
How to become a real sorceress right now. How to become real fairies of water, fire and all the forces of nature in real life at home. Real sorceresses, who are they?


1. If the sun appears behind the clouds, the sorceress says “SO"! The smallest success or share of success should be thanked and encouraged SO. SO for a sorceress it is an accelerator and catalyst.

2. The sorceress ignores and lets complaints, problems, and bad news pass by. The sorceress has no time for this! If someone tries to overload the sorceress with his whining, she simply says “ Get out, idiot"! And turns his attention to something more constructive.

3. If a sorceress really wants something, she immediately imagines emotions which she will feel when she gets what she wants. She mentally immerses herself in that future where the desire has already been fulfilled, and catches all the sounds, all the colors, all the thoughts and sensations in this state.

4. The sorceress lets go of fears, fears are for losers! The sorceress is lucky!

5. The sorceress knows that she'll be lucky if she was unlucky, it means she was lucky in something else (for example, she missed the bus, was late for work, but met a friend on the next bus, and the boss also came later).

6. If 2 or 3 unpleasant moments happened in the morning, the Sorceress does not generalize and predict “well, it’s a bad day!” Vice versa, now it will definitely be immensely lucky, because Some of the troubles have already passed, and see the previous paragraph.

7. The sorceress smiles at everyone around her!

8. Enchantress knows that she will succeed. She simply believes in her World, and that all options are ready for her. All she has to do is choose, and she makes the choice by formulating desires and performing rituals.

9. The sorceress formulates clearly, without doubt.

10. The sorceress is not shy about other people, tightness is for losers! She smiles at everyone while performing the ritual, she laughs, and she doesn’t care what skeptics and hypocrites think about her!

11. The sorceress does not blame anyone for anything. It is not her fault, and no one is to blame. If something happened, it means it will lead to something. And everything always leads to good things, because the sorceress is lucky :).

12 . The sorceress has a lot of talents! She writes poetry, draws, sings, dances, and it doesn’t matter what happens, the main talent is a fascinating process! The sorceress does not seek praise and evaluation from experts, she just creating when she's in the mood for it!

13. Where an ordinary person simply walks or sits, the sorceress casts a spell! An ordinary person thinks the same caring or empty thoughts every day, but a sorceress... mentally creates his own world. He gives flowers to people he sees, grows bouquets of dandelions on the heads of harmful (only at first glance) bores, and also does many stupid things, raising his mood and energy.

14. Sorceresses communicate with witches, exchange positivity, rituals, successful and funny stories, and arrange joint walks and trips into nature.

15. Sorceresses are limitless... can become anyone! They can make a great discovery! They can find sincere and true love! Why not YES? Why not me? And who said it’s impossible?!

16. Sorceresses love what they do, and do what they love.

17. For a sorceress, her studies do not end at 17 or 20 years old, the sorceress always learns! She learns from life examples, she explores new areas or improves in one chosen one. Enchantress never stops on what has been achieved in knowledge and skills.

18. The sorceress never stops there. The life of a sorceress is movement and growth. While ordinary people go with the flow, complaining about oncoming stones, the sorceress directs the flow of her life where she needs it.

19. The sorceress does not try to copy someone else's success, because someone else succeeded, she chooses her own path, your own goals.

20. In a boring company or environment, the sorceress does not become depressed or sad, but instead lights up and turns everything around into a cheerful booth!

21. Enchantress NOT postponing for tomorrow or next year, she is not lazy to do a little magic today!

22. Sorceresses know how to take risks and try something new, unknown, because it’s so interesting! And if you don’t try anything risky, you’ll turn into a turtle.

23. Accidents are not accidental. Any accident is natural.

24. Difficulties for a sorceress - hardening, an interesting task, a challenge. Sorceresses never give up, they look for open doors and windows in any walls, and if there is a fence, then ways to climb over it!

25. The sorceress has an awareness of her values ​​and priorities. She does not chase fashion or what everyone has, but chooses exactly what she needs.

26. The sorceress lives in harmony, does not focus on money or awards, titles or labels. For a sorceress, money is a means of fulfilling specific desires, and not an end in itself. The list of achievements is not the main thing, the main thing is happiness from what you love, from pleasant moments, from a wealth of emotions.

