
What does the bonfires of mountain ash mean on September 3. All characters are fictional and coincidences are random.


Do you know what holiday is celebrated on September 3rd? There are several reasons, actually. Let's talk about each of them.

Significant days on the calendar

Holidays are the days of the year when the whole country celebrates any traditions associated with fun and joyful events. Or when a great event took place in the country, to which the people pay tribute, worship and want to make it into the long memory of folk culture for future generations, celebrating annually with solemn rallies, concert programs and other types of solemn ceremonies with the participation of honored persons of the country. These dates are accompanied by the awarding of citizens who have achieved particularly outstanding achievements in their personal and social activities. And all the people are proud of their heroes.

September 3, 2005

But on September 3, what kind of holiday has been celebrated in Russia since 2005? Anyone who knows about this event will immediately be transported to that difficult and not at all festive day when the misfortune occurred.

When in the city of Beslan the terrorists were able not only to capture, but also to destroy the lives of about 300 people, 150 of them were children. Who and why did this in peacetime in a peaceful city - now this question is no longer relevant. Now the urgent task is to do everything so that this does not happen anywhere and never. So then what kind of holiday on September 3 do we celebrate with the whole country? Yes, we are celebrating the Day of Remembrance associated with those tragic events.

The official name of this day is the Day of Solidarity in the Fight against Terrorism. And therefore, anti-terrorist actions are organized and carried out all over the world, movements that contribute to increasing knowledge on how to prevent, how to counter terrorism all over the world. Therefore, the Day of Farewell is also celebrated on September 3rd. What a holiday, we already know.

The terrorists were still defeated, with heavy and irretrievable losses, but they were destroyed nonetheless. As in the Victory over fascism, we suffered incalculable losses, but still we mark the end of the war with the Victory Day, proclaiming the end of the dark forces and the dawn of a bright future.

Joyful day 3 September

The Russian Church celebrates this day as Thaddeus Day, dedicated to one of the 70 apostles of Christ and sent by Him to one of the cities that He wanted to visit.

Thanks to the lessons of Thaddeus, many, even Prince Avgar and the priests of that time, accepted the Christian faith in the Savior. And one of these believers, later canonized as a martyr, Vassa accepted the severe tortures of her children and herself for the sake of faith, but did not renounce it, which earned her the deep and sincere worship of like-minded people.

This day is marked by the beginning of the traditional. According to legend, people met on this day a flaxseed, which had a beautiful fair-haired and blue-eyed appearance of a friendly girl, filled with kindness and love for people working in the fields.

What else are we celebrating?

Let's go on a short tour of the very recent past, when all the countries of the present CIS were one mighty Union, and all holidays were common to all. Such a holiday was the day legalized by the Government of the USSR - the first Sunday of September. And this Sunday in 2017 falls on the 3rd.

On this day, numerous workers in the oil and gas industry of all CIS countries will happily celebrate their labor and, perhaps, heroic achievements, receive awards, sing and dance, attracting a lot of their friends and relatives to the celebration. The peoples of the CIS countries can really be proud of the labor achievements of their citizens, because thanks to them everyone lives in warmth, drives cars filled with fuel, wears clothes and shoes, all this is possible thanks to the processing of petroleum products. Indeed, now it is even difficult to imagine in our material environment that oil and gas could not be used.

Therefore, we also congratulate with gratitude all those who work in this industry, often risking life and health. After all, the work of oil and gas production is very often fraught with danger, each employee lives hard home warmth and comfort.

September 3 - what kind of holiday? End of the war!

On this day, another wonderful holiday is celebrated - Victory Day over militaristic Japan - the end of World War II! In the difficult post-war days after the complete defeat of fascist Germany, Russia continued to hold back the onslaught of the Japanese fascists. And so, from August 9 to September 2, the last push was made towards the final victory of Russia over its enemies. In this offensive, Russia lost about 36 thousand more people. More than 308 thousand soldiers and officers were subsequently awarded orders and medals, 87 people received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

The offensive lasted 25 days, during which the northern parts of China and Korea, as well as the Kuril Islands and Sakhalin, were liberated. After which Japan was forced to admit defeat, and Soviet Union could celebrate the final victory over his enemies. The war ended on September 2, but by decree of the Government of the USSR of September 2, 1945, it was determined which holiday in Russia should be celebrated on September 3. The date is designated Victory Day over Japan. Our people know about this holiday.

