
How many calories are in stewed cabbage, why is it recommended by nutritionists. It doesn't matter how many calories are in stewed cabbage! It's so easy to change


Cabbage is the basis of many diets - it is an affordable and simple product. The most delicious and diverse way of preparing this vegetable is stewing, which preserves both the vitamin and dietary properties of the product. The calorie content of stewed cabbage is minimal, which means that it can be safely included in the weight loss menu.

In addition, such a dish will improve metabolism, and the plant itself is considered an excellent prophylactic against vascular diseases.

The white-headed beauty contains such useful elements as calcium, glucose, potassium, folic acid, phosphorus, as well as vitamins of group B and PP. The vegetable is distinguished by an abundance of vitamin C. A couple of centuries ago, the leaves of the plant were used to treat bronchitis, pneumonia and liver diseases.

Everyone knows that the vegetable has anti-inflammatory properties, because it is not for nothing that its leaves are applied to a sore spot to anesthetize. With its composition, white cabbage will please the cardiovascular system, improve kidney function and will be an excellent tool that will stimulate the production of bile.

Before determining how many calories are in stewed cabbage, we immediately note that we are talking about a white vegetable. After all, there can be several varieties of the product - Savoy, Beijing, broccoli, color, Brussels. Each type has its own calorie content per 100 grams.

We will look at the energy value of the usual and simple white cabbage. The number of calories will directly depend on the method of preparation and the presence of additional ingredients.

Let's look at the value of the product, based on the calculation that 70% of cabbage and 30% of other products fall on 100 grams of the dish:

  • Vegetable stewed with carrots - 40 kcal.
  • Product with mushrooms - 112 calories.
  • A product prepared with the addition of tomatoes or tomato paste - 99 kcal.
  • A stewed vegetable with potatoes will contain 124 calories.
  • Cabbage without vegetables, stewed with a spoonful of vegetable oil - 50 kcal.
  • Product without additives - 40 calories.

Considering how many calories are in stewed cabbage with the addition of vegetables, it can be noted that the dish is really dietary. Of course, the minimum energy value will be contained in a dish that is prepared only with the addition of water, without oil and other ingredients. That's just the taste of such a dish you will quickly get bored.

To eat a minimum of calories and have fun, you can cook a vegetable with carrots and add a spoonful of vegetable oil. 100 grams of such a dish will contain only 45 kcal.

There is another way to prepare a product with tomatoes and onions, which will be distinguished by ease and unusual taste.

To prepare a serving for two days, you will need:

  • fresh head;
  • 2 onions;
  • 2 tomatoes;
  • 1 carrot;
  • soy sauce;
  • a teaspoon of vegetable oil.

Shred a white-headed plant, pour 200-300 ml of water into a saucepan, add oil. Chop all the vegetables and put in a bowl. Mix everything, add 2 teaspoons of soy sauce and simmer until tender over low heat. 100 grams of such food will contain no more than a hundred calories. To reduce the energy value, you can not add oil.

Can you add meat to a stew?

The issue of the nutritional value of a dish with vegetables has been resolved, there is one more point that you probably want to clarify - how many calories will stewed cabbage contain if you add a little meat to it.

In fact, the fat content of a dish with meat will depend on the proportions and energy value of the additional ingredients. Here it is also worth being guided by the 70/30 principle and giving most of the space in the pan to the white-headed beauty.

The calorie content of a dish with meat in this case will be:

  • 102 kcal if you use minced chicken;
  • 150-155 if you cook a stew with white chicken meat;
  • 145 kcal - so much will contain 100 grams of a dish with the addition of pork (without fat);
  • about 160 calories you get by adding beef.

If you cook a vegetable with pork meat, try to remove fat layers from the pieces as much as possible. Otherwise, you will get not a dietary, but a very nutritious meal with a calorie content of 180 units. It is best to choose chicken fillet or minced meat - 100 grams of such a stew will not hit your figure, but will allow you to enjoy the taste.

On the diet side, a stew is a great way to lose a couple of extra pounds. But remember, if you are on a cabbage diet, it is best to cook the product by adding vegetables and a little oil. Also, your diet should be supplemented with dairy products - low-fat yogurt and cottage cheese, whole grain cereals (oatmeal is perfect), honey and white chicken meat.

To support the immune system and please the body with the necessary vitamins, use apples, grapefruits, oranges and kiwis as snacks. So you can support the body and lose weight.

Many who follow a diet or simply monitor the correctness of their diet may need information on how many calories are in stewed cabbage. This product is often used as a side dish or a separate dish. For popular recipes, calorie content and other energy characteristics are known.


The calorie content of stewed cabbage is 2-3 times higher than fresh cabbage, with the exception of those cooked by stewing on water. The exact number depends on the recipe. During the preparation of this dish, vegetable oil is usually added, as well as some other products.

