
Why do we need models and simulations. What is modeling and why does a child need it. But let the model be built. What to do next


It is a very common way of analyzing and forecasting the economic situation. Moreover, economic models can be applied both at the level of an ordinary entrepreneur or investor, and at the level of large companies, states, and when studying the processes taking place in the global economy.

The essence of economic modeling is to build a simplified scheme of processes occurring in a certain area of ​​the economy and highlight the most important factors in a compact and concise form.

Building an economic model requires compliance with a number of factors, these include:

— realistic assumptions made

- the ability to predict

— sufficient information support

- Possibility of practical testing.

In different cases, different complexes of these requirements are priority, it is quite difficult to build a model that fully corresponds to all of them, and the need for this arises quite rarely. This is due to the fact that the main goal of economic modeling is the practical application of models and, depending on the requirements, the priority requirements for the properties of the model also change.

Process building an economic model goes through a series of stages. There are three main stages:

  1. Selection of used variables
  2. Making the necessary assumptions
  3. Identification of the main hypotheses that explain the relationship between model parameters.

Variables are specific data that form the basis of the model, they are divided into exogenous and endogenous. That is, internal and external. Assumptions make it possible to simplify a number of processes occurring in the model and thus simplify the model itself and speed up the process of its creation.

Nowadays, two types of economic models are most common - equilibrium and optimized. Optimized ones are mainly used in marketing research, market research. In such models, various marginal indicators most often appear, such as marginal income, marginal utility. Often this modeling method is called marginal analysis.

Equilibrium models are used to study the relationship between various objects of the economy. The main assumption in such models is that any modeled system is in equilibrium and factors that can bring it out of equilibrium are not taken into account. Typically, the construction of economic models of this type is used to study different markets and the interaction of companies operating in the same market.

It is equilibrium models that are most applicable to private entrepreneurs and investors, since with their help they can obtain valuable information about the market in which they operate and the prospects for its development.

In addition to these varieties of models, they are also divided into positive and normative. In positive models, the main purpose of construction is to find the causes and consequences of an event or economic phenomenon. At the same time, these phenomena are not evaluated.

Normative models, on the contrary, allow assessing a phenomenon or event, but do not allow establishing the causes and consequences of this phenomenon. Both types of modeling are interconnected and are used simultaneously for the most accurate modeling of economic processes.

Do you use economic models in your activities?

Andrey Malakhov, professional investor, financial consultant

Classic situation: The customer gives input data and expects us to evaluate the project. Often sends a document proudly called "Technical task". Sometimes, however, this is really the Terms of Reference. Only in most cases, even an adequate input document in no way guarantees an adequate assessment from a potential contractor.

Why can't the contractor give an accurate assessment of the project if there is a full Terms of Reference?

If every specific firm with a specific CFO or CIO were not unique regardless of the field of activity, and any, except for the already generally accepted, operations were not done as convenient for the authorities / as it happened historically - then yes, TK would be enough. But every time, after reading the documentation, our specialists start asking questions, it turns out the sea of ​​nuances that you can’t fix in a day. And this is if we have a project planned for any one contour. What if there are several?

Can object - give an assessment right away, you are experienced, you have seen everything. All right. Only if the specialist evaluates immediately, he will lay down all conceivable risks, remember all the most problematic of his clients and projects, and throw another 20 percent on top, so as not to work for free, and not to fight in the end with the Customer, knocking out additional money from him. financing.

Hence the need for a survey is born, which is rarely free of charge, and sometimes costs 10-15% of the budget of a future project.

But for greedy 1C nicknames, this is not enough! After the survey, at best, they give an estimate of the future project with a delta of 30-50%. Why? Have you found out, studied, what else is needed?

Indeed, at the survey stage, specialists in the interviewing mode find out what is happening with the Customer, how the work is being done now, what are the wishes for the future system, what they like, what they don’t.

