
Easter eggs made of beads photo gallery. Easter eggs made of beads: different patterns. DIY Easter eggs made from beads. Schemes and sizes


On the eve of the great holiday of Easter, I would like to invite you to make Easter eggs from beads. Such traditional gifts in the form of eggs, which are prepared for the celebration, are considered amulets and symbols of grace. This beautiful handmade craft should definitely take a special place on the Easter table, not to mention what an original and memorable gift it is for your loved ones and friends.

To make an Easter egg from beads, you need to put in a lot of effort, because beading is a very labor-intensive process. The proposed master class will show step-by-step braiding of eggs with photo examples that will be useful for beginning craftsmen.

One of the easiest ways to braid eggs is the hand weaving technique. Its weaving patterns are quite simple to learn, but labor-intensive to implement in practice. According to this process, the entire egg is covered with beads, which need to be woven in one by one. But thanks to this method, the beads lie in neat lines one on top of the other. You can create very different patterns on such a fabric, but for beginners it will be easiest to master braiding eggs from multi-colored beads woven in rows.

So, before we start braiding and the master class, let's figure out what materials and tools we need to prepare for this:

  • beads No. 1 in suitable shades (in this version, yellow (ZB), orange (ORB), green (ZB), pink (RB) and violet (FB) tones are used);
  • wooden blank in the shape of an egg;
  • nylon thread;
  • needle.

Start the weaving process with a thread one meter long. At the moment when it starts to end, secure it among the beads by making a zigzag through a couple of lines. Take a new one and also weave it into the fabric among the beads.

At the first stage of weaving, it is necessary to make a kind of belt, which consists of beads, two rows long. Further, subsequent ones will gradually be woven into these lines.

Let's get to work and begin beading and a master class. We string two ORB and two reinforced concrete on a thread. We move them to a distance of ten centimeters from the tip of the thread (where the needle is not involved). We number the beads in our minds: the first two orange ones are the first and second ones, respectively. The next two yellow ones are the third and fourth (as in the photo).

Now, you need to thread the needle through the first and second beads, by inserting the needle from the free tip of the thread, as in the photo.

The thread is tightened and the yellow beads are placed on top of the orange ones, that is, above the first - the fourth, above the second - the third.

We string the following ones, one ORB and one reinforced concrete, respectively, these will be numbers five and six. The needle is threaded into the reinforced concrete (third), and then into the ORB (second and fifth). We tighten the weaving. The beads that were collected last are placed next to the previous ones. The orange bead is in the bottom row, the yellow one is in the top row.

In a similar way, we continue the weaving process by adding beads two at a time, gradually weaving them to the beads that were previously collected from the edge. The thread is brought out into the final string of orange beads. Let's see how this process happens in the photo.

According to this scheme, we need to make a belt with a length equal to the length of the middle circumference of the selected eggs for braiding.

Next step. The master class moves on to connecting the ends of the belt. We thread the needle through the initial bead (ORB) number one. After this, we go to the reinforced concrete, which is located above (the fourth bead), then to the reinforced concrete, located on the edge at the opposite tip of the belt and then to two ORBs, which are located on the edge (this is the final ORB among the entire set and the first). We tighten the weaving and get a closed circle, which consists of two bead lines.

Since the initial line consists of orange beads, in continuing the braiding it is necessary to bring the thread to the top through the reinforced concrete. Thus, the subsequent third line is placed above the line of yellow beads.

At this point, the master class completes the initial stage of beading.

Let's move on to the second, which is to add bead lines while maintaining the number of beads in it. This action will allow you to expand the belt to the desired width and be able to clasp the middle part of the prepared eggs for braiding.

All weaving at this level can take place both without the use of an egg (periodically trying on the woven part of the product) and on the workpiece itself.

The braiding pattern is as follows: we string the bead for the next row and thread the needle in the opposite direction through the bead in the previous line, on top of which the new bead is located. Next, we pass the needle through the collected beads again. As a result, we managed to weave this detail to the one that corresponds to it in the bottom row. The photo shows this process in detail.

We add the following beads, passing the needle at the beginning in the opposite direction through the bead in the previous row, on top of which the typed one is located, and then directly into it.

We braid the beads until the end of the row.

Having completed the new line, you need to make stitching in a circle through all the beads with your own hands, so that you can pull them together. This way we will get a very dense braiding of eggs.

In a similar way, you need to weave the fourth, fifth and subsequent rows.

