
Pregnancy observation consultation on. Pregnancy monitoring programs in private medical centers. What is pregnancy management


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The news that a woman will become a mother implies the need to decide who will manage the pregnancy in order to receive the necessary medications, vitamins, do tests, and be examined by a good specialist. Pregnancy care takes place in antenatal clinics in Moscow and the region, but there are clinics where paid pregnancy monitoring is carried out, and there are courses in preparation for childbirth. The choice is up to the future parents, depending on their capabilities.

What is pregnancy management

A pregnant woman is required to register; specialists from a medical institution will observe her until birth, monitor the development of the fetus, promptly identify pathologies, and prevent dangerous diseases. A vaginal examination is carried out at least three times during pregnancy, blood pressure, weight, abdominal circumference, height of the uterine fundus are measured, the fetal heartbeat is listened to, and tests are taken. You also need to visit:

  • otolaryngologist;
  • dentist;
  • surgeon;
  • venereologist;
  • ophthalmologist;
  • endocrinologist.

Pregnancy management in the maternity hospital

An important condition for bearing a healthy child is a systematic visit to an obstetrician-gynecologist, who determines how the pregnancy is progressing and records this in the exchange card. Reception is carried out by the antenatal clinic at the clinic or maternity hospital. Such free pregnancy support is convenient: close to your place of residence, you can easily get all the documents, referrals to specialists and to the maternity hospital. But there are disadvantages:

  • you can’t do without queues;
  • for additional consultations, you should contact specialists from other medical institutions;
  • antenatal clinics are not always provided by highly qualified doctors;
  • often inattentive attitude towards the patient;
  • choosing a doctor is difficult;
  • lack of modern equipment and good conditions, so wealthy women choose comprehensive care at a certain price.

Pregnancy management plan

Registration occurs no later than 12 weeks. The pregnancy management plan in the antenatal clinic involves a clear system of examinations and recommendations. The pregnant woman’s chart will record the results of tests and examinations, doctor’s appointments, and consultation schedule; the decision on their number is made depending on the progress of fetal development and the condition of the woman. The plan includes screenings, there are two of them, they determine the risk level of congenital defects. So, the main points of the plan:

  1. In the early stages - examination by a gynecologist, referral for tests, filling out an individual card, ultrasound - to avoid the threat of miscarriage, to identify an ectopic or complicated pregnancy, problems of the uterus, placenta, multiple births.
  2. Weeks 14-16 - study of test results, referral to a second ultrasound of the fetus, to other specialists - according to indications.
  3. 18-20 weeks - ultrasound examination to determine the size, age, position, and possible pathology of the fetus.
  4. Week 22 – study of the examination results.
  5. Week 26 – examination.
  6. Week 30 – blood and urine tests, sick leave (if necessary).
  7. 32 - 36 weeks - ultrasound to monitor fetal development and clarify the date of birth.
  8. Visits to the gynecologist in recent weeks.

Necessary tests

Laboratory tests are required:

  • Clinical blood test – 3 times;
  • urine test - at each visit;
  • microscopic examination of a vaginal smear – 2 times (first visit and at 30 weeks);
  • examination for pathogens of the TORCH complex and hepatitis B and C (repeat the hepatitis test in the third trimester);
  • analysis for blood group and Rh factor;
  • blood test for RW - 3 times (first visit, 30 weeks, 2-3 weeks before birth);
  • screening for HIV infection (first appointment, 30 weeks);
  • Ultrasound – 3 times (10-14 weeks, 20-24 weeks, 32-34 weeks);
  • biochemical screening (for a period of 10-14 weeks); at 16-20 weeks - a triple test to determine AFP and hCG to determine the risk of developing a child’s heart defect, the presence of Down syndrome, and chromosomal problems.
  • blood test for antibodies - every month.

Additional examinations

Sometimes the doctor prescribes additional types of examination for the patient. May refer for tests if there is a history of herpes, chlamydia, toxoplasmosis, chronic inflammation of the appendages, miscarriages, ectopic or frozen pregnancies, placental insufficiency, polyhydramnios. According to indications, a hemostasiogram is performed to study blood coagulation processes and tests for sexually transmitted diseases. If the mother's blood is negative, the father of the child is examined.