But the result of the survey is the information collected in the report. There are no guarantees that the management needs exactly what the key users want, and even what the management itself verbally told the specialist. Very often, business customers want to see how the work of their departments in the new system will look like. How current operations will be reflected, some of which may still be done manually. And often the vision of business customers is very different from the implementation of such functions in a typical version of the system. And no examination will be able to give an unambiguous answer - whether the visions of the future Customer and the Contractor coincide, or after the first demonstration of the modified system, it will have to be redone by 50%, because. “It’s not like that with you, and in general I didn’t want it.” And this risk will certainly be included in the project assessment, again greatly increasing it. However, after the examination, it is usually possible to determine the upper bar after the survey, although the numbers very often frighten Customers, up to the refusal to continue work, despite the fact that this is a theoretical maximum - it is often perceived as a final assessment.

How to be? It is necessary to make sure that the vision of the future system by the Customer and the Contractor coincides before the start of the main work on the project. The customer must see the future system, understand how his processes will be reflected in it, and the project team must find out in advance which processes will "fall" on the standard functionality, and which systems need to be finalized (or vice versa - which processes the Customer is ready to adapt to the standard functionality ).

One of the options for achieving these goals is the stage of modeling - a process-by-process comparison of all business processes of the Customer with their reflection in the system intended for implementation and demonstration of end-to-end examples. As a result, a document is usually formed called “Functional coverage map”, containing in tabular form a register of processes and all identified inconsistencies with reality and implementation in the system, as well as a brief description of future improvements, a detailed description of which will be, in fact, the Terms of Reference.

I always insist on doing simulations, because for adequate money, both parties will end up with the same vision of the future project.

In general, this stage is primarily needed for:

Minimizing the risks of the parties

Obtaining the most adequate assessment and the formation of a common vision of the result of the future project among all its participants.

Based on the results of the simulation, the Contractor and the Customer:

They finally understand what will be the difficulties in working with these specific people on the other hand

They get the final score, which is very likely to be less than the one given by the results of the survey.

And although the cost of this stage can sometimes reach up to 30% of the budget of the entire project, the benefit from its implementation primarily for the Customer, as practice has shown, is very significant both financially and functionally.

Recently, other things being equal, I do not sell the examination stage as a separate one - I immediately offer a simulation with the examination included in it. The output forms of this stage (functional coverage map) are much more informative both for the Customer and for any contractor.

We are often forgotten to ask why we love business processes so much and what tasks we solve with the help of process management. In this pilot article of our blog, we will look at how, using one model of one business process, you can solve several practical problems from the life of a business of any size.

Organizational structure

For example, let's create, if not a federal bank, then at least a sales department of a new company for the planned sale of N units of a product per month. The department needs employees and a leader. How many and what kind of employees and bosses do you need to sell such a volume of products? It is not yet clear, we will have to sketch a model. Before the advent of the BP Simulator BPM service, this had to be done on beach sand, on walls and other available platforms.

This is already enough for manual or automatic generation:

  • Regulations on the subdivision "Sales Department"
  • Recruitment plan (9 positions)
  • Employee job descriptions:
    • Department head
    • Personal manager
    • Sales Manager
    • Back office specialist
And if you create a model of the organizational structure and a model of competencies, then you can immediately form and:
  • Jobs for staff search (4 roles)
  • Training plan (9 employees for 4 roles)

Formation of business requirements for software implementation

We have prepared resources, you need to think about a tool - software. A project manager from the IT department will be happy if, instead of a series of conflicting interviews, you give him a more detailed model of the future business process. So here it is, we added inputs / outputs and resources to perform functions:

In the requirements, you can describe in more detail the sequence of functions, for example, "Attracting customers":

  1. Import customer list
  2. Prioritizing the list of clients to call
  3. Automatic dialing of the customer's number
  4. Fixing the contact result
Based on such requirements, it is possible to evaluate the possibility of implementing the software.

Operating expenses

We have decided on capital expenditures for software licenses, but what about operating ones? It is necessary to conduct a cost analysis of the share of costs on the cost of the product. We will supplement our model with the cost of resources (or we will connect the organizational model created earlier with data from the payroll software).

So simple? Now yes, but earlier, to conduct such an analysis, it was necessary to involve operations officers, product specialists, technologists, financiers and personnel officers. If during the process of creating the cost driver the process itself changed, then the whole calculation had to be started from the beginning.

