
"My best day" essay. Composition the happiest day of my life The story is the best day of the year


>Essays on topics

The best day of my life

Every person has a day that they remember the most. A day that brought a lot of positive emotions, joy and a sense of happiness is the best day in life.

For me, the best day was the wedding day of my beloved sister. She asked me to be her witness, help her in everything and entertain the guests. At first I was scared, I was afraid of a big responsibility, because the witnesses play one of the main roles after the bride and groom. They are constantly in the spotlight.

The duty fell on my shoulders to think up and carry out the ransom of the bride. I worked on the ransom script for a long time, looking for someone to play the fake bride, etc. And then the long-awaited day came, everyone was fussing and nervous around: hair, makeup, a feast, they didn’t forget anything. The bride is dressed, the groom is on the way, and I repeat the script in a panic. Before the arrival of the groom, my sister hugged me and wished me good luck, I realized that she was even more worried. No wonder you don't get married every day - this is a very important step. I calmed down and went out to the dear guests and began to "sell the bride." I came up with interesting contests and tricky questions, the groom had to work hard. But he did it anyway, well done! At the end, our cousin Pavlik came out to him in an old white dress with a veil, it was very funny.

Most of all I liked the moment of the meeting of the bride and groom. One of the most touching and tender. The sister stood with her back to the door in a luxurious white dress, she looked like an angel descended from heaven, beautiful and pure. When the groom entered with a pretty bouquet for the bride, she turned around. Their eyes met, and it was noticeable that tears of happiness shone in their eyes. I even got goosebumps. Then we went to the registry office. And then I could not hold back the tears, everything was just perfect: the rings, they said “yes”, danced their first dance, bowed to their parents. I was so happy for my beloved sister and her husband, and imagined that someday I would be in her place. It was the most touching and joyful day of my life. So many emotions overwhelmed me then, I will never forget this day. Perhaps in time there will be another more memorable day in my life, but still I will always remember how my sister became a wife.

Every person had days when he was happy and when he was sad. And also, there was a day after the incident of which, for a long time it was impossible to forget him. And I have a day that I remember most of all as the brightest and happiest day of my life.

This day is a bit from my past, but still I remember it very much. I was then a small child when it was winter. It was a very snowy day - and it was New Year's Eve. On the street - the snow is pouring, it is getting dark, the whole family is getting ready, busy, and at this time I am with my sisters, who are a little older than me, all trying to figure out what they will give me. We are on a fluffy carpet - we are all sitting together, and delicious smells come from the kitchen. Mom is busy, dad is going to decorate the Christmas tree, a little late, but still. And we run to help him with this. I remember that I hung the first toy in my life on the Christmas tree then. The atmosphere was the most that neither is - magical and warm. It is precisely for this reason that I still love this holiday - the New Year's holiday, because that evening, on that very memorable day for me in my life, I saw such magical dreams that I never saw later - neither in childhood, nor in youth.

I remember this day as vividly as if it was only yesterday. No wonder he seems to me the happiest in my life - after all, then my whole family was together in a friendly family circle.

Happiness is impermanent, you cannot always be happy, because there will always be someone or something who can bring you down to earth from heaven. That is why they say that happiness lives forever while it is imperceptible, but if it is in plain sight, everyone will want to smash it to smithereens, and here again envy acts. That is why, in my life there were both good memories and bad ones that hurt me, and even now, there is some kind of echo inside me.

But, despite this, I am a full-fledged person, and therefore I am very happy. And not only for this reason. There are many other equally important reasons.

Essay on the best day of my life

The best day of my life was my birthday when I was 7 years old. I remember this beautiful day very well, because it was then that I celebrated my birthday in nature, many guests, friends, relatives gathered. We organized a great picnic, the adults prepared a lot of treats, the children brought a soccer ball and a tennis racket with them.

My birthday is in August and most often the weather is very bad on my birthday: it's raining, it's cold, a strong wind is blowing, there can be no talk of any picnic, but then something special happened. The sun was shining, the birds were singing, it was very warm. And when all the guys gathered in the clearing, Aunt Lena, my friend's mother, began to arrange various fun contests for us. We played, had fun, everything was very interesting and fun. Then the children began to give gifts. My best friend gave me an interesting book that I still like to reread from time to time, another friend gave me table hockey, which I often liked to play with my dad and brother.

After presenting gifts, we started eating. Adults fried barbecue, children, as usual, crushed chips and crackers. And after a short amount of time they brought us a birthday cake. I still remember how big and tasty it was, with seven lighted candles on top, which I blew out with joy and admiration.

In the evening, when everyone began to gather home, it was a little sad that such a day was passing, but another surprise was waiting for me at home. Mom and dad gave me another gift that was not given. It was the game console that I had wanted for so long. I was so happy that it's hard to put into words. My father and I connected the set-top box to the TV and began to play racing games. So we played until it was too late and my dad sent me to bed. I went to bed with a wonderful feeling of love and warmth for the whole world, this day was so interesting and eventful that I fell asleep thinking and slept long and hard.

I will always remember this day and even now, remembering it, tears well up. But these are not tears of bitterness, these are tears of joy and at the same time sadness for a bygone childhood. I really liked that day and sometimes sitting on winter evenings, I remember that warm summer and the holiday that this day gave me.

