
Research and analysis of types of temperament of preschoolers. Temperament of the child and education. What are the character traits of a preschooler with a sanguine temperament type


Description of the presentation Diagnosis of the developmental features of the personality of a preschooler Methodology for determining the slides

Methodology for determining the type of temperament (standardized observation) by G. P. Lavrentieva and T. M. Titarenko for children from 1 to 3 years old To determine the type of temperament, a special observation card is used, which is offered to parents. It indicates the most characteristic manifestations in the behavior of a child of one or another type of temperament. Filling in the observation card occurs during the weekly observation of the behavior and activities of the baby. Instructions: Dear parents! Please observe how the child behaves in the following situations. To do this, each time, observing the reaction of the child, put a mark in the appropriate column

The key to the observation map If a child most often shows reactions: according to type "A", we can assume that he has sanguine temperament traits, type "B" - choleric traits, type "C" - phlegmatic, type "G »- melancholic features.

Diagnosis of the type of temperament of a preschooler (from 4 years old) Invite the child to answer 12 questions. You need to answer either "yes" or "no". First, the answers to questions No. 1-6 are analyzed, then - No. 7-12. If the child finds it difficult to answer the question, or his answer is not true, adults can answer questions instead of the child, based on their observations of his behavior.

1. Do you like to visit more than stay at home? 2. Do you like to play with guys more than by yourself? 3. Do you like to play outside more than at home? 4. Do you like going to kindergarten? 5. Can you speak first to children you don't know? 6. Do you like running games more than calm games? After the child answered these questions, count the number of positive answers. For each positive answer, 1 point is given. The more positive answers in the child's test, the more this child is open to the outside world, new information, the more he is interested in external circumstances, the more sociable he is (extraversion). The fewer positive answers, the more the child is concentrated on himself, his feelings, sensations, experiences. He does not feel a special need for frequent and active communication (introversion).

So, the smallest number of positive answers indicates that a person is closer to introversion, the largest - to extraversion. Interpretation of the results 1 point - introversion is pronounced. The child has a very narrow social circle, does not seek to acquire new friends. He only lets close people into his inner world. He is low-energy, slow in his actions. 2-3 points - moderate introversion. This child also does not feel a special need for communication (the circle of friends is limited), but can communicate if it is necessary in some situation. He does not participate in group activities. It is distinguished by an even mood, emotions are restrained. 4-5 points - moderate extraversion. The child does not experience difficulties in communication, easily establishes contacts with strangers. Willingly participates in group activities. Too strong emotional reactions can restrain, slow down. 6 points - significant extraversion. The child is sociable, has a large circle of friends. He strives for contacts, including with new people. Likes to play, walk with peers. The child is active, strives for new experiences, can give vent to feelings.

Let's move on to the next questions. 7. When you draw and someone is looking at you, does it bother you? 8. Do you get offended when teased? 9. Do you often wake up at night? 10. Do you often get sick? 11. Are you afraid to be alone at home? 12. When you are pushed, do you push too? For each positive answer, 1 point is given. The more positive answers in the test of the child, the more sensitive he is, the more prone to experiences (emotional instability). The fewer positive answers, the more resistant his nervous system to stress (emotional stability). Emotional instability can also be accompanied by poor health.

So, the smallest number of positive answers indicates that a person is closer to emotional stability, the largest - to emotional instability. Interpretation of the results 1 point - high emotional stability. The child is distinguished by equanimity, because of trifles he is not upset. He is restrained in communication, in behavior, controls his actions. 2 -3 points - average emotional stability. The child is emotionally stable, the behavior is calm, laid-back. He understands reality well, willingly obeys the rules, group norms. 4-5 points - emotional instability. The behavior of the child largely depends on the current state: in a calm state, he is balanced, in an excited state he can react violently. Impulsiveness, irascibility, aggression are possible. 6 points - very high emotional instability. The child is anxious, emotionally excitable. In behavior and actions, he is often guided by impulses. Reactions to events may be inadequate: the strength of the reaction often does not match the strength of the stimulus. In a state of fatigue, resentment reacts violently, angrily.

To determine the type of temperament of the child, an "Eysenck circle" is drawn up. On the horizontal axis, mark the sum of points on the scale "introversion - extraversion" (questions 1-6), and on the vertical axis - the sum of points on the scale "stability - instability" (questions 7-12). Having marked both points on the axes, draw a perpendicular from each to the point of intersection. In the sector where the lines intersect, the child's temperament is indicated. The farther the point is from the center, the more pronounced are the features of one of the four types of temperament. If the point turned out to be close to one of the two axes, then the child is characterized by the features of two types of temperament.

Methodology "Gender and Age Identification" by NL Belopolskaya Purpose: to assess the child's ability to identify his present, past and future gender and age status The method is intended to study the level of formation of those aspects of self-consciousness that are associated with the identification of gender and age. Designed for children from 4 to 12 years old with normal and abnormal intellectual development. stimulus material. Two sets of cards are used, on which a male or female character is depicted at different periods of life from infancy to old age. Each such set (male and female versions) consists of 6 cards. The appearance of the character depicted on them demonstrates typical features corresponding to a certain phase of life and its corresponding gender and age role: infancy, preschool age, youth, maturity and old age. Procedure. The study is carried out as follows. All 12 pictures (both sets) are randomly laid out in front of the child on the table. In the instruction, the child is asked to show what image corresponds to his idea of ​​himself at the moment. That is, the child is asked: “Look at all these pictures. What do you think, what (what) are you now? » You can consistently point to 2-3 pictures and ask: “This one? (Like this?)". However, in the case of such a “hint”, one should not show those pictures, the image of which corresponds to the real image of the child at the time of the study. If the child has made an adequate choice of picture, we can assume that he correctly identifies himself with the appropriate sex and age.

“DRAW YOURSELF” METHOD This technique was developed by A. M. Prikhozhan and Z. Vasilyauskaite and is intended for diagnosing the emotional-value attitude towards oneself in children aged 5-9 years. The purpose of the study: to determine the features of the emotional-value attitude towards oneself in children of senior preschool and primary school age. Material and equipment. To complete the task, the child is given six colored pencils - blue, red, yellow, green, black, brown. The technique form is a standard sheet of unlined white paper folded in half (booklet). The first page of the book is blank. Here, after the work, the necessary information about the child is recorded. On the second, third and fourth pages of the book, placed vertically in front of the child, the name of each drawing to be completed by the child is written at the top in large letters, respectively: “Bad boy / girl (depending on the gender of the child), “Good boy / girl”, “ I" .

