
Iron motivation for losing weight. The main causes of failure when losing weight. Losing excess weight leads to excess weight


To find motivation for losing weight, it is necessary to identify specific stimulating factors for a particular person and associate them with visual or auditory images. Anything can become a shift towards losing weight - stories of ordinary people, psychological attitudes or trainings of experienced scientists, artistic techniques. Sometimes you need to be armed with a number of examples to motivate yourself.

The desire to lose weight can be sustained based on motivators alone. Many people have achieved impressive results by setting goals based on another person's experience. Motivation can be precisely the driving force that can overcome laziness, encourage, and restore strength during a difficult period. A few tips for incorporating motivation into your life will help you start losing weight more effectively:

  • modern smartphone applications have gone far ahead, creating a powerful platform for motivation. You can install anything depending on your personal requirements; fortunately, there are many applications of various types: social networks where you can communicate with like-minded people, connect to the services of an online trainer, program a special reminder that announces the need to train every time, etc.;
  • during training you need to carefully choose musical accompaniment, which lifts the spirit and maintains the mood;
  • a constant reminder of your desire and the end result can be hung in all prominent places in the apartment and, passing by a motivating picture or inscription, you can take from the refrigerator not chocolate, but an apple. Visual motivation installed on a computer or phone screen works the same way;
  • Encouragement can be an excellent incentive to lose weight. Ideally, it will not be related to food. You can buy a new dress or go to the theater as a reward for losing excess weight;
  • stronger motivation to lose weight may be related to health. If understand the harm that excess weight brings to the body, then it will be easier to start training and follow the principles of proper nutrition. To do this, you can watch scientific programs or read articles;
  • Any woman at a certain stage of weight gain wonders how much she remained attractive in the eyes of men. Decreased attention from the opposite sex can also spur weight loss;
  • To Psychologists advise resorting to strict motivation only in extreme cases and in the presence of a stable psyche. These methods include criticism from others and complete control of the diet by a nutritionist.

Advice: In order to objectively evaluate yourself, it is recommended to shoot a video in motion (for example, in a dance) - this way, unlike a static position in front of a mirror, there are more opportunities to understand your shortcomings.

Video motivation

The right motivation often depends on the chosen coach. Many accomplished bodybuilders and fitness models maintain video blogs in which they describe in detail their path to success, supporting them with advice on building a training program and nutrition plan.

Particularly popular on the Internet are video by Irina Turchinskaya.


Many films are based on the biographies of famous personalities who went through difficulties in order to achieve success. These films can serve as a powerful motivation for those who want to overcome laziness and force themselves to regain their lost shape. They are also suitable as additional motivation - it would not be a bad idea to reinforce sports success based on the experience of others.

We are one team

Fat men (Gordos)

I am losing weight

Fast Food Nation

List of phrases and quotes

Inspirational and life-affirming aphorisms can be hung in a prominent place or written on the cover of your nutrition and exercise diary. Thus, quotes can become a kind of slogan that encourages action. This can be either a separate phrase or an entire verse. Here is a list of just some of them:

  • There is no life tomorrow, tomorrow will be the same as today. I couldn’t do it today, and I can’t do it tomorrow. I could do it today, I can do it tomorrow.
  • It doesn't matter how slowly you go. The main thing is that you don’t stop.
  • Don't look for motivation for yourself - become motivation for others!
  • Demand the impossible from yourself and you will get the maximum.
  • Do not give up. The beginning is always the hardest.
  • Believe in yourself. Especially in those moments when no one believes in you. This is the spirit of a winner.
  • The simplest thing is to tidy up your appearance. Can't do this? What can you do?
  • Without killing laziness in yourself, you cannot achieve your dream.
  • Training is a struggle with yourself. With laziness, genetics, life circumstances.
  • Get better every day!
  • Strong is not the one who can afford a lot, but the one who can refuse a lot.

Motivational pictures

Funny and serious motivational photos and drawings also help you achieve success in losing weight and regain lost motivation.

