
Successful career. Successful career: how to achieve it


A person who has developed in this life is more confident and balanced. In addition, he can solve any problems faster, because he has the capabilities and connections to do this.

Everyone wants to move up the career ladder, but not everyone manages to do this. The site will tell you where to start.

A person who wants to achieve anything in this life must have self-confidence, perseverance, patience, and courage. He must be ready for whatever life brings.

Today, the most favorable conditions have been created for the development of human potential. A successful entrepreneur has good money, a professional doctor is always held in high esteem, and a talented stylist is never deprived of the attention of a client, even if famous people and pop stars are rarely among them.

From a psychological point of view, all people can be divided into three types:

  • Man-machine– does everything in his life automatically. Any of his actions is already programmed in advance, and his whole life is divided into segments where the main value is a successful career and salary. Wherever he expresses himself, at school or at work, he cannot boast of his emotions, and he will not always pay attention to those around him. Having found his soul mate, he will not be able to give her the necessary love, because he will do as he wants and do what is beneficial to him.
  • Impulsive person– the exact opposite of what was described above. His whole life is full of emotions: he knows how to cry, laugh, and react violently to various life circumstances. Today he wants marry abroad, and tomorrow she will fall in love with her own husband again. A successful career is a very difficult test for him, because he lives according to the principle of his soul, not his mind.
  • Man of will– always tries to achieve his goal, no matter what the cost. Emotions play a secondary role for him, while his whole life is ruled by reason.

It should be noted that the people described above very difficult to find in its pure form. Most often people tend to mixed type, but only a person of will can control his behavior and correctly express emotions.

Career. Start.

Know your strengths and weaknesses!

If you ask a psychologist how to start a successful career and what is needed for this, he will immediately answer that any undertaking is impossible without preparation. When choosing a future profession, the site advises you to reconsider all your strengths and weaknesses. Let's look at the characteristic features that may be inherent in a person who wants to make a career.

Human Critic

The characteristic features of this person are caution in actions, thoughtfulness, perseverance and prudence. He knows how to correctly evaluate results, he always has fresh ideas and ways of working.

His only drawback is that he does not know how to captivate people with his work.

Human coordinator

Calm and self-confident, he always knows how to coordinate actions and opinions, while not forgetting to take into account the opinions of other people. Self-control and determination allow you to objectively consider and accept any proposals.

Human performer

A disciplined and hardworking person who always completes the task assigned to him, while respecting the scope and deadlines. The accompanying sense of duty and organizational skills may well allow such a person to make a successful career.

Motivator man

Dynamic, assertive and emotional, he always encourages employees to take action, although he is irritable and intolerant.

Idea generator man

A successful career is a very close reality for this person, because his developed intellect and erudition help him come up with new types of work and ways to solve problems. He is quite capable of making some interesting discovery that will bring a good income.

Its main disadvantage is the ability to fly in the clouds and be inattentive to small details.

The soul of the team

Very sociable, friendly and friendly. Always maintains a favorable environment in the team and also helps strengthen the team spirit.

At critical moments he may show indecisiveness.

Finisher man

His main qualities are organization, diligence, conscientiousness and the desire to achieve the highest in this life. Every job he starts is completed, and minor mistakes and oversights are not allowed.

Among the shortcomings, it is worth noting the inability to give orders to employees and the manifestation of anxiety over minor trifles.

Human resource explorer

Curious and active, he knows how to communicate with people and help them solve problems. He is constantly in search of what will help him make a successful career, and even when, as a person, he has already developed well in this life.

I want and I can: compromise!

Usually, not every person can get a job that meets his requirements and needs, so very often you have to resort to a compromise. What should you do then?

To ensure a successful career becomes the key to your future, try in every possible way show your abilities, even if you have been working in another specialty for several years. To achieve your goal, start plan your career at all stages. This example will show you how to do this:

Let's say you want to become a bank director. In this case, nothing is impossible, just start moving up the career ladder, even if it takes you several years of your life. To begin with, you can become a courier, because for this you do not need to have a special education. By delivering various documentation, you can easily show off your abilities. Show everyone that you can work even in such a specialty as if you were a business representative of a large company.

What is mobbing and how to avoid becoming a victim at work >>
Once you receive your education, you will be able to advance further in your career. Just be confident in yourself and firmly move towards your goal.

