
How much fat should you eat to lose weight? How much fat does a girl need per day? How much fat does a person need per day to lose weight?

Pathologies of the uterus

So, fat. It plays a lot of important roles in our body. From how healthy our skin looks and how firm, elastic and pleasant it is to the touch, to whether everything is in order with our hormones - many of them are not produced when the percentage of body fat is too low.

In short, recently I have again changed my approach to food, to training, and in general to the psychological side of my fitness and my ideals of the female body. I am working on the mistakes I made and making peace with my body. I’m thinking of making an article about these mistakes, but the main one lies in the terrible word “fat.”

How much fat should a healthy body have?

Namely: I didn’t get enough fat in my diet for a long time (on average it was 30-40 g per day) and was too zealously chasing a low percentage of body fat. Why this is very bad will be discussed in today’s article. But if we talk about nutrition, today I try to eat at least 80-100 g of fat per day. And I deliberately increased the percentage of body fat from 18-19 to 21-23. Yes, at first it was unusual to perceive myself after 18%, but my priority is still health.

The idea of ​​this article belongs to the guru in the field of health and healthy eating - Dr. Andrey Beloveshkin. In fact, the article was created in collaboration with him. More precisely, it was created by him in collaboration with me.

So, fat. It plays a lot of important roles in our body. From how healthy our skin looks and how firm, elastic and pleasant it is to the touch, to whether everything is in order with our hormones - many of them are not produced when the percentage of body fat is too low.

I have already touched on this topic: if there is a lack of fat in the body and fat in food, the first thing to do is suffers in the female body - this is the reproductive system and reproductive function. The body begins to save resources, and gradually turns off functions that it can do without and... survive. Why should he think about procreation if he himself is now in danger?..

Let's figure out why fats (both those that we eat and those that we carry on ourselves) need to be understood, forgiven and pardoned.

It is important to ensure that external fat does not fall below the acceptable minimum.

As long as subcutaneous fat does not exceed the norm, it is good. Because fat produces special hormones that protect our heart and blood vessels. And, as I already wrote above, there is a minimum of subcutaneous fat, without which the normal functioning of the hormonal and reproductive systems is impossible.

Subcutaneous fat is aesthetics, all the smooth curves and outlines of the female body. Without subcutaneous fat, the body becomes senile and masculine: rough, dry, angular, with bones and muscle bundles showing through. A certain supply of subcutaneous fat is also needed to “calm” the body. When the body is stressed, it is concerned with only one thing: to survive. Therefore, it begins to push fat into the liver, into the heart, into the walls of blood vessels.

You can measure subcutaneous fat according to science - by measuring the thickness of the folds in different places. You can try to control it through the numbers on the scales (but there is a nuance here: it is impossible to determine the percentage of fat and dry mass).

I have long come to the conclusion that the simplest and most reliable way is a mirror. You undress, stand in front of a full-length mirror and... look. No, not in the “Ugh, I’m fat!” way, but you adequately examine everything that hangs or doesn’t hang.

If there is too much fatty tissue in the body, it will be revealed by folds, tuberosity, cellulite, belly, axillary and knee ridges. And in general the general appearance is so-so. If it doesn't hang anywhere, then everything is fine. Veins, protruding tendons, cubes and individual bundles of muscles are a sure sign that there is not enough fat. And you are at risk. Yes, yes, that's what I say. It didn't seem to you. No wreaths on bellies. No lean muscles. I really want children in the future, to be honest. And I really don’t want problems with hormonal levels.

Therefore, let the dry bodies remain for the gymnasts who are trying to make money from this. People who want to stay healthy need to understand that artificially created excessive dryness of the body is not healthy. I emphasize: unnecessary. Lest you read this as an excuse for gluttony and obesity.

Speaking in numbers, 20-25% fat is the norm for a woman. The maximum excess fat is up to 15% excess body weight if it is subcutaneous fat (not internal fat). When it falls below 9-10%, the body goes into a serious deficit, which causes the entire system to fail. For men, the critical threshold is lower - 4-6% body fat.

If you don't eat enough fat every day, your body will lose weight for a while, yes. It will make you happy. Only on the sly will our cunning and very smart body slowly turn off the extra light so as not to waste energy, as it seems to it. And so that you don’t have to spend your whole life replacing all your electrical wiring, it’s important not to get to that point.

Experts recommend eating at least 1 gram per kilogram of body weight, but my feeling is that the body still needs more. Especially to a body that, like mine, is constantly in motion and in mental work. Therefore, today I try to eat 1.5-2 grams, depending on the intensity of the day. By the way, a diet rich in fats also saturates better. Therefore, after 1.5-2 hours you don’t feel like eating. And I want it in 4 hours.

It is important to control subcutaneous fat so that it does not fall below normal! When the level of subcutaneous fat is below 7%, women go into deficiency mode, hormonal disruption and menstruation stops. With a long absence of menstruation, the ability to give birth to a child is sharply reduced and leads to infertility. Things are not so happy for men either. With a low content of adipose tissue (4-6% of the total mass), testosterone production stops and libido decreases. Super relief is the lot of professional bodybuilders and it is harmful. If you are going to carry a couple of extra pounds, then it is better to do it on the buttocks than in the liver.

Control the energy balance: income and consumption

Energy balance is the ratio of the number of calories we get from food to the calories we burn during physical activity. The difference between the total caloric content of the diet and the calories that are burned during physical activity is the available energy, which the body can use to run wild. More precisely, use it to maintain life and your loved one.

Lately I've been eating about 1700 kcal per day(and it’s still not enough! but I’m working on increasing it). Luckily, I stopped eating at 1200 kcal. Because objectively, given my level of brain and physical activity, this is not enough. According to the most conservative estimates, one workout costs me 400 kcal. But this is very modest - I can burn 800! But let’s start from the average value of 400 kcal.