Pregnancy management in a paid clinic

Doctors at private clinics in Moscow competently, according to established standards, but taking into account the characteristics of the condition of expectant mothers, conduct comprehensive monitoring of pregnancy. A big plus is the lack of queues; examinations are carried out at the appointed time, in one place, even on weekends. But often the price of services becomes a disadvantage when choosing, as well as the fact that getting sick leave if necessary is more difficult than in an antenatal clinic, and an emergency situation prohibits consulting a pregnant woman.

Contract for pregnancy management

This document must be concluded with an institution that employs proven specialists - obstetricians and gynecologists, who will promptly detect changes in the health of the fetus and the expectant mother, where there is a good laboratory. The contract regulates the system of examinations of pregnant women; round-the-clock telephone contact with a doctor is possible. You can also conclude a contract for childbirth: “your” doctor will attend the birth and provide postpartum care. The document must specify all required services and the possibility of issuing an exchange card.

The long-awaited two lines on the test or a pleasant surprise - remember this moment, because after it your life will change dramatically. Nine long months separate expectant parents from sleepless nights, and it’s time to think about who to entrust with managing the pregnancy. This question is especially of concern to those who are expecting their first child.

Vitamins, necessary tests, individual recommendations and the well-being of the pregnant woman - the baby must grow and develop under the supervision of a competent specialist.

Women's consultation

Pregnancy management in Moscow is primarily carried out by antenatal clinics. Reception and almost all manipulations are carried out free of charge. Expectant mothers, according to the law, can also apply for a prescription at the dairy kitchen and receive free vitamins.

Over the past few years, the healthcare system has undergone dramatic changes: electronic queues, visit notifications and much more have appeared. However, the only thing that legislators cannot change is their attitude towards people. Some doctors treat their duties with indifference, allowing them to make inappropriate remarks about patients and completely ignoring their questions and requests.

A happy woman who has learned about an interesting situation is faced with indifference on the part of the doctor, waits for coupons for a free ultrasound and takes repeated tests because the previous ones simply cannot be found. We are not saying that such a mess is happening in all district consultations, but you cannot hide the feedback from dissatisfied patients.

The expectant mother should trust her doctor and be able to contact him at any time. For this reason, many people prefer paid pregnancy management.

Advantages of private clinics

The obvious advantage of a contract involving medical management of pregnancy is an individual approach. In private clinics there are no queues, and appointments take place at exactly the appointed time.

In addition, all necessary examinations and analyzes are carried out in a short time, and the results will definitely not be lost. The attending physician is ready to answer all questions, no matter how stupid they may seem to you.

As in the antenatal clinic, closer to the birth, an exchange card is issued here, which must be presented at the maternity hospital.

Disadvantages of private clinics

The pregnancy management contract, depending on the duration and cost, includes an appointment with a doctor and a set of tests. Private clinics try to make money on each client, so you may be strongly advised to conduct more examinations for an additional fee. In this case, it is better to consult with another specialist so as not to fall for the bait.

Another drawback concerns sick leave. Severe toxicosis, poor health, tone or a cold - very often pregnant women need a little rest. The doctor who is caring for the pregnancy must issue a sick leave certificate. Reviews from young mothers note that it is much easier to obtain this document at a government agency. We advise you to sometimes visit the antenatal clinic and be on good terms with your local gynecologist.

We will look at private clinics that offer pregnancy management at contract prices and read patient reviews in our review.

1. Center for Reproduction and Genetics Nova Clinic

Observation at the Lapino Clinical Hospital will cost the most:

Program from the 1st trimester - 243,100 rubles,

Program from the 2nd trimester - 221,000 rubles,

Program from the 3rd trimester - 180,200 rubles.

A contract concluded in the first trimester at the Novogireevo clinic, for example, costs half as much - 95,685 rubles.

Most of the young mothers who were observed at Lapino were satisfied with their choice. An excellently equipped hospital, highly qualified doctors from all over the capital, incredibly sensitive attitude and the best pregnancy management - it is very difficult to find negative reviews. The comments concern only the location of the medical facility: the journey, taking into account traffic jams, takes at least 1.5 hours.

3. Scientific Center for Obstetrics named after. Kulakova

Where can I find reasonable prices for pregnancy care in Moscow? The rating continues with the Scientific Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology at the address: Academician Oparin Street, building 4.

According to information on the official website, the simplest contract for pregnancy management (without complications) from the early stages, “Optima,” will cost 100,000 rubles. Registration of the contract involves the issuance of an exchange card, as well as outpatient and maternity sick leave.