Psychological attitude

There are techniques that work on the subconscious. They are based on hypnosis or neurolinguistic programming. Using special installations, they use the pituitary gland, which is responsible for metabolism. Many people report successful weight loss after sessions of such influences.

Georgy Sytin's mood

Academician G.N. Sytin built a theory of positive attitudes, backing it up with a large amount of research and additional materials. He believed that it is necessary to accustom a person to attitudes from childhood. To do this, it is necessary to completely change the way of life and the system of education and upbringing.

It is necessary to choose a suitable mood that meets all the requirements and unattainable goals of a person at the moment. It needs to be spoken or listened to regularly, comprehending each word. Attitudes should not contain negativity, they should be built in a positive way.

Andrey Rakitsky's mood

The impact on thinking with the help of Rakitsky’s program is achieved through the broadcast of visual symbols, accompanied by the voice instructions of a medical psychologist. The technique is aimed at activating the metabolic process and programming a ban on junk food.

The psychologist claims that after listening to his course, the attitude towards food will completely change - it will lose its former attractiveness, lose its bright aroma, and food receptors will perceive foods differently.

Affirmations by Svetlana Nagorodnaya

Constant repetition of phrases and putting thoughts into words can lead to weight loss. Regularly repeated text is deposited in the subconscious, programming the right mood and provoking positive changes in life.

There are several rules for drawing up affirmations, the observance of which determines the final result:

  • they must be conducted from the 1st person,
  • phrases should be short
  • in present time,
  • Negations are not used.

What to do if you've lost motivation?

Sooner or later, under heavy workload, the body may become tired, which can lead to loss of motivation. You can return it in several ways:

  • Record goals on paper. This will help organize all your thoughts and put things in order. It should be written down in detail. For example: “I want to lose fat because I don’t like feeling unattractive and my clothes don’t fit. I want to look slim and get rid of shortness of breath.” Next, you should divide the sheet into 2 parts. One column is headed “What can I currently do to lose weight”, the second - “What will I need time for”.
  • Existing break down a large task into small sub-items, which will not take much time to complete. For example, losing weight involves eating right and exercising. Every day you can do only one exercise and not eat junk food. Gradually this list will expand.
  • Motivation may periodically disappear - you need to be aware of this. You can give your body a rest during this period. If apathy drags on for a long period of time, then only discipline and willpower will help to restore inner confidence and fuse. Therefore, it is necessary build a clear action plan and follow it.

Photos of figures before and after

Motivation can lead to the goal of people who cannot rely only on their own strength to lose weight. This is a powerful tool that can defeat laziness and bring impressive results.

Text: Olga Kim

One of the most important problems that concern women is losing weight. There is an endless number of ways to lose weight: from the simplest and “free” to the most sophisticated and costing a lot of money. Here, as they say, it all depends on your capabilities and, most importantly, motivation for losing weight. How to properly motivate yourself to lose weight and what you need to do for this?

Motivation for losing weight: 5 most important ones

The topic of losing weight will always be relevant. And motivation for losing weight is its eternal cornerstone. Weight is an extremely unstable value and cannot be maintained constantly without overcoming the desire to eat a lot and what you want, and internal motivation for losing weight. Whatever one may say, the thought of extra pounds that interfere with life always revolves around the same reasons. Let us list the most basic and common of them.

  • “And you’ve gained weight!” Who wants to hear such a phrase, especially from close people? Unfortunately, we are not always surrounded by people who are tactful and want only the best for us. Even if you didn’t particularly care about your figure, and you don’t care what others say, this thought will still come back to you, and sooner or later you will think, “Isn’t this true?” It turns out that the opinions of others serve as precisely the same motivation for losing weight that women use when going on diets and spending time in the gym.

  • “I can’t fit into my favorite dress!” If the problem of impolite friends and family has bypassed you, then your clothes will easily remind you of the extra pounds. If last year everything was on time for you, but this year the zipper on your favorite dress is difficult to fasten or does not fasten at all, then, of course, you need to think about it. But this is only if you really care about your figure. There are women who don’t care and, probably, these are happy women, they care about other things. So, the motivation for losing weight - to fit into your favorite dress and not buy a new one - is also very important and objective.

