
The essence of a raw food diet. Secrets of raw food diet. The world is within us

Pathologies of the uterus

The raw food diet is gaining more and more popularity. Without any fear, people refuse not only meat and milk (in the good old vegan traditions), but also thermal processing of plant foods. On the one hand, everyone knows that most beneficial substances in food are destroyed under the influence of high temperatures. On the other hand, some vegetables are harmful in their raw form and are recommended for consumption only boiled. And everyone has already heard about the lack of certain vitamins and microelements in the diet of raw foodists. How to connect two contradictory facts? We find out the truth, debunk myths.

Basic principles

A raw food diet is a special nutrition system that excludes heat-treated foods from the diet. According to the classics, this is a vegan movement, as its followers refuse food of animal origin. It is about them that we will talk further. We will leave aside various branches, which will be discussed a little later.

Basic principles of raw food diet:

  1. Consumption of fresh, unheated food of plant origin.
  2. Meat, fish, milk, eggs and other products associated with the exploitation of animals are excluded.
  3. Products must be environmentally friendly: without mold, nitrates, external chemical treatment (for example, apples are often rubbed with wax for shine), GMOs.
  4. There are 5-6 meals per day: 3 main meals and 2-3 snacks. The interval between them is no more than 4 hours.
  5. Distribution of nutrition between main meals. Breakfast, which in other food systems should be the richest, is as light as possible here - some kind of drink that will give you energy until lunch. Lunch should be complete, and dinner should be the most satisfying.
  6. Raw foodists are not limited in portion sizes, unless, of course, this nutritional system was chosen for weight loss.
  7. The raw food diet is classified as veganism, so its supporters in everyday life refuse items in the production of which animal extracts were used or which were tested on our smaller brothers.
  8. The same reason does not allow them to visit hippodromes, zoos, circuses, etc.
  9. Medicines are also prohibited.

What do raw foodists eat?

The most pressing question: what can raw foodists eat? The proposed list of products will most fully answer this question:

  • legumes - everything except beans (fresh ones contain phaseolunatin and the glycoside phasin, which cause severe poisoning);
  • mushrooms: porcini, champignons, oyster mushrooms, saffron milk caps and truffles;
  • greenery;
  • dried seaweed;
  • green leaves of medicinal herbs;
  • water - only raw, melted water;
  • drinks: smoothies, cocktails, fresh juices, homemade fresh juices;
  • vegetables - everything except potatoes;
  • nuts;
  • as a natural sweetener;
  • cereals in swollen form after soaking or sprouted;
  • seeds;
  • vegetable oils prepared using cold pressing;
  • spices;
  • seasonings;
  • dried fruits;
  • fruits;
  • berries.

All other foods are prohibited for raw foodists. Honey is a controversial point, but here everyone decides for himself whether he will consume it or not.

Sample menu

The most difficult thing is to create a menu. On the one hand, a plant-based diet does not allow you to go wild like before, since many goodies are prohibited. On the other hand, it should be as balanced and varied as possible in order to prevent vitamin deficiency. The sample menu successfully solves this paradox and shows how rich the menu can be for those who prefer raw food.


Breakfast: Mango Clouds smoothie


  • 100 g mango pulp;
  • 80 g banana;
  • 5 g poppy seeds;
  • 150 ml sesame milk;
  • 2-3 ice cubes;
  • mint leaves and strawberries - for decoration.


  1. Cut the fruit into large pieces and puree for 30 seconds in a blender.
  2. Add poppy seeds and milk to them.
  3. Beat until fluffy foam forms.
  4. Pour into a glass with 2-3 ice cubes.
  5. Top with mint leaves and strawberries.

Lunch: coconut curry soup


  • pulp of 1 coconut;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • 10 g ginger root;
  • 20 g curry;
  • half a chili pepper;
  • 30 g green onions;
  • 2 cucumbers;
  • 1 sweet pepper;
  • 20 g cilantro;
  • 100 ml water;
  • 10 ml lemon juice;
  • 1 date


  1. Cut the pepper into thin strips.
  2. Cut the cucumbers into slices.
  3. Place them in a separate bowl, sprinkle with cilantro.
  4. Beat the remaining ingredients in a blender.
  5. Pour the resulting cocktail over the vegetables.

Lunch: Thai Squash Salad


  • 3 squash (can be replaced with regular squash);
  • 3 carrots;
  • 200 g red cabbage;
  • 100 g cilantro;
  • 100 g bean sprouts;
  • 100 g broccoli.

