy for him already. Psychologists advise that it is better to write down in a separate notebook during the week questions that a girl would like to ask her soldier, and news that is important and interesting. Because when the guy finally calls, everything can fly out of your head out of excitement. And there will be little time.

Search for friends in misfortune

Many girls think about only one thing around the clock - how to wait for a guy from the army. The advice of a psychologist assures: if this topic really haunts you, then it’s time to find friends in misfortune. Fortunately, in the age of modern technology this is not difficult. There are many social networks, and there are a lot of communities on them. It is enough to enter the number of the unit in which your loved one serves and go to the group issued by the search engine. There you can communicate, read interesting stories, and mark useful information. In general, you will be able to find an interlocutor in any case. And it will be possible to decide together what to do when the guy is in the army.

What else is worth knowing?

If a girl is thinking about how to wait for a guy from the army, not because she doesn’t know what to do with herself at this time, but because of her own uncertainty about this, then it’s better not to tempt fate. But this happens often. The girl, as they say, has not had enough, she wants to spend every day with a guy, receive gifts and bright emotions, and not be bored and sad. Then there is no need to make false promises and deceive the soldier. After all, he will believe that he is loved and expected. And in general, there is no need to start a relationship if you haven’t worked your way up. Many people need to understand this.

But if a girl sent a guy off to the army and intends to wait, then there is a way to spice up her days without her loved one. You can make your own demobilization calendar. As a rule, at the very top, where the year is usually indicated (2016, 2017, etc.), they write: “Just wait.” And below, instead of months, is the number of days. It starts with the 365th and ends with the first. Every day the girl will be able to cross out with a pen one more day lived without her husband and count how much is left. Many people still decorate the calendar with photos of them together.

In general, if the time has come in a girl’s life when she is thinking about how to wait for a guy from the army, it is better not to feel sad. And plan the year so that it passes quickly and profitably.

Dear, sweet and beautiful girl! All people have their own established duty: in this case, the guy is, first of all, your future defender and defender of his Motherland. And no one has yet abolished universal conscription. Therefore, your first step towards accepting this important event should be the moral support of your loved one (by setting him up in a positive way, you yourself will feel better).

Step 2

You can take upon yourself the organization of the evening on the occasion of your boyfriend's military service. Arrange everything just wonderfully, think about what could leave him with a warm and pleasant impression. So you will find something to do that will distract you from the thought of a long separation, and you will give your guy an amazing surprise that he will often remember with love in his soul)

Step 3

And so. He left. The main thing now is not to panic and not get into loneliness. Your main activities should be study, work, and creative activity! Plunge into them and get lost! But if one evening you are completely overwhelmed by sadness and a feeling of loneliness, then try to take an ordinary piece of paper and write on it as if a letter to your loved one and put all your emotions and feelings in it. And when the guy returns from the army, show him these letters, he will be only glad to understand how dear he is to you and how much you love him. And most importantly: DO NOT CHANGE UNDER ANY CONDITIONS!!! RESPECT YOUR BOYFRIEND'S FEELINGS AND DIGNITY! (and therefore don’t get drunk in any company, so that later “OH!” incidents don’t happen.)
Good luck)))))

Young guys in the army. How to wait for your beloved guy from the army?

Every guy comes a period in his life when he must pass the test for the right to be called a defender of the Fatherland. He goes to serve in the army. This is the honorable duty of every male citizen. However, this is not a walk in the woods and far from a pioneer camp, in which he will spend about a year and a half of his life. During this time, he will have to give up many familiar things, friendly communication, usual pastimes (after all, now he will need to live according to the schedule and regulations), but in addition, this is also a test of the strength of feelings in terms of relationships with his beloved girl.

There is a certain opinion among men that all women (in ordinary conversation - women) are spoiled and unfaithful. After all, they may be shedding their sweat and blood defending them. They go through many hardships and deny themselves the usual joys. Women or girls just need to sit at home and do housework. However, this is a subjective point of view. If you look at it from the other, female side, then everything is also not so rosy.

The guy serves in the army. What to do? They took the guy into the army.

When the guy leaves for the army, she also temporarily loses a loved one and the opportunity for full communication. There is a feeling of loneliness, because even calls become a problem. And you can hear the voice of your loved one only at the appointed time. Few people think about the psychological side of the problem for a girl. After all, during this time she must also change her usual way of life. Now going to the cinema or to a disco is spent with a constant feeling of guilt that you are not having fun with him. And you have to constantly think about what his friends will say if they meet you there. Although in fact there is nothing reprehensible in your actions. As if you should forget about the joys of life for this time and lead the “reclusive” lifestyle of a nun. And at such a young age, it is simply unrealistic to resist all sorts of temptations. Therefore, in my opinion, girls who waited for the guys to return from the army, who have practically nothing to reproach with, should be given a medal for courage and bravery, just like male defenders.

