
Or three t and from. Karsten Bredemeier The art of verbal attack. Practical guide. What should mom do?


A person who buys an iPod or unluckily holds a tablet stuffed with chips may not believe it: in the age of technology and the rapid growth of its updates, medieval problems remain banally unresolved. Whether it is the American Beverly Hills or the Russian Rublyovka, there will always be symbols of untold wealth that geographically designate its owners.

But there will always be brave “Robin Hoods” who will bravely fight these rich people.
And, as it turned out, unlike the real estate of the rich, the latter have everything in order with mobility.

If there is an unjust and rich merchant, then a poor and honest poor man must appear. You can, of course, to complete the picture, come up with an equally poor but beautiful girl who is engaged to a poor man, but whom the rich man so much desires. The Prophet Nathan, for example, decided to deviate slightly from the norms of this genre and painted a portrait of a poor man and a sheep before the eyes of King David (2 Samuel chapter 12).

The script is ancient. But this is a mandatory role-playing palette for a fairy tale. It’s standard, but there’s nowhere in this genre without it.
We may not need a beauty, but a genre one, for example, for an Eastern narrative, class struggle is an integral theme not only of the Eastern saga, but also of our modern society. And this saga comes to mind when you consider how poor people are attacking Wall Street offices today. They organize tent camps, march through the streets, give interviews to reporters, and also suffer harassment from the police. So passions are heating up when, already in Denver, attackers on the parliament building became targets for rubber bullets from police officers.

The "Occupy Wall Street" action, being generated in the USA, soon moved to Europe. Demonstrations are already taking place in 80 countries. The thesis is simple: the accumulated wealth of the minority should be fairly distributed among the poor. And, which is typical, there is no talk here of simply taking away or taking away the money of businessmen. The "rebels" propose to take a tax, something like a tithe, from the rich. And not even a tithe, but a one percent tax on all foreign exchange transactions that take place in the global banking information network. This is something like a global casino.

In fact, most players in the economic field are financial operators who literally create incredible wealth with a single click of a computer mouse. This is far from being the working proletariat. This is a kind of new caste of businessmen who, with the help of insightful understanding and attention to the market, can literally “cut” money in a split second. To do this, you need to see the difference in the value of certain assets during a bearish fall or a bullish rise in the market.

But here we will not talk about the apocalyptic background (a favorite topic of Christians) of these dramatic events. Although among the rebel citizens there are also decently wealthy people. We will not add a word about the socio-political interpretation of the demonstrators’ motives: it seems like they are not shooting at the Capitol from cruisers, the sailors are not tying anyone up and are not taking them anywhere, such as basements. Therefore, whether Christians need to participate in such events is a matter for everyone to judge personally. Yes, there are clashes with the police, but as far as we know, there is no significant bloodshed. You won’t find our “Robin Hoods” in Russia during the day - we remember very well our “dissent marches”. Although the idea of ​​taking tithes from corrupt officials (or rather, from their wives) as a percentage is a tempting idea...

In any case, the world economy, as well as society, received another signal. A signal to do something, to change something. If previously a person could simply be lucky in the labor market, then this was justified by luck. The profession of this or that person literally shot up. She broke through. And he turned out to be necessary and in demand. But now the “Pepsi generation” is interested exclusively in those professions that are highly paid. And they want to get big money for their work right now.

The same is true in the world. All civilized European and North American citizens became interested exclusively in economics, business and finance. Office work. Vorotnichkova. How many young men and women dream of working at Gazprom? So much so that they even had to invite immigrant migrant workers to fill socially unrespectable working niches. And there was a gap between those who sit on Wall Street and those who share a communal apartment among ten. Or, if we consider less dramatic situations, young graduates simply cannot find a job. After all, production is exported abroad.

What is the moral? Scripture seems to constantly insist on one simple point: each person has his own talents and gifts. Let's just say: a calling. Yes, today, perhaps, your profession (Latin from profiteor “to declare one’s business”) is not in demand and well paid. But it is she who gives you drive, she provides you with energy, she helps a person feel fulfilled, as we say: to be in his place. And become a blessing in your community to the people around you.

