
About the profession of a sanitary doctor first-hand. Sanitary doctor What can a sanitary doctor do if


general description

Who is a sanitary doctor?

A specialist who has received a higher medical education in a sanitary and hygienic profile and has the main task of preventing diseases. His duty is to supervise the health of homes, the freshness of sold supplies, the cleanliness of streets, rivers, etc.

Initially, this activity was predominantly administrative and prohibitive in nature and took place within the narrow framework of simple sanitary supervision. For quite a long time it was considered possible to combine sanitary and healing functions in one person. With the gradual development of preventive health care methods, separate groups began to emerge from medical doctors, whose duties were assigned by one or another team or the state as a whole to monitor the environment in order to prevent diseases and carry out appropriate preventive measures. Health practitioners usually no longer work in clinical areas of medicine.

What activities are within the competence of a sanitary doctor?

Currently, the amount of knowledge that a sanitary doctor must have is very large. Firstly, the list of objects subject to sanitary supervision is quite wide: the external environment, socio-economic and living conditions, professional groups. Secondly, the methods and techniques of work used in the sanitary field are varied: sanitary-statistical studies, sanitary-topographic surveys and descriptions, anthropometric studies, bacteriological and hygienic laboratory methods, the ability to understand plans and drawings, etc. In accordance with the tasks they perform, sanitary doctors are divided into groups by specialty: general sanitary doctors, doctors in housing and communal supervision, doctors in food supervision, doctors in industrial supervision, doctors in epidemiology (medical epidemiologists). Within these specialties, more detailed groups are also distinguished: doctors in public catering, doctors in water sanitation, doctors in the planning of settlements, disinfection, etc. The following functions are assigned to sanitary doctors:

Planning, development and implementation of an environmental protection program;

Organizing and implementing an environmental education program for schools and other community groups;

Establishing sanitation and hygiene standards and implementing relevant regulations in areas such as the production and sale of food through public catering establishments, collection and disposal of solid waste, wastewater treatment and disposal, sanitary work, infection control, organization of recreation areas , hospitals and other medical and health institutions, control of noise levels, ventilation, air pollution, radiation, etc.;

Negotiating with government, public and industrial organizations, civil defense enterprises and private organizations in order to formulate and implement environmental protection programs;

Collaborate with other health care personnel regarding the conduct of epidemiological research and surveillance;

Provide advice to citizens and other officials in the development of laws and regulations in the field of environmental protection.

What tests does the sanitary doctor conduct and prescribe?

General sanitary doctors perform tests on sanitary and bacteriological examination of the external environment;

Sanitary doctors for housing and communal supervision carry out sanitary analyzes for hygienic and bacteriological examination of the external environment (air, soil, water, housing, etc.);

Sanitary doctors for food supervision carry out laboratory food analyzes (sanitary and bacteriological studies) of food products - animal and plant raw materials, semi-finished products and food supplies, ready meals); provide appropriate conclusions and expertise;

Sanitary doctors for industrial supervision carry out laboratory studies of the industrial environment (measurement of indicators of meteorological factors, radiant energy, dust, lighting, gas pollution);

Sanitary doctors for epidemiology (epidemiologists) perform laboratory bacteriological analyzes of the external environment.

I am often asked: “Who do you work for?” And then the questioner makes smart eyes and nods. He kind of understands what's what.
Today I’ll tell you about my profession - so that there are fewer questions.. In any case, to make it clearer.

So I - doctor. General hygiene doctor and at the same time a specialist in the department of social and hygienic monitoring.

According to my diploma, I am a preventive specialist - I stand at warning occurrence of disease development. Back in the 19th century, Pirogov formulated the principle: The future belongs to preventive medicine.” Unfortunately, this principle often remains on paper...
But how nice it would be: not to treat, but to engage in prevention. But, apparently, it all comes down to funding. But the income from a healthy worker is not so great, and the whole industry - I mean the pharmaceutical industry - could be shaken. But I don’t think the drug barons need this.

