
Baby's nutrition by month. Feeding schedule for a bottle-fed newborn Artificial feeding of infants


All young mothers are well aware that in the first months of life there is no more beneficial food than breast milk for a newborn baby. But sometimes a situation arises in which it is necessary to switch the child to a different diet (there is no breast milk or the mother cannot breastfeed). Artificial feeding of a newborn baby requires the right approach to both choosing a formula and following a new diet. Consultation with a pediatrician is mandatory before starting IV.

Indications for switching to IV

Feeding even the highest quality formulas will not be able to replenish the microelements that the baby receives with mother's milk. Therefore, the introduction of adapted nutrition should always be justified. Pediatricians identify several circumstances when artificial feeding is considered necessary:

  • Difficult childbirth, after which the mother must restore her strength;
  • Taking certain groups of vital medications by a woman;
  • Infectious diseases of the mother;
  • Lack of milk in the breast glands or its insufficiency. Lack of milk is determined by control weighing the baby after feeding;
  • Inability to feed the child due to temporary absence. This indication is justified when there are no conditions for storing expressed milk or the period of mother’s absence lasts for weeks.

Insufficient milk production must first be restored with the help of drugs that enhance lactation. Artificial feeding of the child begins only if these drugs do not bring the expected result. There is no need to introduce formula completely at once; even a few grams of breast milk are beneficial for the baby’s body and it is impossible to deprive him of this benefit.

Pros and cons of using artificial mixtures

Not all young mothers seriously think about what awaits them and their baby when switching to using infant formula. Often, just because of her convenience, a woman deprives her child of microelements necessary for his immunity and general health. Before deciding to switch to IV with a formula recommended by a pediatrician, you need to weigh all the advantages and disadvantages of the new diet. The obvious advantages of artificially feeding a child include:

  • Possibility of feeding the baby with other relatives. That is, the mother can calmly go away on her business and not worry that the baby will cry from hunger;
  • When feeding a baby from a bottle, the mother always knows how much he eats at one time and, if there are problems with his health, he immediately notices this by the amount of food remaining;
  • The appearance is always related to the type of mixture. In order to determine the allergen in a breastfed baby, a nursing mother has to completely review her diet;
  • The formula takes longer to digest than milk, so the number of times your baby eats is reduced.

These are some of the advantages of formula feeding, but there are many more disadvantages:

  • Artificial children are more likely to suffer from colds and allergies in subsequent years. This fact is explained by the lack of special enzymes in their body, which the baby can only get from mother’s milk;
  • The use of bottles requires that they be kept sterile at all times. If cleanliness is not maintained, then the development of dyspeptic disorders is possible;
  • Formula-fed babies often suffer from periodic regurgitation - a low-quality nipple contributes to the swallowing of air;
  • When traveling with a child, you have to take with you a separate bag with formula, bottles, sterilizers, that is, excess luggage;
  • It is often necessary to change several types of mixtures in order to find the most suitable one;
  • Artificial feeding of a child also involves certain financial costs. A good formula cannot be cheap, and as the child grows up, more and more of it is needed.

There are many more disadvantages of formula feeding than advantages, and therefore you should first try to restore hypolactation, and only then resort to such an extreme measure.

How to choose a mixture

The selection of the mixture must be coordinated with the pediatrician. The doctor knows the health characteristics of your child and will recommend the most gentle nutrition. It is necessary to independently show increased attention to the choice of mixtures and be sure to comply with the following criteria:

  • Best before date– the most important condition for the absence of unwanted reactions. Choose those boxes that have a reserve of several months of use;
  • The packaging must not be opened or deformed. The presence of dents and scratches indicates non-compliance with transportation conditions, and such a mixture may be spoiled;
  • Meals are provided according to age categories. A newborn baby should not be given formula intended for older children; the unformed stomach and intestines can react with serious illnesses;
  • You need to accustom your baby to the introduction of hypoallergenic mixtures;
  • If a child has certain health problems, then the food may contain additives that are useful to improve the functioning of the organs. Mixtures may contain herbs to boost immunity, iron to treat anemia.

How to prepare food

When bottle-feeding a baby, his well-being will directly depend on how you prepare the formula. The instructions must be read and its points must be followed.

  • For dilution, it is best to use special bottled water; when boiling, some of the beneficial substances are lost. If water is taken from the tap, it must be boiled;
  • The dosage must be fully observed. Excessive amounts of dry mixture or lack of water can lead to oversaturation of the intestines with nutrients, and this is reflected in colic and dyspeptic disorders. The lack of dry foundation leads to the fact that the baby is capricious and asks for a bottle at the wrong time;
  • The mixture is diluted directly in a bottle, into which water with a temperature of no higher than 50 degrees is first poured. Higher temperatures destroy beneficial bacteria;
  • After dilution, shake the mixture and make sure there are no lumps. Before feeding, check the temperature - it should not be higher than 37 degrees;
  • The hole in the nipple should be such that the baby makes some effort to suck. Flowing out in a thin stream leads to complete refusal of the breast and to the fact that the stomach begins to quickly stretch.

The mixture can be prepared in advance, but it should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than a day and heated in hot water.

Video instruction:

How to feed your baby correctly

Formula-fed babies often weigh much more than their peers who drink their mother's milk. This is not as good as it seems, and with increased obesity comes a variety of health problems. To avoid this, you do not need to overfeed your baby; you must take into account how much he drinks and how long he can go without a bottle.

  • A bottle is chosen when the baby is completely fed with formula or the amount reaches 2/3 of the total nutrition. The nipple must have a narrow hole, this will not allow the baby to wean off the breast ();
  • A teaspoon is used when the child feeds mainly from the breast, and receives the missing amount of food in the form of formulas;
  • Sometimes a child refuses both a bottle and a spoon, but he needs to be fed. In this case, the diluted mixture is poured through a syringe without a needle in small doses.

Feeding technique

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me too, and I’ll also write about it))) But there’s nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too...

  1. The baby should be in an almost vertical position, this is convenient for sucking and will not allow you to choke.
  2. Make sure that the milk completely covers the nipple and air accumulates at the bottom of the bottle. This will prevent air from entering the stomach.
  3. After feeding, the baby must be held in an upright position so that trapped air can escape.

We read:

If you feed your baby formula, this does not mean that he should be left alone. The baby may choke on milk or lose the bottle. The emotional contact between mother and baby is also important, so holding him in your arms you can calmly watch the baby’s concentrated face and take a break from household chores.

The nipple on the bottle needs to be changed periodically; it quickly becomes thinner, and the mixture flows through the hole in a continuous stream. You should always use the mixture after preparing it or store it in the refrigerator. The remaining food is poured out immediately.

The “artificial” baby needs more, this will make up for the deficiency of missing microelements.

How much formula should a baby eat:

A newborn baby in the first month of life eats from 700 to 800 ml of the adapted mixture 8-10 times. At 2-3 months of life, the amount of the mixture increases to 900 ml. When complementary foods are introduced, the volume of mixtures decreases.

It is believed that a child needs enough nutrition, which is 1/5 of his body weight per day. That is, if a baby weighs 4 kg, then he should drink 800 ml of milk per day. In the first days of life, the baby can drink 30–40 ml at a time, then up to 100 ml. In this regard, the frequency of feedings after the first month of life decreases. See material:

Frequency of sterilization of feeding bottles and nipples:

In the first month of life, all bottles and nipples should be sterilized after each feeding. First, the remaining mixture is removed with warm water and a brush, then all devices are boiled for 10 minutes. It is best to purchase a special sterilizer; using it, you will always be sure that the dishes are clean.

After the first month of life, it is enough to wash the nipple and bottle and rinse them with boiling water. But still make sure that the bottles are washed thoroughly; special attention should be paid to the threads, hard-to-reach places where bacteria can multiply in a few hours.

Is it possible to store the prepared mixture:

The prepared mixture is stored at room temperature for no more than 2 hours, in the refrigerator for no more than 12 hours. The remaining mixture after feeding is poured out; drinking such milk after an hour can lead to poisoning.

Video: Proper bottle feeding

Free IW

A baby's need for food at different times of the day is not the same. But you still need to adhere to a certain schedule with a deviation of half an hour in one direction or another. This way you will always know what time your baby usually eats and will be able to guess the time of a visit to the clinic or for a walk. If the regimen is followed, the baby falls asleep easier and is less susceptible to excessive weight gain,

Situations in which it is necessary to replace the mixture:

  • The mixture is not suitable, it causes diarrhea or constipation, allergic reactions;
  • Reaching a certain age. There is no point in giving a 6 month old baby formula for newborns;
  • The need to use special medicinal nutrition.

Problems with artificial feeding:

Artificial feeding of a child is considered “metabolic stress” in medicine and therefore causes a wide variety of reactions. Allergies, problems with stool, colic occur in the first days in most babies. Some of them get used to it, others have to change mixtures.


