
The love triangle of Vlad Radimov: revelations from the football player’s girlfriend. Vladislav Radimov - biography, information, personal life What happened to the first wife of Vladislav Radimov


Vladislav Radimov Career: Football player
Birth: Russia" St. Petersburg, 11/26/1975
Vladislav Radimov is a Russian athlete, football player, midfielder, Honored Master of Sports of Russia. Born on November 26, 1975. Vladislav Radimov is a former player of the Russian national team 1994-2006. Among the professional achievements of Vladislav Radimov the following can be noted: Russian Cup finalist: 1993/94, 1998/99 Bulgarian champion: 2000/01 Spanish Cup winner: 2000/01 Winner and the best scorer of the Russian Premier League Cup: 2003 Silver medalist of the Russian Championship: 2003 Champion of Russia: 2007 Champion of Russia: 2010 Winner of the UEFA Cup: 2007/08 Winner of the UEFA Super Cup: 2008 In the lists of the 33 best football players of the Russian Championship (2): 1 (1994, 1995).

On December 21 last year, I flew from Zaragoza to Moscow for a week. In order to stay in shape, Ramiz Mamedov and I played mini-football in the evenings. One day, when he was already getting ready to go to the Olympic Village, Sergei Mamchur called. The cat asked me to borrow some money. I said that I would drop him off at the moment, and rushed towards “Dynamo” - in that area he rented an apartment with his wife and two children. Shortly before leaving for Spain, I got myself an apartment, and Seryoga is not the kind of gentleman to bother with his superiors. Like Denis Mashkarin, the one who played for CSKA since 1992, but never had his own corner. He and Mamchura, who never let anyone down on the field or in life under any circumstances, were fed with promises.

Sergei was in a bad mood, and I invited him to gather me for company. He agreed, but, citing fatigue after training at CSKA, did not play with us.

“I’d rather root for you,” he said and began to look after our “battle of the giants.” When it ended, Mamchur was no longer in the hall. And in the morning I was told by phone that Seryoga had died. I dropped the phone from my hands, tears flowed down my cheeks, although I immediately could not believe what had happened. Mamchuru because he was only 25 years old...

I was at the funeral service in Moscow, and then I wanted to accompany the coffin to Dnepropetrovsk, together with Minko, Semak and Grishins, but I had no right to be late, even by a day, to Zaragoza. The Zaragoza players, having learned about Mamchur’s death, asked: “Did you know him well?” “He was my best friend,” I replied. After that, everyone fell silent - as if the Spaniards, Argentinean, Swede, Paraguayan, Brazilian decided to honor the memory of the wonderful Ukrainian guy with a minute of silence.


I had all sorts of injuries - dislocations and fractures (at the age of 17, more than two), but worse than any injury - toothache. Meanwhile, my parents, dentists, always made sure that everything was in order with my teeth. I just never turned to them for help. He would probably have run away from my mother’s chair as soon as she turned on the drill. You won’t allow yourself to do this next to a stranger - you will endure it to the end.

My parents, who worked 12 hours a day, under no circumstances insisted that I follow in their footsteps. They just didn’t want their one son to wander around the apartment with nothing to do, hang around the courtyards or hang out in the entrance. And they were glad when I took up fencing. On the track with a foil in my hands, I felt like D'Artagnan. I liked to get ahead of my opponent - I rejoiced at every successful thrust like a child. And I was only ten years old. My fencing career did not turn out to be long, but, having no time to define the point in it, I achieved something -what success - I became the third prize-winner in the Leningrad championship among my peers.

And I stopped fencing because during warm-ups before training we were given ten minutes to kick a soccer ball. This is what brought me into complete ecstasy. And when I, a third-grader, was accepted into the Smena football school, without hesitation I ended up giving up fencing once and for all.


On the one hand, my parents were glad that, having passed a cyclopean competition, I was enrolled in a football school, on the other hand... “Football player is not a profession,” my mother never tired of repeating, noticing that my studies were relegated to a second project . There was no time to really do the lessons. I had training in the morning and evening, and I did my homework on the way to school on the 93rd bus, although you can’t solve all the math problems in 40 minutes. The excellent girls helped out - they let me cheat before classes and during breaks. I'm not a child prodigy - there weren't many A's in my diary, but I tried not to fall behind. I really wanted to play, and my coach Mark Abramovich Rubin did not allow poor students to train.

We played in a 4-3-3 system, in which Rubin assigned me the role of a defensive midfielder. Since then, they have placed me everywhere (in the play-off qualifying match against Italy in Naples, I essentially played as a right-back), but I felt most comfortable in the center of the midline.

I wouldn’t say that I stood out as something special among my peers, but once Alexander Kuznetsov, the coach of the country’s youth team, called me to a training camp. There I met Dima Khokhlov. True, unlike him, I was no longer invited to this team. And in the third league team “Smena-Saturn” they did not indulge in increased attention. But I did not despair and hoped that someday I would try on a Zenit T-shirt. My wall was covered with photographs of famous players and teams - magazine clippings, and in the most prominent place there was an autographed portrait of Valery Broshin, the one I was lucky enough to take. Then I didn’t even dare to think that a few years would pass and we would play on the same team. Not at Zenit, where I was not invited under any circumstances, but at CSKA. When Broshin and I were placed together at the tournament in Zaragoza, I was in seventh heaven.

A couple of years later I came to Zaragoza again. One. Without CSKA and without Broshin. Perhaps, as a result of this, I did not experience the joy that I experienced on the first visit.

I was 16 years old when Stepan Petrovich Krysevich brought me to Moscow to CSKA. Together with other non-resident players of the double - Khokhlov, Shukov, Demchenko, Ageev, Tsaplin, Melnikov - we lived in a modest boarding house at the stadium on Peschanaya Street. They paid so little that sometimes there was not enough money for food. We received parcels from home from our parents. The gifts were divided equally among everyone. I remember with what pleasure we devoured Demchenko’s Zaporozhye lard, Khokhlov’s fruits and fish, and our St. Petersburg raw smoked sausage!

They didn’t look at the windows of fashion stores. We were completely satisfied with the training suits with the letters CSKA on the back, and we walked around the city in them. Muscovites of the same age who seemed well-fed and smartly dressed to us hurried past to the Pushkin monument for a rendezvous or a disco at the Olimpiysky. I, forced to exist according to a routine, in my soul envied their looseness and freedom. But nowadays, remembering those difficult days in a foreign city, more and more often I catch myself thinking that it was a wonderful time. Perhaps the best of my life. A time of camaraderie, hopes and dreams.

Last December, Costa, the Zaragoza coach, provoked me into a brawl, and I firmly decided to leave the team. Everything is the same where. The conflict became public, and they started calling me from different clubs, including Russian ones - Dynamo, Torpedo, Zenit. But if I returned to my homeland, it would only be to CSKA. At least for the fans who loved me extremely. And I loved them. And if I had been at CSKA, when Tarkhanov and several guys left for Torpedo, then, with all due respect to Alexander Fedorovich, I would have remained in the army team, for which I played for the first time at the age of 16.

It was in Nakhodka, where many did not go, and Gennady Kostylev released me in the middle of the second half. Under Kostylev I played only four matches. But Boris Kopeikin, who replaced him, believed in me and invariably put me in the squad. And to complain about Tarkhanov’s attitude and not even the slightest misdemeanor. I, it seems, was his favorite, and I, as they say, got away with what he did not forgive others in the game, for example, Ilshat Fayzullin.

That team could have achieved a lot, but we were young, sometimes we played to the public, and divided the matches into major and minor ones. Maybe as a result of this, I played my most memorable games against Spartak and scored against them constantly, no matter who defended them.

However, goals were never an end in themselves for me. I was always happy about the success of my partners who scored after my passes. I was called the team leader, but I didn’t feel like one. A leader is one who, without losing composure in an extreme situation, is ready to lead others along with him. But if I played at home and couldn’t score for a long time, I started to get nervous, and sometimes in my heart I even asked to be replaced.

I didn’t grow up as quickly as my coaches wanted. But little by little my entertainment became more meaningful and rational. I no longer attacked, for example, five opponents with the ball, I played a pass more often, and if the pass didn’t go through, I blamed myself for it and not my partner who didn’t take a step towards the ball. The press praised me. The newspapers wrote that if only Radimov had won this or that match a little bit alone. I didn’t pay attention to this, because I knew: in our team, the free skater does a close job. But you can’t imagine how much I reproached myself after the failed matches! And I also felt guilty about the fact that we never won the championship or the Cup. Perhaps my career in Russia would have been more successful if I had agreed to move to Spartak, where Oleg Romantsev invited me.

However, leaving Spartak meant playing against CSKA. Against guys with whom I had a strong friendship, against a team that had done so much for me. I refused and under no circumstances did I regret it.


In August 1994, I was invited to the national team for the first time. In our native St. Petersburg, before the closing of the Goodwill Games, our team met with the world team. I came on as a substitute and scored. Soon Romantsev challenged me to a friendly match with the Austrians. We won - 3:0, and I played the entire second half.

I understood that beautiful eyes don’t get you into the national team. But I was also sure that if Tarkhanov, being the head coach of CSKA and Romantsev’s assistant in the national team, had not insisted on my candidacy. Oleg Ivanovich could have done without me. At his disposal were footballers who were known throughout Europe. I had no doubt that they would be given preference in official matches. And when on November 19, a week before my birthday, in Glasgow at the installation before the European Championship qualifying match with the Scots, I didn’t hear my name, I wasn’t upset, because I considered it an honor to be among the substitutes.

And suddenly, 15 minutes before the start of the game, Kiryakov, limping, goes to the bench. “Go out onto the field, you will play,” says Romantsev and briefly explains my functions.

If three days before the match they had announced that I would be in the starting lineup, I would definitely have had a few sleepless nights. Because the legionnaires who went through fire, water and copper pipes didn’t really know me at all. It is not surprising that Andrei Kanchelskis confused my name every now and then, which I was not offended by.

I was thrown into the “battle” so completely out of the blue that I didn’t even have time to get scared. He entered the game at attention. When they received the ball, I tried not to lose it - this is what Romantsev asked me to do in the first place. I played next to the foreign players and admired them. And when Shalimov sent the ball 40 meters away and it landed at the very point of the penalty area where Radchenko rushed, and in front of him there was only the goalkeeper, I almost went crazy. Not even from joy after this goal scored by our team, but from a fantastic pass - it’s so necessary to watch the field and feel your partner!

I didn't do anything special in that game that ended in a draw. Perhaps that’s why it was doubly nice when, in the locker room after this match, Shalimov shook my hand and thanked me. Shalimov, and our other “foreigners” - Kanchelskis, Kolyvanov, Onopko - amazed me not only with their skill, but also with their demeanor. They behaved without doubt and talked as if we had been playing together for ten years. Whether they saw me as a competitor or not, I feel their support, which a newcomer to the national team needs like air, forever.