For the sauce:

  • 50 g peanut butter;
  • 15 ml chili paste;
  • 50 ml live soy sauce;
  • 50 ml water.


  1. Cut the squash into small strips. Soak overnight.
  2. The bean sprouts are also soaked overnight.
  3. Chop carrots, red cabbage and broccoli as thinly as possible. Add squash and bean sprouts.
  4. Mix very carefully, without damaging the vegetable straws.
  5. Mix the ingredients for the sauce in a blender.
  6. Pour vegetables over them.

Afternoon snack: vanilla-coconut pudding


  • 300 ml coconut milk;
  • vanilla;
  • cinnamon;
  • cardamom;
  • 20 g agar-agar;
  • 100 ml water;
  • 30 g stevia.


  1. Mix coconut milk and spices.
  2. Place in the sun for an hour.
  3. Dilute agar-agar with water and add to milk with spices. Leave in the sun for another hour.
  4. Add stevia.
  5. Pour into cocktail glasses.
  6. Leave in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

Dinner: raw food “Shuba”


  • 50 g of dry seaweed (suitable for wakama);
  • 3 carrots;
  • 2 beets;
  • 2 avocados;
  • 2 cucumbers;
  • raw food mayonnaise;
  • greenery.


  1. Prepare raw food mayonnaise (you can find many recipes on the Internet).
  2. Half an hour before cooking, soak the seaweed in plenty of water. Then squeeze them out and chop them.
  3. Grate cucumber, carrots and beets.
  4. Cut the avocado into small cubes.
  5. Lay out the salad in layers: wakami - avocado - carrots - cucumber - beets. Coat each layer with mayonnaise.
  6. Sprinkle with herbs on top.

27 more recipes for raw foods in the article.

For weight loss

There is also a raw food diet. It differs little from the basic power system described above. Unless you need to correct the following points:

  • reduce daily caloric intake;
  • leave one dish for lunch and dinner;
  • reduce portion sizes;
  • actively engage in sports.

How to go?

Get tested and make sure you are healthy. Assess the risks. How will they affect your health? Will there be serious consequences that will worsen your quality of life?

Think in advance how your friends and family will react to your decision. Will they support you? Will you be able to tolerate the tempting aromas of food that others will prepare for themselves? Find like-minded people who can ease the transition by suggesting some unclear points and dispelling doubts.

In order not to break down, distract your brain with something fun - find a hobby for your soul and body to which you will devote your free time. After 3 weeks, it will become easier for you to stick to a new diet: that’s how long it takes a person to get used to something.

The main rule for beginners: the transition should be smooth and gradual - from 3 weeks to 3 months. This is the only way to avoid breakdowns and health problems. You should start with, then switch to lacto-, after 2-3 months - become vegan. And only after that try yourself on a raw food diet.

Raw vegetables and fruits can seriously disrupt the favorable gastrointestinal microflora. To avoid this, you need to eat up to 800 g of fresh greens daily. Try to include it in smoothies for breakfast, in salads, and sprinkle it on soups and main courses.

Eat only those foods that you like for their taste, but at the same time make sure that your diet is varied and balanced. It is advisable not to combine more than 3-5 main ingredients in one dish.

All products must be thoroughly washed and dried (with the same paper towel or simply in the sun). When purchasing products in a store, make sure that they are exclusively of plant origin and clean ecology. Avoid moldy or even slightly spoiled fruits and vegetables.

Eat strictly according to the schedule: meals should be at the same time. Daily calorie content: 2,100 kcal for men, 1,800 kcal for women. For weight loss - 1,500 and 1,200 respectively.

Give yourself fasting days several times a month. Moreover, raw foodists are not recommended to use traditional apples, cabbage or Brush lettuce, to which their body is already accustomed. Once every 2 weeks you need to stay on water all day (up to 3.5 liters).

Get an annual medical examination to monitor your health and promptly prevent or treat emerging problems.

Sample dishes for different meals:

  • immediately after waking up - a glass of raw water (with the addition of lemon juice);
  • breakfast - smoothie;
  • lunch - fruit;
  • lunch - cold pureed soup, vegetable salad;
  • afternoon snack - fruit salad / nuts / berries / dessert;
  • dinner - second course / porridge, vegetable salad;
  • before bed - a glass of lemon water or freshly squeezed juice diluted with water.