This means that my body has 1300 kcal per day left for everything. He can allocate it to his internal affairs and other goodies. There is such a concept - a basic need, or basic metabolism. This is the minimum energy we need just to live and function normally.. And do nothing about it. Just lie down. As you can see, even now, having increased my daily calorie intake, I am underfeeding myself. But thanks to Dr. Beloveshkin, I already eat a lot more. Details below.

If you don't give your body energy for basic needs, it will slowly but surely lead to problems.

How to find out your balance?

First we need to know your body fat percentage. My average body fat percentage now is - 23% (9 months ago it barely exceeded 18%, and now I look at those photos and understand: she’s skinny, she’s a tomboy, she has no ass, just bones – so what?).

Fat can be calculated using special impedance scales, or a bioimpedance device. The percentage of fat can be calculated using a special calculator in different ways and choose the average one.

We calculate the dry mass using the formula: Lean body mass (fat-free mass) = current weight - (current weight x current % body fat).

My weight today is 56 kg, and my fat percentage is 0.23 (23%). I think for myself:

Dry weight = 56 – (56 x 0.23) = 43 kg.

The minimum available energy requirement is 30 kcal per kilogram of dry body mass. At a level below 30 kcal, your sex hormones will “sprinkle”, and if you drop to 25 kcal (the notorious almost 1200 kcal per day), the thyroid gland will most likely begin to act up. After reducing to 20 kcal per kilogram, real problems with the head begin.

Optimal for a normal life, well-being, without a threat to health and almost without a threat to your figure - this is 40-45 kcal per kilogram of dry body mass (body weight without fat - we have already found out how to calculate it above).

This means that for my 43 kilos of lean mass, my caloric intake should not be lower than 43 x 30 kcal/kg = 1290 kcal. And this is only the minimum basic need! And for almost a year I gave so many calories to my poor body for life, and for work, and for training... Don’t repeat it! Although it is very easy to get hooked on a low-calorie needle because it gives quick results. At what cost is another question.

My basic optimal calories: 43 * 45 = 1935 kcal. Since I don’t lie on the couch all day, this figure needs to be multiplied by a correction factor depending on physical activity.

Many of you have seen this list, I'm sure:

    1.2 = sedentary lifestyle, sedentary work, very little or no sports activities

    1.3-1.4 = light activity (some daily activity + light exercise 1-3 times a week)

    1.5-1.6 = average activity (workout 3-5 times a week)

    1.7-1.8 = high activity (active lifestyle and heavy training 6-7 times a week)

    1.9-2.0 = extremely high activity (sports lifestyle, physical labor, daily training, etc.).

I now have average activity and a correction factor of 1.5. This means my minimum is 1.5*1290= 1935, and my optimum is 1935*1.5= 2900 kcal. If we assume that now my daily caloric intake is 1700 kcal, then my energy balance is negative (even taking into account the minimum requirement, I am missing more than 200 kcal).

This can be corrected by reducing the intensity (or frequency) of training or increasing the number of calories. Let's say, in my case, adding two eggs (180 kcal) or one avocado (205 kcal) will help me. Or skipping half the workout (200 kcal) - and this will be enough to balance your energy balance. But I would prefer to leave my physical training as it is, and at the same time eat more.

I’ll be honest: I’m already increasing my caloric intake, I don’t weigh my food and don’t bother with accurate calorie counting – I just eat. And it’s so good for the whole body, so calm. I'll watch it a little more and then tell you. But even visually there is a difference. By the way the skin looks all over the body, for example...

Why is it important not to go into the red for a long time? If the energy balance is negative, then the body goes into energy conservation (deficit) mode.

And this is where the action-packed movie begins: metabolism slows down, the functioning of the thyroid gland and sex hormones deteriorates, mood and energy drop, depression and irritability appear. In addition, the body will still accumulate internal (bad) fat, sacrificing muscle.

Therefore, Andrey Beloveshkin strongly recommends: even when losing weight or maintaining our normal weight, we should not go beyond the limit of 30 kcal per kilogram of dry body mass for more than 2-3 days. Under no circumstances should you do as they advise: “eat less, exercise more.” This will cause you to lose weight but increase the amount of bad fat (visceral fat).

I’ll add on my own behalf: be reasonable, don’t listen to those who advise living on one lettuce leaf and killing yourself while training. Treat your body with care and respect, and it will thank you. Do not gesture, otherwise the body will respond with even greater gesture. Restoring metabolism and hormonal levels, treating the reproductive system is long, difficult and, in every sense, expensive.

Watch the amount of internal fat!

“The most dangerous thing is internal fat, which is hidden in the stomach. It disrupts hormones, worsens mood, causes illness, weakness and chronic fatigue. Its excess provokes a craving for various kinds of addictions: from sweets to drugs and dependent relationships,” says Andrey.

But the most unpleasant deceit lies elsewhere, friends. Bad fat, which grows against the background of hunger strikes, drying, chronic overload and stress, can “melt” our body. Change its composition and kill the quality.

This means that disrupted sex hormones and stress hormones “reprogram” our fat cells.“Reprogrammed” fat begins to behave indecently, which leads to the appearance and intensification of problem areas: we seem to be thin, but cellulite on the thighs, butt and even calves blooms in lush color! Moreover, even more noticeable than before.

What does a normal, average girl do in such a situation? Right! He gets nervous, hungry, trains until he faints and... the circle repeats. And with each such circle, alas, our problem areas become more and more problematic, and cellulite appears even on the cheeks.

Studies of twins have shown that only 20% of the accumulation of internal fat can be at least somehow explained by genes. Everything else is nutrition, lifestyle, bad habits. Bad fat is not so easy to see in the mirror, but even people of normal weight can have it: in athletes, models, small girls.

Now we'll look at how to track your internal fat and health using... a measuring tape. This block will be useful for those who are interested in doing a little self-test, like, how am I doing now?

