
Maternity capital for the funded part of the pension. Does it make sense to use maternity capital for the mother’s future pension? Is it possible to refuse to transfer MSC for the formation of a funded pension?


When will the money be transferred from maternity capital? The norms of Russian legislation in the field of social security of the population contain a comprehensive answer to the question posed - in the seventh article of the Federal Law “On additional measures to support families with children” a list is provided of what funds allocated by the state can be used for.

The established list does not contain all the options for spending funds that are familiar to us in everyday life - They can be used for the following purposes:

  • increasing existing living space, renovation of rooms in disrepair, construction of an extension to a residential building, purchase of new housing (that is, all actions aimed at improving living conditions);
  • payment for child's education;
  • transfer of a sum of money to specialized bodies to increase the funded part of the pension of a person who has the right to use this sum of money;
  • ensuring the receipt of goods and services, necessary for the rehabilitation of a disabled child.

The last point at which you can transfer maternity capital to the seller appeared quite recently - last year, which indicates the continued development of this branch of social legislation.

So, who can you transfer the received funds reserved in a specialized account to?

In one of the possible directions, the addressee is actually indicated in the text of the legal norm - this is bodies of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, geographically located in the region in which the recipient of the funds permanently resides.

To begin the process of transferring funds, an expression of the will of the party is sufficient at the moment when it becomes necessary to select the purpose to which the funds of the maternity capital will be directed.

When money is sent to pay for a child’s education, the addressee becomes a state or commercial entity that provides paid educational services in that part of the capital that will be spent on achieving this goal.

If you choose to improve your living conditions, Maternity capital can be transferred to the account of both an individual and a legal entity- depending on with whom the contract is concluded, after the execution of which the improvement of your existing living conditions will follow.

If you enter into an agreement for the purchase of residential real estate, the other party of which will be a citizen, then the amount of family capital, in accordance with the terms of the concluded agreement, will be transferred to his bank account.

The same scheme will work in the case where the recipient of the transfer is a legal entity (for example, a development company from which the residential space was purchased).

Funds allocated to pay for goods and services necessary for the rehabilitation of a disabled child are also addressed in the same way.

When will maternity capital be transferred after approval from all parties? Will be transferred to the recipient's account only that part of the capital that is required to fulfill the obligation on your part.

How does this happen?

This issue is of no small importance, because the initial procedure for obtaining a certificate confirming a citizen’s right to receive maternity capital requires a considerable amount of effort.

It is worth saying that these processes - the procedure for transferring maternity capital to the seller - are somewhat similar - to carry them out correctly, you will need a number of papers confirming the reality of concluding the relevant agreement.

For this The Pension Fund will need to provide:

  • the certificate itself;
  • documents established by specialized Rules to direct the amount of money in full or in some part to improve housing;
  • agreement, concluded with a kindergarten, school, university (in case of sending funds to pay for the child’s education);
  • other documents that may be required to confirm the conclusion of the agreement.

After receiving the entire necessary list of official documents, the Pension Fund begins an inspection, during which it is determined whether the person who submitted the corresponding package of documents has lost the right to use maternity capital funds.

The duration of this check can be a month from the date of filing the application, which is a very unfavorable moment for one of the parties to the contract, because in order to avoid delays in fulfilling obligations, the family will have to use their own funds.

The time allotted for the payment of maternity capital is strictly limited by legal regulations. In 2017, the Prime Minister of the country signed a Resolution that shortens the time frame for transferring funds, and now maternity capital, which is planned to be used to purchase an apartment, does not take as long to transfer as it used to be. Before this, the total period for receiving compensation was two calendar months:

  • of which, one month is the period for raising a positive issue on the decision, but here it is worth noting the clarification that this period cannot exceed one calendar month, and less is possible;
  • the second month was allotted for transferring funds to the seller or representative of paid services.

Now, starting from March 3, 2017, based on Resolution No. 253, we can say that the total period for receiving maternity capital has been reduced by half a month.