Research procedure The technique can be carried out both frontally and individually. Instructions for completing the task are given before each drawing, therefore, during frontal conduct, the children proceed to the next drawing only after everyone has completed the previous one. Instructions: “Now you will draw. First draw a bad boy or a bad girl. You will draw with three pencils. Choose these pencils and show them to me, and put away the other three. (You need to make sure that all children have done this). Find the page that says "Bad Boy/Girl" at the top. Did you find everything? (Check if all the children have found the right page.) Let's start drawing. After all the children have finished drawing, the following instruction is given: “Now put those pencils away with which you drew and take the three remaining ones. Show me them. (You need to make sure that all children correctly understood and followed this instruction.) With these pencils you will draw a good boy or a good girl. Find the page that says Good Boy/Girl at the top. Did you find everything? (Check.) Let's start drawing ". The instruction given before the third drawing: “On the remaining piece of paper (it has “I” written on top), each of you will draw yourself. You can draw yourself with all six pencils. Take all the pencils in your hand and show me. (Check.) And now attention! Let your drawing be with a secret. If someone wants to draw themselves like a good boy or a good girl, then let the drawing contain more of the colors that you used to draw a good boy or girl. And if you want to draw yourself like a bad one, then it will contain more of the colors that were used to draw a bad boy or girl. But try to use all the pencils in this drawing. (After that, you should briefly repeat the instructions and answer the questions of the children). So, find the page that says “I” (check) at the top and start working.

Processing the results The diagnostic use of drawing samples, especially when they include (as in this case) the human figure, involves three main levels of analysis. The first level is the manifestation in the figure of indicators of organic damage to the central nervous system (the slope of the figure is more than 95 or less than 85 degrees, double and / or broken lines, “shaking” lines (trembling), unattached lines. If such signs are found, then the interpretation of the drawings at subsequent stages analysis should be approached with extreme caution.The second level involves analysis from the point of view of compliance with age norms.In the case of a sharp difference in the pattern from the general age norm, it should be clarified whether the omission, for example, of individual details of a human face or figure, is associated with a developmental lag (which allows you to obtain valuable diagnostic data on the overall development of the child) or it is associated with certain problems, fears, conflicts. For example, the absence of hands may indicate both insufficient development and a low level of contact, communication disorders. If we are talking about a developmental lag, then the transition to the third level of interpretation - the projective one itself - should be carried out with extreme caution. A number of authors believe that when indicators are obtained at the first and second levels that indicate organic lesions of the central nervous system or a significant developmental delay, one should not go to the third level at all. However, the practice of the work of the authors of the methodology shows that such children also project their own feelings, attitudes, and motives in the drawings. Therefore, analysis of the third level can also be applied here, but this should be done with extreme caution, taking into account only the most pronounced signs and paying special attention to whether the appearance of one or another indicator, for example, is associated with general underdevelopment.

General scheme for interpreting the results of the methodology 1. Analysis of the "self-portrait" (drawing "I"): the presence of all the main details, the completeness of the image, the number of additional details, the thoroughness of their drawing, the degree of decoration of the "self-portrait"; the static nature of the drawing or the representation of the figure in motion, including oneself in any plot - a game, dance, walk, etc. It is known that the presence of additional details - detailed drawing, "decoration" - indicate a positive attitude towards the character being drawn. On the contrary, the incompleteness of the drawing, the lack of necessary details indicate a negative or conflicting attitude, as mentioned above. Image in motion, inclusion in the plot - for an active, creative attitude to reality. 2. Analysis of other projective indicators according to the “self-portrait”, including the size of the picture, its location on the sheet (the so-called projective semantics of space), the ratio of individual parts of the picture, etc. It is known, for example, that placing a picture at the bottom of the page can testify to the child's depression, the presence of an inferiority complex in him. The most unfavorable is "self-portrait", drawn in profile and located in the lower corner of the page, especially in the left. 3. Comparison of the “self-portrait” of the child with the drawings of the “good” and “bad” peers according to the following parameters: a) the colors used in the “self-portrait”, their correspondence to the colors of the “good” and “bad” child, which colors are more; b) the size of the "self-portrait" compared to the size of the other two drawings; c) repetition in the “self-portrait” of details from the drawings of a “good” and “bad” child: clothes, headdress, toy, flower, slingshot, pistol, etc. d) presence in the “self-portrait” of new details and their character; e) the general impression of the similarity of the “self-portrait” to the drawing of a “good” or “bad” peer. 4. Analysis of corrections, strikethroughs, redrawing (without a significant improvement in the quality of the drawing); their severity indicates conflict, anxiety of the child. Analysis of the drawing process, technical features of the drawing, and in case of individual conduct - the nature of spontaneous statements, the order in which individual details are depicted and the time spent on a particular drawing. Cases and motivations for refusing to complete a particular drawing or task as a whole are considered in particular. The authors of the methodology give an example when an 8-year-old boy with a pronounced discomfort of success refused to draw a “good” peer, arguing that “he can’t draw good, he never succeeds” . The final conclusion about the features of the child's emotional-value attitude to himself should be given only on the basis of a comparison of the qualitative characteristics of the drawing and the data of the conversation. At the same time, it is important to keep in mind that we are not talking about verifying the criteria for evaluating a drawing according to the data of the conversation, but about taking into account both groups of data in the final conclusion of the psychologist.

The methodology proposed below will be useful for educators of senior and preparatory groups, teachers of the first grades, as well as parents who are both the first teachers and the first diagnosticians of their child. It is easy to perform and process.

Diagnosis of the child's temperament is carried out in the form of observation.

Instruction. Monitor each child for 1-2 months in a form convenient for you.

The purpose of the observation is to find out how the child will behave in various situations, grouped into 4 groups (presented in the table below).

Mark daily the nature of these manifestations with numbers in the plate as follows:

M melancholic traits 0

F traits phlegmatic 1

From the line of sanguine 2

X traits of a choleric 3

Pay attention to which manifestations will be more in percentage terms. This will be the dominant temperament.