The key thing in our study is waist size. Almost all other indicators dance from him. After all, it is in the abdominal area that internal fat is hidden.

Let's take the tape. We give it to the experienced doctor Andrey Beloveshkin. We take one fitness blogger as a model and test subject. Who is not afraid to show you the truth of his body.

« Waist circumference should be measured midway between the bottom edge of the lower rib and the top of the pelvic bones(as an option - in the narrowest place, usually at the level of the navel or slightly above). When tightening, you should pull the tape slightly, with an effort similar to lifting an empty mug. When measuring, the tape should be placed parallel to the floor. Stand calmly, arms at your sides, breathe calmly, measure as you exhale. Measure several times until there is a difference of no more than one centimeter,” recommends Andrey.

Hip circumference can be measured at the widest part of the buttocks“We determine it visually,” advises the doctor.

Neck circumference is measured at its narrowest point:

Thigh circumference – in the upper third:

My results: weight 56 ​​kg, height 170 cm, waist 67 cm, hips 96 cm, neck 30 cm, abdominal height - 17.5 cm, hip 55 cm. Fat percentage 23%.

1. Waist circumference.

My waist is normal (67 centimeters). When I lose weight to 60, my hips deflate to 89, and this is a boy’s story - I’m still for femininity. The normal waist circumference for women is up to 75 (80) centimeters, from 80 to 88 centimeters is weight gain, and over 88 is obesity. For men, normal parameters are up to 94 centimeters. A wide waist reduces your attractiveness and doubles your risk of premature death from all causes. This also applies to people with normal and low weight!

2. Hip-waist ratio.

My ratio: 67 to 96 = 0.70 (ideal).

“The ideal numbers are 0.7 (0.65-0.78) for women and no more than 0.9 for men. Normally, this index should be less than 0.85 for women and less than 1.0 for men. A good hip-waist ratio increases attractiveness, mental abilities and libido, and reduces the risk of many diseases (cancer, infertility, diabetes). The hip-waist ratio is one of the best indicators of health,” comments Andrey.

I would immodestly add: mmmmm, bend!!!

3. Height-to-waist ratio

My ratio: 67 to 170 = 0.4 (excellent). The norm for this index is less than 0.5 for men and women.

4. Body shape index – an indicator of the risk of getting sick

The Body Shape Index shows the relationship between waist size, height and weight. The formula is complex, let's use a calculator. In addition to numbers, this index also provides a picture that shows where we are on the risk scale.

My body shape index is 0.0723 - this is normal. At the same time, the calculator also calculates the relative risk. For me it is 0.76. This figure means that I have a lower risk of disease than average (average risk = 1). The higher the number, the higher the risk of disease.

The circle on the graph is me / The further to the left and lower the circle is, the better. The higher and to the right, the more dangerous.

5. Conic index (K-index).

“The formula is complicated and I haven’t found a calculator. Therefore, we divide the weight in kilograms by the height in meters, take the square root of this (in a standard calculator, the sqrt button) and multiply it by 0.109.”

0.109 x (square root of 56/1.7) = 0.63.

Then we divide the waist in meters by the resulting figure: 0.67/0.63 = 1.063.

So my conic index value is 1.063.

For men, the norm is a conical index of no more than 1.25, and for women – 1.18.

The higher the index, the more a person looks like a cylinder, and not like two cones meeting at the waist. And the higher the risk.

8. Abdominal height.

My value: 17.5 cm (excellent). The norm is up to 25 centimeters.

“The height of the abdomen is the smallest distance between two horizontal lines: lying on the surface of the abdomen and touching the vertebra of the back. Measure with your back pressed to the floor and your knees bent, at the level of the sacrum. By the way, an abdominal height above 25 cm is a risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease if you survive a heart attack at 50,” says Andrey.

The conclusion suggests itself: I recognized the body’s alarm signals in time, returned an adequate amount of fat to the diet and fat under the skin. All my health markers are in excellent condition.

I stopped gesturing and testing my body for strength. I am very sensitive and attentive to him. I'm listening. I make sure not to dry out, but not to float. And, as a small experiment showed, it’s not all in vain. Health markers are normal, which means I can move on with my life. I wish the same for you!

I would like to express my gratitude to Andrey for this article, for all the information he collected and published.

Tatiana Kurbat, Andrey Beloveshkin

If you have any questions, please ask

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consumption, we are changing the world together! © econet

Now the media, books and fitness “gurus” are universally criticizing fats . It is believed that many diseases and pathologies are caused by saturated fatty acids, which humans receive through meat and other animal products. All kinds of low-grade Internet portals advise using various low-fat diets, which simply depress human health. Of course, a low amount of fat in your diet won't kill you, but your body will function much worse than it could, and this is especially true for sports. Fats are needed both when gaining muscle mass. We will try to explain why. We will not go into the jungle of biochemistry; we will only note the main points. Fats (lipids) are classified into: Animals (conditionally harmful) – saturated. They have a solid form, but there are exceptions. Vegetable (conditionally useful) - unsaturated. In most cases, liquid They differ in their chemical structure, namely the type of bond, which in turn affects their structure: liquid or solid. It is believed that unsaturated fats are practically not deposited on the stomach, sides and other places of accumulation. The main reason for avoiding saturated fat is the fear of getting fat. It is unknown where such information came from, but now even the media have picked up this topic. Most people began to intentionally reduce the amount of animal fats in their diet in order not to lose their current figure. It is enough to open any authoritative textbook on physiology to make sure that fats are never deposited in the depot right away. Initially, any ingested fat molecules from the small intestine enter the lymphatic system, and not the bloodstream, as is commonly believed. This process is explained by the special priority of fats. Moving through the lymphatic system, these molecules meet the needs of the most important organs, including the heart, lungs and brain. Only after this does the fat enter the general bloodstream and only with a clear excess is it deposited in fat depots. Conventionally, having eaten 40-50 grams of saturated or unsaturated fat, you most likely will not put it on your waist, since the body’s needs for this nutrient are great, especially during intense physical and mental activity. It should be remembered that initially fats cover all the body's needs for lipids. And only the remains are stored in the form of fat on the sides and other problem areas. However, in most cases, a person does not receive even half the norm of fat, as a result of which obesity of this type is not observed. Increasingly, carbohydrates are to blame. The most surprising thing is that the body cannot use stored fat in a reverse reaction, i.e. he cannot destroy it and send it back through the lymphatic channels. A rather paradoxical picture is observed: a person with a huge percentage of body fat cannot provide the organs with a normal amount of lipids.

