
What does a teenager look like at 15 years old? Difficulties in raising teenagers. Video: how to make a motorcycle from neocube

Pathologies of the uterus

Raising a child is a very difficult task for any parent. And it becomes even more difficult as you grow older. And when your children turn 15, an incredible headache awaits you, because this is a very difficult age. Unfortunately, in most cases, the child approaches this moment completely unprepared, because parents do not know what to tell their children about adolescence, and often children do not want to listen to their parents. However, you should definitely highlight the most important things regarding this age and try to convey them to your children in every possible way to make their life easier. Here's what you definitely need to tell your kids.

"I will never be your best friend"

“I will never be your best friend, because I am already so much more. “I am your constant assistant, I am your support group, I love you more than anything in the world from the moment you were born - and this will never change under any circumstances, no matter what you say or do.”

“Think for yourself, that’s what you have a brain for”

"As a parent, I can help you, influence you, support you in making difficult decisions. But it is much more important that you know how to think for yourself, use your own brain, make decisions on your own, because I will not always be there, and You'll have to do everything yourself someday."

“There will always be problems - stay focused”

“Always concentrate not on the person, but on the problem, even if you know that it was this person who caused the problem. This way you can solve the problem more effectively, forgetting about feelings and emotions. Any problem in this case loses part of its complexity and becomes more solvable."

"It's not the end of the world"

"It takes a lot of courage to admit your mistakes and take responsibility when you've done something wrong. That's what adults do, although some people never grow up and always continue to blame someone else." . Don't be that kind of person."

"Remember what you're good at"

“Success has its own meaning for everyone. So don’t rely on anyone else - create your own success, taking into account what you are actually good at. Choose an area in which you are already good - and continue to improve in it so that reach unprecedented heights."

"You are unique"

"It's hard to imagine, but you are truly unique, there is no one else like you. There are billions of people in the world, but there is no one like you. You are not me or anyone else. So don't try to be me or anyone else a person - just be yourself. This is your life, and it’s up to you how exactly you live it.”

"Let your voice be heard"

“The power of the word can do a lot - hurt, heal, lift the spirit or trample into the dirt. Simply put, you need to make your voice heard, but at the same time correctly, for good purposes, and not in order to harm someone. something bad. Say what needs to be said, but be polite."

"Sex and relationships - there is a difference"

“You may not think this is something worth talking to me about, but in fact, I am your best person to talk to on this issue. And the most important thing you need to know is that sex and relationships are different things. Sex "is only a physical act, while a relationship is a union of souls."

"Social media"

“If you want your life to remain under your control, do not go too deep into social networks. You should not post personal photographs and other similar things, because on a social network even friends may not be who they say they are, and you You can ruin your life yourself."

"Overwhelmed by Emotions"

“We may not be able to establish a close relationship, given your age, but at the same time, I still remember being that age myself - and imagining what it means. It’s a whole explosion of emotions that overwhelm you, and sometimes you "You can't control it. Therefore, learn to restrain yourself so that you don't regret the consequences later."

"Respect can be your best ally"

“You may not realize it at this age, but you have incredible potential, and if you evaluate yourself sensibly and be able to value yourself for who you are, then you will make life easier for yourself. But also do not forget that you need to respect and those around you."

“Study is not so boring”

"Don't think that you can only learn through boring classes at school. Learning can be a lot more fun if it's done right."

"Show me the money"

"Having your own money is very important. At your age, you can already begin to feel your way to the future and gain financial independence."

“Do you really need all this?”

"Love life"

“And most importantly, always love life, no matter what happens in it.”

Specifics: normal communication within the family has been practically reduced to nothing. Almost any attempts by my parents, stepfather, or mine to reach him do not bring any results. All methods of influence were tried: long, calm conversations, which he still reduced to a scandal. and loud aggressive swearing, and communication with all teachers in order to find out the problem. At the moment, he is completely deprived of monetary allowance and any entertainment; at home, all he does is correspond with social networks.

