
Low consumption of fruits and vegetables leads to. Scientists have explained which vegetables and fruits reduce body weight. Your blood pressure may rise

Pathologies of the uterus

The authors of a new study concluded that eating certain fruits and vegetables can maintain and control body weight. The research results were published in a scientific journal PLOS Medicine.

Scientists have revealed which vegetables and fruits reduce body weight
©Flickr/Brian L. Griffin

Being overweight or obese increases your risk of developing life-threatening chronic diseases. By following a healthy diet and eating fewer calories, people can successfully control their weight. Scientists recommend eating a variety of fruits and vegetables to reduce the risk of chronic disease and help adults and children achieve and maintain a healthy weight.

The authors of this study, led by Monica Bertoia, believe that although there is strong evidence that these products help prevent the risk of developing cardiovascular disease, their benefits in weight loss have not been proven.

Scientists have hypothesized that certain fruits and vegetables may be more or less beneficial for achieving and maintaining a healthy weight. They also suggested that consuming fruits and vegetables that are high in fiber or have a lower glycemic load is more likely to lead to healthy weight maintenance than consuming those foods that are low in fiber or have a higher glycemic load.

From the research material it is known that 133,468 men and women working in the medical field took part in this scientific work. At the beginning of the study, the volunteers had no chronic diseases, including diabetes, cancer and cardiovascular diseases. The experiment was carried out over 24 years (from 1986 to 2010), every 4 years the participants measured their weight and filled out questionnaires. Based on nutritional value, fruits were divided into citrus fruits, melons (watermelon, melon) and berries, and vegetables were divided into cruciferous vegetables, leafy greens and legumes. Only whole fruits were included in the study because fruit juice contains sugar.

The study authors analyzed data on weight and dietary changes, and examined the relationship between consumption of specific fruits and vegetables and changes in weight. The work took into account other factors that may also affect body weight, such as smoking, drinking alcohol, physical activity, duration of sedentary time, duration of sleep, and the amount of consumption of other foods such as cereals, sweets, etc. .

The results of the study showed that a higher intake of fruits in the diet reduced weight by 0.24 kg on average, while a higher proportion of vegetables in the diet reduced weight by 0.11 kg on average. Vegetables that lose the most weight are those that have a high amount of fiber and a low glycemic index - cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, Brussels sprouts and cauliflower. Berries are the best fruits for weight loss; for example, apples and pears promote greater weight loss compared to vegetables.

However, scientists have found that vegetables and fruits that are low in fiber and have a high glycemic index, as well as vegetables rich in starch, including corn, peas, potatoes, carrots and cabbage, lead to weight gain. Although starchy vegetables increase body weight due to their high glycemic load, they provide the body with nutrients such as potassium, vitamin C, vitamin B6, iron, fiber and protein.

The inaccuracy of the conclusions of this work lies in the fact that, as a rule, participants who consume large amounts of vegetables and fruits are people with higher education who lead a healthy lifestyle. However, overall, the study authors recommend eating more vegetables and fruits and staying away from fried potatoes and fruit juices.

While weight loss may not be as dramatic when you eat vegetables and fruits, scientists believe that eating one or two servings of vegetables and fruits a day can at least keep your weight stable for a long time.

Read more in the scientific article:

Bertoia, Monica L.; Mukamal, Kenneth J.; Cahill, Leah E.; Hou, Tao; Ludwig, David S. et al. (2015) Changes in Intake of Fruits and Vegetables and Weight Change in United States Men and Women Followed for Up to 24 Years: Analysis from Three Prospective Cohort Studies // PLOS Med- vol. 12 (9) - p. e1001878

The benefits of fresh vegetables and fruits are not disputed by anyone. However, everything is good in moderation. Excessive consumption of vegetables and fruits can lead to bloating and flatulence. And for people with chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, raw vegetables and fruits may be completely contraindicated.

When the intestines are capricious

Among vegetables and fruits, there are many that have such properties. For example, cucumbers, plums and beets. As a rule, after eating such foods, the stool becomes soft, but does not develop into diarrhea.

If diarrhea begins while eating raw vegetables and fruits, then you should be wary. Perhaps it's all about inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, which you didn't even suspect. Eating some vegetables and fruits raw can aggravate the course of various chronic gastrointestinal diseases.

Apple pear pancake pie: simple, quick and delicious!