A nutritious, balanced diet is a prerequisite for the normal development of all organs and systems of the baby. It is important that children receive a certain amount of macronutrients (protein, fat, carbohydrates), minerals and vitamins daily. Thanks to this, they will grow up healthy, cheerful and smart. How to properly organize feeding of children under one year old? Let's look into this issue that interests all conscious parents.

Types of nutrition for children under one year old

There are three types of feeding of children under one year: natural, artificial and mixed. Each of them has its own diet. Let's consider the features of different types of menus for newborns. General diagrams are given for healthy infants. In case of violations of food consumption norms, the doctor determines.

Natural feeding

A breastfed baby from 0 to 6 months receives only breast milk. According to WHO recommendations, after this age, solid foods (complementary foods) are gradually introduced into his diet. The share of breast milk in the daily volume of food decreases, but remains high. Famous children's doctor E.O. Komarovsky insists that introducing complementary foods at an earlier period is inappropriate.

When breastfeeding, most experts recommend feeding the baby freely, that is, at his request. This approach allows you to maintain lactation at the required level. After 2-3 months, even in the case of free feeding, a flexible feeding schedule for the newborn is established: meals occur at intervals of 2-2.5 hours.

Artificial feeding

When bottle-fed, the child receives an adapted milk formula. Breast milk may be present in his menu, but in small quantities - up to 20% of the total food.

Artificial feeding requires adherence to a clear feeding schedule with certain intervals between meals. E.O. Komarovsky reminds that they must be aged, since the mixture is digested more slowly than mother's milk.

Mixed feeding

The need for mixed feeding arises when the mother produces breast milk, but it is not enough for the baby. The deficiency is compensated with the help of artificial mixtures.

The share of mother's milk during mixed feeding is more than 20% of the daily diet. The feeding regimen for this type of nutrition depends on the level of lactation in the mother. If the basis of the diet is breast milk, then the schedule approaches free. If the mixture predominates, feeding occurs by the hour.

How to calculate the amount of food needed?

First 7-10 days

Calculation of the daily volume of formula or breast milk for children in the first 7-10 days of life is carried out in one of two ways:

  1. Zaitseva's formula. It is necessary to multiply the child’s body weight at birth by the number of days of his life and find 2% of this number. The result will be the required amount of food per day.
  2. Finkelstein formula. To determine the daily amount of milk or formula for a child weighing less than 3.2 kg, you should multiply his age in days by 70. If the baby weighs less than 3.2 kg, you need to find the product of the number of his days of life and 80.

Regardless of the formula used, the resulting daily volume must be divided by the number of feedings. This way you can find out the amount of milk or formula sufficient for one meal.

Over 7-10 days

To calculate the volume of nutrition for a newborn older than 7-10 days to 12 months, the Geibener and Cherny method or volumetric method is used. Geibener and Cherny's method allows you to find the required total amount of liquid per day, including formula, milk, water, juice, tea, and so on. This takes into account the child’s weight and age. The main recommendations are presented in the table.

For example, a baby at 3 months weighs 5.2 kg. He needs 5200÷6=867 ml of milk or formula per day. This indicator should be divided by the number of meals. The total volume of liquid should not exceed 1 liter in 24 hours.

In modern conditions, the Geibener and Cherny technique is rarely used, since it is not designed for children with increased body weight, of whom more and more people are being born recently. The volumetric method is considered more rational.

Food consumption standards, depending on the child’s age, are shown in the table.

Introduction of complementary foods

There are special WHO instructions that contain information on the sequence of introducing solid foods into the diet of children in the first year of life. Recommendations broken down by month are presented below.

Porridge must be boiled in water. Starting from 6 months, vegetable oil should be added to purees and porridge. For the first time, it is recommended to limit yourself to 1 drop, gradually increasing the volume to 1 teaspoon. Butter is introduced into the diet at 7 months. The initial dose is 1 g, the average is 10 g. It is advisable to add it to ready-made porridges.

The given complementary feeding scheme is relevant for breastfed children. If a child receives formula, solid foods can be introduced from 5 months, as his body needs vitamins and minerals for normal development. The same table is used, but all rows are shifted by month.

Detailed information on how to feed your baby “adult” foods can be found in the table. All recommendations are general in nature. Before introducing complementary foods, you should consult your pediatrician.

ProductTermQuantityDishes for starting complementary feeding
VegetablesWith normal or overweight from 6 (sometimes from 5-5.5) months.Puree from 1 white or green vegetable.
PorridgeWith normal or overweight body weight from 6-7 months. If the weight is insufficient, then they are introduced at 4-5 months.Initial - ½ teaspoon. Maximum – 100-200 g.Gluten-free cereals cooked in water - buckwheat, rice, corn, oatmeal. After introducing each porridge separately, you can cook cereal mixes.
Vegetable oil6 monthsInitial – 3-5 drops. Maximum – 1 teaspoon.Sunflower, corn, olive oils. They should be added to pureed vegetables or meat.
Butter7 Initial – 1/3 teaspoon. Maximum – 10-20 g.High-quality butter without vegetable components should be added to vegetable purees and porridges.
Fruits8 Initial - ½ teaspoon. Maximum – 100-200 g.Monopure of soft fruits. Gradually you can make multi-component dishes.
Meat8 Initial - ½ teaspoon. Maximum – 50-100 g.Puree from one component - rabbit, turkey, veal, beef.
Yolk8 Initial - 1/4 teaspoon. Maximum – ½ yolk of a chicken egg.You need to boil the egg and add the chopped yolk to the puree or porridge.
Dairy products*9 Initial - ½ teaspoon. Maximum – 150-200 g.Children's yogurt, kefir or biolact. After 10 months, you can introduce foods with fillers (we recommend reading:).
Cottage cheese*9 Initial - ½ teaspoon. Maximum – 50 g.Children's cottage cheese in its purest form. From 10 months it should be supplemented with fruit puree.
Children's cookies9-10 Initial – 1/3 cookies. Maximum – 5 pieces.
FishThe average period of introduction is 10 months (we recommend reading:). If the child has a tendency to allergies - 1 year.Initial - ½ teaspoon. The maximum is 60 g. It is worth feeding your baby fish 1-2 times a week.Low-fat fish varieties - river perch, hake, cod. It should be boiled or steamed and then pureed.
Juices10-12 Initial – 2-3 drops. Maximum – 100 ml.Clarified juices from green and white fruits.

*Note that the approach of Dr. E.O. Komarovsky regarding complementary feeding differs from WHO recommendations. He suggests starting your acquaintance with adult food with the help of sour milk - kefir and cottage cheese.

The new product should be given to the baby in the first half of the day. It is recommended to increase the amount very slowly, gradually bringing it up to the age norm and monitoring the reaction of the child’s body. A child should be introduced to one new dish per week. If an allergy or malfunction of the gastrointestinal tract occurs, the product should be removed from the menu.

Nutrition after a year

The baby's menu after 12 months includes all the main food groups. He no longer needs breast milk as food, so many mothers decide to stop lactation. However, it contains substances that are valuable for the baby, and there are still reasons to continue breastfeeding.

Lactation can be maintained even if the mother goes to work. The frequency of breastfeeding will decrease, but the baby will receive valuable elements. If there is a need to stop lactation, doctors advise not to do this during the child’s illness, when his body is weakened, as well as in the summer, since at this time there is a high probability of contracting an intestinal infection.

The diet of a baby at 1 year old does not differ from his menu at 11 months, but the portions are slightly larger (we recommend reading:). For breakfast and afternoon snacks, he should be fed porridge or pureed vegetables. Dinner and lunch should be filling. For dessert you can offer marmalade, marshmallows, marshmallows, and as a drink - water, tea, jelly, compote or fruit juice.

If it happened that the baby became artificial and was for some reason deprived of breast milk, parents should take this with full responsibility. First, you need to familiarize yourself with the approximate daily amount of nutrition needed by children of different ages. Secondly, you will have to focus on a specific meal schedule by the hour. Thirdly, there are rules on how to feed a newborn with formula: you must adhere to them and try not to deviate from them.

All this will help the baby quickly adapt to the new world around him, develop normally and grow energetic and healthy.

If it turns out that the newborn needs to be fed with formula, first you need to choose it correctly. The modern baby food market offers a wide variety of options: highly or partially adapted, dairy and dairy-free, anti-reflux and gluten-free, liquid and dry. After studying the ratings and reviews (reviews, types and ratings of the best formulas for newborns can be found in), and in consultation with a pediatrician, parents select one of the most optimal options.

After the necessary powder (or emulsion) has been purchased, one of the main tasks is not to overfeed the child or, conversely, not to leave him hungry. And here the table “Daily norms of the mixture” turns out to be of great help.