Good afternoon, business blog readers. I am sure that you have already read the first and second parts of my short series of articles, in which the main topic is advice from billionaires. These tips, recommendations and views on the modern world truly provide irreplaceable information and excellent knowledge for both a young specialist and an already established person. Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, JK Rowling, Mark Zuckerberg and many others - these are the people who are role models, and whose thoughts you can, I would even say, need to listen to.

Today is the third and final article in this series. I will say right away that the names of many of the billionaires whose thoughts I will voice are not so widely known to society, but this does not mean at all that their life experience and advice are less weighty. To be honest, the position of some of them became a real discovery for me; their views on the world and what was happening were able to bring a lot of clarity to my understanding of business, finance and life in general. I am sure that everyone reading this article will draw amazing conclusions for themselves, which today can radically change the vector of your development, directing it in the right direction of success and prosperity.

Article on the topic:

Ross Perot: plan for decades

Ross Perot is a successful American businessman. In 1984, he sold his company for $2.4 billion. Since then, Perot has been investing; he has a lot of different businesses and non-profit projects. Perot also writes books on motivation, business and economics, thereby passing on his knowledge to millions of readers.
In 2006, he spoke to students at Southern Methodist University. In his speech, Ross Perot said: “Your generation has much more time to plan for its future. Be prepared for the fact that you will work at 80 and 90 years old. But before this future comes, you must travel, discover the world, get to know other peoples and nationalities. Organize a little adventure for yourself, this is how you can discover your true passions and desires. I am sure that then you will be rewarded for all your efforts.”
But the most important thought that made you think was that you have to plan your life. Of course, it’s not realistic to calculate everything before the day, because there are situations that simply cannot be simulated in advance, but you should have a clear understanding of what you want, where you’re going and why all this is needed. Have a small life plan in which there must be points of support - where you want to study, what to do, where to live, what kind of family to have, what countries to visit, etc.

Ted Turner: Work hard, but don't forget about advertising

Ted Turner is the founder of the world famous CNN channel. Now 74 years old, Ted has accomplished a lot in his life. The charity he is involved in deserves special attention. In 1997, he made a $1 billion donation to the UN. Incredible? This is how it happens. But now I would not like to focus on this. Ted Turner is a very wise man, and when asked how he achieved success, the answer is almost always the same - “Go to bed early, wake up early, work hard and don't forget about advertising.” That's the whole secret. As they say, everything ingenious is simple.
At 74 years old, Turner does not stop working, every day he works on something new, creates projects, and develops an existing business. This desire for life, work and development is the best motivation.

Article on the topic:

Reid Hoffman: Be contradictory, only then will you be right

Reid Hoffman is a venture capitalist, one of the most successful businessmen in the world, and co-founder of the business social network LinkedIn. Hoffman is a very sensitive tactician and a competent investor. He was one of the first to see the prospects in Mark Zuckerberg's creation and invested money in Facebook. If you study Reed’s investment history in more detail, you can find on the list more than a dozen successful, world-famous companies that bring excellent profits.

But today we are interested not so much in the biography of Reed Hoffman, as in part of his speech from a speech to students at the Berkeley School of Information.

“Your thinking must be creative and clear. Where can you find the best opportunity for yourself? Where do you think it’s realistic to change something and start a profitable business? In what area are you better oriented than others? Success in business is that you have to be controversial, but at the same time always be right. The combination of these qualities will bring you incredible success. Obviously, the niche you occupy should be attractive and promising for you, but not at all of interest to competitors. In an environment where everyone says that this area has no prospects and that it is not worth developing, you must prove that you are right and become the best.”

Article on the topic:

These are the instructions Hoffman gave to young people, and they are 100% correct. It often happens that we get carried away by society, start doing what is supposedly profitable, and do not pay attention to other areas of business. This was the case with social networks. But not many people understand that you can make money on Vkontakte and Facebook. The first public pages with the expectation of profit began to appear in 2007-08, but then few people took seriously the possibility of such earnings. Now these communities are the leaders, and those who were skeptics are starting from scratch and are significantly behind. This is just one example, but there are thousands of them. Think with your own head, soberly assess situations, look into the future and be contradictory.