Reviews indicate that qualified doctors work in the center on Oparina Street. Pregnancy management is limited to prescribed procedures, and no one has the goal of extorting money from you. Some gynecologists even advise not to enter into a contract, but to pay separately for each appointment. Tests can be taken at the clinic itself, in private laboratories, or even at a antenatal clinic. In this case, the exchange card and sick leave are also issued at the place of residence.

4. Traditional Midwifery Center

The best personnel, modern equipment and qualified pregnancy management - the rating of Moscow clinics cannot be imagined without the Center for Traditional Obstetrics. Specialists try to build partnerships with future parents.

As part of pregnancy monitoring at the CTA, patients are offered three options:

The basic program provides a minimum set of studies and appointments with doctors that are necessary to obtain an exchange card. The minimum contribution is 25,000 rubles.

The “Exclusive” program includes an unlimited number of appointments with an obstetrician-gynecologist, various laboratory and instrumental studies, attendance at group classes, as well as consultations with an osteopath (once a month) and a perinatal psychologist. The cost of the program is 120,000 rubles.

One-time consultations with ultrasound specialists and obstetricians-gynecologists.

A lot of time is spent preparing for childbirth. For this purpose, specialists conduct thematic lectures, trainings and practical exercises. The school of moms and dads helps prepare for childbirth and learn about the physiology of the baby, useful information about hardening and study the main stages in the life of a child.

“Sensitive and responsive people,” this is how grateful patients characterize the CTA team. According to reviews, pregnancy management takes place in a friendly environment. Expectant mothers don't spend hours in long lines waiting for an appointment. You can sit on a cozy sofa and drink tea. There is a play area for children.

5. Center for Immunology and Reproduction

The Center for Immunology and Reproduction, founded in 1996, is proud of the introduction of advanced Western technologies. Pregnancy management programs have been developed here for expectant mothers, courses and master classes are held, as well as classes in the fitness room.

What distinguishes the center from many other private clinics is the presence of its own laboratory, which allows you to quickly obtain research data and make the necessary appointments. Branches are located in the Central, Southern and Northern districts of the capital.

Depending on the term, a contract for pregnancy management will cost from 78,000 to 86,000 rubles. Full and partial payment is possible. When concluding an agreement, the future patient receives a 25% discount, as well as a discount card (10%) for additional services.

Patients have different impressions from observation at the Center. Among the advantages are the absence of queues and attentive attitude. The comments relate to the work of individual specialists - we hope that the management of the clinic at least sometimes reads reviews on the Internet.

6. Family Planning Center

At the time of its opening in 2006, it was a leading hospital, where many expectant mothers dreamed of being treated. Today everyone has the opportunity to come to an appointment with an obstetrician-gynecologist, but it is even easier to do this together with the purchase of a contract.

On a paid basis, you can become a participant in a unique pregnancy management program, which includes not only examinations and tests, but also an unlimited number of consultations with all specialists of the center. In addition, when concluding a contract, there are discounts on payment for childbirth and further monitoring of the baby.

However, the once advanced Family Planning Center was placed in fifth place in our modest ranking due to its past merits. Almost ten years ago, star mothers and wives of businessmen gave birth here. A lot has changed since then. According to patient reviews, the building has long been in need of cosmetic repairs. The best doctors were lured away by the Lapino hospital, and the pregnancy management program on a paid basis (the cost must be clarified by calling the center) involves hours of waiting in queues and an indifferent attitude on the part of the staff.

By the way, on the basis of the center there is a branch of the Mother and Child clinic - Perinatal Medical Avenue. The minimum contract value for the weekend program is 124,524 rubles.

7. “Healthy Generation”

Maternity hospital No. 25 is one of the best in Moscow, so the Healthy Generation medical association, which actively cooperates with it, inspires a lot of trust among young families.

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Finally, the Miracle happened, and the pregnancy test showed the coveted two stripes. Congratulations! From this moment on, your life will never be the same again. But in which direction it will change depends entirely on you. The course of pregnancy and subsequent childbirth will directly affect the health of your unborn child, as well as your well-being.

If you have been planning your pregnancy and have undergone the necessary examinations, there should be no surprises. But the course of pregnancy will still change the functioning of your internal organs, since they will have to work for two.

Therefore, monitoring during pregnancy is absolutely necessary even if the pregnancy itself proceeds without complications.

