
Food additives - useful and harmful, classification and effect on the body. Nutritional supplements, is it worth being afraid of the letter E The first nutritional supplements


The concept of "food additives" is known, perhaps, to every schoolchild. They are written about in magazines and newspapers, talked about on television and radio, talked about in the kitchen and in the yard.

And, despite the extensive discussion of the problem of nutritional supplements, two extremes are still widespread in society. In the first case, people are categorically against food additives in any form and are terribly afraid of products with "E" ingredients. In the second case, the housewives completely ignore the study of the composition of the purchased products, paying attention only to the expiration date. The first extreme leads to a serious limitation of the range of products "permissible" for preparing dinner; the second - smoothly, but inevitably leads to a deterioration in well-being and even the emergence of dangerous diseases.

While working on the article, we set out to help you avoid extremes and choose an average, "golden" position for yourself. It is always better to have adequate information and be critical of the choice of products so that you can compare the benefits and possible harm.

What are nutritional supplements?

Food additives are called special substances added to food to give them the necessary properties. Food additives are introduced into the composition of the product at the stages of processing, production, storage, packaging and transportation.

The goals of introducing a food additive into a product can be:

obtaining a taste or aroma;

giving color;

formation of consistency;

increasing the shelf life.

For ease of use, all nutritional supplements have their own unique number, which begins with the letter "E" (according to the European Union classification). The classification of food additives is not a static phenomenon. New nutritional supplements are regularly added to the list, some of them are moved from allowed to prohibited and vice versa. In addition, such lists may vary from country to country.

Food additives - an absolute evil?

Ardent opponents of all food additives, without exception, at the sight of, for example, E300 in the composition of the product, draw a conclusion about its danger. But the fact is that there are natural supplements that in no way harm the human body.

natural nutritional supplements

This group of food additives includes substances that are found in nature and do not harm human health. The origin of these additives can be vegetable, animal, mineral. Even eating only products "from our own garden" and "from our own cow", such food additives enter our body and not only do not harm, but often have a positive effect on our health.

Examples of natural food additives are E100 - curcumins, coloring substances derived from the turmeric plant; E406 - agar, a gelling agent from seaweed (a component of some sweets and marmalade); E414 - gum arabic obtained from some trees; E160c - paprika oil resins, as the name implies, is extracted from paprika. The list of natural food additives contains more than two dozen items.

Additives obtained artificially

There are additives that are artificially obtained natural additives. That is, such substances are found in nature, but for industrial purposes they are obtained artificially. Such additives are also safe for the body, but there is already one “but” here: in the process of their preparation, by-products of distillation, metal impurities, etc. can get into the composition of the substance. Nutritional supplements from this group are often referred to as "nature identical".

Let's give examples. E300 - ascorbic acid, recommended by many doctors for daily intake. For industrial purposes, ascorbic acid (vitamin C) is obtained from glucose. E160a - carotenes, well-known useful substances from bright carrots. In industry, carotenes are obtained either by extraction from natural products or by chemical means. E296 is malic acid, which is normally synthesized in the human body. Malic acid is obtained chemically. E153 - vegetable coal, a fossil substance. Often it is obtained by carbonization of plant materials. E260 is the most common vinegar.

Fully synthetic nutritional supplements

Food additives of this group do not occur in nature, are not produced in the human body, and therefore require closer attention. Some of the synthetic additives are little studied, some significantly increase the risk of allergic reactions, the development of arterial hypertension, disorders of the digestive system, and the occurrence of malignant tumors.

When determining the acceptability of the use of a food additive in food products, they are usually guided by the lists of prohibited and prohibited food additives. Prohibited additives are substances whose negative impact on the human body has been proven. Unapproved additives include substances for which there is not yet enough data or research has not yet been completed. Here is a list of prohibited food additives.

Examples of Common Harmful Food Additives

E250 - sodium nitrite. A traditional component of industrial sausages. Despite the fact that sodium nitrite is a poison dangerous to humans and mammals, it is actively used in the production of sausages, but its dose is extremely small and therefore not dangerous. When purchasing sausage in a store, it should be remembered that the allowable dose of sodium nitrite for smoked sausage exceeds the same indicator for boiled sausage, since smoked meats are considered to be a festive product, a delicacy that is eaten much less often.

E951 - aspartame. Aspartame is a popular sweetener in many carbonated soft drinks. Once in the human body, aspartame breaks down into phenylalanine, aspartic acid and methanol, a well-known poisonous alcohol. Its dose of 5-10 ml leads to severe poisoning with the possible development of blindness, and 30 ml is already a lethal dose. Of course, even after drinking a full bottle of aspartame soda, a person will still be far from methanol poisoning, however, limiting the use of such drinks is quite reasonable.

E338 - orthophosphoric acid. Included in low-calorie Coca-Cola and some other drinks. It is added to products to give sourness and a slight bitter taste. This dietary supplement helps to reduce the strength of bone tissue and the destruction of tooth enamel.

E952 - sodium cyclamate. A sweetener used in sugary carbonated drinks. In most people, sodium cyclamate is not absorbed, but is excreted unchanged. However, a number of people in the intestines have microorganisms that break down E952 to form substances that have a carcinogenic (causing cancer) and teratogenic (causing fetal abnormalities during fetal development) effect.