Carl Icahn: Think for yourself

Just two words – “Think for yourself”, and how much meaning is hidden in them. Speaking to students at Drexel University Business School, Carl Icahn gave a wonderful speech:
“When you graduate from university, two options will appear before you - to succumb to other people’s views and thoughts, or to think for yourself and make responsible decisions. You must become a person who thinks with his own head. The whole world, large corporations and businesses, have been waiting for such young specialists. You should be like the leaders of large companies who have their own opinion, their own vision of market development and go against existing stereotypes.
Until the very end, remain open to new ideas, innovative proposals and promising opportunities. If you have a plan, then strictly follow it, go towards your goal. Don’t worry, because this is exactly the approach that is valued in business.”

Article on the topic:

Steve Case: The people around you are very important

Steve Case is a successful businessman and founder of AOL. His speech to the graduates of George Mason University was very exciting, but there was one part that I liked the most:
“Whatever you do, whatever type of business you develop, success depends on the ability to find a common language with people. There is an opinion that the person with whom you do business is much more important than the business itself. Those who surround you every day, be it a girlfriend, friends, colleagues, business partners, can significantly change the vector of your development and influence your overall success. When choosing a place to work, pay attention not to the brand or history, but above all to who you will work with, who will influence your life every day."

Jeri Young: Shocks shouldn't knock you down

Jeri Young is the founder of Yahoo! and he certainly knows that there is no need to succumb to difficulties. While reading his speech to graduates of the University of Hawaii, he noted that Yahoo! was created during a very difficult period. In the early 90s, there were economic turmoil, the world was changing, and views on business and life in general were changing. It was during this period that young Jerry and his friend from university created Yahoo!
Young himself notes that periods of crisis, and periods of all kinds of economic turmoil, can become a springboard for young entrepreneurs. After all, large corporations during this period do not think about new beginnings; their main goal is to retain customers and not lose profits. This balance of power gives you the opportunity to start something interesting, without having much competition and unnecessary attention.

Article on the topic:

From the author: Knowledge is power

So I finished a series of three articles, where I cited the best thoughts that were spoken to students of the best universities in the world. These thoughts are not from ordinary people, but from those who have achieved success, built world-famous companies, and made an undeniable contribution to the development of business, the economy, and the world as a whole. Reading their speeches will not be enough; you need to analyze the words, and most importantly, learn and apply them in practice. I am sure that each of you is capable of achieving success, becoming a truly great businessman, and, perhaps, in ten years, your quotes and wise message addressed to all young entrepreneurs will flaunt on the pages of business forums and magazines.

Career success is assessed along several dimensions: career progression, career positions, career identification, and career adaptability.

ABOUT career development can be judged by the level of objective success and the level of psychological success. Objective success is usually reflected in salary, reputation gained, and position achieved in the organization. For example, the director of a company has obviously achieved greater career success than the head of the purchasing department.

The second criterion for career development is psychological success, which is associated with a person’s self-esteem. Self-esteem is closely related to a person's self-esteem, which determines his worth to himself. Psychological success can accompany objective success, or it can conflict with it.

Objective success, important at the beginning of a career, may later become secondary in a person’s life. This occurs after a person has achieved a certain level of economic stability sufficient to be confident that his needs and the needs of his family members will be met.

Career positions- these are specific individual factors that are associated with a person’s work. Career items include location of work, level of achievement, degree of relationship between work and other aspects of a person's life, etc. etc. Career positions begin to take shape early in a person's life, long before he starts working, and continue to take shape throughout his life.

Individual identification is a unique process by which a person evaluates his place in society. The nature of the work and position in the organization influence the process of identification. career success management staff

Identification with a career is not necessarily related to work. This process can manifest itself in the family, social relationships, or other areas of human life. The importance of identity elements for different people at the same career stage may be different. Some see their calling in the family, others in work, and still others in social activities.

Career adaptability-- this is a person's willingness and ability to change his occupation and/or work environment in order to establish his own standards of career development. The level of career adaptability is very important for managers, specialists, and anyone who strives to move up the career ladder.

Career adaptability is also important for those who are not interested in advancement, but want to maintain their position in the organization.

Karemra(Italian carriera- running, life path, field, from lat. carrus- cart, carriage) - successful advancement in the field of professional, social, scientific and other activities; moving up the career ladder.

The Small Encyclopedic Dictionary 1907 gives this definition career: « Career(a word of French origin) - quick success in the service and other fields.”

IN modern dictionary You can find the following interpretations:


  • · advancement in any field of activity;
  • · achieving popularity, fame, benefits;
  • · designation of occupation, profession (for example, career teachers).

Now instead of the word "Career" The phrase “social elevator” is often used.

