
Normal temperature in a newborn. What is the normal body temperature for an infant? When to take your temperature


Thermoregulation in a newborn baby is far from perfect. That is why it is important to ensure that the room is at a comfortable temperature and that the baby does not overheat or become overcooled.

Normal temperature in a baby

If we talk about body temperature, we can say that a body temperature from 36 to 37.4 degrees is considered normal. There is no need to bring down a slightly elevated body temperature in a baby. Only by the end of the first year of life does a constant body temperature of 36.6 become established, which is considered normal until the end of days.

The normal temperature of a baby is determined in this way. It is necessary to measure the temperature over several days, and it is important to observe the child’s behavior. If the baby is calm, he is in a good mood and nothing bothers him, then this means that his body temperature is normal.

Body temperature depends on the place where it is measured. The temperature in the mouth is slightly higher than in the armpit. The temperature is measured rectally until six months, but then it can be dangerous, because the child is unlikely to want to lie still when he is undergoing an unpleasant procedure.

Young parents need to remember that the child should have a separate thermometer. It is better to buy an electronic thermometer, soft and unbreakable. After eating and crying, it is better not to measure your body temperature, because it may be higher than normal.

Fever itself, like cough, is not a disease, but its consequences. Viral and bacterial infections, stress, overheating, physical activity, teething and other phenomena can be associated with an increase in temperature. If the child is more than three months old, you should not lower the temperature until it reaches 38.2 degrees.

Temperature 37 in baby

After the birth of a child, his body temperature is 38 degrees. It gradually decreases and by the fifth day of life reaches 37 degrees. A temperature of 37 in a baby is normal.

Parents measure temperatures differently. Some do it orally, some rectally, and some in the traditional way - in the armpit. Today, there are many types of thermometers: pacifiers, in the form of toys, and even ones that you can simply swipe across your forehead and the readings will be recorded in a matter of seconds. Many people believe that mercury thermometers are the most accurate. They may be right, but do not forget that measuring temperature with glass thermometers is quite dangerous. Firstly, they can be easily broken, and, secondly, they contain mercury, and it can harm the child if the thermometer breaks.

Temperature 38 in a baby

Why do pediatricians and gynecologists insistently recommend that women breastfeed their babies for as long as possible? The fact is that mother's milk helps protect the child from various infections. In addition, when a baby is ill and has a fever, mother's milk not only nourishes, but also quenches thirst. The very fact that his mother is nearby and she shares her energy with him allows him to recover faster.

Body temperature may increase if the child has been vaccinated, lacks moisture, is teething, or for other reasons.

A baby's temperature of 38 may indicate that the room where he is is too hot. In order to return normal values, it is enough to simply take the baby into the next room and ventilate the room well.

It is better not to lower the temperature to 38.2. The body fights infection on its own. If the baby is active and generally feels normal, then there is no need to resort to emergency measures. We need to strengthen our immunity.

Temperature 39 in a baby

High body temperature can lead to fever. Pathogenic bacteria and viruses can trigger an infectious fever. If your baby has problems with thermoregulation, he may develop a functional or non-infectious fever.

A temperature of 39 in an infant may indicate the presence of an infectious fever. High temperature prevents bacteria and viruses from growing and multiplying.

When body temperature reaches 39 degrees, metabolic processes are activated in the body and immunoglobulins are produced. If the temperature has crossed a certain threshold, that is, reached 39.5 degrees, the tissues cease to receive sufficient oxygen, the protective function weakens, and the person may die.

Causes of fever in infants

When a child’s temperature rises, parents begin to get nervous and stuff the baby with various drugs. Before doing this, you need to understand why your body temperature has risen. If there are no doctors in the family, it is better to call an ambulance or a pediatrician.

The causes of fever in a baby can be very different. Infections, viruses, teething, nervous strain and so on. High temperature mobilizes the immune system and helps defeat viruses and bacteria. Interferons, which are formed when body temperature rises, create a kind of lock that does not allow the infectious agent into the cell.

When a child gets sick, he becomes whiny, breathes faster, refuses to eat and behaves restlessly. At a temperature of 38 degrees and above, vomiting may occur.

The temperature may rise due to influenza, ARVI, pneumonia, intestinal infection, pyelonephritis, stomatitis, vaccinations, and so on.

What should I do if my baby has a fever?

If a child has a fever, you should try to bring it down without medication. There are two ways: rubbing and cooling.