27. The sorceress is always kind to other people, helps with pleasure, without demanding anything in return.

28. The sorceress does not judge or condemn other people and their actions. She knows that everyone has their own past, their own experience, their own goals, their own ways. “Not like me” does NOT mean “wrong” for a sorceress.

29. The sorceress has a Treasure Map. At least in my head.

30. The sorceress loves change, is able to live in different conditions, and change her habits. The sorceress does not cling to her things or to people, she simply rejoices at those who are nearby.

31. The sorceress loves her body. She moves, takes care of her figure, and takes care of her lifestyle.

32. The sorceress does NOT seek solace and pleasure in gluttony, smoking, alcohol, etc. She already knows how to have fun and be happy.

33. Enchantress boldly refuses to those who try to pin their stereotypes on her. He also does the same with all sorts of prejudices and negative examples. He loves the number 13, and when a black cat crosses the road - makes a wish!

34. The sorceress does not limit herself to too “practical and realistic” plans, she always orders and gets more than what ordinary people might believe.

35. The sorceress does not make excuses, does not dwell on the past, and does not remain sad for too long. The past for her is a lesson and a passed stage, All attention is on the present and the future.

36. The sorceress knows how to distract herself from everything and focus on something important right now.

37. The sorceress plays different roles in life, plays on different stages (at work, in the family, with friends, alone with herself). She always knows that she is mistress these roles, not a slave.

38. The sorceress loves to find new, original solutions, effective methods, she likes to invent her own paths more than to stomp along the beaten path.

39. The sorceress is interested in creativity and beauty, loves listening to music, watching interesting movies, going to theaters or exhibitions. In creativity, the sorceress finds energy and expands her worldview.

40. A sorceress is a man of thought and action. And not just thoughts or just deeds.

41. The sorceress finds her charm in any weather, rejoices in the golden autumn leaves, the stormy powerful wind, the sparkling snow, and the hot sun. The sorceress lives in harmony with nature and knows how to find beauty in everything that happens around her.

42. The sorceress knows how to look at everything with humor, and at herself with self-irony. She is generally a cheerful young lady, loves jokes, tells jokes, makes fun of her friends, and is never offended by jokes directed at herself!

The world of magic is beautiful and amazing. And we can join it, because each of us is born with certain magical skills. You just need to be able to “wake them up.” Let's try to figure out how to become a sorceress for real.

There are different ways to transform into a sorceress.

Method 1

Before you begin a magical ritual, choose what kind of sorceress or fairy you want to become. Each of them is responsible only for a certain force: water, fire, earth, air, animal world, plants, love, etc.

Now write your wish on an ordinary piece of paper. Don't forget to indicate what kind of sorceress you want to become. Drink a glass of clean water. Ideally, it should be spring water, but ordinary purified water will do just fine. After this, throw the leaf out the window so that it flies as far as possible. It is necessary to carry out the ritual before going to bed. Immediately after this, go to bed and fall asleep. And when you wake up in the morning, you will already be a fairy.

Method 2

For the next ritual you will need a bowl of water, a mirror, a candle and a piece of paper. It will be nice if the bowl is clay and the water is spring water. You will also need not plain paper, but colored paper. Its color should symbolize the power that the sorceress patronizes. If it is fire - red, sun - yellow, water element - blue.

Cut out a sorceress symbol (flame, sun, droplet, etc.) from colored paper. And now we carefully burned its edges with a candle. Work carefully as fire may cause a fire. Now put a piece of paper in the water and reflect it in the mirror. Then look into it yourself and repeat “I am a sorceress” three times. The next day, try to predict the weather. If the prediction comes true, it means you are a fairy.

Method 3

If the first two methods did not bring results, do not despair, but try this method. Ask your mom for an empty bottle of perfume or eau de toilette. It is possible that you already have a suitable one in your treasury. Take it and start preparing the magic potion. Pour into it exactly three pinches of sugar and salt, as well as some spice: a cinnamon stick, cloves, orange peel. You should like the aroma of the ingredients. If you have essential oil, you can add it, but only 1-2 drops. This will strengthen the drug.