In addition to the laxative effect, some fruits and berries, on the contrary, “strengthen”. These include blueberries, bird cherry, quince and pear.

To prevent fresh pear from harming your stomach, eat it as a healthy filling in a pancake pie.

Recipe for the simplest pear pie in a frying pan


  • 3 tbsp. spoons of butter
  • 4 large eggs
  • 1 glass of milk
  • 1 cup flour
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of sugar
  • 1/8 teaspoon nutmeg

For filling

  • 3 tbsp. spoons of butter
  • 3 medium apples
  • 3 medium pears
  • 3 tbsp. spoons of sugar


  1. Preheat oven to 425°.
  2. place the oil in a heatproof frying pan;
  3. Heat in oven until butter melts, 2 to 3 minutes;
  4. Place the eggs, milk, flour, sugar and nutmeg in a blender and blend;
  5. eat a big pancake;
  6. Saute the fruit with butter and sugar.

Nutritional value of the pie

1 serving of pear pie (calculated without syrup): 367 calories, 16 g fat (9 g saturated fat), 158 mg cholesterol, 170 mg sodium, 50 g carbohydrates (27 g sugar, 5 g fiber), 8 g protein.

Oven-baked vegetables are a good alternative to fresh ones.

Coarse fiber and digestive problems

We all know about the benefits of fiber, which is found in large quantities in vegetables and fruits. Dietary fiber improves digestion, normalizes stool and even promotes bowel cleansing and weight loss. However, in some cases, fiber brings nothing but trouble.

For example, in inflammatory diseases of the colon, fiber can cause discomfort and abdominal pain. Even eating small amounts of raw vegetables and fruits can cause an exacerbation.

If the intestines do not cope well with raw plant foods, then doctors advise grinding vegetables and fruits and eating them as purees. If this does not help the intestines, then you should switch to baked vegetables. It is better to temporarily consume fruits in the form of jelly and compotes.

Stewed vegetables with mushrooms and polenta

Excessive fiber intake

Nutrition experts and nutritionists note that consuming too much fiber can be detrimental to your health.

Scientists have calculated that the optimal amount of fruits and vegetables that you need to eat per day is from 650 to 950 g. This way you will get all the necessary vitamins, microelements and dietary fiber necessary to maintain normal functioning of the body.

If you eat much more than the recommended amount, this may lead to some problems. Thus, an excess of fiber contributes to the development of flatulence and bloating, accompanied by pain in the abdomen. In addition, excessive consumption of fiber impairs digestibility

A global study from the Nutrilite Health Institute identified the need to increase fruit and vegetable intake to achieve optimal health. Severe deficiency of fruits and vegetables and, as a result, phytonutrients, wasfound in the diet of people around the world.

The new study was published in the September issue of the British Journal of Nutrition and found that most people around the world would need to at least double their fruit and vegetable intake to reach the World Health Organization's minimum of five servings or 400 servings. grams per day. In addition, the majority of the adult population - from 60 to 87% in the 13 regions of the world studied - does not follow this recommendation and does not pay much attention to the importance of nutrition and their health. The findings were based on an analysis of fruit and vegetable consumption levels conducted by Exponent, Inc. for Nutrilite*.

The difference between recommended and actual servings of fruits and vegetables shows that most are not getting enough phytonutrients and organic matter needed to maintain health and wellness. The study says consuming foods rich in phytonutrients helps people have stronger vision and bones, heart health, immune system and improved brain function. Many phytonutrients are powerful antioxidants that protect the body's cells from toxins.

Not only the quantity, but also the variety of fruits and vegetables consumed has a positive effect on our health. After all, plant foods of different colors contain phytonutrients that perform different functions. According to the results of the study, it was possible to identify what nutrients people lack depending on their place of residence. It turned out that in the studied regions, the consumption of phytonutrients varies significantly and reflects the population's limited access to certain fruits and vegetables. The following conclusions were drawn:

.European region: Compared to other regions, adults in Europe, particularly northern Europe, consume the most alpha-carotene and beta-carotene due to the high availability of carrots. These phytonutrients promote healthy growth and development of the body.

.Asia: Adult populations in Asia have relatively low levels of ellagic acid intake due to poor availability of berries such as strawberries, blackberries, cranberries and raspberries. Ellagic acid is vital for cell health.

.North and Central America: This region has low intakes of lutein and zeaxanthin—phytonutrients that play a critical role in healthy vision—compared to people from Asia and Northern Europe. These phytonutrients are found in spinach, lettuce, kale and broccoli.