The baby needs to be provided with rest and plenty of fluids. Usually they give boiled water, baby tea and breast milk. To ensure heat transfer, you need to uncover the baby and wipe it with a vinegar solution every half hour. The procedure lasts about fifteen minutes.

If your baby has a fever, what should you do? If fleecing does not produce results, an antipyretic should be given.

How to reduce a baby's temperature?

The most popular remedy for reducing body temperature is Paracetamol. It can be used from one month of age. It can also be used for up to a month, but only with the permission of a doctor and in strict accordance with the prescription. Drugs such as Efferalgan, Calpol and Panadol contain paracetamol. Grown-up children can be given part of the “adult” tablet, that is, “Paracetamol” in its pure form. It is better to give your baby children's medications that contain paracetamol.

How to lower a baby's temperature is up to parents and pediatricians to decide. The treatment process is quite delicate and requires strict adherence to instructions.

Baby's temperature (video)

The video “Temperature in an Infant” examines two main questions - “how to correctly measure the temperature of an infant” and “how and when to bring down the temperature.”

Experts give advice and show it from personal experience.

The body temperature of a newborn baby is an important indicator of his health, and it is important to be able not only to measure it correctly, but also to correctly evaluate the result. What is the normal temperature of a newborn and how to measure it correctly?

What is the normal temperature of a newborn

When a baby is born, its normal body temperature is 37.5-38.2 degrees Celsius, which is slightly higher than the temperature of a healthy adult. Then, over the course of several hours, the baby’s temperature gradually decreases, since his thermoregulation system is still imperfect - the lower the temperature in the room, the more it drops in the child (to 35.5 degrees and even lower). Premature babies react especially strongly to low air temperatures, which is why they are nursed in very warm rooms.

In the first few days after birth, the newborn's body temperature gradually increases. from the fifth-sixth day after birth onwards it is 36.3-37.5 degrees.

Around the third to fifth day after birth, some babies’ body temperature rises sharply to 38-39 degrees Celsius. This phenomenon in medicine is called transient hyperthermia (transient, or transitional, are the states of an infant that accompany its adaptation to the outside world). This temperature is not normal temperature of the newborn– an increase can be caused by overheating of the child, dehydration, violation of the regime, disruption of the intestinal bacterial environment. Typically, with transient hyperthermia, physiological methods are used to reduce the child’s body temperature, for example, wet compresses, and additional fluids (glucose solution) are administered to combat dehydration.

What determines the normal temperature of a newborn?

As mentioned above, the normal temperature of a newborn is in the range from 36.3 to 37.5 degrees. What does this value depend on?

Firstly, normal temperature of a newborn varies depending on the child's activity level. When a baby sleeps, his body temperature, as a rule, decreases; while he is awake and, especially after a loud scream or cry, it increases significantly.

Secondly, the normal temperature of a newborn depends on the baby’s biological cycles and the time of day. The highest temperature in children is observed at 17-19 hours, and the lowest - at 04-07 hours. In the first weeks of life, these cycles are not yet established, and during the day the temperature can change in quite unpredictable ways. If the changes are minor, there is no need to worry.

There are four ways to measure a newborn's temperature:

  • in the armpit;
  • in the inguinal fold;
  • rectally (in the rectum);
  • orally (in the mouth) - only if you use a thermometer in the form of a pacifier.

It will be different depending on how (at what point of the body) you measure it. Therefore, measure the temperature either always in the same way, or exactly how the measurement was carried out.

The normal temperature of newborns is on average:

  • 36.6 degrees – in the armpit and in the inguinal fold;
  • 37.1 degrees – oral;
  • 37.6 degrees – rectal.

How to correctly measure a newborn's temperature?

To find out what temperature is normal for your newborn baby, you need to measure it at a time when the child is healthy, well-fed and calm. You should measure your temperature several times throughout the day and write it down in a special journal, making sure to note the time of measurement.

It is preferable to measure the temperature of a newborn baby rectally, with a special electronic thermometer, the tip of which should be lubricated with baby cream. This method will give the most accurate results in the least amount of time.

You can most conveniently measure the temperature of a newborn in one of the following positions:

The child lies on his side, with his legs pulled up to his stomach

The child lies on his tummy on his mother’s lap, legs hanging down

The child lies on his back, with his legs raised up.