The most popular dishes are made from white cabbage, which is more affordable and cheaper than all the others in the Russian climate. Dishes from it quickly eliminate the feeling of hunger and do not cause heaviness in the stomach. Nutritionists do not recommend limiting yourself to this food for more than a week so that the nutrition remains complete.

The lowest-calorie type is Chinese cabbage. It is more commonly used in salads and as an accompaniment to pastries or sandwiches. You can stew other types of vegetables, including:

  • color;
  • broccoli;
  • Brussels;
  • kohlrabi.

Calorie content of white cabbage

Nutritional value of low calorie recipes

The nutritional value of 100 grams of cabbage, which is cooked in water with onions and carrots, is usually about 20 kcal. 100 grams contains:

For a recipe with mushrooms and vegetable oil, the values ​​\u200b\u200bare different:

Nutritional properties may vary depending on the choice of mushrooms and other preparations. Mushrooms are usually used, less often butter and mushrooms. The use of lard and fat instead of vegetable oil is popular. Such a change in the recipe at times increases the calorie content of the finished dish. There are several recipes that involve the addition of legumes and nuts. The calorie content of the products in this case should be summed up. If the dish is prepared for the sake of its low calorie content, it is better not to add anything to it.

Macronutrients, trace elements and vitamins

Stewed cabbage contains many vitamins and other useful substances. It is considered a particularly valuable dish for the elderly, as it has anti-sclerotic properties. In addition, the composition of the vegetable includes chemical compounds that have antitumor properties. The effect is best extended to estrogen-dependent tumors.

The composition includes the following substances:

low calorie recipes

Type of cabbage and calories What will be required Recipe
Stewed on water (17 kcal per 100 grams)
  • 100 g carrots; 600 g cabbage; 40 g of onions;
  • 500 g of water;
  • 2 teaspoons of salt.
  • finely chop the carrots and onions and put them in the pan; add water to the pan and put on fire; add shredded cabbage;
  • add water;
  • simmer until done.
Stewed with mushrooms (38 kcal per 100 grams)
  • 200 g cabbage; 180 g of mushrooms, best of all - champignons; 80 g carrots;
  • 5 tomato paste;
  • 1 tablespoon vegetable oil.
  • grate the carrots and simmer them in oil for 7 minutes; add tomato paste; add chopped mushrooms;
  • add finely chopped cabbage;
  • simmer until done.

Many people like the combination of vegetables with pork. Features of preparation and choice of products can make the dish not at all dietary. There is a recipe with which you can get a calorie content of about 110 kcal per 100 grams of the finished product.

For this you need:

  • 300 g lean pork;
  • 1 kg of white cabbage;
  • 200 g of onions;
  • 50 g of vegetable oil;
  • 100 g of tomato paste or ketchup;
  • 8 g salt.

The onion is chopped and the meat is cut into cubes.

First of all, onions are fried in vegetable oil, then meat, and lastly, chopped cabbage and salt. You can add black pepper and other spices to taste. Ketchup or tomato paste is added 20 minutes before readiness.

Cabbage is a low-calorie product. It contains many useful substances and is well suited for people who monitor their weight. It is impossible to answer unequivocally how many calories are in stewed cabbage. The calorie content of the dish can vary significantly depending on the recipe chosen.

Stewed cabbage is a simple and tasty dish, the preparation of which does not require special culinary skills. It is generally accepted that the taste of a dish largely depends on the complexity of its preparation. Braised cabbage proves otherwise. It does not use complex ingredients, and it does not take much time to cook. All that the hostess needs is onions, carrots and white cabbage. Other ingredients are added as desired. Since cabbage itself is low in calories, the calorie content of stewed cabbage is low, and it can be classified as a dietary meal.

Staying on a diet that includes stewed cabbage is not difficult. This dish is truly delicious and it is rare to find a person who would not like stewed cabbage. You can eat it in almost unlimited quantities, especially since there are not many calories in stewed cabbage.

Stewed cabbage is a favorite in many countries and is often served as a side dish for meat. For example, Germans and Austrians love pork legs with stewed sauerkraut, Poles, Belarusians and Czechs cannot live without bigos - stewed cabbage with meat. In France, they prefer stewed cabbage with meat and sausage. The low calorie content of stewed cabbage and its quick digestibility make this dish especially desirable on any table.

Now it is difficult to say with certainty where this dish first appeared. It is mentioned in Chinese documents dating back to the 3rd century BC. BC, according to which the craftsmen who built the Great Wall of China were fed with stewed cabbage. But, most likely, stewed cabbage appeared much earlier, at the time when people learned to cook food on fires in special dishes.

It must be said that not only fresh, but also sauerkraut is used for stewing. The latter makes the taste of the dish more intense. This choice has little to no effect on how many calories are in stewed cabbage. However, those ingredients that are added during stewing can increase its calorie content.