In addition, just like the future “defender,” a lot of doubts arise about the endurance of his other half. After all, there are also many temptations in the army. The question of betrayal slips into your consciousness, and the nasty worm of doubt begins to gnaw at your brain. It’s not clear how to feel when he doesn’t respond to your letters or strange text messages arrive on your phone in which he begins to doubt you or, even worse, accuse you of who knows what. This way you can slowly but surely reach the “handle”.

Young guys in the army. - It’s no secret that after completing compulsory military service, a very strong imprint appears in the souls of young people and remains for the rest of their lives. Sometimes a completely different person comes back, with a greatly changed outlook on life, a new worldview. And these views do not always coincide with yours. Some young people become more aggressive. Yes, this is understandable, because psychologists have long noted that in extreme circumstances, far from the best sides of a person’s character appear, and if, upon his return, you discovered traits in behavior and character that repel you, then, I think, you should think about it.

On the one hand, it is necessary to give him time to “acclimatize”, on the other hand, take a closer look at him and try to talk about the problem that has arisen. If things do not improve over time, then talk to him seriously and explain that you cannot put up with such things. Even in the event of a break, do not despair, but say thank you to the valiant army that with its intervention it saved you in a timely manner from big problems that would certainly have arisen, but later.

The guy serves in the army, what should I do? How to wait for your beloved guy from the army?

How can you stay in the saddle, gain respect and withstand this test with dignity? It seems to me that education and honesty of feelings play a big role here. If they are real, then almost all obstacles can be overcome: time, distance, and doubts.

You can overcome the temptation of a hectic pastime with the help of active sports. This is what men do, by the way, sometimes training to the point of exhaustion. This method was invented by the monks of the legendary Shaolin. Of course, you are not a monk or a fighter, so know when to stop, but this type of distraction will allow you to please your loved one upon his return with a beautiful shape and well-groomed body.

Invest your free time wisely: study hard, learn a foreign language, start a hobby, or devote more time to old hobbies. Remember, guys, of course, do not love “blue stockings” - “nerds”, but also not dummies. He will probably be pleased to return and see an intellectually developed interlocutor next to him. In addition, seeing your employment and academic success, all doubts inspired by “well-wishers” in the army will disappear.

Be sure to write to him, even if he rarely answers you. Believe me, in this regard, your position is much more advantageous than his with eternal army exercises and other drills. But this doesn’t mean at all that he forgot about you, he just doesn’t have enough time. In your letters, try to cheer him up, convey greetings from his family. He will be all the more pleased that you do not lose contact with people close to him. Even if you had a harmless walk at a disco, it is not necessary, however, to tell him about it. It is better to refrain from reasons for jealousy during separation. Believe me, in the army there will almost always be a “kind” person who will pester you every day that not a single girl will remain faithful when apart. Therefore, with your letters and calls, try in every possible way to support his faith in you and your relationship.

To wait for my beloved guy from the army. - The most important thing: don’t lose your head, don’t despair, no matter how long your service life may seem to you. The passage of time is fleeting, such is the law of life. Be positive. Remember, with your hysterics on the phone you will in no way help him survive separation from you, but will only once again ruin his mood. A trembling voice can be interpreted in two ways: as a sign of excitement due to deception or as an attempt to hide tears. Therefore, you should also be more careful with this. Overall, remember that he is still the same, he loves you and will return to you soon. You can repeat these words as auto-training. It is the role of women to wait for their men, so bear this responsibility with honor.


IN relationships With a very young guy, one big problem can unexpectedly arise - this is conscription into the army. If your young man nevertheless decides to serve, you, whether you like it or not, will have to come to terms with it. Try not to exaggerate, in fact, everything is not as bad as you think. And there is no point in throwing a tantrum to your boyfriend, throwing yourself on his neck with the words “don’t leave, I won’t let you go.” It is quite possible that he himself is not enthusiastic about this idea, but he simply has no other choice.

Not be upset so much, because now the service life has been reduced to one year, and this, you see, is not so much. Remember, in the old days men served for decades. Of course, during the breakup it will seem to you that life is over, and this year will last like a hundred years, but in fact this time can fly by very quickly if you find something worthy to do.

1) During time absence You can do many useful things for a guy, thanks to which he will be proud of you after he returns. For example, improve your studies at university. Surely, thanks to your passion and constant meetings with your loved one, you often gave up on studying, without really paying much attention to it. And now that you have a lot of free time, you can easily catch up.