The main points, in my opinion:
- A complete lack of desire to make contact with loved ones, in a private conversation with me the following phrase sounded: “If they (parents) go to another city, leave me here (in the apartment) and just send me money, I will be happy, I will I can’t see anymore, I won’t be bored.”, and also: “I can’t wait until I turn 18, I’ll leave home. I’ll at least be homeless. Anything, just not to live here with them, I just can’t do it all anymore see!"
- Lack of attraction to the opposite. not even to your own sex.
- Demonstrative denial of the opinion of any person who disagrees with it.
- A strange story he made up for the school psychologist about that. that he is supposedly adopted, etc.
- A struggle of several contradictions at once: he wants to live beautifully and richly, but he deliberately and regularly bites the “feeding hand” and declares that he does not need his parents’ help. At the same time, he does not strive to achieve anything on his own, has every chance of not being admitted to the 10th grade, and does not have any serious interests or hobbies other than the Internet.
- Periodic, casual mentions of suicide.
- I watched my brother after several very strong scandals, which he inflated from a simple conversation, infuriating his mother, stepfather or father. Returning to his room after a strong scolding, he always looks very happy and satisfied, that’s how I could describe a person. who just had a delicious lunch. A very strange observation, in my opinion.

Actually, I would like to understand whether this is just a difficult transitional age or something more serious? After all, at the age of 16, the transitional age is already ending (?). The child is moving more and more away from the family and I don’t see any hope for improvement.
Should I take him to a psychologist?

I’m just worried about the family, about the mother, who is so desperate to cope with him that she is almost ready to forcefully send him to a military boarding school so that he can be “broken” there, as if nothing helps. So at least try a radical way.

This is my first time writing to you and I will respond to comments.

After ten years, every child begins a new and completely different life. You can’t fool nature: the first changes appear, both in physiology and in other areas. Clinical psychology of children and adolescents shows that every year of life is a new step in development.

From child to teenager

At each stage, new and interesting features await both the child and his parents. Often, the older generation is frightened or alarmed by the child’s behavior, and they do not even understand what should be done or where to turn. Therefore, it will be useful for them to know about age-related changes that occur with every person. And also understand how the psychology of a teenager at 13 years old and 16 years old differs.

Is 12 years old already a teenager or still a child?

Many parents treat their children subjectively and consider them not quite adults, sometimes even despite the fact that they have reached a “respectable” age. But in order to avoid problems, it is worth understanding that a twelve-year-old person already belongs to the category of “teenagers”. And from this age, parents should take their child more seriously, taking into account all the features that a teenager’s psychology has. 12 years is the age when a child begins to undergo the first changes.

From about this moment a person tries to associate himself with the adult contingent. This can occur in the form of copying other people's mannerisms in order to appear older. Boys begin to pay attention to their physical condition. The question of how they look becomes a top priority for them. Girls also begin to pay special attention to their external data. During this period, they can already experiment with cosmetics. Therefore, parents should not be afraid of this and prohibit it. It is best to choose higher quality products for your child with the least amount of “chemicals”.

At the first stage of adolescence, a person develops a certain slowness. Do not be afraid - this is a normal phenomenon, since at this moment the connection between memory and thinking changes. The child understands that the thinking process is integrally connected with the ability to remember the knowledge that was previously acquired. There is a more conscious remembering and comprehension of the material read. During this period, a person begins to listen to what adults say about him. This sensitivity to the opinions of others often leads to the emergence of far-fetched fears.

13 years - teenage dawn

The psychology of a teenager is amazing and unpredictable. 13 years is the age when hormonal changes occur. Therefore, the child’s mood may change noticeably. And if suddenly he became more nimble and sharp, this does not confirm the fact that a “difficult” teenager is growing up in your family. Such changes are a normal psychological factor. The child begins to perceive himself as an adult who has the right to his own opinion and desires. And this is partly correct. After all, he must strive for independence, and after some period, “separation” of himself from his parents. Of course, this is very difficult for parents to come to terms with, and they often make the biggest mistake of trying to suppress any desires of the child. This can lead to disastrous consequences.

The changes that occur in the psychology of a teenager also concern the intimate sphere. 13 years is the age when increased sexual desire is noted, and, oddly enough, this happens more on the part of girls. Of course, boys also begin to be interested in this topic, but their interest peaks a little later. At this age, teenagers are critical of their external appearance. This is due to the fact that there is a desire to be like your idol, who has an ideal figure, excellent hair and the most beautiful eyes.

14 years is the age of awareness of oneself as an individual

At the age of 14, a teenager actively begins to defend his rights. Sometimes parents may get the feeling that their child is doing everything out of spite and in defiance. But this is absolutely not true. At least the teenager does not set a specific goal for himself - to challenge everything. Often he himself is not sure what is really necessary and important to him. But the desire to stand out, to show - “I am different!” - huge. Therefore, misunderstanding arises between parents and children. In order not to aggravate the situation, when a conflict is brewing, it is better to smooth out the sharp moments. It is important to understand that the child is not trying to make you angry or deliberately piss you off - these are characteristics of age.