The tip of the thermometer is inserted no more than 2 cm into the child's rectum. The baby should be gently held during the entire measurement time to avoid the risk of damage to his intestines with the thermometer. You also need to remove the thermometer slowly and carefully, 3-5 minutes after the start of measurement (or after the sound signal that some electronic thermometers give).

Why might a newborn's body temperature rise?

If your baby's body temperature is significantly higher, this may be both a symptom of the child's illness and a sign of overheating. Overheating of a child can occur if the air temperature in the room significantly exceeds 24 degrees Celsius (22-24 degrees are the most comfortable temperature conditions for newborn babies), or if the child is dressed too warmly.

Also, the temperature of a newborn may increase after some vaccinations - this is a normal immune response of the baby’s body to the vaccine. The doctor performing the vaccination warns parents in advance about the possible consequences and explains how to behave if the temperature rises.

An increase in body temperature in some cases may indicate an illness in the newborn - especially if it is accompanied by continuous crying, loss of appetite, vomiting, bowel movements and other symptoms that are not typical for a healthy child.

How to help a newborn if the temperature rises?

It should be clearly understood that an increase in body temperature is not a disease, but only one of its symptoms. Therefore, it is simply unacceptable to deal with your baby’s high temperature on your own! If there is a significant deviation in the baby's temperature from normal temperature of newborns You should consult a doctor immediately!

It is the doctor who will tell you how best to help the baby. Usually, to lower the temperature, newborns are prescribed medications in the form of rectal suppositories, syrups or suspensions.

While waiting for the doctor, you can use the following techniques to lower your newborn's temperature:

Provide comfortable conditions (18-20 degrees) and air flow into the room. To do this, ventilate the room well by moving the baby to another room;

Provide your child with clean drinking water (high temperatures can lead to dehydration);

To prevent the baby from overheating, he should not be wearing warm, multi-layered clothing. And under no circumstances should you put a disposable diaper on a child with a fever - this also carries a high risk of overheating!

The normal temperature of newborns may vary depending on the time of day, the activity of the child and the method of measurement, but in any case it should not significantly exceed 38 degrees. Find out your baby's normal temperature by measuring it several times at different times of the day - this will help you monitor his health. We wish your kids excellent health!

Normal temperature in a baby is one of the most important indicators of its health and proper care. Parents need to not only know what type of behavior their child should have, but also what factors can provoke a slight change in one direction or another. It is equally important to be able to correctly measure data in children and evaluate the value of additional indicators.

It is impossible for “bad” numbers to frighten mothers, provoking them to lower the temperature in all possible ways, when the baby actually does not need it. In some situations, even an elevated temperature is considered normal if the baby looks great, is not capricious, is steadily gaining weight and is developing according to schedule.

Temperature range that is considered normal for a baby

Before sounding the alarm when you see numbers exceeding the optimal 36.6ºC for an adult, it is worth considering that the body temperature of newborns, due to their physical characteristics, is slightly higher than traditional indicators. For very young children, the following data is considered normal:

  • When measured in the armpit or inguinal fold. From 36.2ºС to 37.2ºС.
  • Rectal temperature (measured through the anus). From 37.5ºС to 37.8ºС (up to 38ºС)
  • Oral temperature (the thermometer is placed in the mouth). From 36.6ºС to 37.6ºС.

Advice: It is better to pay increased attention to the temperature difference among these indicators. Oral temperature on average should be half a degree higher than in the armpit or groin fold. And rectal exceeds oral by about a degree. If the numbers differ too much, this may indicate the presence of a pathological process in the child’s body.

The younger the baby is, the more he needs to maintain special conditions around him that ensure an optimal level of thermoregulation. To fulfill this requirement, you must pay attention to the following points:

  1. The air temperature in the room of children under one year old should be within 20-24ºС, regardless of what month they are in or what season it is outside.
  2. In order for a newborn’s body temperature to remain stable and comfortable, he needs to be dressed in one layer less than an adult under the same conditions.
  3. It is impossible for a baby to freeze at night. It is best to choose a blanket for the baby made of natural material (cotton or wool, depending on the season), which does not heat, but retains heat, ensuring normal thermoregulation.
  4. For walks, you need to dress your child in accordance with the weather conditions, and not “according to the season.” We pay special attention to the head; most often, its hypothermia is the main cause of problems.

