
Name Danat. Donat (male name). Middle name Danatovich is suitable for boys


In this article you will find information about the meaning of the name Donat, its origin, history, and learn about the interpretation options for the name.

What does the name Donat mean?: "gift" "gift" (the name Donat is of Latin origin).

Angel Donat Day: the name Donat does not mark the name day, since it is not included in the list of Catholic and Orthodox calendars.

Characteristics of the name Donat

Character of the name Donat: Donat is a balanced, reasonable, thorough person, loves clarity in everything, is somewhat straightforward, does not know how to get around sharp corners and adapt, which complicates his life. In difficult times, Donat is helped by her intuition and good knowledge of people. A man named Donat is generous and does not remember evil. Those born in winter are a little slow-witted, overly reasonable, meticulous and grumpy. Those born in summer are indecisive, kind, prone to depression and nervous diseases.

The name Donat is a sociable, economical and hospitable person. Serious, thorough and modest, hardworking. Doesn't like idle talk. In the hands of the name Donat, everything will be resolved.

Donat and his personal life

Love and marriage: Before marriage, he analyzes his feelings for a long time. Donat chooses a woman who is homely, calm and devoted to him as his life partner.

Health and energy

Health and talents: Donat is a good team leader - smart and efficient, strict with his subordinates, but lenient towards their minor sins. The name Donat is preferred by the professions of engineer and builder.

According to Higir

Children named by this name grow up strong. Outwardly they look like their mother, but in character they resemble their father. They do not cause much trouble to their parents, although they are quite stubborn and selfish. They study well at school, play sports (football, hockey), read a lot; In general, these are addicting natures. They are cunning and are not averse to deceiving, and they do it very masterfully. They are sociable - they have many friends. The relationship between Donat's father and mother cannot be called warm, and the boy, in fact, is left to his own devices. His passion is philately, he also loves animals and can touchingly care for them. Never complains about his grievances. Adult Donats are serious, thorough and at the same time modest people.

“Winter” ones are often unpredictable, grumpy and meticulous. They are truth-seekers, which, however, does not bring them laurels. “Summer” people are indecisive and kind, prone to depression and nervous diseases.

Donats successfully work as engineers, builders, master many blue-collar professions (blacksmiths, electricians), in their hands, everything works out for them. These are economic people, hospitable and sociable. They love hunting and fishing, and are fond of wooden crafts. They do not like people who talk more than they do, because they themselves are hardworking and will complete any task.

Vera, Maria, Anna, Olga, Nellie, Polina, Taisiya would be suitable wives for them. With those called Tamara, Inna, Clara, Vladlena or Zinaida, Donat’s life may not work out.

1. Personality: Men who weather storms

2.Color: purple

3. Main features: excitability - receptivity - sexuality - morality

4. Totem plant: reed

5. Totem animal: badger

6. Sign: Aquarius

7. Type. These are people who force others to work instead of themselves. They are not too ambitious, they strive for a calm, prosperous life. Like the reed, they prefer to bend under the gusts of wind rather than face the storms of life head on.

8. Psyche. Introverts are too deep into their inner world; they need to be involved in sports and participation in youth organizations.

9. Will. It manifests itself especially strongly when circumstances force action.

10. Excitability. Their excitability is reminiscent of a sleeping queen. They love to have friends, but on condition that this does not oblige them to anything.

11. Reaction speed. Very weak. They perceive defeats acutely; failure shocks and crushes them.

12. Field of activity. They are suitable for professions that are like a connecting link between managers and performers. In other words, they are suited to be supervisors, controllers, customs officers, and administrators. They achieve success in the field of electronics, medicine and paramedicine. Among them are famous surgeons and dentists.

13. Intuition. Exceptional. They often use their intuition and refer to it when they do not want to use their heads.

14. Intelligence. An analytical mindset allows them to navigate life well. In addition, they have a developed imagination and memory, but lack curiosity.

15. Receptivity. They are very impressionable and sensitive to everything connected with good and evil.

16. Morality. They are impeccable in this regard, but do not recognize too harsh rules. However, often their scrupulousness is out of place, and this is annoying.

17. Health. They get tired quickly, although one should distinguish between overwork and a certain mental state. It is better to spend your vacation near the water, by the sea. Weak points of the body: genitals and nervous system.

18. Sexuality. The lives of such men are spent trying to reconcile the contradictory aspects of their personality. Delicate and sensitive, they are well versed in female psychology, and their sexual feelings are quite developed.

19. Activity. To a certain extent, they are indecisive and absolutely unable to resist and fight.

20. Sociability. They like to surround themselves with people, even if they are not friends, but casual acquaintances. Good family men, it is in the family that they experience a sense of peace and for this reason they are capable of compromise.

21. Conclusion. You can trust such men. They are not too active and assertive, but they have advantages that are rare in our time.

Thorough, reasonable, balanced, a little stubborn - this is Donat. It will be useful to remember the meaning of the name for parents who plan to give it to their son. This information is also valuable for its owners.

What is the origin and meaning of the name Donat?