At the training camp of our national team - in Novogorsk, Tarasovka or abroad - my roommates were Bushmanov, Mamedov, Khokhlov. But one fine time, before a friendly match with the Germans in Luzhniki, I was put in the same room as Cherchesov. “He will teach me how to live,” those who know Stas well warned me.

So, yes. - Cherchesov said meaningfully when I placed the bag in the middle of the room, - the formation in this place should be ideal. If I re-educated Dobrovolsky in a day, then I can even handle you.

I must note that Cherchesov is a unique football player for Russia. In my entire existence I have never smoked a cigarette or taken a drop of alcohol to my lips. Eyewitnesses say that, moreover, on his birthday, “dzhigit,” as Cherchesov is called in the national team, makes Caucasian toasts and places a wine glass on the table.

The regime, my friend, is a great thing. I can’t even imagine how it’s possible to go to training with a sore head. And looking at you, young people, I’m surprised: you need to sleep with a ball, but you put mobile phones under your pillow,” Cherchesov reasoned, lying on the bed after lights out. And suddenly he jumped to his feet and asked me to stand opposite him. I, obeying his command, put aside the issue of SPORT-EXPRESS, the one that I was going to read before going to bed.

Now, in a two-way game, you were the only one against Kharin and didn’t score,” my neighbor began, taking a goalkeeper’s stance. - And all due to the fact that he outwitted you: he closed the nearby corner, and you, as logic dictated, broke through into the not so close one. Kharin was just waiting for this. If he had played unconventionally, contrary to logic, the ball would probably have hit the net.

I remembered that lesson, and a year later in the match CSKA - Spartak, when Cherchesov rushed towards me, preparing to reflect the shock into a distant corner, he broke through into a nearby one...

After the game, Stas congratulated me on the goal:

Well done! Just admit it openly - the ball fell off your foot, and that’s why it ended up in the near corner?

No, Stas, he didn’t fall. You yourself taught me that you need to hit where the goalkeeper least expects it.

We laughed and walked into the tunnel of the Dynamo stadium, hugging each other.


I respect my parents and, of course, often consult with them. But I do not forget that they are people of their time. In our time, you need to make decisions yourself. At the age of 18, he could have ended up in Real Madrid, but he refused - he felt it was too early. True, the experienced football players I met on the national team said that the sooner you end up in a foreign, professional club, the better. And you’ll learn the language faster, and it’s easier to change your lifestyle, and you’ll begin to progress in the game faster than in Russia. As for the contract, it must be signed when you are on horseback.

I didn’t feel like a full-fledged national team player either before Romantsev’s arrival or then when he left. But under him, I was constantly called to training camps, and it was not by chance that I played my best match for the national team in the spring of 1996 in Brussels against the Belgians. I was entrusted with the care of Scifo himself, and I not only did not allow him, the amazing dispatcher, to breathe freely, but also attracted the sympathy of several scouts from different countries who deliberately arrived at the match (truth, I ran so hard that I slightly died from fatigue in the locker room ). Soon there were offers from Seville Betis and Zaragoza. Tarkhanov didn’t want to let me out, but I was categorical - I’ll leave! In the end, the coach gave in, and in England, during the European Championship, I signed a contract with Zaragoza, the terms of which were agreed upon in Moscow. I knew that this was a good Spanish club that had won the Copa del Rey and the Cup Winners' Cup. It didn’t bother me at all that there wasn’t a single Russian on this team. I had no doubt: I wouldn’t have to feel sad.

The expectations were justified. Both in training and in the game I had to work hard. In Russia, in matches with “Uralmash” or “Zhemchuzhina”, it was allowed not to give all the best and still win the same way. There are no such games in Spain. In CSKA I had the right to improvise; in Zaragoza I had to strictly carry out the coach’s instructions. Otherwise - bench.

Victor Fernandez made his debut in Seville, where we won 2:1. the one who took over Celta last summer gave me the unusual image of a right midfielder. But apparently I coped with it, because they put me in the next match. The first period was successful for me. He played 25 matches, but he scored only two goals. But even in CSKA, under no circumstances was I distinguished by productivity - 14 goals over three and a half championships.

Alas, for some reason I disappointed the other Victor, Esparago, who replaced Fernandez, all at once and for a long time. After just two lessons, the Uruguayan, it would be appropriate to say, who scored a scandalous goal against us at the World Championships in Mexico in 1970, categorically declared: “This guy doesn’t know the language and doesn’t want to work!” And he sent me to the reserve. Fortunately, he himself worked at Zaragoza for only three months, during which the team took four points from 11 matches. At that time, I appeared on the field only once, playing the last 20 minutes against Compostela.

My troubles did not end with the departure of the Uruguayan. When I returned from Naples, where I played for the national team, my newly appointed coach Costa did not include me in the number 16. In the next match I was in the reserves, but did not take the field. And during the break in the cup match with the third league club, where I played from the very beginning, I sharply responded to the coach for a remark that he made to me from the bench.

I know my shortcomings very well. I don’t have enough patience, sometimes I can’t stand it. If they treat me unfairly, I can burn like a wooden disposable lighter. This is what happened on that ill-fated day in the Zaragoza locker room. But I felt right and was not going to bother apologizing.

I don’t know how my conflict with the coach would have ended if it weren’t for Zaragoza president Alfonso Solans (his dad, who died recently, just signed a contract with me). He talked to me and Costa and convinced us that in the interests of the team we should conclude a truce. Meanwhile, I was internally ready to part with Zaragoza.

In fact, in Zaragoza no one is guaranteed a place in the starting lineup, let alone defender Albert Belsuey. He was born in Zaragoza, constantly played for its club, won the Spanish Cup and the Cup Winners' Cup with it. Belsué enjoys special respect in the team, and winning his respect is not easy. And because, I won’t lie, it was nice when Alberte invited me, along with several Zaragoza players, to his birthday.

I gave him a hat with earflaps, which he had dreamed of since he saw it once in a fashion magazine. Albert tried on the hat and spent almost the entire evening wearing it.

For the Spaniards, Russia is an exotic and mysterious power. Zaragoza players are still amazed how they are allowed to wander the streets in 30 degrees below zero. And when I tell them how Russian children play snowballs and skate for hours in this weather, they just clutch their heads. I sympathize with the Spaniards. They are not given the opportunity to realize the beauty of the Russian winter. And I miss her so much in this place!

I’m not a goalscorer, I don’t score often, and that’s why I see every goal before my eyes. And I will never forget the one that scored against the Brazilian national team two years ago.

Remember the joke about the water polo player, to whom everyone shouted: “Give the ball to Givi!”? So for me, when I picked up the ball in the center of the field and moved towards the Brazilian goal, the players, coaches, and fans began shouting: “Hit!” But I hit not because of the scream, but because I didn’t have the strength to rush further. And here's a curiosity! The ball hit the top nine! It’s just a pity that this happened in a friendly match at Dynamo, and not at the World Championships in France, where we didn’t make it through our own fault.

Growing up

Before the start of the current Spanish Championship, I fell ill. It was unpleasant to the point of tears, because at that time our team was preparing for the match with Ukraine. Sometimes it seems that being takes away from me what it gave in advance, but I could not pay it off in a timely manner. Previously, I suppose, I would have despaired, but today... After the tragedy that happened to my friend Sergei Mamchur, I rethought and overestimated a lot. And I learned to rejoice in every day I lived. I realized that while you are living, everything can be changed for the better, especially when you are only 22 years old.

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Radimov Vladislav Nikolaevich

Russian Football Player

Vladislav Radimov was born on November 26, 1975 in St. Petersburg. He grew up in a family of dentists. By the way, for Vlad, toothache is still the most terrible test, worse than any injury. The boy was lucky that his parents did not insist that he follow in their footsteps. But they demanded that their son not wander around the yard doing nothing, but be busy all day. Therefore, little Vladislav Radimov, having watched enough films about D’Artagnan on TV, signed up for the fencing section.

The boy did not stay there very long, but managed to win bronze medals at the Leningrad championship among his peers. Vladislav Radimov replaced the rapier with a soccer ball when he was accepted into the Smena football school in the third grade. Studying at a comprehensive school faded into the background, although the teenager tried not to get bad grades, otherwise the coach would not allow him to attend training. As Radimov himself recalls, in football terms he did not grow as quickly as his mentors would have liked. Perhaps this was due to the fact that the football player came to the sport later than the accepted age. However, he managed to make an excellent career and make a significant contribution to domestic football.

Vladislav Radimov made his debut at the adult level at the age of 16, when he played for the Second League club Smena-Saturn. This was the only match for his native team, as almost immediately the athlete moved to Moscow and became a member of the capital's CSKA, for which he played for four years. And it was as an army man that Radimov got into the Russian national team and went to the European Championships in England. Later in the midfielder’s career, the Spanish Zaragoza team appeared. The first season he was the main player, but then gave way to competitors.

I had to go to rent. First, Vladislav Radimov’s football biography includes Dynamo Moscow, and then the Bulgarian club Levski from Sofia. And although the athlete does not like to remember that period, the final of the Russian Cup and gold medals of the Bulgarian championship were added to his treasury of achievements. At the beginning of the 21st century, Vladislav was already thinking about hanging up his boots, but agreed to play for the Samara “Wings of the Soviets” and not only found a second wind, but also became the leader and captain of the team.

And a year later, Radimov finds himself in his favorite football club of his childhood, Zenit. It is believed that at that time this was the most expensive transfer transfer for St. Petersburg residents. Here the footballer became the champion of Russia, won the Cup and Super Cup. Not without the help of Vladislav, Zenit became a triumph on the international stage, winning the UEFA Cup and then beating the legendary British club Manchester United in the UEFA Super Cup. After finishing his career, Vladislav Radimov remained in the Zenit structure. He began coaching the youth team, and now heads the reserve team.

In the personal life of Vladislav Radimov there were two official wives, one actual marriage, and several novels. The first time he married Larisa Bushmanova, who gave birth to the football player’s daughter Alexandra. The couple moved to Spain together and experienced numerous club changes together. But a few years later, Vladislav Radimov’s wife left for another man, a serious businessman, and two years later he met TV presenter Yulia Izotova, with whom he lived for about three years in a de facto marriage.

In 2004, during a joint interview as part of the “Star to Star Speaks” campaign, Vladislav Radimov and Tatyana Bulanova, a very famous Russian singer, met. They quickly developed a romantic relationship, which led to a beautiful declaration of love at the top of the Eiffel Tower and a colorful wedding in October next year. Tatyana gave birth to a son, Nikita, from Radimov, and Vladislav tried to find a common language with Alexander, his wife’s son from his first marriage.