What does this mean? In general Only the period for payment of compensation has been shortened. This means that the period for making a decision on the payment of maternity capital intended for the purchase of housing is the same as before - no more than one calendar month, and the time for transferring funds is reduced to two weeks.

The overall picture for parents is changing, because if we talk about a loan, then in two weeks considerable interest is accrued on the loan amount, so it is important to pay part of the loan amount with maternity capital in the shortest possible time.

For example, you can take out a mortgage loan and use maternity capital as a down payment, or buy an apartment and repay part of the funds with this certificate. Maternity capital can also be used as full or partial payment for a child’s education.

Is it possible to speed up the payment?

The total payment period has been reduced to 10 working days, it will not be possible to shorten it even further; it is important not to extend it, since there are cases when, according to your decision, they do not make a positive decision due to some reasons.

Regardless of which organization parents purchase housing from, It is important to prepare documents for the transaction as quickly as possible. In order to quickly receive payments you need:

  1. Contact PF.
  2. Provide correct payment details.

Reducing the time limit for paying maternity capital is aimed solely at the speed of the purchase and sale transaction.

In order to avoid any problems when completing a transaction, you need to accurately check whether it is possible in a particular case to use MSK as a partial payment. There are options that cannot serve as a good example, for example, if you want to purchase an unfinished house or apartment in a new building that is not yet ready or the object does not meet the PF requirements, then most likely you will be refused payment.

Many banks have their own requirements for MSC or do not accept it at all as loan repayment.

These subtleties must be clarified at the stage of preliminary preparation for the execution of a transaction for the purchase of housing.

The total period for receiving maternity capital as payment is one and a half months, this is the maximum period allotted for receiving payment if the decision is positive. In order not to waste time, make sure that your transaction is legal and meets all the requirements of the Pension Fund.

Useful video

What deadlines for transferring maternity capital are relevant, see the video


Maternal family capital is provided to young families wishing to purchase housing or improve their living conditions. But the procedure for paying maternity capital is strictly limited by a decree, according to which, when a transaction is approved, the payment of funds is carried out within no more than 10 days. It is very important for the borrower that the funds arrive on time and as soon as possible.

Federal law provides the opportunity direct family capital to the funded part of the mother’s pension. This option for spending the subsidy is most relevant if you are on long-term parental leave. During these periods, contributions to the funded part are not received from employers, as a result of which the amount of the pension is reduced. With the help of a subsidy, women can correct this situation and provide themselves with a decent income in old age.

Conditions for receiving maternity capital spent on pension formation

After retirement, the subsidy is paid as part of monthly pension payments, the amount of which is calculated in accordance with the current law. Citizens are also given the right to receive money in their savings account, including maternity capital and profit from its investment, on an urgent basis. A woman can set the period during which her pension will be paid, but it should not be less than 10 years. In the event of death, the funds of the funded portion are transferred to inheritance in the manner prescribed by law.

Maternity capital for the funded part of a mother's pension is an excellent way to ensure a high standard of living for a woman in old age. Each certificate holder has the right to use it by transferring funds to a state or private pension insurance body. What lies the legal background of this process and its features is worth considering in more detail.

When can I exercise the right to use maternal capital?

Transferring funds from maternity capital to the funded part of the pension is possible only after the child reaches 3 years of age. In this case, we mean the baby who gave the right to receive a certificate. You can use either part of the funds or their full amount, at the request of the mother.

The option of using maternity capital to accumulate a pension is not very popular, despite this it carries a large number of advantages:

  • increase in monthly pension amounts upon reaching retirement age;
  • the possibility of increasing the amount of maternity capital through investment income;
  • compensation for unpaid period of child care, which is not taken into account when calculating pensions (from 1.5 to 3 years).

You can manage funds by increasing the funded part of pension contributions as soon as the child turns three years old. The mother must contact the nearest PF with the list of documents necessary for registration.

If after a few years the certificate holder changes her mind and wants to use the funds to purchase real estate or for any other purpose established by law, she can write a refusal to transfer the funds to the funded part of the pension. In this case, all funds are returned to the certificate account.