Every year on September 3, Russians begin to compete in wit in social networks, and in karaoke, more than ever, they order Shufutinsky's song. It is understandable: “the day of farewell has come”, “the bonfires of mountain ash are burning”, and the lyrical hero of the composition was left completely alone, although yesterday with his beloved “everything was serious”.

Everything is not right, everything is wrong: you are my friend - I am your enemy,
How is everything with you and me?
It was April, and we swore in love, but, alas,
A yellow leaf flew along the boulevards of Moscow.

Like bonfires burning promises
The day I'm all alone
I will turn the calendar
and again the third of September.
I'll take a look at your photo -
And again the third of September.
But why, but why
After all, we were all serious
The second of September.
But why, but why
Did we have to part?
After all, we were all serious
The second of September.

Cranes white wedge, your daughter and my son -
Everyone wants warmth and affection.
We are in love, as in a game,
In the cold wind
Played with you, but came by itself ...
The third of September is the day of farewell,
The day when fires of mountain ash burn.
Like fires burning promises
The day I'm all alone

The President of the Republic of Tatarstan turned the calendar in honor of September 3

This year the President of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov "turned the calendar around". In the morning, he published on his Instagram page the traditional view of Freedom Square from his office with a folded calendar sheet.

The fresh post of the President of the Republic of Tatarstan gathered a lot of comments, including: “Rustam Nurgalievich is in the subject”, “There, by the way, Shufutinsky looks out behind the monument”, “Great beat” and others.

Burning bonfires against the background of Tatmedia by Andrey Kuzmin

Andrey Kuzmin, General Director of Tatmedia JSC, also did not stay away from the All-Russian flash mob. He posted a video on his Instagram with rowan branches swaying to Shufutinsky's song, the singer himself performs the work, leaning out of the window of the Tatmedia building. “The bonfires of mountain ash are burning! Happy September 3rd,” he signed the post.

Shufutinsky was not supposed to sing it

But initially the composer planned to give it to "another performer" and did not consider Shufutinsky's candidacy. However, the singer himself noted the magnetism of the song and spoke about his desire to perform it to Igor Krutoy. Fortunately, the composer did not have time to promise the work to the “other singer” and gave it to Shufutinsky without any problems.

All characters are fictional and coincidences are random.

Mikhail Shufutinsky himself admits that the lyrics of the song are not connected with his sad life experience and are not based on real events.

“This song was not really intended for anyone. Igor Nikolaev wrote the lyrics, Igor Krutoy wrote the music, and we recorded an album with Krutoy. It was a very long time ago, 1993. There was no miracle: on this day, no one quarreled, did not put up - this is not a special date. Everyone would like to hear that something happened to us on the second, third, but no, nothing happened to me, ”the chansonnier said in an interview with Nation News.

Shufutinsky himself considers the song too sad

Mikhail Shufutinsky admitted that he considers the composition somewhat drawn out and overly dramatic. However, the song is close to many, because parting is a universal theme: people meet, part - there is a moment of anguish, the chansonnier noted.

“I think that many had cases when yesterday everything was fine, but today everything suddenly broke down and, perhaps, even irretrievably. And for many people this happened on the second of September, and the third, as in the song, ”Shufutinsky said.

In addition, the performer explained the deep dramatic meaning of the repeated chorus. “This date is repeated, because year after year you remember the second of September, that tomorrow will be the third - the day you broke up. And as long as the feelings are burning in you, you remember that this happened the third time.

Became a landmark for the performer

This year the song "Third of September" celebrates its 26th anniversary. During this time, she became truly significant for Mikhail Shufutinsky - on September 3, 1995, his eldest grandson was born.

Rick Ross helped Mikhail Shufutinsky become a meme

In 2011, a meme appeared on the Internet, where a photograph of a black rapper Rick Ross (outwardly resembling Shufutinsky) was signed with lines from the song “Third of September”.

After that, the number of memes dedicated to the song and Shufutinsky himself began to grow exponentially every year. Social media users posted images of the chansonnier flipping the calendar, appearing at the door with an ax, like in the movie "The Shining", or on the TV screen with the inscription "Missed me?".

The singer himself does not understand how the song became so popular.

Mikhail Shufutinsky is perplexed why this particular composition has sunk into the soul of the Russians so much, but he immediately finds a joking explanation for this:

“To be honest, I myself wonder why the song “September 3rd” becomes so popular in September. I guess I'm getting better every year and the song is getting more popular. I sang it in 1993, think about it. Since then, it has been slowly rising, spreading, and now the moment has come when it was understood and loved. I myself now love her more than before.

