
How to give advice in English: useful words and structures. Advice How to say advice in English

Pathologies of the uterus


We have already told you about. Today we invite you to remember a few more sentence structures with which you can easily formulate necessary and valuable advice so that it looks unobtrusive and polite.

We use a modal verb

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There are two modal verbs with which we usually give advice to others - these are " should" And " ought (to)" Both mean the same thing, but when constructing a sentence, pay attention to the fact that should is followed by a verb without ‘to’, and in the case of ought this particle is simply necessary.

  • You shouldn't eat so much. – You shouldn’t eat so much.
  • You should help your parents now when they are old and unhealthy. – you need to help your parents now, when they are old and sick.
  • You ought to think before you speak. – you need to think before you speak.
  • You ought not to care so much for your children – they are teenagers and can do everything themselves. - You shouldn’t take care of your children like that - they are already teenagers and can do everything themselves.

Frame your advice as a question

To make the advice sound less intrusive, give it the form of a question and the interrogative construction ‘ is ideal for this Why don't you...?' or ' How about…?’. But remember that when choosing the first construction, we must use an infinitive without “to” after it, and if the second, it must be followed by a gerund (a verb ending in –ing).

  • Why don’t you make friends with your neighbor girl? I think she is nice and pleasant. – Why don’t you make friends with the girl next door? I think she is sweet and pleasant.
  • How about trying to find some other way to resolve this problem? – how about trying to find another way to solve this problem?

Put yourself in someone else's shoes

If someone asks for your advice, it can sometimes be helpful to mentally put yourself in their shoes. It's also a good way to explain your advice.

  • If I were you, I would take this chance. – If I were you, I would take this chance.

Remember that after would and wouldn’t the infinitive is used without ‘to’.

Make a guess

Making a guess or recommendation is another great way to give advice in a non-intrusive way. You can use the words ‘ suggest' or ' recommend’ combined with the irreplaceable would. Notice that they are followed by a verb ending in -ing.

  • I would (not) suggest drinking more water. – I would (not) advise drinking more water.
  • I would (not) recommend eating green vegetables. – I would (not) recommend eating green vegetables.

Make your advice stronger

Sometimes you need advice to sound convincing and categorical so that the person to whom it is intended understands that it is really important. And for this we need the expression ‘ you had better (not) ...’ which is necessarily followed by an infinitive without ‘to’:

  • You had better consult a doctor before taking this medicine. – It is better to consult your doctor before buying this medicine.
  • You had better not eat so much in the evening. – You shouldn’t eat so much in the evenings.

(Read more about the “you had better” construction

We all need useful advice sometimes. In the English language there are several words and structures that we use to give advice to another person.

In this article we will look at 4 basic constructions and learn how to give advice in English.

The verb should is translated as “should/should”. When we say should, the action does not require mandatory execution. It's more of a recommendation on what to do.

We use it when we give advice to someone or ask for advice.

For example: You should start running in the morning.

To say that someone should do something, we simply put should after the actor. The education scheme will be as follows:

The one in question + should + action

We dance
They should write
She cook

For example:

You should look this word up in a dictionary.
You should look this word up in the dictionary.

They should stay at home today.
They should stay home today.

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The verb must is translated as “must/obliged.” We use Must when we give persistent advice. Especially when we think that this is a great idea and will bring pleasure or benefit to the person you are advising.

For example: You must go to this lecture.

The verb must is independent and does not require auxiliary verbs. Therefore, when we say that someone should do something, the sentence formation scheme will be as follows:

The one in question + must + action

We dance
They must write
She cook

I must get this work finished by next Tuesday.
I must finish this work by next Tuesday.

You must work hard, if you want to succeed.
You have to work hard if you want to succeed.

The verb ought to is translated as “should/must.” The meaning of this verb is very similar to the verb should.

We use it when we say that someone should do something or something should happen because it is morally right or just. This is especially true for situations of relationships between people.

For example: You should meet him and talk.

The verb ought to is independent and therefore does not require auxiliary verbs. As you have already noticed, ought is required in combination with the particle to. When we want to make a statement, the sentence diagram will be as follows:

The one in question + ought to + action

We dance
They ought to write
She cook

You ought to call her.
You should call her.

He ought to set an example for the others.
He should become an example for others.

The expression had better is translated as “better.” It is also similar in meaning to should, and we can often replace them in a sentence. Most often we use had better when we talk about a specific situation.

Should: You should switch off your computer before leaving.
You should turn off your computer before leaving.

Had better: You had better switch off your computer, it overheated.
You better turn off your computer, it's overheating.