In the Russian Federation, there are two types of pension insurance: state and non-state. The first is a well-known pension fund. The latter can be opened by various licensed institutions. For example, the well-known Sberbank opened its own non-state pension fund.

Despite the choice of a citizen of the Russian Federation, the pension will be based on:

  1. insurance or social contributions;
  2. storage part;
  3. voluntarily contributed funds.

If we cannot influence the first point, since deductions are made in strictly defined percentages, then the value of the second and third depends only on us. When you deposit funds into the funded part at the expense of maternity capital, it will significantly increase the total amount of your pension. Thus, if a woman wants to ensure a comfortable old age, then she should not neglect this method of implementing the certificate.

The funded part of the pension has some disadvantages. Among them we can note the lack of indexing, i.e. a person will not be insured against the depreciation of money in the future. Despite this, there are significant benefits beyond the increase in the pension itself. So, in the event of a woman’s death, her heirs will be able to receive the funded part of her pension.

How to use maternity capital to increase your mother’s pension?

The holder of a maternity capital certificate has the right:

  1. form the funded part of the pension at your own discretion;
  2. choose an organization to transfer funds and their amount.

It is important to understand here that you can benefit from maternity capital only after reaching retirement age, and this requires patience.

Receiving funds after they are transferred to the accounting for the funded part of the pension is possible:

  • for life - the amount is distributed in equal shares over 20 years;
  • urgent - the payment period is reduced to 10 years;
  • lump sum - the amount is paid at a time, taking into account that it will not exceed 5% of the amount of the insurance pension.

You can use the funds by submitting an application to the Pension Fund. Since laws change periodically, it is worth consulting in advance about your rights and options for using the certificate with a PF specialist.

The holder of an MK certificate can apply to any state branch of the Pension Fund with an application for the disposal of funds. In this case, it does not matter whether the appeal will be transferred to the place of actual residence, since this can be done in any city of the Russian Federation. Pension Fund employees do not have the right to refuse to accept documents and applications.

The application for the disposal of funds usually contains the following data:

  • about the certificate and its owner;
  • about the child, after whose birth the right to issue a certificate was obtained;
  • about the legal representative (in case of using a power of attorney);
  • about the chosen direction of use of funds and their amount;
  • about the absence of restrictions on parental rights.

At the end of the application is the date and signature of the certificate holder, which is an official confirmation of the request for the use of funds.

Along with the application, you must provide a package of documents:

  1. MK certificate or its duplicate, issued in case of loss of the original;
  2. copies and originals of documents confirming the identity of the certificate holder (passport, SNILS);
  3. documents of the authorized person (passport, SNILS), in case of using a power of attorney.

The owner of the certificate must not be deprived of parental rights. This is very important, since in this case she is deprived of the legal right to use MK.

You can submit an appeal in three ways:

  1. by visiting the PF in person;
  2. by sending documents by email;
  3. by sending documents by registered mail.

After receiving the documents, PF employees are given one month to make a decision: to satisfy the request or refuse to execute it.

All residents of the Russian Federation have the right to choose between state and non-state PF. Here the key role is played only by desire and individual decision-making. The NPF also makes monthly contributions from wages, just like the state pension fund, and there is the possibility of creating a funded part of the pension. In case of intended use of the MC, the certificate holder is obliged to:

  • apply to the Pension Fund with an application to transfer funds to the Non-State Pension Fund;
  • enter into an agreement with the NPF.

The right to change the fund remains with the citizen. Thus, for any reason you need to change the non-state pension fund to a state fund, all accumulated funds are transferred to its accounts.

Refusal to use MK funds for the funded part of the pension

The owner of the certificate may exercise the right to refuse to transfer funds to the funded part of the pension. The conditions for such refusal are:

  1. choosing a different direction for using funds from maternal capital;
  2. there is no purpose of payments.

Thus, a woman does not lose anything by transferring funds to a funded pension. As soon as there is a need to return them to the certificate account, it is enough to apply to the Pension Fund branch, providing reliable information:

  • personal data of the certificate owner or his authorized representative;
  • choosing a new direction of funds;
  • amount of funds withdrawn.