Since the table contains several parameters, we will consider each of them in more detail.

  • Age

Despite the fact that our task is to feed a newborn with formula (who, by definition, should be from 0 to 1 month), the table also shows data for a later age. This way, parents will be able to compare indicators and focus on them in the future, as the baby grows up.

  • Amount of formula per 1 feeding

These indicators have a fairly wide range of scope, as can be seen from the numbers already on the first line. So how much mixture should you give? 20 ml or 60? This indicator will depend on what schedule the mother will feed the newborn. If 7 times, according to the recommendations of pediatricians, then the number will be the same. If according to the first requirement (the so-called free artificial feeding), the number of meals will be greater, and the dose will be less.

  • Amount of mixture per day

There is no longer such a wide range here. And if the numbers from the second column are easily adjusted depending on how often you feed the newborn with formula, then in the end you should still get the numbers from the third column - focus on them.

Although they also depend on the weight and health status of the newborn. If he is premature or has some pathology, he will not eat much in any case. But if a hero with remarkable health and large weight is born, he will, accordingly, need more mixture. But this difference is taken into account in another, more convenient, from the point of view of many parents, table.

There are different ways to calculate how much formula you should feed your newborn based on his or her individual characteristics (particularly weight). You can use these formulas. They will give more accurate numbers. Once you decide on the volume of food, you will need to create a feeding schedule.

Helpful advice. Most often, all these tables and formulas turn out to be unnecessary for parents for one simple reason. Most artificial formulas for newborns contain detailed instructions on how much powder to dilute in what amount of water at a time. Some manufacturers contain this information on the box, while others have it directly on the measuring bottle that is included in the mixtures.


Decide right away how you will feed your newborn with formula - on time or on demand.

In the first case, a specific schedule will be developed that will organically fit into the daily routine. This is convenient, will allow the mother to do household chores at intervals, and will teach the baby and his stomach to be in order.

On the other hand, many pediatricians say that it is much healthier to feed the baby at his first request, in accordance with the natural urges of his body. However, there is a risk of overfeeding and further obesity.

Parents need to solve this dilemma on their own or by listening to the opinion of the local pediatrician. If you select the hourly schedule option, you can use the following table.

This is an approximate schedule for artificial feeding of a newborn by the hour, which can be adjusted at your discretion, taking into account the daily routine and the individual characteristics of each family separately.

Ages from 1 to 5 months are given for comparison and for convenience: after all, then it will be quite easy to stretch the intervals between meals if you immediately teach the child to eat on time, and not on demand. So choose a scheme and it’s time to learn how to prepare the mixture correctly.

You need to know this. Today, the World Health Organization (one of the most competent bodies in medicine and pediatrics) recommends that young parents abandon a strict hourly schedule in favor of feeding on demand of the newborn.

Cooking process

The well-being of a newborn who is bottle-fed will most directly depend on how correctly the mother prepares the formula.

All such products are accompanied by detailed instructions, which must be carefully studied, and all its points must be strictly followed. Among them, several general points can be distinguished.

  1. To dilute the dry mixture, use bottled water, which does not need to be boiled in order to preserve all its beneficial properties.
  2. Tap water must be boiled.
  3. Follow the dosage specified in the instructions for the mixture exactly. A lot of powder and a lack of water will also cause dyspeptic disorders. Too little dry base and too much water is a guarantee that the newborn will be capricious and ask to eat at the wrong time.
  4. Dilute the mixture immediately in the bottle.
  5. First, water is poured in, preheated to 50°C. If its temperature is higher than this indicator, it will destroy the beneficial bacteria of the mixture.
  6. After pouring the powder into the bottle, shake it well so that there are no lumps.
  7. Before feeding your newborn, check the temperature of the formula again: it should not exceed 37°C.
  8. The width of the hole in the nipple should force the newborn to make some effort to strain the mixture from the bottle.

The process of preparing the mixture is one of the main stages of feeding. The correctness of its implementation will determine how satisfied the baby will be with the food, whether he will be fully satisfied, as well as his health and further physical development.

Once you have mastered the basics of cooking for these babies, you will have to take small “courses” to learn how to feed them correctly.

Lifehack. To determine the temperature of the finished formula for a newborn, drop a little milk liquid from the bottle onto your wrist. If the skin does not feel anything, you can feed your hero. If she feels a hot or cold touch, the food will have to be cooled or heated.

Feeding process

A very important point for all young mothers is to learn how to properly feed a newborn with formula, because the technique of this process is significantly different from that used for infants.

The faster you master it, the fewer problems with nutrition and further development will arise. A few useful tips will help you do this.

Newborn position

  1. It should not lie on its back, as the mixture will flow out of the bottle itself. Because of this, the child may choke or choke. The sucking reflex will also be formed incorrectly.
  2. The head should be located slightly above the body, on the bend of the mother’s arm bent at the elbow.
  3. The head and spine of a newborn should form a straight line.
  4. The baby's position during formula feeding should be the same as when breastfeeding.

Feeding technique

  1. A newborn should not be allowed to grasp the entire pacifier with his lips. Correct position: only the oblong part should be in his mouth, but the lips should lie on the round part.
  2. Make sure that the oblong part of the nipple is constantly filled with the mixture. This way, the newborn will not swallow air and then suffer from colic.
  3. Don't rush your baby while you feed. He himself knows the pace at which he is comfortable sucking. Don't shake the bottle, don't yell at him, and try not to show your impatience yourself.
  4. If your newborn refuses to eat, do not force him to eat every last drop. If the dose is less than usual, take a closer look: he may not be feeling well. In this case, consult your pediatrician.
  5. After feeding, pat your baby lightly on the back - this will make him burp the air he swallowed while sucking.


  1. Do you want to learn how to properly feed your baby formula? Then you should take short breaks directly while eating.
  2. The fact is that when sucking, the baby still swallows air, which creates a false feeling of satiety. To get rid of it, you need small stops. They allow the newborn to burp, that is, to free himself from air, and again feel that he is not yet full.
  3. As soon as the baby moves away from the bottle, hold him in a semi-vertical or vertical position in a column and wait for the burp.
  4. For the same purpose, you can put it with its tummy on your shoulder, and its arms on your back.
  5. Another way to get rid of swallowed air is a light massage of the back, gentle pats on the butt.
  6. If you put him on your knees with his tummy down, the result will be the same.
  7. Practice different methods and choose the technique that will allow you to quickly achieve the desired effect.
  8. At the same time, do not forget to protect your and his clothes from regurgitation.
  9. If you don’t take a break and wait for regurgitation, swallowed air will cause colic and gas.

Mother and baby bond

  1. Very often, women who do not breastfeed their babies feel guilty, since it is believed that babies have a much closer emotional connection with their mothers. However, even with artificial animals, it can be established just during the feeding process.
  2. Hold your baby gently while eating.
  3. Talk to him: call him affectionate names, try to convey all your love and tenderness through your voice.
  4. Stroke your newborn while feeding - this will create close physical contact, which artificial babies so lack.
  5. One of the advantages of feeding with formula is the interaction of the newborn with other relatives, in particular with the dad, who can also feed him with formula from a bottle. However, in order to establish an emotional connection with the mother, it is she who must feed the baby during the first month of life.

This is the technique for feeding newborns with formula. If you learn to do it correctly, this will allow you to avoid many unpleasant moments that are considered disadvantages of artificial nutrition.

Adapted food is as close as possible in composition to breast milk. Emotional connection and close bodily contact can also be achieved. So there shouldn't be any problems. To top it off, a few more useful tips will help dispel any last doubts.

A small nuance. During a break in the middle of formula feeding, when you help the baby burp up swallowed air, you should not put him on your lap with his tummy down, although this method exists and is used in practice. Yes, the air will escape, but the pressure exerted in this position on the baby’s digestive tract can cause disruption in its functioning.


By following all the above tips, you can quickly learn how to properly feed a newborn with formula from a bottle. If you have any doubts, you can always consult your doctor or look at the list of general recommendations.

  1. Do not leave your newborn alone with a bottle.
  2. Change the nipple periodically as it becomes deformed and worn out.
  3. Keep an eye on the expiration date of the mixture.
  4. Do not feed your baby when he is depressed or irritated. First you need to relax and calm down. Newborns sense their mother’s mood very subtly. If you are tense, the baby will also be worried.
  5. Do not feed your baby if he is screaming or crying to prevent him from choking. Try to calm him down first.
  6. Keep in mind that formula is harder and longer for your baby's stomach to digest than breast milk. Therefore, the intervals between feedings should be at least 3 hours.
  7. The bottle and nipple are disinfected for each meal.
  8. Do not leave the mixture uneaten until next time.

All these nuances of how to feed a newborn with formula are very important for his further development and health. If you do everything according to the recommendations of specialists, based on individual consultations with a pediatrician, no problems will arise.