Some Pitfalls of Using Nutritional Supplements

So, it would seem that we figured it out and realized that it’s not worth evaluating the harm of a food additive only by the terrible E label. However, there are also some features that you need to pay attention to.

Quantity Matters

Even the most natural food additive can be dangerous at a high dosage - for example, hypervitaminosis with severe reactions with excessive use of the same vitamin C or A. And vice versa, if a synthetic food additive is introduced into the product in compliance with the rules and acceptable standards, then it is unlikely that it will the action will manifest itself as negative. That is, you need to look not only at the presence of food additives, but also at their quantity.

Producer Integrity

By law, any food manufacturer must place on the labels of the product full information about its composition. A conscientious manufacturer will indicate both the name of the additive, and its marking according to the E classification, and the quantity.

If you don't see an indication of a preservative on a product with a long shelf life, this means that the manufacturer simply wants to deceive you.

Title only

Some food manufacturers, not wanting to scare away the buyer with numerous components marked E, indicate in the composition only the full name of the food additive. This is also a violation - they want to mislead you.

Daily amount of nutritional supplements

The total amount of additives that have entered our body is also important. If our breakfast, lunch and dinner consist entirely of products with numerous synthetic additives, then even if the permissible amount of each of them in the product is observed, their total amount can significantly go beyond safe limits.

Individual sensitivity

Even nutritional supplements from the group of natural and harmless can be dangerous for a particular person. A striking example is people with a tendency to allergic reactions. In particular, the recommendations of nutritionists and pediatricians to protect children from the use of products with synthetic food additives and a large number of natural and artificial additives are related to this.

So, nutritional supplements are not a disaster and not the culprit of all the ills of human health. However, ignoring the choice of products, taking into account the presence of additives "E" in them, is ignoring the needs of your body. Let's be careful and reasonable - and then our health will be in our hands!

From the point of view of provoking oncological diseases, others can give a slight malfunction of the digestive system, load an additional amount of work on the kidneys and liver, cause allergic reactions, but, fortunately, there are a certain number of additives that do not have any harmful effects on the body, and even a smaller part can be used even by small children. We will talk about food additives E that are safe for baby food in this article.

We provide a list of harmless and even beneficial nutritional supplements. However, even their pediatricians do not recommend frequent use.

E140-141 - plant component chlorophyll, which gives plants a green color, and its compounds with copper.

E160 is a compound that behaves like in the body. E160 is a natural dye that is obtained from tropical plants, algae and palm oil.

E161 - lutein, it can even be useful for the organs of vision.

E163 is a dye that is obtained naturally from the skin of red grapes, currants, chokeberries, etc.

E260 is vinegar obtained from the fermentation of natural products.

E270 - lactic acid.

E290 is carbon dioxide found in carbonated drinks.

E296 is malic acid, it is considered a harmless substance, but it is better for children not to use it often.

E300-302 - ascorbic acid, i.e. vitamin C useful for immunity.

Nutritional supplements in baby food

Citric acid (E330) helps the product to be stored longer, does not destroy the vitamins contained in it, and practically does not cause allergies.

Lecithin. It is a necessary substance for the baby's brain and spinal cord. Lecithin is responsible for thought processes and memory, it is necessary for better absorption of fat-soluble vitamins, which is so important for mobile kids. And don't be alarmed if the package says it's soy: plant-derived lecithin has been proven to be more effective.

Lemon acid. It is added to baby food as a preservative. It has a plus - very rarely causes allergies. Citric acid increases the shelf life of the product, prevents the destruction of vitamins, the breakdown of fats. Therefore, banana puree in a jar does not turn black, but has a pleasant light color.

Starch. It is most often used in the preparation of mashed meats to prevent their delamination. The addition of starch to mashed fruits and vegetables gives them the desired consistency, with which the dish is easier to hold on a spoon, while the starch contributes to better digestion of fruits. Preferably mashed potatoes containing starch.

On a note! The red dye used in yoghurts is made from insects.

List of other food additives E that do not cause harm to the body

E100 - yellow-orange dyes from turmeric or saffron, some sources provide information about their beneficial effects on the body.

E152 - coal.

E162 - natural red dye.

E170 - is a source of calcium, because it is chalk.

E297 - fumaric acid.

E326 is a salt of lactic acid, which is usually found in processed cheese.

E406 - agar-agar obtained from seaweed, without which it is impossible to imagine the preparation of marmalade.

E410-411 - thickeners derived from carob and oats.

E420 - sorbitol itself or its syrup.

E900-903 is a wax used to treat fruits, which increases their shelf life. Harmless and does not enter the body, if fruits and vegetables are washed with a brush under warm running water, cut off the peel from them.

E905b, c - Vaseline and paraffin also used for processing vegetables and fruits.

E958 - obtained from licorice root.

E960 - a substance of natural origin - stevioside, obtained from grass.