Execution schedule

It would seem that it could be easier to form a business process regulation to give the task to an aunt in a downy scarf (methodologist), explain, pray and wait a few months until the birth of the regulation appears in the throes. Maybe, if you remember that both the model and the regulations are different forms of the same entity. We take our model and with a finger or cursor from top to bottom:

We get:

On a daily basis, upon receipt of the document “List of clients to call”, the Personal Manager performs the function “Attracting clients” in accordance with the regulatory document “Instructions for calling” using the CRM software tool. As a result of the function execution, the “Call Result” document must be completed. The standard time for the execution of the "Customer Acquisition" function is 00:30:00.
If, as a result of the execution of the "Attract customers" function, the event "Client accepted the offer" occurred ... etc.

Everything, the current and complete regulations, understandable for both the performer and the controller, is ready, carry it for signature.

Conducting experiments

Experiments in combat conditions are very expensive. How to find out how the process will behave if the working day is made shorter on Friday, the chief specialist unexpectedly goes on maternity leave on Wednesday, and how much florists can physically sell on March 8? To do this, we need to place the model of our process in a simulation environment that is as close as possible to the real one.

In addition to the business process model, you will need a model of the external environment, but it is simply necessary to know how often the process instance is launched and the events that affect its execution. For example, during the day, a call center receives an incoming call every 5 minutes on average.

The simulator will run tasks into the business process model as many and for as long as necessary. And when you're done, you'll have the simulation results you need to make a decision, as if the process actually ran for the right amount of time.

Unlike the static model, the simulation results show that employees do not work more than 8 hours, their tasks are transferred and waiting for their turn to be completed or for available resources, bringing the calculated performance data closer to the actual ones.


All of the examples of the application of the model described above are real, often applicable and available. In addition, with the help of the BP model, less trivial tasks are also easily solved: drawing up a risk map, analyzing quality control loops and sources of defects for lean manufacturing. Having a model of just one process for the formation of the listed results saves a lot of man-hours, in case of a change in the process, it is just as easy, by making changes to the model, the results are updated. We are too lazy to waste time on routine, which is why we love processes and, we hope, you will love it too.

Subscribe to our blog here and you might find out:

  • How to correctly identify business processes so that the boundaries of the project do not increase
  • What to do if the simulated process has time to change by the time the simulation ends
  • Process reverse engineering is easy and legal, model hunting and more.
In the meantime, we are waiting for you on our

What is 3D modeling is the process of forming virtual models, which allows to demonstrate the size, shape, appearance of an object and its other characteristics with maximum accuracy. At its core, this is the creation of three-dimensional images and graphics using computer programs. Modern computer graphics make it possible to implement very realistic models, in addition, the creation of 3D objects takes less time than their implementation. 3D technologies allow you to present the model from all angles and eliminate the shortcomings identified in the process of its creation.


Visualization of objects using computer programs allows you to better imagine the future project in reality. Such models make a deep impression, and provide an opportunity to achieve amazing results. Modeling using 3D technologies is an excellent solution for many industrial, construction, jewelry enterprises, and especially design studios and the entertainment industry. 3D modeling, visualization and animation of objects occupy the main place in the implementation of many business projects.


Modeling is a combination of different sets of points with geometric shapes and lines to create models. There are two types of it:

- voxel, used mainly in medicine as scanners or tomographs;

- polygonal, universal and used in many areas, with the help of it models are created for any purpose.

When choosing the technological component of 3D modeling, it is worth focusing on the available software. The variety and characteristic features of computer programs deserve special attention. Properly selected software functionality will help to accurately complete any project. For example, in 3D max modeling it's hard to unwrap and texture an object correctly, but you can easily find the tools to do it in another program.

Projects with a high level of complexity are divided into visualization and modeling, so for this work you need to have a certain amount of skills and knowledge.


To date, various 3D modeling software. Their list is constantly updated, because the companies that create this software want to cover the largest possible audience of consumers, so with the advent of new needs for the specifics of the program, they create new applications. Among them there are both paid and free software for 3D modeling. The leaders of the first category are 3Dmax, Maya, AutoCad, Cinema 4D, Compass 3D, Rhinoceros, and the second one should include Blender 3D Modeling, Wings3D and Google SketchUp. Let's take a closer look at each of these products:

3D max is the most popular program, it is professional and has full functionality. Used to create cartoon montage, animation and 3D graphics. Has a number of tools for creating models of varying complexity. With its help, you can get any virtual object up to the smallest detail and subsequently apply animation to it. There are paid and free student versions of the program.