One of the most important functions of fats in the body is to maintain the stable functioning of nerve cells - neurons. Each neuron core is connected to axons - a kind of wires through which an electrical signal is transmitted, i.e. nerve impulse. Of course, any “wire” must have an appropriate outline, because whatever one may say, we have electricity in front of us, at least on a small scale. The protective sheath is formed by special myelin structures. Interesting fact: myelin is made up of more than 70% fat, the saturated type. The lack of such lipids in the diet leads to a weakening of the central nervous system and its overall functionality, which affects both athletic performance and ordinary life activities, be it work or household activities. As you can see, saturated fats are not as harmful as is commonly believed. In order to convey the danger of this situation, it should be noted that literally everything depends on the state of neurons: the ability to learn, human memory, motor functions and much more. As for sports results, everything is quite simple: the power of the CNS signal largely affects the final muscle contractility, i.e. to strength. This is why we see powerlifters, weightlifters and other athletes who set strength records eating a decent amount of fat, and often animal fat. In their case, obesity is caused by both carbohydrates and fats, since the total caloric intake of the diet significantly exceeds the needs, but this is what allows them to cope with heavy loads from time to time, but today we are not talking about that. From the point of view of gaining muscle mass, fats are needed as raw materials for the synthesis of testosterone - the main male hormone, on which the entire result in bodybuilding depends. At the same time, the body uses the hated saturated animal fats. As for conditionally beneficial unsaturated lipids, they also play an equally important role. Some nutrition “gurus” claim that vitamins need to be taken every day, since they are not stored in our body. Of course, this is not true, because all fat-soluble vitamins are stored in fat depots, which is why men and women have a certain normalized percentage of body fat. There are not many ways to find out your fat needs. It is best to use a safe formula that will not contribute to obesity. We are talking about 15% of daily calories for men and 25% for women. In this case, the ratio of saturated to unsaturated lipids should be approximately 40/60, and in men even 50/50.

It is worth noting that the most approximate amount of necessary fat will be 1.5 grams per kilogram of active mass. That is, if you weigh 70 kg, and the percentage of fat in your body is 20% - 14 kg, then you should consume (70-14) * 1.5 = 84 grams of fat per day. In the vast majority of cases, this will be enough, but it is worth remembering that if you have carbohydrates in your diet, you can gain fat mass quite quickly. This is why many experienced athletes use the first method, based on 15% and 25% of the daily caloric intake. Be careful when choosing fat sources. All kinds of trans fats are not representatives of saturated or unsaturated fats. It is these lipids that can harm the body.

Humans need fats, as well as proteins and carbohydrates. Lipids are a key nutrient for the most important human organs. Unfortunately, this fact has been persistently ignored lately. Do not succumb to adverse influences, consume fats, both saturated and unsaturated. If you are afraid of obesity, then reduce carbohydrates, but in no case lipids. In the following articles we will talk about fats more than once, because within the framework of today’s topic we have not revealed even half of the most important functions of lipids.

Did you know that fats help women lose weight? It is enough just to be able to correctly fit them into the diet. Let's figure out why fats are healthy and how much you should consume.

We usually adjust our diet based on height and weight, doctor's recommendations, training and sports goals. It turns out that you also need to take your gender into account. The fact is that the male body produces energy mainly from carbohydrates, and the female body - from fats. Let's talk about why and how fats help women achieve their dream figure.

Why does the female body love fats?

The human body can obtain energy from carbohydrates and fats. Which of these sources will be a priority depends on the respiratory quotient (RQ). If you have a high respiratory quotient, then the body works on carbohydrates, and if it is low– on fats. At a DC of 0.85, carbohydrates and fats act as equal sources of energy.

During physical activity, the respiratory quotient in women is lower than in men. This means that the female body breaks down primarily fats.

Useful article:

Hormones decide everything

Female sex hormones estrogen and progesterone affect the metabolism of proteins and carbohydrates. In particular, they switch the body to break down fats during intense physical activity.

It is known that at different stages of the menstrual cycle the behavior of hormones changes, but fats always remain the priority source of energy. So don't listen to your local gym trainer who tells you that your weight loss diet depends on the day of the month.

Intramuscular fat in women

Research shows that women's bodies have larger reserves of intramuscular fat than men. This is partly due to the fact that women have a predominance of feather-type muscle fibers, which contain more fat.

In addition, the hormone-sensitive enzyme triglycerol lipase (HSL), responsible for the breakdown of intramuscular fat, is more active in the female body.

How much fat to eat to lose weight

A woman’s daily diet should consist of at least 20% healthy fats. For example, if your diet calls for 2,000 calories per day, then consume 44 grams of fat per day. Distribute the rest between proteins and carbohydrates according to your goal.

Useful article:

There are contraindications, consult your doctor.

We get proteins, fats and carbohydrates every day from food, and all of them are vital for us. These substances are found in varying quantities in almost any food product and are called macronutrients. Why do we need them?

What are proteins, fats and carbohydrates needed for?

Proteins are the building material for all cells of the body. They consist of amino acids, which are divided into essential and non-essential. Replaceable ones can be synthesized in the human body; irreplaceable ones get there exclusively as part of food products. Proteins are needed for growth, development, and in general for any physiological process; at the same time, they are completely safe in terms of possible accumulation of excess weight. Protein sources include meat, fish, dairy products and legumes.