It is very easy to determine the level of comfort of temperature conditions for a baby; you just need to put your hand on the back of his head. If the skin is warm, then everything is fine, if it’s cool, the baby needs additional warmth, if it’s hot, then it’s worth taking the temperature and removing a couple of things from the baby.

Factors to consider when measuring the indicator

It is better to measure the temperature of newborns comprehensively and consistently, recording the obtained indicators in a separate notebook and tracking the dynamics. In this case, it is necessary to take into account factors that can significantly influence the result:

  • Features of circadian rhythms. The vast majority of children have a lower temperature at night and in the morning than in the afternoon and evening. By the evening, the indicator may generally increase by half a degree compared to the morning.
  • Child's age. On the first day of a baby's life, he experiences transient hyperthermia. Temperatures during this period can quickly jump from 36ºC to 37ºC and even 38ºC. When the baby is a couple of weeks or a month old, the long-awaited stability will come. It is worth considering that in the first three months of a baby’s life, he is most susceptible to changes in body temperature in response to external factors.
  • Individual characteristics of metabolic processes. The well-known figure of 36.6ºС is conditional from a medical point of view. Many children and even adults live with a body temperature of at least 37ºC, and they are absolutely healthy.
  • Current condition of the baby. The temperature of a newborn can fluctuate within noticeable limits depending on whether he is excited or calm. In the first case, it is better to postpone the measurement altogether.
  • The period after vaccination. It can also cause temperature fluctuations within insignificant or noticeable limits (up to 37.8 - 38.3ºС). Parents are advised to monitor this parameter for several days after administration of the drug, reporting to the doctor if there are sudden changes or too significant deviations.

In premature babies, the temperature returns to normal no earlier than 3-4 months. The adaptation process will noticeably speed up if you regularly give your child baths and air baths.

Causes of physiological hyperthermia and hypothermia

A high temperature in a newborn may be a response to the influence of the following factors, which must be excluded first to make a diagnosis:

  • Unreasonably many layers of clothing, additional presence of a rug or blanket.
  • High air temperature in the room.
  • Staying outside for a long time in the heat.
  • Prolonged exposure to open sun. It is worth considering that if the stroller in which children are transported is in the sun, then not only the structure itself will heat up, but also the baby.
  • Staying in a car for a long time without air conditioning. Parents should remember that it is strictly forbidden to leave a child alone in a closed car.
  • Dehydration of the body.

Overcooling a child is not as simple as overheating. A noticeable decrease in temperature may occur in the following cases:

  • Your child wearing out-of-season clothing in cold weather for long periods of time.
  • Hypothermia at night. Sleep leads to a slowdown in metabolic processes and a physiological decrease in temperature. If the baby sleeps restlessly, he may throw off the blanket and freeze. For such children, it is better to use sleeping envelopes.
  • Refusal to wear a hat. The head is the baby’s most vulnerable spot both per month and per year. Even in the summer, light caps that support thermoregulation processes should not be neglected.
  • Prematurity or low birth weight of the baby. Any external factor can lead to a decrease in the base indicator by 0.3-0.5 degrees.

Overheating of a baby may be indicated by anxiety, lack of appetite, or poor sleep. A frozen baby, on the contrary, is calm, but often hiccups and tries to eat more than usual.

Rules for measuring a baby's body temperature?

Today, there are several types of thermometers for taking temperature readings in children. Regardless of which tool is used and in which zone, the following must be remembered:

  1. The baby should have an individual thermometer, and preferably not just one, but one for each zone. In all cases, it is recommended to use the same model so that there is no significant difference in readings.
  2. After each procedure, the product must be disinfected.
  3. To determine the dynamics, it is better to take measurements at the same time.

The baby's temperature should be measured regularly, but not fanatically. If the doctor does not offer a specific schedule, you can limit yourself to morning and afternoon approaches.

The birth of a child is always a new stage in the life of a family. Newly-made mother and father strive to provide the baby not only with everything necessary, but also with all the best; they carefully monitor the behavior and condition of the baby, recording every little thing, every change. Of course, inexperienced parents have many doubts, questions and anxieties related to the health and life of the baby: what is the body temperature of newborns, what should the stool be like, how many times and when to feed the baby - all this turns into the most important life problems for parents. We will talk about one of the common parental concerns in this article. We will talk about the normal body temperature of a newborn.

Body temperature in newborns is normal

Body temperature is the most important indicator of human health (ill health). It depends on many factors, both external and internal - ambient temperature, air humidity, the state of the internal thermoregulation system of the human body.