Secondly, the prophets have already pointed out that a person needs to concentrate first of all not on profit, but on a state of gratitude to God: “Even though the fig tree should not blossom, and there should be no fruit on the vines, and the olive tree would fail, and the field would not yield food, even if there are no more sheep in the pen and no cattle in the stalls, even then I will rejoice in the Lord and be glad in the God of my salvation" (Hab. 3:17-18). Therefore, he ends his thought as follows: “The Lord God is my strength: He will make my feet like a deer’s and will lead me to my heights!” (3:19). A person who is faithful to his work will definitely succeed in everything soon. If only there was a vision and if only he did not weaken. After all, Solomon also reminded: “Have you seen a man who is quick in his work? He will stand before kings, he will not stand before simpletons” (Proverbs of Solomon 22:29). And the singer in the book of Israeli hymns inspires: “Those who sow in tears will reap with joy,” for “he who bears seeds in tears will return with joy, bearing his sheaves” (Psalm 126:5-6).

Of course, all this is wonderful. However, in society, here in Russia or abroad, it is difficult to comment on the situation only with the help of a handful of passages from the Holy Scriptures. Nobody argues about the usefulness of work, the Protestant ethic, etc. - their relevance has been tested by time. However, ordinary people suffer from greed and from those laws and practices that need to be reviewed and changed. Otherwise, we begin to quote slightly different biblical principles. In this case, as a reminder of social upheaval, numerous admonitions and warnings from the prophets will come to the heads of rulers and leaders.

They were the ones who spoke most about social issues in the Bible. And if they are not heard by the powers that be, then the impulses and signals will develop into waves and hurricanes.

Victor Shlenkin,

1st level. Stopping confrontation: the rule of the three Ts.
When the conversation deviates from the main topic, the participants' previously outlined goal remains aside. Mutual attacks and verbal attacks begin. Then use the three T rule:
Three Ts mean: Touch - Turn - Talk (Touch (English) - touch (any topic), turn (English) - translate (conversation), talk (English) - talk)

1) Touch: immediately state that this topic is not the main one and its discussion does not lead to the intended goal.
2) Turn: state the main theme.
3) Talk: continue to develop the main topic in order to refocus the main attention on it.
Touch - “Please don’t stray from the main topic. We have a central subject of conversation.”
Turn - “So, our topic is problems with selling product XYZ.”
Talk - “I have already named the factors influencing the sales of our products. Question: how and in what time frame do you intend to change the situation?”

2nd level. Suppressing emotional confrontation: the emotional “yellow card.”
Despite your intervention, the conversation remains as unconstructive as before. Pointless polemic continues, the main topic is obscured by many secondary ones.
Sit back and ask your interlocutor: “What exactly are you saying all this for?!”
Usually, in response to such a question, a person makes excuses or tries to explain his actions, and in 90% of cases he finally begins to speak to the point.
A tougher option: “What exactly are you saying all this for?!” This has nothing to do with our topic. Finally, return to the main question!”

3rd level. Suppressing confrontation in the metaplane.
A conversation or discussion reaches a boiling point. You are required to take decisive action and put an end to further escalation of tensions. Your actions: transition to the metaplane.
The metaplane is the area above the business and emotional planes that you enter in order to make your interlocutor and his actions the main topic of conversation.
Quickly establish feedback for yourself about the behavior of your interlocutor and what he says.
Traditional Feedback Framework: What do I see and hear? How does this affect me? What do I want?
This traditional scheme, built on questions to oneself (I), is too harmless and misses the mark - forget about it!
The new feedback scheme is interlocutor-oriented and openly conflictual. Of course, it is difficult to decide on open confrontation, but still.
Now questions and comments are addressed to the interlocutor (YOU or YOU).
The old template “I’m okay, you’re okay, and our conversation is also okay” is no longer relevant. Behavior of the interlocutor; it doesn't suit you. Tell him about it.

“You are making unnecessary problems out of thin air and polemicizing too much.
Your behavior is destructive and makes it impossible to achieve our goal.
Speak to the point, otherwise I will be forced to interrupt our conversation!”

Do you doubt whether you have the courage to do this? Then speak in the first person plural (WE), and your words will sound less harsh.