Behavioral responses

marks every day

I. Behavior in situations where ACT IS NECESSARY

Acts timidly, uncertainly

Acts calmly, without words

Easy to put into action


II. How it reacts to a REMARK

Silent, offended, worried

Listens silently

He promises swearing that there will be no more, and after a short time everything repeats

Does not listen, reacts violently, resents

III. How he talks to other guys in SIGNIFICANT SITUATIONS

With great uncertainty

Slowly, calmly, but at the same time - confidently

Quickly, with fervor, but listens to the opinions of others

Fast, with passion, does not listen to other opinions

IV. Behavior in unfamiliar surroundings


Calm, looking around

Quite easily finds a way out of the situation, is active

Active, highly aroused

Knowledge of temperament is needed even in order to properly seat children for a lesson or lesson. For example, from the experience of American teachers: for group classes (in kindergarten) and lessons (at school), it is better to seat children like this:

  1. melancholic - under the wall,
  2. sanguine and phlegmatic (this is the majority of children) - throughout the group,
  3. choleric - at a decent distance from each other.

It will look something like this, as shown in Figure 1. So children of different temperaments will feel comfortable.

Of course, every adult has a certain concept of temperament. But it will not be superfluous to remind the following once again.

Temperament is a complex of individual characteristics of a person. It is biologically determined. What does it mean? We cannot change it. If we bring up and educate the child in accordance with his temperament, then we preserve his health.

It is useful for any teacher and parent to have an idea about the temperament of their pupil. But this is especially important in order to correctly understand the child and help him during, for example, periods of crisis.

Diagnosis of the type of temperament of a preschooler

Have your child answer 12 questions. You must answer either "yes" or "no".

First, the answers to questions No. 1-6 are analyzed, then - No. 7-12. If the child finds it difficult to answer the question, or his answer is not true, adults can answer questions instead of the child, based on their observations of his behavior.

1. Do you like to visit more than stay at home?
2. Do you like to play with guys more than by yourself?
3. Do you like to play outside more than at home?
4. Do you like going to kindergarten?
5. Can you speak first to children you don't know?
6. Do you like running games more than calm games?

After the child answered these questions, count the number of positive answers. For each positive answer, 1 point is given. The more positive answers in the child's test, the more this child is open to the outside world, new information, the more he is interested in external circumstances, the more sociable he is (extroversion). The fewer positive answers, the more the child is concentrated on himself, his feelings, sensations, experiences. He does not feel a special need for frequent and active communication (introversion).

So, the smallest number of positive answers indicates that a person is closer to introversion, the largest - to extraversion.

Interpretation of results

1 point - introversion is pronounced.

The child has a very narrow social circle, does not seek to acquire new friends. He only lets close people into his inner world. He is low-energy, slow in his actions.

2-3 points - moderate introversion.

This child also does not feel a special need for communication (the circle of friends is limited), but can communicate if it is necessary in some situation. He does not participate in group activities. It is distinguished by an even mood, emotions are restrained.

4-5 points - moderate extraversion.

The child does not experience difficulties in communication, easily establishes contacts with strangers. Willingly participates in group activities. Too strong emotional reactions can restrain, slow down.

6 points - significant extraversion.

The child is sociable, has a large circle of friends. He strives for contacts, including with new people. Likes to play, walk with peers. The child is active, strives for new experiences, can give vent to feelings.

Let's move on to the next questions.

7. When you draw and someone is looking at you, does it bother you?
8. Do you get offended when teased?
9. Do you often wake up at night?
10. Do you often get sick?
11. Are you afraid to be alone at home?
12. When you are pushed, do you push too?

For each positive answer, 1 point is given. The more positive answers in the test of the child, the more sensitive he is, the more prone to experiences (emotional instability). The fewer positive answers, the more resistant his nervous system to stress (emotional stability). Emotional instability can also be accompanied by poor health.

So, the smallest number of positive answers indicates that a person is closer to emotional stability, the largest - to emotional instability.

Interpretation of results

1 point - high emotional stability.

The child is distinguished by equanimity, because of trifles he is not upset. He is restrained in communication, in behavior, controls his actions.

2-3 points - average emotional stability.

The child is emotionally stable, the behavior is calm, laid-back. He understands reality well, willingly obeys the rules, group norms.

4-5 points - emotional instability.

The behavior of the child largely depends on the current state: in a calm state, he is balanced, in an excited state he can react violently. Impulsiveness, irascibility, aggression are possible.

6 points - very high emotional instability.

The child is anxious, emotionally excitable. In behavior and actions, he is often guided by impulses. Reactions to events may be inadequate: the strength of the reaction often does not match the strength of the stimulus. In a state of fatigue, resentment reacts violently, angrily. To determine the type of temperament of the child, you can use the "Eysenck circle".

On the horizontal axis, mark the sum of points on the scale "introversion - extraversion" (questions 1-6), and on the vertical axis - the sum of points on the scale "stability - instability" (questions 7-12). Having marked both points on the axes, draw a perpendicular from each to the point of intersection. In the sector where the lines crossed, the child's temperament is indicated. The farther the point is from the center, the more pronounced are the features of one of the four types of temperament. If the point turned out to be close to one of the two axes, then the child is characterized by the features of two types of temperament.

Ekaterina Mikhailovna Pashkina

Chief Physician of the Central Clinical Hospital of Omsk

Reading time: 5 minutes


Article last updated: 05/12/2019

In order to have initial ideas about the characteristics of children's temperament, it is not at all necessary to be a professional psychologist. Observing the behavior of your baby, already from the first months of life it becomes clear what traits will prevail in his character - modesty or exactingness, altruism or stinginess, complaisance or stubbornness. And in preschoolers, manifestations of temperament become even more pronounced.

Parents should figure out what their baby is like - quiet or fighter, "nimble" or "meat"? What is the temperament of the child and how does it manifest itself? It is important to know this, since conflicts and resentments often arise precisely because of the nature of the children.

Every day you are next to your child, observe him in games, at home, in communication with peers and adults. What kind of "role" do you think he is trying on? Try to analyze the behavior of the baby, perhaps you can "see" your child from a different point of view. Knowing how to determine the temperament of a child, it will be easier for you to deal with his upbringing.