  • “I want beautiful photos on the beach!” Summer, sun, sea... we all want to look like an A+, so that men won’t take their admiring glances off our shape, so that our friends will appreciate us, and so that our swimsuit will look flattering. Why not motivation for losing weight? The beach is one of those places where all our flaws are visible to the naked eye. To parade on the warm sand, sparkling with chic shapes, and not just a beautiful tan, you need to take care of your figure in advance.

  • “How hard it is to walk and breathe!” owners of curvaceous figures will not let you lie, extra pounds are not only an aesthetic problem, but also the cause of various diseases: varicose veins, edema, shortness of breath, diabetes, problems with the heart and hormone-producing organs (thyroid, pancreas, ovaries, etc. ). health is the most important motivation for losing weight, and no one will argue with that. Usually, doctors, when starting treatment for such diseases in overweight people, first of all tell them that they should lose weight. By getting rid of extra pounds, you will make your body lighter, which means the load on all organs, including the skeleton, becomes less, which radically changes the situation.

  • “Girl, can I meet you?” Without touching on the topic of health, the most important factor influencing the motivation to lose weight is the desire to please men. Alas, no matter what, men meet women “by their clothes.” We cannot speak for everyone, but their share is huge. At the very beginning, they evaluate our appearance, and then our “rich and deep inner world.” And even if they say that they don’t care, you should be wary of believing such words. A woman should always be beautiful and desirable, and this is the best motivation for losing weight.

Motivation for losing weight: what to do? where to begin?

So where should we start?

  • 1. To begin with, choose the reason why you came to the idea of ​​losing weight. Evaluate how much of a motivation this really is for losing weight and is it worth the trouble?

  • 2. If you find an incentive and the desire to lose weight appears, with the willingness to make sacrifices and change your daily routine and diet, then firmly decide that you will begin the process of losing weight not tomorrow or Monday, but right now.

  • 3. If you woke up the next day and got up with the thought that now you will strive for the desired shape, then begin to review your diet, starting with breakfast. It is best to eat food rich in carbohydrates and proteins in the morning, and do not forget about vitamins and microelements. You should also have a fairly large lunch to provide yourself with energy for the rest of the day. But you should have dinner with something light and low in calories. The last meal should be 4-5 hours before bedtime, so you free your digestive tract from working at night. At night you can drink a glass of water or kefir.

  • 4. It’s worth talking about the “main enemies” of your figure - sweets, baked goods and fats - separately. No one is forcing you to completely give up these, although harmful, but, for the most part, such delicious products. You just need to know the limits in their consumption.

  • 5. Motivation for losing weight first of all leads us to thoughts about diets. There are a huge number of diets for every taste and color, only a nutritionist can advise you on the effectiveness and severity of each of them. But dieting is not the only measure when motivating you to lose weight.

  • 6. Sports. Leading an active lifestyle and playing sports is what absolutely all nutritionists advise. The most common “sport” for women is the gym, and that’s not a bad thing. If you are involved in any sport separately, even better. Nowadays, yoga classes have become popular. Even despite the seemingly inactive process of doing yoga, you burn almost as many calories as a result as on a treadmill or on an exercise bike.

  • 7. Well, in conclusion, it is necessary to abandon the words “I can’t.” Motivation for losing weight is what it is called: it throws away all your weaknesses and prepares your body to lose those extra pounds with the help of only your efforts.

Motivation for losing weight, as we see, can be different, but the desire and result always depend only on you. You must clearly understand whether you really want to have a beautiful figure. Only having the incentive and will to achieve the desired result can make your motivation for losing weight come true. Go for it!

Lack of motivation has a negative impact on any area of ​​human activity. Working on yourself is no exception, especially if it concerns improving your appearance, for example, losing weight. How to motivate yourself to lose weight? In this article we will look at the best motivation options and talk about the experience of using them.