. All regions: Fruiting vegetables (such as tomatoes and corn), tropical and subtropical fruits (such as large bananas) are the most common vegetables and fruits in all regions. They help people around the world get lycopene, which supports heart health, as well as alpha-carotene, beta-carotene, and lutein/zeaxanthin.

“Both quantity and variety of fruits and vegetables are important indicators of human nutrition,” says Mary Murphy, chief scientist at Exponet Inc. and co-author of the study. “To get enough phytonutrients into their bodies, people should eat a wide variety of fruits and vegetables.”

Dr. Keith Randolph, director of strategic development at the Nutrilite Health Institute and co-author of the study, points out factors that negatively affect urban diets: fast paced lifestyles, high food costs, seasonal and geographic conditions, and misconceptions about the importance of fruits and vegetables as a source of nutrition. essential phytonutrients.

“It makes no difference where you live. Nowadays, many people live under time pressure and have limited access to some fruits and vegetables, says Randolph. “That’s why it’s important to eat a full range of essential foods, including fruits and vegetables, whenever possible. However, if this is not an option, then vitamin-mineral complexes and dietary supplements may serve as a good option for people who want to fill phytonutrient deficiencies,” adds Randolph.

*To analyze the level of consumption of vegetables and fruits, data obtained from several sources was used:

World Health Organization (WHO), Institute for Health Sciences (WHS)

Global Environmental Monitoring System - Food Contamination Monitoring and Assessment Program (GEMS/Food)

Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) Supply and Use Accounting (SUA) Food Balance Sheet

About the NUTRILITE brand

This year the world famous brand NUTRILITE™ turns 80 years old. Today it is the world brand No. 1 in sales of dietary supplements containing Omega fatty acids¹, the source of which is different types of fish obtained by balanced use of natural resources². NUTRILITE™ products are designed for individual use in daily nutrition, heart health, bone health and weight management.

NUTRILITE™ is the only global manufacturer of vitamin and mineral supplements that grows, harvests and processes the plants for its products on its own certified organic farms.

In addition, NUTRILITE™ is the world's No. 1 brand of vitamins and dietary supplements for children.³

About Amway

Amway LLC is a Russian branch of Amway Corp.*, which began operations in March 2005. The Russian division occupies a leading position in terms of sales volumes in Europe and is one of the most promising areas of the corporation. The total turnover of Amway LLC in Russia in 2013 amounted to 20.2 billion rubles. The number of company employees in Russia is 779 people; the company cooperates with more than a million independent entrepreneurs and sales representatives.

*Amway Corp. is one of the leading international manufacturers of consumer goods and is among the leaders in the direct selling industry. The company's high-quality products for maintaining beauty, health and housekeeping are presented in more than 80 countries around the world. In 2013, parent company Alticor had total sales of US$11.8 billion. The number of full-time employees of the company exceeded 14,000 people, and the number of company partners amounted to more than 3 million independent entrepreneurs and sales representatives.

Candidiasis (thrush) is a fairly common fungal infection that requires mandatory treatment. But some experts are convinced that with this pathology it is enough to simply follow a certain diet.

Products that provoke the proliferation of Candida yeast are sugar, gluten, alcohol and certain dairy products, so it is recommended to exclude them in case of fungal diseases. However, scientific research has not yet proven the therapeutic effect of this type of nutrition.

Candida is a group of more than 100 different types of yeast that live on the skin, mouth, intestines, vagina and throat. In small quantities, fungi do not cause any harm to health, but if they grow too actively, then unpleasant symptoms and manifestations occur.

So, signs of oral thrush may be as follows: white spots on the mucous membranes, inflammation, dry mouth, pain when eating and swallowing.

Signs of vaginal thrush: itching and soreness, redness, pain when urinating, thick and white discharge with an unpleasant odor.

A diet for candidiasis first of all instructs patients to exclude the potentially dangerous foods and drinks that we listed above. It is also recommended to add vegetables, probiotics, sources of healthy fats, and lean protein. These foods reduce inflammation and reduce the concentration of fungi, primarily in the intestines.

A 2017 study found that too much glucose triggers the growth of Candida fungus, so cutting out sweets should theoretically help reduce the amount of fungus in the body.

And the authors of a review published in 2015 found that simple sugars and dairy products with a high percentage of lactose can activate the growth and reproduction of Candida because they lead to a change in pH in the gastrointestinal tract. But to accurately confirm the hypothesis, additional experiments are required.