Fats - consist of fatty acids, which are divided into saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated. Today everyone knows about the beneficial omega-3 and omega-6 acids, which belong to the group of polyunsaturated acids and can lower cholesterol levels. Fats are also necessary for the absorption of vitamins, the synthesis of a number of hormones, and the normal functioning of many body systems. They are found in food products of both animal (meat, fish, dairy products) and vegetable (nuts, seeds, vegetable oils) origin. Excessive fat consumption is the path to losing weight.

Carbohydrates are the main source of energy. They can be simple (glucose, sucrose and others) and complex (fiber, glycogen). The breakdown of carbohydrates provides the body with energy, the unspent part of which can be converted into fat deposits. The main sources of carbohydrates are vegetables, fruits, cereals, and sweets.

Macronutrients and calories

In the diet of an adult, in order to maintain his health and constant body weight, there must be a certain ratio of these nutrients. So, our daily menu should contain:

  • 10-25% proteins;
  • 20-35% fat;
  • 45-65% carbohydrates.

Once in the digestive system, proteins, fats and carbohydrates are broken down to release the energy necessary to carry out vital processes. The energy received is measured in units - kilocalories (kcal), which are often called calories for brevity.

The energy value of macronutrients varies. 1 gram of proteins and carbohydrates is broken down to release 4 kcal, 1 gram of fat – 9 kcal.

Diet calories and macronutrient ratios for weight loss

A person’s weight depends on how many calories enter the body and how many are expended. If these amounts are approximately equal, the mass remains stable. If more calories come in than are expended, energy is stored “in reserve” in the form of fat deposits.

Accordingly, in order to lose weight, you need to burn more calories than you consume in food.

In order to calculate the daily calorie content of your diet and calculate the required amounts of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, use a number of simple formulas. Try doing the calculations for yourself using these formulas and examples.

1. First you need to calculate your basal metabolic rate.

For women: 655 + (9.6 x weight in kg) + (1.8 x height in cm) – (4.7 x age);
For men: 66 + (13.7 x weight in kg) + (5 x height in cm) – (6.76 x age).

For example, let’s take a 30-year-old woman, 165 cm tall and weighing 65 kg.
Her basal metabolic rate will be: 655 + (9.6 x 65) + (1.8 x 165) – (4.7 x 30) = 655 + 624 + 297 – 141 = 1435 kcal/day.

— Inactive (complete absence of sports or rare activity) – 1.2;
— Sedentary (light exercise 1-3 times a week) – 1.375;
— Average (average load 3-5 days a week) - 1.55;
— Very active (heavy load 6-7 days a week) – 1.725;
— Hyperactive (very heavy physical activity and physical work 7 days a week) – 1.9.

Let's say our woman works in an office, mostly sedentary work, to which she gets to by transport. However, she is responsible for housekeeping, she loves to go shopping and sometimes wanders into a fitness club. This means that its activity coefficient is 1.375.

3.Now you need to determine the daily calorie intake using the formula:

Basal metabolic rate x activity coefficient.
In our example, this is 1435 kcal/day x 1.375 = 1973 kcal/day.

4. Subtracting 500 kcal from the resulting figure, we get the number of calories we need to consume to lose weight.

1973 – 500 = 1473 kcal/day.

5. In order not to force ourselves into such a strict framework, let’s calculate the so-called “calorie corridor” using the formulas:

Calories for weight loss – 250 = lower limit
Calories for weight loss + 100 = upper limit.

In our example it is:

1473 – 250 = 1223 kcal/day.
1473 + 100 = 1573 kcal/day.

That is, in order for our woman to lose weight, she needs to keep the calorie content of her daily diet within the range of 1223 - 1573 kcal/day.

When making these calculations, it is very important to remember that the daily calorie intake for women should not be lower than 1200 kcal. Calorie intake less than this figure will negatively affect your health. 1200 kcal per day is also very little, so it’s better to consume more calories. If you stay within your calorie range, you will still lose weight.

6. And finally, calculation of the amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

To do this, let's return to their energy capacity and percentage in the daily diet - 10-25% proteins, 20-35% fats and 45-65% carbohydrates. And we will calculate what share they should occupy, taking into account the upper and lower limits of the calorie corridor.

For our example, these will be the following values:

(1223 x 0.10)/4 = 30.5 g
(1573 x 0.25)/4 = 98 g

(1223 x 0.20)/9 = 27 g
(1573 x 0.35)/9 = 61 g

(1223 x 0.45)/4 = 137.5 g
(1573 x 0.65)/4 = 256 g

Thus, in order to lose weight, the woman from the example should consume 30.5 - 98 g of protein, 27 - 61 g of fat and 137.5 - 256 g of carbohydrates per day.
Of course, this is an approximate calculation, and the indicated quantities do not have to be observed to the nearest tenth of a unit.

Another obstacle to losing weight

We hope you have successfully reached the end of the calculations, and now in front of you lies a piece of paper with the numbers by which you will have to compose your diet. How to compose it? This is where the next portion of difficulties begins. There are almost no types of food in the world that contain only proteins, only fats or only carbohydrates - all products are mixed, with a predominance of certain compounds. So 100 grams of meat is not at all equivalent to 100 grams of protein. And you won’t succeed in trying to bring your diet into perfect harmony with the results of your arithmetic exercises.

All basic macronutrients must be present in a person’s daily diet. Refusal or sharp limitation of any of them will negatively affect your health and well-being. On the other hand, each person is individual, and the need for certain substances may also differ.

Counting the amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates is just one of the many ways to achieve slimness and health. But, at the same time, one of the most difficult to perform. So you don't have to follow it strictly. You will achieve no less results if you simply eat a varied diet, trying to eat less animal fats and sweets. And you can spend the time freed from complex calculations more usefully: first, visiting the gym, then updating your wardrobe...