You don’t even have to worry that your baby is deprived of breast milk. Modern baby food is adapted to the developing gastrointestinal tract of a small organism and contains a large amount of useful and nutrients necessary for normal development. Feed your child the right quality food, and he will delight you with his good health and irrepressible energy.

Feeding regimen for a bottle-fed newborn

Every mother knows that the best way to give a newborn baby all the necessary and vital nutrients, vitamins and microelements is to breastfeed him during the first six months of his life. But sometimes natural feeding of a baby is impossible for various reasons. And then the baby needs to be switched to artificial feeding with special formulas.

We will look at what formulas there are and how they differ from each other; we will determine the correct feeding regimen for a bottle-fed newborn and feeding rules.

Why is breastfeeding not available?

First, let's look at the reasons why a newborn baby needs to be completely or partially transferred to artificial feeding.

There are several of them:

  • Difficult childbirth, accompanied by complications, after which the mother needs a long period to regain her strength.
  • Mom needs to take medications to restore her health or maintain it normal.
  • Some infectious diseases of the mother.
  • Insufficient production of breast milk or its complete absence. In this case, you should first try to restore lactation, following the doctor’s recommendations. If this does not work, then transfer the baby to formula feeding.
  • Long absence of the mother, when there is no possibility of feeding expressed breast milk.

Please note that artificial feeding of a newborn is a necessary measure. Mothers should not resort to it only for their own convenience or for fear of losing their external attractiveness. These false motives for not breastfeeding can have a very negative impact on the baby.

To choose the right mixture, you need to focus on the baby’s age, the characteristics of his body, and the presence of allergic reactions.

Formulas for artificial feeding are divided according to their composition and consistency.

In composition they can be:

  • highly adapted - as similar in composition as possible to mother's breast milk. This is achieved through the use of special whey.
  • mixtures with less adaptation. They are made from the milk protein casein. This is the most common type of baby food.
  • subsequent mixtures that are used to feed children aged 6 months and older.
  • hypoallergenic. Such nutrition is necessary for babies who have severe allergic reactions, and simply replacing one mixture with another does not lead to results.
  • specialized. They are used only as prescribed by a doctor and contain supplements of various beneficial vitamins or microelements necessary for the full development of the child and the solution of a specific problem.
  • sour milk Such mixtures are used when a child has problems with the gastrointestinal tract, but cannot serve as a constant source of nutrition, only as an auxiliary measure.

Based on their consistency, infant formulas are divided into dry, liquid and concentrated liquid.

How much?

The norm for feeding a bottle-fed newborn is somewhat different from the norm for breastfeeding. This is due to differences in composition and different nutritional levels.

In general, standard formula feeding standards for healthy children are as follows:

  • from the 1st to the 10th birthday - the daily norm of the formula consumed is calculated by the formula: 70-80 ml multiplied by the number of days lived by the child;
  • from 10 days to 2 months – the daily norm is 1/5 of the child’s weight;
  • 2-4 months – the daily norm is 1/6 of the child’s weight;
  • 4-6 months – 1/7 of the child’s weight;
  • from 6 months to a year - the daily norm is 1/9 of the weight.

Once again, let’s make a reservation that these are standard norms for healthy children. If there are any deviations in the health or development of the baby, then you should contact your pediatrician for special nutritional recommendations.

... and how often?

Also, mothers whose babies are bottle-fed are interested in the feeding schedule of the newborn.

In fact, it is not particularly different from the feeding schedule of breastfeeding.

Many mothers prefer to feed their baby on demand. If in the case of breastfeeding this may have a certain meaning, then with artificial feeding it is better not to get carried away with this practice. Infant formula is more nutritious than breast milk because it contains more protein and therefore takes longer to digest. And if the baby is fed too often, he may become overweight and develop obesity.

The optimal interval between feeding a newborn should be 3 – 3.5 hours. This time is usually enough for the stomach to completely digest the mixture, and the child is ready for the next meal.

Now let's look at how to properly prepare formula for feeding newborns.

If you prefer a dry mixture, then it can be diluted directly in the bottle in the ratio with water and the amount indicated on the package. Be sure to stick to the prescribed dosage. If you add less formula, your baby may not get enough to eat. If, on the contrary, you shift it, then the increased amount of nutrients and microelements can have a bad effect on the process of digesting food, which will lead to stomach colic.

Before diluting the mixture, bottles, nipples and caps must be sterilized. To dilute the mixture, boiled water must be used, if it comes from the tap, or special baby water. When diluted, its temperature should be 60-70 degrees, then the finished mixture is cooled to 36-37 degrees. Before giving it to your baby, place a small amount of the mixture on your wrist to make sure it is at an acceptable temperature.

As for liquid nutritional formulas, they are simply poured into a bottle, heated to the desired temperature and given to the baby. Concentrated liquid mixtures are diluted with water to the desired consistency. The main thing is to hold the bottle correctly when feeding a newborn so that he does not catch air.

To keep your baby fed and happy, you need to follow a few more recommendations that must be followed when bottle-feeding:

  • If the baby has not finished the mixture, you should not leave the leftovers and then add a new portion to them. Always discard any leftovers and the mixture should always be freshly prepared. This will help avoid poisoning and disorders of the child’s gastrointestinal tract.
  • Change nipples on bottles regularly. They tend to thin out over time, the hole enlarges, and the mixture flows in a thin stream. This makes the sucking process easier for the baby, he may become lazy, and is not very useful for digestion.
  • Make sure the bottle nipple is always filled with formula. This will prevent the baby from swallowing air during feeding and relieve him from colic and gas formation.

Health to you and your children!

" Newborn baby

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Artificial feeding of newborns

Feeding your baby with breast milk from the first days of life is an ideal option for both mother and baby. Well, if it so happens that your baby is on artificial feeding. then you need to take the issue of observing the rules of artificial feeding of a newborn very seriously.

Indications for artificial feeding of newborns

There are circumstances in which breastfeeding newborns is partially or completely impossible. Then the baby is fed additionally or even transferred to artificial feeding. This happens in cases where, for example, the mother had a difficult pregnancy and childbirth, requiring recuperation and taking medications; hypogalactia (insufficient milk production, which is confirmed by control weighing of the child). Or the mother is forced to work, and there is not enough expressed and frozen milk.

Before completely switching a baby to artificial feeding, you need to carefully weigh the pros and cons. Be sure to consult with a pediatrician, neonatologist, or breastfeeding specialist. Even just a little breast milk will benefit your baby.

How to choose formula for artificial feeding of newborns

Before purchasing any formula for artificial feeding, first of all pay attention to its date of manufacture. The pediatrician will tell you which formula is better to choose for artificial feeding, taking into account all the characteristics of the child’s development, including his body weight. If the formula suits the baby, he will eat it with pleasure, but if not, he will turn away, spit it out and regurgitate a lot, cry - this means that the formula needs to be changed. Again, after consultation with a pediatrician.

However, even if the child eats the formula for artificial feeding well, the formula for artificial feeding needs to be changed in the following situations:

  • allergic reaction to formula feeding
  • the child has grown up (each formula for artificial feeding is intended for a specific age)
  • in case of illness, when special medicinal mixtures for artificial feeding are introduced into the baby’s diet (exclusively as prescribed by a doctor)
  • After recovery and a course of medicinal formulas, the baby is again transferred to his usual formula for artificial feeding.

How much formula is needed when artificially feeding newborns?

The diet when feeding newborns with formula for artificial feeding remains free, as with breastfeeding. And the amount of formula for artificial feeding largely depends on the child’s body weight, how quickly he grows, his metabolism and, of course, appetite. It must be remembered that the amount of food that is used per feeding is not always the same throughout the day: sometimes more, sometimes less than the norm recommended by the doctor (the child may not be hungry or tired, has not had enough sleep, and therefore does not want to eat ).

Approximate daily intake of formula for artificial feeding for a child under 12 months of age (if the baby’s body weight meets the average age norm)

Daily volume of formula for artificial feeding, ml.

Rules for mixed feeding of a newborn

Mixed feeding of a newborn is a feeding in which the baby is given both breast milk and artificial formula. It is very important to maintain the necessary proportions. The volume of breast milk should be at least 1/5 of the daily amount of food consumed by the baby.

Artificial mixtures should be given only those prescribed by a doctor. At the same time, he must examine the newborn and study the characteristics of his body. To prescribe mixed nutrition for your baby, you cannot do without consulting a specialist.