Within one week, PF employees check the accuracy of the information, the refund amount and the balance of funds. In case of legal approval of the return, the Pension Fund will transfer the money to its accounts no later than 5 days, when using the Non-State Pension Fund - 30 days.

An application for a refund to the certificate account can also be cancelled, but this must be done no later than seven days from the date of contacting the Pension Fund.

How much will your pension increase after using maternity capital?

​Since the transfer of funds from maternity capital towards the funded part of pension contributions is carried out at the request of the certificate holder, it is he who regulates the amount of transfers. So, you can transfer either 400 thousand rubles or 100 thousand rubles. The balance remains in the certificate account; it can be spent on any other purpose established by law.

Thus, the increase in pension will depend only on the amount and period of its use. For example, if the insurance pension is 10 thousand rubles, and 400 thousand rubles were transferred from the maternity capital, taking into account urgent repayment over 10 years, then the amount of the increase will be 40 thousand per year or 3,333 rubles. in one month. The total amount will be a little more than 13 thousand rubles. This increase seems insignificant at first glance, but it is more than enough to pay for utilities, for example.

Do not forget that the amount of a funded pension can be increased through voluntary contributions. So, it can be tens of times more, which guarantees good financial security in old age.

Can a father count on an increase in his pension at the expense of maternal capital?

The official holder of the certificates is a woman, hence the name “maternity capital”. Despite this, the law provides for cases where fathers or adoptive parents receive it. At the same time, they have every right to direct funds from maternity capital to create a funded pension.

The reason for obtaining a certificate by someone other than the mother of the children may be deprivation of parental rights or death. In this case, the right to receive it is transferred to the legal representative of the children. Note that in practice such cases are rare.

Maternity capital is a profitable investment in the mother’s future pension

Considering the above, we can draw a small conclusion. A maternal certificate opens up a good opportunity to ensure a comfortable old age for the mother. Funds can be transferred to a PF chosen personally by the certificate owner. You can legally cancel your choice at any time. The benefits of transferring funds to accumulate a pension are many, while the risks are minimal.

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The state carefully monitors the demographic situation in our country. It is important that the population increases every year. Therefore, a system of material incentives was developed for citizens who give birth to more than one child, in the form. Money can be used in different ways, but not everyone knows that these funds can be used by a mother. use it to form the funded part of your future pension.

Basic information about the maternity capital program

The program is designed to support families. Cash benefits are paid for the birth of a second child in the family. Valid since 2007. It was planned to complete it in 2018, but once again everything was carefully reviewed and decided extend until 2021.

The amount of the certificate is 453,026 rubles - You can receive funds only once and only after the birth of a second or subsequent child in the family.

There are several areas on which maternity capital can be spent:

  1. Investing in mom's pension.

Few people are aware of how to use the funds received to calculate their pension.

Pros and cons of transferring funds to form a pension

The funds can be used to form your future pension, and more specifically, its funded part. But you need to take into account that the received amount is not transferred immediately after the birth of the child, but only after reaching the age of three.

The law provides for the distribution of funds received from maternity capital in different options for calculating pension payments.

There are several advantages of transferring money to your mother's pension:

  • amount of payments in old age much will increase;
  • the amount of maternity capital will increase due to investment income generated from the turnover of funds;
  • Women are not paid insurance contributions during maternity leave, so investing in a pension fully compensates for losses.

The investment is beneficial for the mother, it will help ensure financial independence in old age.

The insurance pension in our state consists of two parts.

  1. Insurance. Calculated based on length of service, points are added.
  2. Cumulative. It is formed from payments based on insurance premiums. Voluntary contributions are welcome to help increase it.

There is an opportunity to do it yourself increase your pension, due to the transfer of “capital” funds to the savings part. There are pros and cons everywhere, just like in this system. The main disadvantage that scares our population away from such actions is non-guaranteed indexation of funds. Money from capital may depreciate over time, leaving the pension at a low level.