First, it’s worth understanding where it came from and what it means. What can you tell about the origin and meaning of the name Donat? Linguists are unanimous that it has Latin roots. The name is derived from the word donaus. In our language it is translated as “given”, “gifted”. This is exactly what the name Donat means.

It was first found at the beginning of the last millennium. This was the name of the bishop of the city of Euria, who lived during the reign of Theodosius the Great, the last emperor of a unified Roman Empire. This man gained fame as a miracle worker; many good deeds are attributed to him.

Nowadays, the name Donat, the meaning and interpretation of which this article is devoted to, is not found often. This gives its owner the opportunity to feel his uniqueness even in childhood.


What impact does the meaning of the name Donat have on a child? Even in childhood, its owner demonstrates rare stubbornness and an inability to compromise. He does not have a close relationship with his parents. The boy will not go to complain to mom and dad if someone offends him, but will prefer to solve the problem on his own.

Little Donut loves to spend time alone, but this does not mean that he has no friends. He is quite sociable and easily finds a common language with other children.


How does the meaning of the male name Donat affect the character of its owner? This guy has many positive qualities - thoroughness, prudence, balance, modesty. He is not inclined to make impulsive decisions; he prefers to think and weigh everything first. Also, a man whose name is so generous is distinguished by his generosity and knows how to forgive insults. This person has spiritual values ​​and clear goals. In difficult times, knowledge of people and intuition come to his aid.

Of course, Donat also has shortcomings that complicate his life. Sometimes the owner of the name is too straightforward; it is not easy for him to adapt to circumstances and avoid sharp corners. Any changes unsettle him; Donat finds it difficult to cope with moving and changing jobs. Conflicts with loved ones also make him suffer.


Much depends on what time of year the owner of a rare name was born. Donat, born in spring or summer, is distinguished by kindness and generosity. He is characterized by a dislike for making decisions and a tendency to depression.

Donat, born in autumn or winter, belongs to the category of fighters for truth. Unfortunately, her search does not always bring him happiness. Materialist, realist, a little slow-witted - this is how you can briefly describe this person. It should also be noted that he can be overly meticulous and grumpy.

Friendship, communication

What is the meaning of the name Donat, if we talk about the friendly connections of its owner? As mentioned above, this person loves and knows how to make friends. He prefers to bring closer people who are as serious and thorough as himself. He doesn't like people who talk a lot and do little. Donat is a hospitable person; friends often gather at his home.

The owner of the name is a loyal friend who will not abandon you in a difficult situation. It is interesting that he himself turns to anyone for help extremely rarely. Since childhood, Donat has strived for independence, so he prefers to solve all his problems himself, rather than putting them on the shoulders of others.

Love, family

Donat approaches creating a family very responsibly and thoroughly. He will date his chosen one for a long time before he risks proposing to her. The candy-bouquet period can drag on for so long that the girl herself will be forced to push him to think about the wedding.

Donat's life partner must exactly correspond to his ideas about the ideal woman. Above all, this man values ​​balance, thriftiness, and love for children. Loyalty also plays a very important role for him; this person will never forgive betrayal. He does not attach decisive importance to external data.

Donat might make a good father. He is ready to devote a lot of time to raising his children, trying to instill in them respect for family values ​​and work. There is a high probability that his wife will give him sons who will be very similar to himself.


Does the meaning of the name Donat influence the choice of profession? Medicine, science, education are areas in which this man has every chance to succeed. He will also make an excellent builder or engineer.

This man sometimes seems to others to be too soft and indecisive, but this is not true. He may slowly move up the career ladder due to the fact that he does not want to specifically attract the attention of his superiors to his merits. If Donat is nevertheless entrusted with a leadership position, he will cope with his responsibilities perfectly. This person easily finds a common language with subordinates, does not provoke conflicts, and shows severity when necessary. As a small business owner, he also has every chance to succeed.


The owner of the name develops a love for nature in childhood and continues into adulthood. It is easy to persuade him to spend a weekend in the forest or on the river bank; he often organizes friendly picnics himself. Hunting and fishing are activities that especially attract him.

The owner of the name rarely shows interest in creative activities. But Donat is very attracted to reading; he gives preference to “serious” literature. No one can force this man to take part in gambling. Donat is used to relying on common sense rather than luck.


The article talks about what the name Donat means. It is also impossible not to pay attention to the health of its owner. As a child, he practically never gets sick, which makes his parents very happy. As an adult, he needs to be attentive to the state of his nervous system.

This is probably the first time many people have heard this male name. But it, just like other names, has its own history and a certain influence on the character of the owner.

What does the name Donat mean? Let's try to figure this out.

The origin of this name has Latin roots and translates as “gifted.” There are other derived forms:

  • Donatos.
  • Donates.
  • Donato et al.

The meaning of the name Donat makes its owner a very sociable person, thanks to which he easily makes new acquaintances and has many friends. He does not have a close relationship with his mother; he spends most of his time as a child alone with himself, so he is used to solving his problems himself. If someone offends him, the boy will not tell anyone about it.