How many calories in stewed cabbage

Fresh white cabbage has an energy value of 32 kcal per 100 g. However, in the process of stewing it with fat, the calorie content of the dish increases and amounts to 100 kcal per 100 g. At the same time, useful substances such as proteins and carbohydrates are preserved in the cabbage.

Cabbage is also rich in vitamins and antioxidants. In addition, it contains compounds such as glucosinolates and indole-3-carbinol, which are credited with a key role in the fight against hormone-dependent tumors. If stewed cabbage is cooked correctly, then all useful substances are preserved in it and the dish turns out to be no less useful than fresh cabbage. And the low calorie content of stewed cabbage allows you to eat it as often as you want, providing the body with useful substances. Stewed cabbage is rich in coarse vegetable fibers and is used in many weight loss diets to regulate bowel function. Weight loss during such a diet can be up to 2-3 kg. However, those who suffer from acute and chronic diseases of the stomach and intestines, kidney disease and diabetes should use this dish with caution.

Calorie stewed cabbage with additional ingredients

As you know, stewed cabbage is rarely cooked in its pure form. Most often, in order to give it taste and add satiety, additional ingredients are added to the cabbage. There are recipes that are especially popular. One of them is cabbage stew with meat. Depending on preferences, different types of meat can be added to the dish. The type and fat content of meat significantly affects the calorie content of stewed cabbage with meat. The energy value of stewed cabbage if chicken is used will be 171 kcal per 100 g, but if you choose pork for stewing, then the number of calories in stewed cabbage will increase significantly. It will be equal to 449 kcal per 100 g. Thus, if you are thinking about maintaining a figure, then you should choose chicken or lean beef for stewing.

A variety of cabbage with meat is stewed cabbage with sausage or sausages. It must be said that such a dish is less healthy, since it uses already processed meat. But at the same time it is very tasty, so the number of its fans does not decrease. In this case, the energy value of the dish will also depend on the type of sausage or sausages chosen. On average, the calorie content of stewed cabbage with sausages is about 130 kcal per 100 g. As you can see, such a dish is much less caloric than stewed cabbage with pork.

Another great recipe for stewed cabbage is stewed cabbage with mushrooms. This option is suitable for those who, for some reason, do not eat meat, or are going to unload the body a little. Adding mushrooms allows you to make the dish satisfying, but at the same time, its calorie content will be lower than the calorie content of stewed cabbage with meat. Most often, champignons or porcini mushrooms are used for this dish, both fresh and dried. Mushrooms are a source of vegetable protein, therefore, according to their nutritional characteristics, they may well replace meat. The calorie content of stewed cabbage with mushrooms will be equal to 130 kcal per 100 g. It largely depends on what fat will be used for stewing. Thus, if you want to reduce the number of calories in this dish as much as possible, refrain from using lard or lard.

Stewed cabbage is one of the most popular dishes in some countries of Eastern and Western Europe; it is also indispensable in the cuisine of Russians. This dish has its own unique taste and at the same time is incredibly useful, since the main ingredient is white cabbage, which contains many useful substances. Stewed cabbage is a self-sufficient dish that can saturate the human body, it is cooked in a frying pan, in the oven and in a slow cooker, but the answer to the question of how many calories in stewed cabbage is for those who care, first of all, about their figure.

Useful properties of stewed cabbage

Before counting calories and talking about how many calories are in stewed cabbage with butter, which is exactly how most housewives cook, it is worth noting that stewed cabbage is very healthy. As in the case of fresh cabbage, it contains some B vitamins, ascorbic and nicotinic acid, vitamins A, C and others. The mineral composition of stewed cabbage is also rich, containing phosphorus, chlorine, rare selenium and other micro and macro elements. The fiber contained in stewed cabbage is perfectly digested and has a beneficial effect on the intestines. You can eat it without restrictions, with the exception of some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in the acute phase.

Calorie stewed cabbage

Speaking about the calorie content of the product, it is worth noting that it depends on how you cook stewed cabbage. So, the calorie content of stewed cabbage with vegetable oil - the most common product of this series, is about 90 kcal per 100 grams, but if we are talking about how many calories are in stewed cabbage on water, then this is already about 50 kcal contained in 100 grams of finished dishes. Speaking about how many calories are in stewed cabbage without oil, we are talking about a dietary dish, because the calorie content of stewed cabbage without oil is not significant.

To make the dish tastier, various additives are included in it, and quite often nutritionists have to answer the question of how many calories are in stewed cabbage with meat. It is definitely difficult to answer this question, because the calorie content of stewed cabbage with meat depends on the type of meat itself. If you have in mind how many calories are in stewed cabbage with chicken, for example, then here it all depends on which part you use for cooking. It's one thing if the conversation is about how many calories are in stewed cabbage with chicken breast, which is about 60-65 kcal per 100 grams, and another thing if you use chicken red chicken meat with skin. In this case, the calorie content of stewed cabbage with chicken increases significantly.