When addressing the health effects of fat, there are two main questions to ask:

  1. What amount of fat is most beneficial for human health?
  2. How can we ensure the best quality fats in our diet?

Question of quantity

We've been taught that we need to reduce our fat intake, but even experts can't agree on how much we should limit it. The World Health Organization suggests that adults should consume between 15 and 30% of their calories as fat. However, they note that the 30% upper limit is an interim recommendation, given that fat intake has historically been at much higher levels in many countries and that a reduction of up to 15% would provide much greater benefit. In addition, it is recommended to limit cholesterol intake to no more than 300 mg per day.

To determine the most beneficial level of fat intake for your health, there are two factors to consider.

Firstly– on the quality of fats in your diet: and secondly– on your current state of health. If you are healthy and the majority of the fat in your diet comes from whole plant foods and freshly pressed oils, including oils high in omega-3 fatty acids, you should have no trouble maintaining excellent health, even slightly exceeding fat intake recommendations.

If a person is fond of fatty foods of animal origin and highly processed foods with a high content of hydrogenated oils, he should seriously reduce his fat intake.

If you prefer foods with high quality fats, the standard recommendation of 30% of total calories is fine, whereas if your diet is filled with saturated fat, trans fatty acids and cholesterol, any doctor will advise you to aim for the lower end of the World Organization recommendations Health – approximately 15-20% of calories from fat.

If you have high blood cholesterol or a serious risk of developing coronary artery disease, it would be a good idea to meet or even exceed the recommendations for the lower limit of fat intake - 15% of all calories.

In addition, in the life cycle of any person there are certain periods when the requirements for the total amount of fats and individual essential fatty acids are rising. During infancy, more calories should come from fats, which are found in greater quantities in breast milk. It is equally important to ensure adequate intake essential fatty acids pregnant women and nursing mothers. Many experts believe that children should get slightly more fat than adults, and for them the recommended limits are usually 25-35%.

Fats in food (using the example of North America)

If you take a closer look at the sources of fat in the standard American diet, you can find a lot of new and surprising things. The average person in the country consumes very little fat, found in vegetables, fruits, grains and legumes.

Together, these foods account for less than 5% of the total dietary fat intake in North America. About 50% of the fat in our diet comes from meat, fish, poultry, dairy products and eggs, and over 40% – from fats and oils.

Concentrated fats concentrated in pure fatty foods, including vegetable oils, butter, margarine and lard. These foods can be called "visible fat" , that is, fat in them is visible to the naked eye. 100% of the calories in these foods come from fat, providing about 4-5 grams of fat per 1 teaspoon. Many foods contain “hidden fats.”

More than 90% of the calories in salad dressings, cream cheese and heavy cream come from fat. Foods where fat makes up more than 75% of calories include fatty meats, nuts, seeds and seed oils, avocados, olives and regular cheeses.

There are other foods that are high in fat– Regular meats, low-fat dairy products, deep-fried foods, snacks such as chips and popcorn, crackers, candy bars and baked goods. In all of these foods, about 50-60% of calories are fat.

You should not attach great importance to the information about low fat content, which can sometimes be seen on the label of a product. The label only tells you how much fat a food contains as a percentage of weight, not calories. For example, whole milk is 96.5% skim and only 3.5% fat (the label will say "3.5% milk fat"). However, fat makes up about 50% of the calories in whole milk because most of the milk's weight is water, which contains no calories.

The way to control your fat intake is to estimate the maximum amount of fat you can absorb in a day, and choose foods whose total fat content will not exceed this mark. The first step on this path is to monitor your body’s energy (calorie) needs.

Table 4.1 provides approximate data on a person’s energy needs according to their gender, age and level of physical activity. Simply multiply your ideal weight in kilograms by the calories per kilogram (cal/kg) figure for your age, gender and level of physical activity. For example, if you are a 28-year-old, moderately active woman with an ideal weight of 58 kg, your energy needs would be about 2,204 calories (58 x 38 = 2,204).

Table 4.1. Determining calorie needs per 1 kilogram of body weight.
Activity level Short Average High
Woman 19-24 36,5 38 42
Male 19-24 40 45,5 53
Woman 25-49 36,5 38 42
Male 25-49 38 44,5 53
Woman 50-74 34,5 36,5 40
Man 50-74 35,5 40 48,5
Woman 75+ 33,5 37,5 40
Man 75+ 34,5 35,5 44,5

Second step– determine in grams the amount of fat that should be present in your diet. Table 4.2

The relationship between energy needs and the percentage of fat that you would like to see in your diet is presented.

Table 4.2.Maximum fat intake per day (grams)
Consumptioncalories Desired fat percentage
10% 15% 20% 25% 30%
1400- 1600 16-18 23-27 31-36 37-45 47-54
1600- 1800 18-20 27-30 36-40 45-50 54-60
1800-2000 20-22 30-33 40-44 50-55 60-66
2000 – 2200 22-25 33-37 44-50 55-62 66-75
2200 – 2400 25-27 37-40 50-54 62-67 75-81
2400 – 2600 27-29 40-43 54-58 67-72 81-87
2600 – 2800 29-31 43-47 58-62 72-78 87-93

Finally, your actual fat intake should be taken into account. This task should not turn into a dull routine - it is enough to at least from time to time estimate the proportion of fats in your diet and become familiar with the fat content in various foods.

Limiting an overly fatty vegetarian diet

If you notice that your diet contains too much fat percentage, you should think about how to reduce their consumption, bringing it to a healthy level. Pay close attention to which foods are sources of fat in your diet, and then try to reduce their amounts. Be aware of “visible” and “hidden” fats and focus on identifying the former, and then pay attention to foods that contain a lot of hidden fats.