In the theory of personnel management career- is the result of a person’s conscious position and behavior in the field of work, associated with job or professional growth.

Career-- a chain of events that makes up a life, a sequence of professional activities and other life roles that together express a person's commitment to act in accordance with his generalized model of self-development. Career- a person builds the trajectory of his movement himself, in accordance with the characteristics of intra- and extra-organizational reality and, most importantly, with his own goals, desires and attitudes.

Analysis of the considered definitions careers allows us to make the following generalizations:

  • · Career closely related to both the individual and social basis of a person;
  • · Career associated with human activities;
  • · Career associated with a person’s social mobility;
  • · In any hierarchy (industrial, social, administrative, etc.) there is career;
  • · Career covers achieving success in a wide range of areas of activity: official, scientific, social and others;
  • · It is important to understand careers both the process and the result of this process;
  • · All definitions of the word contain the concept of success: “successful advancement”, “path to success”

Careerism-- unprincipled (according to some) pursuit of personal success in any type of activity.

Personal career plan-- a personal “navigator” of a person building his career, describing goals (long-, medium-, short-term) and paths to achievement based on personal mission, values ​​and desired lifestyle.

Hello, friends!

It is with great pleasure that I present to your attention an exclusive interview - especially for our project “Career for Your Soul”.

So, Inna Kuznetsova - Chief Commercial Officer, CEVA Logistics, author of a career bestseller "Up! A practical approach to career growth."

I recommend joining book page on Facebook.

— Inna, in your opinion, can everyone make a successful career in life? What does this depend on?

— First of all, it’s worth defining what we mean by a career and how success is defined.

The criteria for a successful career are different for each person. For some, this is growth in the management of an organization; for others, it is an expert-professional ladder.

For the largest group of people, work is simply about earning money so that there is time and opportunity to engage in family, hobbies, or charity.

In the first case, success is determined by the level to which you want to rise; in the second, by peer recognition, publications, and the opportunity to be the best in your field.

If we talk about growth along the management line, then the criteria for a successful career are very subjective: someone sets themselves the task of becoming the CEO of a global company, someone is happy in the position of head of a department.

It would be naive to say that anyone can reach any level in a company. Primarily because one of the requirements for a successful career is that each level requires a lot of competition, time, effort and building relationships with people, often - depending on the organization - in a politically charged climate.

Not everyone can or wants to devote the necessary amount of effort to work, constantly learn new things, take strong positions on unpopular issues, or make decisions in the face of limited data.

Moreover, that industry or area may require relocation.

For example, most global companies maintain headquarters in America or several Western European countries, opening only sales and support branches in the rest. This means that access to more serious decisions - product strategy, financing, mergers and acquisitions - requires a change of residence.

But apparently, for everyone who has chosen this path, there is an optimal level that they can achieve while continuing to enjoy their work.

And with competent career planning, constant professional development, and building a good network of contacts, this level can be maximized in each individual case.

— What are the main components of success in such areas of life as “work and career” (that is, what is needed in order to succeed in a career)? And what, in your observations and experience, usually prevents this?

— First of all, it seems to me that this is the need to understand what kind of work gives you pleasure and professional pride: not who you want to become, but who you want to be.

What makes up a successful career: 3 important components

1. You will quickly get used to the size of your new salary and office, but what you have to do in this place will delight or disappoint you for many years. It’s not easy to understand without trying different directions and going through a few ups and downs, so I guess Natural curiosity and the ability to regularly leave your comfort zone– this is one of the important components.

I know a lot of people who tried to manage others and hated it because the only real satisfaction they got was from writing good code or closing a big deal. Some found the courage to admit this and return to their field, others tried to learn new things, others remained in a hated job because of a higher salary and, ultimately, stopped growing professionally.

2. The second and most important of them is high standard of quality in what you do. This is the main criterion for achieving a successful career. Without outstanding results, you will not be able to move forward. Competition for positions at the next level will only increase as your career progresses. So if you work in a meritocracy rather than a nepotistic and politically charged environment, then results will be one of the first selection criteria.

3. The third, especially important for a career in management, is to learn to work with other people: subordinates, colleagues, managers, investors, customers, partners. Not all of them will be pleasant or on your side.

The ability to pursue your line and policy without destroying the desire to work with you in the future, bring out the best in those around you, provide positive motivation, but at the same time not be afraid to take a tough position are critical. Good leaders know how to build friendly and effective teams, not leave ruins behind when moving to another place, help people in their professional growth and, at the same time, learn from them.