The number of lines required for braiding at this stage is determined by the size of the selected eggs and the caliber of the prepared beads. The resulting canvas in the form of a belt should fit closely to the middle part of the egg and on either side reach the narrowing point of the product. In this master class there were eleven similar rows.

At the next, third stage, you need to braid the top of the workpiece with your own hands. Here, in each of the lines, the amount of base material is reduced.

The weaving pattern is similar to that used earlier at the previous stage. The braiding begins in the usual way, by weaving beads one by one over the corresponding bead in the previous row. In the place where you need to cut the beads, you need to string one and go with a needle in two in the previous row.

Having made a decrease in one piece, we resume the braiding and begin to weave the bead one by one on top of the corresponding bead of the previous line to the place where the reduction will have to be made again.

This weaving process must be carried out on the egg itself in order to be able to accurately determine for yourself the amount of material needed to shorten the row. This number of beads can be determined according to the prevailing circumstances. We proceed from the fact that on one side the row made can fit closely to the egg, and on the second - so that there are no voids. In this case, in the initial row we go through nine beads in the usual way, then we weave one on top of two. Thus, for eleven pieces in the previous line there should be ten - dialed in a new one. In subsequent lines the contraction occurs faster.

Having completed the row, you need to make ring stitching through all the beads with your own hands. As a result of such actions, we will obtain a dense braiding structure of the eggs.

The end of the top can be completely different. When the final row comes out of five or six pieces of the main material, it is possible to weave only one bead inside it. In this master class, the final row of green beads consists of nine beads, so three small-caliber beads are woven into it.

Having finished weaving the first top, the next step is to weave another one according to the same scheme of actions. We focus your attention on the fact that the independent end of the first thread, which comes from the initial belt (ten centimeters in length), must be hidden by weaving it among the beads. And to resume weaving, use a new segment.

This completes the master class, the beaded Easter egg is ready. Thus, by changing the color of the main material, you can make very beautiful crafts for Easter with your own hands, which will be useful to you for decorating the Easter table or as memorable gifts for the bright holiday for friends and family.

Patterns for braiding Easter eggs

For more experienced needlewomen, we offer weaving patterns that will help you make Easter eggs from beads with a variety of patterns.

We invite you to consider an interesting option with beautiful floral patterns for braiding Easter eggs.

Such patterns are intended mainly for embroidery; accordingly, their size is too large for use on ordinary wooden blanks. We advise you to use large wooden or plastic parts for work, as well as Czech-made beads (they have a smaller caliber than Chinese ones).

The braiding technique is still hand weaving.

So, a workpiece and a design you like are selected for work. Before you begin, you need to calculate the length and width of the belt and, if necessary, adjust the pattern. According to the color palette in the picture, you need to select beads and begin the process.

Afterwards, the weaving of the lower and upper parts begins and the decrease in rows is carried out symmetrically, when necessary.

Having chosen a plastic blank of two parts, secure them with tape, since if it falls, it may open under the braiding made.

You can make a special string for the Easter egg and insert an interesting thin rope or twine into the gap on the top of the plastic element. This must be done before the upper and lower parts of the product are braided.

Such crafts made from high-quality beads look expensive and resemble sparkling jewelry. If you are interested in such an interesting craft as creating Easter eggs from beads, we recommend that you first study several master classes on video clips, the authors of which will help you figure out how to give one of the most important symbols of Easter a stunning beaded frame with your own hands.

Video: How to make Easter eggs from beads

During Easter, boiled chicken eggs are traditionally decorated. They are not only served at the table and given to each other, such a product is used for festive rituals - competitions for strength, washing with a decoction and spells for the health of a child. It is believed that this is what should be eaten for breakfast on the Holy Resurrection of Christ. Beaded Easter eggs look special and surprise guests.

Preparation and selection of material

Before starting work, you should find all the necessary material to create beaded Easter eggs. These materials are the same and their choice does not depend on preferred techniques for working with beads. For this lesson you will need:

  1. Blanks (egg-shaped or similar).
  2. Beads of various colors and preferred sizes.
  3. Glue.
  4. Needles for working with beads.
  5. Bead thread or fishing line.

The blank can be easily found in specialty stores for handicrafts and beadwork. Regular ones will do blanks made of wood or plastic.

You can also use it to make the product. shell from a regular egg. This requires:

  1. Make small holes (at the ends) and remove all contents.
  2. Strengthen the remaining shell by covering it with pieces of newspaper or other soft paper.