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We have a very friendly family: me, mom, dad and grandmother. Every year we celebrate the birthdays of all our family members, and although there are many other wonderful holidays, the birthday is still the most beloved. On this day, we always try to please the birthday man, prepare some kind of surprise, make this one unforgettable.

When I was seven years old, my mom and dad and I went to the zoo. I have long wanted to go there again, but the trip was postponed all the time, as my parents work a lot. On this day, my mother woke me up early and told me the good news: they have a day off and we are all going to the zoo together!

It was the most wonderful day of my life! First we had breakfast in a summer cafe on the territory of the zoo. We ate ice cream and listened to morning birds chirping. To the right was a beautiful pond, a habitat for elegant pink birds - flamingos. It is impossible to tear your eyes away from this delightful spectacle, but many more interesting things awaited us. On the contrary, mountain eagles sat in large cages, they proudly looked at everything that was happening around. We spent a lot of time at the aviary with monkeys. They are so funny! I especially liked one adult monkey with two naughty cubs. They all the time strove to run away and arrange a small brawl, but the monkey mother strictly followed the pranksters and even punished one of them. Every mother takes care of her children.

That day I saw live giraffes for the first time. I never thought that they have such beautiful eyes: smart, kind, with very long and thick eyelashes.

Camels, crocodiles, zebras, a huge number of snakes and lizards, the king of animals with his numerous offspring, can you name them all!

But most of all I admired a small white bear cub living in an aviary with his big mother. He was so merrily rolling down a large snow slide, artificially created for him by zoo workers, that visitors could not take their eyes off this spectacle for hours. The bear cub rode down the mountain on his back, and on his stomach, and sideways, and when he was tired, he dived into the pool, where his toys were swimming.

We left the zoo in a good mood, and all the time we talked about Umka, that was the name of this baby.

In the evening, friends came to visit me, my mother set the festive table, my grandmother baked a cake. And then the doorbell suddenly rang. I was surprised, because all my guests were already assembled. I opened the door - on the threshold sat a large white bear cub with a huge satin bow, reminiscent of my funny new acquaintance. I picked up a plush toy - what a wonderful gift! Where did he come from? I looked at my mom and dad, they smiled slyly.

It was the best birthday I ever had!

The best day of my life

Every person has a day that they remember the most. A day that brought a lot of positive emotions, joy and a sense of happiness is the best day in life.

For me, the best day was the wedding day of my beloved sister. She asked me to be her witness, help her in everything and entertain the guests. At first I was scared, I was afraid of a big responsibility, because the witnesses play one of the main roles after the bride and groom. They are constantly in the spotlight.

my shoulders fell the duty to think up and carry out the ransom of the bride. I worked on the ransom script for a long time, looking for someone to play the fake bride, etc. And then the long-awaited day came, everyone was fussing and nervous around: hair, makeup, a feast, they didn’t forget anything. The bride is dressed, the groom is on the way, and I repeat the script in a panic. Before the arrival of the groom, my sister hugged me and wished me good luck, I realized that she was even more worried. No wonder you don't get married every day - this is a very important step. I calmed down and went out to the dear guests and began to “sell the bride”. I came up with interesting contests and tricky questions, the groom had to work hard. But he did it anyway, well done! At the end, our cousin Pavlik came out to him in an old white dress with a veil, it was very funny.

Most of all I liked the moment of the meeting of the bride and groom. One of the most touching and tender. The sister stood with her back to the door in a luxurious white dress, she looked like an angel descended from heaven, beautiful and pure. When the groom entered with a pretty bouquet for the bride, she turned around. Their eyes met, and it was noticeable that tears of happiness shone in their eyes. I even got goosebumps. Then we went to the registry office. And then I could not hold back the tears, everything was just perfect: the rings, they said “yes”, danced their first dance, bowed to their parents. I was so happy for my beloved sister and her husband, and imagined that someday I would be in her place. It was the most touching and joyful day of my life. So many emotions overwhelmed me then, I will never forget this day. Perhaps in time there will be another more memorable day in my life, but still I will always remember how my sister became a wife.

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Sipacheva Christina. School №2, Solikamsk, Perm region, Russia
Essay in English with translation (topic in English)

The best day of my life

May be for somebody that wouldn`t be the best day of thin life, but for me it is the best one.

I imagine, I'm coming to London for one day. I`d like to see every part of London because I`d like to get a full impression of this city.

Firstly, I`d go to the City, in the heart of London. There are a lot of shops, clubs, cafes and many other interesting billings. I`d go shopping of London and would buy any nonsense. I`d go to Madam Tussaud`s museum in order to see Bill Kaulitz`s figure and photograph with it. This is my sweet dream which I`d like to realize in this city.

Then, I`d walk on the streetalong London and fake picture everything that would be one my way.

That would be one of the happiest days in my life!

Maybe for some it's not the best day of their lives, but for me it is.

I imagine it's like being in London for a day. I would go around all its parts to get the full impression of this city.

First of all, I went to the City, in the very heart of London, because there are many shops, clubs, cafes and other interesting knowledge. There I would go to the stores and buy all sorts of nonsense.

This is my most cherished dream, which I would realize in London.

For the rest of the time, I would wander the streets of London and take pictures of everything that came my way.

This would be one of the happiest days of my life.