Now put our magic mixture on the windowsill and wait exactly 2 weeks. Now every day before going to bed, spray yourself with magical perfume and mentally imagine how you become a real sorceress. It won't be long before your wish comes true.

And if your brother or friend wants to become a wizard, then information for him is located in the article.

With the publication of the book about Harry Potter and the subsequent appearance of the film of the same name, the theme of magic has become almost a cult among the younger generation. A lot of adventures and secrets, a constant confrontation between good and evil with the invariable victory in the end of the first... All this is not only fascinating, but even encourages you to think about whether it is possible to become a wizard in real life and how?

7. Final stage

The next stage on the path to developing your magical abilities is the ability to hear and listen to everything that happens around you. Pay attention to any signs - a phrase you suddenly hear, an excerpt from a song, someone screaming, even simple night silence can tell you the answer to a particular question or the action that is best to take. Then you will be able to endlessly surprise your friends with your superpowers and create real good miracles.

Remember that magic is in your own hands, you just need to put in a little effort and patience so that you yourself can experience these abilities.

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Wizards are people who practice magic and have knowledge in this field. Whether you want to dress up as a wizard or just want to dress in a magical and magical style, there are plenty of options for you. Dressing in long flowing robes and capes, you will look like a real magician. You can also wear magical accessories, such as a long belt or hat. If you wish, you can do your hair and makeup to look older and wiser, like a real wizard.


Part 1

Selecting clothes for wizards

    Try on a long, flowing robe. Mages and wizards often stand out thanks to their long, flowing robes. You can buy a robe at a costume store or find something suitable at home. You can also try sewing your own robe if you can sew by hand or with a sewing machine.

    • Sewing a wizard's robe is quite simple. Fold a square piece of fabric in half to form a triangle; cut one of the corners so that the resulting hole matches the size of your head. In the remaining edges of the triangle, you can cut out the sleeves and sew them. Sleeves should be made loose.
    • If you are purchasing a robe or decide to wear a bathrobe, look for clothing that has magical colors or patterns. Darker colors, such as shades of blue or purple, work well. You can also look for clothes with patterns of stars or other celestial bodies.
  1. Decorate your robe if necessary. If your mantle is not yet decorated, try spicing it up a little with some details yourself. If you, say, buy an old robe at a thrift store, you may have to decorate it yourself.

    • You can cut stars out of cardboard or felt, or you can buy star-shaped decorative items at your local craft store.
    • Use craft glue to glue the stars to the mantle. If the stars are made of fabric or felt, you can sew them to clothing without any problems.
  2. Complete the look with a cape. Most wizards wear capes along with their robes. The cape is very easy to make yourself at home. You can also buy a cape at your local fancy dress store.

    • Ideally, you want a floor-length cape that is gathered in voluminous pleats at the shoulders. Such capes can be bought at a fancy dress store, and if there are none nearby, you can always look for them in online stores.
    • The color of the cape should also be magical. Shades of dark blue and purple are always associated with the attire of magicians and wizards. You should also choose a cape that is decorated with a pattern of stars or other celestial bodies to make it look magical.
    • Just as with the mantle, you can always decorate the cape with decorative felt elements in the form of stars and other celestial bodies.
  3. Choose shoes that a real wizard would choose. The shoes of magicians and wizards may be different, but they should look impressive. Excellent magical shoes would be boots in black or other dark colors. You can even look for wooden shoes, since such old-fashioned things seem magical and magical to us.

    • You can go to your local shoe store and look through all the models, paying special attention to shoes with a more magical look.
    • You can also always buy shoes in the online store. In this case, be careful, since the size of the shoes also depends on the model: before ordering a pair of shoes, check the size chart.

    Part 2

    Selecting accessories for wizards
    1. Wear a long belt. Everyone knows that magicians and wizards wear long, loose belts. Look for a belt that is knitted or made from leather or plastic covered with fabric. The belt should be tied around the waist, not on the hips, to slightly fit the robe.