Knowing this technique well, you can do without the shell. Just worth it complete the workpiece from pieces of soft paper in the required shape. For its stability, the base is made flat. To give beautiful view workpiece, the top layers of paper are leveled with sandpaper and coated with paint.

Any beads are suitable for this work. Beads made from Czech glass. If they are not available, Chinese will do.

The choice of colors and size of beads depends on selected pattern and drawing diagrams.

Background colors are usually pastel tones. White, blue, light pink and other neutral colors are suitable. For the significance of the type, the pattern perform from a bright and catchy color palette in all variations.

Beads are sold by weight, not quantity. It is necessary to know exactly the required mass for the product. Its determination is possible thanks to the presence of a diagram and special table.

Threads (fishing lines) and needles for work are in the same stores where blanks are sold. When choosing a thread, you should give preference to the thinnest and strongest ones so that they fit the existing hole in the bead. The needle should also be thin, with a small eye.

Pasting eggs with beads

Beginning needlewomen are sometimes afraid of braiding Easter eggs with beads; the patterns seem very complicated to them. In such cases, you should resort to pasting.

You need natural eggs, food coloring, salt, vinegar, PVA glue, toothpicks, fishing line, nylon or elastic thread, beads and beads. Before decorating, the eggs are hard boiled.

To ensure that the paint adheres to the eggs without problems, before boiling, they are dipped in vinegar, which is diluted with warm water. Then they are rinsed in cold water and sent to cook for literally 10 minutes.

Before the eggs have time to cool, they should be dipped in the dye and turned over so that all sides are colored. They are then placed on a napkin to dry. To create unusual Easter eggs using beads, you need to choose not very bright dyes so that the beads do not get lost against the main background. It is better to choose paint of the opposite or simple color.

As soon as the eggs have completely cooled and dried, you can begin to decorate them with beads. To do this, you need to apply the future pattern to the shell with a pencil. You can choose a very different theme or take a standard one in the form of ordinary crosses or the letters “XB”.

Glue is applied to the shell along the thinnest lines. Next, using a toothpick, glue different beads according to the pattern. The work itself is painstaking and requires perseverance, but the result is worth it.

Using baubles

The second option for decorating eggs for Easter is to glue ready-made baubles made from beads. Baubles can be made of one thread or several.

A thread of beads will be wound around the egg, which is initially coated with glue. You can start the gluing process not only from the end, but also from the middle of the egg. The main thing is to firmly fasten and glue the ends of the thread.

If the bauble itself is wide, when connected, its diameter should be clearly matched to the diameter of the egg from the widest part. A strip with a ready-made pattern is put on and glued to the shell in the center of the egg. From the created belt to the tapering ends, the egg is pasted over with single beads or single-row threads of beads are glued.

Diamond-shaped bead mesh

The design is simple and at the same time elegant. Using this method, you can make a stunning decoration for Easter eggs by placing them in a kind of cocoon. It’s easy for a beginner to learn how to braid an egg with beads. The step-by-step master classes are excellent assistants.

First of all, you should prepare all the necessary materials. Here you will need beads, a needle that can fit through the hole, and flexible fishing line. The work begins by stringing beads onto a fishing line. It is important to take into account that the finished product must completely cover the egg in its widest part. The number of beads strung on the first thread should be a multiple of 6. This will be needed for the symmetry of the finished product. The resulting thread is closed into a ring by pulling the needle with the end of the fishing line into the first bead of the row.

The next step is to string five beads and insert the needle into the sixth bead of the finished row. If everything is done correctly, you should end up with a small, neat diamond. Next, the remaining rhombuses are made using the same scheme. Each time, five beads are strung, the chain extends into every sixth part of the base.

When the first row of the mesh is ready, you can begin to build it up. Five beads are placed on the fishing line, which are inserted into the center of the previously obtained diamonds, that is, into the third bead of the turn. In this simple way, the base thread is pulled together, forming another row of diamonds. Two more rows should be made in the same way.

The next step is to take the workpiece. This can be an empty eggshell or a dummy onto which the resulting mesh fragment is placed. Now the product needs to be narrowed, forming a dome. For this purpose, instead of five beads, you need to take three pieces each, still passing the end of the needle into the central bead of the diamond. You will need to string just one bead on the last rows. Half of the finished mesh should fit tightly around the egg.

A simpler technique can be used. When forming a dome, three beads are strung on a needle, but the needle is passed not through each diamond, but through one.

When the dome on one side completely covers the egg, you can begin to form the second part. When the diamond-shaped mesh is ready, the fishing line is pulled into a strong knot, cut, and its tip is hidden between the beads with a needle.