You can gain extra pounds unnoticed - you just need to slightly increase your daily calorie intake or quit regular dancing classes. Often it is a change in lifestyle that provokes the appearance of excess weight. If you don’t take care of your figure in time, the extra pounds will accumulate and you will need strict motivation to lose weight.

The desire to lose weight may not be so strong, if your usual clothing size has not changed during weight gain and the reflection in the mirror suits the person for now. If the weight gain is more significant, then sooner or later this will lead to a search for a solution to the problem and ways to lose weight.

Often our motivators to lose weight are other people.. They may make comments and criticize our figure, but in most cases we only listen to loved ones And they are in no hurry to open our eyes the fact that the weight has long exceeded the norm. For example, a woman gained excess weight after pregnancy and childbirth. Her husband does not point out this flaw to her and continues to admire and compliment her. But this is not entirely correct, because women need motivation to lose weight precisely from their beloved men.

Certainly, It’s better not to wait until the first number on the scale increases and not neglect your body, but it is not always possible to see the problem before it becomes significant. Everyone has their own critical point, and one day, having soberly assessed their figure, a woman or man asks himself: “Where can I get the motivation to lose weight so as not to gain even more weight?”

Motivation for losing weight: examples of real people

Reading stories about how people managed to lose weight can be an incentive for many. After analyzing stories about weight loss, we can conclude that the following things are the most powerful motivators:

  1. Beautiful clothes one size smaller. The strongest motivation for losing weight for the fair sex is to fit into your favorite dress, which has become too small. Or a new suit that will hang in the closet, waiting for its finest hour.
  2. Gift for your efforts. Most people want, in addition to a nice number on the scale, to receive some kind of gift for the work they have done. Losing weight can become a goal, upon achieving which a person will buy himself a desired item or go on a long-awaited trip. Such motivation can encourage many to purchase a gym membership and follow a diet.
  3. Love. This feeling can make us better not only mentally, but also physically. It was thanks to the flaring up of feelings that many men and women managed to pull themselves together and stop eating too much at night. The desire to win the object of your love can be so strong that losing weight will be easy and fast
  4. An example to follow. Sometimes someone who has managed to lose weight can be a great example of willpower and lack of laziness. It is important to understand that everyone has their own ability to achieve their goal and a different metabolism. A person must independently understand where to find motivation for losing weight, based on the characteristics of his character, lifestyle and the amount of excess weight.
  5. Group weight loss. Today, collective meetings in reality or in the virtual space on weight loss issues are common. Usually there is a small group of people losing weight who set themselves the goal of losing weight by a certain date. They encourage and inspire each other, sharing tips on how to lose weight. Motivation and psychology in this case are closely intertwined, because people support each other during breakdowns. This motivation option is great for people who don't want to let others down and who find it easier to work in a team.
  6. Benefit for health. Everyone knows that excess weight negatively affects well-being - shortness of breath appears, endurance deteriorates, and problems with the stomach or intestines may begin. Some people notice that with excess weight, noticeable veins appear in their legs, and climbing stairs has become an impossible task. Concern about health is a good motivation for losing weight. The psychology of some people is designed in such a way that appearance is not as important to them as their well-being, so the desire to lose weight will arise only because of health problems.

Psychological problems when losing weight

When asked “How to find motivation to lose weight” advice from a psychologist will not be superfluous. Experts know that even the most powerful motivation for losing weight can fade over time. This happens for many reasons, including due to the wrong method of losing weight or too much hope. What should you do to prevent your motivation to lose weight from decreasing? Psychologist's advice:

  • stop your hunger strike, eat nutritiously, reducing the amount of fatty, fried and sweet foods;
  • soberly assess your capabilities, do not try to urgently lose weight in a short period of time;
  • weigh yourself no more than once a week, as weight tends to fluctuate;
  • drink enough fluids throughout the day;
  • combine diet and those sports exercises that you like;
  • don’t give up what you started if you have a breakdown;
  • communicate with like-minded people who are also trying to lose weight;
  • surround yourself with positivity;
  • ask your loved ones to support you and not offer you forbidden foods or alcohol;
  • Plan your menu clearly to avoid unplanned “quick food” purchases.