— What important qualities for a successful career and competence would you recommend our readers develop to achieve career heights? How to work on yourself?

— Each person has his own problem areas and factors that impede growth. It would be a mistake to recommend the same thing to people with different initial data and setting themselves different goals. The most productive way to grow is to either work with a mentor, receive regular feedback, and try to strengthen the right areas through reading relevant literature and practice.

Our first promotion, as a rule, is determined primarily by professional results and what is called executive presence - the ability to hold oneself, to command respect from others, to make serious judgments, to listen to others. As you move up, in addition to these qualities, additional requirements appear.

First of all, this is the ability to motivate people and build persistent, result-oriented, viable teams; understand and implement changes in strategy; work with other departments and act in the best interests of the organization as a whole.

Rising to the senior levels of management requires, in addition to all the previous ability to show toughness and not be afraid of unpopular decisions if they are dictated by the interests of shareholders, the ability to take calculated risks and, to a certain extent, be a “troublemaker”, without fear of established authorities, violation of the status quo and search an unusual path.

Without knowing a specific person, it is difficult to say which of this list will cause difficulties for him. The best way to go this route is to find your mentors and mentors, people who, within a more formally structured relationship or from time to time, will tell you what you need to work on.

If you are lucky enough to find yourself in a company that pays attention to professional development, then it probably has a system of regular feedback and access to various resources, be it training or a mentoring program. If not, then you should look for such people yourself, read books or articles on those areas that regularly come up in reviews, be it negativism or emotional intelligence.

It may seem difficult, but a career is a marathon, not a sprint. We have several decades to choose our path, make our share of mistakes and develop the right qualities. The only losers are those who initially refuse the idea of ​​choosing a job that they will love.

Interviewed by: Aliya Belyaeva - career consultant, head of the “Career for Your Soul” project, presenter of online trainings and webinars on the topic of your favorite job and career, author of the free video course “Easy Start! Basics of a successful job search."

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This article is intended to consider the main factors that determine the achievement of success in professional activities. Many people consider a successful life in which they have succeeded as a professional in their field.

It’s great when going to work is associated with the joy of new achievements, and not with the necessary routine.

The world-famous social activist V. Pareto noticed the following pattern: 20% of all workers realize themselves at 80%, and 80% only at 20%. Most people do not use all their talents at all, do not reveal their potential. Getting into the top 20 provides amazing opportunities, because in this case a person effectively uses all his talents. There are certain criteria that significantly increase your chances of promotion.

Subjective criteria

  • Passion for your favorite work, receiving moral and material satisfaction from it.
  • Correct prioritization in the professional sphere.
  • Constant desire to acquire new knowledge and skills.
  • The ability to take risks at the right time.
  • The ability to quickly perceive something new.
  • Showing initiative and being entrepreneurial.
  • Leader qualities.
  • Having your own personal plans and ambitions at work.

Objective factors

  • Constant self-education.
  • Good reputation at work.
  • Emotional stability.
  • Carrying out work conscientiously.
  • Respect for colleagues.
  • Job title.
  • Number of subordinates.
  • Amount of responsibility.
  • The presence of a certain amount of luck.
  • Salary amount.
  • The demand for the profession at present.

Factors hindering career growth

  • Lack of goals.
  • Lack of important acquaintances and contacts.
  • Poor time management.
  • Lack of opportunity to gain knowledge in the field of your profession.
  • Lack of self-confidence.
  • Susceptibility to depression, emotional instability.
  • Wrong choice of profession. Either the profession does not suit the character, or is not in demand.
  • Lack of communication skills.

Life position of people who have achieved success in their careers

People who are successful in their careers are always active, have a creative approach to work, are not afraid of sudden changes in themselves and in their environment, are ready to set goals and methodically achieve them. People who have made a good career love their work; work often comes first for them.

It is important to understand that a successful career does not come from gifts from superiors in the form of high positions, but from constant work on oneself, acquiring new knowledge, and striving to achieve new goals. Besides, hoping that your superiors will notice your zeal is a bad idea. You need to talk openly about your successes.

Belief in one's own strengths and competent management of one's time are good qualities that contribute to advancement in the professional field. In addition, constant self-improvement and the ability to get along with people around you and make new useful acquaintances can play a decisive role in this matter.