We use had better in the following situations:

1. When we give advice to someone, that is, we say that they should act in some way or should do something

For example: You better call her later.

2. When we threaten someone or warn that there will be trouble if the person does not do something

For example: You better come home on time.

To construct a sentence, you just need to put the required action (in the initial form) after the expression had better.

The formation scheme for an affirmative sentence will be as follows:

The one in question + had better + action

Use this table to write affirmative sentences.

You had better go home now.
You better go home now.

So, we have looked at 5 designs, and now let's practice using them.

Reinforcement task

Translate the following sentences into English. Leave your answers in the comments below the article.

1. She better not be late.
2. She should call him first.
3. You must read this book.
4. You should get more rest.
5. You better book a table.

We ask

    ADVICE- ADVICE, advice (colloquial). m. 1. Instruction, instructions on what to do in a particular case. “Don’t despise anyone’s advice.” Krylov. “I didn’t listen to smart advice.” Krylov. Trusted advice. Timely advice. Contact no. for advice.… … Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    Advice- Advice: Wiktionary has an article “advice” Advice is an instruction, an indication of what to do. Advice for a joint discussion of some kind of ... Wikipedia

    advice- Suggestion, suggestion, recommendation; assembly, synod, diet, veche, duma, committee, commission, bureau. Give advice, take advice. .. Wed… Synonym dictionary

    Advice- Education * Greatness * Genius * Common Sense * Ideal * Manners * Opinion * Morals * Help * Action * Habit * Reputation * Advice * Secret * Talent * Character ... Consolidated encyclopedia of aphorisms

    "Advice"- “ADVICE”, youthful verse. L. (1830). Develops the theme of Pushkin’s “If Life Deceives You” (1825) and, without achieving his laconicism and poeticism. strength, very close to it in verse and verbal form. "Epicurean", optimistic. intonation makes the verse stand out... ... Lermontov Encyclopedia

    advice- 1. Meeting, meeting for joint discussion of something. 2. Name of various collegial bodies: board of directors, brigade council, etc. Topics: accounting... Technical Translator's Guide

    ADVICE- Sumorokov, servant of Trinity Sergius Monastery, St. 1628. A. F. II, 822. Council Samylov, Chuguevian, boyar son. 1648. Yu. Z. A. III, 183. Polyansky Council, Karpov scribe, St. 1678. Add. IX, 270... Biographical Dictionary

    TIP 2- COUNCIL 2, a, m. A representative body of government, one of the forms of political organization of society. Federation Council (upper house of the Russian parliament). Councils of People's Deputies. Supreme Council of the RSFSR (permanently acting... ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    advice- ADVICE, ah, husband. 1. Opinion expressed to someone. about what to do, what to do; instruction, direction. Give a good s. Ask for advice. Follow whose n. advice. 2. Joint discussion of something, a meeting for such a discussion... ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    Advice- Ministers was established in 1861, according to the thoughts of Prince. Gorchakov, for consideration of cases that require not only the Highest approval, but also the personal presence of the Sovereign when discussing them. The establishment of S. ministers was caused by the increased importance of personal... ... Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron

    advice- ADVICE, admonition, edification, instruction, notation, moralizing, hint, teaching, recommendation, instruction, obsolete. racea, obsolete lesson, conversation morality, colloquial sermon ADVISOR, disapproved. pointer, outdated advisor ADVISOR, disapproved... ... Dictionary-thesaurus of synonyms of Russian speech


  • Council of Muftis of Russia. The history of one fitna, R. A. Silantyev, The book of the famous Russian Islamic scholar R. A. Silantyev “The Council of Muftis of Russia. The history of one fitna” is dedicated to one of the most active and scandalous religious organizations in Russia. IN… Category: Islam. General views Series: Publisher: RISI, Buy for 802 RUR
  • Board of Directors. Instructions for use, Alexander Filatov, Quote `In the traditional model of a managed corporation, the board of directors concentrates on setting strategic priorities for management and controls what management achieves... Category: Psychology Publisher: Alpina Publisher, Manufacturer:


1. m. (public authority)

Councils of People's Deputies - Soviets of People's Deputies

Supreme Soviet of the Russian Federation - the Supreme Soviet of the Russian Federation

regional council

district council

city ​​council - city / town Soviet

Council of Workers, Peasants and Red Army Deputies ist.- Soviet of Workers, Peasants and Red Armymen's Deputies

2. m. (administrative or public body)

Council of Ministers

the Security Council

3. m.