Tips on how to reduce the intake of E additives in food

  • Read carefully the composition of the product;
  • carefully look for the shelf life - the longer it is, the more preservatives and antioxidants in such a product;
  • do not buy products of unnaturally bright colors;
  • buy fruits and vegetables better in the market, not imported, but local;
  • limit your child's intake of chips, packaged food, salty crackers, breakfast cereals, etc.;
  • for a child, it is better to make juices on their own, to prepare juices for the winter from fruits grown on a personal plot;
  • pay attention - sometimes instead of preservatives, ready-to-eat products contain large amounts of salt or sugar;
  • eat less sausages, canned meat, smoked meats - these products more often than others in their composition have carcinogens and substances that can be attributed to poisons;
  • baby food for the little ones is made without dyes, preservatives, flavorings, etc., and vegetables and fruits bought at the supermarket are treated with special substances that prolong their safety, so baby puree from jars for babies can be more useful than homemade freshly prepared;
  • parents whose children suffer from allergies, have chronic diseases of the internal organs, the list of nutritional supplements E should be studied in more detail.

And although only an overabundance of additives in the body can cause harm, you need to know the list of the most dangerous to health. Harmful "E" ?. List of dangerous food additives E. Not all food additives on the list are harmful. Nowadays, it is rare that foods come to our table fresh or freshly prepared and without food additives, straight from the garden or from the stove. This page is dedicated to harmful food additives. It's no secret that at present organic food is very rare. What are the dangers of "food" additives, various preservatives, dyes? Why can you get better if you eat only such products? Foods that are unhealthy

It often happens that our loved ones, who have tried a new advertised miracle dish, complain of indigestion and intestines, headaches and general poor health. And everything is to blame for stabilizers-emulsifiers E and other dangerous food additives for health.
In order to understand which stabilizers-emulsifiers E are dangerous to health, you need to consider what it is. For example, emulsifiers E are a specific type of food additive that takes care of creating emulsions from liquids that cannot be mixed. E Stabilizers is also a nutritional supplement that is famous for its anti microbial properties. Due to this, it is used for cooking, ensuring their safety, long-term storage, immutability of food and taste properties. Frequent use is noted in the preparation of sausages, since color retention is important for them. These food additives cause cancer, as well as affect the digestion of food and reduce resistance to infectious diseases. Why do we love the most unhealthy foods and find it so hard to give them up?

Stabilizers-emulsifiers E are used both together and separately. For example, take a useful, in your opinion, yogurt, "Miracle", "Activia", "Danone". Look closely at the composition and tell me if there are any similar nutritional supplements that you just read about? This means that even such foodstuffs as low-calorie and healthy yoghurts contain a high proportion of toxic substances called stabilizers - emulsifiers E. It is often those people who are prone to overweight and therefore try to eat healthy foods so as not to gain extra kilos. What they choose: first of all, oatmeal and cereals, muesli bars, fruit juices and cocktails, punches, kissels, yoghurts and kefirs, as well as waffles and chocolate on sorbitol. In order to debunk the myths about the benefits of the products provided, simply turn the product over and read on the packaging if there are stabilizers-emulsifiers E. It will not be difficult to notice that letters are given there, approximately, such as: E-110, E-311 or or E-330. We often look at this and do not think what kind of interesting “E” these are. Our eyes are fascinated by the presence of sugar, fats, calories. This becomes not so important if there is a component in the composition - the stabilizer-emulsifier E. In addition to these, there are also such emulsifiers that belong to the following groups: dangerous, forbidden suspicious, dangerous for the skin, stomach, intestines, and many others.

Why use emulsifiers, since they are harmful to health? For example, for making mayonnaise. To avoid water droplets on the surface, stabilizer emulsifiers E are used to mix liquids that under normal conditions cannot mix. Thus, these food additives help to mix fats, lipids, with water and get a valuable and well-sold product. We do not know about this fact and we buy these foodstuffs in stores to prepare salads. But just think how much emulsifiers and stabilizers E you will eat for the New Year? One bowl of Olivier contains approximately 3 packs of mayonnaise. If one is capable of causing significant harm to the human body, then what will 3 do with it?

It is noted that these products are used not only for domestic consumption, but also for external consumption, as well as for import and export to other countries. There are emulsifiers that are divided into three groups: “ordinary” or simple, forming foam (giving the product elasticity) and stabilizers of the formed foam, that is, such emulsifiers E that prevent the foam from falling off, its delamination.

In a woman's cosmetic bag, one cannot fail to notice day cream, night cream, balms and various gels, both for the body and for hair. As for the distribution of products, this is a significant plus for the use of emulsifiers-stabilizers E. But they are all hazardous to health. What can lead to the products that we consume every day? These are problems with the stomach, intestines, kidneys and liver. The gallbladder with the liver will suffer first. Headache and vomiting are possible when too much product is consumed and a so-called "overdose" occurs. Children love to eat chips, crackers, drink carbonated drinks, they don’t think about what it could threaten. Parents, in order to please their children, with joy and generosity buy them these poisonous products. Of course, I want to please the child, to show care. But, instead, it will turn out that you will have to go to the doctor for a visit and complain of acute pain. Such food additives are dangerous for the health of both adults and children. No one is immune from accidents, and therefore it is important to be on the alert.

Now many people cook at home to protect themselves from harmful foods. For example, yogurt made from fresh homemade milk can be much healthier than all Miracles and Bios that promise us rapid weight loss and immune protection. As for sausages, butter, cheese, everything is the same here. Let the sausage be not so red and not look so appetizing, but the taste of real homemade sausage cannot be compared with the store. Save your health.