To avoid sodium deficiency, you need to eat as much seaweed, sauerkraut and mushrooms as possible. Zinc - sprouted seeds and cereals. Phosphorus - zucchini, champignons, wheat sprouts, pumpkin seeds, walnuts. Vitamin B12 - mushrooms. Omega-3 fatty acids - walnuts, vegetable oils,. Protein - porcini mushrooms, algae, quinoa, buckwheat.

Unfortunately, people often start eating raw food just because it is fashionable. This often results in serious eating and mental disorders. With an incorrectly composed diet, serious complications cannot be avoided.

Individual cases

Let's look at several individual cases of how raw food diet and...


Due to the high risk of poisoning from raw foods and deficiency of vitamin B12 and other beneficial substances, doctors strongly do not recommend this nutritional system for pregnant women. Consequences include miscarriages, stillbirths, premature or prolonged labor, intrauterine hypoxia, fetal pathologies, and prolonged bleeding after childbirth.


A reduction in the risk of developing cancer in raw foodists has been proven by scientific research conducted by Finns. However, this statement is often criticized: too few people were involved in the experiments and a very short period of time was taken to make such a big statement. Purely theoretically, plant foods are rich in antioxidants, which rid the body of free radicals, which means that this nutritional system can become a preventive measure for such diseases. In practice, raw foodists were given such a disappointing diagnosis.

But one fact here is not subject to any doubt: if you have oncology, you cannot switch to a raw food diet from a regular diet. The health condition may worsen and cause a relapse.


Another scientifically proven fact, confirmed by numerous studies. In 70% of cases, women who were raw foodists were diagnosed with complete or partial amenorrhea. That is, the monthly cycle was disrupted. The consequences are difficulties with conceiving, including infertility.


Among famous athletes there is more than one raw foodist with amazing muscle definition and world-class achievements. Even within the framework of a raw food diet, you can create a diet in such a way that your muscles do not suffer from a lack of protein. They will just have to triple their snacks more often in the form of pureed soups and smoothies. Better products are bananas and mushrooms, as well as sprouted seeds and cereals. Some companies produce special sports nutrition for raw bodybuilders. So these phenomena are quite compatible.


If the diet is incorrectly prepared, the consequences of a raw food diet can be very serious. Here is a list of just the most common complications:

  • alopecia;
  • amenorrhea;
  • anemia;
  • infertility;
  • pain in muscles, joints;
  • hallucinations (with B12 and sodium deficiency);
  • headache;
  • diarrhea, constipation;
  • impotence, premature ejaculation;
  • hormonal imbalances;
  • unfavorable changes in blood tests (low levels of leukocytes) and urine (high levels of urea and nitrogen);
  • fainting;
  • loss of vision;
  • liver failure;
  • poor sleep;
  • loss of appetite;
  • mental disorders;
  • weakness;
  • decreased libido;
  • tachycardia;
  • nausea and vomiting (the most common side effect);
  • tremor and numbness of the limbs;
  • thrombocytopenia;
  • deterioration of digestion;
  • deterioration of the condition of the skin, hair, nails.

Children who eat raw materials especially suffer, who, due to a lack of certain substances, may lag behind their peers in development - physical and mental. However, there are examples when they did not observe any deviations. And yet, British scientists are categorical on this issue and prohibit parents from feeding their children exclusively raw foods.

Famous raw foodists

Jared Leto

There are also raw foodists among celebrities. However, it is worth mentioning that some stars only partially adhere to this diet. They temporarily go on such a diet to lose weight and cleanse the body. And this is quite understandable given their elite life, in which buffets and festive feasts are constantly present.


  1. Georg Hackenschmidt - weightlifter.
  2. Alexey Voevoda - bobsledder.
  3. Michael Armstein is a marathon runner.
  4. Jim Morris is a bodybuilder.


  1. Alexey Martynov.
  2. Alicia Silverstone.
  3. Angelina Jolie.
  4. Valeria Gai Germanika.
  5. Victoria Bonya.
  6. Woody Harrelson.
  7. Henry Shelton.
  8. Demmy Moor.
  9. Jared Leto.
  10. Irina Toneva.
  11. Madonna.
  12. Mel Gibson.
  13. Natalie Portman.
  14. Ornella Muti.
  15. Pythagoras.
  16. Steve Jobs.
  17. Sting.
  18. Uma Thurman.
  19. Ann Hataway.