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Irina Yakovleva spoke about a relationship that lasted seven years

Since the truth about , this situation has been intensely discussed by both the sports and cultural community. Tatyana Bulanova does not comment on it. Vlad either remains silent or says that he knows Irina only vaguely. The girl herself for a long time did not dare to talk about her love relationship with the Zenit star. But the MK correspondent still heard her frank story.

Vladislav Radimov with his wife Tatyana Bulanova.

- How did you meet Vlad?

Seven years ago in the famous St. Petersburg restaurant “Terrace”. The World Cup was on, and Radimov and his friends came to “cheer.” They sat down at a large table in front of the screen, and my friend and I had already paid and were about to leave. As I learned later from Vlad, it was he who asked his friend Alexander to meet us. He sat down and invited the football players to the table. True, I didn’t immediately understand that these were famous Zenit players. I didn’t even recognize Arshavin. On screen he appears tall and slender, but in real life Andrey is short and stocky.

When the company began to disperse, Radimov asked: “Stay, let’s just talk.” We chatted until half past two. Then the Terrace closed and we went to another restaurant. When this establishment stopped working, Vlad suggested taking a boat ride on the Neva. Under the Palace Bridge we drank our last sip of wine, kissed and threw the glasses into the water for good luck. Vlad whispered: “Stay with me...”. I couldn't resist, I stayed. And in the evening we met again, and I found myself the subject of close attention from his football friends.

It seemed to me that Vlad and Tatiana’s friends do not communicate closely. Vlad often went to Zenit parties without his wife. One day, my friend and I accidentally wandered into a restaurant where the couple were having lunch together. They looked like people tired of each other. Tatiana ate the soup in silence, Vlad looked out the window. They rarely rest together: each has their own interests and their own circle of friends. We then retreated from the restaurant; I didn’t want any awkward scenes.

- Did this feeling of awkwardness haunt you? Still, Vlad is someone else’s husband...

When I met Radimov, I was an absolutely free girl. As I already said, I didn’t make any plans in connection with him. I just liked that despite all his achievements, Vlad remained a good and interesting person. He wasn't arrogant. It was easy and fun with him, our relationship flowed without any tension. At the very beginning of our meetings, Vlad immediately began talking about getting a divorce. I reacted skeptically: “No promises needed.” The answer was: “I want everything for real!”

Some time later in the morning we went to his mother Svetlana Alekseevna. She was stunned by the appearance of a stranger in the house and, it seems, thought that I was a “moth.” Mom soon found my coordinates, called and asked: “Irina, tell us about yourself and your relationship with Vlad.” We met near her work and talked. Realizing that I was not a lady of easy virtue, Svetlana Alekseevna calmed down.

I came with Vlad to visit his mother and stepfather at the dacha, we celebrated holidays together. And then he met my mother. They quickly found a common language, discussing their beloved Spain. Our romance developed rapidly, and gradually I met all his relatives, even his eldest daughter Sasha, who was 11 years old at the time. She came to visit St. Petersburg, stayed with Svetlana Alekseevna, and my friend and I organized a cultural program for the girl. They took us to the Yusupov Palace, then walked around the city together. Sasha even came to my work at the gym. I know Vlad’s grandmother, stepfather, friends. When he couldn’t take his family somewhere, I did it. All these people have become a part of my life, I remember them fondly and am very grateful for the communication. I certainly miss them.

- Why is it not enough? Have you stopped communicating?

After the TV program, where I admitted that we were having an affair, Vlad remained silent. And he pretended that he didn’t know who Ira Yakovleva was. This offended me. He could have simply told Tatyana: yes, it happened, but it passed, let’s not develop the topic further. And to say that there was no romance at all, in my opinion, is despicable. Tatyana also added fuel to the fire: in someone’s interview on TV, she said that I was an “insane fan.” And Vlad again did not object. I think that it was rude for her to say such words, because I behaved correctly and did not offend her in any way.

It turns out that our whole relationship is a lie, and all his beautiful words were worth nothing. Vlad’s mother first assured that he would tell the press the truth. But when I saw the program, our communication with her abruptly stopped. She was afraid that she would harm her son and stopped talking to me. But I still think Vlad’s parents are wonderful people. And somewhere in the depths of my soul I always thought - they are my second family.

- Do you think Tatyana knew about your relationship?

I think I guessed it. The wife of one of the football players once told her that Vlad constantly appears at parties with some girl. We were together at parties celebrating the victories of the “”, the spouses of the football players saw me. I think Tatyana understood something from our messages. Vlad accidentally left a pop-up window from the correspondence open on his iPad. There the page “Irene the fitness trainer” was displayed - this is my nickname on the network.

There was another poignant moment. Once Vlad did not answer his mother’s calls for several hours, Svetlana Alekseevna became worried, called me, and I immediately came. Vlad did not open the apartment door for us then, but soon called back from another number. It turned out that his phone was dead. But Tatyana probably saw me on the surveillance camera recording. By the way, on that ill-fated day we met Bulanova’s eldest son, Sasha, at the apartment. Apparently he told her about it.

- Did Vlad give you gifts?

I never asked him for anything. Vlad rarely gave gifts, but he could withdraw money from a credit card and give it to me. Flowers are not his style at all. Buying a bouquet for your mother is sacred, but coming to a meeting with a rose in your hand is not. We corresponded often, and at some point Radimov began sending links to cute videos with lyrical songs, and once sent poems by Anna Astakhova.

But his first gift was amazing. Fashionable expensive shoes. He first found out the size of my feet and asked me to put on a smart dress and do my hair in the evening. Vlad came to pick me up at work, when I got into the car, he took out a box: “Open it and look! Like?". The shoes were very extravagant, high heels, they almost didn’t fit my instep, but I put them on anyway. We went to a restaurant for dinner, and later my friend Ira joined us. I immediately boasted about the present. We sat until late, and when there were few guests in the restaurant, I even allowed myself to put my feet on the edge of the table for a few seconds, showing off my new clothes.

- Do you have photos together with Vlad?

I have nothing to show you. During the holidays, at Vlad’s parents’ house, his mother took pictures of us. I didn’t think about any selfies, I don’t like them at all, and I think that everything should remain in the heart, and not in ostentatious photographs. Vlad simply hates being photographed; he often even refuses to allow magazines to do so. Yes, it never occurred to me to take photos for some kind of evidence. But I have video and photo messages from Vladislav of a personal nature.

Irina Yakovleva.

The thought did not creep into your head - that you are deceiving yourself? And what, in fact, does this novel mean little to Vlad?

At some point I realized that I fell in love. And it’s difficult to cope with feelings. I did not demand a divorce; I felt that Vlad would not dare to do so. Of course, I wanted us to spend more time together. But this was beyond the realm of possibility. And I, ordering my heart to be silent, once said that our communication was “just like that.” Seven years passed “just like that.”

Over the years, things have happened. Sometimes he didn’t show up for weeks, and sometimes he asked me to come to the airport to say goodbye. He didn’t hide me from his friends, and although he talked to other girls, he always came back. I wasn’t jealous - communicating with fans is part of his profession. Often our meetings were spontaneous; when Radimov had time, he would pick me up at the sports club. I even liked it - the feelings always remained fresh.

But I saw how my beloved was changing, and I thought that this was a good sign. We began to stay together more often in his apartment - we watched TV, sat on the carpet or on the balcony, and discussed something. (Despite the fact that Vlad lived with Tatyana, he had his own separate housing). We talked for hours. I began to understand hockey, and he watched with me programs about the fate of people. Vlad taught me how to bet on sports. Of course, I understood that this couldn’t go on forever, I needed to build my life. Years go by... Once she even suggested that Vlad break up. But we didn’t last long, then we called each other, and everything started happening again.

I supported Vlad in difficult moments. Remember the technical defeat of Zenit in 2011? He was then removed from his position as team leader. Vlad retreated into himself, even his mother could not reach him. In the evenings I lay on the sofa in front of the TV and was silent, immersed in my experiences. And Tatyana at that time was in Moscow for the “Dancing with the Stars” project. One day Vlad wrote a text message: “I feel bad.” I went to see him. She talked, consoled, explained that everything would work out. Then, when Vlad became the second coach, he was upset that he was not allowed to open up. I tried to convince that these were temporary difficulties; we corresponded all the time. After games he often asked: “How’s it going?” I assessed the match to the best of my knowledge. One day the conversation turned to a common child. But, to be honest, I don’t want to have children yet. As a responsible person, I understand that I’m not ready to be a mother yet. I can’t give my child as much love and attention as he needs. But I don’t want to make my child “abandoned.”

- After everything that happened, do you want Vlad back or have you decided to move on with your life separately?

I do not regret anything. Maybe it’s good that everything happened this way. That the truth has been revealed. My rose-colored glasses broke. At the program, in a fit of emotion, she said that I would love him and wait for him. Now I don't think so. I saw that Radimov was scared, and I don’t even understand why. And I need another, brave and strong Vlad. The way he seemed at the very beginning of our acquaintance. After the program, Vlad said that he didn’t want me to interfere in his life. But seven years of this life were mine too. After all, he himself let me into his space, and I opened my soul to him. And that means he should at least explain himself to me. Don’t remain silent and pretend that nothing is happening. We are responsible for those we have tamed.

Vladislav RADIMOV(November 26, 1975, Leningrad) - Russian football player, midfielder. Former Russian national team player (1994-2006). Honored Master of Sports of Russia (2008).


Before taking up football, he was engaged in fencing. He started playing football at the age of nine at the Smena football school. The first coach is Mark Abramovich Rubin. In adult football he made his debut in the team of the 4th zone of the second league “Smena-Saturn”, where he played 1 match in 1992.


From 1992 to 1996 he played for CSKA Moscow. Scored his first goal on May 13, 1993 at the age of 17 years 168 days.


Participant of Euro-96 in England.

Real Zaragoza

After the European Championship, Vladislav went to Spain, to the Real Zaragoza club, which had previously won the UEFA Cup Winners' Cup. Vladislav explained his transition by saying that he was tired of playing against teams such as Tyumen or Uralmash. Vladislav was a starting player in the first season, but then he stopped making it into his team’s starting lineup. At this time I learned Spanish.


In 1999, he was loaned to Russia, to Dynamo. Radimov doesn’t like to remember the six months he spent in this team. During his time at Dynamo, Radimov became a finalist in the 1998/1999 Russian Cup. In the final, Dynamo lost to Zenit St. Petersburg 1:3.