How to reduce your intake of visible fat:

  • Use less margarine and butter when cooking.
  • Don't go heavy on deep-fried food - it's better to prefer baked, boiled or pan-fried foods.
  • Reduce the amount of fat included in your favorite recipes.
  • Concentrated fats can be replaced with low-fat ingredients (for example, instead of mayonnaise, you can use low-fat soy or milk yogurt).
  • Dress your food with hot sauce, fresh lemon juice, wine, broth, flavored vinegar and a variety of spices and herbs.

How to reduce your intake of hidden fats:

  • Switch from full-fat dairy products to low-fat dairy products or plant-based alternatives (for example, instead of ice cream, try fruit sorbet, frozen rice-based dessert, or low-fat cold yogurt).
  • If you love eggs, eat them in moderation.
  • Reduce your intake of fatty foods or replace them with low-fat foods (for example, instead of fatty cookies, take rye bread as a snack). Many snack foods, cookies, crackers, candy bars and pies contain over 40% of calories from fat.
  • Don't get carried away with nuts and seeds. Although they are a very important part of your diet, they are high in fat and should not be overconsumed.

Just because you're going to reduce the percentage of fat in your diet doesn't mean you have to eat less. In fact, if you don't have weight problems, it might be wise to even increase your portions to compensate for the loss of concentrated calories found in fat.

Can it contain insufficient fat?

Imagine that you or a vegan who tries to reduce the fat and oil content in their food. As much as possible? Avoiding concentrated fats and oils in your diet is completely safe, as long as you get enough essential fatty acids from whole foods.

However, if a person also tries to avoid fatty plant foods such as nuts, seeds or tofu, it will be quite difficult for him to meet all of his body's needs for essential fatty acids. If you want to reduce your overall fat intake, you should aim for the lower end of the World Health Organization's recommendations of 15% of your total calories coming from fat.

This vegetarian diet has proven effective in treating atherosclerosis; However, it is not necessary for healthy adults to limit their fat intake to such an extent, and for children it may even be harmful.

Getting the Optimal Amount of Essential Fatty Acids

Many experts recommend a minimum of 3% omega-6 fatty acids and 0.5-1% omega-3 fatty acids. An adult consuming 2,000 calories can achieve the recommended minimum omega-6 intake with 60 calories of pure linoleic acid (6.5 grams) and the minimum 0.5% omega-3 fatty acid intake with 10 calories of pure alpha-linoleic acid. acid (1.1 grams).

Absorption of this amount of omega-6 fatty acids is easily achieved with almost any sufficiently varied vegetarian or vegan diet, except one that is severely limited in fat content in general. Food sources of omega-3 fatty acids are not widely available in the average diet. For example, 1.1 grams of omega-3 is found in any of the following:

  • 1/2 teaspoon flaxseed oil or 2 teaspoons flax seeds
  • 1 tablespoon canola or soybean oil
  • 3 tablespoons walnuts
  • 170 g firm tofu or 340 g regular tofu
  • 1 cup cooked soybeans*
  • Other soy products, such as soy milk or tempeh, contain omega-3 fatty acids in varying proportions, depending on processing techniques and the fat content of the specific products.

Other plant foods, such as green leafy vegetables and wheat germ, are less concentrated sources of beneficial alpha-linoleic acid. To get enough omega-3 fatty acids from these foods, you'll need to eat, for example, about 500g of broccoli or cabbage, 1.3 to 1.6kg of green salad, or 20 tablespoons of wheat germ. These foods can add healthy omega-3 fatty acids to your diet, but if you only consume them, it will be difficult to meet all your body's needs.

Quality issue

When it comes to oil quality, there is a stark contrast between high quality fats from plant products and refined, chemically transformed low quality fats, which dominate our products. We carefully read the labels on food packages, but rarely think about the quality of their ingredients.

Highly refined vegetable oils, which sit on supermarket shelves for months, can be compared to white flour, from which, during the processing process, all useful vitamins and mineral elements completely disappear. The greatest danger lies in oils that have undergone additional processing and become solid. When these oils are added to a standard animal-based diet high in saturated fat and cholesterol, the overall quality of the fat drops markedly.

Switching to a vegetarian diet, especially one that involves severely limiting the consumption of full-fat dairy products and eggs, usually leads to a decrease in the body's intake of fats in general and saturated fats in particular. But this does not guarantee that the fats that enter the body will be of any better quality.

There is no law against spreading a thick layer of margarine on a sandwich, ordering French fries at a fast food joint, baking vegetable pies with margarine, or constantly munching on commercially produced cookies and crackers made with hydrogenated vegetable oils.

We cannot be ordered to stop consuming significant amounts refined oils, rich omega-6 fatty acids, but practically devoid of fat omega-3 acids. Taking into account all of the above, it is necessary to choose products responsibly to ensure the right balance high quality fats subject to vegetarian diet.

Concerned about the quality of fats in your diet, start by making fresh, whole foods the base of your table. Use more plant foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as flax seeds, walnuts, soybeans, tofu and dark leafy vegetables. Limit your intake of full-fat dairy products and eggs.

Nuts, seeds and nut oils, avocados, olives, soybeans, chickpeas and tofu are also excellent sources of high-quality fats.

If your diet does not contain concentrated fats and oils or prepared products containing fats, then you can be sure: plant foods will provide your body with all the necessary fats it needs. Just as all your carbohydrate needs can be met through whole foods and without resorting to concentrated sugars or sweets, fats can be met by completely ignoring extracted oils and fats.

If you do use concentrated fats and oils, choose those that have undergone minimal industrial processing, unrefined, real cold-pressed oils, preferably natural ones. Buy oils that are packaged in opaque bottles to avoid exposure to light.

Vegetable fat, whether from whole foods or vegetable oils, is mostly unsaturated. The more unsaturated a fat is, the faster it will oxidize, which can lead to the formation of toxic chemicals: food tastes and smells bad, and food spoils. To some extent, this process is a sign of nature, which wants to save us from using food that has lost its freshness. When purchasing high-quality oils or products rich in essential fatty acids, especially from the omega-3 family, you should become familiar with their storage conditions.