Double-sided weaving method

This technique is perfect for beginners. You should start learning this technique using beads of two different colors. One will be used for weaving even rows, and the second for odd ones. The first and second stripes are woven as follows:

  1. The first two beads are threaded through.
  2. Return and insert the needle into the first bead.
  3. It is necessary to string two beads on a fishing line (as in step 1).
  4. Thread the needle through the third bead.
  5. Weave two rows in this way. The first row of beads is combined with each other, and in the second the beads are held on the first row.
  6. Pairwise connection of the first and penultimate beads, the second with the last. Pass the fishing line through the beads of the unpaired row (3-4 pcs.) Bring the thread through the beads of the paired row. Do the same, passing the thread in the 3rd or 4th bead of the odd row on the right side.

Start working on the third row of the product. To do this, you need to string a bead and thread the fishing line into it. Then pass the thread through the last bead and knit. Repeat these steps and carefully work on the canvas according to the existing pattern.

This method is used to create a belt around the thickest part of the egg. The size of one strip is selected based on the size of the product (height and width). Typically, the size of the belt is in the range of 10 rows. Its length depends on the circumference of the widest part of the egg.

Important nuances

For convenience and a better fit of the canvas, it is worth making the first two rows of the belt, and then putting them on the egg. This will prevent mistakes with choosing the size of the canvas, and the tightness of the beads will give an excellent appearance to the product. The remaining ends of the belt must be fastened by tying the remaining threads together.

Braiding in the narrowing part of the egg must begin after making the belt. For proper operation, you need to carefully reduce the number of beads with each new row. For a better fit of the fabric, this should be done evenly, pulling the thread through the same number of beads of the previous row.

If a skew or too large gaps between the rows appears during work, you must immediately unravel the braiding and do it again. The very last bead, located in the upper center of the egg, is carefully secured. This is done by threading a thread through it and neighboring beads, which is then tied into a knot. The remnants of the thread are cut off, and the ends are hidden under the nearest rows of braid.

Mosaic beadwork

One of the simplest and at the same time interesting methods of weaving with beads is mosaic. The method is suitable for making beautiful decorations for Easter eggs. There is no need to adhere to the scheme, which simplifies the task several times. To work, you need to take a sufficient amount of beads, a needle for it and fishing line.

To get started, you should make a small flower, in the center of which there is only one bead, with six identical petals. The second row begins with stringing beads between the petals of the flower. Here it is appropriate to alternate the colors of beads so that the rows are even and do not get confused. In addition, this way the product will look more interesting. When working on the formation of the third row, you should increase the number of beads - you will get a cone-shaped mesh. In this case, two other beads are placed between the beads. It is advisable to strive to pass the needle into the same bead from which it came. This will allow you to achieve even turns of the chain.

The subsequent rows are made in the same way. One bead at a time is threaded onto the needle and the end is passed into the space between the beads of the third row. In the fifth row, the weaving is expanded and three pieces are strung onto the fishing line. This should be the widest row, since, starting with the next one, the ligature must be narrowed again by placing eggs inside the dummies.

To complete the ligature, the dummy is placed in the product. It is advisable to use glue at the base so that the mesh sits tightly on the egg and does not move out. The seventh row is made by passing the needle through two turns of the 6th row, taking one piece per needle. In this case, the bead should fall on every third bead of the fifth row. The eighth row is woven by eye, and beads are taken two or three at a time, depending on the distance to the previous row. The fishing line is pulled through every second bead of the seventh row.

Rows 9 and 10 are performed in the same way, but for 9 two beads are taken, and for the tenth only one is enough. For more experienced craftsmen, after completing the 10th row, you can complicate the pattern and weave any motifs into the product. However, even a simple mesh will look decent if beads of different colors are used in its manufacture.

From the center of the egg, you need to gradually pull the mesh together, weaving in the same order, but with a mirror-like part. To achieve perfect symmetry, you can focus on the axis, the basis of which was initially set by the six petals of the base flower. Upon completion of the work, a flower is made the same as at the beginning with one bead in the middle. A fixing knot is made on the fishing line. The thread is cut, hiding its end inside.

Attention, TODAY only!

It has long been customary to decorate boiled eggs at Easter. Some people make crafts from wood or other auxiliary materials so that they can later be preserved as talismans. For example, Easter eggs made of beads. Beautiful, bright, somewhat reminiscent of Faberge eggs. A detailed master class will help you learn how to do this in practice.