"Wings of Soviets"

In the summer of 2001 he moved to the Samara club “Wings of the Soviets”. By his own admission, he was already ready to end his football career, however, in Samara he “found” his team, became its leader and captain. Radimov, having a hot temper, could let the team down with his removal at the most inopportune moment. This is what happened in July 2002, when Krylya Sovetov, as part of the Intertoto Cup, met with the Dutch team Willem II, and in the 88th minute of the meeting, Radimov, succumbing to the opponent’s provocation, was sent off.] The captain’s incontinence and those who did not suit The coach's playing qualities led to the fact that the club's president, German Tkachenko, found a replacement for Vladislav in Brazil in the person of Souza, who was also a central midfielder. At the final press conference after the end of the season, Krylia head coach Alexander Tarkhanov expressed dissatisfaction with Radimov’s performance this season. All this forces Vladislav to leave the team.


Radimov’s new club turned out to be Zenit St. Petersburg. His transfer, which according to unofficial data amounted to $1.4 million, turned out to be the most expensive in the history of the team at that time. At Zenit, Vladislav played number 2.

He made his debut with Zenit in the match of the 3rd round of the 2003 Russian Championship against Rostov (0:0). As part of Zenit he was the team captain. Before him, the captain was Alexey Igonin, who left Zenit after Vlastimil Petrzhela joined the club. In 2003, the team won silver medals and won the Russian Premier League Cup, and Radimov himself became the top scorer of the tournament, scoring 4 goals. In February 2007, Radimov was stripped of the captain's armband by Dick Advocaat for a fight with Fernando Ricksen. Anatoly Timoshchuk became the new captain. In June 2007, he scored a goal against Spartak from Nalchik. As it turned out, this was the last goal in Vladislav Radimov’s career. At the end of the summer of 2007, he finally lost his place in the starting lineup. After the injury, Radimov was no longer a player in the main team. At the end of 2007, Vladislav Radimov became the champion of Russia as part of Zenit. In March 2008, he came out in the 81st minute in a match with Marseille in the 1/8 finals of the UEFA Cup, with the score 0:3 in favor of the French, and in the 85th minute he gave an assist to Andrei Arshavin. In the match for the 2008 Russian Super Cup, Vladislav Radimov received a red card from the main referee of the match, Yuri Baskakov, while sitting on the bench, for an altercation with the already removed Lokomotiv player Dmitry Torbinsky. Zenit won that match with a score of 2:1. Two months later in Manchester, Radimov won the UEFA Cup with Zenit. The last time Radimov took to the field at the Petrovsky Stadium was in August 2008 in a match with Terek from Grozny, which Zenit won with a score of 3:1. The last match of Vladislav Radimov in his career was the match for the UEFA Super Cup against Manchester United (August 29, 2008), in which he came on as a substitute in the 71st minute of the match, with the score 2:0 in favor of Zenit, in the position of a defensive midfielder . Was able to close down Rio Ferdinand's corners and free kicks. As a result, Zenit won 2:1, and Radimov, together with Alexander Gorshkov, ended his career by winning the European Super Cup.

Radimov scored the last goal in his career on June 24, 2007 in a Russian championship match against Spartak Nalchik (4:3).

On December 31, 2008, Radimov’s contract with Zenit expired and Vladislav ended his playing career. When asked about holding a farewell match, Radimov replied: “If you want to see Butlerov, we’ll get together sometime, arrange a friendly match, take a look.” In November 2008, Vladislav was offered the position of team manager at Zenit. In January 2009, Vladislav Radimov was appointed head of the Zenit football club team, and Alexander Anyukov took his number 2.

On April 12, 2009, Vladislav Radimov, together with Alexander Gorshkov, took a lap of honor around the Petrovsky stadium during a break in the Russian championship match with Amkar Perm.

On April 19, 2009, Zenit violated the limit on foreign players in a match with Lokomotiv Moscow. In the 81st minute, Pavel Pogrebnyak was replaced by Fatih Tekke. Radimov took the blame for this incident upon himself.

On April 10, 2011, Zenit violated the regulations of the Russian Football Championship, according to which the application for the match (with Moscow CSKA) must include one so-called “home-grown player” - a graduate of the club, born no earlier than 1990. Vladislav Radimov, as the team leader, was held responsible for this violation. The day after the match, he was removed from his position as team manager. He was appointed assistant coach of the Zenit youth team.




Bulgarian Champion: 2000/01


Winner of the Russian Premier League Cup: 2003 - Silver medalist of the Russian Championship: 2003 - Champion of Russia: 2007 - Winner of the UEFA Cup: 2007/08 - Winner of the UEFA Super Cup: 2008


Top scorer of the Russian Premier League Cup: 2003 - In the lists of the 33 best football players of the Russian Championship (2): No. 1 (1994, 1995)


Married for the second time to singer Tatyana Bulanova. They met during an interview that Tatyana conducted for one of the sports newspapers in St. Petersburg as part of the “Star Talks to Star” campaign. This interview took place on July 21, 2004. The wedding took place on October 18, 2005, on the eve of the match of the group stage of the UEFA Cup Zenit with the Portuguese Vitoria. On March 8, 2007, their son Nikita was born.

From his first marriage, Vladislav has a daughter, Sasha.


2009 - Daddy's daughters - buyer of the sports store where Zhenya worked (133)

Interesting Facts

Vladislav Radimov is one of the few who was present at all three matches when Zenit won the championship of the USSR and Russia. In 1984, in Leningrad, at the V.I. Lenin Sports and Concert Complex (now the Petersburg Sports and Concert Complex), Metalist from Kharkov was defeated with a score of 4:1 (he was present as a spectator), at the Saturn stadium in Ramenskoye in 2007 the Moscow region "Saturn" was beaten with a score of 1:0 (Radimov was in the reserve team and became the champion of Russia for the first and last time as an active football player), and in 2010 at the Petrovsky stadium "Zenith" defeated "Rostov" with a score of 5- 0 and became the national champion for the third time. Then Radimov was present on the bench as a team leader. Vladislav Radimov’s two best friends are his former partners at CSKA Moscow, Dynamo Moscow coach Dmitry Khokhlov and Zenit player Sergei Semak. In 2009, together with Tatyana Bulanova, he played himself (cameo role) in an episode of the television series “Daddy's Daughters” on the STS channel in episode 133.


Radimov received the nickname VNK from Zenit fans, which stands for “Vlad is our captain.”

Former Russian national team player, long-time captain of Zenit St. Petersburg, husband of the famous singer Tatyana Bulanova, Vladislav Radimov, happily spoke about the spirit in which he is raising his son and why he wants Nikita to follow in his footsteps.


- What do you do in your free time from work?

Like every normal person, I have a family, children, parents. And there is actually a lot to do. Sometimes I come home very tired. But, all the same, I am happy with my current life and what I am doing now.

Many athletes emphasize that at one time they devoted a lot of time to sports and little to their wives and children. What they regretted, emphasizing that family is still the most important thing in this life...

It all depends on the person himself. From how he plans his life. I have enough time for both family and work.

- How do you raise your son - with a tight grip?

No. I'm just trying to explain what's good and what's bad. He is now five and a half years old, and he already understands everything. Although, sometimes you still have to be strict. I am more strict than my wife.

- Do you instill a love of sports in Nikita?

Yes. He plays football. Whether he will become a football player or not is another question. The most important thing is that he plays sports and likes it. And it doesn’t matter what kind - football or hockey.

- Do you help your son learn the basics of football?

No. And when I come to his training, I just watch from the outside, I don’t get involved in the coaching work. In fact, Nikita himself, when he was still very young, began to hit the ball. Therefore, I decided to try to take him to the football section. He liked this. And he started studying right away.

- Do you want there to be a Radimov dynasty?

On the one hand, this is good. On the other hand, I understand how difficult it is. Although, I won’t hide, I wouldn’t mind if the Radimov dynasty still existed. Although the wife wants her son to study music. So, in our family there is such a split. But Tanya and I decided not to interfere. We will not persuade him to do anything. He has a sense of hearing, and he enjoys playing sports. What he chooses in the future depends on him.

Many parents purposefully prepare their children to follow in their footsteps. In your opinion, this is all we need Right?

I think that's right. There's nothing to hide here. Fame is one, money is two and three is knowledge of the world. Although on the other side of the coin is painstaking work, rejection of many human benefits, and so on. But if a person likes it, then he should play sports, no matter what. And football, let’s say, is an interesting thing if you like it. But if you're doing it just for the money, it's wrong.

- Do they spoil money?

I think no. The more a person receives, the better. There is nothing wrong. It's just that the game itself should still come first.

You attended the party dedicated to Yegor Titov's farewell match. What does this person mean in your life?

A lot of things. He is my friend. That's why I came to his event. We met back when we were playing for the reserve team. He is for Spartak, and I am for CSKA. It was the beginning of the 90s. As a person, Egor is very open and very kind.

- And he is sorely missed on the football field now...

It's been missing for a long time. As for whether he hung up his boots too early, it’s up to him to decide. Although, in my opinion, he could certainly please the fans with his play. Personally, I continue to kick the ball with my friends. I enjoy it. At one time I played enough at the highest level, then I decided to say “goodbye” to football and now I play for my own pleasure. I think that Egor will do the same.

Radimov, Vladislav Nikolaevich. Midfielder. Honored Master of Sports of Russia (2008).

Pupil of the Leningrad Sports School "Smena". The first coach is Mark Abramovich Rubin.

He played for the teams Smena-Saturn St. Petersburg (1992), CSKA Moscow (1992–1996), Real Zaragoza Zaragoza, Spain (1996–1998, 2000), Dynamo Moscow (1999), Levski Sofia , Bulgaria (2001), “Wings of the Soviets” Samara (2001–2003), “Zenit” St. Petersburg (2003–2008).

Champion of Russia-2007. Winner of the Spanish Cup – 2000/01. Champion of Bulgaria – 2000/01. Winner of the UEFA Cup 2007/08. Winner of the 2008 UEFA Super Cup.

Played 33 matches for the Russian national team, scored 3 goals.

(For the Russian Olympic team - 3 matches.*)

Participant of the European Championships 1996, 2004.

Assistant head coach of the youth team of the Zenit St. Petersburg club (2011–2013). Head coach of the Zenit-2 St. Petersburg team (2013–2017, 2018–...).


Vladislav Radimov became the youngest Russian player to appear in one of the strongest European championships - Spanish. At the age of 20, not everyone can gain a foothold even in a decent Russian team, and here it is Zaragoza. However, Radimov, ever since he appeared on the football horizon, has been considered one of Russia’s main hopes. And in our championship he fully met the expectations of specialists and fans.

How do you live and play in Spain?

The Spanish championship is, of course, a completely different level of perception and understanding of football. The attitude towards him is simply amazing, as if towards a deity. And I must admit, I was a little scared when I went to Zaragoza’s first home match. Our 33,000-meter peak was overcrowded and the volcano was seething. Although I expected something like this, the reality, as they say, exceeded all expectations. It gave me goosebumps...

In what way exactly does the level of the Spanish championship exceed the level of the Russian one? In the skill of the players?

First of all, in two components - the speed of thinking and the physical readiness of football players.

During the two months you spent in Spain, did you improve physically?