Communication is important!

Also during this period, the child pays great attention to communication. It is very important for him to be accepted and not rejected. And also have friends with whom you can talk about everything. After all, at this age there are a lot of exciting topics and sensitive questions that you won’t go to your parents with.

The psychology of a teenager at this age, of course, undergoes significant changes. And if parents noticed this transition in time and were able to change tactics in their relationship with the child, then this often minimizes problematic issues. In such a situation, the teenager is in no hurry to run away from home or do something out of the ordinary. He hears his parents and can compromise.

16 years old - the path to adulthood

What is remarkable about developmental psychology? The teenager becomes an adult. At this age, many already experience their first love, and perhaps their first disappointments. For some teenagers, this age means the emergence of sexual relations. But don’t panic: not everyone at sixteen is ready to take this step. However, parents should start conversations about sex so that the child is aware of all the consequences. If dad or mom can’t start a conversation, then you can buy appropriate literature and give it to the child. A teenager must understand that this is a period when he is responsible for all his actions. By the way, in Cuba this age is considered adulthood.

At this age, the psychology of a teenager is more extensive and multifaceted. In addition to physical, sexual, hormonal changes, there are other features - the child begins to pay attention to philosophy. His outlook on life changes noticeably. And those issues that did not bother him before are now coming to the fore. During this period, a person may exaggerate his abilities, as everything looks simpler, more accessible and rosy. This is the psychology of a teenager. 16 years is a huge layer in which there is a lot of faith, desire, and aspirations. A person is at the peak of his emotional development.

Note to parents

Don't be afraid of adolescence. This is an inevitable stage in the life of every person. And if you want to soften this time, try to understand why the child acts this way and not otherwise. The psychology of a teenager may seem strange and unpredictable to you, but this is absolutely not the case. Only you are capable, like no one else, of understanding your child and helping him overcome this period. For him it is perhaps even harder than for you. After all, a teenager is just beginning to understand himself and those around him, and all changes are complex and incomprehensible to him.

I. The importance of this period in a person’s life is explained by the fact that at this time the foundations of the moral and social attitudes of the individual are laid. Why is it a difficult age?
1) Numerous qualitative shifts occur, which are in the nature of a breakdown of the previous ones: characteristics, interests and relationships (this breakdown most often occurs violently, unexpectedly, and fleetingly);
2) changes at this age are accompanied by:
A) subjective difficulties of a teenager (internal experiences, turmoil, physiological difficulties),
b) difficulties for parents and teachers in raising teenagers (stubbornness, rudeness, negativism, irritability, etc.).
II. Psychologists call this age “time 5 NOT”
They do NOT want to learn as much as they can.
They DO NOT want to listen to advice.
They DO NOT clean up after themselves.
DO NOT do housework.
DO NOT arrive on time.
III. Biological factor in adolescent development.
During this period, the following changes occur: endocrine changes, a jump in growth, restructuring of the motor apparatus, an imbalance in the growth of the heart and blood vessels (the heart grows faster than the circulatory system as a whole and this sometimes leads to failures in the cardiovascular system).
- sexual desire is formed,
- sudden changes in states, reactions, mood (imbalance, irritability, agitation, periodic lethargy, apathy, asthenicity - weakness),
- awkwardness, angularity, lack of coordination of movements, fussiness, violent and direct expression of emotions.
IV. The main need of this age is the need to communicate with peers. Communication is knowing yourself through others, searching for yourself, paying attention to your inner life, and self-affirmation of the individual. Since communication prevails, there is a colossal decrease in learning motivation. Teenagers are interested in everything but educational activities. Gender differences in communication:
- boys are less sociable,
- girls are attracted to boys older than themselves.
V. Emotions and feelings of a teenager.
The emotional sphere is of enormous importance in the life of a teenager. The mind fades into the background. Sympathy for people, teachers, academic subjects, and life circumstances develops solely on the wave of emotions, both negative and positive. At this age, they like to “swim” in their own emotions - sadness, loneliness, anger, guilt, euphoria. Teenagers express their emotions extremely violently and directly, and are often extremely unrestrained.
VI. Relationships with adults.
a) “alienation” from adults occurs: there is less intimacy and trust in relationships with parents, they noticeably try not to participate in family affairs;
b) demonstrative behavior: scandals, whims, rudeness towards adults. All this is a hidden demand to recognize their adulthood and rights. The teenager understands that his adulthood is still unsteady, but through demonstrativeness he compensates for this uncertainty.
V) upholding justice. In everyday life, teenagers accuse adults of injustice - adults demand what they themselves do not do. This is due to the fact that at this age moral development takes on a new meaning that goes beyond real life (justice, love, friendship, sincerity). The way out of this situation for parents is not to passively agree with the claims of their children, but to express and reasonably defend their own position.
VII. What to do?
Understand your rights and responsibilities.
Present your control as care.
Don't criticize your teenager in front of others.
Don't be afraid to admit your mistakes.
Explain the reasons for your demands and encourage your child to discuss them.
In some situations, ask for advice (help) as from an equal or elder.
Collaborate with teachers.