The first thing you should do if you feel pregnant is do an ultrasound. This is desirable because there is a danger that the pregnancy has not implanted in the uterus, i.e. ectopic pregnancy. If the doctor sees a fertilized egg in the uterus during an ultrasound, then everything is fine.

After establishing the fact of a normal pregnancy, you need to decide where you will be monitored during pregnancy. It is advisable that you be monitored by one doctor throughout your pregnancy. This could be a antenatal clinic doctor at your place of residence or a paid doctor at a medical center.

You can, of course, combine both types of observation: take tests and be observed mainly in the antenatal clinic, and additionally receive paid consultations from another doctor. This will save you some money, but will reduce the effectiveness of monitoring, because In the antenatal clinic, no one will give you hand tests, so the doctor will not be able to reliably determine the state of your health or will have to retake them again.

Ideally, it is recommended to register for pregnancy at 6-7 weeks. Then the doctor will be able to examine you at the very beginning of pregnancy, immediately identify possible problems and draw up a plan for preventing possible pregnancy complications. And during pregnancy, the principle: “Prevention is always easier than cure” is especially relevant, because the choice of medications that can be used in this condition is always very limited.

What is pregnancy management?

First of all, it involves regular examinations by an obstetrician-gynecologist. In the first three months, once every three to four weeks, depending on how you feel, in the second trimester, once every 2 weeks, and then once a week. Before each appointment, you will give urine (the condition of the kidneys is a very important indicator of the course of pregnancy). At your appointment, you will be weighed, your blood pressure, abdominal circumference and uterine size will be measured. You will be informed in detail about what you can and cannot do during pregnancy, you will be advised of gymnastics and courses for pregnant women, and all your questions will be answered. The doctor monitoring your pregnancy is available to you at any time. You can contact him by phone and get all the necessary advice.

How does registration work?

When registering, a pregnant woman is examined by a therapist, an ECG is performed, then a large package of tests is taken: a general blood test, a biochemical blood test, a study of blood coagulation, blood type and Rh factor, blood for TORCH complex infections, hepatitis B and C, syphilis and HIV.

An obstetrician-gynecologist examines you in a chair, takes a smear for flora, tests for sexually transmitted infections. The cervix must be examined and a cytological examination of its surface is performed.

When the tests are ready, the doctor, depending on their results, will draw up a pregnancy management plan and tell you how to eat properly and what foods to prefer. If deviations from the norm are detected in the analyses, additional examinations may be necessary.

A pregnant woman must consult a dentist, ophthalmologist, or ENT doctor. If you have chronic diseases of internal organs, consult an appropriate specialist.

When is an ultrasound performed?

In a normal pregnancy, an ultrasound scan of the fetus is performed three times: at 10-14, 20-24 and 30-34 weeks. Ultrasound allows you to assess the health of the fetus, its development, and exclude malformations of internal organs. After 24 weeks, a Doppler study examines fetal blood flow, which is an indicator of the supply of nutrients and oxygen to the fetus. If necessary, ultrasound may be performed more frequently.

In many clinics, two prenatal screenings are performed during pregnancy: at 10-13 and 14-18 weeks. These studies make it possible to exclude genetic pathology of the fetus - Down syndrome, Edwards syndrome and severe malformations of the nervous system. Prenatal screening is carried out using a special computer program, which, taking into account all factors, allows you to obtain the most reliable result.

At 30 weeks, all tests are repeated, even during normal pregnancy. The pregnant woman is given an exchange card, which contains all the information about the course of the pregnancy and the results of the examination. If necessary, sick leave is issued for maternity leave.

Observation in the clinic continues until 36 weeks, after which the pregnant woman is transferred under the supervision of a doctor at the maternity hospital. And when your baby is born, you can always consult a doctor for advice and consultation.

We wish you a happy pregnancy and an easy birth!

source: E.M. Nazimova, obstetrician-gynecologist

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    Monitoring a woman during pregnancy (observation scheme) is also regulated by orders

    • N 50 of 02/10/2003 “On improving obstetric and gynecological care in outpatient clinics”
    • N 430 of 04/22/1981 “On approval of guidelines for organizing the work of antenatal clinics”
    • N 457 of December 28, 2000 “On improving prenatal diagnostics in the prevention of congenital and hereditary diseases in children”

    According to order No. 50 of February 10, 2003 “On the improvement of obstetric and gynecological care in outpatient clinics”

    During the physiological course of pregnancy, the frequency of observation by an obstetrician-gynecologist can be established up to 6-8 times (up to 12 weeks, 16 weeks, 20 weeks, 28 weeks, 32-33 weeks, 36-37 weeks), provided regular (every 2 weeks) monitoring by a specially trained midwife after 28 weeks of pregnancy.