Here the papier-mâché technique is combined with the use of beads and small multi-colored beads. The task is to create an artificial base for the craft, because you cannot braid a real egg with beads, it will then deteriorate. And then decorate the base with available materials.

What you will need:

  • PVA glue;
  • paste;
  • newspaper;
  • toilet paper;
  • brush, water;
  • foam plastic blank (you need it to be round, like an egg, if not, you can mold it from ordinary plasticine).

Operating procedure:

  1. Tear the paper into smaller pieces, but fold them into two separate piles so that the newspaper and toilet paper don't get mixed up.
  2. Apply the paper as the first layer. Press each piece one by one, moistening (or treating) it with glue. Here PVA can completely replace paste. The second layer is newspaper. So alternate layers.
  3. When finished, leave the egg to dry. Once it hardens, use the tip of a knife to carefully open the mold, making one long cut along the line drawn in advance. Remove the workpiece.
  4. Connect the two resulting halves of the paper egg and cover them with paper again. Leave to dry again and carefully paint using gouache or regular white paint. To ensure that the color completely covers all the roughness, make paper as the last layer of pasting.

Finishing. What you will need:

  • multi-colored beads;
  • scissors;
  • white, red threads;
  • thin needle (special for beads);
  • glue "Moment";
  • velor fabric (strip).

Operating procedure:

  1. Glue a wide strip of soft velor along the egg. Cut a 2cm long strip so that it can cover the entire egg. And glue it tighter.
  2. Braiding an egg with beads occurs in stages. First, we string beads onto a double thin thread so that the thread completely covers the large bead (see picture). Having secured the thread, glue the braided bead, this is the center of the egg.
  3. Having secured the bead with a simple knot, then, according to the instructions, collect the middle beads one by one on the thread, forming a larger circle than the glued braided bead. Once finished, glue it to the bead on the egg.
  4. Decorate the other side of your egg in a similar way.
  5. Now glue beads of a similar shade separately, forming a cross (remember, the other side is the same). Having strung beads onto a long thread, glue it carefully around the perimeter, literally tracing the sides of the cross (see picture). Repeat this step twice more, alternating different colored beads (for example, a layer of white, then a layer of pink).
  6. The final layer will be beads of a dark shade; use them to once again emphasize the outline of the resulting cross. The motif is simple: a Christian cross and a large bead in the center. Having threaded beads of a dark shade onto a thread, paste over the sides of the fabric, following the contour.
  7. Prepare a lot of short threads strung with multi-colored beads. Fill the remaining free space with them.
  8. Decorate the top of the egg with a large bead similar to the side ones, braiding it with beads.

An Easter egg made of beads looks beautiful and elegant; here the weaving is combined with papier-mâché and pasting.

Beading an egg for a beginner

Beading is a rather complex art that requires perseverance, attentiveness and following a pattern. For beginners, it is better to choose something simple, a master class that explains in detail all the sequential actions. The master acts by inspiration, putting together a diagram of the future product in his mind.

What you will need:

  • multi-colored beads (yellow - reinforced concrete, orange - ORB, green - ZB, pink - RB, purple - FB in the example);
  • wooden base;
  • nylon thread;
  • scissors;
  • needle.

Operating procedure:

  1. Measure 1 meter of thread and thread it into a special thin needle. When finished, simply secure the end by running it over the beads several times.
  2. The first stage is the creation of a simple two-row belt made of beads. Then the following ones will be intertwined with them. Thread 4 beads, 2 of each color (2ZhB and 2OB) and stretch them further. Then, pass the needle through the first two. Tighten. You can see how the beads are arranged in pairs. String the next two beads (there will be 5, 6). Now pass the needle through the third, then 2 and then 5. Pull it off. The beads added last will lie flat. Continue weaving step by step, removing the needle from the ORB each time. You will get a long beaded belt. Connect its ends by threading a needle through 1 ORB, then follow to the reinforced concrete block standing above (adjacent row). Secure the weave. The starting row is orange, so bring the needle through the reinforced concrete. It turns out that the third line will be above the row of reinforced concrete.
  3. Adding lines. Braiding an egg with beads is a step-by-step procedure, where rows will be added gradually. You can weave separately, without a workpiece, periodically trying it on, or directly on it.
  4. Weaving pattern - string a bead, thread a needle through a reinforced concrete bead, weaving a new one next to it. Having finished the 3rd row, make a stitch - pass the needle through all the previously strung beads and pull together to form an even row. So weave 4.5 and subsequent rows. The only thing is that in places where the egg narrows, the braid must match - gradually reduce your number of beads. Where there are two - take one, then go with a needle through two from the previous bottom row.