Today, the modern food market is characterized by a very wide range of choices, both in assortment and in price categories. This development is determined, first of all, by the growth of consumer demand. But does supply justify demand, and is freedom of choice really as absolute as it seems?

The choice of this or that kind of food is determined today by several factors:

consumer lifestyle;

its solvency;

health status and related dietary restrictions.

I would like to focus on the last point. Human health problems today are not always characterized by genetic heredity or predisposition to a particular type of disease, as well as the influence of environmental factors on the body. Recently, the state of the body and its performance have been increasingly affected by foods included in the daily diet of consumption, or to be more precise, their composition, which in turn is replete with a list of all kinds of so-called food additives, the most common of which are ingredients with index E.

Is it safe to consume such products?


The letter "E" on the label of the composition of a particular food product indicates compliance with the European nutrition standard, and the digital index indicates the type of supplement itself. Once, the names of these chemicals were indicated in the composition of the products in full, but due to the volume of the names, they were replaced with an alphanumeric code.

Today, not only in the territory of the Russian Federation, but also in Europe, the use of E-additives in food production is prohibited. But only some.

The European Commission enjoys the right to ban, and on-site inspections, that is, on the territory of food enterprises and shops, are carried out by the so-called inspection of the food and veterinary service, and even then not everywhere.

How does this system work?

E-supplements are tested on animals and humans in accredited European laboratories. Given the absence of negative consequences and effects on the body, additives are included in the list of permitted. Otherwise, if inspectors of the food and veterinary services detect those containing prohibited E-components during the inspection of food products, they are confiscated. The frequency of such checks falls on once every six months. That is, in the intermediate six months, in the absence of data on the dangers of a particular supplement, based on research, people consume an unknown amount of food.

The irony of this "nourishing scenario" doesn't stop there. E-components are prohibited in the presence of a threat to life, for example, those that lead to death. A large mass of others remain in the shadows, either little studied or not characterized as "dangerous". That is, if preservatives are not globally recognized as lethal for food consumption, then they can be considered harmless. And this is not the only example that causes, at least, doubts.

A complete catalog of dangerous and dubious food additives (E-additives).

Recently, researchers have carefully studied a large number of food additives and the risks of diseases caused by them.

Here are some examples of such E-elements being added to the composition of food produced today:

E102- tartrazine - dye. It is allowed on the territory of our country, but prohibited in the territory of the European Union.

Impact on the body:
- food allergy.

Foods containing tartrazine: confectionery, sweets, ice cream, drinks.

E128– red dye Red 2G with a carcinogenic effect, used in the production of sausages with a grain and legume content of more than 6% and minced meat products and giving a pink color to the product. It is a genotoxic compound, that is, it has the ability to cause changes in genes. E128 is prohibited for use in Russia!

Impact on the body(long-term period of manifestation of the reaction after the moment of use):
- oncological diseases;
- anomalies in the development of the fetus;
- congenital pathologies.

Products containing Red 2G: sausages and sausages (especially cheap ones).

E216 and E217- preservatives (propyl ether and sodium salt). Banned in Russia!

Impact on the body:
- food poisoning.

Food products containing this type of preservative: sweets, filled chocolates, meat products, jelly-covered pâtés, soups and broths.

E250- sodium nitrite - a dye, seasoning and preservative used for dry preservation of meat and stabilization of its red color. E250 is allowed for use in Russia, but banned in the EU.

Impact on the body:
- increased excitability of the nervous system in children;
- oxygen starvation of the body (hypoxia);
- decrease in the content of vitamins in the body;
- food poisoning with a possible fatal outcome;
- oncological diseases.

Products containing sodium nitrite: bacon (especially fried), corned beef, sausages, ham, smoked meat and fish.

E320- an antioxidant to slow down the oxidative process in fat and oil mixtures (allowed in Russia, but considered hazardous to health).

Impact on the body:
- an increase in the content of cholesterol in the body.

Foods containing antioxidant E320: some foods with fat content; chewing gums.

E400-499- thickeners, stabilizers to increase the viscosity of the product (most of them are prohibited in the Russian Federation).

Impact on the body:
- diseases of the digestive tract.

Products containing these types of E-additives: yoghurt cultures and mayonnaises.

E510, E513 and E527(from the group E500-599) - emulsifiers that create uniformity when combining immiscible products, such as water and oil.

Impact on the body:
- diarrhea;
- malfunctions of the liver.

E951 Aspartame is a synthetic sweetener.

Impact on the body:
- depletion of serotonin reserves in the cerebral cortex;
- the development of manic depression, panic attacks, violence (with excessive use).

Foods containing aspartame: chewing gum, carbonated drinks (especially imported).

Prohibited E-additives

At the moment, we can only give an approximate list of E-supplements that are prohibited on the territory of the Russian Federation based on regulations based on research by the Research Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences:

E121 - citrus red dye;
E123 - dye red amaranth;
E240 - formaldehyde preservative, classifying which can be attributed to the same group of substances as arsenic with hydrocyanic acid - deadly poisons;
E116-117 - preservatives that are actively used in the production of confectionery and meat products;
E924a and E924b are the so-called "flour and bread improvers".