In addition to the above steps, you need to try to find individual solutions to the problem how to motivate yourself to lose weight. A psychologist's advice is general and will not always be relevant for a particular person.

Tips for finding motivation in videos - find your option

So, you understand how to motivate yourself to lose weight; you can study tips and tricks on this issue endlessly. What is the best way to lose weight without harm to health and strict restrictions? Experts advise combining physical activity with dietary adjustments. Then losing weight will not only be fast, but also effective.

Losing weight is a process. Some people manage to lose weight faster, while others spend many months on it. Motivation to lose weight can pass just as quickly as inspiration. How to save it? We share with you in different ways. Surely among them there will be suitable ones for you.

Stop trying your best

To drive, you don’t have to fill the car to a full tank; you just need to make sure that the gas doesn’t run out. Motivation for losing weight works the same way. If you feel that you are losing motivation to lose weight, take a break from dieting or exercising for 1-3 days.

Ask yourself security questions

Need a dose of motivation to lose weight urgently? Ask yourself security questions about the habit you want to develop. For example,

If I stop eating right, what will I look like in six months?
If I stop eating right, how will I feel in six months?

Keep your promises to family and friends

If you want to stay motivated to lose weight, be honest and conscientious in other areas of your life. For example, pay your debts, keep promises you made to relatives, friends, and colleagues. Keep your word to others - and on a subconscious level, confidence will come that you are able to fulfill your promise to lose weight.

Don't look up to skinny models

It would seem that portraits of thin models should motivate people to lose weight, but according to a new study, they are rather harmful. Researchers from Holland divided women wanting to lose weight into two groups: the first group was given an diet magazine with photos of thin models on the cover and spread, and the second group was given a magazine with a neutral image on the cover. Women from the second group lost weight, and women from the first group gained weight.

Instead of comparing yourself to models, print out a photo of yourself at your correct, healthy weight for inspiration.

Listen to your feelings

We often get frustrated by fixating on a specific number on the scale or a task we must complete to achieve a goal. And this is a quick way to lose motivation. Instead, pay attention to your mood after eating healthy food, or how you feel after a great workout. Next time you will remember how good it was for you, and this will motivate you to continue in the same spirit.

Make a “business plan”

Any enterprise begins with a business plan, which describes the mission and how to achieve it. Treat your goal like a business. Once you decide what exactly you want to achieve and in what time frame, develop a monthly plan with realistic and specific weight loss goals.

Reward yourself even if you haven't reached your goal yet

Rewarding yourself for achieving goals is a great idea, but some goals take months or years to achieve, so you risk losing motivation long before you reach your goal. So don't wait until you reach the finish line to reward yourself for losing weight, plan something nice in the middle of the journey.

Live as if you've already lost weight

Don't wait until you "lose weight" to go on vacation, visit a friend, or take a dance class; fulfill your desires immediately.

Hang your favorite clothes next to the mirror

If you dream of getting back into your favorite jeans or bikini that you wore in your youth, hang them next to the mirror. This is great daily motivation. Since this item is in your wardrobe, it means that your weight loss goal is achievable.

Assess your future honestly

Imagining yourself in a bikini is good motivation, but some people get inspired by imagining what could happen to them if they don't lose weight. Ask yourself, what will your life be like in 10 or 20 years if you remain the same as you are now?

Compete with others to lose weight

A little competition is important when losing weight. According to a recent study published in the journal Obesity, losing weight in a group with others can help you lose 20% more weight than losing weight alone. Gather a group of friends or colleagues - and lose weight together!

Find your source of inspiration

If you really want to stay motivated to lose weight, first of all, figure out what really motivates you. For example, if it's a family, focus on how exercise will help you maintain your relationship with your children as you age. Take it a step further and involve your family: play tag with your kids, go to the gym with your husband, and prepare meals for the next week together on the weekends.