But at one time, it was excellent physical preparation that was considered the trump card of our football. Have we really lost ground here to the always technical Spaniards?

It is difficult for me to answer this question comprehensively. I compare only with CSKA. Tarkhanov has another task - to stage a team game. Ready-made players come to Spanish clubs, and they don’t need to be taught the basics. At CSKA, I remember, we were taught how to dribble the ball. I didn’t immediately understand why Tarkhanov introduced such exercises. The Spaniards demonstrate certain techniques already during game exercises. Most likely, they are simply born techies.

Your friend CSKA midfielder Dmitry Khokhlov recently told me that you would have played brighter now if you had worked with more dedication when you came to the army club.

He is right. I really had a period when I lowered my demands on myself and began to treat training with coolness, if not disregard. Maybe these were even signs of star fever. The thought that I was tired of playing in Russia couldn’t get out of my head. Hence the disruptions in the game in Samara, in the match with Rotor. Hence the conflicts with Tarkhanov (now the relationship between Tarkhanov and Radimov is ideal, as much as it can be between a coach and a player. - D. D.). Everything changed after a memorable conversation with Andrei Ivanov, a partner at CSKA. We spoke heart to heart with Tyapushkin and Bushmanov. They were right when they reproached me for not taking the team and training seriously. After all, as it was: the training session ends, but no one is in a hurry to leave, and I rush to the locker room. I realized that I was wrong, came to my senses and got into excellent shape for the European Championships. In the last match of the Russian Championship before the break, I was just flying across the field. But what happened to me in England cannot be explained...

After Euro 96 you went to the Zaragoza training camp. How were you received there?

Just great. I felt help and support in everything. It's like one big family.

Has there been any talk about your “tender” age?

At first, many people didn’t know how old I was. True, when they found out, they were surprised.

I hope so. I'm in good shape now. And the team turned out to be about the same as CSKA, which practices combination football. In this sense, I was lucky, because I could easily have ended up in a club that played cruel, even dirty football. Yes, yes, there are such teams in Spain too.

- Zaragoza is currently only in 19th place. Does this mean that she is not destined to play the first roles in the Spanish championship?

It doesn't mean anything. It’s not worth talking seriously about the current tournament position, because nothing has been played. Moreover, in four matches in a row, by the middle of the match we were left with ten men. And three times later the disciplinary commission, considering our protests, recognized the unfoundedness of the removals. Let's take Zaragoza's last three matches. We are leading against Valencia after half an hour - 1:0, although it could have been 3:0. Our player makes a tackle on Vloavich, he jumps, removes his feet, but the referee shows a red card to our player. As a result, Valencia equalized the score and we lost two points. They won against Barcelona - 3:1. Ronaldo scores the second goal for us from a clear offside position. Explicit! And Popescu scores the third goal from the penalty spot. Although in fact it was Couto who hit our player from behind in our penalty area. The main referee did not see this, but the side referee noticed how the injured Zaragoza football player pushed the rude man away - and “slandered” to the main referee. As a result - a penalty and a red card! Never! Ten of us fell apart and conceded two more goals. Another minus three points.

In such a situation, we would immediately start talking about bias towards the team.

It’s hard for me to imagine a similar situation in Russia. There is still talk in Spain about replaying this match. Although this is unlikely to happen. In the last game in Valladolid, the hosts could not cross the center of the field for ten minutes. In the tenth minute they finally succeeded: an incredible rebound! - and 0:1. In the remaining time, we simply overwhelmed the opponent, created many chances, but only equalized the score. We lost two more points. How can you not end up in nineteenth place after this?

What tasks were set for Zaragoza on the eve of the championship?

Of course, it’s difficult for us to compete with Real and Barcelona for the championship. But getting into the UEFA zone is a very realistic goal. A team like Zaragoza must achieve it.

What could Zaragoza count on in the Russian championship?

Undoubtedly, they would fight for first place.

Would you fight or would you definitely be first?

How is your language?

Not good. So far I’m in about the same position as the Brazilians at CSKA. But Zaragoza has players who speak English. The same Belsué, by the way, took part in the last European championship. It is with him that I now have the most friendly relations. We have already visited each other, and with our families, to a restaurant.

Do you have fewer problems with English?

I know it at school level, but still better than Spanish. Language is my main problem now. I have already memorized a lot of words, but it is still difficult to form a coherent phrase. Belsué and Naim, who previously played for Tottenham, help me as best they can.

How does the coach communicate with you, what instructions does he give?

We speak through an interpreter. Well, on the field there are no “from” or “to” prohibitions for me. So I enjoy the game. Although I act as a right midfielder.

How did you get there?

The Uruguayan Payet and Aragon have been playing in the center of Zaragoza for a long time. The latter once played for Real Madrid and played with Spartak Moscow. True, in the last match in Valladolid, Aragon and I shared the functions of a defensive midfielder. As for my transfer to the right, here is the story. At the pre-season training camp, the coach asked what positions I could play. I replied that I was usually placed “under the attackers” or in the position of a defensive midfielder. However, the coach reminded me: in the second half of the Russia-Italy match at Euro 96, I played the role of a left half. So why not try playing right now? This is the logic. I said it was okay to try. And it seemed like nothing happened.

A wing midfielder must have high speed.

In England, the national team coaches demanded this from me. Here it’s a little different: I constantly shift to the center, leaving a free zone for right-back Belsue to raid. By the way, until the last match our defense played in a line, as is customary in most Spanish teams. But now, most likely, we will switch to playing with the libero: too many one-on-one situations happen at the Zaragoza goal.

When will you start scoring goals?

I had a 100% chance in the match with Sevilla when I missed the target from the goal line. Maybe after that fate took offense at me. Although I scored a little at CSKA.

Are you interested in the affairs of the army club?

Certainly. Swan constantly calls, other guys.

Are you capable of becoming as prominent a figure in the Spanish Championship as you were in the Russian Championship?

Hope so.

How about reaching the level of, say, Romario?

Well, it’s premature to take such risks. Although it’s on the tip of your tongue: it’s not the gods who burn the pots.

Dmitry DUBO. Newspaper "Sport-Express", 08.10.1996



The former CSKA midfielder, who has been playing for the Spanish Zaragoza for the third season, is one of those whose name in Russia is associated with hopes for the revival of the national team. At the age of 16, Vladislav Radimov was already playing in the main team of CSKA, at 18 - in the Russian national team, at 20 - he played all three matches at the European Championship in England, after which he went to conquer Spain. I had no doubt that in Zaragoza our most talented footballer of the 90s (in his playing style he resembles Johan Cruyff) would turn into a world-class star. Alas, expectations have not yet been met. Why? To answer this question, I visited Radimov in Zaragoza, where he lives with his wife Laura and daughter Sasha. Over the course of three days, we had a long conversation with Vladislav, whose monologue SE Magazine offers the reader.

Sergei was in a bad mood, and I invited him to join me. He agreed, but, citing fatigue after training at CSKA, did not play with us.

“I’d rather root for you,” he said and began to watch our “battle of the giants.” When it ended, Mamchur was no longer in the hall. And in the morning I was told by phone that Seryoga had died. I dropped the phone from my hands, tears flowed down my cheeks, although I immediately could not believe what had happened. Mamchur was only 25 years old...

I was at the funeral service in Moscow, then I wanted to accompany the coffin to Dnepropetrovsk with Minko, Semak and Grishins, but I had no right to be late, even for a day, to Zaragoza. The Zaragoza players, upon learning of Mamchur’s death, asked: “Did you know him well?” “He was my best friend,” I replied. After that, everyone fell silent - as if with a minute of silence, the Spaniards, the Argentinean, the Swede, the Paraguayan, the Brazilian decided to honor the memory of the wonderful Ukrainian guy.


I had all sorts of injuries - dislocations and fractures (even two at the age of 17), but worse than any injury - toothache. Meanwhile, my parents, dentists, constantly made sure that everything was in order with my teeth. I just never turned to them for help. He would probably have run away from his mother’s chair as soon as she turned on the drill. You won’t allow yourself to do this next to a stranger - you will endure it to the end.

My parents, who worked 12 hours a day, never insisted that I follow in their footsteps. They just didn’t want their only son to wander around the apartment with nothing to do, wander around the courtyards or hang around in the entrance. And they were glad when I took up fencing. On the path with a rapier in my hands, I felt like d’Artagnan. I liked being ahead of my opponent - I rejoiced at every successful injection like a child. And I was only ten years old. His fencing career did not last long, but before putting an end to it, he achieved some success - he became the third prize-winner in the Leningrad championship among his peers.

And I stopped fencing because during warm-ups before training we were given ten minutes to kick a soccer ball. This is what I was absolutely delighted with. And when I, a third-grader, was accepted into the Smena football school, without hesitation I gave up fencing once and for all.


On the one hand, my parents were glad that, after passing a huge competition, I was enrolled in a football school, on the other... “Football player is not a profession,” my mother never tired of repeating, noticing that my studies took a back seat. There was really no time to do homework. I had training in the morning and evening, and I did my homework on the way to school on the 93rd bus, although you can’t solve all the math problems in 40 minutes. The excellent girls helped out - they let me cheat before classes and during breaks. I'm not a child prodigy - there weren't many A's in my diary, but I tried not to fall behind. I really wanted to play, but our coach Mark Abramovich Rubin did not allow poor students to participate in training.

We played in a 4-3-3 system, in which Rubin assigned me the role of a defensive midfielder. Since then, they didn’t put me anywhere (in the play-off qualifying match against Italy in Naples, I essentially played as a right-back), but I felt most comfortable in the center of the midline.

I wouldn’t say that I stood out among my peers in any way that was super special, but one day Alexander Kuznetsov, the coach of the country’s youth team, called me to a training camp. There I met Dima Khokhlov. True, unlike him, I was no longer invited to this team. And in the third league team “Smena-Saturn” they did not indulge in increased attention. But I did not despair and hoped that someday I would try on a Zenit T-shirt. My room was plastered with photographs of famous players and teams - magazine clippings, and in the most prominent place was a portrait of Valery Broshin with an autograph, which I was lucky enough to take. Then I didn’t even dare to think that several years would pass and we would play on the same team. Not at Zenit, where I was never invited, but at CSKA. When Broshin and I were placed together at the tournament in Zaragoza, I was in seventh heaven.

A couple of years later I came to Zaragoza again. One. Without CSKA and without Broshin. Perhaps that is why I did not experience the joy that I experienced on my first visit.


I was 16 years old when Stepan Petrovich Krysevich brought me to Moscow to CSKA. Together with other non-resident players of the double - Khokhlov, Shukov, Demchenko, Ageev, Tsaplin, Melnikov - we lived in a modest boarding house at the stadium on Peschanaya Street. They paid so little that sometimes there was not enough money even for food. We received parcels from home from our parents. The gifts were divided equally among everyone. I remember with what pleasure we devoured Demchenko’s Zaporozhye lard, Khokhlov’s fruits and fish, and our St. Petersburg raw smoked sausage!