And also such additives are prohibited: E103, E107, E125, E127, E128, E213-219, E140, E153-155, E166, E173-175, E180, E182, E209, E213-219, E225-228, E230-233, E237, E238, E240, E241, E252, E253, E264, E281-283, E302, E303, E305, E308-314, E317, E318, E323-325, E328, E329, E343-345, E349, E350-352, E355-357, E359, E365-368, E370, E375, E381, E384, E387-390, E399, E403, E408, E409, E418, E419, E429-436, E441-444, E446, E462, E463, E465, E467, E474, E476-480, E482-489, E491-496, E505, E512, E519-523, E535, E537, E538, E541, E542, E550, E552, E554-557, E559, E560, E574, E576, E577, E579, E580, E622-625, E628, E629, E632-635, E640, E641, E906, E908-911, E913, E916-919, E922-926, E929, E942-946, E957, E959, E1000, E1001, E1105, E1503, E1521.

And this is not the whole list. In addition, where is the guarantee that E-elements prohibited for production are not used?

E-additives allowed in Russia, but considered dangerous

Food additives E105, E126, E130, E131, E143, E152, E210, E211, E330, E447 - are factors that cause the growth of malignant tumors.

E221-226, E320-322, E338-341, E407, E450, E461, E466 - provoking the formation of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Food additive E239 may cause an allergic reaction.

E171, E320-322 - additives that cause liver and kidney disease.

In addition, the following additives are prohibited in the European Union, but the following additives are still allowed in Russia: .

Food market analysis

An analysis of the state of the modern food market for the content of food E-components dangerous to human health and life showed that most of the proposed assortment contains, to a greater or lesser extent, the above substances.

As an example, we can cite a list of brands of the modern food market, among which E-elements were found that pose a danger to the life of an individual:

1. Among carbonated drinks:

- Fruittime Duchess, as well as Fiesta Duchess, derivatives from Coca-Cola (contain aspartame E951);
- all other subsidiaries of the manufacturer Coca-Cola;
- "Lemonade" (Greatly);
- "Raspberry" (Salyut-Cola);
- "Barberry" (Assorted);
- "Sitro" (Salyut-cola), etc.

2. Among chewing gums that are especially popular these days:

- "Dirol" (contains thickener E414, which provokes diseases of the gastrointestinal tract; antioxidant E330; preservative E296; dye E171; emulsifier (as indicated on the package) E322, which is an antioxidant, as well as E321 and glazing agent E903);
- "Orbit" (contains sorbitol E420, belonging to the group of emulsifiers and stabilizers; maltitol E965 (antifoaming anti-flaming agent, and how dangerous it is - to judge the consumer); stabilizer E422; thickener E414; dye E171; sweetener aspartame E951, etc.).

Which of these chewing gums is less dangerous and whether it is worth consuming at all is a personal matter for everyone!

3. Among some alcoholic energy drinks:

- "ABSENTER ENERGY" (contains stabilizer E414; acidity regulator, also known as antioxidant E330; preservative E211);
- "JAGUAR" (contains preservative E211; dyes);

Most of the non-alcohol energy drinks can be attributed to the same group, even if the letter code “E” does not appear in the composition, MirSovetov advises paying attention to the name of the contained components, otherwise how is the “energy” effect on the body justified ?!

4. Among chips and crackers:

"Lays" in a small package (contains aspartame E951);
- "Pringles" (contains E471 emulsifier);
- crackers "Kirieshki" (contains flavor enhancer E621, E627, E631, E551, dye E100, etc.).

5. Among fermented milk products:

- "Activia" with the addition of something, be it fruits or cereals (as part of the thickener E1442);
- “Rastishka yogurt with fruit puree” (the same thickener E1442; dyes, etc.) - baby food!!!
- "Danissimo" (thickener E1442, acidity regulators).

6. Among the sausages:

Sausage "Kiev Servelat" of the sausage factory "Kanevskoy" (in which stabilizers and preservative sodium nitrite E250 were found);
- "Amateur" boiled from the same manufacturer (contains a preservative color fixative, as well as sodium nitrite E250);

7. Among the brands of ice cream:

As an example, we can cite the products of La Fam, where the dye E102, E133, stabilizers E407, E410, E412, E466, E471 were found. And that's what our kids eat!

8. Among the well-known chocolate manufacturers:

- "Sweet" and "Alpen Gold" (contain E476, stabilizers);
- "Nesquik" (E124 and E476 were found in the composition).

The consumer today should be more than vigilant in his choice and take into account at least the results of the latest research in this area, as well as coordinate his diet with the list of harmful and dangerous substances.

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Today, food additives can be found in food stores almost everywhere. They are everywhere, even in bread. Perhaps they are not found in natural products, such as meat, cereals, milk, and also greens. However, it is impossible to be absolutely sure that they do not contain chemistry or GMOs. Often a wide variety of fruits are processed with preservatives for long-term preservation of the presentation.

Food additives in food are synthetic chemical or natural substances. Their independent use in food is not possible. They are only introduced into food products in order to endow them with certain qualities, such as taste, texture, color, smell, shelf life and appearance. How expedient their use and influence on human organisms are, are ongoing discussions.