(instruction) advice, counsel; ( lawyer) opinion

according to his advice, on his advice

he gave me a piece of good advice - he gave me a piece of good advice

he gave me many pieces of advice

follow smb. advice - follow / take* smb."s advice

take my advice - take my advice

4. m. (meeting)

council of war

family council - domestic / family council

keep advice (with TV) - take* counsel (with)

Russian-English dictionary under the general guidance of prof. A.I. Smirnitsky

Russian-Latin dictionary

Consilium; consulta; commendatio; instructio; praeceptum; suasio; concilium;

Council of Elders - senatus, -us m;

Give advice - consilium afferre; suadere (alicui de aliqua re);

According to smb. advice - consulta alicujus; admonitu istius; aliquo suggerente;

Seek advice from Pythian Apollo / oracle - consulere Apollinem Pythium / oraculum;

Can I ask for advice? - Licet consulere?

Giving bad advice - ab re consulere;

Russian-Belarusian dictionary 1

I husband.(public authority) council, -that husband., glad, -dy wives

Councils of People's Deputies- Councils of people's deputies

The Supreme Council- Vyarkhoiny Savet

Council of the Union ist. - Savet Sayuza

Council of Nationalities- Savet Natsyyanalnastsey

local councils- meat advice

city ​​Council- Garadski advice

district council- rayonny savet

regional council- ablasny savet

The village council- village council

Council of Workers', Peasants' and Soldiers' Deputies ist. - Council of Workers, Salayan and Saldak Deputies

Congress of Soviets ist. - Z"ezd Savetau

All power to the Soviets!- sya ўlada Savetam!

II husband.(meeting) narada, -dy wives

family council- family narada

keep advice- all the time

III (collegial body) savet, -that husband.

Council of Ministers- Savet Minister

Council of People's Commissars ist. - Council of People's Kamisars

Labor and Defense Council ist. - Savet the Pratsy and the Barons

Council for Mutual Economic Assistance ist. - Savet Ekanamichnay Uzaemadapamigi

Scientific Council of the Institute- vuchony savet Institute

military council- vaenna savet

pedagogical council- pedagogical advice

IV husband.(indication) of the parade, -dy wives

glad, -dy wives

ask someone for advice- zvyarnuzza and whoever for the parade

on doctor's advice- pa paradze ўracha

live in love and advice mouth - life with love and good fortune

May you live happily ever after- any way (any year)

Russian-Modern Greek Dictionary

1. (instruction) ἡ συμβουλή:

\~ doctors ἡ ἱατρική συμβουλή · friendly \~ ἡ φιλική συμβουλή, ἡ φιλική παραίνεση · follow someone. \~am ἀκολουθώ τίς συμβουλές κάποιου·

2. (meeting) συμβούλιο(ν):

military \~ τό πολεμικό συμβούλιο· family \~ τό οίκογενειακό(ν) συμβούλιο(ν)·

3. (administrative or public body) τό συμβούλιο(ν):

Council of Ministers τό ϋπουργικό(ν) συμβούλιο(ν) · World \~ Peace τό Παγκόσμιο(ν) Συμβούλιο(ν) είρήν ης· Security Council SON τό Συμβούλων "Ασφαλείας τοῦ ΟΗΕ·

4. (government body in the USSR) τό Σοβιέτ, τό Συμβούλιο(ν):

Supreme Soviet of the USSR Council of the Union Council of the Nationalities Council of People's Deputies "regional" regional local \~s τά τοπικά Σοβιέτ · urban \~ τό Σοβιέτ τής πόλεως · rural \~ τό Σοβιέτ τοῦ χωριο ῦ· Congress of Soviets τό συνέδριο των Σοβιέτ· ◊ \~ yes4 love μονοιασμένοι κι ἀγαπημένοι.

Russian-Greek Dictionary (Salnova)

I advice Ι m ( instruction ) η συμβουλή; give \~ συμβουλεύω; follow \~ am ακολουθώ τις συμβουλές; ask \~ A ζητώ συμβουλή II advice II m 1) ( government body in the USSR ) το σοβιέτ· Supreme Soviet of the USSR το Ανώτατο Σοβιέτ της Ε.Σ.Σ.Δ.· Council of the Union το Σοβιέτ της Ένωσης; Council of Nationalities το Σοβιέτ των Εθνοτήτων; Councils of People's Deputies τα Σοβιέτ των λαϊκών αντιπροσώπων 2) ( advisory body ) το συμβούλιο; Council of Ministers το υπουργικό συμβούλιο; UN Security Council το Συμβούλιο Ασφαλείας του Ο.Η.Ε.· World Peace Council το Παγκόσμιο Συμβούλιο Ειρήνης