The Khanzakuts, a people living in northern India, are the most famous long-lived raw foodists who consume all food (mostly of plant origin) exclusively in raw form. Their average lifespan is 120 years. The basis of their diet is whole grain flatbread, which they dry in the sun.

The Armenian long-living raw foodist Vahe Danielyan, who has followed this food system for about 50 years, also became famous. He is now 98, but does not look his age, is active in sports and participates in various programs.

Books on raw food diet

In conclusion, I would like to offer several books that tell about real examples from the life of raw foodists, as well as theoretical and scientific justifications for this system. Let them become your inspiration on this difficult path.

  1. Arshavir Ter-Avanesyan (Aterov's surname may be indicated on the book). Raw food diet.
  2. Butenko Victoria. Greens for life. A real recovery story.
  3. Graham D. (Dr. Greaham). Diet "80-10-10".
  4. Zealand Sarno. Live kitchen. Transurfing updates.
  5. Kurdyumov N. Do we want health?
  6. Nikolaev Valentin. The choice of food is the choice of fate. A subjective view of nutrition, fasting and health.
  7. Walker N.V. Treatment with raw vegetable juices.
  8. Chuprun Alexander. What is a raw food diet and how to become a raw foodist (naturist).
  9. Shemchuk V. A. Raw food diet - The path to Immortality.

Raw food diet is a unique and, undoubtedly, interesting nutrition system. But it is too complex and tough, so many people cannot do it both in terms of willpower and health. Before you try yourself in it, you should weigh the pros and cons in order to avoid unpleasant consequences and complications.

When people are tired of their life, they try to change it somehow. Someone can change their clothing style, someone is trying to change their inner world or radically change their diet. So they choose a raw food diet, which is also considered healthy. The essence of a raw food diet is that a person eats only raw food, which is not cooked. As for the transition to such healthy food, it must be systematic, the first point of which is a complete rethinking of your life, as well as its quality. The incentive for future raw foodists is good health, as well as getting rid of some ailments forever. Of course, lush banquets are no longer for you, although salads with raw vegetables or regular cutting of vegetables are still present at the feast. The main thing is not to fall into temptation from the food that you had before.

If you are a very hardworking person and are constantly late at work, and there is no time to prepare food, you will definitely like this food, because most of the products do not need to be pre-cooked.

When switching to a raw food diet, you can expect new acquaintances where people are raw foodists just like you. Together it will be not only interesting, but also educational, because experienced raw foodists will definitely share their life experiences, as well as recipes for raw food diet dishes.

Raw food diet: menu

At first you will have to create a menu for every day very carefully. At first, difficulties may arise not only in counting calories, but in creating a menu. It should be varied, but as useful as possible. Later, this need will disappear by itself, as you will get used to it and will already know what you need to eat to maintain your vital energy.


To become a real naturopath (as raw foodists are also called), let's first decide what we will eat after we wake up. This will be our breakfast. Doctors always recommend that they be modest, and this is no exception for raw foodists. Eat sweet fruits and berries.


As for lunch, its menu is more dense than breakfast. There must be raw meat or fish products present. If you don't eat animal products, include beans or nuts in your diet.


In terms of saturation, dinner should be the same as breakfast, but preference should be given to vegetables, especially green ones, as well as herbs, which harmonize perfectly with them. A light cucumber salad with celery and herbs will perfectly replenish the energy expended during the day.

  • Flour baked goods are prohibited for raw foodists. Don't forget about it! Of course, at first it will not be easy to get used to this, but the stomach, and with it the intestines, simply will not process such food.
  • If you are a beginner raw foodist and it is difficult for you to get used to such a diet, you should first steam the vegetables. The habit of eating raw food will appear a little later, just make an effort and you will become a true gourmet on a raw food diet.

Effective raw food diet

Having familiarized yourself with all the information about the raw food diet, and having made a positive decision to use such nutrition, you also need to tune in to the fact that this is now your lifestyle. Such nutrition will be effective only when your diet is varied, one that contains all the vitamins and macroelements to maintain your vitality.

The result will not take long to arrive. You will definitely be satisfied with it, because now you will have good health, which you need to constantly monitor. Get tested regularly and control your weight. If there are any disturbances that have also appeared in the functioning of some organs, immediately contact your doctor, who will help you choose a raw food diet, or simply advise you to return to the food that you had before.

What is a raw food diet?

A raw food diet is not a new type of nutrition that our ancestors had. The basis is to eat only raw foods. Adding spices to this diet is excluded.