Maya is professional software used by filmmakers and game developers. It has a variety of resources for obtaining high-quality and realistic 3D models.

AutoCad is built for impressive 2D and 3D modeling and is available in 18 languages. There is a well-designed and understandable interface even for a beginner. In it, you can recreate the model using 2D tools, and later supplement it in three-dimensional functionality. You can also model individual objects and entire complexes, as well as create textures for games.

Cinema 4D is a versatile program designed for 3D modeling and animation. It has different functionality and has a simple interface, besides it has a Russian language, which undoubtedly makes it very popular among Russian-speaking consumers.

Compass 3D - 3D modeling software. It has a mathematical core and is great for the implementation of engineering projects. The program can not only build a model, but also perform calculations and analysis for its further production. Has support for the Russian language.

Rhinoceros - used for 3D modeling in architecture, ship design, design for jewelry organizations and the automotive industry, as well as multimedia. It gained its popularity due to its rich functionality and the ability to import and export files of various formats.

Blender - 3D modeling software, rendering, animation, editing and post-processing. In addition to having functionality, it will be able to support other plugins that help increase its capabilities. Has a file for beginners 3D modeling training.

Wings3D is the easiest 3D modeling software to work with simple models. The minimal and accessible interface greatly facilitates the work of beginners. In addition, with the help of open source, the program can be modified.

Google SketchUp - allows you to create and edit various versions of models. With the power of this program, you can add new elements and textures to them. It has a wide range of tools for creating objects of varying complexity.

A business model is the logical framework needed to organically build a business. tells why you should study business models and how to build your own based on the company's business plan.

The concept of a business model

The business model of a company is a logical and schematic explanation of how a business is built. Its purpose is to identify key points and indicators that will be successful in this activity.

From the user's point of view, the best company is the one with the lowest prices, the highest quality product, the best customer service, and the ideal location. And for a businessman, the main factor is payback, profit, profitability.

When building a business model, it is necessary to bring all these criteria together and achieve the best result for both sides of the process.

In a documented form, the process of building a business model includes working with initial data and final plans and tasks. Between them, it is necessary to build a logical bridge based on internal and external business processes.

In addition, we must remember that it is impossible to develop and implement a business model in an enterprise once. When external conditions change, a change in the model itself is inevitable. Work on this direction requires time and effort, but it will certainly bear fruit. If you do not have enough resources to develop an effective business model, we advise you to outsource a number of routine tasks - and you will be able not only to build the necessary strategy, but also pay attention to the full development of the business.

Business Model Structure

The business model of a company is a process that allows you to cover all its links and structures and focus on those areas that require the most attention. Careful study of the model can significantly increase the efficiency of further work.

At the heart of any business model are three main concepts that make up its structure:

    Benefit, benefit, end result of labor;

    Price. These are the pricing policy, terms and methods of payment;

    Profit and identification of the method of receipt of funds. This is where the basics of marketing come in.

A competent business model ensures high profitability and explains all the schemes of team management, helps to create the foundations of management planning, describes the structure of the company and the business processes taking place in it.

Types of business models

Business modeling is now successfully developing. When building a company's own strategy, it is not necessary to start from scratch - you can use ready-made solutions by applying them to specific initial conditions:

    Strategic analysis. For example, there are ready-made business models for enterprises such as SWOT analysis, PEST analysis, BCG Matrix, McKinsey;

    strategy model. For example, examples of ready-made business models can be Porter's competitive strategy, the Shell model, the Hofer-Shandel model;

    Examples of business models in narrow segments can be quality management systems, finance, personnel, commodity flows, etc.;

    reference model. An example would be generic industry standards such as the International Financial Reporting Standard;

    Essential business model. For example, the value chain model, the Zachman Model, the self-learning organization model, and others;

How is a business model different from a business strategy?