Reasons for mixed feeding

  1. Hypogalactia is a severe lack of milk in a nursing mother. Such a decrease in the functions of the mammary glands is observed in 5-10% of women. The reason for this may be severe late toxicosis, bleeding in late pregnancy, postpartum injuries or obstetric negligence, during which dangerous infections could be introduced into the mother’s body.
  2. Social conditions - when a young mother is simply unable to be with her baby for 24 hours. This is due to many factors: study, work, or simply she is a single mother and is forced to work to the detriment of the child.
  3. Severe illnesses of the mother - requiring immediate hospitalization and treatment for a long time. These can be cardiovascular diseases, diseases of internal organs and respiratory systems.
  4. The presence of defective breast milk in a nursing mother. The chemical composition of milk does not meet the required standards. It is too liquid and non-greasy. In this case, the pediatrician transfers the newborn to mixed feeding in order to provide the baby’s growing body with all the microelements and vitamins it needs. If this is not done on time and the baby is left to breastfeed, he will experience the following diseases: malnutrition and anemia.

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Mixed feeding of a newborn: basic rules

It is necessary to start feeding with breast milk.

This is due to the fact that it is more nutritious and will best satisfy the baby’s need for food. In addition, at the beginning of the diet, the newborn has an active appetite and he happily sucks on his mother’s breast. If you immediately offer him an artificial formula from a bottle, then, having had enough of it, he will not want to suck breast milk, because this is much more difficult to do. As a result, milk can simply burn out if it is not expressed in time. It is necessary to breastfeed a newborn until it is completely emptied, and then move on to supplementary feeding of the baby with an artificial formula.

In cases where there are social and domestic problems or the mother is forced to undergo treatment, the baby can be offered artificial nutrition twice a day, but no more, and then supplemented with expressed breast milk or milk from the children's kitchen.

It is better to feed the baby from a spoon (if the volume of the formula is not too large), because the supply of formula from a bottle facilitates, on the one hand, the process of feeding a newborn, but on the other hand, it can completely atrophy the instinct to suck the mother’s breast. If the amount of supplementary feeding is too large, then you cannot do without a bottle. Try to purchase an elastic nipple with a small hole so that the baby cannot distinguish it from the mother’s breast and also eats the mixture offered to him with appetite.

As for the feeding regime, everything here is also very individual. Depending on how well your newborn baby is gaining weight, the amount of food may be increased or decreased. It is better to find out this after consultation with a specialist who will correctly prescribe the amount of food for your baby, and also write out a detailed schedule in which you will feed. Strictly follow the doctor's recommendations if he tells you which of the two types of food should be reduced and which should be increased. Ultimately, the health of the newborn depends on this.

Remember to sterilize all baby feeding equipment. Nipples and bottles must be kept perfectly clean so that no infection or bacteria can enter the baby’s body through them.

The temperature of the finished mixture should not exceed 37-38 degrees. To do this, before offering the baby his food, try it on your wrist.

Complementary foods with mixed feeding are introduced into the baby's diet 2-3 weeks earlier than with natural feeding.

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How to calculate a baby's daily requirement for basic ingredients

To calculate the baby's needs for food ingredients, it is necessary to take into account his age and weight. It is also important to know exactly what kind of feeding the nutrition is close to, natural or artificial.

The type of mixture is also of great importance. Depending on the doctor’s recommendation, both an adapted and non-adapted mixture may be prescribed.

Mixed feeding of newborns and correct calculation of nutritional ingredients are the key to your child’s health.

A more detailed calculation should be confirmed with your doctor.

Artificial feeding of a newborn baby

There is nothing healthier for a newborn baby than breast milk. After all, with it the child receives not only useful substances, but also maternal immunity. But, unfortunately, it often happens that for some reason the mother cannot give him this. Complications after childbirth, requiring treatment with drugs dangerous to the child, decreased lactation as a consequence of postpartum depression. hypogalactia (insufficient milk production) and other factors can cause the inability to breastfeed. Many mothers who are faced with such a problem have a hard time dealing with it psychologically. But don't despair so much. Nowadays, there is such a variety of baby food that every mother can choose the most suitable one for her baby in all its parameters. So, artificial feeding is the topic of this article.

How to switch to artificial feeding?

First, let's figure out how to switch to mixtures. If a child begins to be fed formula immediately after birth, he will get used to it quite quickly. Even in the maternity hospital, a neonatologist or a breastfeeding consultant for newborns will select a formula that is most suitable for the baby. The situation is more complicated if from the first days after birth the mother fed the baby with breast milk, but it so happened that she was forced to switch him to artificial feeding. It is more difficult because many children who switch to formula begin to have some problems - refusal to eat, allergic manifestations. constipation By the way, constipation during artificial feeding is a common “side effect” of switching to artificial nutrition. Therefore, it is important for the mother not only to choose a formula for the baby, but also to know how to feed the baby with it.

Rules for artificial feeding

It is good if the transition to artificial feeding of the child is gradual, i.e. for a period of two weeks or more. At first it will be possible to give one serving of the mixture per day, then, after a few days, two, etc. This will make it easier for the baby to get used to the new food. It happens that a child refuses a bottle. In such cases, a gradual transition would also be more appropriate. But if you need to wean off the breast immediately, then nothing can be done - you will have to make a sharp transition to artificial feeding. And this is more difficult, because the child may not immediately adapt to the innovation. What should mom do in this case?

  • Choose the most suitable mixture (with your doctor).
    Dilute it according to the instructions. You cannot put more or less powder than indicated on the package.
    Warm the water for the formula to the same temperature as breast milk.
    Feed your baby on demand.
    For short-term constipation, give your baby dill water. For prolonged periods, contact your pediatrician.
    If you are allergic to the mixture, change it immediately.
    If any side effects are noticed, consult a doctor immediately.

I would like to note that it is better to find out how to switch your baby to artificial feeding in consultation with a pediatrician or a breastfeeding specialist. When choosing food for a child, you need to be guided not only by knowledge about the proper composition of the product or its manufacturer, but also about the individual characteristics of the baby. Therefore, it will be easier for a doctor who knows these features better than the mother to choose the most suitable mixture for the baby.

How to choose a mixture?

Most formulas on the baby food market today are made from cow's milk. It is processed in a special way to reduce the risk of allergic reactions in the child. The composition of infant formula is adapted, making it similar to breast milk. Nowadays, mixed or artificial feeding of children under one year of age with formulas is possible due to their diversity in composition. There are two main types of mixtures:

  • -maximally adapted containing easily digestible whey protein, which are suitable for children from birth,
    -partially adapted, containing casein (complex milk protein), intended for children over 6 months.

You can also distinguish the mixtures by the numbers on the packaging. The number “1” means that the formula is maximally adapted and can be given to the child from birth. The number “2” indicates that this mixture is for children from six months.

In order to choose the ideal formula for your baby, you may have to change it more than once. But this will not be endless, as it might seem at first. After all, from three months of age, children’s digestion becomes better and they absorb food well. However, sometimes problems such as constipation in newborns remain for a long time. Here the mother will have to help the child cope with it.

How much formula should I give to newborns?

The most important thing to remember is that artificial feeding of a newborn does not differ from breastfeeding in the feeding time. That is, artificial animals also need to be fed on demand. Now about the amount of mixture prepared per feeding. Each baby food package contains feeding instructions. However, for any indication, the doctor may prescribe his own dosage.

In any case, every mother needs to know that a newborn baby from the moment of birth to 10 days usually eats an amount of milk per day equal to 70 ml × the number of days of life. From 10 days to 2 months - 1/5 of body weight, from 2 to 4 months - 1/6, from 4 to 6 months - 1/6, from 6 months to a year - 1/8. If, for example, the baby is 3 months old and his weight is 6000 g, then his daily nutritional intake will be 1/6 of his body weight, i.e. 1000 ml. And since the mother visits the pediatrician monthly and knows the child’s weight, it will be easy for her to calculate nutritional doses.

If you strictly follow the instructions and prescriptions of the doctor, then formula feeding will actually seem not such a problem. And a mother should not despair that she cannot give her milk to her child. After all, the baby doesn’t really understand what he eats now; the main thing for him is that his mother is nearby.

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  • Quantity
  • Schedule
  • Cooking process
  • Feeding process
  • Rules

If it happened that the baby became artificial and was for some reason deprived of breast milk, parents should take this with full responsibility. First, you need to familiarize yourself with the approximate daily amount of nutrition needed by children of different ages. Secondly, you will have to focus on a specific meal schedule by the hour. Thirdly, there are rules on how to feed a newborn with formula: you must adhere to them and try not to deviate from them.

All this will help the baby quickly adapt to the new world around him, develop normally and grow energetic and healthy.


If it turns out that the newborn needs to be fed with formula, first you need to choose it correctly. The modern baby food market offers a wide variety of options: highly or partially adapted, dairy and dairy-free, anti-reflux and gluten-free, liquid and dry. After studying the ratings and reviews (reviews, types and ratings of the best formulas for newborns can be found in our article), after consulting with a pediatrician, parents select one of the most optimal options.