There are different types of raw foodists, who differ from each other in that they consume different types of foods, but they have the same goal - to eat only raw food. So, there are raw foodists who do not eat meat and fish, since such foods repel them, or they are ordinary vegetarians. More details in the article:

There are also those who do not refuse anything, that is, they eat all foods without exception. For some, food of animal origin predominates. And some people focus their attention only on fruits or sweet berries. Sometimes raw foodists adhere to a special diet. For example, at one time they give preference to the same type of products. Most people mix everything, and this is better for the functioning of the digestive tract, because raw food of one type is easily digested and is also absorbed with other foods. As with any diet, there are advantages and disadvantages. So, the advantage of a raw food diet is the consumption of truly vitamin-rich foods that have not lost their value during cooking. A significant drawback is that some types of products, such as meat or fish, may contain parasites that have a detrimental effect on the functioning of our stomach and intestines, which can only be killed by thermally processing the fish or meat. It’s good if such products are served at the table, only fresh ones, the quality of which you are completely confident.

Smart raw food diet

In approaches to this issue of vital activity, the opinions of doctors and nutritionists are conventionally divided into two opinions: some consider a raw food diet to be useful, others refute this opinion with all sorts of arguments. It is clear that every idea has two sides. But one way or another, a raw food diet has the right to exist. How does the human body benefit from this type of nutrition? How to switch step by step to a raw food diet? Let's look at this in more detail.

Ideology of raw food diet

Hippocrates also said, “You are what you eat.” Undoubtedly, this truth was adopted by adherents of this type of nutrition. Raw food diet was formed into an independent direction thanks to the research of the Swiss naturopathic doctor Max Bircher Benner of the 19th century. To do this, he developed a menu that was not subjected to heat treatment. Raw foodists do not eat fried, boiled or baked foods. The principle underlying the raw food diet: a person is a living organism, therefore, one must eat living food.

According to supporters of this trend, all vegetables and fruits consist of micro and macroelements, vitamin complexes, fats and carbohydrates, which are necessary for the human body. They contain the healing energy of the sun. When a product is heated to 45 degrees, beneficial substances lose their properties, according to raw foodists. The development of society has led to a decrease in the quality of food. Humanity has learned to can, freeze and refine foods, thereby changing their quality for the worse. For raw foodists, this food is considered garbage for the body. It provokes premature aging of all body systems.

Types of raw food diet:

The philosophy of raw food diet consists of the following types:

The benefits of a raw food diet

Based on the above principles, the benefits of a raw food diet are as follows:

  1. All useful substances saturate the body with the amount of vitamins and microelements that are found in the pure form of the product.
  2. Nutrition stimulates the body's protective function, reduces the risk of cancer, cardiovascular and gastrointestinal diseases.
  3. It saturates the body with useful plant and organic fiber.
  4. A raw food diet eliminates the problem of excess weight.
  5. Fresh fruits and vegetables improve the health of mucous membranes.
  6. Nutrition energizes the body, changes the worldview and affirms a new philosophy of life.

Raw foodists are always cheerful, optimistic and confident. The most important thing is that in our fast-paced age, you do not waste time on cooking. Food does not become a cult for a person and you can devote the remaining time to self-realization.

How to switch step by step to a raw food diet?

The path from traditional food to raw food diet

You have read a lot of information on Internet resources and have firmly decided to change your diet. You can’t do without certain knowledge here. How to switch step by step to a raw food diet and not provoke a functional failure of the body systems you need:

1. Gradual transition to a new diet

Theoretically, the transition lasts from 3 to 9 months. This is due to the physiological adaptation of the body to new energy saturation. You need to start with cleansing the body and removing toxins from the intestines. To determine your fasting regimen, you need to consult your doctor.

2. Switch to separate power supply

It is advisable to eat foods in single form, and not in salads. Mixing products is prohibited.

3. Grind food with kitchen appliances

To do this, you will need not only a traditional blender, grater and juicer, but also a dryer and a sprouter (a jar for sprouting wheat). If you prefer to boil meat and fish, it is better to do it by steaming. For this you need a double boiler.

4. The most important thing is will

Having started to eat in a new way, in addition to positive changes in the body (a surge of strength and energy), you will encounter complications in the form of skin dermatitis, gastrointestinal “challenges”, muscle spasms and pressure changes. Don’t be upset, you are on the right track, your body is just being rebuilt. The main thing is not to stop. By the name of raw food diet products, we can conclude that this diet requires material costs. It's easier and cheaper to go to fast foods and satisfy your hunger with low-quality food.