They didn’t look at the windows of fashion stores. The training suits with the letters CSKA on the back suited us quite well, and we walked around the city in them. Muscovites of our own age, who seemed well-fed and dressed up, hurried past to the Pushkin monument for a date or a disco at the Olimpiysky. I, forced to live according to a routine, in my soul envied their looseness and freedom. But now, remembering those difficult days in a foreign city, more and more often I catch myself thinking that it was a wonderful time. Perhaps the best of my life. A time of camaraderie, hopes and dreams.

Last December, Costa, the coach of Zaragoza, provoked me into a scandal, and I firmly decided to leave the team. It doesn't matter where. The conflict became public, and they started calling me from different clubs, including Russian ones - Dynamo, Torpedo, Zenit. But if I returned to my homeland, it would only be to CSKA. At least for the sake of the fans who loved me very much. And I loved them. And if I were in CSKA, when Tarkhanov and several guys left for Torpedo, then, with all due respect to Alexander Fedorovich, I would have remained in the army team, for which I first played at the age of 16.

It was in Nakhodka, where many did not go, and Gennady Kostylev released me in the middle of the second half. Under Kostylev I played only four matches. But Boris Kopeikin, who replaced him, believed in me and invariably put me in the squad. And it’s a sin to complain about Tarkhanov’s attitude. I, it seems, was his favorite, and I, as they say, got away with what he did not forgive others in the game, for example, Ilshat Fayzullin.

That team could have achieved a lot, but we were young, sometimes we played to the public, and divided the matches into major and minor ones. Maybe that’s why I played my most memorable games against Spartak and scored against them almost regularly, no matter who defended them.

However, goals have never been an end in themselves for me. I was always happy about the success of my teammates who scored after my passes. I was called the team leader, but I didn’t feel like one. A leader is one who, without losing composure in an extreme situation, is ready to lead others along with him. But if I played at home and couldn’t score for a long time, I would start to get nervous, and sometimes in my heart I even asked to be replaced.

I didn’t grow up as quickly as my coaches wanted. But gradually my play became more meaningful, more rational. I no longer went at five opponents with the ball, for example, I played a pass more often, and if the pass didn’t go through, I blamed myself for it and not my partner who didn’t take a step towards the ball. The press praised me. The newspapers wrote that Radimov almost single-handedly won this or that match. I didn’t pay attention to this, because I knew: in our team, everyone does their job. But you can’t imagine how much I reproached myself after failed matches! And I also felt guilty about the fact that we never won the championship or the Cup. Perhaps my career in Russia would have been more successful if I had agreed to move to Spartak, where Oleg Romantsev invited me.

However, leaving for Spartak meant playing against CSKA. Against guys with whom I had a strong friendship, against a team that had done so much for me. I refused and never regretted it.


In August 1994, I was invited to the national team for the first time. In our native St. Petersburg, before the closing of the Goodwill Games, our team met with the world team. I came on as a substitute and scored. Soon Romantsev challenged me to a friendly match with the Austrians. We won - 3:0, and I played the entire second half.

I understood that beautiful eyes don’t get you into the national team. But I was also sure that if Tarkhanov, being the head coach of CSKA and Romantsev’s assistant in the national team, had not insisted on my candidacy. Oleg Ivanovich could have done without me. At his disposal were footballers who were known throughout Europe. I had no doubt that they would be given preference in official matches. And when on November 19, a week before my birthday, in Glasgow at the installation before the European Championship qualifying match with the Scots, I didn’t hear my name, I wasn’t upset, because I considered it an honor to even be among the substitutes.

And suddenly, 15 minutes before the start of the game, Kiryakov, limping, goes to the bench. “Go out onto the field, you will play,” says Romantsev and briefly explains my functions.

If three days before the match they had announced that I would be in the starting lineup, I would probably have spent several sleepless nights. After all, the legionnaires, who had gone through fire, water and copper pipes, didn’t really know me at all. It is not surprising that Andrei Kanchelskis confused my name every now and then, which I was not offended by.

I was thrown into the “battle” so unexpectedly that I didn’t even have time to get scared. I entered the game calmly. When they received the ball, I tried not to lose it - this is what Romantsev asked me to do in the first place. I played next to the foreign players and admired them. And when Shalimov sent the ball 40 meters away and it landed at the very point of the penalty area where Radchenko rushed, and in front of him there was only the goalkeeper, I almost went crazy. Not even from joy after our team scored a goal, but from a fantastic pass - you have to see the field like that and feel your partner!

I didn't do anything special in that game that ended in a draw. Perhaps that’s why it was doubly pleasant when, in the locker room after the match, Shalimov shook my hand and thanked me. Shalimov, and our other “foreigners” - Kanchelskis, Kolyvanov, Onopko - amazed me not only with their skill, but also with their demeanor. They behaved naturally and talked as if we had been playing together for ten years. Whether they saw me as a competitor or not, I constantly feel their support, which a newcomer to the national team needs like air.


At the training camp of our national team - in Novogorsk, Tarasovka or abroad - my roommates were Bushmanov, Mamedov, Khokhlov. But one day, before a friendly match with the Germans in Luzhniki, I was put in the same room as Cherchesov. “He will teach me how to live,” those who know Stas well warned me.

So, yes. - Cherchesov said meaningfully when I put the bag in the middle of the room, - the order here should be perfect. If I re-educated Dobrovolsky in a day, then I can even handle you.

I must note that Cherchesov is a unique football player for Russia. In my entire life I have never smoked a cigarette or taken a drop of alcohol into my mouth. Eyewitnesses say that even on his birthday, “dzhigit,” as Cherchesov is called in the national team, makes Caucasian toasts and puts his glass on the table.

The regime, my friend, is a great thing. I can’t even imagine how you can go to training with a sore head. And looking at you, young people, I’m surprised: you need to sleep with a ball, but you put mobile phones under your pillow,” Cherchesov reasoned, lying on his bed after lights out. And suddenly he jumped to his feet and asked me to stand opposite him. I, obeying his command, put aside the issue of SPORT-EXPRESS, which I was going to read before going to bed.

“Today you found yourself face-to-face with Kharin in a two-way game and didn’t score,” my neighbor began, taking a goalkeeper’s stance. - And all because he outwitted you: he closed the near corner, and you, as logic dictated, shot into the far corner. Kharin was just waiting for this. If he had played unconventionally, contrary to logic, the ball would probably have hit the net.

I remembered that lesson, and a year later in the match CSKA - Spartak, when Cherchesov rushed towards me, preparing to parry the blow into the far corner, he shot into the near...

After the game, Stas congratulated me on the goal:

Well done! Just admit it honestly - the ball fell off your foot, that's why it hit the near corner?

No, Stas, he didn’t fall. You yourself taught me that you need to shoot where the goalkeeper least expects it.

We laughed and walked into the tunnel of the Dynamo stadium, hugging each other.


I respect my parents and, of course, often consult with them. But I do not forget that they are people of their time. In ours, you have to make decisions yourself. At the age of 18 he could have joined Real Madrid, but he refused - he felt it was too early. True, the experienced football players I met on the national team said that the sooner you end up in a foreign, professional club, the better. And you’ll learn the language faster, and it’s easier to change your lifestyle, and you’ll begin to progress in the game faster than in Russia. As for the contract, it must be signed when you are on top.

I didn’t feel like a full-fledged national team player either before Romantsev arrived or after he left. But under him, I was regularly called up to training camps, and it was no coincidence that I played my best match for the national team in the spring of 1996 in Brussels against the Belgians. I was assigned to take care of Scifo himself, and I not only did not allow him, an amazing dispatcher, to breathe freely, but also attracted the attention of several scouts from different countries who specially arrived for the match (though I ran so hard that I almost died from fatigue in the locker room ). Soon there were offers from Seville Betis and Zaragoza. Tarkhanov did not want to let me go, but I was categorical - I will leave! In the end, the coach gave in, and in England, during the European Championship, I signed a contract with Zaragoza, the terms of which were agreed upon in Moscow. I knew they were a strong Spanish club that had won the Copa del Rey and the Cup Winners' Cup. It didn’t bother me at all that there wasn’t a single Russian on this team. I had no doubt: you won’t be bored.

The expectations were justified. Both in training and in the game I had to work hard. In Russia, in matches with Uralmash or Zhemchuzhina, you could not give your best and still win. There are no such games in Spain. At CSKA I had the right to improvise; at Zaragoza I had to strictly carry out the coach’s instructions. Otherwise - bench.

Victor Fernandez made his debut in Seville, where we won 2:1. who took over Celta last summer, gave me the unusual role of right midfielder. But apparently I coped with it, because they put me in the next match. The first season went well for me. He played 25 matches, although he scored only two goals. But even at CSKA I was never very productive - 14 goals in three and a half championships.

Alas, for some reason I disappointed the other Victor, Esparago, who replaced Fernandez, immediately and for a long time. After just two lessons, the Uruguayan, who, by the way, scored a scandalous goal against us at the World Championships in Mexico in 1970, categorically declared: “This man doesn’t know the language and doesn’t want to work!” And he sent me to the reserve. Fortunately, he himself worked at Zaragoza for only three months, during which the team took four points from 11 matches. At that time, I appeared on the field only once, playing the last 20 minutes against Compostela.

My troubles did not end with the departure of the Uruguayan. When I returned from Naples, where I played for the national team, our new coach Costa did not even include me in the 16. In the next match I was in the reserves, but did not take the field. And during the break in the cup match with the third league club, where I played from the very beginning, I sharply responded to the coach for a remark that he made to me from the bench.

I know my shortcomings very well. I don’t have enough patience, sometimes I can’t stand it. If they treat me unfairly, I can burst into flames like a match. This is what happened on that ill-fated day in the Zaragoza locker room. But I felt right and was not going to ask for an apology.

I don’t know how our conflict with the coach would have ended if it weren’t for Zaragoza president Alfonso Solans (his father, who died recently, just signed a contract with me). He talked to me and Costa and convinced us that in the interests of the team we should conclude a truce. Meanwhile, I was internally ready to part with Zaragoza.

In fact, in Zaragoza no one is guaranteed a place in the starting lineup, except perhaps defender Albert Belsuey. He was born in Zaragoza, always played for its club, won the Spanish Cup and the Cup Winners' Cup with it. Belsué is highly respected in the team, and gaining his respect is not so easy. And therefore, I won’t lie, it was nice when Alberte invited me, along with several Zaragoza players, to his birthday.

I gave him a hat with earflaps, which he had dreamed of since he once saw it in a fashion magazine. Albert tried on the hat and sat in it almost the entire evening.