Types of food additives

The phrase "nutritional supplements" alone makes many people feel frightened or annoyed. And this despite the fact that mankind has been using them for more than one millennium. But this has nothing to do with complex chemicals. This refers to table salt, lactic and acetic acid, spices and spices - these are also food additives. For example, carmines, dyes derived from insects, have been used since ancient times to give food a purple color. Currently, the substance is called E120.

Until the 20th century, manufacturers always sought to use only natural additives in the food production process. Over time, with the help of food chemistry, they began to develop the production of artificial food additives with the gradual replacement of most of the natural ones. Thus, palatability improvers were put on industrial flows.

Due to the fact that most of the food additives had long names that were difficult to fit on one label, for their easier recognition, experts from the European Union developed a special labeling system. The name of each individual nutritional supplement now begins with the letter "E", which stands for "Europe". It is followed by numbers that indicate that this variety belongs to a conditioned group with the designation of a certain additive. In the future, the system was finalized, and now it is an international classification.

Classification of food additives using codes

According to the classification using codes, food additives can be:

  • From E100 to E181 - food coloring;
  • From E200 to E296 - preservatives;
  • From E300 to E363 - antioxidants, antioxidants;
  • From E400 to E499 - stabilizers that retain consistency;
  • From E500 to E575 - emulsifiers and baking powder;
  • From E600 to E637 - flavors and flavor enhancers;
  • From E700 to E800 - reserves, spare positions;
  • From E900 to E 999 - anti-flaming agents designed to reduce foam, and sweeteners;
  • From E1100 to E1105 - biological catalysts and enzymes;
  • From E1400 to E 1449 - modified starches that help create the necessary consistency;
  • From E1510 to E 1520 - solvents.

As for acidity regulators, sweeteners, leavening agents and glazing agents, they are available in all of the above groups.

The number of nutritional supplements is increasing almost daily. As a result, outdated additives are being replaced by new effective and safe substances. In particular, in recent years, the so-called complex food additives, which are a mixture of additives, have gained increasing popularity. The list of permitted substances is updated annually. For such substances, after the letter E, codes greater than 1000 appear.

Classification of food additives by application

Food supplements can be:

  • Food colorings (E1...), which are food additives to recreate the color in products that was lost during their processing, to enhance its intensity, to introduce certain colors. Natural dyes can be obtained from parts of plants, which can be roots, berries, leaves, and flowers. In addition, food coloring can also be of animal origin. In natural dyes, there may be a certain content of biologically active, aromatic and flavoring substances that give the products an attractive appearance. Food colors are: carotenoids - yellow, orange, red; lycopenes - red; annatto extracts - yellow; flavonoids - blue, purple, red, yellow; chlorophyll and its derivatives - green; sugar colors - brown; carmine - purple. In addition, there are dyes produced synthetically. The main advantage of such substances, unlike natural ones, is greater color saturation, as well as longer shelf life;
  • Preservatives (E2…) are food additives designed to extend the shelf life of food. Often, acetic, benzoic, sorbic and sulfurous acid, as well as salt and ethyl alcohol, can be used as preservatives. In addition, antibiotics such as nisin, biomycin, and nystatin can be used as preservatives. Dangerous food additives, such as synthetic preservatives, are prohibited from being added to products during their mass production, especially for baby food, fresh meat, bread, flour and milk;
  • Antioxidants (E3 ...) are substances that prevent the deterioration of fat or fat-containing products, slow down the oxidation of wines, beer and soft drinks, and also protect vegetables and fruits from browning;
  • Thickeners (E4...) are food additives designed to preserve and improve the structural basis in products. With the help of thickeners, the products are given the necessary consistency. With the help of emulsifiers, plastic properties and viscosity can be controlled. In particular, in bakery products, longer freshness can be achieved. All authorized thickeners are of natural origin. For example, E406 (agar) - extracted from seaweed. With its help, pastes, creams, and ice cream are made. E440 (pectin) - extracted from zest and apples and added to jelly and ice cream. Gelatin is of animal origin and is extracted from the bones, tendons and cartilage of agricultural animals. Peas, sorghum, corn and potatoes are raw materials for starches. Emulsifiers and antioxidants E476, E322 (lecithins) are extracted from vegetable oils. One of the natural emulsifiers is egg white. In recent years, the food industry has been busy producing large volumes of synthetic emulsifiers;
  • Flavor enhancers (E6 ...) are food additives designed to make food more tasty and aromatic. In order to improve smell and taste, four main types of additives are used, which are aroma enhancers, taste enhancers, acidity regulators, and flavoring agents. Most fresh foods, such as vegetables, fish, meat, have a pronounced aroma and taste because they contain nucleotides. With their help, the taste is enhanced, the endings in the taste buds are stimulated. During processing or storage, the number of nucleotides may decrease, as a result of which they are produced artificially. For example, with the help of ethyl maltol and maltol, the perception of fruity and creamy aromas can be enhanced. They add a fat feel to low-calorie mayonnaise, yogurt, and ice cream. Often added to the products of the popular monosodium glutamate with a scandalous reputation. There is a lot of controversy around sweeteners, especially around aspartame E951, which is 200 times sweeter than sugar;
  • Food flavors, which are natural, artificial and identical to natural. Some contain only natural aromatic substances extracted from plants. They can be distillers of volatile substances, water-alcohol extracts, dry mixes and essences. To obtain identical natural food flavors, they are isolated from natural substances or by chemical synthesis. They possess chemical compounds found in animal or vegetable raw materials. Artificial food flavors may include artificial components, as well as contain portions of natural identical food flavors along with natural ones.