But you don't need to think only about the bad. There are many advantages to such an investment:

  • in case of premature death capital owner, all saved funds are transferred to heirs, in this case they are only the father and child;
  • The insurer has the right to manage its own future pension and can select favorable investment conditions.

You should not immediately abandon such investments; you need to think about further actions.

How to get funds from maternity capital when you are retired

Another important advantage is transferring money to your mother’s pension. You can receive money in different ways.

  1. Urgent pension payments.
  2. Funded pension.
  3. Lump sum pension.

The duration of urgent pension payments is determined by the owner of the certificate. The minimum period for such payments is at least ten years. Paid out of the invested “capital”. The calculation includes the funded part of the pension plus income from investing funds.

A funded pension is paid every month for life. The size depends on the owner of the capital; personal pension savings are additionally added. All information can be found on the website of the Pension Fund of our country.

If the amount of the funded pension on the day of appointment is 5% or less in relation to the entire amount of the old-age insurance pension, then it is provided lump sum payment. Often such a payment is accrued to people receiving a pension due to the loss of a breadwinner or disability. Sometimes such a payment is assigned to citizens who are unable to receive an old-age pension due to lack of work experience. Often thirty points are not enough to receive a pension, and such an investment will help compensate for them and solve the problem.

Documents for registration of maternity capital for pension

It is easy to arrange. Basic documents required:

  • statement from the certificate holder, a standard form is issued by employees of the local Pension Fund, issued at the place of registration or residence;
  • insurance certificate for pension insurance to the owner of the certificate;
  • passport;
  • children's birth certificate.

Sometimes, instead of the mother, relatives can handle the registration. Then they need to have the application form certified, preferably by a notary. The guarantor provides a passport and certificate.

Is it possible to withdraw from invested funds for retirement?

Some are afraid to invest funds from the received “capital” towards a future pension, in view of the fact that plans will suddenly change and the funds will be needed for other needs. There is no need to be afraid, the decision of such actions is not final. If something changes in life, funds can be redirected. The main condition is that has not reached retirement age.

To refuse, you will need a statement from the certificate owner. Documents are submitted to the Pension Fund. The review process takes approximately a week. If the request is considered positively, the money will be returned within five to thirty days.

There are cases when the Pension Fund refuses citizens. There are several reasons.

  1. The capital was not used to create a pension.
  2. The application from the certificate owner was granted earlier.
  3. At the time of submitting the application, the amount indicated is more than indicated in the fund.
  4. The person has reached retirement age and is already receiving monthly payments.

In other situations, money is returned quickly, upon request.

Can a father use maternity capital for his pension?

There is a note in the legislation that sometimes a certificate . He can use it on all offers, except for pension formation. The reason is that such an offer for mothers was made due to the fact that when caring for a child of 1.5-3 years, the mother loses her work experience.

In other cases, the father can use the money to improve housing, treatment and rehabilitation of a child with a disability, and further full-time education of the children.

Possible size of future pension

Not all citizens understand how pensions are calculated. This conclusion is drawn from the fact that they enjoy such benefits in our country only 2% of mothers. To roughly imagine what kind of pension a mother expects, let’s look at real-life examples:

Victoria A., born in 1986. In 2014, the second daughter appeared, when she was three years old, she decided to allocate “capital” to her future pension. The amount was 453,000 rubles.

Victoria will retire in 2041. All money will be invested for all twenty-four years. Having considered the proposals of non-state funds, I decided to invest my funds in the Sberbank Pension Fund. The annual return will be 8.4%. It remains to calculate the amount that will be obtained in the future:

(1+8,4%) 24 x 453026 = 3139470 rub.

The amount is not the same for everyone. Depends on mom's wishes:

  • for unlimited payment (20 years): 3139470 / 240 = 13081 rub. per month.;
  • for a fixed-term term, designed for 10 years, will be: 3139470 / 120 = 25162 rubles. per month

The size of state pensions is constantly changing, and it is not known what level it will be in the future. This calculation shows that the savings part for the mother will be approximately the same. In addition to the funded part, insurance payments will go depending on your length of service and other indicators.