There is no doubt that human health is the main value. Follow this thesis, switch to a new diet and longevity is guaranteed.

You should start a raw food diet only after the basics of this nutrition system have been studied. In order for a raw food diet to be correct and harmless to health, you need to be well prepared.

Proper transition to a raw food diet

It is necessary to switch to such a power system wisely. You cannot decide to become a raw foodist one day, and the next day give up absolutely all your usual foods. This way you can seriously harm your body. The transition to a raw food diet should be easy and smooth, otherwise it will hardly be possible to avoid troubles.

The ideal option to start with would be a dairy-vegetable diet, and after a while you will be able to give up dairy products. If the transition to a raw food diet is correct, then in the future there should be no difficulties with this nutrition system.

At the very beginning, it is recommended to exclude meat from the diet, and then you can give up eggs and fish. The last step in the correct transition to a raw food diet is to give up milk and cooked food. In order to try your hand, you can switch to any of the vegetarian diets for a while.

The most suitable foods for a raw food diet

It is not at all difficult to guess that the diet with this food system will not be too varied. The main products for raw foodists are fresh vegetables and fruits. They are also allowed to eat various greens (nettle leaves, dandelions, sorrel, wild garlic) and leaf salads, sprouted grains and sunflower and pumpkin seeds.

Vegetable oils may be present in the diet of raw foodists. This can be not only sunflower, but also olive, mustard, corn and other oils. A prerequisite is that the oil must be cold pressed.

A proper raw food diet involves eating a variety of nuts raw. You can eat berries and honey; raw foodists sometimes include seaweed in their diet. Season the prepared food with salt and all kinds of spices, which can be slightly dried (for example, oregano, marjoram, parsley, dill and others).

Basics of proper raw food diet

The main rule states that man is an integral part of nature. This means that he cannot eat meat, eggs or dairy products. “Live” food (as raw foodists call raw foods) contains a large amount of useful substances, which are destroyed during heat treatment.

Those people who have completely switched to a raw food diet never tire of saying that processed food is poison. Any thermal process leads to the fact that in products no nutrients remain. Moreover, fried or boiled food, according to raw foodists, in some cases causes many diseases.

This nutritional system does not allow you to consume water and food at the same time. As a result, irritation of the gastric mucosa may occur, as acidity increases. You can drink water 30 minutes before your main meal. If a person has eaten, he can drink water only after an hour.

A proper raw food diet is based on the fact that you need to eat only when you feel hungry. You need to get up from the table with a feeling of lightness, and not with a full stomach. It is interesting that raw foodists do not start eating breakfast immediately after going to bed. They eat about 2-3 hours after they wake up. In the evening, food can be consumed at least 3 hours before bedtime.

When following a raw food diet, you are not allowed to eat any food that has just been taken out of the refrigerator. All products must be at room temperature. It is also important to remember that you need to chew your food very well.

The right combination of foods for a raw food diet

Raw foodists should not mix fats and sugar. You need to know that in their understanding, fats are coconut, nuts and avocados. And we mean sugar that is found in fruits. This means don't mix avocados, nuts or coconuts with sweet fruits. Only in this way will the digestion process be normal, without any signs of fermentation and rotting of food in the stomach.

Another rule states that it is highly recommended not to mix acid with starch. It should be understood that acid is all sour fruits (lemon, orange), as well as vegetables. Starchy foods for raw foodists will include not only potatoes, but also bananas and raw food bread.

The last rule of proper food combinations is that you cannot consume different types of fats at the same time. Products that are similar in composition may interfere with proper absorption. True raw foodists do not eat nuts with vegetable oil, coconut and avocado. All products that contain fats are themselves difficult to digest.

A proper raw food diet means that you need to listen carefully to your body and eat only “live” food. With the right approach, this nutritional system can bring positive changes for, cleanse the body, and prevent the occurrence of certain diseases.

"The living need the living"

At the end of the 19th century, raw food diet emerged as an independent trend in Switzerland. A raw food diet implies a nutritional system in which the consumption of any food that is subject to heat treatment is excluded.

Raw foodists allow in their diet the consumption of dried food that does not contain salts and seasonings (dried fruits), as well as cold-pressed vegetable oils. As for cereals, for example, raw foodists can consume buckwheat in sprouted form. Germination is achieved by soaking the seeds in water for a day and subsequently keeping them in a humid environment for several days.