As for the ban on gluten, it can damage the intestinal mucosa, which means changing its microbiota. A gluten-free diet is useful for patients with intolerance or celiac disease, but scientists have not yet confirmed its effectiveness against candidiasis.

Scientists tried to check how this or that nutritional system affects the growth of Candida in animal cells, but these studies cannot be applied to people, so the effectiveness of the diet described above has not yet been scientifically confirmed.

What can you eat if you have candidiasis: vegetables, unsweetened fruits, lean protein, fermented foods, nuts and seeds, kefir and yogurt, probiotics and natural sugar substitutes.

What not to eat if you have candidiasis: starchy vegetables, sweet fruits, processed meats, gluten, milk and cheeses, refined oils and sugars, tea, coffee and alcohol.

What are the features of the vegetarian keto diet?

The incredibly popular keto diet today also has a vegetarian version. However, in this case the task becomes much more difficult, since vegetarians and vegans are deprived of a significant proportion of protein sources.

The ketogenic diet involves an extremely low amount of carbohydrates, so proteins and fats become the main sources of energy for the body. In the vegetarian version, the ratio of microelements is distributed approximately as follows: fats (55-60%), proteins (30-35%0) and carbohydrates (5-10%). That is, if a person consumes approximately 2 thousand calories per day, then carbohydrates will account for only 25-50 g.

In conditions when the body does not have enough carbohydrates, it uses fats to obtain energy, that is, it plunges into a state of ketosis. Therefore, the keto diet helps to effectively lose weight and burn excess fat in the body. Typically, the standard diet places more emphasis on animal fats, but as vegetarians and vegans eliminate certain foods from their diets, they emphasize plant sources of protein.

In a 2014 study, researchers examined the effects of the vegan Atkins diet on weight loss and health in volunteers. Participants ate either a low-carbohydrate vegetarian diet or a high-carbohydrate vegetarian diet for 6 months. As a result, those who adhered to a low-carbohydrate diet could boast of more significant weight loss. In addition to losing weight, their levels of cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein and triglycerides decreased.

This suggests that a vegan low-carb diet may reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Other benefits include a reduced risk of diabetes, hypertension and cancer.

But still, such a nutritional system has quite a lot of limitations, since it is associated with certain risks, so people should remember them when planning their diet. Possible side effects of the vegetarian keto diet include:

  • Constipation (due to lack of fiber)
  • Stones in the kidneys
  • Decreased blood pressure
  • Poor diet.

It is also worth remembering that an unbalanced vegan keto diet can cause a lack of certain vitamins and minerals in the body: calcium, iron, vitamin B12, vitamin D, zinc, omega-3 fatty acids.

The diet of a vegetarian or vegan on a keto diet traditionally includes: soy milk and tofu, coconut yogurt, soy and nut cheeses, nuts and nut oils, seeds, vegetable oils, avocado, berries, fresh vegetables, kelp, stevia, fresh herbs , spices, tea and coffee.

Foods that are prohibited on the keto diet due to their high carbohydrate content: bread and baked goods, pasta, cereals, starchy vegetables, legumes, fruits and juices, sauces, processed foods, alcohol, sugary drinks.

If you decide to follow a vegetarian version of the keto diet, try to plan your diet very carefully and first discuss the possibility of such a diet with your doctor.

How they scare us with non-existent diagnoses and why you shouldn’t give up gluten

Gluten-free is becoming more and more fashionable and is already ahead of the keto diet in popularity. And this is against the backdrop of the fact that only 1% of the population suffers from true intolerance to this protein, the advisability of a wholesale rejection of it remains a big question for many.

Gluten sensitivity is commonly associated with celiac disease, but there are other forms of this condition. So there is non-ciliac sensitivity, it affects people who have a mild reaction to gluten.

Gluten (gluten) is the main component of wheat and other grains. Many patients may feel worse when using this substance. The main symptoms are headache and abdominal pain, diarrhea, and severe fatigue. It is the prevalence of these symptoms that has led to the fact that gluten-free diets have become too popular and are even part of the so-called “clean eating”, and gluten against this background has been recognized as an incredibly harmful substance that many people try to avoid.