How to transfer funds to other funds

The legislation of our state allows you to invest funds received from maternity capital to Non-State Pension Funds. Also, if after some time the certificate owner did not like the fund’s work, it can be changed.

There are a number of rules for replacing a fund

  1. Change fund is allowed no more than once a year.
  2. It is possible to transfer funds to the Pension Fund at any time.

To transfer funds you must do the following:

  • conclude a pension insurance agreement with a selected non-state fund;
  • send a request to transfer to non-state structures to the territorial pension fund;
  • write an application for the disposal of funds from maternity capital to the pension fund, and indicate the direction of expenses there.

If your mother has previously signed a refusal to provide services to the state system, then you only need to contact the territorial authorities of the pension fund and write a statement about how you plan to manage the funds further.

There were cases when mother was denied the opportunity invest in non-state entities. The officials responded that the money belonged to the state and all that was left was to wait until retirement age. The official’s actions were incorrect, or the woman did not understand something in the answer.

Lawyers advise first on your own go to the public services portal and find out whether the funded part of the pension is being formed. If it is noted in your personal account that the pension is still being formed, then you need to find out the following:

  1. where are pension savings currently located?
  2. what is the amount of pension savings already formed?

The problem in this case most likely arose due to the fact that the application for the transfer of capital to another structure was not submitted. First you need to declare your desire to transfer funds to a non-state fund and then notify the Pension Fund.

It is not profitable for the pension fund to lose its clients, so they often do not explain in detail how citizens should act in such situations. The money of citizens in the savings system is, first of all, the money of the people themselves and only they have the right to manage it.

The meaning of investing in your future retirement

There's a lot of debate about whether it's worth planning that far ahead. There are three options for using funds from the received certificate. Lawyers, having worked through all the proposals from the state, note that People with good financial income usually invest in a future pension. For families with average incomes, it is more profitable to invest in housing or children's education. Also, if there are deviations in the child’s health, then it is better to get treatment.

There is still a point in investing in a pension:

  • After retirement, mom is guaranteed a comfortable old age.
  • The deposit can be issued as long-term.
  • This is a sure way to protect your health in old age; older people often do not have enough money for medicines and surgeries.

Therefore, before making a decision, you need to weigh all the pros and cons. The state provided the mother with the opportunity to think about her future, she needs to take advantage of it.

Methods for sending documents

Today it is not necessary to go to the Pension Fund with the entire package of documents. It often happens that the mother has no one to leave the babies with, or the family lives far from government agencies.

There are different ways to contact:

  1. visit representatives of the Pension Fund or send your representatives;
  2. use the services of post offices;
  3. send all documents via the Internet; the Gosuslugi portal has been opened for such transactions.

In addition to the application and certificate, you must attach the child’s birth certificate, SNILS, and a document certifying the applicant’s personal data.

Children and investments in future retirement

Many mothers immediately wonder what will happen to the invested funds in the event of a premature death, will their children be able to receive the savings? There is an article in the legislation indicating that Only the father or adoptive parent can receive funds.

Minor children or children who have reached the age of eighteen can use maternity capital, on one condition that they are studying in educational institutions full-time (full-time). The child's age cannot exceed 23 years. He can get money issue before completion of training.

If there are no direct heirs, then the funds are paid according to the general rules established by law.

In order for the father to be able to receive maternity capital due to the death of the mother He needs to provide a number of documents:

  • document confirming identity and paternity;
  • a certificate from social care stating that he has not been deprived of parental rights;
  • birth certificate of a son or daughter, or adoption document.

If funds are received for a child, then you must first present certificate from the place of study. There should be a mark that the training is full-time.

The state has done everything possible to make it profitable for parents to have several children. Receiving maternity capital provides an opportunity for a mother to think not only about the real problems of the family, but also to think about her old age. Therefore, when making a decision, you need to think through everything and not rush to conclusions.