“We are wasting time on mutual reproaches and accusations. So we will never agree. Let's stay on topic!"
But: messages in the first person plural are effective only if the interlocutor is really interested in the result.

rule of three "T" according to Michel Auden
Three T:
During childbirth, the hormone oxytocin plays a key role. And it is produced with the help of the neocortex, this is the cerebral cortex, and as soon as it reacts to bright light, noise, questions, or tries to save a woman in labor from the cold, the production of oxytocin immediately suffers.
for better dilation of the cervix, it is enough to follow the rule of three Ts) and, of course, relax and open up to contractions. By clenching and screaming, we only prolong the labor. I hope that all this will be useful to me, and I won’t lose my head like everyone writes about it!


If it works out in between, you need to switch off. Just go into hibernation :) I don’t know how anyone can do it, but it helped me a lot. I have heard and read enough that you need to walk and move. As a result, I suffered for 4.5 hours, walked, squatted, did all sorts of exercises, and the gynecologist came and said that the dilation was only 2 cm. I despaired and just collapsed on the bed. She lay there, breathed, turned off her brain during breaks and fell asleep, as a result, in 3 hours the uterus opened completely and gave birth :)

- @juliakm cool) thank you for sharing your experience, I also read that all the strength goes into contractions, but there is no strength for pushing

- @asselka909, please :)

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During any presentations, reports, speeches at meetings, you are faced with one fundamental question - whether to choose:

Light verbal skirmish, which helps strengthen connections between participants, but can interfere with productive business communication,

A constructive approach that allows you to skillfully return the discussion to a business direction and achieve results.

My approach is constructive, and it consists of systematically stopping the so-called “initiating chains” - sequences of remarks with increasing mutual irritation - applying the so-called “rule of three Ts”.

Suppose the initial situation is this: your speech (report) is focused on a certain result and is structured accordingly, but the dialogue partners are carried away by secondary issues, and the purpose of the entire discussion begins to elude its participants.

Or personal attacks begin, followed by polemical attacks with the aim of putting pressure on you personally or casting doubt on your competence.

Your goal is to get the conversation participants to return to the substance of the matter and restore the normal flow of the discussion.

Rule of three Ts

Proceed according to the scheme ToisN - Tigp

(touch - turn - speak).

Turn: return to the original topic.

Talk: deepen this topic so that it again becomes the main topic of discussion.

Example - when getting personal

Touch Please refrain from polemics. Let us, in the common interest, stick to the substance of the matter and the main topic of today's meeting.

Turn Our theme is product quality

XYZ at your enterprise.

Talk I have already pointed out the negative effects

issues regarding deliveries to our customers. Thus, it is necessary to ensure impeccable quality within an acceptable time frame. One of the approaches to solving: ;. The essence of this problem is...

Example - when deviating from the main topic

Touch Please refrain during our business meeting

from discussing extraneous issues. It is in everyone's interest to remain results-oriented and substantive in the discussion.

Turn Our topic is the quality of the XYZ product in your enterprise. |

Ta1k I have already pointed out the negative effects regarding supplies to our customers. Thus, it is necessary to ensure impeccable quality within an acceptable time frame. One approach to solving this problem is...

Advice. When giving a presentation, participating in a meeting or a round table discussion, relate the application of the method Touch - Turn - Ta1k with switching eye contact.

Application example

Touch (Eye contact with the recipient). Please refrain from polemics. Let us, in the common interest, stick to the substance of the matter and the main topic of today's meeting.

Turn (Gaze is transferred to another participant). Our common theme is the quality of the XY2 product in our enterprise.

(You exchange a glance with this participant). I have already pointed out the negative effects regarding supplies to our customers. Thus, it is necessary to ensure impeccable quality within an acceptable time frame. One approach to solving this problem is...

In this way, you connect the second addressee within this dialogue, since eye contact simultaneously means: “Well, dear, do you have any objections?!” In addition, the simultaneous application of the “three T rule” in verbal and non-verbal versions blocks repeated evasion of the topic.

The advantages of the “three T rule” are obvious:

· You do not allow the topic to change and strictly stay in the main direction of the dialogue.