A 2017 review found that blinded, controlled studies of patients with possible non-ciliac gluten sensitivity failed to detect clear symptoms that would indicate gluten intolerance. The results were not sufficient to identify this condition as a separate diagnosis. The experts conclude that all studies have different results, which is caused by the lack of sensitive diagnostic criteria and a pronounced nocebo effect in volunteers. At the same time, the pathogenesis of non-ciliac sensitivity itself remains unclear, and there is no tissue damage that is typical for this condition.

To date, scientific conclusions regarding this condition remain ambiguous and rather subjective. No changes were detected in the gastric mucosa of patients with non-ciliary gluten sensitivity, and there were also no markers in their blood. And experiments with placebos lead to mixed results.

In short, medicine does not yet know for sure whether there are forms of gluten intolerance that have nothing to do with celiac disease. For now, this condition is no more than a hypothesis.

But in medicine, situations are quite common when the very belief in a disease seems to take on a life of its own, even in the absence of objective evidence and confirmation. In this case, even specific treatment methods, practices and, of course, patients who sacredly believe in all this often appear.

The main danger of this process is that when we mistake symptoms and signs for a manifestation of a disease that, in principle, does not exist, we stop looking for the true cause of the patient’s illness and simply waste time. For example, with respect to non-ciliatic gluten sensitivity, it is increasingly being argued that other components of wheat may cause similar symptoms.

How to confirm the true existence of the disease? A clear description of the clinical syndrome and its manifestations - signs and symptoms that are similar across a large number of patients across different groups, specific blood markers or tissue biopsy findings. In short, there must be a special sequence of diagnostic steps that will help in establishing a diagnosis.

If we talk about gluten intolerance, then so far scientists and doctors have only a vague and vague syndrome without clear symptoms and markers. This can provoke a situation where the supposed diagnosis turns into a real “garbage bin”, that is, any problem with the gastrointestinal tract can easily be blamed on it and stop there and stop diagnosing. But such labels greatly change perception and distance one from making a correct diagnosis.

Today, non-ciliac gluten sensitivity is still the subject of active study; it is obvious that in the near future it will become clear whether a new disease will appear in medicine or whether completely different problems are hidden behind these signs.

According to the latest data from endocrinologists, in almost half of the cases the diagnosis of “gluten intolerance” turns out to be erroneous. That is, such people can safely eat gluten, but they, for example, should avoid fructose or lactose.

As for a gluten-free diet, it makes sense only for patients with celiac disease, and healthy people should not get carried away with such a diet. A gluten-free diet often leads to a deficiency in the body of fiber, vitamins D, B, folate and some minerals (zinc, iron, magnesium and calcium). Additionally, some gluten-free foods contain too much sugar and saturated fat, which are also not very healthy. This diet is especially dangerous for children; it is very important for them to eat in compliance with the daily calorie intake, and on a gluten-free diet it is quite difficult to achieve this.

Sometimes we don't realize that some little things make us feel tired. And our unhealthy eating habits are to blame for this. Our regular expert, nutritionist Lyudmila Denisenko, told us about them.

1. Dehydration.

Lack of water, namely water, and not tea-cola-milk-compotes provokes our constant fatigue. In a state of dehydration, the human body first begins to restrain some functions, and then proceeds to “dismantle” its structures. That is why 2-2.5 liters of ordinary drinking water can provide us with a sufficient amount of the most accessible and cheapest medicine for almost all diseases, including chronic fatigue and even depression.

2. Irregular meals.

How often, in the hustle and bustle of everyday worries, we don’t have time or simply forget to have breakfast, lunch, dinner, and having “snapped” for food once a day, we strive to make up for lost time, and our body “goes crazy”, simply unable to fight our laziness or disorganization. Insufficient nutrition is not able to provide us with all the necessary nutrients, and with excess nutrition, all energy is spent on digesting the “excess”.

3. Poor nutrition.

When there are “distortions” in our diet in one direction or another, our body also goes into a state of “hibernation.” An excess of proteins, fats or carbohydrates in the diet leads to overstrain of the gastrointestinal tract; the body does not forgive such “distortions”, and at a time when it should be working productively mentally or physically, it has to digest “excesses” with double or triple strength.

4. Regular diets.

Losing weight is fashionable today, and therefore glamorous young ladies and intellectual boys (and even muscle-building bodybuilders) are always aware of fashionable dietary trends. And since dozens or hundreds of “new” diets appear every day, which are actually “variations” of severe restrictive diets, a deficiency of vitamins and minerals often leads to chronic fatigue. Popular protein diets (such as Kremlin, Atkins, Dukan and the like) are especially guilty of this, where a deficiency of vitamin B leads to the fact that we stop enjoying life.