Determining Your Child's Temperament Type: Phlegmatic Preschooler

A phlegmatic child has a balanced, strong, but inactive nervous system. In early childhood, children with such a temperament are called "comfortable" - they rarely cry, sleep a lot, do not require constant attention to themselves. In “quiet” phlegmatic people, all reactions are, as it were, fuzzy: if they cry, then quietly, they laugh just as quietly, stingy with gestures and movements. They do not immediately answer questions, they will not begin to do the job until there is “external influence”. Children with this type of temperament seem to need to be pushed. They definitely need a "period of entry into activity." But everything that such a baby gets used to becomes permanent, the behavior of phlegmatic people is very stable.

Some difficulties arise when something new appears: the environment, the mode, the requirements. For example, when entering a kindergarten, a phlegmatic baby must adapt, get used to it. In a new environment, a representative of such a childish temperament feels uncomfortable, it is not easy for him to make acquaintances, and it is very difficult to part with his parents even for a day. But after, when the situation becomes familiar, the child calmly and without coercion copes with the new “rules”, diligently and accurately performs everything that is required.

The main definition of a preschooler with such a temperament is "hard worker"

But usually he is never the first, he is prevented by some slowness, lethargy, reduced activity. In addition, the “slow reaction” of a phlegmatic person can lead to laziness and indifference, because the baby spends emotions as if half-heartedly, it’s easier for him to sit on the sidelines with his favorite toy.

Often parents make a mistake, trying to adjust, rush the baby - the natural slowness of a son or daughter unnerves adults, they begin to get angry and make comments. It helps a little, rather the opposite is true - among children with different temperaments, phlegmatic people are most often lost and even stop responding to these comments. It is even worse when adults “out of good intentions” strive to do for the child what he is quite capable of - they wash, dress, put away toys, etc. Not only does the baby not learn to be independent, he will also be disappointed in his own forces.

If your child has this type of temperament, it is important for him to show the results of his activities, but at the same time unobtrusively control the performance of the work at each stage. It is great if parents involve the child in games with elements of competition, in mobile team games, where you need to learn how to overcome difficulties and win, help others and be responsive.

A great help for preschoolers with such a temperament is the approval and support for his undertaking and any manifestations of initiative on the part of teachers and parents.

Features of the manifestation of temperament in a melancholic preschooler

A melancholic child most often has a weak nervous system, he is sensitive and vulnerable. Due to the weakness of the nervous processes, fatigue quickly sets in, the child is distracted all the time, and he needs more time to restore his strength than other children. With difficulty, slowly and for a long time, the child masters any skills, but firmly and forever.

The character of a child with such a temperament is calm, a melancholic baby is not seen or heard, all reactions are as if smoothed out, movements are uncertain, the conversation is expressive, but quiet.

The child does not like to demonstrate his skills, rarely joins in a conversation, is inactive and prefers quiet activities to all movements somewhere in the corner, alone; isolation and indecision are the main features of a melancholic.

The individual characteristics of children with such a temperament lie in the fact that they shun noisy peers, they tire melancholic people. Because of this, kids can not stand either kindergarten or school. Even more, such children get tired of new people, loud sounds and noise, harsh remarks - the already low activity of the child is suppressed.

The main points of "vulnerability" of this type of children's temperament are isolation, passivity, fatigue, slight vulnerability and slowness.

If the baby does not answer questions or answers slowly, stammering, this does not mean at all that he does not know the answer. Blame low self-esteem and self-doubt

Parents, not understanding the peculiarities of the temperament of a preschooler, can worsen the situation by constantly repeating to the baby that he is “inattentive”, “forgetful” or “incomprehensible”. A melancholic child can hardly endure failures, gets very upset if something does not work out, is easily offended, and worries over trifles. Any remark or unpleasant event unsettles him for a long time.

But do not forget about one more characteristic of this type of temperament: although melancholic children do not outwardly show their feelings, they are strong and deep, and the lack of reaction is not at all indifference! The undoubted advantages of melancholic babies are the ability to empathize, sensitivity, stability of attachments, habits and interests.

With such children, the tactic of "emotional stroking" is good. They need to create conditions when the child works "in pairs" - with another baby or with an adult. Orders and categorical appeals are contraindicated for such children, they perceive joint discussions much better, and with obligatory emphasis on something positive.

Taking into account all the definitions of this type of temperament, teach the child to switch from internal experiences (including from “turning old grievances”) to the events of the outside world, involve him in active games and housework. Gradually, without pressure, involve the baby in children's groups (kindergarten, sports clubs, creative studios) - it is useful for a little "hermit" to develop perseverance and perseverance in communicating with peers. And, of course, often praise children with this kind of temperament, demonstrate their achievements, teach independence and courage.

Individual characteristics of temperament in choleric children

The main characteristic of the temperament of choleric children is "the engine is running, but the brakes are failing." So it is with a choleric child: the peculiarity of his strong, but unbalanced nervous system is that the processes of excitation prevail over the processes of inhibition. Such children have fast, loud and impetuous speech, expressive facial expressions and gestures, a violent reaction to prohibitions and inconveniences.

A child of preschool age with such a temperament perceives any information on the fly, but also instantly forgets, in a new environment he masters instantly, he immediately makes friends - and after five minutes the fearless bully is already in conflict.

The choleric is impulsive, his crying is sobbing to hysterics, his laughter is laughter to tears. The mood changes quickly and unpredictably. A preschooler with this type of temperament is not restrained in the manifestations of emotions and, with a lack of self-control, can flare up because of a trifle - he needs "everything at once." He is easily carried away by any business, but quickly "cools down" and often quits halfway, as he does not tolerate monotony and is restless.

Another feature of children with such a temperament is their love for outdoor games, in which choleric people strive not only to prove themselves, but also to “command” (both children and adults). Any unforeseen moments in the game can cause anger or fear. Among other children, choleric children are distinguished by their noisiness and a tendency to irascibility, and often to pugnacity and even aggression. It is very difficult for them to obey the rules, such kids often conflict over toys and sometimes lose control of themselves.

You should talk with a choleric baby in an even tone, calmly, but demandingly, without persuasion. And at the same time, to instill in the baby the rules of communication without shouting and rudeness, persistently repeating that requests must be polite, rudeness and misconduct must be apologized for, etc.