Visit the library thoroughly get ready for the seminar, try to get the exams automatically. If you've never closed an entire session perfectly, it's time to give it a try. After all, in a whole year you will have as many as two chances to stand out from your student group during exams. Imagine how pleased your boyfriend will be with you.

2) If you are not student If you are trying to build a stunning career, a forced separation can also have a beneficial effect on you. Also, due to the fact that you have a lot of free minutes, you can get an additional job or continue to improve in your chosen profession by attending courses and training sessions. I think your boyfriend will be incredibly happy if in a year you meet him and tell him about your new position. He will be filled with pride in you.

3) You can change your appearance. Join a gym, start following the right regime, filter your diet, in general, start leading a healthy lifestyle. Not only will the extra pounds disappear without a trace, but you will also be able to cheer yourself up and find a pleasant lightness in your body.

If you tuned in for drastic changes, dye your hair, style it or get a fashionable hairstyle.

You are want to so that your boyfriend doesn’t recognize his girlfriend upon arrival? Then do everything for it. Go shopping, update your wardrobe. You might even want to change your style. Thinking about how excited your boyfriend will be when he sees you should further encourage you to make such updates.

4) Find some new hobby, try to learn something. Roller skating, skating, the ability to tell fortunes on cards, sewing, cooking. Are there many interesting things in life that you haven’t mastered yet? Show your imagination, delve into your memory and remember, maybe you had some kind of dream or goal, but for some reason you forgot about it? It's time to return to this and try to achieve something in the field that interests you.

To endure this year without the hugs of a loved one is very not easy, because before they would not have separated for more than a week. But what a good test of time this is, because if your feelings are sincere and real, they will only get stronger after such a test. It is quite possible that after arriving from, your young man will want to take your relationship to a new level in gratitude to you for being able to wait for him.

The army has telephones and Internet, so you can still keep in touch with each other virtually, exchange SMS messages that can bring long-forgotten romance into your relationship. After your loved one returns to their homeland, you will feel a great sense of pride that you are the girlfriend of not an ordinary guy, but a real soldier.

Your boyfriend was drafted into the army? Don’t you know how to behave in such a situation? This is not surprising, this situation is not standard, and it is quite normal that a girl is confused and does not know what to do if her boyfriend is in the army. We will try to help you understand your feelings and actions, and make the right decisions.

Probably the most common question that torments girls is the question: “How to wait for a guy from the army?” The answer is complex and simple at the same time: just wait and remember that soon his service will end and your loved one will return. There is no need to turn the expectation of a guy from the army into imprisoning yourself within four walls. Continue to lead a normal life, go to the movies, meet friends, take walks. After all, if your boyfriend went to the army, then your life should not stop. You lived somehow before meeting him, right? Just accept his absence as something necessary and wait for everything to return to normal.

Should I wait for a guy from the army?

You should start with the fact that if such a question appeared in your head, it means that somewhere deep down in your soul, you accept this scenario. It could be uncertainty about your feelings, that is, you doubt that you will want to continue the relationship with this guy after he returns. In this case, we can advise you to forget for a while that you have a boyfriend and do as you want. During this time, you will be able to figure out for yourself what you really need: wait for a guy from the army or look for a new one.

What should I write to a guy in the army?

Yes, anything. Starting from the latest events that happened in your city, and ending with a description of personal feelings. And it’s not so important what you write to the guy in the army, but how often you do it. With the advent of mobile phones, everything has become much easier. Letters can easily be replaced with calls and SMS. You can safely send 1 SMS a day – that’s not a lot. You can have one message every two days. If you write and call less often, the guy may have doubts that you are still waiting for him. But try not to forget about paper letters, write at least 2-3 letters a month - it won’t be tiring for you, and the guy will be pleased.

What should a guy bring to the army?

The most correct decision would be to find out personally from the guy what he is missing. This can be both food and household items. Of course, there is no need to bring perishable foods (cakes, sausages, etc.). It is better to bring nuts, dried fruits (dried apricots, prunes, raisins), pies, gingerbread cookies, and sweets. Ask if the guy needs shaving or hygiene supplies; in the army there are often shortages of such household items.

How to support a guy in the army?

You can support a guy in the army by charging him with optimism and confidence that he is loved and welcomed at home. What should I do for this? Don’t forget to write letters to the guy (as an option – SMS), take an interest in his affairs, and, if possible, visit him more often. But the main thing is that you need to continue your normal life. If a guy thinks that because of him you sit at home all the time and shed tears, then it will only be harder for him. Moreover, this way you can instill in him a feeling of guilt.

This is probably the only case when it is better to give some trinket, but one that will remind you of you even after a few years. But don’t rush to buy figurines and keychains. Better think about options such as a guitar, a painting, a flask, chess, etc. That is, the gift should not just be stored on a shelf, but at least used periodically.