For the Spaniards, Russia is an exotic and mysterious country. Zaragoza players are still amazed how they can walk the streets in 30 degrees below zero. And when I tell them how Russian children play snowballs and skate for hours in this weather, they just clutch their heads. I sympathize with the Spaniards. They are not given the opportunity to understand the beauty of the Russian winter. And I miss her here so much!

I’m not a goalscorer, I rarely score, and that’s why I see every goal before my eyes. And I will never forget the one I scored against the Brazilian national team two years ago.

Remember the joke about the water polo player to whom everyone shouted: “Give the ball to Givi!”? So for me, when I picked up the ball in the center of the field and moved towards the Brazilian goal, the players, coaches and fans began shouting: “Hit it!” But I hit not because of the scream, but because I didn’t have the strength to run further. And what a miracle! The ball hit the top nine! It’s just a pity that this happened in a friendly match at Dynamo, and not at the World Championships in France, where we didn’t make it through our own fault.

Growing up

Before the start of the current Spanish Championship, I fell ill. It was a shame to tears, because at that time our team was preparing for the match with Ukraine. Sometimes it seems that life takes away from me what it gave in advance, and I could not pay it back on time. Previously, I probably would have despaired, but now... After the tragedy that happened to my friend Sergei Mamchur, I rethought and overestimated a lot. And I learned to enjoy every day I lived. I realized that as long as you live, everything can be changed for the better, especially when you are only 22 years old.


The guest of the North-Western representative office of Rossiyskaya Gazeta was Vladislav Radimov. A football player with a unique destiny - born in St. Petersburg, he only put on the T-shirt of the club from his hometown at the age of 27.

In five months, Vladislav completely settled into Zenit and became a respected captain both on and off the field. Radimov is professional in everything - when we called him to a meeting at the editorial office, he did not treat it as a heavy duty, but gave us an extremely meaningful conversation, without a word or gesture making it clear that he was in a hurry or late. But he could safely relax at home and take a siesta, as is customary during the day in Spain, where Vlad spent several seasons. Moreover, the end of July in St. Petersburg turned out to be incredibly hot and stuffy, and our guest first of all complained about the weather.

Imagine, we play in such conditions! But it’s not too comfortable for those who just sit on the podium. On the other hand, I'm no stranger to it. The clearest memories remain, of course, from the Spanish heat. I remember my debut in Zaragoza - I just arrived, almost immediately the first game took place. The heat is 44 degrees, the match starts at 5 pm, the stadium is full of fans. I played, imagine, a wing midfielder. After the game I could safely call an ambulance. Since then, I don’t seem to be afraid of any weather.

Did you play as a winger? In fact, Radimov is the kind of player who is important to use to the maximum advantage in any position.

At first I was a little surprised, then I got used to it. I believe that if you want to play football, you can play in any position. Lobanovsky is right - in modern football, universalization is increasingly noticeable, and every player must be able to play not only in attack, but also in defense. And vice versa.

But everyone’s physical condition is different.

It's right. But a lot depends on how you prepared for the match. When I went to bed, what I ate, what I drank, what I did the night before the game. If you didn’t work out completely in training, it will definitely affect the game.

When did you come to this?

Probably in Spain. It was at the age of 18 that I could hang out at a disco until 6 in the morning, then, without sleep, go to training at 12. You understand what kind of work it was. But no one is watching you abroad; you are completely responsible for your own preparation.

Are there any rituals?

More often than not, football players prefer to play “for luck” with stubble, but I, on the contrary, shave. Once in Spain I didn’t shave before the game, and we got 5 goals into our own goal. Since then I have been trying to keep the tradition.

You are currently playing at Zenit. Is there some special feeling or does a professional not care where to play?

When I first moved here, I didn’t feel anything special. But then I lived in St. Petersburg for some time, remembered places that were memorable for myself, and met school friends. And I’m already starting to feel at home.

St. Petersburg fans are known throughout the country for the special aura they create at Petrovsky. Can we say that people get sick here the best?

The support in St. Petersburg is truly fantastic. Samara also knows how to do this quite well, although not in such an organized manner. “Petrovsky” reminds me of Zaragoza in its expansiveness. When the song “City over the Free Neva” is sung during a warm-up, goosebumps run down your skin. Here you play with your heart.

Meanwhile, last season, when Zenit knocked out Wings in the Cup quarterfinals, many journalists saw you in the corridor with almost tears in their eyes, and in the fall, after a scheduled match, you had a small conflict with the stands.

Wherever I play, I always remember that I am a St. Petersburger. But if I play for a team, then for me there are only its interests. Let’s say I come to Samara now, and the Wings fans will become my rivals for 90 minutes. After the game it's a completely different matter. By the way, parents are no exception. For example, in 1999, when I was playing for Dynamo, my father came to Moscow and supported Zenit in the Russian Cup final.

Can we say that justice has prevailed and you have moved to your place of registration?

You will laugh, but I am registered in Moscow, and only since last year. Some anecdote - I never played in St. Petersburg, my passport had a St. Petersburg registration. I replaced her and immediately signed a contract with Zenit! To be honest, I would like to end my career in St. Petersburg. It’s too early to talk about it, but as long as I can, I’ll play as long as I can.

When you moved to Zenit, did you know what you were getting into? It is difficult to play in this team, and precisely because of the demanding fans. By the way, many of them also look at registration. And then at the beginning I got injured, the game didn’t go well, the pressure began...

If you remember, at first I wasn’t very keen on joining Zenit. He knew about the attitude towards me. But then I got involved. As for the starting failures... I wouldn’t blame it all on injury, it was more likely that it was an unusual style of play for me, which I had to adapt to. The fans in St. Petersburg are really difficult, but much more friendly than in Dynamo Moscow. I will never forget that period when, after every game, they threw mud at me in the central sports newspapers (I know for sure that there were ordered materials there), and after it I am no longer afraid of any pressure. I understand perfectly why Panov didn’t succeed there. Dynamo is a unique club, and I believe that only the skill of Viktor Prokopenko keeps it among the leaders. Then I was 22 years old, I wanted to give up everything and go wherever my eyes led me. As a result, those trials strengthened me. In St. Petersburg I already knew that if I gritted my teeth, worked and didn’t pay attention to anything, everything would be fine over time.

Zenit had one “black” day in the first round, connected specifically with Dynamo.

Now we remember this game with irony. After the match, cell phones were turned off for a week; they didn’t want to see anyone. Chontofalski was especially upset - imagine how he must have felt! They bought him for a lot of money, but he missed 7 goals. On the one hand, he needed to say something encouraging, but on the other, all the words got stuck in his throat. In this situation, the president of the club, Vitaly Mutko, behaved well. After the match, he came to the locker room and asked the team cameraman: “Did you film the match?” That one: “Yes.” - “Take this cassette and burn it!” This is much better than yelling and fines. It is necessary to take into account that the team is being formed; only Malafeev, Spivak and Kerzhakov remain from last year’s main team. Beginners also need time to adapt to new partners, and some, Czechs, to the country. In this situation, we must pay tribute to our coach Petrzhela. In six months, he managed to create a team united by a common idea.

Since the beginning of the season, you have come a difficult way - an injury, an ambiguous attitude towards you from the fans. And now you are the captain of the team. Does this impose a special responsibility on you?

Let's start with the fact that our captain is Alexey Igonin, who was chosen by the guys before the start of the season, and for now I am, so to speak, acting. And, of course, there is additional responsibility - I actually have to help the head coach on the field. I have experience in this matter, because in Samara I was also a captain when my partners were such experienced players as Tikhonov, Karyaka, Bushmanov, Poshkus...

You talk about Igonin as a captain. But de jure he is no longer on the team.

- This is true. But for now he’s training with us, and even if he doesn’t have a good relationship with the head coach, I don’t have any problems with Alexey. When I first came to Zenit, he really helped me adapt; I worked with him according to an individual plan when I was recovering from an injury. During this time we became friends, I am very worried about him and wish him good luck.

At the end of May, Zenit reached its lowest point, losing to an outsider in Elista. You became captain, having received a whole group of young guys from the reserve team under your wing, and the team gradually began to rise.

I think the quarterfinal match for the Premier League Cup in Moscow was the turning point. Young people simply had to believe in themselves, believe that they were not afraid of either Titov or Vashchuk, that they could be beaten. We were a little lucky then that Spartak, having opened the scoring, did not score the second goal - Vashchuk hit the post. Otherwise, the team could have crumbled. But everything worked out, we equalized the score, and the next match in Vladikavkaz turned out much easier. I am sure that even if we had lost there, we still would not have fallen.

Is it difficult with young people?

They need to strengthen their character. We should say not “they are still 19,” but “they are already 19.” At the age of 18, I played a qualifying match for the European Championship for the national team, Kerzhakov began playing for the national team early. But in general our guys are great. They plow during training, and it seems that they are not in danger of star fever.

Did you have it?

Even some! It seemed like the sea was knee-deep. The same thing happened with Khokhlov. But at CSKA I was quickly put in my place by the experienced Sergeev and Broshin. They said that, by and large, I couldn’t do anything and had to start all over from scratch.

A rather dark period of your career was the Bulgarian Levski. In connection with him, there are various ugly stories about you, in particular, about frequent visits to casinos...

It wasn't the best time. I just divorced my wife, left Spain, and fell into some kind of complete apathy. There was a desire to even give up football. It’s good, it’s true, that he didn’t implement it. After all, although Levski is the champion of Bulgaria, the level of football in this country is extremely low.

We cannot ignore the sensational topic of your non-participation in the matches against the “Wings”...

Let's do this: Rossiyskaya Gazeta will be the last one I talk to about this. I met with Zenit General Director Ilya Cherkasov, and we decided to leave this topic until the end of the year and not comment on it in the press. Various rumors about all this have been circulating since December, and I’m pretty tired of the whole story. Anyone who knows all the details knows. Those who don't know are better off remaining ignorant. I may be wrong from a legal point of view, but from a moral point of view I absolutely do not consider myself guilty. But I don’t want to name different names. Time, as we know, heals. Who knows, maybe at the end of the year we will forget about all this.

Dmitry MALTSEV, Ivan ZHIDKOV. "Rossiyskaya Gazeta", 08/07/2003


Just think - this year marks exactly 10 years since Vladislav Radimov made his debut in the national team. But it’s hard to call him a veteran. After all, he is only 28 - the prime of life, multiplied by experience. And it’s hard to believe that three years ago he was thinking about ending his career...


However, at one time Radimov could not have become a football player, but... a fencer. It was to this section that mother Svetlana Alekseevna took 10-year-old Vlad. The parents really didn’t want their son to waste time in the yard or sit at home watching TV.