Producing fermented milk products, manufacturers use biologically active additives. Food and dietary supplements are slightly different from each other. The first can be consumed separately, as a supplement to food. Food and biologically active additives can be natural or identical to them. In Russia, dietary supplements are included in a separate category of food products. Their main purpose, in contrast to conventional nutritional supplements, is the improvement of human organisms, as well as their saturation with useful substances.

Healthy Food Supplements

Be that as it may, the E label can hide not only harmful and dangerous chemicals, but also harmless and even useful food additives. Experts do not recommend being suspicious of all nutritional supplements. Many substances, being additives, are extracts of natural products and plants. For example, apples contain substances designated by the letter E. In particular, ascorbic acid - E300, pectin - E440, riboflavin - E101, acetic acid - E260.

Despite the fact that apples contain a wide variety of substances that are considered food additives, no one calls them dangerous products. The same applies to other products.

Popular supplements that may be helpful include:

  • E100 - curcumins that help to control weight;
  • E101 - riboflavins, vitamins B2 involved in the synthesis of hemoglobin and metabolism;
  • E160d - lycopenes that strengthen the immune system;
  • E270 - lactic acid, which has antioxidant properties;
  • E300 - ascorbic acid or vitamin C, which helps in increasing immunity, improves skin condition and brings considerable benefits;
  • E322 - lecithins that support immunity, improve the quality of bile, as well as blood formation;
  • E440 - pectins that cleanse the intestines;
  • E916 - calcium iodates used in the enrichment of food with iodine.

Neutral food additives - relatively harmless

Relatively harmless, safe nutritional supplements are:

  • E140 - chlorophylls, thanks to which plants become green;
  • E162 - betanins, red dyes extracted from beets;
  • E170 - calcium carbonate or ordinary chalk;
  • E202 - potassium sorbitol, natural preservative;
  • E290 - carbon dioxide, which helps turn ordinary drinks into carbonated ones;
  • E500 - baking soda, a substance that is considered relatively harmless, because its use in large volumes adversely affects the gastrointestinal tract;
  • E913 - lanolin, used as a glazing agent, especially in demand by the confectionery industry.

Harmful food additives are much more common than useful ones. Moreover, they can be not only synthetic, but also natural substances. The harm of food additives E can be quite large, especially if they are used systematically with food, and moreover, in considerable quantities.

Today, additives are very dangerous and prohibited in Russia, which are:

  • Flour and bread improvers - E924a, E924d;
  • Preservatives - E217, E216, E240;
  • Dyes - E121, E173, E128, E123, Red 2G, E240.

List of harmful food additives

Due to the many studies of scientific experts, the lists of allowed or prohibited food additives are systematically changed. To get more detailed information and always be aware of what is happening, it is best to constantly monitor such changes. Particular attention should be paid to synthetic food additives. From a formal point of view, they are not considered prohibited, but many experts believe that such substances are extremely dangerous for people.

In particular, the notorious monosodium glutamate, codenamed E621, is a popular flavor enhancer. It seems impossible to call it completely harmful, because it is necessary for the brain and heart. When there is a deficiency of this substance in the body, then it can independently produce it.

An excess of monosodium glutamate has a toxic effect, with the liver and pancreas suffering the most. Consumption of E621 can lead to addiction, allergic reactions, brain damage and visual impairment. This substance has the greatest danger to children's, unprepared organisms. As a rule, the packaging does not indicate what the actual content of monosodium glutamate is in products.

The so-called safe additive E250 also raises many doubts. It's kind of a versatile additive because it's used as a coloring agent, antioxidant, preservative, and also a color stabilizer. Despite the fact that the harmfulness of sodium nitrate has been proven by scientists, it continues to be used in most countries of the world. It is found in meat and sausage products, they can be “stuffed” with herring, sprats, smoked fish and cheeses. Sodium nitrate has a negative effect on the gastrointestinal tract, is harmful to those who have cholecystitis, dysbacteriosis, and have liver problems. When ingested, this chemical can be converted into a strong carcinogen.

Synthetic dyes are almost all unsafe. They are prone to mutagenic, allergenic and carcinogenic effects. Antibiotics, which are used as preservatives, can cause dysbacteriosis and often cause diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in Russia, as evidenced by statistics. Thickeners have the property of absorbing substances, both harmful and useful, which can lead to obstruction of the absorption of minerals and useful substances necessary for the body.

Dietary phosphates can impair calcium absorption, which can lead to osteoporosis. Saccharins can cause tumors, for example, of the bladder, and aspartames can compete with monosodium glutamate in terms of harmfulness. In the process of heating food, such substances turn into powerful carcinogens, affect the composition of chemical elements in the brain, are dangerous for people with diabetes, and generally have many detrimental effects on the body.

The effect on the body of food additives

For a long period of history of the existence of a wide variety of nutritional supplements, they still showed their benefits. Additives have played an important role in improving the palatability of food products, extending shelf life, and also improved other positive characteristics.