Hide the scales away

Scales are useful for tracking your weight loss progress, but many people weigh themselves too often. Some studies show that weighing yourself daily helps you maintain your weight but not lose weight. Weigh yourself once a week or even every two weeks to help keep you motivated.

Take photos every day

They say that a photo is worth a thousand words. Create an album with photos of your weight loss on Instagram or another application and hide it from others. Take photos daily - after a workout or while eating healthy food. This will help you capture changes in your body that are easy to miss or that the scale doesn't capture.

Stop criticizing yourself

We have a bad habit of using self-criticism as motivation, especially when it comes to losing weight, but not only is it unmotivating, it can ruin your efforts. When we “turn on” the self-criticism mode, our “fight or flight” reflex is triggered. As a result, more cortisol (the stress hormone) is produced, which in turn provokes cravings for fatty and sweet foods.

The next time you start criticizing yourself, put your hand on your heart, take a few deep breaths - this will help you change your state, muffle negative emotions and look at yourself differently.

Surround yourself with health

Motivation for losing weight is the home environment that reflects your new habits: fill the refrigerator with healthy products, place a beautiful fruit basket on the table, put sports shoes in a visible place. This will make it easier to stay motivated.

There are hardly ten women in the world who would be completely satisfied with their figure. Each representative of the fair sex greedily looks for flaws in herself, and having found them, she begins an irreconcilable struggle with them. And when it comes to excess weight, then all imaginable and unimaginable means are used. There are thousands of weight loss systems in the world, hundreds of programs, dozens of methods, but only a few can solve the problem. The army of specialists ready to help defeat obesity includes nutritionists and massage therapists, trainers and therapists, even magicians and sorcerers. So why then does every second person have a problem that he formulates something like this: “I want to lose weight, I’m doing everything right, but it’s not working...”?

Reasons for failure

Psychologists provide the answer to this question. They believe that failure occurs due to lack of motivation to lose weight. Too often people get started with enthusiasm and then give up halfway through. Everyone's reasons for losing weight are different, and for some reason some of them work and others don't.

The fact is that a person who is losing weight is not always ready for serious changes in his life. One, refusing to beer parties, risks losing the social circle. Another may drop out of the work team, giving up daily gatherings over a cup of tea and eating sweets. The third will understand that the problems in his personal life are completely unrelated to the presence of extra pounds, and he will have to do something about his complexes. A weight loss program should include more than just diet and exercise. Ideally, during this difficult period it is necessary to work with a psychologist or psychotherapist. Then, perhaps, you will not want to return to your old life, and you will be able to fully enjoy your new slender body and new opportunities.

But this is ideal. In the meantime, let's look at typical motivations for losing weight and see how they work in life.


Health problems are perhaps the strongest motivation in the fight against extra pounds. When a person finds out that he has 10-15 years left to live, if he does not change his attitude towards his diet, then he is forced to take active action. But is it necessary to wait for a terrible verdict? Of course not! For example, such a serious illness as diabetes mellitus develops unnoticed, and the future patient of the clinic does not even notice the alarming symptoms. Often people turn to a specialist only when the disease has developed and taken a more severe form. As a result, they are prescribed a strict diet, medications and constant monitoring of blood sugar. So maybe it's better to prevent this disease? And it’s quite simple to do this - just follow three simple rules of a healthy lifestyle.

  • First, follow a proper diet.
  • Second: do not neglect physical activity.
  • Third: regularly take tests and undergo a medical examination.

Obesity is one of the main causes of diabetes, which means it is very important to monitor your weight and lifestyle. This doesn’t require a lot of time or money: you can’t go to the gym - walk more, can’t afford expensive products - include more fresh vegetables and fruits in your diet, reduce the amount of fatty foods.