After the necessary powder (or emulsion) has been purchased, one of the main tasks is not to overfeed the child or, conversely, not to leave him hungry. And here the table “Daily norms of the mixture” turns out to be of great help.

Since the table contains several parameters, we will consider each of them in more detail.

  • Age

Despite the fact that our task is to feed a newborn with formula (who, by definition, should be from 0 to 1 month), the table also shows data for a later age. This way, parents will be able to compare indicators and focus on them in the future, as the baby grows up.

  • Amount of formula per 1 feeding

These indicators have a fairly wide range of scope, as can be seen from the numbers already on the first line. So how much mixture should you give? 20 ml or 60? This indicator will depend on what schedule the mother will feed the newborn. If 7 times, according to the recommendations of pediatricians, then the number will be the same. If according to the first requirement (the so-called free artificial feeding), the number of meals will be greater, and the dose will be less.

  • Amount of mixture per day

There is no longer such a wide range here. And if the numbers from the second column are easily adjusted depending on how often you feed the newborn with formula, then in the end you should still get the numbers from the third column - focus on them.

Although they also depend on the weight and health status of the newborn. If he is premature or has some pathology, he will not eat much in any case. But if a hero with remarkable health and large weight is born, he will, accordingly, need more mixture. But this difference is taken into account in another, more convenient, from the point of view of many parents, table.

There are different ways to calculate how much formula you should feed your newborn based on his or her individual characteristics (particularly weight). You can use these formulas. They will give more accurate numbers. Once you decide on the volume of food, you will need to create a feeding schedule.

Helpful advice. Most often, all these tables and formulas turn out to be unnecessary for parents for one simple reason. Most artificial formulas for newborns contain detailed instructions on how much powder to dilute in what amount of water at a time. Some manufacturers contain this information on the box, while others have it directly on the measuring bottle that is included in the mixtures.


Decide right away how you will feed your newborn with formula - on time or on demand.

In the first case, a specific schedule will be developed that will organically fit into the daily routine. This is convenient, will allow the mother to do household chores at intervals, and will teach the baby and his stomach to be in order.

On the other hand, many pediatricians say that it is much healthier to feed the baby at his first request, in accordance with the natural urges of his body. However, there is a risk of overfeeding and further obesity.

Parents need to solve this dilemma on their own or by listening to the opinion of the local pediatrician. If you select the hourly schedule option, you can use the following table.

This is an approximate schedule for artificial feeding of a newborn by the hour, which can be adjusted at your discretion, taking into account the daily routine and the individual characteristics of each family separately.

Ages from 1 to 5 months are given for comparison and for convenience: after all, then it will be quite easy to stretch the intervals between meals if you immediately teach the child to eat on time, and not on demand. So choose a scheme and it’s time to learn how to prepare the mixture correctly.

You need to know this. Today, the World Health Organization (one of the most competent bodies in medicine and pediatrics) recommends that young parents abandon a strict hourly schedule in favor of feeding on demand of the newborn.

Cooking process

The well-being of a newborn who is bottle-fed will most directly depend on how correctly the mother prepares the formula.

All such products are accompanied by detailed instructions, which must be carefully studied, and all its points must be strictly followed. Among them, several general points can be distinguished.

  1. To dilute the dry mixture, use bottled water, which does not need to be boiled in order to preserve all its beneficial properties.
  2. Tap water must be boiled.
  3. Follow the dosage specified in the instructions for the mixture exactly. Too much powder and not enough water will cause colic and dyspeptic disorders. Too little dry base and too much water is a guarantee that the newborn will be capricious and ask to eat at the wrong time.
  4. Dilute the mixture immediately in the bottle.
  5. First, water is poured in, preheated to 50°C. If its temperature is higher than this indicator, it will destroy the beneficial bacteria of the mixture.
  6. After pouring the powder into the bottle, shake it well so that there are no lumps.
  7. Before feeding your newborn, check the temperature of the formula again: it should not exceed 37°C.
  8. The width of the hole in the nipple should force the newborn to make some effort to strain the mixture from the bottle.

The process of preparing the mixture is one of the main stages of feeding. The correctness of its implementation will determine how satisfied the baby will be with the food, whether he will be fully satisfied, as well as his health and further physical development.

Once you have mastered the basics of cooking for these babies, you will have to take small “courses” to learn how to feed them correctly.

Lifehack. To determine the temperature of the finished formula for a newborn, drop a little milk liquid from the bottle onto your wrist. If the skin does not feel anything, you can feed your hero. If she feels a hot or cold touch, the food will have to be cooled or heated.

Feeding process

A very important point for all young mothers is to learn how to properly feed a newborn with formula, because the technique of this process is significantly different from that used for infants.

The faster you master it, the fewer problems with nutrition and further development will arise. A few useful tips will help you do this.

Newborn position

  1. It should not lie on its back, as the mixture will flow out of the bottle itself. Because of this, the child may choke or choke. The sucking reflex will also be formed incorrectly.
  2. The head should be located slightly above the body, on the bend of the mother’s arm bent at the elbow.
  3. The head and spine of a newborn should form a straight line.
  4. The baby's position during formula feeding should be the same as when breastfeeding.

Feeding technique

  1. A newborn should not be allowed to grasp the entire pacifier with his lips. Correct position: only the oblong part should be in his mouth, but the lips should lie on the round part.
  2. Make sure that the oblong part of the nipple is constantly filled with the mixture. This way, the newborn will not swallow air and then suffer from colic.
  3. Don't rush your baby while you feed. He himself knows the pace at which he is comfortable sucking. Don't shake the bottle, don't yell at him, and try not to show your impatience yourself.
  4. If your newborn refuses to eat, do not force him to eat every last drop. If the dose is less than usual, take a closer look: he may not be feeling well. In this case, consult your pediatrician.
  5. After feeding, pat your baby lightly on the back - this will make him burp the air he swallowed while sucking.


  1. Do you want to learn how to properly feed your baby formula? Then you should take short breaks directly while eating.
  2. The fact is that when sucking, the baby still swallows air, which creates a false feeling of satiety. To get rid of it, you need small stops. They allow the newborn to burp, that is, to free himself from air, and again feel that he is not yet full.
  3. As soon as the baby moves away from the bottle, hold him in a semi-vertical or vertical position in a column and wait for the burp.
  4. For the same purpose, you can put it with its tummy on your shoulder, and its arms on your back.
  5. Another way to get rid of swallowed air is a light massage of the back, gentle pats on the butt.
  6. If you put him on your knees with his tummy down, the result will be the same.
  7. Practice different methods and choose the technique that will allow you to quickly achieve the desired effect.
  8. At the same time, do not forget to protect your and his clothes from regurgitation.
  9. If you don’t take a break and wait for regurgitation, swallowed air will cause colic and gas.

Mother and baby bond

  1. Very often, women who do not breastfeed their babies feel guilty, since it is believed that babies have a much closer emotional connection with their mothers. However, even with artificial animals, it can be established just during the feeding process.
  2. Hold your baby gently while eating.
  3. Talk to him: call him affectionate names, try to convey all your love and tenderness through your voice.
  4. Stroke your newborn while feeding - this will create close physical contact, which artificial babies so lack.
  5. One of the advantages of feeding with formula is the interaction of the newborn with other relatives, in particular with the dad, who can also feed him with formula from a bottle. However, in order to establish an emotional connection with the mother, it is she who must feed the baby during the first month of life.

This is the technique for feeding newborns with formula. If you learn to do it correctly, this will allow you to avoid many unpleasant moments that are considered disadvantages of artificial nutrition.

Adapted food is as close as possible in composition to breast milk. Emotional connection and close bodily contact can also be achieved. So there shouldn't be any problems. To top it off, a few more useful tips will help dispel any last doubts.

A small nuance. During a break in the middle of formula feeding, when you help the baby burp up swallowed air, you should not put him on your lap with his tummy down, although this method exists and is used in practice. Yes, the air will escape, but the pressure exerted in this position on the baby’s digestive tract can cause disruption in its functioning.


By following all the above tips, you can quickly learn how to properly feed a newborn with formula from a bottle. If you have any doubts, you can always consult your doctor or look at the list of general recommendations.

  1. Do not leave your newborn alone with a bottle.
  2. Change the nipple periodically as it becomes deformed and worn out.
  3. Keep an eye on the expiration date of the mixture.
  4. Do not feed your baby when he is depressed or irritated. First you need to relax and calm down. Newborns sense their mother’s mood very subtly. If you are tense, the baby will also be worried.
  5. Do not feed your baby if he is screaming or crying to prevent him from choking. Try to calm him down first.
  6. Keep in mind that formula is harder and longer for your baby's stomach to digest than breast milk. Therefore, the intervals between feedings should be at least 3 hours.
  7. The bottle and nipple are disinfected for each meal.
  8. Do not leave the mixture uneaten until next time.