Sodium nitrates, known as E250, highly demanded by the meat and sausage industry, despite their danger, prevent the development of many dangerous diseases, including botulism. Denying the negative effects of food additives is a road to nowhere. Sometimes manufacturers, seeking to extract maximum benefits for themselves, seek the help of scientists to create food products that are not entirely edible for human bodies. As a result, including humanity, there are more and more new diseases, allergic reactions of skin diseases, as well as simply a negative effect on the body. Therefore, special care should be taken not only with clearly harmful substances, but with such additives as: E450, E476, E500, E330, E1422, E202, E171, E200, E422, E331, E220, E160a, E471, and E211.

When using nutritional supplements, it is advisable to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Study food labels and try to choose those that contain a minimum of E-additives;
  • Do not use unfamiliar products, especially if they contain a wide variety of additives;
  • If possible, avoid foods rich in sweeteners, flavor enhancers, thickeners, preservatives, and dyes;
  • Stop your choice on natural and fresh products.

Nutritional supplements and human health are terms that are increasingly becoming compatible. A lot of research is being carried out in the world, the results of which reveal new facts. Many modern scientists believe that the increase in artificial food additives in the diet of people with a simultaneous decrease in the consumption of fresh natural products may be among the main reasons for the increase in cases of cancer, asthma, obesity, diabetes and depression.

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The chef of any restaurant knows that if even the most ordinary-looking dish is decorated with a mint or basil leaf, it will seem tastier. In the process of heat treatment, even bright and attractive fruits and vegetables lose their original color and look repulsive. Therefore, in order to return the “tasty” colors to cooked dishes, dyes are used. But this is not the only purpose of using nutritional supplements in food. We've all come across a list of preservatives, flavors, sweeteners, and acidity regulators. And if even in the home kitchen we can do without them, then industrialists can’t.

What are food additives "e"?

Consider the composition of a chocolate bar, fruit marmalade, or mayonnaise. There is a high probability that there will be ingredients next to which their code name will be indicated - a capital letter E and 3-4 numbers. Most housewives are convinced that this is “chemistry” and either deny themselves products containing any “nuts”, or dutifully “poison” with a doomed look and thoughts of a world conspiracy.

Actually, the letter “E” in the index means “European”, since the register of additives that we use was created in Europe. The same substances are used in the USA, Canada, and Asian countries, but they may have a completely different label (no frightening numbers near the letter “E”).

Food additives E are sometimes found in absolutely natural products, where nature itself put them. In a lemon there is E-300 (vitamin C), in forest berries - E-200, E-202 (sorbic acid and its salts), and in pumpkin and calendula petals - E-161b (lutein, indispensable for vision spoiled by computers). Among food additives there are many substances of completely natural origin that allow food to return color, extend its shelf life, improve texture and maintain nutritional value. But, however, one should not relax either - among them there are synthetic substances that can harm the body. Every year, the requirements for food additives become more stringent, and it becomes more and more difficult to obtain permission to use the next “yeska”. Yes, and those already allowed are more thoroughly tested and go out of use, falling into the list of "prohibited". Sugar, well known to us, could fail such tests.

What are nutritional supplements and why?

The classification of food additives is rather conditional. Often the same additive is able to perform several functions at the same time. For example, ascorbic acid is a preservative, but it also affects the taste of the product, so it can be considered an acidity regulator as well. However, the main groups are distinguished.

Antioxidants and acidity regulators. Contact with oxygen or sunlight can lead to the oxidation of complex organic substances. This is also a kind of food spoilage. Most often this applies to foods containing fats, especially unsaturated fatty acids. Without antioxidants, they go rancid and acquire an unpleasant taste and smell. However, we often take antioxidants as part of vitamins. The most common natural antioxidants are vitamins C and E, they are widely used in industry. However, there are also synthetic ones, which should be treated with some caution.

Thickeners, stabilizers, emulsifiers. The texture of food also affects our perception of taste. Most often, this issue concerns sauces, but the production of jam (pectin), jelly (agar or gelatin), curd and yogurt desserts (gum) is not complete without thickeners.

acidity regulators. Organic matter is a very delicate creature. One has only to change some physical parameter, and they disintegrate, react, change. One of these parameters is acidity. The same substance at different levels of acidity may have a different color. In addition, they impart a sour taste that was sometimes originally intended for the product. Often on packages you will find acetic and lactic acids as an acidity regulator, which, according to this relative classification, are preservatives.

Flavor enhancers. Sweet and sour stir-fry, fried rice, salted caramel tart... All these dishes have one thing in common - they combine several taste sensations at the same time. In fact, we only have 5 tastes - salty, sweet, sour, bitter and protein (umami). Some still emit a tart, pungent, fat taste - but this is still in question. But what is known for sure is that the more taste buds are involved, the tastier the dish seems to us. The most famous flavor enhancer is monosodium glutamate (E-621), and without exaggeration, it is worthy of a separate story. The taste that corresponds to it is protein (umami). We usually experience the same taste when we eat protein-rich foods.

In addition to these substances, food additives include baking powder, sweeteners, foaming agents, and many others. The most important thing to remember about nutritional supplements is that they are used to improve a product. There are harmful food additives, but they are relatively rare. And yet - if the label contains a long list of "yes", then perhaps it is worth considering - is the original product itself really good, since only additives could bring it to a decent appearance?