It is useless to restrain the mobility of the baby or interfere with his activity. But reasonable requirements and clear rules are necessary. Parents can direct the energy of a choleric baby in the “right direction”: sports sections, an interesting hobby, calm games, and drawing, appliqué, and modeling help to develop perseverance and attention. It is useful to accustom the choleric to feasible housework (and make sure that he does not shirk!). Your own example helps a lot - teach your baby to be observant, restrained, help to understand that in life it is important to calculate strength and think about decisions.

Prohibitions and punishments for choleric will not help, the child simply ignores them and resists, up to hatred for the "educator". Rather, it helps to demonstrate the "prospects" of the child's violent activity and a positive assessment. Be patient - this is the main thing in raising a choleric baby.

What are the character traits of a preschooler with a sanguine temperament type

A lively, cheerful sanguine child has a mobile, strong and balanced nervous system. Giving a characteristic of different temperaments in children, it is especially worth noting the sociability and activity of sanguine people. As a rule, they always have a cheerful mood, they are businesslike, attentive and perfectly absorb new information.

Sanguine people easily adapt to any conditions, quickly make friends, but if communication becomes uninteresting to them, they “freeze friendship” just as quickly. It turns out that the baby has a lot of friends, but there are no real friends. And the task of parents is to try to educate in a child such a trait as constancy. Moreover, the little sanguine person is quite frivolous not only with his friends, comrades, but also with his affairs and duties. So the breadth of interests turns into its “wrong side”: grabbing onto a lot of things at once, the baby cannot complete any of them.

Children of sanguine temperament can be both “leaders” and “guided”, they do not hold grudges in their hearts, quickly forget failures and are not upset for long because of various troubles. Sudden mood swings are not about sanguine people. The main character traits of children with such a temperament are cheerfulness, wit and enterprise.

Such kids look at everything around them with inexhaustible optimism, they are obedient, but often do not know how to defend their opinion. Sometimes such behavior harms them - after all, kids listen to everyone in a row, and this can cause difficulties and troubles.

Just as easily, sanguine kids move from one activity to another. Here is a child riding on a swing, suddenly broke loose and rushed off to build a castle in the sandbox, and five minutes later he hid behind a bench to be alone. There is a "pitfall" in this behavior. The kid quickly gets tired of the "monotony" and, as soon as he gets bored, he tends to move on to another, more attractive at the moment. For example, he throws the started drawing of a “house” in order to immediately “draw a typewriter”.

The work that has been started must be completed - try to help the sanguine child learn this rule. To do this, before starting a business, a sanguine person needs to set a clear goal, be sure to demonstrate to the child the results of his work.

Teaching perseverance and patience, support and approval, emphasizing the “important role” of the baby in the assigned work are the best methods in raising a sanguine child. You do not want enthusiasm and cheerfulness to turn into inconstancy and frivolity, do you?

And one important addition. There are no "good" or "bad" types of temperament! Both choleric, and sanguine, and melancholic, and phlegmatic people have their pros and cons, positive and negative sides. We cannot change what is laid down by nature, but it is in our power to help highlight the strong traits of temperament and “smooth out” the weak ones.

The kid grows up, he is “educated” by life and the people around him, he learns to imitate adults, takes an example from his peers. In addition, there are no “pure”, one hundred percent types either. Mixed types are much more common, with a predominance of any temperament. So pay attention to these bright features, develop the strengths of the child, teach your treasure to show willpower, advance and retreat, control the natural temperament and use the best features of those mechanisms that nature has laid in us.

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Your child's temperature

When choosing activities for a child, you need to take into account his temperament, which will allow the child to feel comfortable and be successful in the chosen activity.

Temperament is a naturally conditioned (given to a person at birth), stable characteristic, which only slightly changes in the course of his life and activity.

Temperament gives originality to the behavior of the child and is manifested in the stability of emotional states, in the usual speed of movements. Parents need to understand that it is impossible to refer to temperament if the child violates the rules of behavior, shows aggression towards the people around him, animals, objects, does not listen to adults, etc. Only education makes him polite or rude, friendly or fighter, obedient or capricious.

Even in ancient times, Hippocrates identified four types of temperament - sanguine, phlegmatic, choleric and melancholic. Remember, they are rare in their pure form, each person only gravitates towards one of them.

The individual, natural temperament of a person is noticeable in everything: in the speed of his thinking, the pace of speech, in facial expressions, mobility, and manner of communication. A baby is born with an inherited temperament that cannot be changed, but can be learned to control.

Temperament is determined by the speed and strength of the reaction of the nervous system to stimuli: to the intonation of the mother, wet diapers, hunger, stomach pain, etc.

One baby, feeling discomfort, begins to cry, the other screams indignantly, and the third calmly falls asleep, not paying attention to the inconvenience. Signals about everything that happens come to certain parts of the brain, exciting their activity. Small children, due to the immaturity of the brain and lack of social experience, are entirely at the mercy of innate temperament. But the child grows, learns the lessons of upbringing, takes an example from the elders. He learns to endure, to show willpower or, conversely, to retreat, in general, he masters the mechanisms that can cope with the innate temperament.

During life, under the influence of social influence, upbringing, lifestyle, health, manifestations of temperament can be smoothed out. In children, the signs of temperament are more distinct, they are easy to see if you observe the behavior of the child for some time.

Look at the heroes of famous children's fairy tales - that's where the full description of the temperament palette is!

For example, Ivanushka and Nesmeyana. She cried all the time. If the sun went behind the clouds, she cried from the cold, if it shone brightly, from the heat. And Ivan the Fool rejoiced at the sun, and the rain, and the cold. Nesmeyana is a typical melancholic, Ivanushka is a sanguine. The wolf and fox from folk tales are usually choleric. All of them are unhappy, fussing, angry. Well, a calm hedgehog, carrying supplies for the winter into his mink, is an obvious phlegmatic: he sees everything, but does not interfere in anything unnecessarily.

Of course, life is not so simple. Find out your child's temperament type so that you can communicate with him without conflict and stress.

Let's talk in detail about each type of temperament. Let's talk about activities that are comfortable for children, taking into account temperament.