All these nuances of how to feed a newborn with formula are very important for his further development and health. If you do everything according to the recommendations of specialists, based on individual consultations with a pediatrician, no problems will arise.

You don’t even have to worry that your baby is deprived of breast milk. Modern baby food is adapted to the developing gastrointestinal tract of a small organism and contains a large amount of useful and nutrients necessary for normal development. Feed your child correctly with high-quality, carefully selected mixtures - and he will delight you with his good health and irrepressible energy.

All young mothers are well aware that in the first months of life there is no more beneficial food than breast milk for a newborn baby. But sometimes a situation arises in which it is necessary to switch the child to a different diet (there is no breast milk or the mother cannot breastfeed). Artificial feeding of a newborn baby requires the right approach to both choosing a formula and following a new diet. Consultation with a pediatrician is mandatory before starting IV.

Indications for switching to IV

Feeding even the highest quality formulas will not be able to replenish the microelements that the baby receives with mother's milk. Therefore, the introduction of adapted nutrition should always be justified. Pediatricians identify several circumstances when artificial feeding is considered necessary:

  • Difficult childbirth, after which the mother must restore her strength;
  • Taking certain groups of vital medications by a woman;
  • Infectious diseases of the mother;
  • Lack of milk in the breast glands or its insufficiency. Lack of milk is determined by control weighing the baby after feeding;
  • Inability to feed the child due to temporary absence. This indication is justified when there are no conditions for storing expressed milk or the period of mother’s absence lasts for weeks.

Insufficient milk production must first be restored with the help of drugs that enhance lactation. Artificial feeding of the child begins only if these drugs do not bring the expected result. There is no need to introduce formula completely at once; even a few grams of breast milk are beneficial for the baby’s body and it is impossible to deprive him of this benefit.

Pros and cons of using artificial mixtures

Not all young mothers seriously think about what awaits them and their baby when switching to using infant formula. Often, just because of her convenience, a woman deprives her child of microelements necessary for his immunity and general health. Before deciding to switch to IV with a formula recommended by a pediatrician, you need to weigh all the advantages and disadvantages of the new diet. The obvious advantages of artificially feeding a child include:

  • Possibility of feeding the baby with other relatives. That is, the mother can calmly go away on her business and not worry that the baby will cry from hunger;
  • When feeding a baby from a bottle, the mother always knows how much he eats at one time and, if there are problems with his health, he immediately notices this by the amount of food remaining;
  • The occurrence of allergies is always associated with the type of mixture. In order to determine the allergen in a breastfed baby, a nursing mother has to completely review her diet;
  • The formula takes longer to digest than milk, so the number of times your baby eats is reduced.

These are some of the advantages of formula feeding, but there are many more disadvantages:

  • Artificial children are more likely to suffer from colds and allergies in subsequent years. This fact is explained by the lack of special enzymes in their body, which the baby can only get from mother’s milk;
  • The use of bottles requires that they be kept sterile at all times. If cleanliness is not maintained, then the development of dyspeptic disorders is possible;
  • Formula-fed babies often suffer from colic and periodic regurgitation - a low-quality nipple contributes to the swallowing of air;
  • When traveling with a child, you have to take with you a separate bag with formula, bottles, sterilizers, that is, excess luggage;
  • It is often necessary to change several types of mixtures in order to find the most suitable one;
  • Artificial feeding of a child also involves certain financial costs. A good formula cannot be cheap, and as the child grows up, more and more of it is needed.

There are many more disadvantages of formula feeding than advantages, and therefore you should first try to restore hypolactation, and only then resort to such an extreme measure.

How to choose a mixture

The selection of the mixture must be coordinated with the pediatrician. The doctor knows the health characteristics of your child and will recommend the most gentle nutrition. It is necessary to independently show increased attention to the choice of mixtures and be sure to comply with the following criteria:

  • Best before date– the most important condition for the absence of unwanted reactions. Choose those boxes that have a reserve of several months of use;
  • The packaging must not be opened or deformed. The presence of dents and scratches indicates non-compliance with transportation conditions, and such a mixture may be spoiled;
  • Meals are provided according to age categories. A newborn baby should not be given formula intended for older children; the unformed stomach and intestines can react with serious illnesses;
  • You need to accustom your baby to the introduction of hypoallergenic mixtures;
  • If a child has certain health problems, then the food may contain additives that are useful to improve the functioning of the organs. Mixtures may contain herbs to boost immunity, iron to treat anemia.

Read the detailed article: How and which mixture is better to choose

When giving your child formula for the first time, be sure to watch his skin, behavior, frequency of bowel movements and stool character.

How to prepare food

When bottle-feeding a baby, his well-being will directly depend on how you prepare the formula. The instructions must be read and its points must be followed.

  • For dilution, it is best to use special bottled water; when boiling, some of the beneficial substances are lost. If water is taken from the tap, it must be boiled;
  • The dosage must be fully observed. Excessive amounts of dry mixture or lack of water can lead to oversaturation of the intestines with nutrients, and this is reflected in colic and dyspeptic disorders. The lack of dry foundation leads to the fact that the baby is capricious and asks for a bottle at the wrong time;
  • The mixture is diluted directly in a bottle, into which water with a temperature of no higher than 50 degrees is first poured. Higher temperatures destroy beneficial bacteria;
  • After dilution, shake the mixture and make sure there are no lumps. Before feeding, check the temperature - it should not be higher than 37 degrees;
  • The hole in the nipple should be such that the baby makes some effort to suck. Flowing out in a thin stream leads to complete refusal of the breast and to the fact that the stomach begins to quickly stretch.

The mixture can be prepared in advance, but it should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than a day and heated in hot water.

Video instruction:

How to feed your baby correctly

Formula-fed babies often weigh much more than their peers who drink their mother's milk. This is not as good as it seems, and with increased obesity comes a variety of health problems. To avoid this, you do not need to overfeed your baby; you must take into account how much he drinks and how long he can go without a bottle.

  • A bottle is chosen when the baby is completely fed with formula or the amount reaches 2/3 of the total nutrition. The nipple must have a narrow hole, this will not allow the baby to wean off the breast (how to choose a bottle for feeding);
  • A teaspoon is used when the child feeds mainly from the breast, and receives the missing amount of food in the form of formulas;
  • Sometimes a child refuses both a bottle and a spoon, but he needs to be fed. In this case, the diluted mixture is poured through a syringe without a needle in small doses.

Feeding technique

  1. The baby should be in an almost vertical position, this is convenient for sucking and will not allow you to choke.
  2. Make sure that the milk completely covers the nipple and air accumulates at the bottom of the bottle. This will prevent air from entering the stomach.
  3. After feeding, the baby must be held in an upright position so that trapped air can escape.

We read: How to teach a baby to use a bottle

If you feed your baby formula, this does not mean that he should be left alone. The baby may choke on milk or lose the bottle. The emotional contact between mother and baby is also important, so holding him in your arms you can calmly watch the baby’s concentrated face and take a break from household chores.

The nipple on the bottle needs to be changed periodically; it quickly becomes thinner, and the mixture flows through the hole in a continuous stream. You should always use the mixture after preparing it or store it in the refrigerator. The remaining food is poured out immediately.

An artificial baby needs to consume additional complementary foods earlier, this will make up for the deficiency of missing microelements.

How much formula should a baby eat:

A newborn baby in the first month of life eats from 700 to 800 ml of the adapted mixture 8-10 times. At 2-3 months of life, the amount of the mixture increases to 900 ml. When complementary foods are introduced, the volume of mixtures decreases.

It is believed that a child needs enough nutrition, which is 1/5 of his body weight per day. That is, if a baby weighs 4 kg, then he should drink 800 ml of milk per day. In the first days of life, the baby can drink 30–40 ml at a time, then up to 100 ml. In this regard, the frequency of feedings after the first month of life decreases. See the material: how much milk (formula) does a baby eat in the first month?

Frequency of sterilization of feeding bottles and nipples:

In the first month of life, all bottles and nipples should be sterilized after each feeding. First, the remaining mixture is removed with warm water and a brush, then all devices are boiled for 10 minutes. It is best to purchase a special sterilizer; using it, you will always be sure that the dishes are clean.

After the first month of life, it is enough to wash the nipple and bottle and rinse them with boiling water. But still make sure that the bottles are washed thoroughly; special attention should be paid to the threads, hard-to-reach places where bacteria can multiply in a few hours.

Is it possible to store the prepared mixture:

The prepared mixture is stored at room temperature for no more than 2 hours, in the refrigerator for no more than 12 hours. The remaining mixture after feeding is poured out; drinking such milk after an hour can lead to poisoning.