"Third of September" tried to cover in Russia and abroad

All these years, the song of Mikhail Shufutinsky has been repeatedly tried to be covered both on the Russian and on the foreign stage.

For example, rapper Rick Ross interspersed his verses into the song, the Mexican band Mariachi Los Panchos performed with her in Moscow restaurants, and the gothic version was presented by Paul Baldhill. Bossa Nova sang a merrily and fervently sad song, which used different musical instruments - maracas, guitars and drums. There is even a female version of the famous song performed by blogger Nila Mania.

In a few hours, a specific day will come when the music world will be eclipsed by one single song, first performed back in 1993 by chanson performer Mikhail Shufutinsky - “September 3rd”.

Over the 25 years of its existence, the composition has become the hallmark of the artist, she was able to win millions of hearts, she had millions of haters, and social networks explode with dozens of memes every year in early September.

The author of the music is Igor Krutoy, the author of the text is Igor Nikolaev. The arranger was Yevgeny Kobylyansky, who was then the musical director of the Shufutinsky Orchestra. In 1994, the composition was included in Shufutinsky's solo album Walk, Soul.

As Mikhail Shufutinsky said, Igor Krutoy originally wrote the song "September 3" for another artist, but he was not sure that that singer would want to perform it. Nevertheless, Shufutinsky himself really liked the song.

“On the third of September, he (Cool ed.) played me by accident (…) I listened and I must say that of all the songs that I was shown before, I liked it the most. I don’t know why, but there is some kind of magnetism in it, it attracts to itself. And I just say - I have to sing it, I like it, ”said Shufutinsky.

“In my opinion, it turned out to be too dramatic, it seems to me, because I like a more ascetic instrumental palette. Here Kobylyansky put his efforts into arranging and expressed all his love for big extended guitar solos in this song. I did not argue, because he is also a very talented and extraordinary person. And so the song turned out the way it is. In my opinion, it turned out to be a little stretched, but no one notices this, everyone likes it. People from all walks of life love her. She sunk into everyone's hearts. She is timeless, fashionable, not fashionable, everyone knows her. She does not get tired, she does not cool down, ”Shufutinsky said.

In an interview, Shufutinsky said that the lyrics of the song are not based on any particular story. One of the reasons for the popularity of the song, the chansonnier sees is that people recognize themselves in it. « I think that many had cases when yesterday everything was fine, but today everything suddenly broke down and, perhaps, even irretrievably, ”said Shufutinsky. Nevertheless, for the performer himself, the date also became significant, but in a positive sense - on September 3, 1995, the eldest grandson of Shufutinsky was born.

25 years have passed since Shufutinsky first performed this song, and during this time the composition has turned into a meme.

Moreover, not only the song “September 3” itself becomes memes, but also attempts to avoid this mass “hysteria”, which comes the day before - already on September 2, or even earlier.

Since you still won’t be able to avoid getting on the net to a joke about September 3, or even not hearing this song somewhere, we suggest resigning yourself to your fate, becoming part of this trend and learning the lyrics of the song. Moreover, such a day happens only once a year.

Video: Anatoly Bogolyubov

Everything is wrong, everything is wrong

You are my friend, I am your enemy

How is everything with you and me

It was April and we swore in love

But alas, a yellow leaf flew by

Along the boulevards of Moscow

Third of September, the day of farewell

Like fires burning promises

The day I'm all alone

I will turn the calendar

And again the third of September

I'll take a look at your photo

And again the third of September

But why, but why

But why, but why

We still had to part

After all, everything was serious with us on the second of September

Cranes white wedge your daughter and my son

Everyone wants warmth and affection

We're in love like a game on cold ice

Played with you, but came by itself

The day when the fires of mountain ash burn

Like fires burning promises

The day I'm all alone

I will turn the calendar

I'll take a look at your photo

But why, but why

We still had to part

But why, but why

We still had to part

(text - Igor Nikolaev, music - Igor Krutoy)

And of course - in all karaoke bars you can't do without this song either. Only on these specific days, "September 3" will be able to outshine Max Barsky, and even the legendary "Battery".

Now, after you have learned the lyrics of the song "September 3" by Shufutinsky - here's the version of the song for karaoke - practice.