Important! You need to shorten the rows directly on the egg.

  1. At the end, connect together the remaining beads from the last, small row. Secure the result. Braid the lower part as well.

Diamond mesh weaving technique

Among the patterns for weaving an egg from beads, it is considered the simplest.

What you will need:

  • multi-colored beads (2 shades per mesh);
  • thread, needle;
  • scissors;
  • base - egg.

Operating procedure:

  1. To begin with, create a wide beaded belt. The decoration is woven separately; when finished, try it on the finished base and shorten it as necessary. Moreover, there are also vertical belts. They are needed if you plan to decorate the egg with a small drawing or picture.
  2. Using the diagram, weave a belt 0.5-0.7 cm smaller than the wide area of ​​the egg. Connect (sew) the edges of the belt, being careful not to disrupt the integrity of the pattern.
  3. Expand the canvas (see photo) by making 2 top rows. Towards the crown, where the egg tapers, decrease the rows and, when finished, tighten the thread.
  4. Several rows will go without decreases. Then add additional pieces, not forgetting to pull them tighter.
  5. Assemble the beads following the detailed pattern and thread the thread through all the attached brown beads. When finished, pull it tighter. That’s it, the “top” of the egg is closed.


A finished egg requires a strong base. Sometimes it is also braided with beads:

  • plastic stand;
  • from foam plastic;
  • from plasticine (blind it, then cover it with beads);
  • papier mache.

If you can find a suitable ready-made stand, then it is not necessary to decorate it with Gzhel.

Schemes for weaving eggs with beads

There are quite a lot of them. The main thing is to study the basis, understand the principle of creating bead rows. Then all the schemes will seem accessible.

Types of patterns for braiding eggs with beads:

  1. Cellular weaving - many craftswomen create visual video tutorials, explaining the principles and subtleties of the work. Here the beginning of the procedure will be making a belt, then braiding both ends of the egg and then tightening it (like a mesh).
  2. Openwork weaving - complete the pattern of cells with multi-colored glass beads, take faceted beads. The braiding lesson will begin with the ends of the egg. Then you connect the two finished halves, forming a complete product.
  3. Dense weaving - mosaic or hand weaving is used here, when the beads are slightly shifted to the side or arranged like chess. The method is labor-intensive and requires more material, but the result is a dense canvas where you can create various pictures - a temple, crosses, etc.
  4. Mosaic weaving is the creation of a real mosaic from beads of different colors.

Beaded Easter eggs: DIY decoration ideas

Beaded Easter eggs: DIY decoration ideas

Since ancient times, people have celebrated the holiday of Easter with delicious Easter cakes and Easter eggs. Special attention was paid to coloring and painting the latter. Over time, the evolution of the design of Easter eggs has stepped far forward in its development: from dyeing with onion peels to weaving with beads. Today there are so many decoration options, and they are so diverse and individual that they allow everyone to show their creative abilities in the technique that is closer to them.
Our master class will reveal several secrets and demonstrate with the help of photos how you can make Easter eggs from beads with your own hands.

The meaning of the Easter symbol

Easter is one of the greatest Christian holidays, revered throughout the world. His arrival is eagerly awaited, preparing in advance with special trepidation and respect. The celebration of Easter sacredly preserves the traditions and customs of our ancestors: baking Easter cakes, decorating the Easter basket and, of course, painting eggs.
The egg is a talisman and a symbol of prosperity. The long-known tradition in Rus' of giving each other Easter eggs is not accidental, because the donor symbolically bestows goodness, prosperity and prosperity on someone, protecting the home of people close to him from damage and filth.
Beading, with its numerous bright and colorful weaving techniques, allows you to create beautiful, and sometimes exclusive, egg decor with your own hands. Today we will look at several interesting and accessible weaving methods even for beginners: from simple to more complex.