This is a lively, inquisitive, mobile, cheerful child. He is emotionally stable, not touchy, easily survives failures. He is cheerful and optimistic, willingly takes risks and compromises, is businesslike and collected. Sanguine perfectly converges with peers, quickly adapts to an unfamiliar place, instantly learns new information. He knows how to quickly establish contacts, loves collective events.
He loves outdoor games, very inquisitive. He falls asleep quickly and always wakes up in a good mood. He endures punishments easily, quickly forgets about them. His lively speech abounds in superlatives and is accompanied by impulsive gestures. Proper upbringing will form in the child an active attitude to learning, purposefulness. This is generally the most "convenient" temperament for education. However, being carried away by some business, the baby cannot correctly calculate the strength, quickly gets tired and often changes to finished activities. When educating a sanguine person, teach him patience and perseverance and make sure that his optimism and cheerfulness do not grow into frivolity and inconstancy.
Such a child is suitable for mobile, active activities. You can choose sports, dancing. Classes can be both individual and in a group, in a team. Perhaps, due to his activity, the child will be interested in many types of activities, he will want to engage in several circles and studios at once. Let him do it, let him move from one section to another. The more skills he masters, the more inclinations will receive incentives for development. A deeper immersion in the chosen activity may occur in subsequent years - in adolescence, youth.


This is a tireless, fearless, cocky child. Often gets excited and enters into conflicts. Often feels fear and anger, perceives unforeseen situations with hostility. A choleric child is characterized by unbalance, excitability, speed of action, movements. It lights up quickly and also cools down quickly. He treats remarks calmly, but resists physical punishment. Prefers noisy games, pampering, constantly needs spectators and new impressions. In communicating with peers, he strives to be a leader, often a source of conflict. Especially uncomfortable for him will be painstaking, monotonous, long-term activity. Grabs new information on the fly and immediately forgets. He speaks loudly and quickly. It is easy to get used to the new environment. But he falls asleep with difficulty, and you never predict in what mood he will wake up. Try to reduce the speed of his fluttering through life by organizing stops and pauses; help choose a hobby, then the fountain of its stormy energy will be used for educational purposes; entertain the child with calm games that improve attention and observation; teach him to think over decisions, to calculate his strength, to always be restrained and persistent.

With the right upbringing, very important qualities are formed in a choleric child: activity, initiative, dedication, organizational and communication skills. For a child with a choleric temperament, intensive, but not very long classes are suitable, where there is an opportunity to communicate with peers or compete with an opponent. Passionate, risk-averse nature will feel at ease on the football field, volleyball or basketball court, on the bike path. A choleric child will “light up” on the dance floor, in a musical group - where a powerful and short-term release of energy is required. Activities that require painstaking, thoroughness, for example - drawing, modeling, embroidery, beading, can quickly get bored with such a child. A severe test for a choleric child will be loneliness, lack of communication with peers.

Phlegmatic person

He is very calm, slow, thorough, restrained, even unemotional, does not like to take risks. He thoroughly thinks through his actions, shows perseverance in achieving the goal. This child loves quiet games. It is difficult for him to quickly navigate the situation, he does not like change, he prefers stability, he remembers the acquired knowledge and skills for a long time. He is not a leader among his peers. He learns new information slowly, but forever. It takes a long time to adapt to innovations, does not like changes. But he falls asleep quickly, sleeps calmly, but wakes up slowly and walks sluggishly for a long time. His mood is stable, he rarely loses his temper, communicates with pleasure with adults and peers around him. Try to develop curiosity and initiative in the baby; show him an example of pronounced, emotional behavior: actively rejoice and grieve yourself, he will definitely take it from you. Education can also form in a phlegmatic child such qualities as perseverance, perseverance. He is suitable for activities that require painstaking and patience. If the child has a good ear for music, you can offer him music lessons. If he has an interest in drawing, modeling, appliqué - engage in artistic creativity with him.
Such a child may not like activities that require speed, instant reaction, quick adaptation. Therefore, from all types of sports, choose calm ones. These are swimming, ballroom and sports dancing. There, the skill is formed by repeated repetition and individual work with a trainer. Team games - football, handball, basketball, contact sports - boxing, fencing will not bring satisfaction to the phlegmatic, because they require quick reaction, the ability to understand a partner and an opponent and make an instant decision.


He is timid, withdrawn and indecisive, anxious over trifles, very suspicious and sentimental. He learns new information with difficulty, gets distracted all the time and gets tired quickly. Moves uncertainly, speaks quietly, but expressively. As a rule, it produces a reaction that is inadequate to the strength of the stimulus. In children with a melancholic type of temperament, activity proceeds slowly, while they quickly get tired. If the child is urged, the actions slow down even more. It takes a long time to sleep, falls asleep quickly, gets up easily in the morning. Slowly, but for a long time, the child is immersed in one or another emotional experience. A bad mood will not be fleeting; the sadness that arises surprises adults with its depth, strength, and duration. The child is anxious in an unfamiliar environment, shy of strangers, avoids numerous contacts with peers. It is very difficult to get used to new places and therefore does not like to go to kindergarten and school. The melancholic needs to learn independence and courage; he cannot be ordered, categorical appeals and negative assessments are already sluggish actions; with such a baby it is necessary to discuss what he saw and heard, focusing on the positive aspects. In the process of education, melancholic children develop softness, responsiveness, sincerity. For such a child, calm activities in comfortable conditions are suitable. Melancholic children enjoy reading books, watching educational programs, films, they love to observe the nature around them, to explore it. Their deep feelings and experiences can be revealed in artistic, literary creativity.


Ø Temperament is an innate quality, do not try to fight it. Try to understand it and take it into account when choosing activities for your child.

Ø There are no "bad" temperaments. Rudeness, aggressiveness, selfishness, low level of culture are the result of poor upbringing.

Ø Choose activities according to the inclinations of the child, his behavior. Consider the strength and speed of the child's reactions, stability and change of emotions, activity and fatigue, the need for communication.

Ø Parents should not only expand the horizons of the baby, but also develop his abilities, expanding his ideas about various activities. It is important to offer the child those activities that suit him in terms of temperament, according to his abilities. Such activities will form his interests, inclinations, help overcome uncertainty and fear.

Use the questions below to determine your child's temperament.

Parents should take into account that in this case you are not dealing with professional diagnostics. A more accurate, professional diagnosis and interpretation of the results can be obtained by contacting a psychologist.