Often the best motivation for losing weight is a photo of a young age. If you look at your old photos with tenderness and admiration, and at new ones with a feeling of annoyance and irritation, then it’s urgently time for you to take care of yourself. However, if this is the only motivation for losing weight and creating a new figure, then many difficulties await you along the way. The first successes, as a rule, relax and nullify all efforts. As soon as a woman fits into her old jeans or skirt, she decides to celebrate a well-deserved victory. And he celebrates it with buns, sweets and lying on the couch. When the harmful kilograms return, she takes control of herself again and finds herself in a vicious circle.

Let's consider another example when the motivation for losing weight collapses if you want to become slim just for the sake of external beauty. We all understand that a woman is an extremely emotional creature, and she does not always manage to maintain a rational way of thinking in a stressful situation. And when troubles happen at work or a quarrel with her husband occurs, the woman gives up on everything and says: “It’s so hard for me that only a piece of cake can cheer me up.” It is clear that in a few days the scales will show an even higher number, and the mood will hopelessly deteriorate.

What to do in this case? For stable and correct motivation, the incentive to “lose weight in order to please others” is not enough. It is important to understand why I personally want to lose weight. Then there is an understanding that you need to like yourself, and external beauty is only a by-product of a healthy and strong body.


Overweight people know firsthand how society treats fat people. Many people are faced with the fact that employers prefer to hire attractive and slender young people. Of course, this is unfair, but facts are facts. Therefore, the motive to lose weight in order to advance in your career is very strong and really works.

I'll lose weight to spite my ex

This is an excellent and effective incentive for weight loss for every true representative of the fair half of humanity. But, unfortunately, this motive does not work for a long time. Let's not hide, some ladies achieved success and enjoyed the fruits of their victory. However, over time, others realized that the feelings were irrevocably gone, and he no longer needed his old love. Neither fat nor thin. As a result, we get disappointment and a breakdown in the diet. The main mistake of this approach is that a woman loses weight not for the sake of her beloved, but for the sake of someone unknown. And if you change the motivation, then success will come immediately. And the face of the “ex” stretched out in surprise will be a pleasant bonus to victory over oneself.

In a month at sea

A great example of weight loss motivation. What woman doesn’t imagine herself as a magical beauty among the azure waves and golden sands during her legal annual vacation? Surely, in the head of each, more than once or twice, such pictures arose. The motivation for losing weight in this case is excellent. All that remains is to make your dream come true without fanaticism and sudden movements. You can’t lose weight quickly, if only because stretch marks will appear on your body and your skin will sag. Do we need this? Especially on vacation with the man of your dreams.

Transition to a new lifestyle gradually: move more, sign up for fitness, take a course of anti-cellulite massage. And no hunger strikes! It’s better not to indulge yourself with sweets and don’t eat processed foods. Start cooking for yourself - then you will know exactly what went into your mouth and how many calories the food contains.

Perhaps the result of proper weight loss within a month will not inspire you much - just minus two or three kilograms. But there will be no health problems, and there will be an understanding that balanced nutrition and physical activity are important throughout the year.


It is unlikely that people losing weight suspect that their motivation may be driven by this unpleasant feeling. It’s much easier to say to yourself: “I want to lose weight in order to become beautiful, loved, desired, etc.” At the same time, they look at their reflection with disgust and scold themselves for their shortcomings. Such epithets as “fat”, “ugly”, “fat-assed” are still very mild compared to those with which women reward themselves for being overweight. Similar things often happen to people who are afraid to show aggression and respond to the offender. They are afraid to argue with their boss, husband, mother and other people. However, they find a way out - in the mirror there is always someone who can be offended with impunity. But the psyche is a very subtle thing, and unconsciously we can program our lives for anything.

First of all, you need to tune in to the process of losing weight and go through this entire difficult path in a good mood. Self-love and a positive attitude are great motivation for losing weight. A photo of your younger years, where you look great, should be in a prominent place and inspire you to great deeds. Make it a habit to look at yourself completely in the mirror, accepting all the features of your body. Celebrate changes for the better every day, praise yourself, enjoy your appearance.