In adulthood, Donat becomes a serious person with clear goals and spiritual values, but at the same time remains modest. Before making a final decision, he thinks it over and weighs everything several times, and never “cuts off the shoulder.”

He becomes strongly attached to what he has and is sensitive to any changes. This applies to everything: changing jobs and housing, misunderstandings with family and quarrels with friends. He does not like to depend on anyone, so he tries to become independent in everything as quickly as possible.

It also matters what time of year Donat was born. Summer boys have character traits such as kindness and responsiveness, but they are also a little indecisive and prone to depression.

Winter ones are fighters for the truth, but the search for it does not always bring them satisfaction. The best words to describe Donat are “realist” and “materialist.”

A man named Donat may be hesitant for a long time to take such an important step as a marriage proposal. For a long time he has been in a romantic relationship with his chosen one before asking her to marry. Sometimes the girl herself pushes him to do this.

The most important qualities that Donat's future wife should have are thriftiness, love for children and a balanced character, as well as fidelity, because Donat will never forgive betrayal. To create a strong family, women with the following names are best suited for him:

  • Maria.

But with, and it’s not worth making serious plans for life.

Some people may consider this guy to be a quiet guy, to put it mildly. After all, he is often indecisive, which is why he will not make attempts to win the heart of the woman he likes or reveal all his abilities to his boss in order to get a new position.

At the same time, his mentality allows him to easily manage people and act as a leader. Donat easily finds a common language with his colleagues, does not provoke conflicts and does not succumb to provocations. Shows strictness if the situation requires it, but becomes soft and understanding, easily entering into the position of other people.

Most often, guys with this name feel comfortable in the role of administrator, controller, customs officer, that is, in a position that connects management and subordinates. In addition, the profession of a medical worker is suitable for him. Author: Natalia Chernikova

Donat is a suitable name for a boy born on the date of birth of his mother or father, because from Latin it sounds nothing more than “gift”, “given”, “given”.

Origin of the name

The ancient Roman name Donatus, whose meaning and the fate of the bearers of the name attracted you, refers to the types of nicknames that glorify the help of higher powers, which show how important the child is for his family.

general characteristics

Donat's fate should be successful. They cherish and protect the baby, try to please him and instill good manners. As soon as Donatik gets sick, and colds are not uncommon for the baby, an army of grandparents, aunts and uncles rushes to the aid of the parents - everyone is trying to make their contribution to the recovery of the heir.

Naturally, with such increased attention from household members, Donka grows up to be a smart and smart boy beyond his years. The boy acquires the ability to read, write, add, and navigate the surrounding nature long before school.

For Don, school seems like a world of scientific discovery. While other children are establishing interpersonal connections, an inquisitive student-gift is avidly re-reading available scientific and technical works. Fortunately, modern computer technologies allow us to delve into various branches of the universe.

Building friendly, loving relationships becomes important for Donat when he is quite old. He is looking for like-minded people who are intellectually and morally equal to him, and from among the women he chooses the one who will show patience and restraint while waiting for his decision to marry.

Positive character traits

Reasonable, slow-moving Donat knows how to prioritize things and not chase an impossible dream. The young man has a great sense of people, is devoted to his friends, and takes care of his parents to the end.

To some, the guy will seem slow-witted and boring, but without using unnecessary words in a business conversation, he will think ten steps ahead about the degree of risk, the possibility of a successful result, and calculate profits and costs.

Negative traits

Among Donat's negative character traits, he is hampered by the fact that he does not know how to adapt, and in unexpected situations he can fall into a stupor. Winter Donatos can be overly meticulous, likes to lecture his household, especially gets to his faithful wife, can mutter for no reason, and is prone to melancholy.

The artistic abilities of the name Donat are weakly expressed; “earthly” professions are more suitable for him: engineer, auto mechanic, builder, methodologist, researcher.

Zodiac sign

Intuitive abilities close to clairvoyance are inherent in the bearer of the name born in Capricorn or Aquarius.
For Donat, prudence, which is endowed by his patron planet - Saturn, always comes first.
In clothes, Donat prefers black, gray, olive, and lilac colors, which his name defines as happy.
Don't forget about the lucky stone for Natick. This is onyx, magnetite or chalcedony (quartz).


Don, Donik, Donatik, Nat, Natik, Natichka, Donatka,

Name options

Donato, Donatello, Donatus, Donatas, Donnet.

Historical figures

Unknown - 387 - Bishop of Evir, holy wonderworker Donatus.
1386 – 1466 – Italian sculptor Donatello (born Donato di Betto Bardi).
1429 – 1478 – Florentine financier Donato Acciaiuoli.
1444 – 1514 – Italian architect Donato Bramante (Lazzari).
1924 – 2014 – Soviet Lithuanian actor, director Donatas Banionis.
born 1953 - Italian actor and writer Donato Placido.
born 1967 - American illustrator Donato Giancola.
Born 1983 – Russian actor, director Donatas Grudovich.
Born 1996 – Lithuanian basketball player Donatas Sabonis.
Born 1996 - American hockey player Donato Ryan.