But I'm still on guard. On guard of air, metro and coastal transport. I mainly deal with port facilities. And this explains my frequent appearance there. The essence of checking these objects is to assess the condition of the workplace. In my opinion, further decisions are made - to praise or scold the inspected organization with fines.
Ideally, such checks should be carried out at least twice a year to obtain an objective assessment. But after the adoption of new orders and laws regarding the Service, we cannot do this - we care about the private entrepreneur. All for the sake of businessmen, throw them in the drawbar!..


What is monitoring?! This is monitoring events and factors with a certain frequency. Assessment of the situation in perspective and retrospectively.
We have a monitoring hotline. All unsatisfactory samples related mainly to food objects and the state of water in the city of St. Petersburg are sent through it.

A sanitary doctor is not a full-fledged doctor.
Liars! We are the same masters of iodine and brilliant green as the valiant medical doctors, only we also have specialized knowledge. Yes, we don’t use them that often. But firstly, our profession is somewhat different, and secondly, do you use all the skills acquired at school and university? Sure?!

In 2005, fundamental changes took place in the structure of the SES. We not only began to be called differently. There was a bifurcation of the former SES - into territorial management and territorial department on the one hand - big bosses and: the center of hygiene and epidemiology for the city and all districts on the other hand - semi-commercial structures involved in carrying out and analyzing all kinds of measurements.
In my opinion, nothing good came of this “reform” - there was great confusion and a decline in the prestige of the sanitary doctor.

This is my opinion and it may not coincide with the official one.
But it has a right to exist

A sanitary doctor (hygienist) is a specialist responsible for the sanitary and epidemiological health of the country's population.

A sanitary doctor is involved in disease prevention, he creates optimal conditions for the human environment, and is responsible for reducing harmful environmental, occupational and other negative factors affecting the life of society; In addition, it maintains constant sanitary surveillance.

The first is a program of detailed inspection and assessment of enterprises and organizations in the country in terms of their compliance with sanitary and hygienic legislation. The doctor checks medical and health institutions, shops and markets, beaches, railway and river stations, trains, ships and so on. Collects fines for violation of sanitary and hygienic standards.

The second is monitoring compliance with sanitary standards during the planning and construction of cities, plants and factories, and agricultural enterprises. This includes monitoring compliance with standards for the allocation of sanitary protection zones when choosing land for development, monitoring wastewater treatment plants, air and water quality in megacities and industrial centers, and background radiation.

Third, control over the sale of food and consumer goods in terms of shelf life, quality and health safety. This includes monitoring the recipes of dishes in cafes, restaurants and canteens, the composition of materials for the manufacture of toys and clothing for children, the shelf life of drugs in the pharmacy chain, and the organization of meals in schools and kindergartens.

Also, the profession of a sanitary doctor includes issuing licenses to medical organizations and certificates of conformity for products sold to the population, and organizing anti-epidemic measures.

The doctor’s task is to prevent disease and protect the environment.

Narrow specializations

  • General health doctors dealing with general issues of prevention and surveillance (ecology, water, air, soil).
  • Sanitary doctors specializing in housing and communal services.
  • food control.
  • Sanitary doctors performing industrial supervision.
  • Sanitary doctors working in children's institutions.
  • Military health doctors responsible for the sanitary and hygienic condition of the army and navy.

The sanitary doctor does not treat patients, but works closely with doctors of all specialties: therapists, pediatricians, surgeons, traumatologists, dentists, as he monitors compliance with aseptic and antiseptic standards in the treatment of patients.

Places of work

The position of a sanitary doctor is available in medical organizations of any profile, Rospotrebnadzor, sanitary and epidemiological laboratories, food enterprises, SES, sanatoriums, and health centers.

History of the profession

The prerequisites for identifying hygiene as an independent science appeared at the end of the 18th century, but only 100 years later did empirical ideas about the environment and its impact on humans begin to be confirmed by scientific data. E. Parke (1854) published the first manual on environmental hygiene, M. Pettenkofer opened the first hygienic institute, and outlined a number of major sanitary and hygienic tasks.

Sanitary supervision in Russia dates back to the 13th century, when a network of water supply and sewerage systems appeared. In the 16th century, Domostroy was published - a set of household hygiene rules, and a hundred years later they began to monitor bakeries and the sale of products. The Petrine era finally consolidated the rules of sanitary and hygienic behavior in society.