In children under 3 months of age, self-regulation of body temperature is not yet as effective as in adults. Newborns freeze very easily or, conversely, overheat. The task of parents during this period is to create the most comfortable living conditions for the baby. It is important to remember that in children under 3 months the cause of a rise in temperature is not necessarily the development of infectious processes; it can also be too hot air in the room, excess clothing, colic, and even overexertion or prolonged crying. Normally, the body temperature of a newborn baby fluctuates between 37-37.2°C. Of course, these figures are average and are suitable for children born healthy. But even completely healthy children in the first days after birth may experience noticeable temperature fluctuations and an increase in temperature up to 39°C - this is not always a sign of illness; more often than not, the child’s body simply cannot immediately adapt to life outside the mother’s womb.

Measuring a newborn's body temperature

There are three main methods used to measure body temperature:

  1. Measuring body temperature in the armpits.
  2. Orally (thermometer under the tongue).
  3. Rectally (the temperature in the anus is measured).

Of course, body temperature is not the same in different parts of it. For the armpits, the norm for infants is 36-37.3°C, in the mouth (under the tongue) - 36.6-37.5°C, in the rectum - 36.9-37.5°C.

Of course, measuring a baby's body temperature is not so easy. The complexity of the process is further aggravated by the need to obtain the most accurate result possible, because an increase or decrease in body temperature can be an important symptom of a developing disease.

The most accurate and convenient way to measure body temperature in infants is rectal, when the thermometer is inserted into the rectum.

The most comfortable position for the baby and the most convenient for parents is determined individually, although there are three most common variations that are suitable for almost everyone:

  1. The baby is on his side, legs bent and pulled up to the tummy. One of the parents fixes them in this position.
  2. The baby lies with his stomach on your lap, his legs hanging down.
  3. The child is on his back, his legs are bent and pulled up to his tummy, mom or dad holds them in this position.

Before starting the measurement, you should lubricate the tip of the thermometer and the baby's anus with Vaseline or any other neutral, greasy cream. Pharmacies sell special thermometers for rectal measurement of body temperature. It's best to use this one. Don't forget about the importance of good support for your baby's arms and legs - chaotic jerky movements can cause intestinal injury.

Low body temperature of the newborn

A low body temperature in a newborn most often indicates hypothermia, or general weakness of the body. It is also worth remembering that during sleep the human body temperature is lower than during activity.

Do not panic if your baby’s body temperature does not differ from the norm by more than 1 degree, and if there are no noticeable changes in the child’s behavior and mood. If the baby becomes lethargic, does not respond to external stimuli, refuses to eat, or constantly cries, consult a doctor immediately.

The condition of a newborn baby can be determined by several criteria: appetite, sleep, behavior. Among the main indicators of a healthy body is a normal temperature in an infant. It is not the same as in an adult and depends on many factors.

Thermoregulation processes continue to develop in children until the end of the first year of life. Accordingly, the temperature by this time will be the same as in adults (36.6 degrees).

In the first month, the child’s body temperature ranges from 37 to 37.5 degrees. In subsequent months, the normal level decreases and can range from 36 to 37 degrees.

Temperature in children can be measured in several ways and using various thermometers (electronic, infrared, mercury). The answer to the question of what temperature is considered normal for children under one year old depends on the place where the measurement takes place.

  • In the axillary region, 36–37.3 degrees is considered normal.
  • Oral temperature ranges from 36.6 to 37.2.
  • Rectal temperature can be higher - from 36.9 to 38. This method of measurement is used when the baby can lie quietly for several minutes. Otherwise, the intestinal walls may be damaged. The number 38 on the thermometer is considered normal if the child feels well.

Since the heat exchange process has not yet been established, it is very easy for a baby to cool down or overheat. It is very important to monitor the temperature and humidity in the room. You should not wrap your child up too much. All these factors influence the temperature level of the body.

To determine what temperature is normal for a child, you should measure it every day for several days at the same time. You should not measure the temperature immediately after waking up, after eating, crying, or after the baby is active. You can keep a diary of observations.

How to measure temperature correctly

If applicable , then you need to use it only for measuring in the armpit area. After the sixth month of life, temperature can be measured while sitting. Be careful not to let the thermometer fall. Mercury is dangerous to the human body; damage to the thermometer should be avoided. It will take 5–7 minutes to obtain a reliable result.