Video: Proper bottle feeding

Free IW

A baby's need for food at different times of the day is not the same. But you still need to adhere to a certain schedule with a deviation of half an hour in one direction or another. This way you will always know what time your baby usually eats and will be able to guess the time of a visit to the clinic or for a walk. If the regimen is followed, the baby falls asleep easier and is less susceptible to excessive weight gain,

Situations in which it is necessary to replace the mixture:

  • The mixture is not suitable, it causes frequent regurgitation, diarrhea or constipation, allergic reactions;
  • Reaching a certain age. There is no point in giving a 6 month old baby formula for newborns;
  • The need to use special medicinal nutrition.

Problems with artificial feeding:

Artificial feeding of a child is considered “metabolic stress” in medicine and therefore causes a wide variety of reactions. Allergies, problems with stool, colic occur in the first days in most babies. Some of them get used to it, others have to change mixtures.


Due to various circumstances, it happens that a mother is not able to feed her baby with breast milk, and she has to switch to artificial or mixed feeding. Young mothers have many questions. How to choose the right mixture? What diet should I organize for my baby? How much formula does a child need?
In this article we will answer the most important question - how to feed an artificial baby.

Breast milk is the optimal food for infants. However, there are various reasons why mothers have to completely or partially transfer their child to formula.


With artificial feeding, baby food in the diet exceeds 2/3 of all food he receives.

Breast milk is digested faster than formula, so it is not recommended to feed the baby on demand, as is most often done with breastfeeding.

Artificial feeding of a child: menu, regimen, feeding table

The correct thing to do in this situation is to feed every 3-3.5 hours so that the not yet fully formed gastrointestinal tract can digest the food. This feeding regimen is called “clockwise”.

Let's look at the table that shows the recommended feeding frequency and amount of formula.

How to calculate the amount of food for a newborn?

In addition to the table, we note that until the 10th day of a child’s life, the amount of food he needs per day can be calculated using the Finkelstein formula:

  • if a newborn weighs up to 3.2 kg, its age (number of days) must be multiplied by 70;
  • if it weighs more than 3.2 kg, the age must be multiplied by 80.

  • From 10 days to 2 months of age, the baby eats about 1/5 of its body weight per day,
  • up to 4 months – 1/6,
  • up to 6 months – 1/7,
  • and from 7 months – 1/8.

For example, if the baby is 3 months old and weighs 4.5 kg, his daily amount of food is 1/6 of his body weight, which is 750 ml. We divide this volume of the mixture by the recommended number of feedings per day - 5, resulting in 150 ml per feeding.

From 6 months, complementary foods are usually introduced, so the number of milk feedings per day is reduced to three.

Do not force-feed the baby if he refuses to eat, but carefully monitor his condition and weight gain.

If you are concerned about anything in your baby's behavior or condition, be sure to consult a doctor.

IMPORTANT: When artificial feeding, be sure to give additional water between feedings.

The menu for a formula-fed baby may differ slightly from the menu for breastfed babies.

You may need to introduce solid foods earlier or start them with different foods if your baby is not gaining weight well or has other problems.

Be sure to discuss the introduction of complementary foods with your pediatrician, based on the characteristics of your baby.

The best formulas for artificial feeding of a baby

There are the following types of milk nutrition for infant feeding:

  • liquid mixtures– ready-to-eat, packaged in small volumes or in tetrapacks, before use they only require heating to the required temperature, they are very convenient to use, but they have a short shelf life.

Adapted milk nutrition is produced with a chemical composition as close as possible to breast milk, which reduces the likelihood of allergic reactions.

The composition of modern mixtures is constantly being improved and there are various types of therapeutic nutrition, which are prescribed by pediatricians according to indications:

  • for low birth weight and premature babies(PRE NAN, Friso PRE, Nutrilon PRE, Similac Special Care) – contain an increased amount of protein, vitamins and are more nutritious;
  • lactose-free(Nan BL, Nutrilon BL, Nutrilak BL, Enfamil lactofri, Babushkino Lukoshko BL, Selia lactofri, Bellakt BL) and soybeans (Nan-soy, Frisosoy, Nutrilon-soy, Humana SL, Similak isomil, Enfamil soy, Heinz soy) - with lactase enzyme deficiency and cow's milk intolerance;
  • hypoallergenic(NAN hypoallergenic, Nutrilon GA, Nutrilak GA, Frisolak GA, Similak GA, Humana GA) – contain partially split cow’s milk protein, for children prone to allergies;
  • fermented milk mixtures(NAS KM, Nutrilon KM, Nutrilak KM, Agusha KM) – contain lactic acid and bifidobacteria, for babies with digestive problems;
  • with high iron content(Materna Milk, Enfamil with iron, Similak with iron) – for children with low hemoglobin, for the treatment and prevention of anemia;
  • antireflux(Frisovom, Nutrilon Antireflux, Enfamil-AR) – contain carob gluten or rice/corn starch, for babies who frequently spit up.

Depending on the age of the child and his needs, the mixtures are:

  • “0” or “pre” - for low birth weight and premature babies;
  • “1” – from 0 to 6 months;
  • “2” - from 6 to 12 months;
  • "3" etc. - for children over one year old.

Each subsequent age-specific baby food formula contains more vitamins and minerals than the previous one and is more caloric and nutritious, which meets the needs of the baby at this age.

Video: How to choose the right mixtures?

Mixed feeding: how to supplement your baby with formula while breastfeeding

There are situations when a baby needs to be supplemented, for example, when the mother needs to leave home or the baby has big appetites and does not have enough mother’s milk.

If supplementary feeding with formula makes up less than half of the baby’s total diet, this is called mixed feeding.

To determine the amount of supplementary feeding needed, you need to know how much breast milk the baby eats.

To do this, weigh the baby on special baby scales before and after meals, but do not change the diaper or change the baby’s clothes so that the measurements are as accurate as possible.

  • By doing such weighings throughout the day, you will determine how much your child eats per day.
  • Now calculate, depending on the weight and age of the child, how much he should eat
  • Supplement the difference with the mixture, dividing it into several feedings or one, depending on the circumstances.
  • For example, in the evening the mother usually produces less milk than in the first half of the day, so it would be reasonable to supplement the baby with baby food before going to bed at night.

Also use another method and determine when to supplement the child’s feeding based on his behavior; if after feeding he shows anxiety and dissatisfaction, most likely he is not full and needs to be supplemented.

Please note that the formula should be given to the baby only after breastfeeding, if we are talking about a lack of milk in the mother. In this case, over time, you need to gradually reduce the volume of the formula in favor of breast milk.

ADVICE: It is advisable to feed a mixed-fed baby with a teaspoon or a syringe without a needle. Try not to use a bottle, because... The baby may decide that it is easier to suck from a bottle and milk is constantly coming in, and this can lead to breast refusal. After feeding, be sure to hold the baby upright so that all trapped air comes out.

Which formula to choose when mixed feeding?

We discussed various types of adapted milk formulas above; they are also suitable for mixed feeding.

Before starting supplementary feeding, be sure to consult with your child’s pediatrician, he will help you choose the right formula for your baby.

Artificial and mixed feeding of a baby: tips and reviews

Here are some tips to help you choose a quality mixture:

  • for a newborn, choose adapted formulas;
  • choose the formula according to the child’s age;
  • if you have health problems, choose the appropriate medicinal mixture;
  • carefully read the composition of the mixtures and compare it with others; it is undesirable to contain palm and rapeseed oils in the mixture;
  • pay attention to expiration dates and integrity of packaging;
  • buy mixtures only in specialized stores or pharmacies;
  • Observe your baby and his reaction to the new food.

Sometimes it happens that milk nutrition is not suitable for the child. How can this be determined?

Watch your child closely, you may notice:

  • the presence of signs of allergy, such as rash and redness of the skin;
  • the baby has frequent stools, liquid, with undigested white particles;
    the child is restless, cries after eating;
  • restless sleep, baby often wakes up;
  • poor weight gain.

Proper preparation of formula also affects the well-being and health of your baby, so be sure to read the instructions before preparing and be sure to follow them!

  • It is not allowed to use unboiled water, water at a temperature other than that specified in the instructions,
  • calculate the dosage and water-mixture ratio correctly, shake the bottle well until the mixture is homogeneous and completely dissolved,
  • Cool the mixture to 36-37°C before using.
  • Leftover formula cannot be stored or reused; you only need to prepare fresh formula before each feeding.
  • Bottles and nipples should be thoroughly washed and sterilized each time after use.

If your baby is fed with adapted milk formulas, do not take this as a tragedy, there is nothing terribly scary about it. Modern adapted baby nutrition is as close as possible to breast milk, contains a lot of useful vitamins, minerals and other substances that will allow your baby to grow up to be a healthy, strong and cheerful child!

Video: Choosing formula for feeding your baby. Doctor Komarovsky