    When a somatic or obstetric pathology is detected, the frequency of visits to an obstetrician-gynecologist increases.

    A change in the number of visits by pregnant women to an obstetrician-gynecologist can be introduced by a regulatory document of the local health care authority, subject to the availability of conditions and trained specialists.

    Based on this order, private clinics are developing pregnancy management programs that differ in the number of doctor visits and the volume of laboratory tests.

    Prestigious private clinics, observing this order, also conduct classes with pregnant women at the “School of Motherhood,” the so-called psychoprophylactic preparation for childbirth.

    Considering that antenatal clinics issue birth certificates, which provide free provision of vitamins and nutrition (milk, juices) to pregnant women and nursing mothers, private clinics can compensate for this in their pregnancy management programs.

    For clarity, let's present all this in a table.

    Name Prescription of a normative document Execution in the state institution Performed in a private clinic
    Frequency of observation by an obstetrician-gynecologist During pregnancy 10 times:
    after the first examination, return 7-10 days later with tests, conclusions from a therapist and other specialists;
    in the future - 1 time per month until 28 weeks, 2 times per month - after 28 weeks. pregnancy.
    The frequency of observations can be 6-8 times when observed by a midwife every 2 weeks, after 37 weeks. - every 7-10 days. When a pathology is detected, the frequency of visits to an obstetrician-gynecologist increases.
    Depends on the program you choose. When a pathology is detected, it is usually proposed to review the management program
    Examination by doctors of other specialties Therapist - 2 times;
    ophthalmologist, otolaryngologist, dentist - 1 time at the first visit, subsequently - according to indications, other specialists - according to indications
    Strict compliance with the instructions of the order The minimum program should include an examination by a therapist - 2 times, an examination by an ophthalmologist, an otolaryngologist, and a dentist. If a program with a minimal cost does not provide these consultations, then this is not the place for you. More is possible, less than the specified minimum is not possible!
    In some clinics, the minimum program includes examinations by a psychotherapist, genetics
    Laboratory research Clinical blood test 3 times (at the first visit, at 18 and 30 weeks);
    Urinalysis at each visit;
    Microscopic examination of vaginal discharge 2 times (at the first visit and 30 weeks);
    Blood type and Rh factor; if Rh-negative - examination of the husband for group and Rh affiliation;
    Blood test for RW - 3 times (at the first visit, 30 weeks, 2-3 weeks before birth);
    Blood test for HIV - 2 times (at the first visit and 30 weeks);
    Strict compliance with the instructions of the order

    All points must be included in the minimum pregnancy management program

    Screening for infections At the first visit, it is recommended to be tested for the presence of pathogens of the TORCH complex and carriage of hepatitis B and C viruses (the test for hepatitis B and C is repeated in the third trimester). Tests for hepatitis are mandatory.
    Testing for the presence of pathogens of the TORCH complex is usually offered in private clinics. The laboratories of some health care institutions carry out testing for the presence of pathogens of the TORCH complex in a stripped-down version, for example, they test only for rubella.
    Strict compliance with the instructions of the order.

    Some clinics supplement this examination by introducing tests to determine the presence of antibodies to pathogens that transmit infection through sexual contact. And it is right!

    Additionally, the program includes DNA diagnostics (PCR smear) for sexually transmitted infections. And this is also correct! This is primarily necessary to preserve your health and the health of your unborn child.

    Study of markers of congenital pathology of the fetus (prenatal diagnosis) Blood test for AFP (alpha fetoprotein), hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) at 16-20 weeks.
    according to order No. 457 “On improving prenatal diagnostics in the prevention of congenital and hereditary diseases in children” dated December 28, 2000.
    In antenatal clinics, this research is, for the most part, not carried out, and if occasionally offered, then, as a rule, the woman is referred to private clinics Strict compliance with the instructions of the order. To increase the detection of Down syndrome, additional biochemical examination is possible in the first trimester of pregnancy (9-13 weeks)
    Ultrasonography Ultrasound - 3 times (for a period of 10-14 weeks, 20-24 weeks, 32-34 weeks Strict compliance with the instructions of the order Strict compliance with the instructions of the order

    At your first visit to an obstetrician-gynecologist In order to register for pregnancy, a conversation is conducted (questioning the woman to collect anamnesis), an examination, and the duration of pregnancy and the expected birth are specified.