The business model of a project or enterprise is often confused with its strategy. There are many similarities between these concepts, but they are not the same.

Enterprise strategy - a long-term plan, goals and ways to achieve them, the line of behavior of the enterprise.

And the business model is designed to describe how the final product is created, delivered to consumers and turned into money, how individual structures and parts of the enterprise are interconnected with each other, how they combine and interact.

Thus, the process of creating a business model is a logical addition and part of a business strategy.

The role of any business model is to describe how the enterprise operates in order to successfully execute its strategy and answer the main questions:

    Definition of the end user.

    The value of the product from the customer's point of view.

    Way to earn money.

    The economic logic of the project, that is, the mutual relationship of benefits for the client and benefits for the business owner.

In fact, when asked what a company's business model is, one can safely answer that it is a somewhat abstract representation of its business strategy.

If a business strategy can be called a line of behavior of an enterprise, then a business model is its documentation, a private document that combines the desired and the actual.

How to build a business model - step by step instructions

It is convenient to draw up a business model as a constructive part of a business plan. It helps to explain how the enterprise will act in this or that case, what tools and structures it will need for this.

First, we make a structure of the key points of any business and describe them in detail:

    Main partners;

    main activity;

    Key resources;

    The value that is created during the implementation of the project;

    Means and sales channels. Essentially, it is the description in the business model of a draft sales plan or marketing strategy.

    Logical chain of interconnection and relations with consumers;

    Description of consumer segments;

    Justification of the cost structure;

    Description of sources of income.

Consistently answering each of the key points, we will come to building a business model.

In order to identify the essence of a business project and draw up its scheme for phased completion, it is necessary to understand whether or how much the project result meets the following requirements:

  • Performance;

    Compliance with consumer requirements;


    Structural design;

    Status (brand, name);

    Optimal cost;

    Cost reduction factor;

    Reduced acquisition risk;


    Ease of use.

Client side of the business model

It is necessary to identify the segment of the prospective customer:

    mass consumers;

    narrow niche clients;

    age, ethnic, social and other segments;

      lack of communication;

      personal contacts;

      dedicated contact groups;

      customer communities;

      joint participation in the project.

    Then the source of income or what the consumer pays for is determined:

      What is purchased by each consumer group;

      How is the receipt of funds from each flow;

    Expenditure part of the business model

    After you have managed to fill in the cells with the revenue side of the project, you should start developing the expenditure half.

    To do this, we determine what resources should be allocated and what processes should be used to solve the following tasks:

      formation of proposals for a product, service;

      creating sales channels and templates;

      establishing contacts with the client base;

      receiving funds.

    We identify key partners:



      business partners;


    Then the cost of implementing each proposal and the profitability of the entire project as a whole are estimated.

    Usually, after the first version is created, it is announced as a trial, business model mockup. After the test period of the project, the top management of the enterprise returns to the business model, re-examines it, analyzes individual elements, solves problems and finalizes the final version.

    Common types of business models

    Today there are many operating business models. Description and examples of business models of projects are given in the table.

    This list can be continued almost endlessly. The purpose of all the presented business models is to draw the attention of the entrepreneur to the fact that any of the ready-made theoretical developments can be used to draw up your own business model, having previously correlated them with the characteristics of your enterprise.

    How to create a successful business model

    To select and build a business model that will help the company become successful, several criteria must be taken into account:

      It should be drawn up not by narrow specialists, for example, from the IT sector, but by management personnel, leading top managers of the company;

      All methods and models that work in professional fields and in project management should be taken into account;

      When developing a common long-term strategy, you can rely on ready-made solutions, but adapt them to your own conditions, ultimately composing your own development;

      Collect all existing models (management accounting, budgeting, production, marketing, etc.) into one common strategic scheme and clearly identify hierarchical levels indicating their relationship and interaction;

      Identify which modules are missing and which duplicate each other;

      When developing a strategic model, it is better to use the principle of "iterative boiler" - parallel design. A clear sequence in the development of a business model (strategy, process, structure) will significantly slow down the work;

      The open systems method and the component method are mandatory when building a common business model. These tools avoid system conflict;

      Having finished compiling a business model, you should check the compatibility of all its links.

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