Given the low calorie content of beef, many are interested in how many calories are in stewed cabbage with beef. The calorie content of stewed cabbage with beef is on average 115 kcal, but this figure is also indicative. How many calories are in stewed cabbage with potatoes - this question also often worries connoisseurs of a good figure. They also ask themselves the question, what is the calorie content of stewed cabbage with sausage, and this, depending on the variety of sausages, is 105-110 kcal per 100 grams of the dish. The calorie content of stewed cabbage with pork is high - it is about 150 kcal, and this is far from a dietary dish.

If you want to organize a diet, you should know how many calories are in stewed cabbage on the water, although you can use mushrooms to improve the taste. In this case, you will have to answer the question of how many calories are in stewed cabbage with mushrooms. The calorie content of stewed cabbage with mushrooms is approximately 100-120 kcal, but this depends on the type of mushrooms and the ingredients used to fry them.

Considering the low calorie content of carrots, and having calculated how many calories are in stewed cabbage with carrots, and this is not much more than 50 kcal, you can safely include the dish in the diet. The calorie content of stewed cabbage with carrots and onions lies within the same limits and this is also a good solution for dietary nutrition. Also, information on how many calories are in stewed cabbage with tomato paste will help to draw a conclusion about the benefits of cabbage for a figure, and it contains no more than 40 kcal per 100 grams, and it contains only 30 calories.

Have you ever considered how many delicious dishes you can cook from ordinary white cabbage? If not, then let's try to do it together. So: sauerkraut, salted cabbage, fresh cabbage salad, cabbage rolls (and lazy ones too), cabbage pies, lean cabbage cutlets, lachanorizo ​​(Greek national dish of cabbage and rice), cabbage loaf, Korean cabbage, etc. . In addition, cabbage is part of many salads, giving them a fresh taste. And, of course, the well-known stewed cabbage should not be forgotten - a juicy, nutritious dish that is perfect for weight loss.

How many calories are in stewed cabbage?

We all know that cabbage is, in simple terms, “grass”, the calorie content of which does not exceed 28 kcal per hundred grams. But when it is extinguished, this value can increase several times. And if we calculate how many calories are in stewed cabbage prepared in the traditional way without adding meat products, then we will get a figure almost four times increased (equal to 102.2 kcal).

How to cook low-calorie stewed cabbage?

Of course, this is not so much, but, nevertheless, you can still reduce this figure. How? There is an easy way to do this. It consists in the fact that vegetable oil is practically not used for stewing. We start cooking with the fact that finely chopped cabbage is laid out on a hot frying pan, where it “wilts” a little, after which low-fat chicken broth and browned carrots with onions are added to it (put them on a paper towel to remove excess fat). It is necessary to simmer under a closed lid over low heat. Halfway through the cooking process, add the tomatoes, seasonings and salt. And a few minutes before the dish is completely ready, add a little fried flour into it - it will absorb excess moisture. How many calories do you think there are in stewed cabbage prepared in this way? Believe it or not, only 32 kcal per 100 gram serving!

Braised cabbage with chicken

Although the above recipe is not bad in itself, but sometimes you really want to flavor the cabbage with meat. I wonder how many calories in stewed cabbage will then become more? Do not be surprised! It turns out that if you choose not only the cooking method, but also the ingredients themselves, then the energy value of this dish will not exceed 72 kcal! To make the stewed cabbage with chicken you cooked, the calorie content of which is so low, also tasty, take: not just chicken, but its breast; do not fry the carrots, but let them; in the cooking process, use stewing, not frying. Please note that such a high-calorie product as vegetable oil is not included in this recipe. Therefore, for everyone who is on a diet and strictly monitors their figure, this dish should suit.

cabbage with meat

The calorie content of stewed cabbage with meat, of course, cannot be small. On average, it is about 210 kcal. But it turns out that this figure can be significantly reduced. This happens due to:

  • the right choice of meat (beef or non-fat pork);
  • use of cookware with non-stick coating;
  • using a minimum amount of oil (1 tsp only for frying meat);
  • the predominance of stewing (as the main cooking method).

If you follow all these rules, then from 500 g of meat, half a fork of white cabbage, ketchup, salt and seasonings you will get an excellent dish. And to the question of how many calories are in stewed cabbage with meat prepared according to this recipe, you can safely say: “Only 95 kcal!”

And finally

Finally, I would like to say that nothing is impossible, you just need to want and you can always find wonderful ways to save your body from overloading with extra calories. Modern household appliances offer us a lot of opportunities for this: double boilers, multicookers, grill pans. The main thing is not to be afraid to experiment, and then you won’t have to cook low-calorie lunches and dinners separately for yourself. Because the whole family will eat everything that you have prepared with great pleasure. Because it's so delicious!