Diagnosis of the type of temperament of a preschooler

Have your child answer 12 questions. You must answer either "yes" or "no".

First, the answers to questions No. 1-6 are analyzed, then - No. 7-12. If the child finds it difficult to answer the question, or his answer is not true, adults can answer questions instead of the child, based on their observations of his behavior.

1. Do you like to visit more than stay at home?
2. Do you like to play with guys more than by yourself?
3. Do you like to play outside more than at home?
4. Do you like going to kindergarten?
5. Can you speak first to children you don't know?
6. Do you like running games more than calm games?

After the child answered these questions, count the number of positive answers. For each positive answer, 1 point is given. The more positive answers in the child's test, the more this child is open to the outside world, new information, the more he is interested in external circumstances, the more sociable he is. (extraversion). The fewer positive answers, the more the child is concentrated on himself, his feelings, sensations, experiences. He does not feel a special need for frequent and active communication. (introversion).

So, the smallest number of positive answers indicates that a person is closer to introversion, the largest - to extraversion.

Interpretation of results
1 point - introversion is pronounced.
The child has a very narrow social circle, does not seek to acquire new friends. He only lets close people into his inner world. He is low-energy, slow in his actions.
2-3 points - moderate introversion.
This child also does not feel a special need for communication (the circle of friends is limited), but can communicate if it is necessary in some situation. He does not participate in group activities. It is distinguished by an even mood, emotions are restrained.
4-5 points - moderate extraversion.
The child does not experience difficulties in communication, easily establishes contacts with strangers. Willingly participates in group activities. Too strong emotional reactions can restrain, slow down.
6 points - significant extraversion.
The child is sociable, has a large circle of friends. He strives for contacts, including with new people. Likes to play, walk with peers. The child is active, strives for new experiences, can give vent to feelings.

Let's move on to the next questions.

7. When you draw and someone is looking at you, does it bother you?
8. Do you get offended when teased?
9. Do you often wake up at night?
10. Do you often get sick?
11. Are you afraid to be alone at home?
12. When you are pushed, do you push too?

For each positive answer, 1 point is given. The more positive answers in the test of the child, the more sensitive he is, the more prone to experiences (emotional instability). The fewer positive answers, the more resistant his nervous system to stress (emotional stability). Emotional instability can also be accompanied by poor health.
So, the smallest number of positive answers indicates that a person is closer to emotional stability, the largest - to emotional instability.

Interpretation of results

1 point - high emotional stability.

The child is distinguished by equanimity, because of trifles he is not upset. He is restrained in communication, in behavior, controls his actions.

2-3 points - average emotional stability.
The child is emotionally stable, the behavior is calm, laid-back. He understands reality well, willingly obeys the rules, group norms.

4-5 points - emotional instability.

The behavior of the child largely depends on the current state: in a calm state, he is balanced, in an excited state he can react violently. Impulsiveness, irascibility, aggression are possible.

6 points - very high emotional instability.
The child is anxious, emotionally excitable. In behavior and actions, he is often guided by impulses. Reactions to events may be inadequate: the strength of the reaction often does not match the strength of the stimulus. In a state of fatigue, resentment reacts violently, angrily. To determine the type of temperament of the child, you can use the "Eysenck circle".

On the horizontal axis, mark the sum of points on the scale "introversion - extraversion" (questions 1-6), and on the vertical axis - the sum of points on the scale "stability - instability" (questions 7-12). Having marked both points on the axes, draw a perpendicular from each to the point of intersection. In the sector where the lines crossed, the child's temperament is indicated. The farther the point is from the center, the more pronounced are the features of one of the four types of temperament. If the point turned out to be close to one of the two axes, then the child is characterized by the features of two types of temperament.

In addition to this technique, there are many more techniques aimed at identifying the type of temperament.

By the way, for parents there is a method for determining the type of temperament. This is a test for determining temperament - the Eysenck test. You can go through it online.

And finally, my favorite Herluf Bidstrup with the caricature "4 temperaments".

Temperament and hobbies of the child

Temperament is a very stable characteristic, it is given to a person at birth and only slightly changes in the course of his life and work. It gives originality to the child's behavior and manifests itself in the stability of emotional states, in the usual speed of movements. But you can’t refer to temperament if the child violates the rules of behavior, shows aggression towards the people around him, animals, objects, does not listen to adults, etc. Only education makes him polite or rude, friendly or fighter, obedient or capricious.

Hippocrates distinguished four types of temperament - sanguine, phlegmatic, choleric and melancholic. However, in their pure form, they are rare, each person only gravitates towards one of them. During life, under the influence of social influence, upbringing, lifestyle, health, manifestations of temperament can be smoothed out. In children, the signs of temperament are more distinct, they are easy to see if you observe the behavior of the child for some time.

Let's talk in detail about each type of temperament. Let's talk about activities that are comfortable for children, taking into account temperament.


This is a lively, inquisitive, mobile, cheerful child. He is emotionally stable, not touchy, easily survives failures. He knows how to quickly establish contacts, loves collective events.

Proper upbringing will form in the child an active attitude to learning, purposefulness.

Such a child is suitable for mobile, active activities. You can choose sports, dancing. Classes can be both individual and in a group, in a team. Perhaps, due to his activity, the child will be interested in many types of activities, he will want to engage in several circles and studios at once. Let him do it, let him move from one section to another. The more skills he masters, the more inclinations will receive incentives for development. A deeper immersion in the chosen activity may occur in subsequent years - in adolescence, youth.

Phlegmatic person

This is a calm and unhurried baby. He thoroughly thinks through his actions, shows perseverance in achieving the goal. It is difficult for him to quickly navigate the situation, he does not like change, he prefers stability, he remembers the acquired knowledge and skills for a long time. His mood is stable, he rarely loses his temper, communicates with pleasure with adults and peers around him.

Education can form in a phlegmatic child such qualities as perseverance, perseverance. He is suitable for activities that require painstaking and patience. If the child has a good ear for music, you can offer him music lessons. If he has an interest in drawing, modeling, appliqué - engage in artistic creativity with him.

Such a child may not like activities that require speed, instant reaction, quick adaptation. Therefore, from all types of sports, choose calm ones. These are swimming, ballroom and sports dancing. There, the skill is formed by repeated repetition and individual work with a trainer.