And it worked for him! Quite soon, flexible and loving to play ahead, Vlad took third place at the Leningrad championship at his age. However, Radimov was not destined to become the second Zhdanovich (the famous Leningrader - Olympic champion). The coaches themselves were partly to blame for this, as during warm-ups before training they allowed the boys to kick a soccer ball for ten minutes. It was then that Vlad realized that neither D’Artagnan nor all the musketeers combined could compare with football. And he began to ask his mother to send him to football school.

However, I didn’t even know whether such a school existed at all,” recalls Svetlana Alekseevna. - Chance helped. One day, returning from training, Vlad and I stopped a private owner. We look, and there is a soccer ball behind the rear window. Word for word - it turned out that he was an employee of the famous Smena school. He told us everything about it, gave us the address, and explained how to get there.

True, when Svetlana Alekseevna took her son to Vernost Street, she did not make far-reaching plans:

I thought that now they would tell us “too late”, because Vlad was already in third grade, or “you are not suitable for us” and, having cleared our conscience, we would return to fencing.

But they took Vlad! And already at the age of 16 he played for the adult CSKA, and two years later - for the national team!


I wasn’t even nineteen then. Therefore, the first call to the Goodwill Games in St. Petersburg was unexpected. But it was very nice to go against the world team in a Russian national team jersey, and even in my hometown. I even scored a goal and we won 2:1. And then there was a friendly match with the Austrian national team, where he earned a penalty,” Radimov recalls his first steps in the national team.

But the qualifying match for the European Championship in Glasgow was probably a real baptism of fire for you...

- ...Moreover, initially I was a reserve and really wanted to play for the youth team. However, Oleg Romantsev immediately said: “You will remain in the national team.” And a few minutes before the start of the match, they call me to warm up. I thought maybe the guys should help them play square? And they say: “You are in the lineup. Forwards." Romantsev confirmed the same. He said don't worry, everything will be fine.

Then your debut was recognized as one of the most successful. It must have been difficult for an 18-year-old young man to survive this?

To be honest, there was no time to worry too much, because I wanted to have time to play for both the youth and even youth teams. But, of course, it’s nice that at the age of 18 you were called up to the main team. And he even suffered slightly from star fever. It’s good that such a person as Valery Broshin was next to me at that time. “These calls don’t mean anything yet. But in order to spend your entire career at a high level, you need to work, work and work,” I remembered these words of his for a long time.

What struck you most about Glasgow?

Shalimov gave such an assist to Radchenko across the entire field that I even opened my mouth in amazement! It was something!


Since then, in your lifetime there have been more than one national team led by different coaches. Can you compare them?

Each team is dear to me in its own way. But in each case, the guys defended the honor of Russia, and therefore it is not entirely correct to compare them.

- Has our football become more professional or has the attitude towards the national team become more professional?

Let me give you an example. In the early 90s, many players began to go to foreign clubs, where everything was thought out to the smallest detail. And then they came to the national team, where they themselves had to wash their socks and uniforms. In this sense, I perfectly understand the same Shalimov or Dobrovolsky. It's not even that they didn't like it. They might just not know how to do laundry! For example, I don’t know how either... In other words, if earlier, after being called up to the main team of the country, you had to think about everything in the world yourself, including whether they would meet you at the airport or not, now there is no trace of such problems.


How does Vladislav Radimov feel in the current team?

I am proud and happy that I am on the Russian national team among the best football players in the country. The team environment is amazing. Those who do not make it into the starting lineup for this or that match root for the others with all their hearts. Take the same Dima Loskov. The best football player in the country, but did not appear on the field in the match with Ireland. But he was very worried about me! Just like I did for him against Wales. Everyone understands: since the coach calls us, it means he trusts and counts on everyone. And the one who is better prepared at the moment will play.

In this sense, the test match with Norway turned out to be quite unusual, in which the players were released onto the field according to the club principle: the “Lokomotiv block” began the game, and the “Zenith block” ended...

This is due to the fact that we gathered for the match with the Norwegians the day before flying to Oslo. For the same reason, the pre-game training was not a light warm-up, but a full hour and a half. It was necessary to restore at least some connections and do the same exercises together! Therefore, given the time pressure, there is nothing to be surprised about. I really know better than Loskov where Arshavin or Kerzhakov will run. And Loskov will predict the maneuver of Sychev or Izmailov before me. However, this does not mean that we are incompatible. You just need to train everyone together for at least a week, then everything will be fine.


Is it true that three years ago you were thinking about ending your career?

Is it true. There was a difficult period in my life, which occurred while playing for Zaragoza. I broke up with my wife, didn’t play for 7 months - the Zaragoza coach didn’t trust me and only let me out for cup matches. In such a situation, I saw no point in continuing my career and broke my contract with Zaragoza. Well, my friends helped, who not only forced me to play, but also constantly inspired me - you can do it!

How was it forced?

Alexander Tarkhanov and German Tkachenko (head coach and president of Krylia Sovetov. - Ed.) almost forcibly returned me to football. They constantly came to me in Samara with “checks”, they looked at how I was training, whether I was following the regime. And gradually everything returned. That’s why I consider “Wings” my home team. It was here that I was born again and began to look at the world differently. And it’s still unknown where I would be now if “Wings” and Samara fans had not appeared in my life. True, I can’t say that people in St. Petersburg treat me worse. So, may the people of St. Petersburg not be offended by me, both “Zenith” and “Wings” are equally dear to me. Although now I defend the colors of Zenit and am ready to give everything for the sake of its victories.


Since we're talking about Zenit, tell me, why back in the winter were you sure that this time we shouldn't expect a crisis after last year's success?

I saw no reason that could prevent us from performing worse than last year. Zenit has a very good team. So on the eve of the match with Kuban, I was sure that I, Sasha Gorshkov, would not be there, but the team’s performance would not be affected by this. We all just understand what is required of us. And, just like in the national team, we are very worried about each other.

You were prevented from playing in the match with Kuban by the disqualification that you received for an incident with the referee after the match with Wings...

- There is no point in making excuses - it’s my fault. But it is not clear what guides the people who make decisions about the duration of disqualification. If this is a trial, Shirl and I should have been summoned to it. It is also unclear why Shirl received 7 games of disqualification for pushing the referee, and, say, Semshov, who kicked the referee a year and a half ago, received only five? And this is not about Semshov. The law must be the same for everyone.


Let's go back to Euro 2004. You and Alexander Mostovoy are more familiar than anyone else in the national team with the Russians’ first rival, the Spaniards...

I will say right away about both Spain and Portugal. At the World and European Championships, these undoubtedly very strong teams were always hindered by something. Either refereeing, or accidents, or something else. So why shouldn’t the Russian team become the main obstacle this time? On the other hand, I will be very pleased to meet my friend Morientes. Yes, yes, don’t be surprised, we once played for Zaragoza and lived in the same room. True, the last time we saw each other was about a year ago, when I was flying from a training camp in Malaga, and he was flying to a Champions League match with Real Madrid. We talked at the airport. True, back then we didn’t expect that we would end up in the same group for the Euro.

Matches with the Spaniards and Portuguese will certainly take place with deafening support from the stands for your opponents. Isn't this confusing?

After what our fans are doing at Petrovsky, no one is afraid of anyone anymore. But seriously, when I go out onto the field, I try not to pay attention to what’s happening around me.

18. This is how old Vladislav Radimov was when he made his debut in the Russian national team. Nowadays it won’t surprise anyone that teenagers play on the national team. And then, in 1994, it was almost impossible to get into the company of Shalimov, Radchenko and Kolyvanov at such a young age. But not for Radimov.

"Sport Express", 02/13/2009
2008 was the last year in the playing careers of a whole group of football players who left a bright mark on Russian football. Radimov and Beschastnykh, Maminov and Parfenov, Gorshkov and Gusin, Bulatov and Fedorov... A Sport Express correspondent met with one of them, Vladislav Radimov, who recently started working as the head of the Zenit team...

"Soviet Sport - Football", 08–14.09.2009
A little over a year ago, on August 29, 2008, the Zenit midfielder played for the last time in an official match for his team. This happened in the European Super Cup match with Manchester United. St. Petersburg, everyone remembers, defeated the British - 2:1. The ending to his playing career was spectacular, with an exclamation point! However, Radimov did not leave the club...

1 11.10.1994 RUSSIA - SAN MARINO - 3:0 d 2 16.11.1994 SCOTLAND - RUSSIA - 1:1 G 3 29.03.1995 RUSSIA - SCOTLAND - 0:0 d 2 06.06.1995 SAN MARINO - RUSSIA - 0:7 G 3 15.08.1995 FINLAND - RUSSIA - 1:1 G 4 09.02.1996 ICELAND - RUSSIA - 0:3 n 5 11.02.1996 SLOVENIA - RUSSIA - 1:3 n 6 27.03.1996 IRELAND - RUSSIA - 0:2 G 7 24.04.1996 BELGIUM - RUSSIA - 0:0 G 8 29.05.1996 RUSSIA - UAE - 1:0 d 9 02.06.1996 RUSSIA - POLAND - 2:0 d 10 11.06.1996 ITALY - RUSSIA - 2:1 n 11 16.06.1996 GERMANY - RUSSIA - 3:0 n 12 19.06.1996 CZECH REPUBLIC - RUSSIA - 3:3 n 13 1 28.08.1996 RUSSIA - BRAZIL - 2:2 d 14 01.09.1996 RUSSIA - CYPRUS - 4:0 d 15 09.10.1996 ISRAEL - RUSSIA - 1:1 G 16 10.11.1996 LUXEMBOURG - RUSSIA - 0:4 G 17 30.04.1997 RUSSIA - LUXEMBOURG - 3:0 d 18 2 08.06.1997 RUSSIA - ISRAEL - 2:0 d 19 11.10.1997 RUSSIA - BULGARIA - 4:2 d 20 29.10.1997 RUSSIA - ITALY - 1:1 d 21 15.11.1997 ITALY - RUSSIA - 1:0 G 22 27.05.1998 POLAND - RUSSIA - 3:1 G 23 30.05.1998 GEORGIA - RUSSIA - 1:1 G 24 23.09.1998 SPAIN - RUSSIA - 1:0 G 25 10.09.2003 RUSSIA - SWITZERLAND - 4:1 d 26 19.11.2003 WALES - RUSSIA - 0:1 G 27 31.03.2004 BULGARIA - RUSSIA - 2:2 G 28 3 28.04.2004 NORWAY - RUSSIA - 3:2 G 29 25.05.2004 AUSTRIA - RUSSIA - 0:0
G 30 12.06.2004 SPAIN - RUSSIA - 1:0 n 31 20.06.2004 GREECE - RUSSIA - 1:2 n 32 18.08.2004 RUSSIA - LITHUANIA - 4:3 d 33 16.08.2006 RUSSIA - LATVIA - 1:0 d FIRST OLYMPUS NON OFFICER And G And G And G 33 3 3 - 1 1