Nuts and seeds, protected by a hard shell or skin, can be stored in a cool, dry place for up to 1 year. Once peeled, they can be stored for four months in the refrigerator. Walnuts, due to their high omega-3 fatty acid content, likely won't last that long. Ground flaxseeds and wheat germ should always be stored in the freezer as they can spoil instantly.

Unrefined vegetable oils (except olive oil, which is mostly monounsaturated) should always be stored in the refrigerator. Buy such oils in small quantities so that you can use them no longer than one month. If desired, vegetable oil can be frozen for later use.

Step by step: Improving the quality of fats in your diet

STEP 1: Avoid hydrogenated fats

Hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated fats are the main source of t rans fatty acids, whose chemical structure has changed, and therefore their consumption can lead to dire consequences for human health. As much as possible, avoid products containing harmful hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated fats, first of all – margarine.

Don't forget that hydrogenated fats are very widely used in the production of a variety of food products, including cookies, cakes, crackers, pies, frozen prepared foods and snacks. A small bag of potato or corn chips contains 6-9 grams of trans fatty acids (1.5-2 teaspoons). Do not rely on the inscription " only vegetable fats" on the label, since such vegetable fats are usually hydrogenated.

Be sure to read the ingredient list! Please note that all ingredients are listed by weight, from highest to lowest. Hydrogenated vegetable oils often used in restaurants for deep frying, so when ordering food at a restaurant, it is better not to choose deep-fried dishes, but take baked potatoes or rice. If you're baking at home, it's best to experiment with vegetable and nut oils and avoid solid fats.

STEP 2: Reduce your intake of foods rich in saturated fat.

Most Americans consume excessive amounts saturated fat, which contribute to increased cholesterol levels in the blood and interfere with the body's absorption of essential fatty acids. To reduce saturated fat in your diet, you should limit your use of butter, cheese and other full-fat dairy products, eggs and tropical oils.

If you don't give up dairy products, it's better to buy skim milk and low-fat yogurt. Instead of scrambled eggs, make yourself fried tofu for breakfast, and instead of eggs in your baked goods, add a substitute or ground flax seeds. Do not spread a thick layer of margarine on bread. Try to alternate butter, thick soy lecithin, or soft (preferably non-hydrogenated) margarine with high-quality oils (ideally rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as flaxseed or canola oil).

STEP 3: Reduce your consumption of refined vegetable oils.

Although refined vegetable oil does not contain as many harmful substances as hydrogenated and saturated fats, it is far from the best source of fat. Refined oil lacks nutritional value as most of the beneficial vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals are lost during the refining process.

Many of these oils (especially corn, safflower and sunflower) contain large amounts of polyunsaturated fats from the omega-6 family, the abuse of which can lead to a serious imbalance in essential fatty acids and a reduction in HDL ("good") cholesterol. To reduce your consumption of these products, carefully monitor the consumption of refined oil during cooking, trying to keep it to a minimum.

During the frying process, instead of oil, you can use a few tablespoons of water, broth or wine. Avoid deep-fried foods - it is better to eat baked, fried or microwaved foods. Experiment with delicious, low-fat marinades. In most recipes, the volume of vegetable oil used can be reduced by 1/3 - 1/2, which will not affect the quality of the prepared dish. When baking, refined oils can be partially or completely replaced with applesauce, nut butters, lecithin or soft tofu.

STEP 4: Buy unrefined oils prepared by mechanical pressure.

Whenever possible, try to buy unrefined, natural oils (that is, high-quality “cold-pressed” oils) prepared by mechanical pressure. Extra virgin olive oil, available in many supermarkets, will also work. This oil can be used as a dressing for salads, marinades, sauces and when cooking (over moderate heat).

It does not require refrigeration, but it is best to keep it in a cool, dark place. Other high-quality cold-pressed oils can be purchased at natural food stores. They should be stored in the refrigerator or freezer as the less they are exposed to heat, light and air, the better.

Most of them can be used in baking and low temperature cooking, except those that are very rich omega-3 fatty acids. Frozen vegetable oil can be used for baking or preparing dishes that usually contain solid fats.

STEP 5: Foods containing omega-3 fatty acids should be consumed every day.

To increase content Omega-3 fatty acids in your diet, you need to include sources of this beneficial substance in your daily menu.

The Best Sources of Omega-3 Fatty Acids for Vegetarians- flaxseed oil and flax seeds, canola oil, walnuts, soybeans, tofu, dark green leafy vegetables and wheat germ. Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids tend to spoil quickly, so they should be stored in the refrigerator or freezer.

Linseed oil– the richest source of omega-3 fatty acids, it can be seasoned on salads, added to pasta, vegetables, popcorn, and mashed potatoes. If you use butter or non-hydrogenated margarine, they can be mixed with flaxseed oil in a 2:1 ratio to improve the fatty acid content of your diet.

STEP 6: Most of your fats should come from whole foods, not concentrated fats and oils.

Whole foods are protected from light, heat and air by nature. Foods such as nuts, seeds, soybeans, olives and avocados are a storehouse of excellent fat. All of them contain phytochemicals, including antioxidants, beta-sisterol and essential fatty acids, and therefore deserve our attention and respect.

And the seeds can be added to salads, cereals, baked goods and many main dishes. A bowl of unshelled nuts after dinner will significantly strengthen your strength and improve your mood! Spread nut butter on your morning sandwich instead of regular butter or, worse, margarine. Soy products add amazing variety to your menu.

Pour soy milk over your porridge, take a soy Wedgeburger to work, and fry tofu for dinner. Avocados and olives can be added to salads, sandwiches, sauces and main courses. Wheat germ can be a useful addition to hot porridge or baked goods. Remember that fats and oils are essential for maintaining health, so try to choose the highest quality ones.