Team games - football, handball, basketball, contact sports - boxing, fencing will not bring satisfaction to the phlegmatic, because they require quick reaction, the ability to understand a partner and an opponent and make an instant decision.


A choleric child is characterized by unbalance, excitability, speed of action, movements. It lights up quickly and also cools down quickly. Especially uncomfortable for him will be painstaking, monotonous, long-term activity. In communicating with peers, he strives to be a leader, often a source of conflict.

With the right upbringing, very important qualities are formed in a choleric child: activity, initiative, dedication, organizational and communication skills.

For a child with a choleric temperament, intensive, but not very long classes are suitable, where there is an opportunity to communicate with peers or compete with an opponent. Passionate, risk-averse nature will feel at ease on the football field, volleyball or basketball court, on the bike path. A choleric child will “light up” on the dance floor, in a musical group - where a powerful and short-term release of energy is required.

Activities that require painstaking, thoroughness, for example - drawing, modeling, embroidery, beading, can quickly get bored with such a child. A severe test for a choleric child will be loneliness, lack of communication with peers.


In children with a melancholic type of temperament, activity proceeds slowly, while they quickly get tired. If the child is urged, the actions slow down even more. Slowly, but for a long time, the child is immersed in one or another emotional experience. A bad mood will not be fleeting; the sadness that arises surprises adults with its depth, strength, and duration. The child is anxious in an unfamiliar environment, shy of strangers, avoids numerous contacts with peers.

In the process of education, melancholic children develop softness, responsiveness, sincerity.

For such a child, calm activities in comfortable conditions are suitable. Melancholic children enjoy reading books, watching educational programs, films, they love to observe the nature around them, to explore it.

Their deep feelings and experiences can be revealed in artistic, literary creativity.

Let's summarize:

  • Temperament is an innate quality, don't try to fight it. Try to understand it and take it into account when choosing activities for your child.
  • There are no "bad" temperaments. Rudeness, aggressiveness, selfishness, low level of culture are the result of poor upbringing.
  • Choose activities according to the inclinations of the child, his behavior. Consider the strength and speed of the child's reactions, stability and change of emotions, activity and fatigue, the need for communication.
  • Parents should not only expand the horizons of the baby, but also develop his abilities, expanding his ideas about various activities. It is important to offer the child those activities that suit him in terms of temperament, according to his abilities. Such activities will form his interests, inclinations, help overcome uncertainty and fear.

To determine the child's temperament, use the questions that are presented in the "Diagnosis of abilities and interests" section. They will help to see in the behavior of the child signs of a type of temperament.

Diagnosis of the type of temperament of a preschooler

Have your child answer 12 questions. You must answer either "yes" or "no".

First, the answers to questions No. 1-6 are analyzed, then - No. 7-12. If the child finds it difficult to answer the question, or his answer is not true, adults can answer questions instead of the child, based on their observations of his behavior.

1. Do you like to visit more than stay at home?
2. Do you like to play with guys more than by yourself?
3. Do you like to play outside more than at home?
4. Do you like going to kindergarten?
5. Can you speak first to children you don't know?
6. Do you like running games more than calm games?

After the child answered these questions, count the number of positive answers. For each positive answer, 1 point is given. The more positive answers in the child's test, the more this child is open to the outside world, new information, the more he is interested in external circumstances, the more sociable he is (extroversion). The fewer positive answers, the more the child is concentrated on himself, his feelings, sensations, experiences. He does not feel a special need for frequent and active communication (introversion).

So, the smallest number of positive answers indicates that a person is closer to introversion, the largest - to extraversion.

Interpretation of results

1 point - introversion is pronounced.

The child has a very narrow social circle, does not seek to acquire new friends. He only lets close people into his inner world. He is low-energy, slow in his actions.

2-3 points - moderate introversion.

This child also does not feel a special need for communication (the circle of friends is limited), but can communicate if it is necessary in some situation. He does not participate in group activities. It is distinguished by an even mood, emotions are restrained.

4-5 points - moderate extraversion.

The child does not experience difficulties in communication, easily establishes contacts with strangers. Willingly participates in group activities. Too strong emotional reactions can restrain, slow down.

6 points - significant extraversion.

The child is sociable, has a large circle of friends. He strives for contacts, including with new people. Likes to play, walk with peers. The child is active, strives for new experiences, can give vent to feelings.

Let's move on to the next questions.

7. When you draw and someone is looking at you, does it bother you?
8. Do you get offended when teased?
9. Do you often wake up at night?
10. Do you often get sick?
11. Are you afraid to be alone at home?
12. When you are pushed, do you push too?

For each positive answer, 1 point is given. The more positive answers in the test of the child, the more sensitive he is, the more prone to experiences (emotional instability). The fewer positive answers, the more resistant his nervous system to stress (emotional stability). Emotional instability can also be accompanied by poor health.

So, the smallest number of positive answers indicates that a person is closer to emotional stability, the largest - to emotional instability.

Interpretation of results

1 point - high emotional stability.

The child is distinguished by equanimity, because of trifles he is not upset. He is restrained in communication, in behavior, controls his actions.

2-3 points - average emotional stability.

The child is emotionally stable, the behavior is calm, laid-back. He understands reality well, willingly obeys the rules, group norms.

4-5 points - emotional instability.

The behavior of the child largely depends on the current state: in a calm state, he is balanced, in an excited state he can react violently. Impulsiveness, irascibility, aggression are possible.

6 points - very high emotional instability.

The child is anxious, emotionally excitable. In behavior and actions, he is often guided by impulses. Reactions to events may be inadequate: the strength of the reaction often does not match the strength of the stimulus. In a state of fatigue, resentment reacts violently, angrily. To determine the type of temperament of the child, you can use the "Eysenck circle".

On the horizontal axis, mark the sum of points on the scale "introversion - extraversion" (questions 1-6), and on the vertical axis - the sum of points on the scale "stability - instability" (questions 7-12). Having marked both points on the axes, draw a perpendicular from each to the point of intersection. In the sector where the lines crossed, the child's temperament is indicated. The farther the point is from the center, the more pronounced are the features of one of the four types of temperament. If the point turned out to be close to one of the two axes, then the child is characterized by the features of two types of temperament.

Prepared based on the site