Be wise about “breakdowns” in your teenager’s behavior.
The child is “spoiled” in order to experience life and himself anew; “falls apart” - in order to build oneself in a new way.

Children between the ages of 12 and 17 are considered teenagers. Younger adolescence is the period from 12 to 15 years, senior adolescence is from 15 to 17. This is a very important time in a person’s life. The child is actively growing and developing. It is very important for him to ensure proper nutrition, with the consumption of all vital minerals, acids and vitamins.

For full development, teenagers need vitamins.

It should also be taken into account that high school age involves especially great mental and physical stress. Most children attend sports and music sections. They have until late evening to complete homework assignments. In late adolescence, school exams begin. Later – preparation for entering college. During this period, children must drink vitamin complexes that strengthen the body.

At the age of 15 years, the development of the human sexual sphere occurs (see also:). This period lays the foundations for the reproductive function of future men and women. In order for them to have healthy children in due time, they must carefully follow a balanced diet, moderate physical activity and take vitamins and minerals. Our article explains what vitamins to give to an older son or daughter, how to choose the best drug from the many offered, and what foods should be included in the diet.

Difficulties in introducing vitamins into the daily diet

It is necessary to introduce foods of different origins into the diet of a high school student - these are plant foods (greens, vegetables, fruits) and animal foods (meat, fish, eggs, milk). Sometimes this is quite difficult to do.

The grown-up girl pays a lot of attention to her appearance. If she thinks she has gained weight, she goes on a strict diet, does not eat meat or eggs, and does not eat sweets. She believes that boys only like skinny girls. My son also cares about his appearance. He tries to build up muscles and switches to sports nutrition. All these measures deprive children of substances necessary for their health.

Another difficulty is the child’s taste perception of food. Children do not like many dishes; they are wary of new culinary delights. It is very difficult to persuade an almost adult person to eat something healthy.

During this period, it is impossible to force a teenager to eat the right food, and it is difficult to get a healthy product in winter

List of essential vitamins and their effects

These are the substances without which a teenager’s body simply cannot develop normally:

  1. Retinol or vitamin A. It ensures full puberty and physical development of a teenager, participates in bone growth and strengthening the immune system. At the age of 16, puberty dictates the need to take courses of retinol.
  2. The B group of vitamins helps improve the body’s metabolic processes, strengthens the nervous system, and fights stress. After 15 years of school exams begin, the high school student gets overworked, and this group of vitamins will help him a lot.
  3. Vitamin D strengthens the skeletal system, spine, and teeth. It must be introduced into the diet from the age of 13.
  4. Vitamin E is also introduced from the age of 13. It ensures the full development of a high school student and helps the body resist infection.
  5. Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) strengthens the body. This drug improves the development of vascular and connective tissues, promotes better absorption of iron, improves immunity, and heals wounds and cuts.
  6. Vitamin H, together with vitamin A, improves the condition of a teenager’s skin, and this is a common problem for teenage children (more details in the article:).
  7. Vitamin PP and K help establish proper blood circulation.

Vitamin intake rate

Table of vitamin intake per day:

Vitamin content in various foods that a teenager should consume
  • Vitamin A is found in foods such as liver, milk, cottage cheese and other dairy products, yellow and orange fruits and vegetables.
  • Group B is found in meats and vegetables, bread yeast, whole grain cereals and unprocessed cereals.
  • D3 strengthens bones: it is found in dairy products, egg yolks and butter.
  • E is present in vegetable oils (corn, sunflower, olive) and nuts.
  • Phosphorus is found in fish and poultry meat, milk, cheese, cottage cheese - it strengthens bones.
  • Calcium is also found in milk, cheese, and cottage cheese. There is a lot of it in broccoli. Calcium also strengthens bones and muscles.