    For all pregnant women, in accordance with Order No. 430 of April 22, 1981 “On approval of guidelines for organizing the work of antenatal clinics,” prenatal risk factors for adverse pregnancy outcomes are determined:

    1. Socio-biological factors,
    2. Obstetric and gynecological history,
    3. Extrogenital diseases,
    4. Complications of pregnancy (previous).

    These data may change during pregnancy.

    In order to minimize prenatal risk factors, an obstetrician-gynecologist can issue pregnant women certificates (form 084/y) about the need to transfer to light and harmless work. Such a transfer, in accordance with a medical opinion, is carried out at any stage of pregnancy.

    According to order No. 430 of April 22, 1981 “On approval of guidelines for organizing the work of antenatal clinics”

    To resolve the issue of employment of pregnant women, the “Hygienic Recommendations for the Rational Employment of Pregnant Women” approved by the USSR Ministry of Health on August 29, 1979 (NN 2049-79, II-9/96-6) should be used.

    After the first examination by an obstetrician-gynecologist a pregnant woman is sent for examination to a therapist, who examines her twice during a physiologically progressing pregnancy (after the first examination by an obstetrician-gynecologist and at 30 weeks of pregnancy).

    At the first visit to a pregnant woman, a general practitioner assesses the somatic status of the woman and enters examination data into the “Individual Card of the Pregnant and Postpartum Woman.” If necessary, an extract from the "Medical Card of the Outpatient" is requested.

    In the presence of extragenital diseases, the general practitioner, together with the obstetrician-gynecologist, decides on the possibility of prolonging pregnancy.

    Dynamic monitoring of pregnant women with extragenital diseases is carried out by an obstetrician-gynecologist together with a therapist and other specialists.

    During controls, special attention is paid to assessing weight gain according to the weight-height coefficient, depending on the nature of the physique.

    For timely assessment of deviations during pregnancy and fetal development, a gravidogram is used, in which the main indicators of mandatory clinical and laboratory examination of the pregnant woman are recorded.

    The portal contains prices for pregnancy management in St. Petersburg, as well as detailed information about the benefits of this service. Waiting for the desired addition to the family is both a joyful and anxious event for parents. It is accompanied by a special condition of a woman, which is manifested by fear of pain during childbirth, concern about the proper development of the baby, anxiety and happiness of future motherhood.

    At this time, it is important to pay close attention to your physical and emotional health, and it is advisable to do this under the strict supervision of an experienced specialist from a private clinic. Therefore, in the early stages, it is recommended to choose a clinic, get to know the doctor you like better and meet with the obstetrician. It would be reasonable to enter into a contract for paid pregnancy management in order to avoid worrying about yourself and the unborn child.

    Paid pregnancy care in medical centers

    Pregnancy management for a fee implies close personal contact with your doctor, the opportunity to receive medical and psychological advice at any time during all trimesters of pregnancy. This strengthens the woman’s confidence that everything will turn out well. Highly qualified monitoring of the correct development of the baby, monitoring the health of the mother, the necessary set of examinations and medical diagnostics during pregnancy are specified in the contract.

    Paid pregnancy management is characterized by an individual approach to each patient, a thorough examination and timely identification of any deviations from the normal formation of the fetus, therefore such programs are especially recommended for women who have problems with the heart and blood vessels. The program includes both routine examinations by doctors and necessary examinations. This includes:

    • Checks for blood clotting, risk of interruption, thyroid hormones.
    • Research for markers of hereditary diseases and hidden infections.
    • General tests and mandatory smears.
    • Determination of Rh factor, blood group.
    • Detection of antibodies to viral diseases: measles and rubella.

    The cost of pregnancy management is calculated at an affordable amount and allows you to economically plan financial costs.

    Benefits of paid pregnancy management

    Paid pregnancy management is organized with maximum attention to the pregnant woman, which includes:

    • No crowd in front of the office and no queues.
    • Individual attention to the pregnant woman and the normal development of the unborn child.
    • Qualified training in newborn care.
    • Affordable price.

    The clinic specialist will select a personal program in which, based on the results of examinations and tests, visits to the clinic, clinical standard examinations and communication with a personal doctor who is ready to consult at any moment will be planned and clearly prescribed.