Required materials and tools

If we are talking about creativity, craftswomen know that they will need quite a lot of materials and tools. Since we decided to combine several presentation lessons into our master class, we will need more materials than for one traditional weaving. After reading the lesson and demonstration photos, you will understand what you want to do and, based on this, choose the elements that will be needed.
Egg-shaped blank

The subject of our today's creativity is an Easter egg made of beads, which means we cannot do without its imitated form. In your work, you can use any egg preparation that is convenient for you: wooden, plastic, foam, foam rubber, or you can make it from an ordinary fresh egg, having first removed all the contents. The important thing here is that the shape should be extremely durable and relatively light.
We will perform braiding on blanks made of different materials to clearly demonstrate to you the possibilities available.
Thread In order to braid an egg, we need a thread on which to string beads for weaving. It can be monofilament, nylon, regular waxed thread, or thread for beads.
Beads Usually, beads of different colors and sizes, as well as large beads, are used to decorate Easter eggs. At the same time, you don’t need to buy it specially at all, because you can create unique patterns from the remnants of what you have.
Additional tools Also useful in your work will be: a pencil, glue, pins with colored beads at the end, sequins, a candle, a fresh egg, a paper clip, a bead needle.

Ways to decorate eggs

Before starting our main master class, I would like to dwell on the simplest ways to decorate a beaded egg with your own hands.
Pasting with beads and rhinestones This method is very simple, since it does not require the use of a pattern and even children can do it. All you need is your imagination and a tool.

We take a blank and draw a sketch of our future drawing on it with a pencil. Next, we apply glue to those places that will be decorated accordingly and begin gluing the beads, following our pattern.
The advantage of this option is its simplicity, accessibility and the ability to reproduce any ornament or composition. In this case, beads can fill both the entire form, covering the surface with a monolithic layer, and its individual parts, placing emphasis on individual elements.
Carrying out such registration is a very labor-intensive and painstaking process that requires perseverance, patience and attentiveness.
Decorating with sequins Sequins can also be an excellent material for decorating Easter eggs. Using sequins of pastel colors, you can paste them over the shell, creating a very delicate and airy sample. And the use of sequins in the shape of flowers will allow you to create a lush decoration for our souvenir, marking the spring awakening of nature.
Let's take a closer look at what we should do. We take a foam rubber blank. We pierce the sequin with a pin with a colored bead at the end and stick it into the base. Alternating the color of the pins, we place our flowers on the base, trying not to leave empty spaces, until the surface is filled to the maximum. While working, coat the iron core of each pin with glue for better fixation in the foam rubber.

To give the work completeness, we suggest you make a stand for the egg. For this purpose, we will use a pin mold (true craftsmen will find a use for everything). We paste the edge of the stand with green sequins in a circle, and when everything is ready, we glue the finished creation into the center. Our wonderful souvenir is ready! Easily, simply and quickly, you get a spring mood and joy from the work done.

Braiding an egg with a mesh of beads This method involves using a pattern in your work. Weaving technology is based on the fact that the braiding takes place in three stages, due to its specific oval shape.
So, a mini master class and accompanying photos.
We divide the base into three parts: upper, lower and wide central belt.

We start the work from the central fragment, for which we weave a mesh of beads using a given pattern.

The size of the mesh should be sufficient to encircle the width of the egg. Next, we put the mesh on the workpiece and connect its edges. Very important: the belt should fit tightly.

Now we have to braid the poles. The visual diagram shown in the photo below will be an excellent assistant for us in this:

Braiding the crown requires special attention; you must ensure that the number of beads in each subsequent row is uniformly reduced. The mesh should fit as tightly as possible; weak, dangling rows are not for us. We expect an excellent result, don't we?
To fix the final bead, we thread a thread through it, passing it additionally through nearby ones, and tighten it with knots. We secure the thread well, otherwise the weaving may “unravel.” We mask the cut end.

The result is a very original festive decorative element. And using beads of different colors to create all kinds of motifs, you can achieve absolutely amazing results. In the photo below you can see an example of such weaving.

After some weaving practice, using any pattern will become a very easy and familiar task for you, but what masterpieces in the form of eggs you will be able to create with your own hands.

Master class on decorating eggs with beads

Now we are waiting for a step-by-step master class, in which we will go through all the stages of work in great detail, braiding our future Easter egg.
We'll start by preparing our base. We will take an ordinary egg, make two holes in it (small at the bottom and a slightly larger one at the top), remove all the contents by blowing it out. When the shell is free, seal the small hole with a piece of newspaper coated with PVA glue. Set the finished element aside and let it dry.

In the meantime, take a candle, cut it into small pieces, put it in a container (ours is a cut-off tin can from an energy drink) and heat it on the stove until the paraffin melts. Having achieved a liquid state, pour paraffin into our workpiece through a large hole. Do not rush to get rid of the remaining wax, since we will still need it, because when it hardens, the wax in the mold will decrease and we will need to fill the resulting void. When the paraffin has hardened, carefully but very carefully scrape off the excess paraffin from the surface of the egg, because it will interfere with our work, preventing the glue from spreading evenly over the entire surface. Then we cover the hole with paper.