      • Most department stores and clothing stores sell long, loose belts that are tied around the waist. Choose a belt color that complements the color of your wizard's robe.
      • You can also buy a belt in the online store. If you really want to enhance the magical feel of your look, you can buy a “real” wizard belt from an online fancy dress store.
    2. Don't skimp on the wizard's hat. Wizards wear tall, pointed hats. You are unlikely to find a hat like this in most regular hat shops and department stores. Luckily, you can always find a pointed hat at any fancy dress store.

      • If there is no such store nearby, order yourself a wizard's hat from an online store.
      • Look for a casual cut, with a pointed crown and wide brim.
      • If the hat you find isn't decorated the way you want, glue or sew decorative stars onto it.
      • Choose a hat that is the same color as your cape robes.
    3. You can also choose a mask for your costume. If you're dressing up as a wizard for a costume party, a mask can complement the look. Mostly magicians are associated with wise older people. A mask of an elderly man or woman can be found in almost any online masquerade costume store. This will really help complete the wizard look.

      • However, not all magicians are old. If you want to dress up as a young wizard or witch, forget about the mask.
    4. Buy or make a magic wand. All magicians have magic wands. Almost all fancy dress stores sell “magic” wands at a reasonable price. You can also find such a wand in a toy store, especially if they sell products from franchises like Harry Potter. If you don’t find a suitable stick in the store, you can always make it yourself.

    5. Try adding a staff to your look. Many wizards and magicians, together with (or instead of) wands, also carry magic staves. If you want to secure a magical image, try taking a large branch or stick with you.

      • You can buy a magic staff in an online store of masquerade costumes.
      • You can also find a large thick branch on the street. Make sure the branch is free of insects and dirt before you bring it home.

Every woman dreams of becoming a sorceress. After all, you just wave your magic wand and cast a magic spell and all your problems are solved. And then you can start helping others. But seriously, a wish can become a reality. The main thing is to know exactly how from a simple woman to become a real sorceress.

Real sorceresses, who they are.

Have you ever wondered why there are very few real sorceresses? And all because not everyone can master this science. To do this, you need to be patient, open your soul, clear your thoughts. In order for magic to become real, you need to know and be able to do a lot.

If you are not afraid of difficulties, then first you need to prepare your attributes. They are different. Each of them has its own talisman, patron element, and methods of magic. But there are things that everyone needs, without which there can be no witchcraft.

Magic attributes.

A magic crystal is considered to be any precious or semi-precious mineral that matches your zodiac sign. He should always be with you. Its magical power will not only protect you from evil spells, but also enhance your magic.

There can be no sorceress without a magic wand. Therefore, its production must be taken as seriously as possible. You have to make the stick yourself. To do this, you need to go to a forest or park, wander there, listening to your inner voice. The tree that you like the most is the one suitable for making a stick.

Approach him and politely ask for a twig. Then hit the branch you like sharply. If this is your tree, the branch will break off easily.
At home, clear the branch of twigs and bark and clean it well. The field of this stick must be allowed to dry, this will take 3 to 5 days.

To fill it with magical power, you need to drill a hole at the tip and put a magic symbol in it that corresponds to your element. If you are an Air sorceress, then put a feather. If the element of Fire is closer to you, then add a coal. The Water Sorceress should place fish scales in the hole. But those who have chosen the Earth as their patron need to place a beautiful pebble. Then cover the hole with salt dough, and cover the stick with lavender or myrtle oil.
And now it can be charged with magic. Take a white scarf, put a wand on it, light a candle and on the full moon, exactly at midnight, read the magic spell: “Become a guide, help and protect.” The candle should be extinguished and buried in the ground at dawn.

A mirror is also necessary for a sorceress; it will provide indispensable assistance in witchcraft. In it you can see the past and the future, reflect the negative.
You will store magic potions, roots, and herbs in colorful jars and pots.
Any witch must have enchanted amulets that will protect and protect the owner.

The most important artifact of magic is the book of spells. You must find all the spells yourself. And if it works, then write it down in ink in the prepared notebook. Keep this book from prying eyes; no one but you should look into it. Otherwise, all the magic may be lost.