At the beginning of the twentieth century, hygiene began to introduce hygienic rules into everyday life through special legislation, special supervision and health education of the population. Standards are being developed and introduced in all sectors of the national economy, with a special place given to the sanitary hygiene of medical institutions and military sanitation.

The main focus is disease prevention and environmental protection. Sanitation takes care of the workplace of every working person in terms of optimal working conditions for health. Even at the design stage of any facility, strict sanitary and hygienic standards of heat, light, and humidity are laid down. Food control is carried out at the state level.

Max von Pettenkofer is the founder of Europe's first Institute of Hygiene in Munich.

Responsibilities of a sanitary doctor

The main responsibilities of a sanitary doctor are as follows:

  • Supervision of compliance with sanitary legislation.
  • Monitoring the protection of consumer rights in terms of hygiene standards.
  • Sanitary access control at the border, inspection and registration of imported goods.
  • Inspection of enterprises for compliance with sanitary standards (working conditions, condition of workers, operation of canteens, if any, sanitary and epidemiological regime). Conducting laboratory tests and examinations, if necessary.
  • Supervision of the work of children's and health institutions.

Also, the functions of a sanitary doctor include issuing sanitary records and preparing medical documentation based on the results of inspections.

Requirements for a sanitary doctor

Basic requirements for a sanitary doctor include:

  • Higher medical education, valid accreditation certificate for medical and preventive care.
  • Knowledge of sanitary standards.
  • Confident use of a PC.
  • Availability of a medical record.

The specialist independently organizes and conducts inspections.

How to become a sanitary doctor

To become a sanitary doctor, you must:

  1. Graduate from a university or medical school with a degree in General Medicine, Pediatrics, or Preventive Medicine.
  2. Receive an accreditation sheet. To do this, you need to pass an exam and successfully pass an interview with an expert commission.
  3. After this, you can work with patients on an outpatient basis (for example, a therapist or pediatrician).
  4. To obtain a narrow specialization, you can enroll in a residency (2 years of study) in the specialty “Sanitation, Hygiene, Epidemiology.” Paid is easier, because The competition is small and for admission you only need 50 certification points. For free You can get into residency in two ways: through a competition on a general basis or through a targeted referral from the chief physician of a medical organization in which the specialist is already working.

Every year, doctors are required to score 50 certification points. To do this, you can take advanced training courses (36 points), attend scientific and practical conferences (the number of points depends on the event, but usually about 10 points), publish scientific papers, write books, defend dissertations. If you have collected enough points, you can continue working. If the points are not scored, then you will have to either stop practicing medicine or solve this problem in “non-standard” ways.

The experience, skill and quality of the doctor’s work are usually assessed qualification categories, which can be obtained by defending a research paper. During the defense, the commission evaluates the doctor’s skills in the field of diagnosis, treatment, prevention, as well as the relevance of his knowledge.

What are the qualification categories:

  • second – over 3 years of experience;
  • first – more than 7 years of experience;
  • Higher - more than 10 years of experience.

The qualification category allows you to occupy high positions in medical institutions, gives the right to a salary increase, gives status in the professional environment and high trust from patients. Even more respect can be achieved by speaking at conferences, symposiums and writing scientific articles and papers.

A doctor has the right not to qualify, but this will hinder his career and professional growth.

Salary of a sanitary doctor

The general income range is as follows: sanitary doctors earn from 7,500 to 120,000 rubles per month. Sanitary doctors are in demand in the Novosibirsk, Moscow and Leningrad regions. We found the minimum salary in Nizhny Novgorod in one of the hygiene centers - 7,500 rubles per month, the maximum - in Moscow, at the Russian State University of Physical Education, Sports and Tourism - 120,000 rubles per month.

The average salary of a sanitary doctor is 30,500 rubles per month.

The need for medical and preventive specialists is determined by the need to implement primary prevention in connection with the adverse effects of technogenic environmental pollution on public health and the prevention of infectious and non-infectious diseases.