Now take a needle and thread and tie a knot at the end.
Take a paper clip and “bite off” the curved top. Using a simple pencil, on the surface of our form in the upper part with a large hole, draw 2 vertical lines, at the intersection of which we lay a thread with a knot and press it with a paper clip, pressing it into the middle of the hole filled with wax.

We string beads about 10-15 cm long onto a needle. The color schemes here can be different, depending on what result you want to get. You can make the ornament with stripes, hemstitch, diamonds, or make an image in the center - it all depends on your imagination. We will have the simplest option - with stripes. Therefore, we will randomly string beads of related shades onto the thread.
To prevent the beads from “running away” during work, we use a piece of light-colored fabric. You can use an ordinary flat plate for this, which is also very convenient for collecting beads.

So, having collected the required length, apply glue to the surface of our form and lay the thread starting from the center and moving in a spiral. Thus, we carry out the braiding until we reach the bottom. We finish the work by fixing the thread with glue, after removing it from the needle, and cutting it.

Video: Decorating an Easter egg with beads

Techniques for braiding eggs with beads

For professionals who have already mastered basic weaving patterns, we can advise trying their hand at other techniques that are widely used in traditional beading:

  • mosaic weaving, when the woven beads fit as tightly as possible, creating the effect of a monolithic coating. This makes it possible to implement various ornaments and complex paintings;
  • a hand-weaving technique characterized by parallel arrangement of beads, which is reminiscent of working on a machine;
  • openwork mesh is the fastest way to braid an egg, because the presence of space between the weaving elements significantly speeds up the process and increases the size of the fabric.

Easter eggs made of beads, braided using the mosaic technique

Easter egg made of beads using the hand-weaving technique
Easter eggs braided with openwork mesh. All of the techniques listed above allow you to make real masterpieces, provided that you devote a sufficiently large amount of time and effort.
Beaded eggs are a very symbolic souvenir that should be made with love and warmth, with sincere wishes for goodness and prosperity. Be patient and diligent, then your gift will become a real gift for your loved ones! Well, you can enjoy another well-deserved creative victory. We hope that the master class we offer on making eggs from beads will show you beadwork from a different, very interesting side.

Lent has only just begun, but now it’s time to think about Easter decorations. Moreover, the best of them are those made by hand. The tradition of giving Easter eggs made of beads has existed for a very long time, and now it has begun to be revived again. Let us make something similar to this beauty.

Materials and tools

  1. Egg preparation (preferably foam, here size 6*4 cm)
  2. Iron-on sticker with icon
  3. Beads of different colors (depending on the pattern you choose)
  4. Beads
  5. Fishing line or nylon thread (depending on what you like to weave with) 0.15 mm thick
  6. Bead needles
  7. Pins
  8. Weaving pattern
  9. And also inspiration, patience and good mood)

Master class on how to braid an Easter egg with your own hands

First you need to apply a sticker. To do this, put it on the egg and lower it into boiling water (it’s convenient to use a spoon with holes for this) - the sticker will tightly cover your workpiece.

It is best that the sticker matches the color of the workpiece (if it is foam plastic, then it is white), otherwise the design on the back will be visible through the gaps between the beads, and this does not look very aesthetically pleasing. If you couldn't find such a sticker, don't despair! Cut out the face from the iron-on sticker and attach it to the egg using acrylic varnish.

On the left the thermal sticker is glued around the egg, on the right - only the front face is glued

Instead of thermal stickers, you can take stickers that stick with an adhesive layer: such stickers are always sold in stores before Easter.

So, the first step has been taken. And now the fun part begins: beading an Easter egg.

First we make a “belt”. It is simply woven with a “mesh” of 3 beads (you can use one needle, you can use two, whichever is more convenient for you). Just first you need to decide on the pattern. You can first draw it on paper or use a ready-made diagram, for example, this one:

Fasten the fishing line (nylon thread) to the first bead (it is then cut off) and collect 16 more pieces according to your design.

Then we pull the fishing line through the ninth bead so that you get a loop. Then we weave as shown in the diagram.

We determine the length of the belt by eye, trying it on the egg along its length, from tip to tip.

When the required length is obtained, we close the belt into a ring and put it on the workpiece.

If the workpiece is foam plastic, then you can secure the belt with pins so that it does not slip.

And then we weave as if we were braiding a cabochon, using beads of different sizes. We work until the face is beautifully bordered. For edging, you can take gold-colored beads.