Electronic thermometer easy and safe to use. It can be used from the first month of a child’s life. An audible timer will signal the end of the measurement procedure. This takes up to 3 minutes. Accurate readings can be achieved through oral or rectal administration. If you install it in the armpit, the result will fluctuate within a few degrees.

For oral use, the tip of the thermometer is placed in the mouth under the tongue. 1 minute is enough.

Rectal insertion will require more preparation. The child is placed on his side, his legs are bent to his tummy. The tip of the thermometer is lubricated with baby cream. After this, it is carefully and carefully inserted into the anus, no deeper than 2 cm.

Temperature indicator It is a small strip with divisions that is applied to the child’s forehead for a few seconds.

Dummy thermometer. This thermometer is very convenient for measuring the temperature of children under one year old. But it can be used if the baby is accustomed to a pacifier.

How to maintain your baby's temperature at the same level

In order for the baby's body temperature to be equally normal - 36.6 degrees or slightly higher, you should follow simple hygiene rules.

What causes the temperature to rise

An increase in temperature is a consequence of some provoking factor. Children under 3 months of age should not lower their body temperature below 38.2 degrees. The thermoregulation process can be disrupted. But this is only if the baby feels relatively well. If convulsions appear, he becomes lethargic, or loses his appetite, you should consult a doctor.

The reason for the increase in temperature may be:

  • Viral and bacterial infections. In this case, there will be other symptoms: cough, redness of the throat, runny nose.
  • Stressful situations.
  • Overheat. Long exposure to the sun, improper dressing.
  • Active games or long crying.
  • The cause may be teething.
  • A high temperature may be the result of an intestinal infection or a cold.
  • The temperature of children under one year of age may increase after vaccination.

In the event that an elevated body temperature persists for three days, if it reaches 39 degrees or higher and is not reduced by antipyretics, you should immediately seek medical help. When it’s hot, the body’s tissues stop receiving oxygen, and the defenses weaken, which is a very dangerous condition.

An ambulance should be called in cases where the following symptoms appear:

  • A child under three months of age has a fever.
  • The baby's temperature is above 38.5 degrees.
  • Convulsions appeared.
  • Tension in the cervical spine, it is not possible to bend the head forward.
  • Breathing becomes noisy and frequent.
  • The child constantly cries, while he is lethargic and apathetic.
  • Refusal to eat.
  • There is frequent vomiting and diarrhea.
  • Problems with urination or urine color.
  • The appearance of a rash on the skin.
  • Presence of chronic diseases.
  • Inability to reduce fever with antipyretics.

Before the doctor arrives, you should follow a few simple recommendations.

  • The baby should be given as much fluid as possible.
  • The children's room needs to be ventilated. The child should be moved to another place for this time.
  • The light should be dim. No harsh sounds.
  • You can apply compresses to your legs. The towel is moistened in water (about 20 degrees) and applied to the feet.
  • You can't wrap up a child.

If children's body temperature decreases, but only slightly (up to 35 degrees) and they feel well, then there is no need to worry. Perhaps this is an individual characteristic of the body. If the value drops below 35, they speak of hypothermia. You should consult a doctor. He will order additional examinations. You will need to consult a pediatrician, endocrinologist, or immunologist.

Reasons for a decrease in body temperature in a child under one year of age:

  • In children born prematurely.
  • During sleep.
  • Against the background of a long-term illness, the body’s defenses weaken.
  • Vitamin deficiency, anemia.
  • Hormonal imbalance.
  • While taking antipyretic drugs.
  • Malignant formations.
  • Hypothermia.
  • After severe poisoning.

If the decrease is associated with hypothermia, then the child should be warmed up (warm drink, warm clothes, you can apply a heating pad to the legs). It is important to harden and increase immunity.

When to take your temperature

There is no need to measure the body temperature of children under one year old without any reason. This is stressful for them. But the procedure will be necessary if alarming symptoms appear:

  • Excessive anxiety, lethargy, moodiness.
  • Increased need for fluid.
  • Dry mouth and lips are observed.
  • Pulse and breathing become frequent and intermittent.
  • The cheeks become very red or, on the contrary, pale.
  • Chills appear, the gaze is blurred.

A child under one year old requires increased attention from adults. Any failure to comply with hygiene standards can lead to a malfunction of the body. This causes the occurrence of various diseases.