Russian-Kazakh dictionary

ist. m 1 . (meeting ) kenes, alka; - family advice Uy-ishi kenesi; 2 . (organ state power) advice; - ist. Supreme Soviet of the USSR SSRO-now Zhogargy Soviet; 3 . (collegial organ ) advice veterans ardagerler alkasy; - advice elders aksakaldar alkasy; - ist. advice Ministers Minister of the Council; - military advice Askeri advice; - scientist advice institute institutyn gylymi kenesi; 4 . (instruction , indication ) kenes, akyl; - contact someone for advice bireumen kenesu, bireuden akyl surau; - give good advice I'll take it, tour akyl aitu

Russian-Kyrgyz dictionary

(public authority) council;

Councils of Workers' Deputies Emgekchiler Deputy Tarynin Sovetteri;

Supreme Council Jogorku Council;

Council of the Union Union of Soviets;

Council of Nationalities Uluttar Council;

local councils zhergiliktuu soveter;

village council aiyl soveti (aiyldyk council);

city ​​council shaardyk council;

district council district council;

regional council regional council;

Council of Workers, Peasants and Red Army Deputies. Zhumushchu, Dyikan Zhana Kyzyl Army Deputy Tarynyn Soveti;

Congress of Soviets historical Sovetterdine Go;

All power to the Soviets! bardyk billik Sovetterge!

1. (meeting) council, kenesh, akyl;

military council sogushtuk council;

family council uy-bulo kenesh;

keep advice akyldashu, keneshhu;

2. (collegial body) council;

Council of Ministers Minister Council;

Council of People's Commissars historical El Komissarlar Soveti;

Council of Labor and Defense historical Emgek zhana Korgoo Soveti;

Scientific Council of the Institute Institutun Ilimiy Soveti.

(instruction, instruction) kenesh, akyl;

turn to smb. for advice birөөgө kenesh (akyl) surap kairyluu;

give good advice zhakshy kenesh beru;

according to smb. to the council of birөonun akylyna kirip, birөөnүn kenesh boyuncha;

on the advice of doctor doctor kenesh boyuncha;

he asks for advice from al kenesh (akyl) surait.

Large Russian-French dictionary

I m.

(Advice) (public authority in the former USSR) Soviet (-jɛt) m

Supreme Soviet of the USSR - Soviet Suprême de l"U.R.S.S.

Soviets of People's Deputies - Soviets de députés du peuple

City Council - Soviet de ville

village council - Soviet de localité rurale

II m.

(collegial body) conseil m

Security Council - Conseil de Sécurité

scientific council - Conseil scientifique

pedagogical council - Conseil pedagogique

III m.

1) (instruction, instruction) conseil m , avis m

medical advice - medical advice

to follow someone's advice - suivre le conseil de qn

on advice - par le(s) conseil(s), par un avis de

2) (meeting) conseil m

council of war - conseil de guerre

family council - conseil de famille

hold advice - délibérer vi, conférer vi (avec qn)

Russian-Crimean Tatar dictionary (Cyrillic)

1) (instruction) tevsiye, mesleat, nasiat, ogyut, kenesh

give advice - tevsie (mesleat, nasiat, ogyut) bermek

2) (meeting) mushavere, kenesh

3) (organ) shura

village council - kasaba shurasy

Supreme Council - Yukari Shura

Russian-Crimean Tatar dictionary (Latin)

1) (instruction) tevsiye, mesleat, nasiat, ögüt, keñeş

give advice - tevsiye (mesleat, nasiat, ögüt) bermek

2) (meeting) muşavere, keñeş

3) (organ) şura

village council - qasaba şurası

Supreme Council - Yuqarı Şura

Concise Russian-Spanish dictionary


1) (Advice) (government body, soviet) Soviet m

Supreme Soviet of the USSR - Soviet Supremo de la URSS

Council of the Union - Soviet de la Union

Council of Nationalities - Soviet de las Nacionalidades

Congress of Soviets - Congreso de los Soviets

2) (state, administrative, public body) consejo m

Council of Ministers - Consejo de Ministers

Security Council - Consejo de Seguridad

Academic Council of the Institute - claustro de científicos de un instituto

3) (meeting) consejo m

military council - consejo de guerra

family council - consejo de familia

keep advice - celebrar consejo

4) (instruction, instruction) consejo m, asesoramiento m, aviso m

doctor's advice - consulta medica; consejo medicine

on his advice - según su consejo

to follow someone's advice - segúr el consejo de

give advice - dar (un) consejo

advice and love - amor y ventura ( voto a los desposados)

Russian-Chuvash dictionary