Indications and contraindications for taking vitamin complexes

Vitamin preparations are often taken prophylactically during the cold season, when there are few soil-grown fruits and vegetables on sale, or during periods of intense physical and mental stress. They are prescribed for certain developmental disorders and problems:

  • slow growth;
  • malnutrition for a number of reasons;
  • after suffering a serious illness requiring recovery;
  • after long-term use of potent drugs (including antibiotics);
  • as already mentioned, in winter and spring due to a lack of natural vitamins;
  • heavy mental or physical stress (sports);
  • loss of appetite due to objective reasons.

If parents decide to buy a vitamin complex on their own and give it to their child, it is necessary to think about the individual intolerance to the components of the complex in a high school student. Oversaturation with a vitamin preparation also does not bode well for a teenager. Often this oversaturation occurs with excessive consumption of retinol and vitamin D.

Supradin Kids is useful for heavy school workloads

You should not self-medicate. Contact your doctor and he will choose the right drug for you. Different doctors have different attitudes towards periodic intake of vitamin complexes. Makarova S.G., who is a member of the Union of Pediatricians of Russia, believes that every child needs to take vitamin complexes.

What vitamin preparations should I take?

Vitamin complexes are designed to ensure that the population receives the substances necessary for the body (vitamins and minerals) in sufficient quantities. Each drug is intended for courses of preventive treatment at a specific age and case.

It is better if the drug is prescribed to you by a doctor. For those who want to choose a complex on their own, we present the intake rate for children and the composition of the most popular complexes.

Period of use of the drugName of the complexAmount of vitaminsNumber of mineralsDose for 1 day
From 5 to 13 yearsSupradin Kids Junior12 9 1 tab. up to 11 years, 2 tablets. after 11 years
From 7 to 14 years oldVitrum Junior13 10 1 tab.
- “ - Pikovit Forte 7+11 - 1 tab.
- “ - Alphabet Schoolboy13 10 1 tab.
From 11 to 17 years oldMulti-tabs Teen11 7 1 tab.
- “ - Sana-Sol for teenagers11 10 1 tab.
From 14 to 18 years oldVitrum Teen13 11 1 tab.
- “ - Alphabet Teen13 10 3 tab.

The effect of various vitamin complexes on the body

Supradin Kids Junior contains choline. This substance has a beneficial effect on brain function. Due to this, the complex is prescribed during periods of high mental stress and stress.

Vitrum Junior contains calcium, magnesium and phosphorus. This complex also helps strengthen the body. It is better to take it under heavy mental stress. It also strengthens the immune system.

The Alphabet vitamin complex is designed specifically for schoolchildren. The series also includes vitamins for older teenagers

Due to the high content of 7+ B vitamins in Pikovit Forte, it helps strengthen the nervous system and relieve stress. This complex is prescribed for nervous exhaustion.

The Alphabet Shkolnik complex also helps strengthen the nervous system during mental overload in children, it strengthens the immune system and increases performance. This complex ensures the mutual compatibility of the vitamins and minerals included in it.

The drug Multi-tabs Teen contains a large amount of iodine. It helps a teenager recover from illness and promotes overall strengthening of the body. During illness, the complex helps awaken the body's defenses.

Sana-Sol contains a lot of vitamin D. This helps strengthen the body during increased stress and poor nutrition.

The Vitrum Teen complex contains a lot of calcium, magnesium and phosphorus. These substances help with the development of bone and muscle tissue. The drug promotes metabolic processes in the body, helps the teenager endure mental and physical overload.

The Alphabet Teenager complex has worked well for overtired teenagers. They drink it during exams and sports competitions. The drug is divided into 3 colored tablets. White contains calcium and vitamin D. Orange contains antioxidants. Cherry contains iron. No dyes, flavors or preservatives are added to the product, which is greatly appreciated by parents who want to give their child only natural ingredients. The components of the drug are selected based on their compatibility with each other.

The nuances of taking vitamins for teenagers

It is best to consult your doctor before taking vitamins.

Parents should remember that special vitamin complexes are produced for adolescence. Dietary supplements that are prescribed to adults are not suitable for even older children.

You can buy vitamin and mineral complexes only in pharmacies. Walk past stalls that may sell low-quality products. Look at the packaging of the drug manufacturer and the expiration date.

Pay special attention to the composition of the complex. A teenager under 17 years of age needs substances such as calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, copper, and iron. It is these substances that will help the development of a high school student and protect him from infections.