5. Abuse of coffee and caffeinated drinks.

How often, when we find ourselves in complete time pressure, wanting to extend our “working” period, we spur ourselves on with a regular cup of coffee, and in the summer - a cold cola-Pepsi. But not only do all caffeine-containing drinks cause cellular dehydration (we talked about what this leads to above), but they also overstimulate the nervous system. And, as you know, every excitement is followed by inhibition, that is, a driven horse, no matter how much you whip it, will be difficult to raise!

6. Use of sweeteners.

We are always looking for “what to eat to lose weight,” and manufacturers helpfully give us “safe,” “calorie-free” products, including artificial sugar substitutes. However, if the taste of sweetness is not accompanied by the supply of nutrients, as most often happens with sweeteners, the natural consequence is the desire to eat! It is the liver that sends signals to the brain about the need for food. The more the taste buds are irritated by the taste of sweets without the intake of calories, the stronger the resulting feeling of hunger. We have already discussed what overeating leads to.

7. Insufficient fiber intake.

The World Health Organization (WHO) insists that we should consume at least 35 grams of fiber per day every day. It not only prevents intestinal problems, but also protects the gastrointestinal tract from diseases, helps lower cholesterol levels, reduces fat absorption and slows down the absorption of sugar after meals, and helps us fight chronic intoxication. And the lack of fiber, accordingly, leads to constipation and the absorption of toxins from the contents of the intestines, which provokes constant fatigue.

How to increase fiber in your diet:

Eat vegetables and fruits mainly raw. When vegetables are cooked for a long time, they lose half of the fiber they contain, which means it is better to stew them or lightly fry them. In addition, try to consume fruits and vegetables in their natural form, since when preparing juices without pulp, the fiber of the whole product is not completely preserved;

Start your day with a serving of fiber-rich whole grain porridge and add fresh fruit;

Try to gradually increase the amount of fiber in your diet until you reach the recommended daily intake. At the same time, drink more water.

8. Problems with intestinal microflora.

It would seem, where is the intestines, and where is chronic fatigue? It turns out that our friendly microflora that populates the intestines are our selfless fighters for immunity. And if we do not support our “comrades-in-arms,” then we are hit not only by fatigue, but also by various illnesses, ranging from commonplace acute respiratory infections to serious infectious diseases. What to do? Increase the amount of “live” fermented milk products in your diet - yogurt, kefir, yoghurts with a short shelf life and without preservatives, flavorings, and thickeners. And, again, “feed” our bacteria with fiber!

9. Lack of vegetables, fruits and berries.

All these gifts of nature are a rich source of vitamins (C, A, PP and group B), mineral salts (potassium, iron, phosphorus, calcium), trace elements, organic acids (malic, tartaric, citric), essential oils, proteins and carbohydrates ( fructose, glucose and sucrose), tanning, coloring, aromatic and pectin substances, fiber. The pigments that give fruits, vegetables or berries their deep red, blue, black or purple colors are powerful antioxidants that have many health benefits. It is believed that foods rich in antioxidants prevent not only chronic fatigue, but also heart disease and cancer. Scientists evaluate the effectiveness of dietary antioxidants using the results of a special test called ORAC (oxygen radical absorbance capacity). The higher the ORAC index, the greater the strength of the antioxidants in the food. So berries are one of the most powerful antioxidants. For example, raspberries contain 3 times more antioxidants than kiwi and 10 times more than tomatoes. The figures for wild berries are even higher - for one glass of blueberries the ORAC index is 5486, followed by blackberries (4654), strawberries (3520) and only then raspberries (2789). According to research, to maintain health, a daily intake of antioxidants is required at an ORAC level of 2000 to 5000 points.

10. Excessive alcohol consumption.

A glass of wine with lunch or dinner will provide our body with a set of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, help us relax and forget about problems, in general, it’s almost a medicine! But who, tell me, stops at one glass? And excess alcohol not only causes dehydration and increased appetite, but also leads to a subsequent unpredictable reaction - in some it causes inhibition, and in others it causes excessive overexcitation. But for both of them, morning awakening is accompanied by one thought: “It would be better if I died yesterday...” When excessive alcohol consumption continues day after day, you are guaranteed a state of chronic fatigue.