The essence of a raw food diet is to preserve the nutritional value of the foods consumed. And due to the growth of progress, human nutrition only worsened. People began to invent new ways of long-term storage of food: refining, canning, freezing, thereby learning to destroy the beneficial properties of food, gradually forgetting about the truth: “You are what you eat.”

Types of raw food diet

Judging by the composition of the diet, the traditional raw food diet is similar to the vegan food system. The varieties of raw food diet are influenced by the representatives of this direction themselves. The only thing they all have in common is the refusal to cook food. There are:

omnivorous raw food diet

With this type of raw food diet, it is allowed to add foods such as meat, fish, seafood, milk, and eggs to the diet. All this can be consumed either raw or dried.

vegetarian raw food diet

A raw food diet, which completely excludes the consumption of meat and fish, but allows the consumption of raw eggs and/or milk, and sometimes a number of dairy products.

vegan raw food diet

A vegan raw food diet excludes all animal products and allows only raw plant foods. One of the most common types.

carnivorous raw food diet

This can be a raw meat diet or a raw food diet. It is based on the consumption of raw fish, seafood, raw meat, game, eggs and animal fat. Consumption of fruits and vegetables is kept to a minimum. Less common type.


This type of raw food diet involves eating only raw fruits: fruits and berries. However, this does not apply to vegetables and cereals.

Types of raw food diets also vary depending on the method of diet planning. So, they distinguish:

mixed raw food diet

With a mixed raw food diet, it is permissible to mix vegetables and fruits, fruits with fruits, fruits with nuts, animal proteins with each other, etc.

monotrophic raw food diet or raw mono diet

At one meal, it is allowed to consume one product of plant origin without heat treatment. There are some cheese monoeaters who consume only one product for several months.

Raw food diet is a type of diet

Recently, a raw food diet has been increasingly used as a diet. Those who lose weight by resorting to a raw food diet are confident that this method of eating promotes weight loss due to a change in the calories consumed in food. A person who adheres to a raw food diet does not overeat. In addition, some raw foodists believe that weight loss is due to the removal of toxins from the body.

Indications and contraindications

Ardent supporters of a raw food diet They are of the opinion that such nutrition is suitable for any person. However, this belief can be argued.

There are a number of plants that, during evolution, have developed a survival strategy, namely, they accumulate toxic substances as a protective weapon against being eaten. Man has learned to neutralize such substances in various ways, one of which is heat treatment.

Consider legumes, a staple food for millions of people. A significant amount of substances in them are toxic. Therefore, regular and excessive consumption of raw legumes is very harmful to the body. For example, wheat and other grains contain a significant amount of substances of little use, which can only be eliminated by heat treatment. Oxalic acid, contained in sorrel, spinach, and rhubarb, is considered poisonous, so it is recommended to boil or scald these greens with boiling water.

People suffering from allergies should avoid a raw food diet. Allergy sufferers should not eat raw food. Only after heat treatment of products, the immune system of allergy sufferers does not react to harmful protein substances.

In addition to the above contraindications for a raw food diet, there is one more contraindication - age. Strict rules of a raw food diet are contraindicated for children and the elderly.

"NO" to heat treatment

As a result of numerous Studies have shown that people who eat a lot of vegetables and fruits are much less likely to suffer from cancer and heart disease. Fresh, uncooked vegetables and fruits have a positive effect on the body, because during cooking, a significant part of the beneficial elements is lost.

For example, carotenoids prevent any kind of chronic diseases, prevent the development of tumors and stimulate the defenses of the human body. No less sensitive to heat treatment are the biologically active substances contained in cabbage, cherries, and celery. Even garlic loses some of its healing properties, including essential oil, during heat treatment.

Experts believe that a raw food diet can be used for preventive cleansing of the body. Moreover, this method of nutrition is an excellent method against intestinal sluggishness, hemorrhoids, and constipation. A raw food diet is indicated for patients suffering from kidney diseases. A raw food diet shows good results for gout, skin diseases, rheumatism...

A huge advantage of a raw food diet is that the body becomes full much faster. However, you need to remember that it is better to avoid eating foods that have high energy value. This applies to nuts, raisins, melons, dates... And for obesity, a raw food diet is many times better than fasting.

In any matter, a reasonable attitude and measure are important. Even just a small change in your diet towards healthier foods can make a big difference.