· Although you accept questions and remarks from the field, you introduce them within the framework of the dialogue, its topic and context.

· You effectively exclude from the issues discussed anything that is not directly related to the topic.

· In particular, you do not allow the personal qualities of the participants to be affected and focus all attention on the merits of the matter.

· You actively defend your strong, consistent position and stay strictly on topic.

· You invariably stop all sorts of verbal skirmishes and meaningless disputes about who is more competent. You keep the discussion in your hands all the time.

· You prevent any maneuvers aimed at disrupting the meeting with clear and binding boundaries for everyone.

· You effectively and consistently prevent discussions from going sideways.

· You accept questions, but this helps guide the discussion in the way you want, getting results, and your answers are accurate and succinct messages.

· Ultimately, all questions are answered, but you focus on developing the dialogue so that the questions are assessed accordingly.

Please think about the following:

Any answer is recognition of the legitimacy of the question!

Basic principles of rhetoric.

· Build affirmative structures.

Wrong; “We have not gathered here to attack each other!”
Correct: “We have gathered here to discuss quality, please give us your suggestions for changes!”

· Emphasize what is said through clear judgments.

Incorrect: “This way we could achieve the purpose of the meeting better and faster.”

Correct: “In this way we achieve the goal of our meeting!”

· If you need to use a negative construction (it is better to do this as rarely as possible, since repetition contributes to the installation of a false anchor), place it before the positive statement.

Wrong: “This is about the product, not about your sphere of influence and responsibility.”

Correct: “This is not about your sphere of influence and responsibility, but about the product.”

· formulate your thoughts concisely and precisely.

Incorrect: “So, now the situation is such that after we have made several unsuccessful attempts to approach the topic, a certain approach to it, naturally, with some ...” Correct: “... to the topic of discussion. We will consider that we have agreed on the following...”

· Avoid any conditional and restrictive constructions, expressions that indicate your intellectual or communicative failure.

Wrong: “Maybe now is the time, in some way, literally once, and I have always approved of this, although, of course, there is an objection...” Correct: “Please, let's go back to proposals for solving the problem. The previous offer was...”

· When conducting a discussion, use the imperative mood rather than questions. Incorrect: “Can’t we return to our topic - quality?”

Correct: “Herr Müller, please justify for us your constructive proposal for solving the problem!”

· Avoid negative repetitions - they reinforce false messages and create grounds for criticism.

Incorrect: “A deplorable picture? No, it’s not at all deplorable.” Correct: “No, in the eyes of clients and the general public we look great!”

A few selected typical and possible Touch patterns:

· This is an unrelated topic.

· Exactly.

· This issue is considered in a different context.

· This will be discussed later.

· This is your opinion only.

· You lump everything into one pile.

· Our clients are interested in something else.

· This is another aspect.

· True False.

· This is purely speculative reasoning.

· This is how it looks from a superficial and limited view.

· This is where you make a mistake.

· You are proceeding from erroneous data.

· This is a false impression.

In case of negative statements addressed to

· you personally,

· your enterprise,

· his reputation,

· your competence,

· your education or

· your experience,

counter questions are prohibited. Normally, the enemy will respond to you with a verbal salvo from all onboard guns.

An example of a failed defense with: a counter question (": "* Attack: “You have a bad reputation!”

Fatal counter question; "Why you
do you think so?”

Possible answer: “Firstly, all the employees speak badly of you behind your back, secondly, no one really believes that you will bring this extremely important project to successful completion, and thirdly, you were already responsible for one important project and failed it - although you, of course, deny it!”

If you are still interested in the development of the topic, I recommend using a counter-question of an evaluative nature: “How did you get such an erroneous impression?”

Then subsequent words will be perceived by others present through the prism of your preliminary assessment.

In answers constructed according to the “rule of three Ts,” Touch and Turn are often opposites.

It is important that the response to the interlocutor’s precise attack should be equally accurate. This contrast crystallizes in the form of opposing concepts:

Below I will give a couple of examples of successful application of the rules of rhetoric, where the answers naturally and obviously emphasize the positive meaning of clear statements.


“Have you ever heard of the laws of rhetoric?”

Incorrect: “Yes!”