During breakdowns, when for some reason a person losing weight eats junk food, all motivations for losing weight suffer a crushing defeat. Unfortunately, women perceive such situations as something irreparable and terrible. Many people then refuse to continue losing weight and become depressed. Losing weight for men is much easier, since they do not bother themselves due to a slight deviation from the course. They stay on track, continue to eat right, exercise, and quickly reach their goals.

Dear ladies must understand that breakdowns in their system are inevitable. You need to learn to react calmly to them, stop scolding yourself and continue to systematically implement your weight loss complex.

Psychologists have long formulated tips for forming and maintaining motivation, so let's use them.

Find the reason

Think about why you have gained weight in recent years. Perhaps you have lost a close relative, separated from your loved one, or changed your job? In this case, a good psychologist will help you quit the habit of eating problems. He will also teach you how to switch from food to other activities and get rid of stress using various methods.

Perhaps you have health problems and you don’t even know it? Get a full medical examination and find out the reason. If the reason is, for example, hormonal changes, then you need to undergo a course of treatment. Otherwise, no diet or exercise will help.

Maybe the reason for weight gain is ignorance of the laws of proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle? If rich feasts were welcomed in your family, then there was no place for you to learn to limit your desires and passions. In this case, you will have to work on yourself, and the result will not be long in coming.

Get ready psychologically

To do this, start a diary and write down several reasons why you want to lose weight. The more reasons there are, the better. Describe your desires, but only specifically. For example: “I want to put on a beautiful size 46 dress that has been hanging in the closet for a long time, and go to the theater in it.” It is important to think about what changes will happen after the reduction in volumes and what opportunities you will get. Don't be modest - describe a romantic evening with the man of your dreams, and the envy of your best friend when she sees you looking slimmer.

Connect visual images. For example, a great motivation for losing weight is to hang a photo of a girl with a slim figure on the refrigerator. Just try to choose a body type that is similar to you. Make it a rule to take full-length photographs of yourself once or twice a month, and paste the pictures into your diary. After a while, you will be able to enjoy the results and continue to make your dream come true, no matter what.

Weigh yourself and measure your volume every day. Don't be lazy and keep a schedule in your diary. Just keep in mind that weight fluctuations in both directions are inevitable. But the overall picture will show the truth and support motivation by 100%.

Learn to enjoy your new body

If you continue to sit at home and wear baggy clothes in public, you will never enjoy a slim body. Let the ideal is still far away - still imagine that you have already achieved it. Go for a walk, to the theater, to an exhibition, but you never know where else! Allow yourself to be beautiful and elegant; putting off life for later is a big mistake.

Do not deny yourself pleasant little things

When a person restricts himself in nutrition, he experiences great stress. During this period, various delicacies that help brighten up life are not available to him. Therefore, try to pamper yourself: you are not allowed ice cream, but this does not mean that you do not have the right to go to a cafe and treat yourself to a cup of aromatic cappuccino. Walk more often in shopping centers and try on fashionable clothes. You don't need to buy it yet, as it will soon become too big for you - just enjoy the fact that small things fit you.

For motivation to work effectively, you need to choose the right incentives and techniques for yourself. Don’t be upset if it doesn’t work out right away - it only means that you haven’t yet found the right arguments for yourself. So, if you are worried about your health, then no weight loss photos will help you. On the other hand, if you want to look good, don't torture yourself with horror stories you read in medical journals. Communicate on forums, share results, watch motivational films, read articles about weight loss, reviews. The main thing is that the process of losing weight makes life easier and enjoyable. Develop your motivation system that is right for you.

Remember that a beautiful body is rarely inherited from your parents; more often, you have to work hard for the sake of the ideal. But the goal is achievable, and we see examples of this on the pages of fashion magazines and TV screens. Take care of yourself, read, travel, develop. Very soon you will understand that not only delicious food can bring pleasure, but the right motivation for losing weight will help you overcome all the difficulties of the path with dignity.