Unlike the activities of an attending physician who treats one patient, the work of a sanitary doctor is aimed at creating a healthy living environment for the population and reducing the harmful effects on society as a whole.

A sanitary doctor must have such professional and human qualities as erudition, integrity, honesty, perseverance, and statesmanship. A young man who chooses to become a sanitary doctor must be prepared for constant hard work and be able to defend his position in working with those who neglect to comply with sanitary norms and rules and deliberately violate sanitary legislation.

In the work of a sanitary doctor, two areas are clearly distinguished: preventive and current sanitary supervision. Preventive sanitary supervision is a check of compliance with hygienic standards and sanitary rules during the planning and development of urban and rural settlements when placing civil, industrial and agricultural facilities and establishing their sanitary protection zones, selecting land plots for construction, as well as during design, construction, reconstruction , technical re-equipment of industrial, transport facilities, buildings and structures for cultural and domestic purposes, residential buildings, engineering infrastructure and other facilities. When planning and developing urban and rural settlements, favorable conditions for the life and health of the population must be created.

The tasks of preventive sanitary supervision also include control over all industrial products newly introduced into production, the quality of which may affect public health, for example, control over the formulation of new food products, food dyes, products for children, mechanical engineering products, polymeric and synthetic materials, etc. d.

Current sanitary supervision is the conduct of comprehensive planned and targeted hygienic, sanitary and microbiological examinations of existing enterprises and organizations in terms of their compliance with sanitary standards and rules.

Current sanitary supervision includes:

a) study of sanitary and hygienic working conditions and hygienic assessment of the production environment at the facilities;

b) systematic study of morbidity and injury rates of various categories of the population;

c) hygienic study and monitoring of the state of the air, water bodies and soil;

The variety of tasks of sanitary supervision can be grouped as follows:

  • hygienic supervision of the environment;
  • sanitary supervision of working conditions;
  • hygienic control over the radiation situation;
  • hygienic control over the safety and rationality of food for the population;
  • sanitary supervision of the conditions for the development and upbringing of children and adolescents;
  • organization and implementation of anti-epidemiological measures.

In sanitary supervision, various methods of hygienic research are used.

Methods by which the hygienic state of environmental factors is studied. Methods that allow you to assess the body's response to the influence of environmental factors.

Over the course of six years of training, future sanitary doctors study in depth all sections of hygiene: food hygiene, hygiene of children and adolescents, municipal hygiene, military, radiation hygiene, social and hygienic monitoring. Graduates of the medical and preventive department have the right to work in medical and preventive institutions, at enterprises in various industries as sanitary doctors or epidemiologists. Therefore, the Medical and Preventive Department trains specialists necessary to work in modern conditions.

Profession - doctor epidemiologist

In recent decades, epidemiology, from the science that studies the epidemic process of infectious diseases, through epidemiological studies, has expanded its boundaries to the study of any mass diseases.

Epidemiological approaches integrate a fairly wide range of scientific areas in the study of the demographic situation, infectious and non-infectious diseases, and the influence of the environment on public health.

In practical healthcare, cause-and-effect relationships between morbidity and risk factors are determined, making it possible to evaluate the medical and organizational technologies used, predict the situation and search for new areas of prevention and treatment.

Monitoring the state of morbidity of the population in combination with the influence of the population’s habitat is an urgent problem for Rospotrebnadzor specialists.

The modern development of epidemiology as a science and its practical application allows us to open new areas of its application.

Epidemiologists are called upon to deal with these issues.

The task of the epidemiologist is to provide the functions of organizing preventive and anti-epidemic measures.

A wide range of problems in the fight against HIV-AIDS, hospital-acquired infections, early detection of infectious patients, elimination of outbreaks of infectious diseases, and organization of vaccination determine the demand for the profession of epidemiologist in modern conditions.

Epidemiology, the industry most closely related to clinical areas, graduates of schools and medical colleges, choosing this area of ​​activity, choose an interesting profession.

Sanitary doctor

1. Small medical encyclopedia. - M.: Medical encyclopedia. 1991-96 2. First aid. - M.: Great Russian Encyclopedia. 1994 3. Encyclopedic Dictionary of Medical Terms. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. - 1982-1984.

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